> Equestria Noir Season 2 Case 4 "Lightning's Wrath" > by Jacoboby1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 "Lightning Strike" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Equestria Noir 2 Case 4 “Lightning’s Wrath” By Jacoboby1 Chapter 1 “Lightning Strike” Perspective: Spitfire Another day, another batch of paperwork to deal with. I know it comes with the job of running this academy though, so I was willing to put up with it. I sat in my desk, clad in my base uniform as I went about the paperwork. I moved aside some papers and saw another report on Rainbow’s progress. She’s a good kid, a bit showy, but good nonetheless. She proved that much when she was willing to trade in the chance to become a Wonderbolt if it meant she had to sacrifice her morals. I’ll admit, it probably wasn’t the nicest thing to elevate Lightning Dust like that. But how else was I going to get Rainbow to push herself? Kids like that work best when they have competition. The reason why I had her partnered up with Lightning was so that Rainbow saw just where to draw the line. While it is good to be a little reckless, you should never sacrifice your team or your friends. That’s why Lightning Dust is cleaning the bathrooms and Rainbow is out training. She’s doing very well, still I could tell she was giving internal fangirl squeals every time I entered the room. It was kind of nice to have a fan so close. I heard a knock on the door. “Come in,” I said, putting aside the paperwork for a minute. In stepped in none other than Soarin, my big, dumb, sweet as hell partner. He walked in, carrying a pie as per usual. He smiled at me and said, “You think you can spare a pie break?” I rolled my eyes and laughed. “Soarin, you’d find any excuse to gorge on pies. I’m surprised you haven’t put bakeries out of business,” I said, watching him set the pie on my desk. “Ah, gotta keep the weight down. You know how coach gets when my flight suit suddenly becomes too small,” Soarin said, taking a bite of the pie. “Just make sure you don’t plummet to the ground during training,” I said with another laugh. “I’d hate to have a flat colt friend, kind of hard to make out with.” Soarin got that stupid grin on his face every time I called him coltfriend. Soarin may not be the brightest bulb in the bunch, but he’s a great flier and kind of sweet. The cadets found him a bit more approachable than me, but that’s okay, my job is to scare them shitless, not play patty hooves. “Expecting anypony today?” Soarin asked, before trying to do a double dose with the pie. I gave him a look and he reluctantly put down one piece. “Just reviewing cadets,” I said. “Dash is doing pretty good, I’m thinking of having her lead a flight course tomorrow.” “If they can keep up with her,” Soarin said. “They’ll keep up,” I said confidently, “If Rainbow’s good at anything, it’s putting confidence in everypony by being very sure in herself.” “Aside from that,” Soarin said, “you get to see that new coach today?” “Yup,” I said with a nod, “His name’s Cumulus or something. Seemed kind of nervous dontcha think?” “A little,” Soarin said, swallowing pie. “Kept asking me about the security of this place. It’s an academy, it’s not like anything…” KRACKOOM!!! I fell out of my chair in shock at the sudden crash of lightning. I shook my head as alarms went off. I looked at Soarin who was holding his pie. “Saved it!” He cried in triumph. “Less gorging!” I yelled as I got to my feet. “More finding out why the hell is there a lightning strike when a sunny day was planned?” I opened the window and flew outside into the open air. Soarin followed behind shortly after, pieless and alert. I looked over towards a smoky building nearby...that was an old storage shed. We never used it, I was actually planning on adding another runway where it was now. Soarin and I flew towards it as everypony was starting to fly in too. I looked towards a guard that flew up to me. “Keep all the cadets out, I wanna see what happened here!” I ordered and then zoomed towards the building. As I got closer I noticed there was a large hole in the roof, the smoke was coming out of it. I landed and slowly opened the door… Suddenly it was obvious where the smoke was coming from… _____________________________________________________________________ Perspective: Private Eye I held Silver Wolf in my magic, my eyes closed as I stood in the Castle’s training area. I felt the pads beneath my hooves, suffice to say my face had gotten very much acquainted with those pads. I could hear the soft hum of my magic along with more hums steadily adding to it. “Don’t trust your eyes Private,” I heard Voidera’s voice say. “For there are many things in this world they cannot perceive. If you wish to become a true master of the blade, you must put your trust in it. But it’s a two way relationship. You must trust in your blade to fight, and you must trust yourself to lead it.” “This is starting to sound like a movie I once saw,” I said, my ears listening for any movement. “However incredibly fascinating you're motion pictures are,” Voidera said, “You should focus on training right now.” Whoosh! I heard it flying towards me. Three o’clock! I turned and slashed my blade and felt a slight resistance as it sliced a practice sword that Voidera was levitating. Whoosh! Two, seven o clock… Slash! Clang! Slash! Had to work a little with that one. He probably increased the thickness to give me a challenge. “Good,” His deep voice rang through the room, “You are sure footed and your balance strong.” “Thanks I guess,” I said. “Let’s remedy that…” Suddenly I heard the sound of alchemy being performed. The pads below me began to shift and move about like I was standing in the middle of an earthquake. I tried to find sure footing. Whoosh! Another one, eleven o clock! I tried to swing my blade but suddenly what felt like a blunt force hammer uppercutted me in the chin. I fell back and landed flat on my back. I groaned in pain as my eyes opened and I saw Voidera smirking down at me. I frowned. “That wasn’t exactly fair,” I said. He just kept his smirk. “Your enemies won’t play fair,” He said. I got up and saw him replace his practice blades on the shelf. I saw the little rock pillar he summoned in order to hit me in the jaw. I wiped my forehead with a hoof as sweat got to me. “Most of my enemies probably don’t know alchemy,” I said. “The key is to always be prepared Private,” Voidera said, his horn sparking, the rock pillar returned to the floor from which it came. “Your opponents are never going to fight fair. In your line of work you should expect that.” “When I signed on to become a detective,” I said, taking a towel and wiping more sweat off me. “I didn’t think I’d be facing alicorns, changelings, and all sorts of monsters.” “Adaptation is a virtue here,” Voidera said. “So,” I asked, looking at him, “when am I going to be able to start lifting rocks and stuff?” “Alchemy is more than simply summoning pillars Private,” Voidera said, “It’s an art that takes years to truly understand and master. An alchemical master could rebuild an entire city using his magic alone.” “Really?” I asked. “He’d probably die from the strain,” Voidera quipped, “But, it would be rather impressive you have to admit.” For somepony who’s supposed to be fifteen hundred plus years old, he could stand some maturity lessons. I know he’s supposed to be my teacher, and I really respect him for that. In a few months he’s taught me so much. Swordplay, Alchemy, how to efficiently use my magic during a fight all to prepare me for...something. He’s been very quiet as to why exactly he’s training me. But, another mystery for another day I guess. I slipped my trench coat and hat back on. Voidera was a very no training armor sort of guy. Then again, I probably would be useless in heavy armor anyways. I liked being able to move thank you. “I just hope Celestia is a bit gentler with her than you are with me,” I said, looking at the dracorn. “Worry not for your beloved,” Voidera said, “Tia has trained many in her time as ruler. Twilight is an avid student, she will rise to the challenge.” I nodded, sheathing Silver Wolf and setting her on a table. Twilight was upstairs receiving her own training from Celestia, mostly flying and how to better control her newfound alicorn powers. She couldn’t fly more than a few inches off the ground yet, but she was learning. If Twilight was good at anything, it was making something work. Suddenly the door burst open, in came one of Voidera’s own personal guards. The dragoons wore red lined black armor with frills that resembled a dragon’s. They looked about as intimidating as Lunar Stallions, and I was glad they were on our side. The Dragoon ran to us and bowed before Voidera and said “Milord, news for Sir Private Eye.” I nodded and asked, “Go ahead, what’s the message?” I asked. The Dragoon spoke quickly and to the point, “Sir, we received word from Rainbow Dash at the Wonderbolt Academy. Another death has occurred.” I looked at Voidera who shared my grim expression. I said, “I gotta deal with this.” I looked to the guard. “Where’s Twilight?” I asked. “Her highness is training with Princess Celestia right now,” the Dragoon responded. “Right,” I said, “tell her I-” “Will handle this one without her,” Voidera interrupted. “Excuse me?” I said, looking at him. “Private, while it is admirable that you would want your love at your side.” Voidera said, “You cannot rely on her forever. You should not use her as a crutch when things go awry.” I guess, I did kind of used Twi as a crutch. I always relied on her magic to help us out of a tight spot when we were together. I went on cases without Twi before, but, this was one of the few times I got a choice whether to leave her behind or not. I sighed, “Alright,” I turned to the Dragoon and said, “Tell Twilight I will be taking a case, and tell her not to worry, I will be home soon.” The Dragoon nodded and ran out. Voidera came with a small box in his hooves. “You may want these.” He said. He opened the box and there was a full set of silver horseshoes. He looked up at me. “They are cloudwalking shoes,” He explained, “in case you ever need to step on clouds and have no time to bring up a cloud walking spell.” I nodded, and slipped the shoes on. Normally I don’t wear horseshoes, I found them uncomfortable to be honest. Luckily, these fit pretty well and a magical sealing spell was all it took to keep them on. “Be careful Private,” Voidera warned as I packed up. “Aren’t I always?” I said, with a smirk of my own. He gave me a look. “Okay, I guess I don’t have the best track record when it comes to caution.” I admitted before heading out the door. I only hope Rainbow is okay. ___________________________________________________________ The Wonderbolt Academy was a series of clouds, and cloud buildings situated on an incredibly high plateau. It’s a good thing I’m not afraid of heights, or else, I’d have panic attacks, going to this place. The plateau was rocky, with a cave in the side, and atop it was a runway, and the obstacle course that the rookies would have to run. On the clouds surrounding the plateau was the bunkhouses made of sturdy cloudstuff to weather any abuse from rowdy cadets. The main office was larger than the dormitories, with a pair of statues flanking its entrance, and off to the side, a cloud cliff had a fall of rainbow water falling into a riverbed on the plateau, which mixed with regular water, and fell, spectacularly, from the height. I myself was flying towards it in a sky chariot. A pair of solar guards were providing the necessary pulling power. It felt, strangely awesome to actually be coming to my crime scene like this. It made me feel like I was some kind of celebrity or something. I wasn’t going to let any of this get to my head though. I had a job to do, and ponies expected me to do it. If I was going to get home in time for some romancing with Twi, I was going to have to do this. The guards slowly came to a landing on the runway. I stepped out of the chariot, and tossed a pair of bits at them. “A tip for the trip.” I said, trotting away. Just as I was about to get my bearings… ZOOM!!! CRASH! I found myself flat on the ground, Rainbow standing over me. “Private! You’re here!” She said, smiling. “You did call for a detective,” I said. “Although, you may get a detective with three broken ribs.” I felt a little winded from the tackle that Rainbow provided. “Heh, sorry,” She said, getting off me and helping me get to my hooves. I shook my head and looked at her, seeing her clad in her trainee uniform. I noticed she also looked a bit more muscular than before. The training here really helped Rainbow start to improve. She hit me on the shoulder. “You really do come when needed huh big guy?” She said, laughing a little. I rubbed where she hit me and said, “Yeah, but I’d appreciate not getting tackled.” “So, where’s Twilight?” Rainbow asked, looking around, “I was hoping to run her through some wing drills.” I sighed, “Sadly, she’s not coming this time.” “Oh,” Rainbow said, a little disappointed. “But hey, it’ll be just like our first case together. The hard boiled detective and future captain of the Wonderbolts!” “Hope you’re not pining too hard for my job, Dash.” Rainbow nearly jumped out of her skin as Spitfire stood there. Dash stood at attention and seemed to be visibly sweating. “No ma’am! I was-” Spitfire rolled her eyes and smiled. “I was kidding.” She walked past Rainbow and looked at me. “Been a while Private, heard you got wed to some Princess.” I smiled and said, “Yeah, she’s pretty great.” “I’d love to chat more,” Spitfire said, but her face turned serious, “but, you probably want to get to the crime scene.” “I was gonna take him there ma’am,” Rainbow interjected. Spitfire nodded and said, “Right, get to it rookie.” She flew off after that. Rainbow let out a breath. “Man,” She said, “I thought I was gonna be doing wing ups for the next year.” “Come on Dash,” I said, rubbing her mane, “we got a crime scene to get to.” She chuckled, batted my hoof away and said, “Alright.” She flew into the air. “I’ll lead ya to it.” With that, we made our way towards the crime scene. ________________________________________________________________ Rainbow explained to me on the way that the place was an old storage unit. Used mainly for storing repairing equipment for the various machines used during training. Right now, it was swarming with police. I walked up and saw a pegasus uniform standing there. I sighed. “Can I come in?” I asked. The pegasus nodded. “Chief said to let you in if you came,” he said, holding up the tape. Gunry said I could go in a crime scene? After the last case I thought he’d find some excuse to arrest me for breathing near it. I wonder what exactly convinced him? Dash and I ducked under the tape and I saw a pegasus laying against the back wall. Light poured in from a hole in the ceiling and shone on him. He looked to be in his forties, with a short greying black mane, a sky colored coat and pale blue eyes. I noticed they were also a little, slanted. The eyes, he was Neighpanese or Dinese, maybe even Kloprean. He was also wearing a uniform that I saw Spitfire wear. Either way, his body was covered with scorch marks, like he was struck by lightning. His eyes looked like they