• Published 12th Sep 2013
  • 2,548 Views, 113 Comments

Equestria Noir Season 2 Case 4 "Lightning's Wrath" - Jacoboby1

A coach at the Wonderbolt Academy is murdered. Private teams up with Rainbow in order to investigate. As the case unravels secrets about family, honor, and grief all come forth into the most revealing case yet.

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Chapter 6 "Lightning's Final Fury"

Chapter 6
“Lightning’s Final Fury”

Raiden and I made our way back to the house. Mrs Bolt wasn’t there to greet us. Instead, the door was wide open as soon as Raiden came into view.

I looked at Raiden, “Are you sure you’re ready for this?” I asked.

“Dude, I’ve been putting it off long enough,” Raiden replied. “It’s time I faced Dad.”

With that, we walked inside the large house. Raiden led the way through the many halls of the Neighpanese style home. We stopped when we came to a large chamber, there were only a few windows. They were provided the only light pillowing into the room. Sitting at the far side was Arashi himself. He kept a cold look as Raiden and I stood there.

After a minute of silence, Arashi spoke, “You’ve grown a little.”

Raiden replied, “You’ve gotten older Dad.”

Arashi stood, the Daichi sitting beside him. “So, after five years of nary a word from you, you have the gall to stand in my home,” He said.

“It was hardly my home, Dad,” Raiden glowered. “It belonged to somepony else.”

“Everything I did was for you my son,” Arashi said. “The schools, the counselors, the tutors, the connections, everything you would’ve needed to start a life for yourself.”

“I didn’t exactly get a choice in the matter,” Raiden shot back, flaring his wings.

“Oh you got a choice,” Arashi said, his normally calm voice rising. “It was to turn your back on your family and everything that was important!”

“So you could live out your fantasy of having Raiun back?!” Raiden yelled.

“Don’t you dare speak that name!” Arashi fired back.

“No! I will say it!” Raiden said, stamping his hoof. “Because I’m sick and tired of you thinking I have to be a certain way! Well guess what! I became a rock star! I have fans around the world! I got to where I am today by my own two hooves! No thanks to you!”

“Your, music as you call it, was nothing more than a waste of time…” Arashi said coldly.

“Arashi!” I yelled, “just listen to Raiden! His cutie mark says he’s supposed to be a musician! He does have that! Why can’t you be satisfied with what he accomplished?”

“Because he chooses to waste his life with useless uncultured music!” Arashi glared at me. “In a few years, his fans will abandon him for the next big fad. His music will end up on some radio station to be played when nothing else is on. He’ll end up like every rock star, washed up and forgotten by the society he’s helping to create.”

“That does it!” Raiden said, his eyes were glowing…

I leapt out of the way just in time for Raiden’s wings to suddenly spark with electricity. He flapped his wings and twin lightning bolts shot towards Arashi.

Arashi’s face was calm as unsheathed the Daichi in the blink of an eye. The lightning went into the blade and was absorbed. The lightning danced around the blade as Arashi held it. “This, was to be my gift to you…” He said.

“I never wanted it, Dad...that’s why I gave it up,” Raiden said, his eyes returning to normal.

“Then taste what you threw away!” Arashi swung the blade and a beam of lightning shot from it. I watched as Raiden launched another twin bolts of lightning at them. The bolts barely made a dent as the beam hit Raiden square in the chest. I watched as Raiden crashed into the wall and fell to the floor.

I ran to him, “Raiden are you okay?”

“I may be immune to getting shocked,” Raiden said, “but the force still hurts like hell.”

I looked over at Arashi, he stood there coldly. “How could you do that to your own son?”

“Stay out of this Private Eye,” Arashi warned, brandishing the Daichi, “This is between my son and me.”

“I won’t let you hurt my friend,” I said, standing between them. “This fight has gone on long enough.”

“Why do you stand with him?” Arashi said. “He’s done nothing for you.”

“Why do you insist on stopping him from doing what he loves?” I asked in turn.

Arashi glared at me. “Because it is not what he was supposed to do with his life! He was supposed to be a great stallion, contributing to the betterment of ponykind! Instead he chose to become something that degrades our culture, and leads young foals astray into a life of decadence and rebellion!”

“Society would never grow if children didn’t rebel,” I said. “But, if you don’t stop this, I will.” I slowly slipped off the horse shoe on my hind leg.

“I don’t want to hurt you Private,” Arashi said, holding the blade. “But if you refuse to move, I will push,” He swung the blade again, launching yet another bolt of lightning….

