• Published 24th Sep 2013
  • 634 Views, 39 Comments

The Power of Portals - Flames173

Yo, whats up? My name is Joe, and the craziest thing happened to me the other day! My friends and I went to Equestria! Can you believe it?

  • ...

Le Finale

"Can I get a third option?" Luke asked. "Like maybe, go back home and bang my head on the wall repeatedly until the memory of everything that happened in Equestria is gone? No? Well, it was worth a shot."

"Now, please, I need an answer. I may be the literal god of war, but I do have important things scheduled that can't be put off." Dusk said.

"Umm, I choose, you die." Chrysalis said, changing into her normal self.

"But, that's not an option. This is also part of the reason we broke up you know. You never play by the rules, or fairly."

"Can we just get this thing going?" Luke said. "I'd prefer my death be quick."

"Well, it's nice to see someone's mind is in the right place. Let's start this up." Dusk whistled and clicked his hoof on the perfect tile ground twice. The room spun and the trapped ponies were sent to different corners of the box, Fluttershy still stuck on the ceiling in the center. Dusk wandered to the center of the room, and Luke, Fred, and Chrysalis stood around him in a triangle. "So, which of you will die first?"

"Guys, be careful, this will be the fight of your life. He may come off as kind of like a playground bully, but, those bullies would seem like ants to him." Chrysalis explained quickly. "All we have to do is out battle him, last longer than him in our duel."

"Like that will happen. I am a god you know." Dusk pointed out.

"Yes, we get it, now let's get this show on the road." Fred said. He charged at the alicorn.

Dusk flicked a hoof at Fred, and he was sent flying back. Dusk yawned into his hoof.

Chrysalis and Luke looked at each other, Luke nodded lightly towards Dusk. Chrysalis nodded approval, and she changed herself into the god before her. She shot a lethal spell at him at the same time Luke shot one off. Dusk shot an equally powerful spell to block Chrysalis's and he kicked his back hoof at Luke's spell, blasting it off it's trajectory towards the wall. Brick shards flew in all directions and a thick cloud of smoke was made at the collision zone.

"Tell me you aren't trying please. I've battled cockroaches that put up a better fight than you." Dusk taunted. He shot another spell at his ex-marefriend. Chrysalis activated a block spell. The spell didn't completely counter Dusk's, but it was knocked slightly off course and hit chrysalis's horn. Her transmogrification spell faltered as she switched between herself and Dusk several times before freezing on herself. Chrysalis tried to change herself back into Dusk Blade, but the magic wouldn't respond.

"Luke, my transformation, it won't work!" Chrysalis shouted at her ally, trying unsuccessfully to change into a different pony.

"It's ok, I got this." Luke shot a barrage of powerful spells at Dusk Blade, who blocked each one without a problem.

"Cockroaches." Dusk reminded the unicorn as he turned to him. Dusk shot a powerful beam at Luke. Luke used his magic to create an invisible force field, protecting him from the spell. Energy flew every direction, luckily not hitting any pony. Luke gritted his teeth and put all of his effort into the spell. The unseeable shield in front of him started to crack under the sheer power of Dusk's spell. The spell stopped suddenly. Luke put down his shield and looked at Dusk, panting. The god and queen were wresting. Chrysalis put a hoof to Dusk's face and pushed his head into the ground. She was smart and had his horn aiming at the wall so he couldn't use any magic to break free. Chrysalis also had a hoof on each of Dusk's legs. The only one she didn't pin down herself was under his back.

"And you called us the cockroaches." Chrysalis laughed. "It took me seconds to pin you down."

Dusk whistled quietly. Three clones rose from the ground and grabbed Chrysalis then pulled her away from Luke and Dusk.

"All right Luke, where were we?" Dusk spun his head around a bit and cracked his neck.


Fred rubbed his head and slowly rose to his feet from his new position in the corner next to Jodi.

"Fred. Go help Joe or Twilight." Jodi said.

"No, I'm going to free you first."

"No, don't, I can do this myself, plus, I'm a pacifist, and judging by the looks of it, you need a fighter out on the field."

Fred grabbed the edge of the net that housed Jodi. He pulled it up and reached for some more of the net to help free Jodi. Suddenly, a fast moving hoof met his stomach.

"I said go free Joe!" Jodi demanded.

"OK, ok, sheesh." Fred said before slowly crawling across the room to the corner where Joe was lying. He paused for a moment when a particularly dangerous spell hit the wall above him and a thin layer of smoke was formed.