were in shock. He had to have been surprised, or maybe scared. That wasn’t the only detail that stuck out… He had a large cut on his chest. Forceps was once again at the helm. He looked up at me, “Bit of an odd feller this one.” he said. “Dude,” Rainbow said, looking at the corpse, “what happened?” “Frankly somepony zapped the stiff,” Forceps said, once again using his own personal brand of humor. I nodded, and stepped forward. I used my magic to lift up his wallet out of the military jacket. I opened it. “I.D. for you Forceps,” I said, “Cumulus, he’s forty two, here’s his coaching license.” I tossed it over to a nearby uniform. I reached into another pocket and pulled out...a passport? I opened it and Rainbow looked over my shoulder. “Dude,” She said, “this guy’s been a lot of places.” “You know him?” I asked. “Not really,” Rainbow said, crossing her hooves, “he was supposed to be a coach teaching us about heavy weather or something. I might’ve seen him talking to Soarin earlier but that’s about it.” I looked at the passport again, “Well, judging by the earliest dates, looks like he’s from Neighpan.” “That’s where Raiden’s family is from,” Rainbow said. I nodded, and looked back at Forceps. “So, what’s with the cut?” I asked. “I’ll be takin’ him to a lab over in Cloudsdale fer a better look.” Forceps answered, “but, if I could hazard a guess, I’d say the death was only an hour or two ago. The cut was probably pre mortem, look how the flesh is burnt, it was burnt up after the blood started flowing.” “Dude, that’s kind of awesome you can tell that,” Rainbow commented, “but still gross.” “You guys go deal with him,” I said, nodding to Forceps, “Rainbow and I are going to start inve- “Hey come on let me in!” Rainbow and I turned. I saw a pegasus trying to get past the uniform. The pegasus was the same size as Dash, maybe a little shorter. Her coat was an aqua color and her mane was blond and very, tall I guess you could say. Her eyes were a yellow orange color and they narrowed at the guard. She couldn’t have been much younger than I was, probably Rainbow’s age. She was wearing the same uniform as Dash, she had to be a trainee here too. “Look, we can’t just let anypony in,” The uniform said. “You let Rainbow Dash in,” the pegasus mare responded. “Besides, I got something important to tell the detective!” I was about to walk over, before Rainbow Dash zoomed over to the mare. “Lightning Dust? What in the hay are you doing here?” She demanded. So this was the infamous Lightning Dust. Pinkie was all too eager to tell me the story about how she nearly got everypony killed via a tornado. Suffice to say, I didn’t much appreciate anypony putting my marefriend in danger. Lightning Dust just smirked. “I am actually helping out here Dash,” She replied. “Uh, hello,” Dash exacerbated. “I’m the one who’s helping Private out here. Sides, shouldn’t you be cleaning toilets right now?” Dust subsequently flew past Rainbow, the guard, and came up to me. She smiled and held out a hoof. “Names Lightning Dust, how you doing?” She asked. I narrowed my eyes. “I’m, well aware of who you are Lightning Dust,” I replied. “Okay, this is a little awkward,” She said, lowering her hoof. “Didn’t think when a detective was getting assigned, they’d send the big guns.” “You’ve heard of me,” I concluded. “Duh,” Lightning said, “Everypony in Equestria has heard about you Private Eye. Though, I wasn’t expecting you to be friends with miss stick up her flank back there.” “Hey!” Rainbow cried. “I’d appreciate if you kept comments about my friend to yourself thanks,” I said, all too reminded of Trixie. Lightning just nodded. “Anyways, I got something really important to tell you,” She said. “That would be…?” I asked. “That I saw the criminal...and he looked an awful lot like Dash’s boyfriend….” > Chapter 2 "Lightning Reveal" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2 “Lightning Reveal” “You no good dirty rotten bitch!” Rainbow shouted as she was about ready to tackle Lightning. It took my magic to hold her back from completely steamrolling Lightning into literal dust. Rainbow struggled against my magical hold, “How dare you even think Raiden would do something like this!” “You didn’t even listen did you?” Lightning fired back, “I said he was somepony who looked like your boyfriend. You don’t need to fly off the handle like you always do!” “Don’t change the subject yo-” Rainbow began. “Rainbow calm down!” I ordered. Rainbow finally let out a breath and calmed down like I asked. She gave a small glare at Lightning Dust before hovering off to the side. She just stayed there, her forelegs crossed and her head up. At least this way she wasn’t picking fights. I looked at Lightning Dust. “Tell me exactly what you saw,” I requested. “Well,” Lightning said, “I just finished mopping the bathrooms just as my oh so great captain ordered. I went outside for a little R&R, it’s, easier to take breaks outside where nopony can see you in the mess hall.” I nodded and asked, “Right, so when was this?” “Was around noon,” Lightning answered. “I remember because that’s my break time. I was sitting just by the dorms when I saw that guy walk in.” She pointed to Cumulus. “I just kind of dismissed it, I mean, he was just a coach on the camp nothing suspicious about that. Then, I heard this big crack of thunder!” she cried, obviously getting into the storytelling mood. She was even hovering in the air and moving her hooves around. Rainbow, in case you were wondering, was simply sulking with her back turned. “I looked up and saw that the sound came from this storm cloud that came out of nowhere,” Lightning explained. “Next thing I know this guy comes flying out of that hole in the roof.” She pointed to drive home her point. “He had this real dark coat and highlights in his mane. Just like a certain celebrity we all know and love.” “How do you even know it was Raiden?” Rainbow demanded, zooming over and getting in Lightning’s face. “You could have mistaken him for somepony else ya know!” “You don’t think everypony would know what a celebrity looks like? I know what I saw Rainbow,” Lightning fired back. “Or are you really as blind as you are big headed!” “At least I know when something sounds really stupid!” Rainbow fired back, “Like saying my coltfriend was anywhere near the crime scene!” Geez, it was like handling a pair of teenagers. Lightning then smiled a little and casually uttered, “Do you even know where your hubby is now?” “First of all, he’s not my hubby,” Rainbow snapped. “Second of all, he’s back at Ponyville right now! He called me this morning!” “Well, apparently somepony needs to keep better track of her coltfriend,” Lightning said with a smirk. “Lest she lose him to Cloudkicker or somemare. We all know how, easily tempting she can be to a guy like Raiden.” “THAT’S IT!!” Rainbow roared and was about to tackle her again, I grabbed her from behind to hold her back. Lightning just laughed and flew off through the hole in the ceiling. I practically dragged Rainbow outside, she was shouting numerous profanities along the way. Mostly about Lightning Dust and something about a rod up her flank. I would go to specifics, but some of them are, ahem, too creative for certain ears. I set Rainbow down on the pavement and glared at her. “What the hell was that about?” I snapped. “What? I was supposed to just let her say all that stuff?” Rainbow said, glaring back. “Oh, I didn’t realize she said a few mean things,” I said, giving her a look I usually reserved for Tailspin whenever it was time to let the hoof down. “Of course, you had no choice to potentially get us kicked out of the investigation,” I said, with a hint of sarcasm. Rainbow crossed her hooves like a child being told off. “You know better than that Rainbow,” I chided, sighing as I regained my composure. “Lightning has caused trouble. But you shouldn’t let what she said get to you. Raiden’s probably at Ponyville like you said. Who do you really trust? Raiden? Or somepony who you know is trouble?” Rainbow sighed in turn, “Okay, you’re right. I’ll give him a call to be sure though. Just to calm my nerves a little.” I nodded and said, “I’ll check up with Spitfire, see if she’s dug up anything on Cumulus.” I watched Rainbow fly away and couldn’t help but notice a look of worry pass through her eyes. Raiden and Rainbow have been dating for a while now. Longer than any mare Raiden’s ever dated before. So far, she’s been good for Raiden. He’s really started to change by hanging out with her. I only hope that what Lightning said isn’t true. I’ve known Raiden to be a lot of things, but a murderer is the farthest from Raiden I’ve ever heard. __________________________________________________________ Spitfire’s office was a circular room, with windows along the back wall, a round rug on the floor with lightning bolts pointing toward her desk. Wolderbolt memorabilia decorated it, pictures and models of past Wonderbolts had pride of place on the desk, the filing cabinet to the right, and on the walls. Spitfire’s desk was a sturdy purple affair, creating a wall of separation from the Captain and whoever she was speaking to, and a handy work surface. The top of the desk was a cream color, and had paperwork, and the little standing plaque that indicated her rank as captain. On the right side of the desk was an electric desk lamp, used to illuminate Spitfire’s workspace. The whole effect of the office was akin to a principal’s office, truth be told. Rookies would feel like they were in deep trouble coming here. Even if they were getting commendations, they’d still feel like they were entering the walk of doom. Authority figures, I guess, needed every advantage they could. I entered to find Spitfire sitting at her desk. She had numerous papers at her desk and her fire colored eyes were scanning them. She looked up at me and said, “Ah Private, good to see ya.” “Any luck on finding anything about Cumulus?” I asked. She shook her head. “No such luck,” she sighed. “I’m trying to find all his files but I can’t when everything’s screwed up. I really should’ve taken better care of my paper work.” “Maybe while you’re looking you can tell me about Cumulus,” I suggested. Spitfire shrugged as she continued her search. “Don’t know much about him to be honest. He’s from Cloudsdale, lives alone off base and he used to be a delivery pegasi in the tropics. That’s how he got the job as heavy weather instructor, I mean, he’s no Storm Rider but he was what we had,” she said. “Not that we could get any of the Storm Riders… They don’t think much of the Wonderbolts.” “Didn’t you talk to him?” I asked. “Nothing really outside of lessons and such,” Spitfire answered. “He just seemed really nervous and about ready to jump out of his coat at the slightest noise. Honestly, I think he was a bit of a spaz.” “Any idea if he had any family? Friends? Enemies?” I asked. Spitfire shrugged and said, “He didn’t really talk to anypony. So, I don’t think he had any friends. Didn’t have any family either from what I heard. As for enemies, I don’t think he had any. He didn’t seem like the kind of guy who’d make trouble. Was mostly quiet and sat by himself.” She pulled out a folder from her desk. “Ah ha, here’s the sucker.” She passed me the file. “Here’s everything we got on him. It’s not much, but it’s definitely something to go on.” I opened the file and looked it over. Sure enough, everything was accurate to what Spitfire said. Lives in Cloudsdale alone, no extended family, how odd, you’d think a guy would at least have one relative. I saw he had an apartment in Cloudsdale just like Spitfire said. I saw the address for his residence and wrote it down. I could track it down using Rainbow, she knows Cloudsdale better than anypony else I know. “I’ll scope out his apartment and such,” I said, pocketing my notebook. Spitfire nodded and said, “See if you can get this wrapped up quickly okay? I don’t want the academy’s reputation to hit a record low.” I saluted and said, “Will do ma’am.” She saluted back and chuckled, “Get moving before I put you in the Dizzitron.” I hated to imagine what exactly the Dizzitron was. Less imaging more hopping to it! “Yes ma’am right away!” I replied quickly. I galloped out the door and left behind a laughing Spitfire. ____________________________________________________ Rainbow was pulling the sky chariot as we flew above the clouds. This would be the second time I’d have to grace Cloudsdale. Just like the last time I come, I’m amazed. The place looks like something out of a fantasy. Lofty cloud buildings, swirls of cloudstuff for roofs, the rainbow waterfall. And the architecture, oh the architecture is breathtaking. Loops and swirls, and impossible buildings that are enough to get a ground-pounder jealous of the very idea of Cloudsdale. The solid materials, below, could never do the amazing things the pegasi could do with cloudstuff. Never mind the whites, and blues of the cloud buildings, themselves. There were even magenta buildings, standing out from the cloudy blues and whites. Throughout the city, there were streams of rainbow water, which fell majestically down the border. The ancient pegasus penchant for stately buildings with columns was still going strong, here. I got a little vertigo from looking down once which Rainbow chuckled at. “You’d think to know not to look down,” Rainbow said, laughing. “How’d the talk with Raiden go?” I asked. Rainbow’s smile turned into a frown, “I called him, he said he’s been at his apartment all day. Then I asked him if he was sure he hadn’t stopped by, next thing I know we’re yelling at each other.” She snorted, “He kept thinking I don’t trust him. I kept saying he doesn’t want to trust me with where he is! It’s ridiculous!” Geez, being Ponyville’s resident relationship repairer is starting to show the downsides. I mean, I like helping my friends but sometimes the drama can get ridiculous. But, mom said I was like her when she was younger, always hooking ponies up and acting as an ear for relationship trouble. Maybe if I ever retire I should host my own talk show. Nah, like anypony would want to hear me talk all day. “Are you listening?” Rainbow asked, looking behind me. “I am,” I said, “I think you and he just need to talk things out when this is over. Emphasis on talk.” Rainbow sighed, “Okay, fine I’ll talk to him after this. I just really hope he’s telling the truth.” We came in for a landing and I unhooked Rainbow from the harness. As we walked down the streets of Cloudsdale, Rainbow was staring at me wide eyes as I casually stepped on the clouds. “Dude!” Rainbow said, about to catch me before realizing I wasn’t falling. “Don’t scare me like that! I was afraid I’d have to make heroic rescue catch number twenty seven!” I held up my hooves and showed her the horseshoes. “A little gift from Voidera.” I said with a smile. “That’s so awesome!” Rainbow said, “Just uh, watch where you step okay?” “I’ll be fine.” I said walking forward, “I know where to put my hoo-” Rainbow caught my tail before I fell off the clouds. She smirked as I caught my breath from nearly falling to my doom. “You were saying, hotshot?” Rainbow quipped. “Can we just say I made a mistake and go find a victim’s apartment?” I frowned. “Okay, just don’t make me have to rescue you again, kay?” Rainbow