Into my levitated horseshoe.

I smiled as the electricity went straight into it. Arashi blinked at the sight of it. “Turns out,” I said, “Silver is one of the most conductive elements in existence. Your electricity can’t ignore it.”

“Clever,” Arashi said, a smile coming to his face.

Thank you, Voidera.

I tossed the electrified horseshoe aside with my magic. The wood on the floor would absorb most of the shock. I was about to retaliate, when Raiden zoomed out from behind me and tackled his father. The two tussled for a minute, I had to stand back to avoid the sparks of lightning coming from both of their wings.

“Every minute of my life was spent trying to get away from you!” Raiden cried.

“You turned your back on me! Your mother! Your brothers! Everything that mattered!” Arashi yelled, trying to punch Raiden.

Raiden dodged and tried to give a buck to his father, it missed too. “I wanted to live!”

“I wanted my son!” Arashi cried, and they stood back from one another. Lightning was covering them from head to hoof. I couldn’t get closer if I tried.

“YOU’RE STUCK WITH ME!!!” Raiden yelled, and the two were about to clash…


Suddenly a black blur flew past me, and I watched with amazement as Haruhi was holding both of them back. Raiden’s mother had her hooves extended, blocking both of the beams of lightning before they could clash. “You...boys...need…” She said, under a lot of strain “TO CALM DOWN!!” Her wings spread and blue sparks of lightning shot out.

Suddenly Arashi and Raiden crashed into opposite walls. Haruhi gently landed on the ground, breathing heavily but unharmed.

She glared at Arashi. “Our son is home! For five years we’ve only heard about him on the news! Five years of him being gone and this is what you do?” She picked up the Daichi, she must be a Narukami too since it didn’t hurt her. “You attack him! You didn’t even bother to listen!”

“Haruhi…” Arashi tried to say.

“Arashi, I do love you, but you need to face the facts. Our son grew up the way he wanted, not into what you wanted. Raiun is gone, and while we all miss him, you can’t use Raiden as a means to ignore the pain,” Haruhi said, and then walked over to Raiden.

Raiden looked up at his mother for the first time in five years. At first he didn’t say anything, just looked at her. I saw a line of guilt pass over his eyes.

“Raiden,” Haruhi said.

“Mom,” Raiden said in turn. “I...I missed you.”

“My son,” Haruhi said, pulling him into a hug. “You’re home.”

“Mom...after…” Raiden blinked, a tear entering his eyes.

“Regardless of how boneheaded you both are,” Haruhi said, maintaining her hug. “You’re still my boy. No matter how you came about. Your father and I only wanted what was best. But, we let our grief over Raiun cloud us to who you really are. That is your own pony. You are a talented musician, you have a right to use that talent however you want.”

“Mom,” Raiden hugged his mother in turn.

For a minute...I put myself in Raiden’s place..being hugged by my own mother…

I shook my head and watched Arashi walk over. The look on his face was one of sheer guilt and pain. Raiden looked up at him. The father and son simply stared at one another. Before, Haruhi opened the hug. “Let’s put aside the past, and enjoy the now. Our son was lost, and now is found,” she said.

Arashi looked on his son again. He finally choked out, “Raiden, I…”

“Dad,” Raiden blinked away his tears, “just, let the corny family moment happen kay?”

Arashi smiled and for the first time in ages, the Bolt family came together in a group hug. I watched them hold each other and a smile came to my face. I collected my horseshoe.

Just then, I caught a glint out of the corner of my eye, I turned and quickly aimed Blackbird in my magic and fired a shot at the door. “Nice try...Soyokaze…”

The rest of the Bolt family stood as Soyokaze came from behind the door, a gun in his teeth. He put it down as he saw me.

“Soyokaze?” Haruhi said, “What are you doing here?”

“Seeing that thing get what should rightfully be mine.” Soyokaze said.

“What are you talking about bro?” Raiden asked.

“He wanted that fight to turn a lot bloodier than it did,” I said.

“What is the meaning of this?” Arashi demanded.

“He’s the one who killed Skyline,” I said.

“What?” Raiden uttered, looking at his brother. “Dude why?”

“I don’t know what he’s talking about,” Soyokaze said, and then looked to Arashi, “Father you simply cannot let this thing take the mantle of the family!”

“Don’t call me a thing!” Raiden growled.

“You did kill Skyline, to make it look like Raiden was the murderer.” I said, “You wanted Raiden to be blamed so that you would get everything.”

