• Published 9th Sep 2013
  • 523 Views, 7 Comments

Pony Age: Friendship is Magic - PonyTom

The world of Equis is changing and on the verge of war. Young Unicorn Mage, Twilight Sparkle, and a group of unlikely friends go on a journey to stop a war, find the power of friendship, and save the only home she has ever known.

  • ...

Long Road Ahead


Applejack stared at her brother with a look of worry. Rainbow Dash and Rarity had followed her back, both sitting to either side of her as she stared at her brother from across the room. "That's what Pinkie says... says that there's talk of it. She didn't elaborate, but Ah did some diggin', an' the rumors so far is that there's some sorta... uncertainty within the chantry, an' that tensions between Templars an' Unicorns are growin'. "Big Mac stared at his hooves, letting the thoughts run through his head. He had heard of the incident at the Free Plains, of how the chantry there had been destroyed, supposedly by some apostate, and of how the circle in Hoofwall dissolved when a Right of Annulment was declared. Many debated if it was even valid, considering there was no authority given by a High Cleric. Either way, the tales agree that the Knight Commander was insane, and that the First Enchanter used Blood Magic.

"Ah don't understand... Ah was told it was a single incident... that it wasn't gonna be a problem..."

"Apparently that isn't the case..." said Rarity, frowning at the implications. "Word travels fast, and with so many unicorns labeled apostates for the mere crime of preserving their lives, they've likely made a point of spreading word as far as they can..." She shook her head and tugged her hat a little, hoping her horn didn't show to the Templar. "While I can't say I've ever felt the Circles were justifiable, I must say that these Unicorns are doing more harm than good by spreading chaos they way they have been..."

She was, of course, leaving out the part where Templars would likely be on the hunt for apostates in larger numbers than ever before.

Big Mac shook his head and limped to the other side of the room, trying to think. "... Uncertainty... anythin' else?"

Rainbow Dash threw a hoof up. "Oh! I talked to some ponies who uh... have sources... and they say the only thing staying the hooves of the Templars is some sort of secret, shadow organization." Everypony looked to her, Big Mac eying her particularly interested. "They call them the... uh... Seekers, I think it was? Supposedly, they're like... the Templar's version of... well... Templars. Find the bad ones and sort them from the good ones. Deal with particularly crafty Unicorns..."

Big Mac stared at her for a few minutes and shook his head, placing a hoof on his forehead. "Oh Land Sakes..." he uttered in an almost tired way, his expression very fearful, very worried.

"Wh... what's goin' on Big Mac?"

Big Mac stared at his hooves and thought just how he was going to tell them. There was no way to keep it short. "The Seekers of Truth. They basically root out corruption in the Templar Order. If they're gettin' involved enough that rumors are flyin' around, somethin' might be goin' on..."

Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash exchanged glances. Big Mac turned back to them. "... Girls... this is very, very bad. If what yer sayin' is true, then... if we bring news of the Circle being attacked by Templars... Ah... Ah can't say what'll happen... they might bring order, but they might wipe one side of the board clean... maybe do a total purging of both Templars an' Unicorns..."

Applejack's jaw fell. Big Mac began to pace, his eyes darting around as if the answer to their problems might be somewhere nearby. "The First Enchanter... surely she knew? She goes to them College of Magi meetin's... don't they talk about this stuff...?"

"What happens?"

Everypony turned to Rarity, who was clearly worried.

"What happens if... if this is all true? If a war breaks out between the Unicorns and the Templars?"

McIntosh stared at her for a few minutes before looking back at a wall and placing a hoof behind his head. "Ah can't say for sure... Ah don't even know..."

"It would become an 'you're either with us or against us' scenario..."

Everypony turned to see Twilight Sparkle had entered the room. She was clearly suffering a headache if her expression was any sign. "How long ya been there, filly?" said Applejack, biting her lip.

"I heard all of it... about the war..."