said, hovering behind me. We both made our way towards the apartment. _______________________________________________________ “You know, for a guy who’s supposed to be an instructor, I expected a bigger place,” Rainbow commented as we came to the apartment. You wouldn’t think that clouds could look shabby. This place? Pretty shabby. It looked like some of the cloudstuff of the building had disintegrated, leaving it looking like it had some kind of disease. It’s obvious this building wasn’t being properly maintained. I nodded and said, “Yeah, my apartment from Manehatten was nicer than this dump. This guy probably makes more than I do ever.” I walked up to the mail slots and saw Cumulus’ number. “Apartment 3,” I said and we made our way to it. I shook the handle with my magic, no give. “Can we bust down the door?” Rainbow said, giving me big eyes. “Pleease?” I rolled my eyes. “No,” I said firmly. She crossed her forelegs and grumbled, “Killjoy…” I pulled out my lockpicking gear from my trench coat and worked the tumblers until it finally gave. The door slowly opened and we stepped in. Inside the apartment wasn’t anything special. It was small, like, studio small. The bed was against the far wall, away from the windows. The living area was just a couch a coffee table, and a television. The kitchen just had a micro-sized stove, and a bar fridge. This was all in the same room, too. The shabbiness of the exterior carried over to the interior, and the place just looked sad. Even though this was technically breaking and entering, I was on an investigation. I didn’t have time to beg for a warrant to look around. The floor was littered with trash, beer bottles, and some old magazines. Most of them were…”Popular Science?” I said, picking one up. Rainbow picked another one up, “Dude, this is totally egghead stuff,” she quipped. Rainbow was right. The magazines were all stuff you would find at some science junky’s house. None of the magazines had anything to do with weather. Most of them had to do with biology actually. Pony Biology. I saw a letter on the bed, recently opened. I picked it up and read it in my head. Dear Brother, Please come home, I know where you are hiding. I have connections too okay. You can’t keep running from Bolt Corp forever. I know places, safe places that we can hide. I’m worried, mom’s worried, we all are. Just come home please and tell us why you keep running off. Your sister, Weatherby This doesn’t match up with what Spitfire said. Wait, Bolt Corp? That’s the company that Raiden’s dad owns. It’s one of the main factory suppliers of appliances in all of Equestria. I’d bet ten bits that at least half of Ponyville owns something made by them. Whether it was a generator, coffee maker, or a dishwasher, the Bolts probably had a hoof in it. Raiden’s family was a part of this… I looked at the return address. “Weatherby, 334 East… this is from Manehatten,” I said to myself. Whoever Weatherby is, she had to have been Cumulus’ sister. Unless I’ve got the wrong apartment. No, the address is to Cumulus. Was he in hiding or something? Witness protection? Would explain why the files on him don’t match up with the real deal. “Hey Private! Check it out!” Rainbow said. I looked up and saw she moved aside a painting of a landscape and saw a safe was there. “You think you can crack it?” Rainbow asked. I shook my head, “I’m no safecracker,” I said. “I just pick locks, not safe…” An idea clicked in my brain. I walked to the safe, Rainbow looking over my shoulder as my horn sparked. I tapped the safe and suddenly felt as if I could see it’s very components… Alright…locate where everything is… start adding pressure to the tumblers… set tumblers to right points… till they… click! There! I pulled on the handle with my magic and the safe opened. Rainbow’s eyes grew wide. “Whoa!” She cried, “What did you do?” “Alchemy,” I said, looking at her. “I just, used my magic to move the tumblers inside it. I didn’t know I could do that. Sure beats having to use a stethoscope.” “So awesome!” She squealed, “Remind me to call you next time I lock myself out while being awesome.” I rolled my eyes and looked inside the safe… Inside held a few items… I pulled them out, one of them was a letter, I read it. Dear Mr. Skyline. You have been a considerable help in our corporation. We at Bolt Corp have always valued every member of our staff. Sadly, your services are no longer required. I’m afraid we are forced to let you go. I wish I could explain why, but suffice to say, you will not be alone as you leave. I will do everything in my power to ensure you find a job after leaving our esteemed company. We may find reason to rehire you in the future, so keep your credentials on you. Also, be sure not to inform anypony about our… agreement. Sincerely, Arashi Bolt “Who’s Arashi?” Rainbow asked. “That’s Raiden’s dad,” I explained. “WHOA!” Rainbow exclaimed in shock. “You mean to tell me that Cumulus worked for Raiden’s old stallion?” “Yup,” I said with a nod, “but, what’s weird is he calls him Skyline.” I pointed out. “What kind of job would he have had?” Rainbow asked, and picked up the other item. “Whoa, hey Private look at this.” I looked and my own eyes grew wide. It was an employee’s badge. Not just any employee’s badge though. For the picture depicted Cumlus, along with the following despcription. Skyline Cloud Head of the Heavy Storm Research Department Bolt Corporation > Chapter 3 "Behind Storm Clouds" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 “Behind Storm Clouds” Finding Weatherby wasn’t too difficult thanks to the almighty power of the phonebook. One of these days they need to invent something that allows me to look somebody up as I’m in a crime scene. Ah well, pipe dream I guess. Rainbow and I ditched the sky chariot and her uniform in an alleyway. We didn’t want to draw too much attention to ourselves. No matter how much it goes against Rainbow’s very essence of being. Weatherby’s apartment was nicer than Skyline/Cumulus’. It was small, but homely and the building looked to be in pretty decent shape. This was a mare that was probably well off. Rainbow and I made our way up the stairs and knocked on her door. Out came a rather older looking pegasus with the same sky colored coat and pale blue eyes that Cumulus had. Her mane was short, brown, and tied in a braid out of the way. She also wore an apron that looked recently stained. She smiled at us and said, “I wasn’t expecting visitors today, can I help you two?” I began, “We’re investigating Cumulus, or as he’s known around here, Skyline.” I stuck my foot in the door before she could slam it shut. Rainbow flew inside and glared at Weatherby, “You Weatherby?” She asked. “Yes,” She replied, looking nervous, “But I have no idea who you’re talking about! Get out! Leave now!” “Ma’am,” I said, walking in, “we just want to find out who killed him.” Weatherby blinked, and looked genuinely shocked, before finally saying, “Would you both, like some coffee?” __________________________________________________________ “So, Skyline is dead,” Weatherby said as she sat on the couch. Rainbow and I sat in separate chairs in front of her. She took a light sip of her coffee and went on, “He was always a very secretive type. He rarely wrote to Mother or I. But, he really cared about us.” “But why’d he change his name?” Rainbow asked. Weatherby shook her head. “I don’t know, I just know that he was investigating something,” she said. “Does it have anything to do with Bolt Corp?” I asked. Weatherby sighed. “When he got the job, I was so proud of him. So was mother, Celestia rest her soul. He worked for them in the Heavy Storm Department. He was really good at predicting how a storm moves and he got hired to help test flight suits. At least, that’s what I thought.” “What was he really doing?” Rainbow asked. “I don’t know I said,” Weatherby said, sounding exasperated. “Okay,” I said as I reached into my coat and pulled out the letter. “When did you send this?” Weatherby took it and examined it. “This, this was months ago,” Weatherby said, surprised, “I had no idea he kept it.” “Can you explain to us what you know?” I asked. “I just know,” Weatherby began, “that about a couple of months ago, Skyline quit his job at the Bolt Corp. He then moved to the Lightning Labs company. Got a job there working on storm cloud generators or something. Anyways, about two weeks into the job he gives me this…” She reached in a drawer of the nightstand and pulled out another letter. I took in my magic and read it to myself. Weatherby, I don’t have much time to write, I’m going to be disappearing for a while. Lightning Labs has been up to something in the last few years. Something about a Daichi or something or other. I just know that the Bolt Corp is going to help me disappear. Inside is the money they gave me, use it wisely. Please, just stay strong sister, maybe someday I’ll see you again. Goodbye… Skyline “What did you use the money for?” Rainbow asked. Weatherby slowly put a hoof on her mane… and removed it… Her head was almost completely bald except for a little bit of fuzz. Rainbow and mine’s eyes grew wide at the sight of it. Weatherby simply said, “Chemo” “You had cancer,” I concluded. “That’s why he went through with it.” “Yes,” Weatherby said with a sigh. “I didn’t have long, but Skyline told me it was what was right. He accepted the money from the Bolt Corp, knowing they could help me get the Chemo.” “Wow,” Rainbow said, blinking. “Guy must’ve really cared.” “But, you’re saying he’s dead now,” Weatherby stated. “I will, try not to let his sacrifice be in vain. Whatever killed my brother, you can imagine one of both of those blasted corporations had something to do with it.” __________________________________________________ The office tower was at home among the other towers of glass and metal that dotted Manehatten’s business district. This one had its windows tinted with an aqua color, and the metal bits were of a light bronze. The Lightning Corporation’s logo was emblazoned proudly on the exterior, above the entrance. “So, how are we going to get in?” I asked as we sat on a bench across the street from it. “We could fly up to the roof,” Rainbow suggested. “Yeah, and I’m sure nopony is going to notice a couple of ponies flying up the side of the building, especially when one is sporting a rainbow mane,” I quipped. “Hey!” Rainbow yelled. I looked at the front gates. “That’s a lot of guards,” I observed. “What we need is a distraction. “Hey dudes!” “WHAAA!” I fell over and looked up at Raiden who was smiling down at me. “Not funny Raiden!” I yelled. “Hey, good to see you guys,” Raiden said, hovering above me and looking down with his mischievous yellow eyes. “Heard from Rainbow you guys were chilling at Manehatten. What’s up?” “My heart rate in case you’re wondering,” I said with a frown. “Hey, glad you could make it,” Rainbow said, hovering over to her coltfriend. “I’m always willing to lend a helping wing, especially when a certain sexy mare is involved,” Raiden said, sporting his trademark smile. Rainbow socked him in the shoulder and chuckled. “Jerk,” she said, her cheeks blushing a little. “So, what’cha guys up too?” Raiden said, rubbing his shoulder as I got up. “We’re trying to get into that building,” I explained, looking over. Raiden looked at the building, a look of dread passed over his face. “You guys, are going in there?” he asked. “What’s the big deal Ray?” Rainbow asked. “That’s the Lightning Labs building, my family aren’t exactly welcome among them. Been competition with my dad for years,” Raiden explained. “Look, we just need to get inside,” I said. “What’re you guys looking for?” Raiden asked. “Something called a, Daichi?” Rainbow said. Another look of dread passed over Raiden’s face. He was quiet for a long minute and said, “Okay, what you guys are looking for is a sword.” “You know what it is?” I asked, shocked. “Look, I can’t explain!” Raiden said. “I’ll create a distraction; you guys go inside, find the sword and get out. Also, do not, and I repeat, do not pull the blade out under any circumstance!” Before any of us could argue, Raiden zoomed out into the streets. Onlookers saw the famous rock star and Raiden yelled. “Hey ladies! Come and get some!” With that, I swear, there were about twenty ponies in the street before he said it. After he spoke, suddenly hundreds of fan girls came out of freaking nowhere and started chasing after Raiden. All of them were screaming at the top of their lungs while Raiden flew backwards into the building. Suffice to say, the security guards and most of the ponies in the lobby would end up in the hospital by the end of the day. We had our distraction and Rainbow and I used it to the fullest potential. We both ran inside, mixing into the crowd of impressionable fangirls and leapt out when we made it into the lobby. I looked to Rainbow. “You collect your coltfriend before he gets crushed by love,” I said. “Nothing I’m not used to,” Rainbow said, diving back into the fandom crowd. I saw a door and I went inside it. The interior was your typical offices and most of them were empty. I’m guessing the staff is out on lunch break and suddenly found a roadblock. Roadblock being the fangirls. I eventually found and elevator and went inside it. I saw the buttons didn’t have a basement option on it. If there’s one thing that’s a constant in corporate buildings, you can usually find the trash under the tower. Hopefully there weren’t any cameras that saw me. I reached into my trench coat and pulled on a grey scarf, I was keeping in case the weather chilled, over my muzzle. This oughta at least keep my face out of the picture. I went up to the emergency hatch and pushed it open. I was now in the interior of the elevator shaft. I saw an air vent that looked like it went down. Okay, time to squeeze a little… ___________________________________________________ I crawled my way through the air vent, moving down and deeper into the building. I came to an opening and saw a pair of guards there. I reached into my trench coat, and pulled out White Tiger. I aimed the silenced pistol and shot them both with tranquilizer. They both went down like flies and I jumped down to the floor. I looked around, the place was a storage closet. I peeked outside the door and saw guards roaming the area. There was no way I was going to get past them. I looked over… and saw a box… Okay, Metal Gear Stallion don’t let me down now… I moved to the cardboard box and slipped under it. I used the handle to see out and squatted down just low enough for my legs to move. I was no Pinkie Pie when it came to espionage, but it would have to work for now. I slowly made my way out the door, the guards weren’t looking as I quietly moved over and around the corner. Out of my eye hole I saw a pair of pegasi guards talking. “You heard about that thing the boss has stored up here?” one said. “That sword?” The other said, raising an eyebrow, “Yeah, I heard it’s some kind of artifact or somethin.” “I heard that one guy, tried to touch it,” The first said ominously, “Got sent to the hospital because he was fried to a crisp.” “Dude you think that sword is cursed or something?” The other asked. “Whatever it is, I’m glad the boss is keeping it locked up,” The first said. “I certainly don’t wanna mess