• Published 12th Sep 2013
  • 2,548 Views, 113 Comments

Equestria Noir Season 2 Case 4 "Lightning's Wrath" - Jacoboby1

A coach at the Wonderbolt Academy is murdered. Private teams up with Rainbow in order to investigate. As the case unravels secrets about family, honor, and grief all come forth into the most revealing case yet.

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Chapter 4 "Lightning Clash"

Chapter 4
“Lightning Clash”

“This was given to you?” I asked as I held the blade in my hooves.

“Five years ago like I said,” Lighting Strike said, “Sold to me by that idiot son of the Bolt Family. The little bastard needed money to start off his career in music. He gave me the sword, I gave him a few cases of money towards a manager and he got discovered.”


“I don’t believe you,” I said firmly.

“Believe what you want boy,” Strike said, “It won’t change the fact that once the police see the footage of you running around my building you can say goodbye to your job. I know a certain chief is more than happy to see you behind bars.”

I glared at him, not giving in.

“Of course, if you were to give me the sword right now, I’ll just pretend this never happened and you can be on your way,” Lightning Strike said, a grin on his fat face.

“I don’t think so,” I said firmly, “Whether you tricked Raiden into giving you it or not, this still belongs to the Bolt Family. I’m going to return stolen goods.”

“Won’t do you any good,” Lightning Strike said smugly. “I’ve still got the tapes.”

Suddenly a guard came up and shouted: “Sir!”

“What is it?” Lightning Strike said, turning his back on me. “Can’t you see I’m in the middle of destroying somepony’s life here?”

“Sir! Those tapes you wanted! Somepony shut down the cameras!” The guard said frantically.

“What?!” Lightning cried. “Tell me you caught this bastard on tape!”

“If we did it wouldn’t matter sir!” The guard said, “All the tapes have been smashed to bits!”

“Who did this?” Lighting demanded, and then glared at me. “One of your colleagues?”

“Maybe your glowing personality earned you more enemies than you thought.” I said, a smirk on my face.

“Screw the evidence!” Lightning cried, “Kill him n-”

Suddenly a shadow descended from the ceiling and slammed down onto the guard. The other guards tried to shoot at him, but in a blur the shadow attacked a guard and bucked him in the face. The mystery pony was cloaked in a black bodysuit and balaclava, covering him from head to hoof. Though from the horn I could tell he was a unicorn. The unicorn grabbed the rifle from the fallen guard and opened fire on the other one. The guard was shot in the leg and yelled out a curse.

I took this opportunity to sling the sword onto my back and leap over a shocked Lightning’s head. I ran off, the shadowy attacker was engaging more guards as I rounded a corner. Who was he?

Whoever he was, he’s officially gotten onto my Hearth’s Warming card list.

There was no time for subtlety right now. The alarms were blaring and it wouldn’t be long before guards found me. I made my way towards the elevator and didn’t look back.


Perspective: ??

I stood there as the guards all trained their guns on me. I bought Private enough time to escape. Also disposing of the evidence was a simple task as well. Those fools had no idea that a camera system can be easily tampered with.

The guards surrounded me and I watched as Lightning Strike walked forward, I was lucky he was stupid enough not to see through my disguise.

“Who are you?” He demanded, “Who do you work for?”

“I work for no stallion except for me.” I answered simply.

“Bullshit!” Lightning Strike cried, “You work for Private Eye don’t you?”

I smiled under my balaclava, “In a way, he works for me.”

“Then answer my question, who are you? You’ve obviously have combat training, you managed to knock out twelve of my best guards before we surrounded you,” Lightning said, glaring at me.

My smile turned into a smirk, though he couldn’t see it. “Let’s just say, I’m somepony with really big plans. Plans that involve Private Eye remaining out of prison.”

“You!” He said. “You’re the saboteur! You destroyed my evidence against Private Eye!”

“Shall I give you a gold star for figuring that out?” I said, trying not to laugh.