"And what do ya mean..." said Big Mac with no shortage of tension.

"... I've heard a lot of Unicorns talk... about how they hated the tower... how they felt like slaves, like dolls, like beasts being caged for the accident of birth..." She shook her head and sat on her haunches. "Rest assured, Ser McIntosh, I never felt that way... but... they always felt like the Templars were some sort of oppressive force. One that they wanted to fight but couldn't for various reasons... some out of fear... some out of uncertainty... but one element was always the same... Templars and Unicorns are two greatly different things."

Big Mac frowned a bit, shaking his head. "... Some Templars thought it the same way... Ah'm not proud to admit that fer a while, Ah was kinda scared mahself to walk among Unicorns, thinkin' any minute one of 'em would go nuts and twist ponies apart with their brain..."

"And that..." said Twilight, "... is what we're looking at with a war. The only difference..."

"... the gloves are off..." said McIntosh, his eyes staring into space, a haunted expression adorning him as if he could actually see the idea.

"Nopony will hold back... all restraint will be broken..." said Rarity, her fear growing almost palpable.

"Unicorns n' Templars... slaughterin' each other in the streets..." said Applejack.

"... That is... totally not good..." said Rainbow Dash, looking at all the other ponies in the room.

Twilight nodded. "If some of the rumors that milled around the tower were true... and bare in mind, I typically don't listen to rumors, but... well... this once I make an exception... then all the taboos will likely be forgotten. Unicorns might summon demons and use Blood Magic more freely and openly. Templars might kill anything with a horn without a second thought as to if they're actually combat capable. Everypony will be a target."

The room fell silent as everypony present pictured the horrid future in their minds.

"What do we do?" said Applejack quietly.

Big Mac stared at the others, fear plain on his face. Finally, however, his expression toughened up. "Ah'm gonna pack up. Gonna ready for mah trip to Canterlot tonight. Ah'm leavin' first thing in the mornin'."

"What!?" shouted Applejack. "Look at you! Yer a wreck! If you try to make that journey you'd be lucky to get far enough for even a bandit to kill ya!"

"Ah have no choice, Applejack!" shouted the stallion in an uncharacteristically loud voice. "If this is gettin' bad as we're hearin' right now, then Ah gotta get to the Chantry as soon as Ah can if we're gonna have any hope of savin' every single pony in that tower!"

Twilight blinked. "Ev... everypony? Not just the Templars?"

Big Mac turned to her, his expression nothing short of shocked. "Miss Sparkle, Ah know ya prolly don't have the best impression of Templars right now, but Ah like to think with what we went through back there Ah'd at least have given you a better impression than THAT."

She supposed he had her there.

"We'll go together though Twilight" he said. "If you an' me go there an' make a joint effort, it might convince the Chantry that it's not something happenin' to everypony. We'll have to make a point of lettin' them know who instigated the situation, that it was all the work of a... crazy pony with a chip on 'is shoulder, an' that he was brain washin' his subordinates an' threatenin' others. If we do that, they might send in some Seekers..." he shook his head at the mere thought. "... they might send in some Seekers an' help us resolve this issue for everypony..."

Applejack ran to Big Mac. "Wait... what if.... what if Ah go in yer stead? What if Ah take Twilight there?"

Big Mac grimaced. "No, Applejack. Y'all ain't equipped fer fightin'. Even Twilight here ain't no fighter... Ah wish there was a way Ah could leave her here safe, but she's in more danger here than out there."

Applejack scowled. "You say that like yer in any condition!"

He simply stared at her with that stare you gave when you knew you had nothing to say in your defense.

"I-If Applejack and Twilight are going, I'm going."

Everypony turned to see Rarity holding up her hoof, clearly uncomfortable.

"Why?" said Big Mac.

Rarity took a deep breath. "... I have family that are Unicorns... and I dare say that if I sat here and did nothing while they risked being persecuted for something that was outside of their control, I wouldn't be any sort of mare."