with it.” It’s like they don’t even notice the Cardboard box suddenly springing tiny grey legs and walking away. Seriously, how hard is it to spot? I didn’t question logic as I made my way down the hall and around the corner. On the door read: DANGER! HIGH VOLTAGE! Well, if it’s a sword that zaps ponies, that’s certainly where I would put my strange weapon. I saw two guards at the front gate, along with cameras. Hmm…. I used my magic and put my scarf over it to hide it’s glow. Slowly I used my magic to unhinge the cameras off their stands, and dropped them on the heads of the guards. The weight of them caused the guards to be knocked unconscious. That oughta keep them out for a few minutes. But I shot them both with tranquilizer just to make sure they didn’t wake up sooner. Now that I was alone with the door, I lifted the bodies and hid them in the cardboard box. “Just stay cozy for a minute,” I said, levitating a roll of duct tape I got from the closet and sealing the box shut with them inside. I wasn’t going to be using it to get out, but at least nopony would see them. I then looked to the door, focused my magic and used alchemy on the door. The door was almost ripped apart and I felt a drain on myself. Moving metal is harder than it looks. I went inside and used alchemy to seal the door behind me. Inside was a lab straight out of a science fiction movie. The lab was filled with instruments, most of them calculating numbers I couldn’t make sense of. At the very center...was a sword… Encased in glass was a Neighpanese Katana. A powerful curved blade used by the pegasi of Neighpan hundreds of years ago. Judging by the state of it, the blade looked to be hundreds of years old. The handle was black with yellow bands on it. Woven in such a way that one’s teeth could be used to hold onto the blade. The guard was gold colored with intricate patterns forged into it. The scabbard itself was black with yellow neighpanese characters written on it. I couldn’t recognize the symbols, unlike Bitallion I never learned Neighpanese. The language was made up of so many symbols that I could barely wrap my head around them. The scabbard looked to be made of wood. A gold band was wrapped around it as well, baring more characters on it. This was the Daichi huh? Whatever it was, they certainly wanted to defend it. But why did the guards get zapped when they tried to touch it? I put my horn to the glass and slowly used a spell Twilight taught me. A spell called a blow mana spell. It essentially turns the mana in my horn into heat and acts as a blow torch. I used it to cut a large hole in the glass. I then used my magic to carefully wrap ar- KAZZAPP!! “GAAAH!” I yelled as I was zapped as soon as I tried to levitate it. The pain felt like it was coursing through my very veins. It was as if I was recieving divine punishment for even considering touching the blade. I fell back and fell on the ground. Alarms were blaring as I got up. Geez, how could I get so careless? I looked at the sword, reached into my coat and pulled out rubber hoof covers that I usually use for crime scenes. I gently picked up the blade in my hooves. The blade didn’t zap me this time. I was right, this blade doesn’t zap anypony so long as they wear insulators. In this case, hoof coverings. Suddenly the door blasted open. In stepped a pair of security guards that trained their rifles on me. “Put down the sword!” One shouted. “Oh? You mean this?” I said, and made to draw the blade. They both paled as I faked them out. “Let’s put it this way, the way I see it, this sword’s got some kind of power. It zaps anypony who tries to touch it. Now, I could pull out the sword now and who knows what could happen.” “You will not do that Private Eye…” I watched as an older pegasus stepped forward. He was short, fat, and honestly a little repulsive. His coat was aqua, his mane a rich brown that clearly looked dyed, his beard was a ratty short thing that hung on his face. He wore a business suit that was desperately wanting to break open but just didn’t have the strength. His brown eyes glared at me. “So, the treachery of the Eyes knows no bounds.” He said. “Do I know you?” I asked. “No, but I am very well aware of your father.” The pegasus said, “I am Lightning Strike, CEO of Lightning Labs.” Wait… Lightning Strike… As in one of the biggest business owners in Equestria. Pretty much owning the majority of the labs in the city. He’s also known for being a rival not only to the Bolts, but to my family as well. At least, the part of my family that cared about the business. I remember my grandfather constantly ranting about him back when he thought I gave a damn. But, I never saw him in person, why did he look familiar? “Put down the sword boy,” Lightning ordered. “if you know what is good for you.” “What’s so important about it?” I asked. “Don’t think you can trick me into telling you that,” He scowled. “Drop it, now.” I looked at the blade… and noticed something on the scabbard… On it was another symbol, but one I recognized. This symbol was a circle with a bird in the center, lightning bolts were coming out of it. I knew this symbol…. It was Raiden’s family crest. The Bolt family seal. This blade… “It belongs to the Bolts,” I said out loud. “You fool!” Lightning cried. “That blade is the key to Equestria, and my company’s future! It belongs to me!” I held up the blade in my hooves. “If it’s so important, do tell what it is,” I said, a smirk coming to my face, daring him to try and stop me. The stallion fumed, but finally gave in. “Fine, you’re as devious as your grandfather. That blade is the Daichi, a powerful blade forged hundreds of years before you were even born. It was made by the legendary swordsmith Muramasa, said to have been forged with a lightning spirit inside it.” “You don’t believe that of course,” I said. “What is fact,” Lightning said, “is that that blade generates a constant flow of electricity. It also has the power to generate storm clouds at the drop of a hat. Creating a storm in mere seconds.” A storm… in mere seconds… Lightning Dust said she saw a storm cloud vanish… There was a sword wound on Skyline's chest... I could be holding the murder weapon right here… “How can you use a sword if you can’t even hold it without getting zapped?” I asked. “Sadly, only the Bolt Family line has ever been able to use it,” Lightning smirked, “But, now that the blade is mine, I will find out it’s secrets. Once I do, I will create dozens of them, selling them to the army, and make my company the wealthiest in Equestria.” “I won’t let you use a sword you stole from the Bolts!” I yelled. “Stolen?” Lightning laughed. “You misunderstand Private Eye. Five years ago… that sword was given to me…” > Chapter 4 "Lightning Clash" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4 “Lightning Clash” “This was given to you?” I asked as I held the blade in my hooves. “Five years ago like I said,” Lighting Strike said, “Sold to me by that idiot son of the Bolt Family. The little bastard needed money to start off his career in music. He gave me the sword, I gave him a few cases of money towards a manager and he got discovered.” Raiden...he… “I don’t believe you,” I said firmly. “Believe what you want boy,” Strike said, “It won’t change the fact that once the police see the footage of you running around my building you can say goodbye to your job. I know a certain chief is more than happy to see you behind bars.” I glared at him, not giving in. “Of course, if you were to give me the sword right now, I’ll just pretend this never happened and you can be on your way,” Lightning Strike said, a grin on his fat face. “I don’t think so,” I said firmly, “Whether you tricked Raiden into giving you it or not, this still belongs to the Bolt Family. I’m going to return stolen goods.” “Won’t do you any good,” Lightning Strike said smugly. “I’ve still got the tapes.” Suddenly a guard came up and shouted: “Sir!” “What is it?” Lightning Strike said, turning his back on me. “Can’t you see I’m in the middle of destroying somepony’s life here?” “Sir! Those tapes you wanted! Somepony shut down the cameras!” The guard said frantically. “What?!” Lightning cried. “Tell me you caught this bastard on tape!” “If we did it wouldn’t matter sir!” The guard said, “All the tapes have been smashed to bits!” “Who did this?” Lighting demanded, and then glared at me. “One of your colleagues?” “Maybe your glowing personality earned you more enemies than you thought.” I said, a smirk on my face. “Screw the evidence!” Lightning cried, “Kill him n-” Suddenly a shadow descended from the ceiling and slammed down onto the guard. The other guards tried to shoot at him, but in a blur the shadow attacked a guard and bucked him in the face. The mystery pony was cloaked in a black bodysuit and balaclava, covering him from head to hoof. Though from the horn I could tell he was a unicorn. The unicorn grabbed the rifle from the fallen guard and opened fire on the other one. The guard was shot in the leg and yelled out a curse. I took this opportunity to sling the sword onto my back and leap over a shocked Lightning’s head. I ran off, the shadowy attacker was engaging more guards as I rounded a corner. Who was he? Whoever he was, he’s officially gotten onto my Hearth’s Warming card list. There was no time for subtlety right now. The alarms were blaring and it wouldn’t be long before guards found me. I made my way towards the elevator and didn’t look back. ______________________________________________________ Perspective: ?? I stood there as the guards all trained their guns on me. I bought Private enough time to escape. Also disposing of the evidence was a simple task as well. Those fools had no idea that a camera system can be easily tampered with. The guards surrounded me and I watched as Lightning Strike walked forward, I was lucky he was stupid enough not to see through my disguise. “Who are you?” He demanded, “Who do you work for?” “I work for no stallion except for me.” I answered simply. “Bullshit!” Lightning Strike cried, “You work for Private Eye don’t you?” I smiled under my balaclava, “In a way, he works for me.” “Then answer my question, who are you? You’ve obviously have combat training, you managed to knock out twelve of my best guards before we surrounded you,” Lightning said, glaring at me. My smile turned into a smirk, though he couldn’t see it. “Let’s just say, I’m somepony with really big plans. Plans that involve Private Eye remaining out of prison.” “You!” He said. “You’re the saboteur! You destroyed my evidence against Private Eye!” “Shall I give you a gold star for figuring that out?” I said, trying not to laugh. “You impudent fool!” Lightning Strike said. “Do you have any idea who I am?” “Yes, a dead man…” I said ominously...As my horn glowed… I raised my hooves and slammed them on the ground, suddenly black crystals came out of the floor and slammed themselves into the guards, pinning them to the walls. I didn’t kill any of them, but they would remember it next time. I looked on Lightning Strike, and slowly smirked….”Tick tock Lightning...my sister will visit soon…” “Wait!” Lightning Strike said, “ I’ll pay you anything! Don’t kill me!” “You’re making the mistake of thinking I want money,” I said. “I’m afraid I’m not interested in bribes…” “Then...what is it you want…?” He asked, looking nervous. I just leaped towards an airvent, looked back on him and said. “Penance” With that, I dove into the air vent and made my escape. Private should be back in the lobby by now. Clever using Raiden Bolt’s fame to get inside. You continue to impress me Private Eye… You will make an extremely valuable ally in the days to come… When Shadowhoof finally makes his move... ________________________________________________________ Perspective: Private I got out of the elevator to find the lobby still filled with fan girls. All of them were screaming of their undying obsession for everything Raiden. Geez, I hope it doesn’t get this bad once I have teenagers. Teenagers… means teenager boys...note to self, invest in baseball bat… “Private over here!” I heard Rainbow’s voice cry. I looked and saw her outside the door, waving to get my attention. I pushed and shoved my way through the screaming fangirls towards the outside. I hope I don’t lose my hearing over all this. I managed to get to the door and outside. Rainbow was standing there, looking at me, “Dude, you look like you wrestled with a Manticore.” “I sure feel like it,” I said. Rainbow looked at the Daichi tied on my back. “Whoa! Is that the sword?” She tried to touch it. “Rainbow don’t!” I said, getting out of the way of her hoof. “If you touch it, you’ll get zapped.” “Yeah, that could be bad.” Rainbow said, hovering away. “So, what’s this sword got to do with anything?” “I’ll explain later,” I said. “Do you know where your boyfriend is?” Rainbow looked around, “Come to think of it,” She said. “I haven’t seen him since that mob got to him.” “I’ll take this blade down to the morgue,” I said. “Forceps should be there with Skyline’s body. Maybe we can figure out how this weapon factors into all this. You try and find your boyfriend and we’ll meet up at the park.” “Right,” Rainbow said, zooming into the crowd to look for Raiden. Raiden...please tell me this is all a misunderstanding… _______________________________________________ “Well it definitely matches the cut all right.” Forceps said as he stood over Skyline’s corpse on the lab table. The morgue was a small, clean, stainless steel and white place. Cupboards lined the walls holding surgical equipment, a light-board for examining x-rays was along one wall. There were only two autopsy tables. Essentially basins that held the body of a deceased pony, that would drain bodily fluids as the operation was performed. “You think so?” I asked, holding the sword in the rubber hoof coverings I kept with me. “At least that’s what my guess would be,” Forceps said, “I haven’t seen the blade since you haven’t unsheathed that fruit slicer yet.” “Look you know why I can’t,” I said, warningly. “Yeah yeah,” The old black unicorn said, “we’ll all become stiffed served extra crispy.” “What can you tell me about the body?” I asked, looking at Skyline. “Welp,” Forceps said, “he put up one hell of a fight before he went down. Got bruises all over his chest and front legs.” He used his hoof to point out all the bruisings. “What was the ultimate cause of death?” I asked. “Kerzapping.” Forceps said and smirked at my expression, “Official term for he got himself zapped by lightning.” I rolled my eyes. “What about the sword cut?” I asked. “That was pre mortem, mere seconds before he died.” Forceps said. Hmm, maybe the blade didn’t so much as zap him, but acted as a marker for that storm cloud. Either way, this sword was way too dangerous to be given to somepony like Lightning Strike, what was Raiden thinking? I’m about to find out… _________________________________________________________ Central Park was a large oasis of green in the center of the big city, created around the time that the city, itself, was founded. Old oak trees lined a central field of grass, with a beautiful pond right in the center. I used to play here all the time when I was a kid. Potso, Moongale, Raiden, all of us kids just having a great time here among the trees. Now