> Pony Age: Friendship is Magic > by PonyTom > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue - One King's Greed > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Unicorn Empirium. That is where it all began. All the turmoil, all the chaos, all the blights... almost all of the world's problems seem to be able to be traced back to the original Emperium. This is not a case of blaming a people or country for the world's problems; pointing fingers blamelessly and making bold accusations. It is known fact. It all began with conquest. They say the Unicorn Emperium began something more... honest. It was a kingdom like any other, and their people were said to raise the sun and moon, marking the passing of days. At some point in history, however, they began to toil with new ideas, with new magics. They found a way to feed their magic with the power of life, the power of blood; be it their own or that of others. Blood Magic, a terrible thing to behold. It began with this discovery, and as most horrible tales, it grew. They beheld the ability to control others as puppets, to raise the dead, and they grew drunk with power. They began to plot conquest; stopping the cycle of night and day and holding such a thing for ransom was out of the question, as that would harm them as much as their potential conquest. No, they used their new found magics to storm the cities. They say Cloudsdale fell the hardest. Their gift of flight and cloud-walking made them one of the few races that could stand in the way of the Emperium's conquest. The Unicorns aimed their magics at them first. Using spells to allow themselves temporary flight as well as cloud walking ability, they stormed the great city of Cloudsdale. From here, they hunted every other Pegasus settlement and attacked en mass. The Pegasus Empire, once considered the strongest of the three, was utterly destroyed, and it's people either enslaved of scattered across the land. The Earth Ponies came next. Strong and harty, they still found themselves disadvantaged to the more powerful spell-casting capability of Unicorns. Towns fell, cities were destroyed... And it seemed the Unicorn Empire would rule the world. The Unicorn Emperium's hubris grew. They were no longer pleased with conquest on the scale they had been achieving; with only one known enemy that could compete with them (The Zebra city of Zenrador), they set their sights towards another goal. The Golden City. They say it took a third of the Laurium in their kingdom, but they opened a hole in the veil, and trotted into the city. But as they first set their hooves in that sacred place, it's golden halls turned black; hubris had poisoned it. They say the Maker himself was displeased with them, and punished them by making their nobles as dark as they had made the city. This is when the first Darkherd were born, and the begining of the first Blight. The Blight; the second tragedy brought onto the world by the Emperium. Darkherd spread across the land, corrupting the very soil they tread, their blood as poison to anything that touched it. They say it was divine punishment that the Darkherd sought out the very beings that the Unicorns revered and worshiped - the Old Dragons - and corrupted the strongest of them, birthing the first Archdemon. This gave rise to the Trotters of the Grey; the Grey Horses. They had learned to hunt the Darkherd, to kill them, and, most importantly, to slay their tainted Dragon leaders. With this advent, however, the world was still in the Unicorn crutches - the Trotters of the Grey did not stand for any particular nation, and only functioned to combat the Blights. This meant the world at large was still at the mercy of the Unicorn Emperium. And then, they appeared. There are many rumors as to where they came from; some say they were a fluke of nature, and that they were born with the gifts of all three kinds. Some say they were unicorns who found magics that blessed them with such gifts. Others say they were divinity itself that graced the world. The sisters lead and inspired armies. The disadvantaged Earth Ponies, the damaged Pegasai, and even Rebelling Unicorns took of their weapons under the flag of Day and Night. Two things the Emporium could not use against the world. The flags of Celestia and Luna. They waged war for years. Legends tell that one of the sisters alone commanded power beyond the might of even the Archon himself. They say they even utilized the power of strange mystical artifacts to fight their foes; referred to as the 'Elements of Harmony'. Despite the legend, many disbelieve it, wondering that