“You impudent fool!” Lightning Strike said. “Do you have any idea who I am?”

“Yes, a dead man…” I said ominously...As my horn glowed

I raised my hooves and slammed them on the ground, suddenly black crystals came out of the floor and slammed themselves into the guards, pinning them to the walls. I didn’t kill any of them, but they would remember it next time.

I looked on Lightning Strike, and slowly smirked….”Tick tock Lightning...my sister will visit soon…”

“Wait!” Lightning Strike said, “ I’ll pay you anything! Don’t kill me!”

“You’re making the mistake of thinking I want money,” I said. “I’m afraid I’m not interested in bribes…”

“Then...what is it you want…?” He asked, looking nervous.

I just leaped towards an airvent, looked back on him and said.


With that, I dove into the air vent and made my escape. Private should be back in the lobby by now. Clever using Raiden Bolt’s fame to get inside. You continue to impress me Private Eye…

You will make an extremely valuable ally in the days to come…

When Shadowhoof finally makes his move...


Perspective: Private

I got out of the elevator to find the lobby still filled with fan girls. All of them were screaming of their undying obsession for everything Raiden. Geez, I hope it doesn’t get this bad once I have teenagers.

Teenagers… means teenager boys...note to self, invest in baseball bat…

“Private over here!” I heard Rainbow’s voice cry.

I looked and saw her outside the door, waving to get my attention. I pushed and shoved my way through the screaming fangirls towards the outside. I hope I don’t lose my hearing over all this. I managed to get to the door and outside.

Rainbow was standing there, looking at me, “Dude, you look like you wrestled with a Manticore.”

“I sure feel like it,” I said.

Rainbow looked at the Daichi tied on my back. “Whoa! Is that the sword?” She tried to touch it.

“Rainbow don’t!” I said, getting out of the way of her hoof. “If you touch it, you’ll get zapped.”

“Yeah, that could be bad.” Rainbow said, hovering away. “So, what’s this sword got to do with anything?”

“I’ll explain later,” I said. “Do you know where your boyfriend is?”

Rainbow looked around, “Come to think of it,” She said. “I haven’t seen him since that mob got to him.”

“I’ll take this blade down to the morgue,” I said. “Forceps should be there with Skyline’s body. Maybe we can figure out how this weapon factors into all this. You try and find your boyfriend and we’ll meet up at the park.”

“Right,” Rainbow said, zooming into the crowd to look for Raiden.

Raiden...please tell me this is all a misunderstanding…


“Well it definitely matches the cut all right.” Forceps said as he stood over Skyline’s corpse on the lab table. The morgue was a small, clean, stainless steel and white place. Cupboards lined the walls holding surgical equipment, a light-board for examining x-rays was along one wall. There were only two autopsy tables. Essentially basins that held the body of a deceased pony, that would drain bodily fluids as the operation was performed.

“You think so?” I asked, holding the sword in the rubber hoof coverings I kept with me.

“At least that’s what my guess would be,” Forceps said, “I haven’t seen the blade since you haven’t unsheathed that fruit slicer yet.”

“Look you know why I can’t,” I said, warningly.

“Yeah yeah,” The old black unicorn said, “we’ll all become stiffed served extra crispy.”

“What can you tell me about the body?” I asked, looking at Skyline.

“Welp,” Forceps said, “he put up one hell of a fight before he went down. Got bruises all over his chest and front legs.” He used his hoof to point out all the bruisings.

“What was the ultimate cause of death?” I asked.

“Kerzapping.” Forceps said and smirked at my expression, “Official term for he got himself zapped by lightning.”

I rolled my eyes. “What about the sword cut?” I asked.

“That was pre mortem, mere seconds before he died.” Forceps said.

Hmm, maybe the blade didn’t so much as zap him, but acted as a marker for that storm cloud. Either way, this sword was way too dangerous to be given to somepony like Lightning Strike, what was Raiden thinking?