“Explain yourself!” Arashi yelled at Soyokaze.

“I’ll do it for him,” I said, keeping my gun on the doctor. “Truth is, he found out about Skyline, knew he was being sent to investigate the Daichi being held by Lightning Electronics. He found it out because according to this.” I held up the book I swiped from Soyokaze earlier. “He was the one who treated Skyline’s sister.”

“So I helped a pony in need,” Soyokaze said. “That doesn’t prove that I killed Skyline!”

“No, it proves you had a connection,” I said. “Arashi sent Skyline to Lightning Electronics to look for the Daichi. After he found out he went back and told Arashi about it. Skyline then went into hiding. Which you found out who he was because of your association with Skyline’s sister. You then told Lightning Strike about it, and the plan was set. You knew I was going to try and take the blade back. You made sure...that Raiden’s DNA would be all over it.”

Soyokaze’s eye twitched as the truth slowly came to light.

“I found it a little odd that the place was so easy to get into,” I observed. “Plus Lightning Strike was waiting for me, with cameras and all. As if somepony tipped him off.”

“Dude!” Raiden shouted. “You knew he was going to try and break in!”

“Ridiculous!” Soyokaze scoffed.

“Would make sense for you to have access to Raiden’s DNA, being a geneticist and all. Plus, having Raiden’s DNA on hoof when you grew him.” I said.

“But the DNA is on the sword!” Soyokaze shouted. “Surely that is proof enough!”

“Maybe…” I said, taking the Daichi in my magic. “But what happens if we use a DNA spell...not on the blade itself...but on this.” I levitated up Soyokaze’s gun.

I used my DNA spell, the blade, the gun and Raiden all glowed green…

So did Soyokaze…

“Now let’s get rid of Raiden’s DNA from the glow,” I said, and slowly Raiden stopped glowing.

Soyokaze didn’t.

“If you were truly innocent, you wouldn’t be glowing right now. Your DNA is still on the blade, plus Raiden has an alibi, visiting Raiun during the time of the murder. Your perfect ship of a story just hit the iceberg,” I said, smirking.

“Soyokaze, why?” Haruhi asked. “He is your brother, why would you try to frame him?”

“Because he isn’t my brother!” Soyokaze glowered. “The only reason I created that thing was to get father to stop droning on about Raiun this, Raiun that! I should be holding the mantle of the family! Not some home grown brat!”

“Dude, I didn’t even want to take over the family,” Raiden declared, and then he blinked. “You were the one who said I should sell the Daichi.”

“I did it so that maybe, finally, Father would disown you and make me head of the family.” Soyokaze said maniacally. “But no, precious little Raiden was more important than I ever was! Just like when Raiun was still breathing on his own! They praised him constantly! I was left in his shadow never to be seen again!”

“I named Raiden the heir,” Arashi said. “For this reason exactly. I knew you were always jealous of your elder brother’s natural talent. I didn’t think you would go so far as to murder an employee and try and frame your own brother! That is not even worthy of the word dishonorable. It’s sickening.”

“You never understood, Father,” Soyokaze said. “But...now I’m going to make that thing suffer…” He glared at Raiden, “I’ll prove to the world just how powerful the Narukami are!!” Suddenly he grabbed the gun out of my magic and shot Arashi in the leg. Arashi let out a cry of pain as Soyokaze flew out the window and into the sky.

“Arashi!” Haruhi cried, going to her husband.

“Damn fool.” Arashi cursed as he held his leg.

“Dad you gonna be okay?” Raiden said frantically.

“Don’t worry about me!” Arashi said urgently. “Go and stop him!”

“But where was he heading?” Raiden asked.

I looked out the window and towards the clouds. “The Wonderbolt Academy…”

“There?” Raiden asked.

“Think about it, if he wants to prove he’s the best in the world and make you suffer. He’ll go right for those closest to you.” I said warningly.

Raiden slowly growled, “If that asshole thinks he can lay a hoof on Rainbow I’ll kill him myself!”

“Raiden,” Arashi said, picking up the Daichi, “take this.”

“Dad…” Raiden said, looking at him.

“Do it, to restore honor to the family,” Arashi said, a smile coming to his face.

Raiden took the sword and looked to me. “Come on, we got a maniac to stop.”


Raiden and I managed to find to find one the Sky Chariot we left behind. Luckily nopony made off with it. We flew towards the Wonderbolt Academy to find the place in absolute chaos. Storm clouds gathered around the training grounds and the place looked like the keep of some evil villain.