if it was true, why they wouldn't have used them to spare their lives. Celestia and Luna, under circumstances that to this day are debated, were captured and given a choice - to submit to the Emperium, or to be burned at the stake. They chose death. Legend has it their very death brought turmoil into the world and birthed chaos. Such were the times, that the Archon who ordered their execution felt guilt for his actions. The deaths of Celestia and Luna had marred his very soul, and many say he lived the rest of his days in repentance. Many ponies took up Celestia and Luna's deaths with courage and valor, and fought on, believing the sisters to be divine and their deaths to have been a crime against the universe itself. This is when the Chantry of Celestia and Luna was born. With renewed vigor, ponies continued to fight until the Unicorn Emperium. With their ruler's conversion, their politics failing, and their might shattering, the Emperium surrendered. And thus began a new kind of oppression. Unicorns were restricted; sent to the newly formed 'Unicorn Circles.' Earth ponies had found the means to fight by infusing themselves with Laurium; a strange ore said to draw power from the Fade, the realm of dreams. By consuming this ore, they gained powers that made them strong against magic, and gave their weapons bite that would sap the power of unicorns or similarly magical entities especially dramatically. All Unicorns were to be brought into the Circle as early as the age of six. Unicorns who refused to join the Circles were labelled Apostates. And Apostates are put to death. And to think it all started because one king grew greedy. Unicorns are mistrusted at best, and hated at worst. Darkherd roam the underground, attacking in the night and spreading their vile poison. Pegasai are a scattered, broken people, living mostly in the wilds or in the city slums. Even the world itself has welcomed chaos. If the legends are true, nopony knows; that Unicorns controlled the cycle of night and day, that Pegasai controlled weather, and that Earth Ponies grew food? Well... Earth Ponies still grow food. The rest? Well, weather happens on it's own now, and if somepony is controlling the passing of night and day, nopony has seen them. But this is all ancient history. Of course, it is important to know for one fact alone: It explains why everything is as it is now. > The Unicorn Tower > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wake up... 'Ugh... my head...' Wake up... 'Wh... who's talking...?' She forced her eyes open. The light hurt. She was woozy, tired, and felt a mild sense of vertigo overwhelm her the moment she dared peak into the world. She felt as if she might throw up, and rolled to her side in the off chance she did. It hurt to exist right now. "It's me, Twilight. You alright?" Twilight Sparkle's vision began to focus, and the nausia began to fade. Before her was a small, purple drakeling, sitting on a stool next to the bed she was laying on. As she came to, she realized she was currently in the Apprentice's quarters - all around her were several other beds. There was very little privacy between Apprentices; perhaps an intentional design so that the Templars could keep tabs on them. Twilight remembered a time she lamented this fact, but after so many years, she hardly even cared - after all, they say no library is better stocked than a Circle library. As the world made more sense around her, she sighed. "What happened...? I... ugh... I had the strangest...." Twilight's eyes shot open, and she sat up quickly. "The Harrowing! Did I pass!?" Spike jumped a bit, waving his hand at her. "Whoa whoa, yeah, you passed. First Enchanter Nova Star said you passed with flying colors..." Spike shrugged. "I have no idea what happens in those harrowings, but I bet they're scary." Twilight wanted to tell him, but before she even opened her mouth she remembered the promise she had made; telling of the Harrowing was forbidden, and she was sworn to secrecy. She sighed and looked to the younger Dragon with a smile. "Well Spike... it's top secret, so I can't tell you." Spike grimaced. "What!? You can tell me, you know I won't tell anypony!" Twilight shook her head, slowly climbing out of bed. "Nope! A promise is a promise, and I don't intend to break mine!" Spike crossed his arms, stuck his bottom lip out, and pouted. "Aww... party pooper..." Twilight giggled, shaking her head once more as she trotted forward. Spike quickly jumped from his stool and rushed to meet her. "Oh! Twilight! the First Enchanter wanted to see you; she said that she wanted to give