I’m about to find out…


Central Park was a large oasis of green in the center of the big city, created around the time that the city, itself, was founded. Old oak trees lined a central field of grass, with a beautiful pond right in the center. I used to play here all the time when I was a kid. Potso, Moongale, Raiden, all of us kids just having a great time here among the trees.

Now though, I couldn’t help but feel a little guilt over what I had to do. I looked ahead and saw Raiden and Rainbow sitting on a bench together. But, the air was tense around them, like it was about to explode at any minute. What happened while I was gone?

“Hey dude,” Raiden said upon seeing me. But then his eyes grew wide as he saw Daichi slung on my back.

“Care to tell us a few things Raiden?” Rainbow asked, an edge in her voice.

“Look, guys I can explain,” Raiden began.

“Explain to me how you sold a family heirloom to a guy who was a sleazebag?” I yelled. “Not only that, but an incredibly dangerous heirloom? One that killed somepony!?”

“Look! That was years ago!” Raiden said, “I dropped out of college, I was desperate for money to jumpstart my career!”

“That’s no excuse to sell something that belongs to your family!” Rainbow yelled.

“It was years ago Rainbow!” Raiden argued, “I didn’t know who got it! Just a guy who was going to help me!”

“The guy was Lightning Strike you dumbass!” I yelled.

“How was I supposed to know?” Raiden asked.

“Raiden…” I said slowly, “Where were you this morning?”

“Dude, I…” Raiden began.

“You wouldn’t tell me either!” Rainbow said, getting in his face. “Now spit it out!”

“You know what!” Raiden cried, “I don’t go poking around in any of your lives! Things were perfectly fine before any of this shit happened!”

“Perfectly fine!?” Rainbow cried, “You just don’t want to tell us! Did you kill Skyline?! Answer me!”

“Rainbow I can’t believe you would think that!” Raiden cried, “I’m dumb I’ll admit but I’d never kill a guy!”

“Then…” I said, my horn glowing, “explain this…”

The sword glowed green as my DNA spell did it’s work. Slowly, Raiden turned green as well. Rainbow’s face was one of complete shock.

Raiden looked at Rainbow, “Rainbow, I can explain…”


“It wasn’t me I swear!” Raiden said, “I had something personal to handle this morning you gotta believe me!”

“Why the buck should I believe you!” Rainbow cried, “There’s a thing that a relationship is built on! It’s called trust! You could just tell me what’s wrong but your stupid brain says you can’t!”

Uh oh…

“You know what!” Raiden yelled, “From the moment I met you, you’ve always been harping on me! Raiden change this! Raiden be that! I can’t have a personal life? I can’t do things that I need to do? I have to announce every damn secret I got to the world! I didn’t kill him, I’ll say that much. But I sure as hell ain’t gonna put up with this anymore!”

With that, he zoomed off into the sky.

“YOU GET BACK HERE JACKASS!!” Rainbow zoomed after them.

“Guys wait!” I yelled, but they were both gone. Geez...how could everything have gone so wrong…

I thought Rainbow would be good for Raiden when I hooked them up. I thought she could change him, make him better. But, I think a part of Raiden will always resist change.

That’s just the kind of stallion Raiden is…

Sadly...Rainbow found that out the hard way…

I heard a nearby phone booth ring. Once again, I was completely alone. I hated to answer somepony else’s call. But, this happened last time and I benefitted from it.

I walked inside, and lifted the receiver to my ear with my magic. “Who’s this?” I asked.

“Good to hear from you again Private Eye...I see my agent was able to get you out alright.” The distorted voice said on the other end.

“Shadowhoof.” I said.

“Good to see you remember my name, how are you feeling?” He asked.

“What do you want?” I asked.

“I know about that sword you have.” He said.

“Yeah, what of it?” I asked.

“Your friend Raiden seems to have caused quite a bit of trouble for his family, you should find out why…”

“Hey hold o-” I began, but stopped once the click was heard. Whoever this guy was, he knew way too much.