Not too far from the truth to be honest. The clouds roiled, and the cadets had been scattered. The Wonderbolts were trying to get everypony to safety, as best they can, but at least two felt like they had to be big damn heroes. They were the ones being pulled away by some medics. Raiden and I looked to see in the center was Soyokaze…

He was wearing armor…

He was wearing armor similar to Raiden’s that I’ve seen. Only the markings were different and it had a sleeker design than what Raiden’s had. Soyokaze reached up his hoof and fired a lightning bolt towards a group of retreating cadets.

“That’s right! Run before the power of a lightning god!” he shouted manically.

Raiden came to a landing and I saw Spitfire being carried off by Soarin. Raiden and I ran to the pair, “Is she okay?” I asked.

“‘She’ is fine thank you,” Spitfire said, sounding a little weak. “I tried to hold him off, got zapped myself. Man, hadn’t had a good jolt like that in years.”

“Can we not be impressed by the guy that nearly fried you?” Soarin said.

“Ah you big lug I’ll be fine,” Spitfire said.

“You get her to safety,” I told Soarin, “Where’s Rainbow Dash?”

“Flying towards that jerk now.” Soarin said, pointing.

Raiden and I looked up as Rainbow outright tackled Soyokaze in the air. The Narukami flew off and glared at her through the suit’s visor. “Well well, if it isn’t Raiden’s little mare coming to play.” He mocked.

“I’m nopony’s little mare thank you very much!” Rainbow growled at him. “I’m here to kick your flank from here to Las Pegasus.”

“You? The Wonderbolts couldn’t even touch me in this armor! Even without it! My power is infinite!” He shouted, raising his hooves and lightning gathered from the clouds.

“Dude, no wonder he picked the Wonderbolt academy to attack,” Raiden said, “You got a bunch of clouds there just waiting to become storms.”

“Not if I can help it!” I yelled, pulling out Blackbird and firing at Soyokaze.

The bullets bounced harmlessly off the suit’s metal plating. He looked down at us and laughed, “So the prodigal clone and the pathetic hybrid have come to play.”

“It ends now!” I yelled.

“Of course it does, the end of you all.” Soyokaze said, laughing with insanity. “For too long we Narukami have had to hide in the shadows! Praying that none would find out who we are! But with this power, and the suit that Raiun oh so generously left behind, I can take over this world. The sheer amount of money that Lighting Strike was willing to offer for the schematics would set me for life.”

“You would trade away your family for money?” Rainbow said, glaring at him.

“They traded away what was rightfully mine for stupid sentimentality! They had me build a clone of Raiun! A perfect copy! But I will do what Raiun refused to do! I will make weapons and take Equestria…” The lighting reached it’s apex… “By Storm…”

Suddenly a huge lightning bolt was about to hit Rainbow. Raiden flew in the path of the bolt, taking the hit for her. The force sent him flying back towards a building. Raiden crashed into the roof and Rainbow flew after him.

Before I could run back, a black flying object was making it’s way towards where Raiden crashed. Before Rainbow could reach Raiden, the object did. I remember it…

After a minute, Raiden re emerged, clad in the suit and flying towards Soyokaze. Raiden delivered a hard punch that hit Soyokaze square in the stomach. Soyokaze flew back but came at Raiden.

Rainbow flew down towards me, “Private, what the hay is going on?” She asked.

“Short version,” I said quickly, “Soyokaze is the real killer, he’s got a grudge against Raiden for existing, and he’s hell bent on taking you out to make Raiden suffer.”

“Ray…” Rainbow said, looking down.

“Snap out of it Rainbow,” I said. “I got an idea…”


Perspective: Raiden

I flew towards Soyokaze and slammed my hoof into his stomach. That sent him flying but it wasn’t long before he recovered. He fired a bolt of lightning at me that missed. I hit him with another bolt of lightning that knocked him back a few feet.

“You really are using that old klunker?” Soyokaze laughed, “The Mark VIII is far superior to your measly Mark VII”

“Hey, gotta respect the classics,” My metallic voice said. “But I’m far from respecting you.”

“You really think Father is going to just let you back in?” Soyokaze said, “After all you’ve done to destroy this family? What a joke.”

“The only joke here is you.” I said, glaring at him. “You killed my dad’s friend, you try and frame me, that I can deal with. But you had the absolute idiocy to try and hurt Rainbow! That alone…” I reached behind me and pulled out the Daichi. “Erased whatever idea of mercy was left in my heart…”

I charged at him, swinging the Daichi. I managed to cut into some of the equipment on his left leg. That’s one lightning shooter down. He turned and bucked me in the face however.