though, I couldn’t help but feel a little guilt over what I had to do. I looked ahead and saw Raiden and Rainbow sitting on a bench together. But, the air was tense around them, like it was about to explode at any minute. What happened while I was gone? “Hey dude,” Raiden said upon seeing me. But then his eyes grew wide as he saw Daichi slung on my back. “Care to tell us a few things Raiden?” Rainbow asked, an edge in her voice. “Look, guys I can explain,” Raiden began. “Explain to me how you sold a family heirloom to a guy who was a sleazebag?” I yelled. “Not only that, but an incredibly dangerous heirloom? One that killed somepony!?” “Look! That was years ago!” Raiden said, “I dropped out of college, I was desperate for money to jumpstart my career!” “That’s no excuse to sell something that belongs to your family!” Rainbow yelled. “It was years ago Rainbow!” Raiden argued, “I didn’t know who got it! Just a guy who was going to help me!” “The guy was Lightning Strike you dumbass!” I yelled. “How was I supposed to know?” Raiden asked. “Raiden…” I said slowly, “Where were you this morning?” “Dude, I…” Raiden began. “You wouldn’t tell me either!” Rainbow said, getting in his face. “Now spit it out!” “You know what!” Raiden cried, “I don’t go poking around in any of your lives! Things were perfectly fine before any of this shit happened!” “Perfectly fine!?” Rainbow cried, “You just don’t want to tell us! Did you kill Skyline?! Answer me!” “Rainbow I can’t believe you would think that!” Raiden cried, “I’m dumb I’ll admit but I’d never kill a guy!” “Then…” I said, my horn glowing, “explain this…” The sword glowed green as my DNA spell did it’s work. Slowly, Raiden turned green as well. Rainbow’s face was one of complete shock. Raiden looked at Rainbow, “Rainbow, I can explain…” “Raiden…” “It wasn’t me I swear!” Raiden said, “I had something personal to handle this morning you gotta believe me!” “Why the buck should I believe you!” Rainbow cried, “There’s a thing that a relationship is built on! It’s called trust! You could just tell me what’s wrong but your stupid brain says you can’t!” Uh oh… “You know what!” Raiden yelled, “From the moment I met you, you’ve always been harping on me! Raiden change this! Raiden be that! I can’t have a personal life? I can’t do things that I need to do? I have to announce every damn secret I got to the world! I didn’t kill him, I’ll say that much. But I sure as hell ain’t gonna put up with this anymore!” With that, he zoomed off into the sky. “YOU GET BACK HERE JACKASS!!” Rainbow zoomed after them. “Guys wait!” I yelled, but they were both gone. Geez...how could everything have gone so wrong… I thought Rainbow would be good for Raiden when I hooked them up. I thought she could change him, make him better. But, I think a part of Raiden will always resist change. That’s just the kind of stallion Raiden is… Sadly...Rainbow found that out the hard way… I heard a nearby phone booth ring. Once again, I was completely alone. I hated to answer somepony else’s call. But, this happened last time and I benefitted from it. I walked inside, and lifted the receiver to my ear with my magic. “Who’s this?” I asked. “Good to hear from you again Private Eye...I see my agent was able to get you out alright.” The distorted voice said on the other end. “Shadowhoof.” I said. “Good to see you remember my name, how are you feeling?” He asked. “What do you want?” I asked. “I know about that sword you have.” He said. “Yeah, what of it?” I asked. “Your friend Raiden seems to have caused quite a bit of trouble for his family, you should find out why…” “Hey hold o-” I began, but stopped once the click was heard. Whoever this guy was, he knew way too much. I only hope I don’t regret this… _________________________________________________________ I’ve never actually been inside the Bolt Family home. I remember Raiden walking inside the home after school. That’s how I knew where it was at. The building was practically a Neighpanese castle in the middle of the city. The highest part was in the center, looking as if somepony had stacked squarish buildings with curved triangular roofs atop one another. The windows were only in the middle, very seldom in the corners. It was roofed in slate tile, with white trim accentuating the whole aesthetic of the place. Compared to the glass and steel towers, this place had class. I walked up to the gate and pressed a button on the intercom. “Uh, hello?” I said. “Do you have an appointment?” A voice asked over the other end. “I’m an old friend of the family.” I said. “All visitors are required to make a two week no-” “Who’re you talking to?” Another voice said. “Ma’am! There’s somep-” “Just go check the electric fence or something.” The voice said, and then spoke up, “What is it? Who are you? What do you want?” “Private Phelps Eye,” I said with a smile. The gate before me opened and standing there was none other than Mrs. Haruhi Bolt herself. Her coat black as night and her mane long and gold colored. Her eyes are the same yellow as Raiden and they are oriental as well, showcasing her heritage. She's clad in a light sky colored kimono with some lightning bolts sewn as well as flowers. Although her features showed age, she still held the same tranquil beauty I remember her having. When she looked at me, she blinked and said, “By Celestia you’ve gotten big.” I bowed and said, “Mrs. Bolt.” She bowed in turn and said, “I must admit, I wasn’t expec-” She then looked at my back, and saw the sword. “Where did you get that?” She asked. “It’s kind of a long story…” _________________________________________________________ I sat on my haunches in what had to be the living room of the house. I would suppose it is a living room. A rice paper screen door separated me from the outside garden. Between me and my host was a small table barely coming to the curve of my haunch. I was sitting on a cushion that the Neighpanese tended to use for chairs in their home. The room, itself, had wood and rice paper as its main aesthetic feature. The wood in a mellow golden finish, and varnished to a high shine. Sitting in front of me was none other than Arashi Bolt himself. He was the same age as my father, well into his fifties although still looking fit as a fiddle. His coat was as dark as Raiden’s, his mane was short and black, streaks of grey were showing. It wouldn’t be long before his hair completely turned silver. His stature was tall and he was in good shape despite his age. His wings were tucked at his sides, covering part of the business suit he wore. His golden eyes were trained on me. When he spoke, it was with an air of confidence and respect, “Private Eye, the last time I saw you was at my son’s graduation from High School.” “It has been a while,” I said. “Eight Years,” Arashi said, “to be exact. Now you come into my home unannounced, bearing my family’s most prized possession, and tell me that it was involved in a murder.” “I know it’s a lot to swallow,” I replied, “but, you gotta believe me.” “I do believe you,” He said. “What I want is answers, as do you.” “Please allow me to ask the questions first,” I said. He narrowed his eyes for a minute, and finally said, “I worked with and respected your father for many years. You have also proven to have an honorable heart and a disposition towards good. I will tell you what I can.” “Then tell me,” I pointed to the Daichi sitting between us. “Just what is this?” Arashi reached for the handle, without hesitating he pulled the blade out of it’s scabbard. I braced myself to get zapped but, no zap came. Instead Arashi held the blade in his hooves. The blade was long and curved, and looked like it could slice a hair in half by it simply falling on the edge. Sparks were emanating from the blade and the occasional lightning bolt shot but hit nothing. Arashi slowly returned the blade to its scabbard, he was completely unharmed. “It has been years since I held the Daichi. She still sings her song wonderfully.” “What...is it?” I asked. “I’m sure Lightning Strike told you the legend,” Arashi said. “But, I’m to tell you the truth. Just why this blade is so important, and why only my family can wield it.” “I’ve got time…” I said slowly. Arashi looked at the blade and said, “Once, over a thousand years ago, my ancestor almost conquered the whole of Equestria with this. My family and I...are among the last of the Narukami, pegasi imbued with lightning itself.” > Chapter 5 "A Song of Thunder and Lightning" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5 “A Song of Thunder and Lightening” Arashi set the blade down in front of me. I blinked after what he just said. “So,” I began, “You’re saying your family are some kind of special pegasi?” I asked. “In a sense, yes we are.” Arashi said, “It all began about fifty years before the Hearth’s Warming Eve story. Back then, the tribes were still divided and the land was starting to show the influence of the windegoes.” I nodded and let him continue. “Around that time there was a pegasus stallion named Olympus, a general in what would become Commander Hurricane’s regiment. He was a stallion who wasn’t afraid to use unorthodox techniques to take down dragons that would invade the tribe’s lands. Olympus was frustrated by the bigotry and close mindedness of his tribe, and was fascinated by unicorns, beings of magic and wonder. His contemporaries ostracized him for his views and threatened to have him dishonorably discharged from the army.” “They would kick him out because of that?” I asked. “You have to remember it was a far different time,” Arashi explained. “To even consider working with another tribe was practically heresy among the divided tribes.” “So, he didn’t take this sitting down I imagined,” I guessed. “No, not at all,” Arashi said, shaking his head. “He sought to prove that ponykind could benefit from an alliance with the other tribes. So, he got his best friend, a unicorn stallion named Weaver, to see if pegasi could be enhanced by magic. Everything was going fine, until a stray lightning bolt struck Weaver during the ritual. Olympus was hit by the lightning and it entwined with his very being. He became the first Narukami.” “What is a Narukami exactly?” I asked. “In Neighpanese, it means lightning god.” Arashi explained, “A Narukami is a pegasi who cannot be hurt by lightning or electricity. They also have the ability to harness lightning to some extent.” “So, when Raiden said he had conductors in his wings…” I said. “He lied,” Arashi said frankly. “He took steps to keep the Narukami line a secret.” “Why keep it a secret?” I asked. “Because of what happened after Olympus discovered his power,” Arashi said. “Once high command found out about what happened, they banished Olympus. They saw him as an abomination and a taint on the purity of their people. They would not suffer a pegasi touched by unicorn magic in their ranks.” I’m starting to get flashbacks of Lunard’s ideals here...no wonder the Windigos came… Arashi went on, “After that, he took his wife and fled towards the island that would one day be called Neighpan. There, he used his power to unite the warring natives under one banner and crowned himself Shogun of the Thunder.” “So, you guys are royalty in a sense,” I said, blinking. “In a sense yes,” Arashi said, nodding. “The ponies of Neighpan survived the Windigo incident, and lived in a culture all their own. The power of Olympus passed down to his child, and to his child’s child. The Narukami ruled the land for centuries, their power keeping them on the throne. Until it reached Raiugami, the last emperor.” “How’d he get dethroned?” I asked. “Celestia,” Arashi answered. “She kicked him off?” I asked, a little shocked. “Raiugami kicked himself off to be honest,” He replied. “Celestia was uniting the tribes at that point in history. Uniting all the different small nations under one banner of Equestria. But when Celestia came to Neighpan, Raiugami foolishly challenged the princess to a duel. He was a brash and overconfident stallion, since none have managed to topple a Narukami, the people believed Celestia had no chance.” “She proved him wrong, obviously,” I said. “Yes,” He replied. “She used his own hubris against him. Dodging and weaving around his lightning strikes, forcing him to enter a war of attrition. He lost, spent of energy because Celestia simply refused to take a hit. Although Celestia was merciful to the emperor, his people weren’t. Suddenly it was a possibility that the Narukami could be killed. They were no longer gods, just obstacles in the way of Neighpan’s progress. Raiugami was killed by an assassin in his sleep.” “But, that wasn’t the end of the Narukami wasn’t it?” I guessed. “Not by a long shot,” Arashi explained. “His son managed to escape the riots and assassins and lived a life of solitude in Neighpan. Hidden away in the mountains his descendents lived. Until my father left Neighpan and came here seeking opportunity.” “And that’s why you guys are here in Manehatten,” I concluded. “But what is with the sword?” “The Daichi was Olympus’ sword,” Arashi explained, “to be used by the emperor and to be passed down to the most worthy son in the family.” “I noticed you didn’t say eldest,” I added. Arashi closed his eyes, and said sorrowfully, “Sometimes, a family is hit by tragedy, and we have no choice but to make decisions we regret later.” “Is Raiden one of them?” I asked. He was quiet for a while, looking down at the blade as if it were an indecipherable manuscript. He finally spoke after about a minute, “He, told you about Raiun I trust?” “That he’s essentially a clone of his eldest brother?” I asked. “Who right now is little more than a hollow shell?” “Yes,” Arashi said. “Why did you do it?” I asked. “Because, we...no...I couldn’t let go,” He said. “Raiun was the greatest of my sons. Intelligent, strong, brilliant with his lightning abilities. He was the one I was going to give the Daichi to.” “But an accident changed that.” I said. “Yes,” He said, his voice showcasing sorrow. “An electric surge hit him, his powers of lightning resistance were weakened because he was using them to build his suit. His lightning was inside the machine and it backfired, hitting him and damaging his brain and bodily functions beyond repair.” “So you created Raiun 2.0,” I said. “My second son, Soyokaze,” Arashi said, “helped with the process. He’s a doctor, specializing in genetics. It was his doing that helped my wife give birth to my son again.” “Did you ever think about how Raiden would feel?” I asked. “No, I didn’t,” Arashi admitted. “I only wanted my son back. That was what tore apart this family.” “But instead of a perfect copy of your perfect boy you got Raiden,” I said. “Who rebelled every step of the way against being Raiun.” “I did everything for Raiden!” Arashi yelled. “I treated him with the same love and care I would any one of my children! But what did he do? He spat back at me! I wanted the best for him!” “No, you wanted Raiun. You wanted Raiden to be Raiun,” I said, simply. Arashi was silent after that. “I think I know why Raiden never invited me for sleepovers at his house,” I said. Arashi looked down after that, “It seems all has come to light.” “Not entirely,” I said. “I still need to know, do you know where everypony in your family that looks like Raiden has