I only hope I don’t regret this…


I’ve never actually been inside the Bolt Family home. I remember Raiden walking inside the home after school. That’s how I knew where it was at. The building was practically a Neighpanese castle in the middle of the city. The highest part was in the center, looking as if somepony had stacked squarish buildings with curved triangular roofs atop one another. The windows were only in the middle, very seldom in the corners. It was roofed in slate tile, with white trim accentuating the whole aesthetic of the place. Compared to the glass and steel towers, this place had class.

I walked up to the gate and pressed a button on the intercom. “Uh, hello?” I said.

“Do you have an appointment?” A voice asked over the other end.

“I’m an old friend of the family.” I said.

“All visitors are required to make a two week no-”

“Who’re you talking to?” Another voice said.

“Ma’am! There’s somep-”

“Just go check the electric fence or something.” The voice said, and then spoke up, “What is it? Who are you? What do you want?”

“Private Phelps Eye,” I said with a smile.

The gate before me opened and standing there was none other than Mrs. Haruhi Bolt herself. Her coat black as night and her mane long and gold colored. Her eyes are the same yellow as Raiden and they are oriental as well, showcasing her heritage. She's clad in a light sky colored kimono with some lightning bolts sewn as well as flowers. Although her features showed age, she still held the same tranquil beauty I remember her having.

When she looked at me, she blinked and said, “By Celestia you’ve gotten big.”

I bowed and said, “Mrs. Bolt.”

She bowed in turn and said, “I must admit, I wasn’t expec-” She then looked at my back, and saw the sword. “Where did you get that?” She asked.

“It’s kind of a long story…”


I sat on my haunches in what had to be the living room of the house. I would suppose it is a living room. A rice paper screen door separated me from the outside garden. Between me and my host was a small table barely coming to the curve of my haunch. I was sitting on a cushion that the Neighpanese tended to use for chairs in their home. The room, itself, had wood and rice paper as its main aesthetic feature. The wood in a mellow golden finish, and varnished to a high shine.

Sitting in front of me was none other than Arashi Bolt himself. He was the same age as my father, well into his fifties although still looking fit as a fiddle. His coat was as dark as Raiden’s, his mane was short and black, streaks of grey were showing. It wouldn’t be long before his hair completely turned silver. His stature was tall and he was in good shape despite his age. His wings were tucked at his sides, covering part of the business suit he wore. His golden eyes were trained on me.

When he spoke, it was with an air of confidence and respect, “Private Eye, the last time I saw you was at my son’s graduation from High School.”

“It has been a while,” I said.

“Eight Years,” Arashi said, “to be exact. Now you come into my home unannounced, bearing my family’s most prized possession, and tell me that it was involved in a murder.”

“I know it’s a lot to swallow,” I replied, “but, you gotta believe me.”

“I do believe you,” He said. “What I want is answers, as do you.”

“Please allow me to ask the questions first,” I said.

He narrowed his eyes for a minute, and finally said, “I worked with and respected your father for many years. You have also proven to have an honorable heart and a disposition towards good. I will tell you what I can.”

“Then tell me,” I pointed to the Daichi sitting between us. “Just what is this?”

Arashi reached for the handle, without hesitating he pulled the blade out of it’s scabbard. I braced myself to get zapped but, no zap came.

Instead Arashi held the blade in his hooves. The blade was long and curved, and looked like it could slice a hair in half by it simply falling on the edge. Sparks were emanating from the blade and the occasional lightning bolt shot but hit nothing.

Arashi slowly returned the blade to its scabbard, he was completely unharmed. “It has been years since I held the Daichi. She still sings her song wonderfully.”

“What...is it?” I asked.

“I’m sure Lightning Strike told you the legend,” Arashi said. “But, I’m to tell you the truth. Just why this blade is so important, and why only my family can wield it.”

“I’ve got time…” I said slowly.

Arashi looked at the blade and said, “Once, over a thousand years ago, my ancestor almost conquered the whole of Equestria with this. My family and I...are among the last of the Narukami, pegasi imbued with lightning itself.”