you a reward for your spectacular performance!" Twilight's ears perked and she looked to Spike. "Wh... really?" The dragon nodded, and Twilight turned towards the exit. "Huh... I didn't know we were rewarded!" She grinned the biggest grin she could. "And to think, I was afraid of going through with the Harrowing!" **** Twiilight gently knocked with her hoof against the door. From inside, she heard a familiar, female voice. "Please, come in." Twilight's horn glowed with power, and slowly the door swung open, revealing a large, office-like room. The First Enchanters' quarters were something to behold; a small, self-contained library, not anywhere near as massive as the designated library but still big enough to make the young unicorn feel dizzy with love for knowledge. At the very end of the room was a desk, and behind it, a green unicorn mare. Her mane was bright white, and eyes a deep blue; her robes were black, as most First Enchanters' robes tended to be, and sitting perched behind her was a black staff, at the top of which was a single jewel with two dragons wrapping around it. Twilight had heard legends of that staff; they say that Nova Flare had pried it from the hooves of a Maleficar most fierce. Some stories say it was an abomination, others say it was a demon that had possessed a dead body, but in any telling of the tale, the battle was epic. "Ah, Twilight Sparkle. I see you're awake?" said the mare, her expression softening a little. Twilight gave a gentle nod as she trotted into the office. "Yes, First Enchanter. I hope I haven't been out for too long...?" Nova Flare shook her head. "Of course not, Twilight. I just-- oh! Just the pony I wanted to see!" Twilight turned around to see a familiar face. A grey-coated stallion with a black mane that was brushed back, wearing gleaming silver armor with a breastplate that had a shield on it - and and that shield, a depiction of a sword with small, flame-like lines surrounding it. He nodded towards the unicorns. "First Enchanter. Twilight. I do hope I'm not late? I had not expected Miss Sparkle to be so quick in regaining consciousness after her trip into the Fade." The First Enchanter nodded. "Yes, Shield, well, knowing my student, that she regained conciousness as quick as any other, but was particularly punctual in getting to me." She chuckled and shook her head. "Most of my students go looking for food after their Harrowings." At that cue, everypony heard the sound of a loud growling, and looked to Twilight, who blushed. "I... g-guess I am kind of hungry..." "Yes..." said Shield, his expression painfully trying to betray a smirk. Twilight knew that Shield was a wise one; while many Templars took their duty with some level of distrust and even downright hatred towards Unicorns, Shield was always something of a neutral force. He treated the Unicorns and his Templars with the same degree of sternness - while he seemed mean to some, they never could say he was a unicorn hater when they saw that he treated his own men with the same degree of harshness. Still, for those who knew him better, they knew that he often hid a softer side. "Well, Miss Sparkle, as you have passed the Harrowing, it is our combined duty to welcome you to full-fledged Magehood." Nova Flare smiled and nodded towards her student. "Indeed. I never doubted you for an instant, child..." "I admit I was worried..." continued Shield, "We lost a few to their Harrowings in the past month... I was afraid for a bit that there was some kind of curse on the tower, or Blood Magic at work in the shadows..." Nova Flare grimaced, turning towards Shield. "Come now, that's no way to think. I have the fullest confidence that there is no trace of practice of Blood Magic in this tower." The stallion sighed, shaking his head. "I do hope you're right, First Enchanter. The last thing we need is for such a thing to become an issue..." Nova turned to Twilight once more. "Yes, well, back to the situation at hoof..." She smiled again and her horn glowed a soft blue color. A chest nearby opened up, and from it came a bundle of cloth that levitated before Twilight Sparkle. "As a reward, today you get to throw out those dusty old Apprentice's robes and get the real thing. Robes that will mark you as a true Mage, deserving of all of the benefits that entails." Twilight's eyes shone at the sight. "And..." Once more, her horn glowed and from behind her desk levitated a wooden staff that slowly drifted before Twilight. "This staff. I've no doubt you know this already, but a staff channels a Unicorns' magic to empower their spells or decrease the