“Sir,” Neko said in my ear, “The Mark VII was still under repairs after the Battle of Ponyville. Chances of maintaining power are odds you really don’t wanna hear.”

“Thanks Neko,” I said sarcastically. “I’ll remember to give you a raise later.”

With that, I charged at Soyokaze again. This time I threw a bolt of lightning first, this one hit him in the chest. With that distraction, I swung the Daichi at him. But he blocked it with a shield that came out of his right leg. I was knocked back by a punch and had to regain my balance for a bit.

“Like the new upgrades brother?” Soyokaze taunted, “Here’s some more…” He held up his leg and tiny missiles came out of the folds.

I flew away as fast as I could as he launched them towards me. I flew towards one of the training areas, one with fans blowing on clouds, and made my way through it. Some of the missiles got hit by the clouds themselves, while others still were on my tail.

“Launch flares!” I yelled.

“Launching flares,” Neko replied.

Out of my back came flares that the missiles homed on to. Well, most of them.

I was hit in the back by one, that one sent me flying towards a fan. I turned around and activated my lightning shooters to thrust myself away from crashing. I do owe the Academy a fan now however.

I flew towards Soyokaze and brandished the Daichi. Soyokaze lifted his hooves to the sky, he was gathering lightning again.

“Neko, options,” I demanded quickly.

“Thunderbird is out of the question,” He said. “That system has not been restored yet.”

I looked at the Daichi. I knew it could absorb most of the blast…

I held the blade in my hooves in a defensive position as Soyokaze yelled, “Die you clone bastard!” He then shot his lightning bolt towards me.

The Daichi did absorb most of the blow. I had to put my thrusters on full to keep up with the barrage. But after it was over the Daichi was knocked away from my hooves, and landed thrust into the ground..

I looked up at Soyokaze, utterly helpless as he started gathering more and more power. “It ends tonight dear brother…”

That’s….when I saw Private being carried by Rainbow…


Perspective: Private

“Take me as high as you can!” I ordered. The wind blew around me as Rainbow carried me to the sky.

“What’s your plan?” Rainbow asked.

“I’m going to overload the suit,” I said.

“How? Lightning doesn’t hurt him,” Rainbow said.

“Yeah, but machinery has limits,” I said, and looked at my horseshoes.

Okay...Silver is highly conductible...It wasn’t exactly fair….

Your enemies won’t play fair

You’re right Voidera. I have to step up my game...even if it means having to risk myself like this. But I will not let this bastard get away with hurting my friends.

I took the four horseshoes on me, then concentrated. My horn sparked as Rainbow took us higher and higher. Slowly but surely the silver shoes formed into a single silver spear. I took the spear in my hooves. “Now! Fly towards Soyokaze!”

“You got it!” Rainbow said, spreading her wings and doing what she does best, dashing. We zoomed towards Soyokaze and I held the spear in my hooves.

Let my aim be true….

I threw the spear as we passed him, the spear entered at Soyokaze’s back, he yelled in pain as it penetrated his suit. A little bit of magic helped with that.

Rainbow and I flew towards Raiden. “What did you do?” He asked.

“Stuck a silver lightning rod in his back.” I yelled.

“Dude! He’s gonna blow!” Raiden cried, putting himself in front of us as Soyokaze screamed. The lightning from above was attracted to the silver spear. With nothing to stop the lightning, it entered into his suit’s systems directly.

Soyokaze let out one last scream as a sonic rainboom of lightning shot from him. Raiden took the brunt of the blast but hit us as he flew. All three of us crashed into a nearby field. I rolled onto my back and looked up. Soyokaze hanged there in mid air. He was alive, his wings still flapped a little.

But he soon dropped like a rock and hit the ground. Wonderbolts were on him like flies on a corpse.

I looked over, Rainbow was okay, she looked at the sky and said, “That...was...so...awesome…”

“Where’s Ra-” I was cut off when I found him.

His landing was not as smooth as ours. He left a trail of destruction leading to his landing site. He laid on the ground, not moving. Rainbow and I ran towards him, I got there first. I lifted the helmet visor up and looked at my friend. His eyes were closed.

“Raiden? You okay?” I asked, Rainbow looking over my shoulder.

Slowly….Raiden smiled…

“Dude, Shawarma...totally…”

There was never a more appropriate time for a double facehoof.