Chrysalis was held by the throat up against a brick wall by the pegasus guard.

"Such potential. Much power." The pegasus said.

"What, are, you, going, to, do, with, me?" The changeling queen managed to ask.

"If we kill you, then you will have died in war, and any creature who dies in war then joins Dusk Blade's invincible army. You would be a perfect addition." The unicorn said, his horn glowing to prepare a spell.

"You'll never take me!" She spat at the three in one quick breath. She swiped her horn at the pegasus and caused a nasty gash in his wing to be ripped open.

"OW!" He shouted. He let go of the queen and rubbed his wound. His blood blended in with his dark maroon coat.

Chrysalis fell to the ground and swiped her horn at the other two guards. The Earth pony guard ducked, so his black mane got cut, and the unicorn guard blocked the attack with his horn. Chrysalis pushed her horn down on the unicorn as hard as she could. She over powered the clone and sliced through him. He disappeared in a puff of smoke. Chrysalis panted for a few seconds. That clone was pretty strong, and plus, she was being choked for an awful long time. The pegasus darted up to her from the side. She punched it in the face and it joined it's pegasus friend in the realm of the wherever the puff of smoke takes you.

"All right, just, calm down, we can work this out." The Earth pony said, slowly backing up.

"How about, I kill you quick and painlessly, and you don't put up a fight."

"Deal." He stood stock still and clenched his eyes shut, waiting to be turned to smoke. Chrysalis slashed him and held her promise.


Twilight, still pinned down by the metal and butterfly net, was attempting to escape.

"Blasted butterfly net. Cancelling magic." Twilight shot a spell at the net to show her discomfort. It jiggled slightly in response. Twilight shot another spell, a little more potent this time. There was a soft crack at the base of the net as a jagged split was put in it. Twilight shot a much stronger spell at the net and blasted it off the metal base, freeing her magic. "Perfect." She charged a spell and aimed at the metal base. There was a small buzz as a titanium reinforced net extended from the wall and covered the alicorn's horn. "Of course."


"Just give up already Dusk, you know you'll lose this battle." Luke said as he shot a few more attacks at the alicorn.

"Pfft, seriously, those cockroaches posed more of a threat dude. Those things can survive a nuke you know, you can't." Dusk informed the unicorn before reflecting the spells.

Luke ran around the god, repeatedly pelting him with quick, but weak, attacks. The few that Dusk didn't block seemed ineffective on him. He whistled then clicked a hoof on the ground twice quickly. Clone guards surrounded Luke.

"All right, I didn't want to do this, but you made me." Luke's horn glowed a spectacular white. So pure and bright that it would make the sun jealous.

"What's this?" Dusk asked. Then he realized what it was. The only spell that has enough power to destroy him. The same spell that destroyed the Maretans, the Mareyas, the Stalliomans, and well, all now extinct cultures. "Are you crazy? No pony has ever pulled this off without committing suicide!"

A giant white ball of the previously stated brilliance appeared on the tip of Luke's horn. The thing was easily five times larger than Luke.

"I'm no normal pony." Luke said, his mouth forming a smirk.

Dusk whistled to his clones in a panic. The clones tackled Luke. Dusk created more who quickly joined the ponypile. There was a deafening burst of sound, and a rush of shadows. Luke stood alone, covered in dark dust, his blood veins glowing the same white the ball was, and they showed through his coat.

"What? Impossible!" Dusk exclaimed.

"You picked a fight with the wrong cockroach." Luke aimed another spell at Dusk. The glow from his blood veins slowly vanished and a similar spell charged at his horn. His body pulsed the brilliant white as the ball grew. "Any last words?"

Dusk whistled and stamped his hoof repeatedly to summon more clones, all specifically unicorns. The clones used the most powerful shield spell they could. A beam shot from the ball on Luke's horn. It smashed through the magic shield and destroyed all the clones. It ran out of energy just short of hitting Dusk. Luke's blood veins went back to glowing white.


"Fred? Why didn't you help Jodi?" I asked when Fred came up to me.

"She went ballistic when I tried to help her. So, I figured I'd help you." Fred explained as he started tugging on the net that was holding me down.

"That's Jodi for ya."

"All right, that should about do it." Fred said as he pulled the net off of me completely.

"Thanks." Fred helped me up onto my feet just as a loud, drawn out, blasting noise came from the center of the room. We both looked.