strength we must extend to cast them." As Twilight took both items in her magical grip, she seemed ready to burst with joy. The moment she touched it, she felt... lighter. Stronger. Not by much, but there was a sensation that she could do more, even if just a little. She liked the feeling. She took the staff and placed it on her side, smiling and bowing to the elder unicorn. "Thank you, First Enchanter..." Nova chuckled and nodded. "Now, Twilight, I suggest you hurry along and get to your studies. Idle hands are the demons of the Fade's play things, after all!" Twilight gave a nod and trotted out of the room, gently closing the door behind her. She was overjoyed, to say the least; she was a true Mage now. No longer just an Apprentice. Well, technically she WAS still an Apprentice... but with just a little less risk of being nullified. The very idea had been a fear for her for years - and it crept up her spine anytime she saw the unicorn running the cafeteria, in which she had just wandered to grab a meal. "What can I get for you?" Twilight cringed, staring at the poor unicorn. On his forehead, just beneath his horn, was a burn mark - the mark of the Chantry, a sun with a crescent moon in the center. She had read that the burn cuts Unicorns off from the magic of the world, renders their horns inert, and perhaps even severs their connection with their soul. To many, death was a far more merciful punishment. She couldn't help but feel pity everytime she saw the poor fellow... "Oh, hi Joe. I'll just have an Apple Fritter, if you please?" "Coming right up" said the tan unicorn with no trace of emotion or life whatsoever as he leaned beneath the counter and produced from it a single fritter. Twilight placed a gold coin on the shelf, and she trotted to a nearby table and sat, munching on her snack. She was really hungrier than this right now, but she didn't want to eat too much before the dinner hour set in. She let her attention shift to her new robe and staff. She levitated her Apprentice's robes away from her body, pulling them up over her head and hooves, and then pressed the new robes down in their place. She did feel more comfortable in them - they marked a new stage of her life. A better level, a state of improvement. She couldn't help but smile. "Twilight?" Twilight turned around to see yet another familiar face. A massive red earth pony, adorning the Templar armor, with an orange mane. Ser McIntosh. He was a kind pony and very gentle, although he seldom spoke more than one word about anything to anypony. Twilight had talked to him a few times and was surprised to find he was quite intelligent - apparently, he had family that lived in a town to the south of the tower. "Oh! Hi Ser McIntosh!" she said with a smile. "Did you hear? I passed my harrowing!" McIntosh nodded. "'Yup." He then reached into his saddlebag, and produced from it an envelope, passing it to Twilight. She examined it as if it were a foreign object a few moments, before using her magic to open it. She took the envelope forward, and read it. Dear Twilight Sparkle, Come see me as soon as possible Ser Shield Twilight grimaced a bit. "Huh? But... I just talked to him a few minutes ago..." She turned to face the larger stallion. "What does he want?" Big Mac simply shrugged. Twilight sighed a bit and stood up, trotting away from the larger stallion and out of the cafeteria. He let his eyes shift towards the half-eaten apple fritter. He looked left. Then right. Taking it into his hooves, he shoved the fritter into his mouth and chewed, a silly grin on his face. "Yum!" ****** "Come in." The door pressed open with magical ease, and Twilight peaked her head inside. "Y-you wanted to see me, Ser Shield?" Twilight couldn't help but compare Ser Shield's office with that of her own mentor. While they were similar in many respects, they had their differences; while the First Enchanter's quarters were more along the lines of a small, self-contained library and a haven for scholarly pursuit, Ser Shield's was what you'd expect of a war veteran. A Templar shield was draped on the wall behind him, with two swords crossing beneath it, a weapon rack was perched on either side behind that very desk, as if to allow him to arm himself any direction he went if he were suddenly attacked. There were but two bookshelves, and they seemed less full than a bookshelf should look; most of their contents likely being on war tactics, anti-magical combat methods, and similar things. A statue on a nearby wall held an ornate set of armor; not at all like Templar armor. It seemed somehow magical, though Twilight couldn't think why. "Ah, Twilight Sparkle. Yes. Come in." Twilight obliged, stepping into the office and gently closing the door behind her. She made her way cautiously towards Ser Shield's desk - not that she had any reason to fear him, but most times when a Unicorn was called to see a Templar Captain, trouble was ahoof. "First off, I wish to congratulate you once again on your success passing the Harrowing..." he said without looking up at her from his papers. "I never doubted you for a second. As one of Nova's brightest pupils, I wasn't the least bit surprised to hear you had woken up as soon as you had." "Thanks, Ser Shield..." she said with a hint of relief. 