been?” “Why is that important?” Arashi said with a raised eyebrow. “Because,” I said. “There’s only two possibilities, either one of the family is the killer, or somepony is growing Raiuns too…” ___________________________________________________________ I stepped outside the house, leaving behind the Daichi where it belongs. I saw a rainbow colored blur zooming across the sky. I waved and the blur stopped. I saw Rainbow, she didn’t look happy at all as she flew down towards me. She landed in front of me, with a look that could kill. “That no good jerk just left! Just flew off to who knows where! Not willing to tell me anything! Of all the jerks I could’ve gotten why’d I have to get the one that knows the city?” “Rainbow,” I walked to her and put a hoof on her shoulder, “We need to talk.” I spent the next ten minutes explaining everything. I even told her about Raiden being a clone. Rainbow’s jaw dropped at that revelation but she was quiet throughout. When I finished, she finally said, “I guess, it puts his showing off into perspective huh?” “He just wanted to be, unique I guess.” I said. “It’s still dumb that he didn’t tell me any of this!” Rainbow ranted. “Would you have honestly believed him?” I asked. “Private, we live in a world where you use magic, Twilight has a dragon assistant, I sleep on a cloud, and have officially done a Sonic Rainboom twice for Celestia’s sake! I would’ve understood! I would’ve tried to help! All this shows is that he doesn’t trust me!” Rainbow groaned. “Stallions are so dumb!” “Ahem?” I said, giving her a look. “Twilight would agree with me,” Rainbow said. “We all still remember how you acted before the coronation.” Sad but true. “Thing is, he still said that he wasn’t there at the Academy,” Rainbow said. “How did he answer when you asked?” “He was shocked, asked me if I was okay before taking off when I asked him where he was again,” Rainbow groaned again. “So, he wasn’t at the academy,” I said. “He didn’t know where the murder took place. That leaves the possibility.” “That what?” Rainbow interjected. “That another clone of Raiden is running around?” I nodded, “I think I know where to start looking.” ___________________________________________________________ The lab itself wasn’t hard to find. In fact it was pretty easy since Soyokaze is actually a well published geneticist. The guy was in the medical journals, health magazines, he even had a couple books that Twilight had in her library on the subject of genetics. The place was nothing spectacular: A simple square building in midtown that sat among the smaller buildings of Manehatten. Inside there was the simple, flowing lines of Neighpanese architecture, but done with modern materials, like aluminium, and plexiglass making use of the Bolt colors of black with yellow highlights. The overall feel of the lobby, at least, was clean, and very modern. Rainbow and I walked up to the secretary, a twenty something pegasus stallion with a short blond mane and a bright red coat. He looked up at us, “Do you have an appointment with Dr. Bolt?” “We need to see him right now.” Rainbow said, “It’s an emergency!” “What kind of emergency?” The secretary asked. “The kind where you could lose your job for denying the royal consort and his accomplice entrance.” I said. I hated to pull rank but it was necessary for us to get in. The secretary blinked and his eyes widened in recognition “You’re Private Eye! The guy who’s married to the princess!” “That’s kind of what a consort is, dude,” Rainbow snarked. “I’ll contact Dr. Bolt right away sir!” The secretary said, “His personal lab is on the third floor! To your right, you can’t miss it!” “Thank you good sir.” I said, in a imitation of a posh canterlot tone. That got a chuckle out of Rainbow as we made our way towards the elevator. We made our way through the building until we found the door we were looking for. We knocked and a voice called on the outside. “Come in! But don’t touch any of the beakers!” Rainbow and I looked at each other and stepped in. It was a typical lab, filled with various machines for decoding genetic codes. Including a mass spectrometer, and the light boards to examine genetic codes. Petri dishes, test tubes and other various scientific tools lined the counters of the lab. Papers dotted the walls and journals were strewn here and there on the tables. At one of these counters was a thirty something year old pegasus stallion with a long black mane that came to his shoulders. His white lab coat stuck out against his black coat and his equally dark wings stuck out as well. When we came in, he looked at us with slightly annoyed yellow eyes. “I told Copy Paste to not let ponies i-” He stopped when he saw who I was. “Soyokaze?” I said. “Private, I’ve not seen you in years,” Soyokaze said, adjusting a pair of glasses on his muzzle. “What can I do for you and your friend here?” “You’re the guy who cloned Raiun?” Rainbow asked. “How the hell do you know about that?” Soyokaze said, zooming over to the door, sticking his head out, and then coming back in. “Arashi told us,” I answered firmly. “Right, dear father was always sentimental,” Soyokaze said, rolling his eyes. “What can I help you with?” I spent the next few minutes explaining the case to him. Soyokaze’s face never wavered as he listened. He was a little shocked when I suggested another clone could have done it. “That would be impossible,” Soyokaze said. “How would it be impossible?” Rainbow asked, “Can’t you make a test tube clone or something?” “That’s the stuff of science fiction novels.” Soyokaze said, adjusting his glasses. “A real clone still needs a birth mother to carry the baby. Since mother is beyond the age of childbirth, she cannot make another clone of Raiun.” “So Raiden doesn’t have a twin brother or something?” Rainbow asked. “No my dear, I’m afraid Raiden’s got himself into quite the pickle this time.” Soyokaze said, I couldn’t help but notice a slight glint in his eye. “Since Raiden’s got DNA on the sword…” Rainbow said slowly. “Raiden is sadly still the prime suspect I would imagine,” Soyokaze answered. I spoke up, “So, where were you during the murder?” “I was attending a business meeting at another company.” Soyokaze answered, “I learned that they were interested in my research so I spent the day over there. My secretary can tell you I was there the whole time.” “Right, sorry to bother you.” Rainbow said. “If you both will excuse me,” Soyokaze said, going back to his research, “I have more important matters than dealing with Raiden’s antics.” With that, we walked back outside. But not before I used my magic to pull out a small book hanging out of Soyokaze’s pocket… ________________________________________________ Outside on the streets I saw a sight I didn’t expect to see...Raiden. Raiden sat there on the sidewalk and just looked down. Rainbow was noticeably quiet and I said, “Raiden, what are you doing here?” “I guess, word came out huh?” Raiden said. “That you’re a clone?” Rainbow said, looking at Raiden. “Why didn’t you tell me?” “What was I supposed to say?” Raiden began. “That I’m a clone? That I’m descended from some emperor who could shoot lightning? That I’m Raiun 2.0?” “You could’ve just told me and I would’ve understood!” Rainbow yelled. “No you wouldn’t have! You’re just saying that to try and make yourself right as usual!” Raiden spat at her. “What’s that supposed to mean!?” Rainbow yelled. “SHUT UP BOTH OF YOU!” I yelled, glaring at them both. “You guys are fighting like kids! Raiden didn’t tell you Rainbow! Rainbow wants you to trust her Raiden! Somepony just get it before I smack you both!” They were both quiet for a minute. Before Rainbow started slowly turning away. “Rainbow?” I said. “I’m going back to the academy,” Rainbow said, walking away. “But, Rainbow babe come on…” Raiden tried to say. “No,” Rainbow said, looking back at Raiden. “If you wanna trust me again, you know where I’ll be…” She spread her wings and zoomed off into the sky before anypony could say anything. Raiden’s wings drooped at that. “Well, I went and screwed it up now…” he said. “Raiden...where were you really?” I said. Raiden looked down at his hooves and said, “I was at the hospital. Where Raiun is…” “You...were…?” I said, a little shocked. “I visit him on the same day every year,” Raiden said, and then sighed, “My birthday.” “You mean to tell me your dad had you born on the same day as Raiun?” I said, a little shocked and creeped out. Raiden slowly just nodded. “Raiden, we’ve known eachother since we got our cutie marks,” I said. “Why didn’t you tell me?” “I…” Raiden said, shaking his head, “None of us were supposed to talk about it anyways. I didn’t tell you because you were the first pony not in the know. You treated me like any normal pony and not Raiun 2.0.” “You still could’ve invited me over when we were teenagers or something,” I said. “I would’ve tried to help.” “No, and you know why?” Raiden said, suddenly getting in my face. “Because you’re freaking Private Phelps Eye! You are the kind of son my dad wanted! Every time I went to your place it was the same thing! Dad constantly telling your dad how well behaved and smart and great you are! I got sick of hearing it! I….” He closed his eyes. “I didn’t want you to come because I was jealous…” “Me?” I said, blinking. “You were jealous of me?” “Only, because you put a mirror to what I was doing,” Raiden said. “I hated the fact that you didn’t have to try to have a good relationship with your parents. You were you, and dad liked that.” “Raiden, is that why you sold the Daichi?” I asked. “Because you wanted to get back at your dad?” “Yeah…” He said, “I didn’t want to take up that sword. It belonged to Raiun, not me.” “Yet you still visit him?” I asked, “Your brother.” “The first time was when I was thirteen,” Raiden sighed. “I found out where he was being cared for and wanted to pull the plug. But, you should see him Private. He just sits there, so utterly peaceful. Nopony asks him to do anything. Nopony expects anything from him. In a way...he got the good deal…” “Raiden,” I said. “You didn’t kill Skyline.” “No, dude,” He shook his head. “I wouldn’t kill anypony. I’m not that messed up.” “But,” I said, “if we’re going to find out how a lookalike of you showed up to do the deed. Then, we need to go to the stallion who started this.” “Dude, I haven’t spoken to him in five years.” “Then it’s about time you started reconciling with your father. Trust me, you’ll an easier time without worrying about a god of chaos screwing with you.” > Chapter 6 "Lightning's Final Fury" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 6 “Lightning’s Final Fury” Raiden and I made our way back to the house. Mrs Bolt wasn’t there to greet us. Instead, the door was wide open as soon as Raiden came into view. I looked at Raiden, “Are you sure you’re ready for this?” I asked. “Dude, I’ve been putting it off long enough,” Raiden replied. “It’s time I faced Dad.” With that, we walked inside the large house. Raiden led the way through the many halls of the Neighpanese style home. We stopped when we came to a large chamber, there were only a few windows. They were provided the only light pillowing into the room. Sitting at the far side was Arashi himself. He kept a cold look as Raiden and I stood there. After a minute of silence, Arashi spoke, “You’ve grown a little.” Raiden replied, “You’ve gotten older Dad.” Arashi stood, the Daichi sitting beside him. “So, after five years of nary a word from you, you have the gall to stand in my home,” He said. “It was hardly my home, Dad,” Raiden glowered. “It belonged to somepony else.” “Everything I did was for you my son,” Arashi said. “The schools, the counselors, the tutors, the connections, everything you would’ve needed to start a life for yourself.” “I didn’t exactly get a choice in the matter,” Raiden shot back, flaring his wings. “Oh you got a choice,” Arashi said, his normally calm voice rising. “It was to turn your back on your family and everything that was important!” “So you could live out your fantasy of having Raiun back?!” Raiden yelled. “Don’t you dare speak that name!” Arashi fired back. “No! I will say it!” Raiden said, stamping his hoof. “Because I’m sick and tired of you thinking I have to be a certain way! Well guess what! I became a rock star! I have fans around the world! I got to where I am today by my own two hooves! No thanks to you!” “Your, music as you call it, was nothing more than a waste of time…” Arashi said coldly. “Arashi!” I yelled, “just listen to Raiden! His cutie mark says he’s supposed to be a musician! He does have that! Why can’t you be satisfied with what he accomplished?” “Because he chooses to waste his life with useless uncultured music!” Arashi glared at me. “In a few years, his fans will abandon him for the next big fad. His music will end up on some radio station to be played when nothing else is on. He’ll end up like every rock star, washed up and forgotten by the society he’s helping to create.” “That does it!” Raiden said, his eyes were glowing… I leapt out of the way just in time for Raiden’s wings to suddenly spark with electricity. He flapped his wings and twin lightning bolts shot towards Arashi. Arashi’s face was calm as unsheathed the Daichi in the blink of an eye. The lightning went into the blade and was absorbed. The lightning danced around the blade as Arashi held it. “This, was to be my gift to you…” He said. “I never wanted it, Dad...that’s why I gave it up,” Raiden said, his eyes returning to normal. “Then taste what you threw away!” Arashi swung the blade and a beam of lightning shot from it. I watched as Raiden launched another twin bolts of lightning at them. The bolts barely made a dent as the beam hit Raiden square in the chest. I watched as Raiden crashed into the wall and fell to the floor. I ran to him, “Raiden are you okay?” “I may be immune to getting shocked,” Raiden said, “but the force still hurts like hell.” I looked over at Arashi, he stood there coldly. “How could you do that to your own son?” “Stay out of this Private Eye,” Arashi warned, brandishing the Daichi, “This is between my son and me.” “I won’t let you hurt my friend,” I said, standing between them. “This fight has gone on long enough.” “Why do you stand with him?” Arashi said. “He’s done nothing for you.” “Why do you insist on stopping him from doing what he loves?” I asked in turn. Arashi glared at me. “Because it is not what he was supposed to do with his life! He was supposed to be a great stallion, contributing to the betterment of ponykind! Instead he chose to become something that degrades our culture, and leads young foals astray into a life of decadence and rebellion!” “Society would never grow if children didn’t rebel,” I said. “But, if you don’t stop this, I will.” I slowly slipped off the horse shoe on my hind leg. “I don’t want to hurt you Private,” Arashi said, holding the blade. “But if you refuse to move, I will push,” He swung the blade again, launching yet another bolt of lightning…. Into my levitated horseshoe. I smiled as the electricity went straight into it. Arashi blinked at the sight of it. “Turns out,” I said, “Silver is one of the most conductive elements in existence. Your electricity can’t ignore it.” “Clever,” Arashi said, a smile coming to his face. Thank