"Is Luke, glowing?"



"All right, now, you go help Twilight, I'll help Jodi."

"Ok. Hey, good luck with the torrent of rage."


"Look man, you know you can't win, so stop delaying the inevitable." Luke said. He charged up another spell.

"You can't beat me, I'm the god of war!" He summoned more guards to attack Luke. Luke released the spell. Several small spheres of energy came off the original one as it shrunk. Each one hit a guard clone and destroyed it. Luke shot several more spells, each one intercepted by a clone.


"Here Jodi, let me help you." I said as I pulled the last bit of net that was still on her.


"So why did you go off on Fred?"

"I hate him."

"Well that was subtle."

"Yeah, now, I'll go help Fluttershy."



"Hey Twilight, need some help?" Fred asked the alicorn when he snuck up to her.

"No, I'd rather just sit here trapped and completely suppressed." She said sarcastically.

"Ok." Fred turned around and walked a few steps.

"That was sarcasm you dolt."

"Ok." Fred went back up to the princess and lifted the metal brace of of her. Then he snapped the handle of the net and removed it from her horn.

"Thank you, dimwit."

"Your welcome. Now, I'm not sure how much longer Luke will last, let's go help him." Fred darted up to Dusk and tackled him quickly with Twilight short behind. Joe joined the pile too, so did Chrysalis.


"Fluttershy, I'm going to free you." Jodi said, flapping her wings lightly to stay above the battle.

"Thank you." Fluttershy said as Jodi unbuckled the rifle strap. The pegasus fell onto the pony pile beneath her and Jodi flew to Celestia and tried freeing her.


"All right, jokes over. I'm going to actually try now." Dusk said from beneath the pile of ponies. He quickly shot off a spell and every pony on him, and Luke, were sent flying. They all got knocked out from the impact. "So, now it's just me, Celestia, and that one pegasus mare." Dusk looked over at the trapped princess and her attempted savior. He used his magic to trap the princess in a barred box, similar to what shark divers use. It fused with the brick wall of the building and held Celestia there fast. He freed her of her previous bondage, but he kept the net on her, so she could at least stretch her wings and walk around in the small closure.

"Oh dear God." Jodi said quietly as she looked at Dusk, realizing she was the only hope Celestia had at freedom.

"There is no 'God' that can help you anymore." Dusk said. He flared his wings and his horn glowed.

Jodi's eyes went wide as her biggest fear was met. Having to fight another living being. She didn't know how to really get ready for a fight. So she just flared her wings and bowed her head to the ground.

"So now you're going to praise me? I assume you've never been in a fight in your life."

Jodi pushed off from the ground and flapped her wings with plenty of force once. She glided through the air and her hoof met Dusk's face.

"Well then." Dusk pushed his jaw to the side quickly and there was a soft pop. He grabbed Jodi's back leg and swung her over his body and slammed her to the ground.

"Umph. That hurt! Jerk!" Jodi kicked at Dusk with all her might, only to land a weak blow to his leg.

"I've been called much worse, and you're really weak, I got hurt more by a-"

"Let me guess, a cockroach." Jodi cut in unamused.

"No, a mosquito, everyone knows cockroaches are incapable of hurting a full grown pony unless they have like hyper sensitive skin or something. Why would you even think that I'd say cockroach?"

"Well, because you, whatever, just, let's get this started."

"Ok, whatever you say." A black spell charged up on the end of Dusk's horn. His very dark grey mane started waving in the wind that the spell caused. The spell was so black that it seemed bigger than it was because it destroyed the nearby light. The orb slowly grew. "You and your friends are about to go out the same way as the hundreds of civilizations that I've destroyed."

Jodi stared at the ball of death. Her eyes grew wider than they've ever been before. She took the phrase 'your eyes are bigger than your stomach' to a whole new level, as this was easily true about her.

"Say your last words." Dusk said. He lowered his head and pointed the spell at Jodi. She got a crazy idea, a very very very very very, very crazy, idea. She jumped at the orb and clung onto it. It was surprisingly solid. That or the magic was so potent that it was dense enough to grab. The sphere blew up and Jodi was sent flying. She smashed into the wall with such a great force that it would bowl over an elephant. Dusk walked up to her limp body. "I must admit, that was very brave of you. I have never seem any pony so brave as to throw themselves into the most dangerous and deadly spell known to ponykind just to save their probably already dead friends. You will make a great addition to my clones. Your bravery will be spread amongst my clones and they will be brave too. I only wish that other ponies would be that brave. My only regret of the day, that what I have said was not heard by any pony but me, and Celestia, who probably wasn't listening." An evil grin met his face, along with a forcefully shoved hoof. He backed up and rubbed his very possibly broken nose. "What?!"