'Maybe he was just being nice?' "However..." Uh-oh. "... Being a Mage does not mean you're done. You still have responsibilities. And I was hoping that you might be able to help the Templars out?" "H-how?" Ser Shield sighed and looked up to Twilight. His eyes seemed to be taking her in, sizing her up. Was he going to give her a dangerous job? "There are... rumors going about that there maybe Blood Magic practitioners among your collegues..." Twilight gulped a bit and began to sweat. "We have no solid evidence... but this is usually a quiet little tower, so when such rumors occur, I tend to take them seriously. We don't know where to begin, so the best thing to do is begin on the inside." Ser Shield never took his eyes off Twilight, a serious, grim determination in them. "Twilight. You're among the brightest of the Unicorns here, and perhaps one of the few I trust." He trusted her? Wow. Where did that come from? She supposed being a personal protege of Nova did set her closer to him than most, but still. "Nova Flare, bless her heart, loves all the Unicorns here, and I worry her kindness would blind her to obvious telltale signs. If you ever hear of anything, or find anything... would you please tell me?" Twilight gulped and nodded. Could she say no? Would that hurt her? She wanted to so badly, and he seemed to notice it. "Twilight... if you don't want to do this, I understand. With Blood Mages, you're putting yourself in potential danger even if you overhear anything. You're effectively my ears on the inside. Can I trust you with this?" Twilight whimpered and nodded. He had never said she could refuse. And he sighed. "Okay... good... you can return to whatever you were doing..." Twilight nodded and turned, stepping out of the room and closing the door behind her again. It was at this moment she realized she was trembling. Why was she trembling? After all, it was only rumors right? Nopony had said anything concrete. But what if it was true? Could she be in danger? She gulped and stumbled down the hall back to the Apprentice's quarters, while her stomach twisted and turned. She had a bad feeling all the sudden... something was amiss. It was a quiet tower. So if rumors were spreading... was it possible they were true? Should she be afraid? She needed to rest. > Crumble > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blood Mages. Twilight had read about Blood Magic. It was a subject that both fascinated and frightened her - on a scholarly level, she was interested in the concept of blood fueling magical spells, and of how the fact was that in most cases, Blood Magic could only be combated by other Blood Magic. Still, it was also terrifying to imagine. On some fundimental scale, it was a perverse art, however, and studies showed that a unicorn who performed Blood Magic might be more likely to be found by the demons of the dream scape and, subsequently, possessed. The idea that one of her colleagues might be using such magic scared her. After all, it was such a nice, quiet tower, the Unicorn circle. She knew many unicorns didn't care for it, but it was home, and she never really found much need for much else. Here, she had all the books she could read, she could do all the studying she wanted, she was fed and cared for... what wasn't to like? She let these thoughts stew in her head all the way through the day, until it was time for lights out - at which point, she received one last surprise. "Welcome to your new quarters." Twilight stared, mouth agape, at the space. For the first time, it was something a little closer to private in her life. It was a cosey little room with no door, a bookshelf filled with books, a desk, and a nightstand. Of course, there was also the traditional bed for sleeping in. She would have jumped for joy had she not been afraid of embarassing herself in front of her mentor. "As a full fledged Mage, you receive your own bed space. A bit more