you, Voidera. I tossed the electrified horseshoe aside with my magic. The wood on the floor would absorb most of the shock. I was about to retaliate, when Raiden zoomed out from behind me and tackled his father. The two tussled for a minute, I had to stand back to avoid the sparks of lightning coming from both of their wings. “Every minute of my life was spent trying to get away from you!” Raiden cried. “You turned your back on me! Your mother! Your brothers! Everything that mattered!” Arashi yelled, trying to punch Raiden. Raiden dodged and tried to give a buck to his father, it missed too. “I wanted to live!” “I wanted my son!” Arashi cried, and they stood back from one another. Lightning was covering them from head to hoof. I couldn’t get closer if I tried. “YOU’RE STUCK WITH ME!!!” Raiden yelled, and the two were about to clash… WHOOSH!! Suddenly a black blur flew past me, and I watched with amazement as Haruhi was holding both of them back. Raiden’s mother had her hooves extended, blocking both of the beams of lightning before they could clash. “You...boys...need…” She said, under a lot of strain “TO CALM DOWN!!” Her wings spread and blue sparks of lightning shot out. Suddenly Arashi and Raiden crashed into opposite walls. Haruhi gently landed on the ground, breathing heavily but unharmed. She glared at Arashi. “Our son is home! For five years we’ve only heard about him on the news! Five years of him being gone and this is what you do?” She picked up the Daichi, she must be a Narukami too since it didn’t hurt her. “You attack him! You didn’t even bother to listen!” “Haruhi…” Arashi tried to say. “Arashi, I do love you, but you need to face the facts. Our son grew up the way he wanted, not into what you wanted. Raiun is gone, and while we all miss him, you can’t use Raiden as a means to ignore the pain,” Haruhi said, and then walked over to Raiden. Raiden looked up at his mother for the first time in five years. At first he didn’t say anything, just looked at her. I saw a line of guilt pass over his eyes. “Raiden,” Haruhi said. “Mom,” Raiden said in turn. “I...I missed you.” “My son,” Haruhi said, pulling him into a hug. “You’re home.” “Mom...after…” Raiden blinked, a tear entering his eyes. “Regardless of how boneheaded you both are,” Haruhi said, maintaining her hug. “You’re still my boy. No matter how you came about. Your father and I only wanted what was best. But, we let our grief over Raiun cloud us to who you really are. That is your own pony. You are a talented musician, you have a right to use that talent however you want.” “Mom,” Raiden hugged his mother in turn. For a minute...I put myself in Raiden’s place..being hugged by my own mother… I shook my head and watched Arashi walk over. The look on his face was one of sheer guilt and pain. Raiden looked up at him. The father and son simply stared at one another. Before, Haruhi opened the hug. “Let’s put aside the past, and enjoy the now. Our son was lost, and now is found,” she said. Arashi looked on his son again. He finally choked out, “Raiden, I…” “Dad,” Raiden blinked away his tears, “just, let the corny family moment happen kay?” Arashi smiled and for the first time in ages, the Bolt family came together in a group hug. I watched them hold each other and a smile came to my face. I collected my horseshoe. Just then, I caught a glint out of the corner of my eye, I turned and quickly aimed Blackbird in my magic and fired a shot at the door. “Nice try...Soyokaze…” The rest of the Bolt family stood as Soyokaze came from behind the door, a gun in his teeth. He put it down as he saw me. “Soyokaze?” Haruhi said, “What are you doing here?” “Seeing that thing get what should rightfully be mine.” Soyokaze said. “What are you talking about bro?” Raiden asked. “He wanted that fight to turn a lot bloodier than it did,” I said. “What is the meaning of this?” Arashi demanded. “He’s the one who killed Skyline,” I said. “What?” Raiden uttered, looking at his brother. “Dude why?” “I don’t know what he’s talking about,” Soyokaze said, and then looked to Arashi, “Father you simply cannot let this thing take the mantle of the family!” “Don’t call me a thing!” Raiden growled. “You did kill Skyline, to make it look like Raiden was the murderer.” I said, “You wanted Raiden to be blamed so that you would get everything.” “Explain yourself!” Arashi yelled at Soyokaze. “I’ll do it for him,” I said, keeping my gun on the doctor. “Truth is, he found out about Skyline, knew he was being sent to investigate the Daichi being held by Lightning Electronics. He found it out because according to this.” I held up the book I swiped from Soyokaze earlier. “He was the one who treated Skyline’s sister.” “So I helped a pony in need,” Soyokaze said. “That doesn’t prove that I killed Skyline!” “No, it proves you had a connection,” I said. “Arashi sent Skyline to Lightning Electronics to look for the Daichi. After he found out he went back and told Arashi about it. Skyline then went into hiding. Which you found out who he was because of your association with Skyline’s sister. You then told Lightning Strike about it, and the plan was set. You knew I was going to try and take the blade back. You made sure...that Raiden’s DNA would be all over it.” Soyokaze’s eye twitched as the truth slowly came to light. “I found it a little odd that the place was so easy to get into,” I observed. “Plus Lightning Strike was waiting for me, with cameras and all. As if somepony tipped him off.” “Dude!” Raiden shouted. “You knew he was going to try and break in!” “Ridiculous!” Soyokaze scoffed. “Would make sense for you to have access to Raiden’s DNA, being a geneticist and all. Plus, having Raiden’s DNA on hoof when you grew him.” I said. “But the DNA is on the sword!” Soyokaze shouted. “Surely that is proof enough!” “Maybe…” I said, taking the Daichi in my magic. “But what happens if we use a DNA spell...not on the blade itself...but on this.” I levitated up Soyokaze’s gun. I used my DNA spell, the blade, the gun and Raiden all glowed green… So did Soyokaze… “Now let’s get rid of Raiden’s DNA from the glow,” I said, and slowly Raiden stopped glowing. Soyokaze didn’t. “If you were truly innocent, you wouldn’t be glowing right now. Your DNA is still on the blade, plus Raiden has an alibi, visiting Raiun during the time of the murder. Your perfect ship of a story just hit the iceberg,” I said, smirking. “Soyokaze, why?” Haruhi asked. “He is your brother, why would you try to frame him?” “Because he isn’t my brother!” Soyokaze glowered. “The only reason I created that thing was to get father to stop droning on about Raiun this, Raiun that! I should be holding the mantle of the family! Not some home grown brat!” “Dude, I didn’t even want to take over the family,” Raiden declared, and then he blinked. “You were the one who said I should sell the Daichi.” “I did it so that maybe, finally, Father would disown you and make me head of the family.” Soyokaze said maniacally. “But no, precious little Raiden was more important than I ever was! Just like when Raiun was still breathing on his own! They praised him constantly! I was left in his shadow never to be seen again!” “I named Raiden the heir,” Arashi said. “For this reason exactly. I knew you were always jealous of your elder brother’s natural talent. I didn’t think you would go so far as to murder an employee and try and frame your own brother! That is not even worthy of the word dishonorable. It’s sickening.” “You never understood, Father,” Soyokaze said. “But...now I’m going to make that thing suffer…” He glared at Raiden, “I’ll prove to the world just how powerful the Narukami are!!” Suddenly he grabbed the gun out of my magic and shot Arashi in the leg. Arashi let out a cry of pain as Soyokaze flew out the window and into the sky. “Arashi!” Haruhi cried, going to her husband. “Damn fool.” Arashi cursed as he held his leg. “Dad you gonna be okay?” Raiden said frantically. “Don’t worry about me!” Arashi said urgently. “Go and stop him!” “But where was he heading?” Raiden asked. I looked out the window and towards the clouds. “The Wonderbolt Academy…” “There?” Raiden asked. “Think about it, if he wants to prove he’s the best in the world and make you suffer. He’ll go right for those closest to you.” I said warningly. Raiden slowly growled, “If that asshole thinks he can lay a hoof on Rainbow I’ll kill him myself!” “Raiden,” Arashi said, picking up the Daichi, “take this.” “Dad…” Raiden said, looking at him. “Do it, to restore honor to the family,” Arashi said, a smile coming to his face. Raiden took the sword and looked to me. “Come on, we got a maniac to stop.” ________________________________________________________________ Raiden and I managed to find to find one the Sky Chariot we left behind. Luckily nopony made off with it. We flew towards the Wonderbolt Academy to find the place in absolute chaos. Storm clouds gathered around the training grounds and the place looked like the keep of some evil villain. Not too far from the truth to be honest. The clouds roiled, and the cadets had been scattered. The Wonderbolts were trying to get everypony to safety, as best they can, but at least two felt like they had to be big damn heroes. They were the ones being pulled away by some medics. Raiden and I looked to see in the center was Soyokaze… He was wearing armor… He was wearing armor similar to Raiden’s that I’ve seen. Only the markings were different and it had a sleeker design than what Raiden’s had. Soyokaze reached up his hoof and fired a lightning bolt towards a group of retreating cadets. “That’s right! Run before the power of a lightning god!” he shouted manically. Raiden came to a landing and I saw Spitfire being carried off by Soarin. Raiden and I ran to the pair, “Is she okay?” I asked. “‘She’ is fine thank you,” Spitfire said, sounding a little weak. “I tried to hold him off, got zapped myself. Man, hadn’t had a good jolt like that in years.” “Can we not be impressed by the guy that nearly fried you?” Soarin said. “Ah you big lug I’ll be fine,” Spitfire said. “You get her to safety,” I told Soarin, “Where’s Rainbow Dash?” “Flying towards that jerk now.” Soarin said, pointing. Raiden and I looked up as Rainbow outright tackled Soyokaze in the air. The Narukami flew off and glared at her through the suit’s visor. “Well well, if it isn’t Raiden’s little mare coming to play.” He mocked. “I’m nopony’s little mare thank you very much!” Rainbow growled at him. “I’m here to kick your flank from here to Las Pegasus.” “You? The Wonderbolts couldn’t even touch me in this armor! Even without it! My power is infinite!” He shouted, raising his hooves and lightning gathered from the clouds. “Dude, no wonder he picked the Wonderbolt academy to attack,” Raiden said, “You got a bunch of clouds there just waiting to become storms.” “Not if I can help it!” I yelled, pulling out Blackbird and firing at Soyokaze. The bullets bounced harmlessly off the suit’s metal plating. He looked down at us and laughed, “So the prodigal clone and the pathetic hybrid have come to play.” “It ends now!” I yelled. “Of course it does, the end of you all.” Soyokaze said, laughing with insanity. “For too long we Narukami have had to hide in the shadows! Praying that none would find out who we are! But with this power, and the suit that Raiun oh so generously left behind, I can take over this world. The sheer amount of money that Lighting Strike was willing to offer for the schematics would set me for life.” “You would trade away your family for money?” Rainbow said, glaring at him. “They traded away what was rightfully mine for stupid sentimentality! They had me build a clone of Raiun! A perfect copy! But I will do what Raiun refused to do! I will make weapons and take Equestria…” The lighting reached it’s apex… “By Storm…” Suddenly a huge lightning bolt was about to hit Rainbow. Raiden flew in the path of the bolt, taking the hit for her. The force sent him flying back towards a building. Raiden crashed into the roof and Rainbow flew after him. Before I could run back, a black flying object was making it’s way towards where Raiden crashed. Before Rainbow could reach Raiden, the object did. I remember it… After a minute, Raiden re emerged, clad in the suit and flying towards Soyokaze. Raiden delivered a hard punch that hit Soyokaze square in the stomach. Soyokaze flew back but came at Raiden. Rainbow flew down towards me, “Private, what the hay is going on?” She asked. “Short version,” I said quickly, “Soyokaze is the real killer, he’s got a grudge against Raiden for existing, and he’s hell bent on taking you out to make Raiden suffer.” “Ray…” Rainbow said, looking down. “Snap out of it Rainbow,” I said. “I got an idea…” ___________________________________________________________ Perspective: Raiden I flew towards Soyokaze and slammed my hoof into his stomach. That sent him flying but it wasn’t long before he recovered. He fired a bolt of lightning at me that missed. I hit him with another bolt of lightning that knocked him back a few feet. “You really are using that old klunker?” Soyokaze laughed, “The Mark VIII is far superior to your measly Mark VII” “Hey, gotta respect the classics,” My metallic voice said. “But I’m far from respecting you.” “You really think Father is going to just let you back in?” Soyokaze said, “After all you’ve done to destroy this family? What a joke.” “The only joke here is you.” I said, glaring at him. “You killed my dad’s friend, you try and frame me, that I can deal with. But you had the absolute idiocy to try and hurt Rainbow! That alone…” I reached behind me and pulled out the Daichi. “Erased whatever idea of mercy was left in my heart…” I charged at him, swinging the Daichi. I managed to cut into some of the equipment on his left leg. That’s one lightning shooter down. He turned and bucked me in the face however. “Sir,” Neko said in my ear, “The Mark VII was still under repairs after the Battle of Ponyville. Chances of maintaining power are odds you really don’t wanna hear.” “Thanks Neko,” I said sarcastically. “I’ll remember to give you a raise later.” With that, I charged at Soyokaze again. This time I threw a bolt of lightning first, this one hit him in the chest. With that distraction, I swung the Daichi at him. But he blocked it with a shield that came out of his right leg. I was knocked back by a punch and had to regain my balance for a bit. “Like the new upgrades brother?” Soyokaze taunted, “Here’s some more…” He held up his leg and tiny missiles came out of the folds. I flew away as fast as I could as he launched them towards me. I flew towards one of the training areas, one with fans blowing on clouds, and made my way through it. Some of the missiles got hit by the clouds themselves, while others still were on my tail. “Launch flares!” I yelled. “Launching flares,” Neko replied. Out of my back came flares that the missiles homed on to. Well, most of them. I was hit in the back by one, that one sent me flying towards a fan. I turned around and activated my lightning shooters to thrust myself away from crashing. I do owe the Academy a fan now however. I flew towards Soyokaze and brandished the Daichi. Soyokaze lifted his hooves to the sky, he was gathering lightning again. “Neko, options,” I demanded quickly. “Thunderbird is out of