Applejack and Rainbow Dash felt a great deal of pity for the fearful unicorn-in-disguise.

"Well, if Rares is going..." said Rainbow Dash. "I suppose I'll go too!" She out her hooves to her sides and hovered above the ground. "You ponies need SOMEPONY who has combat experience, and I'll have you know I was a hunter in my caravan before I came to Ponyville!"

Everypony stared.

"What was Fluttershy?" said Applejack.

Rainbow seemed to look away. "That... that's... for her to tell... not me."

Applejack turned to her brother and scowled. "Big Mac. You know for a fact Ah'm plenty strong, an' that Ah can take care of mahself. Even if Ah ain't as experienced as you are, Ah'm plenty sure Ah could tan yer hide in yer current condition." Big McIntosh stared at his sister for several minutes, the two never letting their gazes falter. Everypony felt the tension rise, looking between the two.

"Jus' let 'er go, sonny."

Everypony turned to see the wizened green matriarch of the family trot into the room. "G-Granny...?" said McIntosh.

"Did Ah stutter? Let 'er go. Like she said, in yer shape yer likely to keel over long b'fore you get ta Canterlot..." She smirked. "Plus, she's got friends ta take with her. Friends she has more experience with than you do. Not to mention, Ah reckon if them traitors of yers do start lookin' around, they'll be expecting a runaway Templar an' a Unicorn charge, not a buncha mares."

Big McIntosh stared at her for a few minutes, turning his gaze to the ceiling as he let the thoughts mull over in his head.

"Alright..." he said, sighing. Throwing a hoof up, he shook his head. "Fine... fine... Ah'll... Ah'll let ya go..."

Applejack grinned.

"But..." he said, holding his hoof towards her. "... You an' Ah gotta talk about some things first... an' Ah'm gonna need to give ya some things so that the Grand Cleric knows yer there on mah behalf, an' not some kinda bleedin' heart or somethin'."

Rainbow Dash grinned. "Alright! Action! Adventure! Just what I always wanted! I am SO gonna have to tell Fluttershy!" With that, the pegasus bolted out of the room, leaving Applejack and Rarity to share grimaces.

"That mare... she doesn't take anything seriously..." said the white unicorn.

"Ah reckon Ah'd be scared if she did..." said the farm mare.

Big Mac stood up and limped towards the door. "Applejack. Follow me."

Applejack tilted her head. "What fer?"

"Ah gotta talk to you, like Ah said. If'n yer gonna leave tomorrow, Ah'm gonna have to... explain some things, much as Ah can, before ya do. Some things that just might save yer life." Applejack blinked and looked back to her friends, before turning and following her brother towards the door. The two ponies made their exit out into the sunset, and out the window nearby, Twilight could see McIntosh leading Applejack out into the fields.

"I'd best go home myself and prepare..." said Rarity, giving a slight nod. "I'll see you tomorrow I suspect, dear?" Twilight looked to Rarity, feeling as if she had noticed the other mare for the first time. The first apostate she had ever known.

"Of course..."

Rarity gave a gentle nod, and with that, she turned and made her way out of the farmhouse, trotting down the road back to Ponyville.

"I'd better get ready too!"

Twilight nearly jumped ten feet in the air as the pink pony seemed to appear out of no where next to her. Bearing in mind she had no horn, she had to wonder if Pinkie might be some sort of secret Unicorn herself? "Where did you come from!?"

"Blame my parents!" beamed the pink pony. "Anywho, you can't go on an adventure without the life of the party, and I'm the most livliest, most partiest pony you'll ever know!" With that, she waved a hoof, and in an instant, darted out the door and down the road. Twilight could swear she heard the sound of Rarity shouting in the distance as Pinkie passed her up.

"Well..." said the elder Granny Smith. "Y'all gonna prepare? Or y'all prepared up?"

Twilight seemed to mull that over for a minute, before smiling. "You know what? I think there is something I can do to prepare..."