Jodi struggled to get on her feet. She looked at Dusk, panting.


Jodi took a few more breaths. "You messed with the wrong mare!" She shouted. She spread her wings and bent her head down a bit. Her wingspan was significantly larger than before, there was gold on her hooves, a tiara on her head, and her horn glistened in the strangled sunlight poking through the cracked wall. Wait, horn?

"I don't believe it." Dusk stared at the beautiful alicorn.

Jodi slowly walked up to the awestruck god. "Believe it."

Dusk backed up and shot a spell at the new alicorn. The spell fizzled just before striking her. "Dear Luna."

"Dusk, you are about to pay for your crimes against ponykind." Jodi's horn glowed a very bright yellow and a small orb formed on the end. It flew from her horn and went between Dusk's legs, landing under his stomach.

"Umm, you missed."

"Look again."

Dusk flinched. In every TV show and movie, 'look again' meant something bad, for the bad guy. And Dusk had a strong feeling he was the bad guy. He dared to peak down. A crack formed in the ground and slowly grew. It eventually formed a circle around him, but nothing more happened. Then, the edges of the circle collapsed and fell into what appeared to be a fiery hellhole. Dusk flared his wings to fly to safety, but the ground beneath him fell away at the last second.

"Burn in tartarus." Jodi said, staring into the pit at the falling god.

"You'll pay for this! Mark my words! I am immortal!" His last words echoed from the pit. Jodi stomped a hoof and it shut.

"No way." Celestia said from her small enclosure.

Jodi walked up to the prison cell and slashed the bars with her horn. The cage vanished and Celestia stepped out.

"Many thanks, Jodi. I am most astonished than one who knows so little about our world actually became a princess. Normally, when a pony becomes a princess, it is done officially and she gets to pick what she is the princess of, but in this case, I think you shouldn't get the choice, and you should just be the princess of justice and equality."

"Umm, sure?"

"Good. Now, we will heal your friends, and do an official coronation at once."

"Actually, no offense, but I'd rather live on Earth, not here."

"Perfectly fine, but, you can still be the princess." Celestia shut her eyes and her horn glowed it's usual yellow. The room vanished and everyone appeared in the throne room of the castle of Canterlot. Jodi's friends were no longer out cold, and her gold horseshoes were cleaned from the few scuffs and dents in them already. "I hope you enjoyed your stay here in Equestria. All of you, and I hope to see you again soon." Celestia's horn's aura appeared again, then an orange vortex appeared next to her. "I cannot wait until I actually get to know you, let's hope the next time you come, my life does not hang in the balance. Good bye Jodi, Joe, Luke, and Fred."

"Bye Celestia." We all said at the same time before walking into the portal.


"Ok, let's make sure we're all here." I said as I turned around to look at my friends. "All right, Jodi, Luke, Fred, Twilight, looks like we're all, wait, Twilgiht?!" I asked in a panic. The portal shut quickly. "Great, now you're stuck here."

"No, trust me." Twilight went over to the portal machine and tinkered with it for a few minutes. She pushed the button and the portal opened. "There, now while you are in Equestria, time will freeze on Earth."

"What if one of my parents tried to use the machine?"

"Don't worry, I set it so it will only accept those who go through shortly after you're DNA is scanned Joe."

"Oh cool."

"Yeah, so, I'll see you later." Twilight waved to us as she went back to Equestria and the portal closed.

"So, we're back home."

"Yup." Luke said.

"I want to know, why didn't your parents do anything?" Jodi asked.

"I don't know, let's go find out."

"Oh, wait, here, I found a note." Fred said, looking at an odd paper in the stack of notes. "Dear Joe and friends, we've gone on a short vacation a couple days. I called Fred's, Luke's, and Jodi's parents and told them that they're having a sleepover here. Also, next time, don't touch our inventions please. Love you boo." Fred read.

"Well then."

Author's Note:

This story is now finished. Now, go out and do some non pony things!

Comments ( 1 )

3776778 Me too! I would be my STH (Sonic The Hedgehog) OC, Streak.

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