the question,” He said. “That system has not been restored yet.” I looked at the Daichi. I knew it could absorb most of the blast… I held the blade in my hooves in a defensive position as Soyokaze yelled, “Die you clone bastard!” He then shot his lightning bolt towards me. The Daichi did absorb most of the blow. I had to put my thrusters on full to keep up with the barrage. But after it was over the Daichi was knocked away from my hooves, and landed thrust into the ground.. I looked up at Soyokaze, utterly helpless as he started gathering more and more power. “It ends tonight dear brother…” That’s….when I saw Private being carried by Rainbow… ___________________________________________________ Perspective: Private “Take me as high as you can!” I ordered. The wind blew around me as Rainbow carried me to the sky. “What’s your plan?” Rainbow asked. “I’m going to overload the suit,” I said. “How? Lightning doesn’t hurt him,” Rainbow said. “Yeah, but machinery has limits,” I said, and looked at my horseshoes. Okay...Silver is highly conductible...It wasn’t exactly fair…. Your enemies won’t play fair You’re right Voidera. I have to step up my game...even if it means having to risk myself like this. But I will not let this bastard get away with hurting my friends. I took the four horseshoes on me, then concentrated. My horn sparked as Rainbow took us higher and higher. Slowly but surely the silver shoes formed into a single silver spear. I took the spear in my hooves. “Now! Fly towards Soyokaze!” “You got it!” Rainbow said, spreading her wings and doing what she does best, dashing. We zoomed towards Soyokaze and I held the spear in my hooves. Let my aim be true…. I threw the spear as we passed him, the spear entered at Soyokaze’s back, he yelled in pain as it penetrated his suit. A little bit of magic helped with that. Rainbow and I flew towards Raiden. “What did you do?” He asked. “Stuck a silver lightning rod in his back.” I yelled. “Dude! He’s gonna blow!” Raiden cried, putting himself in front of us as Soyokaze screamed. The lightning from above was attracted to the silver spear. With nothing to stop the lightning, it entered into his suit’s systems directly. Soyokaze let out one last scream as a sonic rainboom of lightning shot from him. Raiden took the brunt of the blast but hit us as he flew. All three of us crashed into a nearby field. I rolled onto my back and looked up. Soyokaze hanged there in mid air. He was alive, his wings still flapped a little. But he soon dropped like a rock and hit the ground. Wonderbolts were on him like flies on a corpse. I looked over, Rainbow was okay, she looked at the sky and said, “That...was...so...awesome…” “Where’s Ra-” I was cut off when I found him. His landing was not as smooth as ours. He left a trail of destruction leading to his landing site. He laid on the ground, not moving. Rainbow and I ran towards him, I got there first. I lifted the helmet visor up and looked at my friend. His eyes were closed. “Raiden? You okay?” I asked, Rainbow looking over my shoulder. Slowly….Raiden smiled… “Dude, Shawarma...totally…” There was never a more appropriate time for a double facehoof. > Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Case 4 Epilogue “Get your hooves off me! I was framed I tell you! The armor wasn’t even mine!” Soyokaze cried as he was being led into a prison sky chariot by a pair of guards. “Yeah, tell it to the judge ‘Lighting god’,” The guard said, chucking Soyokaze inside. I smiled at another job well done. I looked over and saw Spitfire was walking towards me. “Thanks a lot Private, you and your buddy saved our flanks.” “Just doing my job ma’am,” I said with a nod. “Well I’d say you do your job pretty well,” She said with a smile. “If you ever need anything from us Wonderbolts, just give a yell. We’ll come flying.” “Consider it payment for saving our flanks from the dragon back at Canterlot,” I said with a smile of my own. “Okay, done deal then,” Spitfire replied. “I’ll get this jerk to prison, and I’ll have the academy send you a bill.” “You guys didn’t even hire me technically,” I said. “Even still, you gotta pay a guy after he nearly got himself blown up for you,” Spitfire said with a shrug. “Just send your fee to our accountants and they’ll handle the paperwork.” “Much appreciated,” I said, not wanting to offend her by being stubborn about being humble. “Now if you’ll excuse me,” She blew her whistle and the onlooking cadets stopped in their tracks. Spitfire opened her mouth and yelled, “WHAT ARE YOU ALL STANDING AROUND FOR!? THIS PLACE IS A DISASTER ZONE! GET THIS PLACE FIXED! IF I CATCH ANYPONY DODDLING I’LL MAKE AN ACADEMY RECORD BY HOW FAR I’LL KICK YOUR FLANKS!!” That got them all going. I also was slightly scared out of my wits at the sight. Spitfire flew off towards the academy to order around more cadets. I looked down the runway and saw Raiden and Rainbow, once again arguing with one another. “You could’ve told me anything!” Rainbow yelled. “How was I supposed to know my brother would go nuts and try and get you?” Raiden yelled back. “I think you could’ve told me about all of the stuff I found out today! Then you go off and tell me that I’m not allowed to know where you’ve been?” Rainbow fired back. “It’s my life!” Raiden yelled. “Are you seeing somemare!?” Rainbow yelled. “No of course not!” Raiden fired back. “You know what,” Rainbow yelled, “if you’re not willing to trust me, then why should I even be with you? I admit it was fun, and there were feelings and stuff. But, I can’t be with a stallion who won’t answer a simple question…” “You just think I’ll be like your dad that’s what you’re afraid of!” Raiden yelled in her face. “You’re worried that no guy you’re with will ever stay! You’re more clingy than Twilight! Element of Loyalty? More like Element of obsession! I’m allowed to live my own life! But I can’t do it if I have a bitch that insists on sticking her nose into it! Just because she’s afraid of being alone…” Oh no...he went there… If looks could kill, Rainbow’s would’ve killed him a hundred times over. Rainbow yelled “YOU ASSHOLE JERK! I HATE YOU!!” Before anypony could blink, Rainbow was flying towards home. I stomped over to Raiden, my own rage reaching a boiling point. “Raiden! What the hell was that?” “A breakup dude,” Raiden said, hovering in the air. “You can’t be serious!” I yelled. “You know what,” Raiden said, glaring at me. “Everything was just fine before you started looking into my life! You can’t resist can you? Getting your nose into everypony’s secrets?” “Don’t make this about me!” I yelled. “You’re the one who broke Rainbow’s heart right there!” “I’m sick of her poking into my life anyways!” Raiden spat. “I’m sick of everypony! You know what? Screw all of you! I can live my life on my own terms! If Rainbow and you can’t accept that, then good bye!” Without warning Raiden zoomed off in the opposite direction of Rainbow… I sat on my haunches...just taking in all that’s happened… I got the murder dealt with… But...I lost a friend… ________________________________________________ Rainbow Dash’s house almost looked confectionery. An ornate cloud building, with a central tower, and columns of classic pegasus style, with a fountain of rainbow water flowing from the top, collecting in ponds on the cloud yard, and forming waterfalls that fell from the edge of the place in a multi-hued stream. I used a cloud walking spell to walk along the surface towards the door. Voidera was a little surprised when I returned the shoes as a spear. But, he was impressed with my ingenuity. That was supposed to make me feel better… The soft sounds of sorrow coming from the other side of this door only made things worse. I knocked on the door. “Go away!” Rainbow yelled from inside. I ignored her, took the spare key she kept inside the cloud and opened the door. I walked inside to find Rainbow laying down on the couch. A bucket of ice cream was in her lap and the contents were being shoved inside her mouth. Rainbow’s eyes had tears in them. She glared at me. “Can’t you take a hint?” She glowered and then went back to her ice cream. I levitated away the bucket. “You’ll get yourself sick,” I set it down on a nearby counter and watched Rainbow cross her hooves, turning away from me. “Rainbow, talk to me,” I said, trying to be patient and gentle. “I’m not in the mood Private,” Rainbow said. I looked down, guilt taking over my mind. “Rainbow, listen I’m sorry. I really thought you’d be good for Raiden...I hoped you would help each other…” “Fat lot of good hope does,” Rainbow snarked. “Will you quit sulking like a fifteen year old and listen to me?” I ordered. Rainbow was just silent. “Rainbow, I came here because I’m your friend,” I said. “Twilight and the others are worried about you too. Rainbow, you don’t always have to be bold and confident. Even the greatest heroes have times when they feel like the world has turned against them. I know I felt that. But, you can’t let this destroy you. You’re still Rainbow Dash, the greatest flyer in Equestria.” Rainbow started sniffing a little. “You got friends, they’ll always be right there for you. What Raiden said was wrong. You were right to wonder what he was doing. Don’t let his words affect you. Let them fall off you, like water over stone.” I said, and then pulled her into a hug. Rainbow was resistant at first, but then hugged me in return. I felt like I was hugging a little sister after she scraped her knee. She kept sobbing into me and said, “I, I just...I hate being alone...he was right about that...I was scared and…” “Shh,” I said soothingly. “Everypony on the ground is waiting for you. They’d love to cheer you up.” “Thanks Private,” She said, looking up at me. “I guess, hope does do some good.” “Now come on,” I said, letting her go and heading for the door. “Pinkie just made some break up cake.” “I’ll try to enjoy it,” Rainbow said, walking over beside me. “And, Private, really thanks for being here.” “What are friends for?” I said. But...in my heart...that guilt came over me again… ____________________________________________________________ I sat down on my bed, looking out at Ponyville as Luna’s moon hung in the night sky. Everypony else had turned in for the evening, except for me. I couldn’t sleep if I wanted to. I screwed up. I couldn’t keep Rainbow and Raiden together. I wonder, was it even right to meddle in their lives? Did I only make things worse…? I felt a gentle hoof touch my back. Twilight was up. “Hey, Private you okay?” she asked gently. “Not really Twi,” I said with a sigh. “I messed up. I solved the case, but I lost my friend in the process. I couldn’t keep him and Rainbow together. Maybe, it was a dumb idea to even try and change Raiden…” I watched as Twilight moved over to sit on her haunches beside me. “Private, you couldn’t have seen all this happening.” “Even still…” I said, looking down. She reached a hoof, and pulled my face to meet hers. “You were only thinking of your friends. You wanted them to be happy. Nopony can say that was wrong. That’s what you do every time you matchmake. You try and make the ponies involved see what they need in another. You care about your friends, that is all you did.” I looked down, “Even if I made the wrong choice,” I said somberly “A friend of mine once told me that matchmaking is like doing chemistry blindfolded,” Twilight said. “You don’t know what you’re putting into it, you don’t know what you’re going to get out of it, and nine times out of ten, it’s going to blow up in your face.” I smiled at her. “The simple fact you were willing to take a chance in the first place,” She said as she kissed me on the nose, “shows me that you are still a good pony.” I slowly smirked, “Now...what say I take a chance...on a certain mare…” She smiled wryly, “Shall we play the loyal student and the loving teacher?” “I think, I just want to bask in a relationship that worked without my meddling,” I said, and then pulled my wife into a passionate kiss. Twi was right, even if I screwed up, I did it with the best intentions. I just...hope that Rainbow will be alright… Raiden...I very much hope he’ll be okay… ________________________________________________________ Perspective: Raiden I laid my head on the bar table as I sat on the stool. The bar wasn’t anything special, just your typical Manehatten bar, called the Dancing Pony or something or other. “Hey!” I yelled at the bartender “Toss me another!” “Man, I am cutting you off,” He said, cleaning a mug. “I’m not about to have some upstart kid cut into my stock.” “Ah, go to hell,” I said, plopping my head back on the bar counter. I groaned. Who needed anypony, stupid Private, stupid Rainbow. All they wanted was to control me… Like everypony else in my life… “Hey, bad day for you too?” I heard a voice say. I looked up and saw Lightning Dust, I remember how Rainbow described her. Although, she was considerably less hot than how Rainbow would’ve said. She smirked at me. “So, this is where the great Raiden Bolt spends his down time?” She asked. “What do you want?” I asked, not really looking at her now. “To know why you reek of bad breakup,” She said. “That dumb Rainbow tried to poke into my life, my so called friend did too,” I groaned. “I just wanted my own life. Apparently that’s too much to ask for anypony.” “So you don’t want responsibility? I can get down with that,” Lightning said, “Who needs other ponies? All they do is get in the way anyways.” “Are you hitting on me?” I asked. “Maybe, or maybe I just am in the same boat as you. Tired of everypony trying to force you to act a certain way. Maybe, I wanna offer an escape…” She said, and then I felt her hoof lift my head up...until we faced each other… “No romance, no feelings, no responsibilities…” She said, gazing into my eyes. “Just...a little...fun….” We kissed each other right there...it wasn’t like Rainbow’s...there was no longing…no yearning...just...passion. This...was perfect...just no obligations...no stupid asking where I was...no responsibility…. Just me living my life…. And nopony getting in the way… _______________________________________________________ Perspective: Lightning Strike So, my plan to profit off the Daichi failed because of Soyokaze’s incompetence. It’s of minor concern now. My other plan seems to have worked. Ah Lightning Dust, you are as devious as your mother. Luring dear Raiden away from his responsibilities. The fool is so quick to pounce on another mare. It won’t be long before he’s in my hooves. I looked outside at the city skyline as I thought. Once Dust gets into Raiden’s life, forces him into a marriage, I’ll have Dust kill him in his sleep. Then, as the family heir, Dust will inherit every asset in the Bolt Corp. My plan may not have gone how I originally intended, and that bastard of Adamus got away, but I suppose my other plan could work. “Do you see this now intruder?” I yelled. “No matter what! I am invincible! You think you can destroy me? HA!” That fool thought he could best me? Well, it’s been a day and I haven’t seen this ‘sister’ of his. Oh, this is too rich! What a fool! Did he honestly think anypony could get past my security? Bah! I've tripled the guards! Cameras! And Alarms! None can get in! They are all stupid, idiotic… I froze...as I heard...singing…. In and out...goes the knife….