A rooster called it's morning call as the sun rose up. Most of Ponyville remained in their beds, sleeping for the last few hours of sleep they could grab. The animals began to gather their nuts and berries, hunting for worms and bugs, and larger animals for large animals. By all means, it was peaceful, and quiet, and everything seemed to be working as one.

Save for four ponies trotting down the path towards Sweet Apple Acres.

"Fluttershy!? Why are YOU coming, dear!?" said Rarity - she was wearing much the same clothes she had been wearing before, though now she had an ornate staff on her back, with strange designs running up it's shaft.

Fluttershy nodded towards Rarity with a smile. "Oh, I simply couldn't let Rainbow Dash go alone, nore could I let that friendly..." She stopped and waved a hoof to Rarity's forehead. "... Mare... go without an extra friend to watch her." The mare herself was wearing basic traveling garb as opposed to any form of real armor; something that perplexed the ponies involved. She wielded a strange bow; a strap on the body allowed the hoof to "hold" it, while each of the arrows had a small, simple rope or string to allow them to be pulled against the bowstring.

Rainbow Dash sighed. "Fluttershy, you do know this might be dangerous, right?" The prismatic pegasus wore a light chainmail shirt, with leather leggings around each leg, and a pair of wingblades positioned on her flank in such a way that she could slide her wings into them and use them as she needed and, similarly, place them back with similar grace.

With that, suddenly the butter yellow mare stopped walking, eyes wide. "D... danger?"

"Yup! So... you should probably stay here!"

Fluttershy stared at the ponies as they continued walking, her mind racing a thousand miles a minute. She wanted to stay. She really did. She disliked danger.


She bit her lip and caught up, forcing down every urge and instinct that cried at her to turn back. "N-no... you girls might need my help..."

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. "Alright... but if we all end up dead with our heads on pikes, don't say I didn't warn you..." Fluttershy whimpered a bit, clearly wanting to reconsider her offer.

"It's okay Flutters! We'll be there to help too!" shouted Pinkie, bouncing along the path with her friends. She wore a strange leather outfit that was pink, blue, and yellow in it's coloration. On her back was an unusual crossbow, which was, itself, a blue color with a dark pink handle with a flower on it.

Eventually, the four ponies finally made it to the farm house, just in time to see the door swing open. Stepping out from the house first was Twilight Sparkle, wearing the same robes she had been wearing the other day. Following behind her was Applejack who, much like Dash, was wearing a chainmail shirt over more common clothing, though her legs were each covered in armored horseshoes. Naturally, she refused to part with her stetson. On her back was a simple, iron blade, and on her side, a shield placed for easy hoof access that bore a single apple on it.

"Well..." said Twilight.

"Let's hop to it" said Applejack.

"Let's just hope that something doesn't swoop down on us the very first moment we enter that forest..." said Rarity with a hint of worry.

"Yup! Swooping is bad!" shouted Pinkie.

Author's Note:

This chapter feels short. Huh.

Anywho, here's the dilly, and here's what I envision their classes as and why!

Twilight and Rarity? Obvious. Unicorns = Mages. Need I say more? I might draw more specifically on them later, but for now, that's all ya gotta know.

Pinkie Pie strikes me as a Rogue. While, as an Earth Pony, you'd think she'd be more Warrior, I also bare in mind Dragon Age: Origins' Leliana (and, on a related note, the Bard specialization) and Varric Tethras.

Fluttershy, also a Rogue. Long range attack. Sorta speaks for itself.

Rainbow Dash is... tricky. I guess her class specialization depends on which Dragon Age you look at - if you're going by 2's rules, she's likely closer to a Rogue what with dual wielding weapons. However, she is probably closer to Dragon Age: Origins' Warrior while dual wielding, due to the fact she has to be a quick class, and is more of an 'in your face' character.

Naturally, Applejack is a shield Warrior.

And that's how Equestria was made!