private than normal. I hope it is to your liking?" Twilight grinned. "I love it!" Spike snickered a bit, having expected the unicorn's response. Nova smiled. "Very good, Twilight. All of your belongings have already been moved here, so don't worry about having to go back for them. You've earned it, kiddo." Twilight trotted into the small room space to let her eyes wander. Indeed, all of her things were there; her old robe had been laid out on a nearby dresser, the books on her bookshelf were books she had purchased with her allowance (and stored under her bed) - bringing to mind there was more space in said shelf to fill, much to her own amusement. Next to the bed was a small basket, in which slept the baby dragon, Spike. She turned to look at the nightstand. On it was a pendant; on that pendant was a crescent moon and three stars. She had had that pendant for as long as she could remember; it was old and dirty, but still as precious to her as it had ever been. She smiled a bit as she crawled into her bed and pulled her sheets over herself. Tomorrow was a new day. Her first day as a full fledged Unicorn Mage. *** Screaming. Somepony was yelling, shouting. She couldn't tell what; her brain was still in sleep-mode. All she knew is that she opened her eyes to see a worried and frightened face staring at her. "Let me go! I'm not a Maleficar!" "Quiet, you! You're gonna get the brand for sure!" "No! You're mistaken! Please, see reason!" Twilight jumped a bit and looked towards the door. She slowly stood up, staring at that exit. Cautiously, she began to bring herself towards it, wondering just what was going on. "Please! I-I-I didn't do anything! I was just joking, I swear!" "Joking about summoning a demon and learning Blood Magic? Not so funny NOW is it, Maleficar?" "No! I would never!" "Stop resisting!" "No! I must see the First Enchanter! The Knight Commander! I need-" "QUIET!" The sound of a sword being swung, followed by a shout of pain and a thud was heard. Twilight paled visibly, eyes wide. "Well... that takes care of that... guess we're gonna have to talk to the Knight Commander..." She gulped and backed away. What had happened? Did they kill somepony? Did they do something? Was the unicorn really guilty? She quickly hurried to her bed and climbed into it, pulling the covers over herself. Spike climbed in with her and huddled close; she put her hooves around him protectively as she stared at the door. She saw two stallions pass by - neither of which she was familiar with. One of them turned to look at her; his gaze was cold and ruthless, his face splattered in blood. He stared at her and gave a nod of his head - not the kind to acknowledge somepony, but that kind of nod that says 'I'm watching you.' Her eyes filled with tears, but she said nothing. The dragon in her hooves was choking and sobbing. She had to be strong for him, if nothing else. "Shh... it's okay Spike..." she said calmly. "It's okay..." *** "Now, Captain Steel Gleam, care to explain to me WHY you murdered a Unicorn in the dead of night?" Twilight stood in the office of Ser Shield once more, though under very uncomfortable circumstances. After the previous night's events, an investigation had been called into action; to determine if the murder was justified. Naturally, this meant anypony who was within earshot of the situation was called in. Only Twilight actually showed up; the others claimed to have slept through the whole ordeal. "Knight Commander, I had been following that unicorn for weeks under suspicion of practice of Blood Magic" said the earth pony Templar with utmost conviction. "I heard him speaking to a colleague, talking about the power of Blood Magic and what it had to offer, no doubt trying to spread his filth and corruption." Ser Shield stared at his subordinate with a cold gaze; judgmental, analytical, just. "And do you have any evidence to support your claims? Did you witness the Unicorn performing Blood Magic? Or did you slay him simply on suspicion?" Steel Gleam cleared his throat. "I-I acted, ser. I cannot say I had seen much, but he had said to his colleagues... and talked of the power of Blood Magic... and--" "Silence." It was not shouted. It was not angry. But it was stern. Steel Gleam complied. "So, what you're telling me is that, in the dead of the night, you invaded a stallion's chambers and struck him dead on a hunch? On a suspicion? Without any real cause?" "Ser, he was resisting, and--" "He said he wanted to talk to the Knight Commander..." Everypony turned to look at Twilight. She hadn't even realized she said it. She suddenly became aware of the fact that there were three Templars in the room and only two Unicorns; herself and Nova Flare. "He... he begged you not to hurt him... and asked to see the Knight Commander... " "Is that so, Steel?" "Ser, with all due respect, she is a Unicorn Mage" said the pony, with no attempt to hide the contempt in his voice. "She would say anything to protect the image of one of her own, or to sully the good name of any Templar, and-" "Is what she said true?" Steel became silent. "... He... did ask to... b-but ser, I didn't want to risk him getting his fowl magicks at you, and-" "So, a Unicorn asks for a fair trial, a fair judgement, and instead of giving him a chance to be proven innocent, you slay him?" "He was resisting, ser!" "And what was he doing to resist? Am I to assume he was casting spells on you? Setting your armor ablaze?" Steel Gleam fell silent, his mouth moving wordlessly as he tried to think. "No? Did he thrash? Kick you? Give you a dirty look?" "Ser-" "Steel Gleam." Once more silence as the two Templars stared each other down. Twilight could feel the tension rising. She wished desperately that she could be anywhere else right at this moment in time, but she was certain it was not to be. "You were transferred here from the Circle of Unicorns in the Free Plains two years ago, correct?" "Ser..." he nodded his head in acknowledgement. "As I understand..." continued Ser Shield, "part of the reason you were transferred is because of a particularly nasty situation in which an escaped Unicorn turned his collegues into abominations and had raised the bodies of your fallen comrades, and that you were so traumatized they sent you somewhere of a lower... harshness inclinity?" "Ser, I know what I heard, and-" "That being what it is, Steel Gleam, is it not possible, neigh, probable that in your fear and quickness to judge, that you may have spilled innocent blood?" Ser Shield was gone; he was now Knight Commander Shield, and his voice was rising. "Is it possible that you, in your mindless fear and cowardice, slew an innocent life with minimal reason, just to quiet your fear?" He was full out yelling now. "Is it likely that you, Ser Steel Gleam, KILLED a pony who had done absolutely NOTHING to provoke your judgement, or your blade!?" "None of them are innocent!" shouted the Templar. "They are born cursed, and every day they live is another day they risk the lives of all who surround them! They aren't even safe from themselves!" The room fell quiet. Steel Gleam was sweating, frustrated, and angry; while anger was in the expression of Ser Shield as well, they were different. Ser Shield's anger was righteous fury; the anger of one who sought justice. Steel Gleam... his anger... It was true and utter rage. "Your heart is stained by darkness, Steel Gleam..." said the Knight Commander, his expression softening from anger to mere sternness. "I do not know what terrors you have seen... or what stories you have heard... but they have left a mark on you. Get out of my sight... I will decide your punishment later." "But ser--" "Report to the barracks; you will be escorted by Ser McIntosh and Lady Bonbon, and you will be monitored." "But ser, I--" "And if I so much as hear of you coming within ten feet of a Unicorn, there will be no hole deep enough for you to hide from me in." Silence ruled the room. Finally, Steel Gleam nodded in grim acceptance. "Yes... ser..." With that, he turned and made his way out of the room; the doors open and the two ponies to escort him already waiting. As he passed Twilight, though, he turned and glared at her. She gulped a bit; his eyes were so... hateful. Angry. Vengeful. Eventually, he looked away as he made his way towards the other two, and then the three Templars left their sight. Twilight felt a lot of tension leave her and she let out a shuddered breath. "I'm sorry for all that you witnessed, Twilight Sparkle." Twilight turned around to look at the Knight Commander, whose expression had gone from the sternness to an almost comforting, apologetic one. "... Steel Gleam... he experienced terrible things in the Free Plains. I fear he may not be well enough to do his job..." "Clearly..." said Nova Flare, speaking up for the first time. She had kept quiet the whole time, hoping not to incite anger from the younger Templar; though Twilight was certain she wanted to speak up many times. "And for his experiences, a Unicorn Mage now lays dead. Surely there will be justice for this crime?" The Knight Commander sighed, rubbing a hoof against his forehead. "Unfortunately, it is not so easy... while I am supposed to strip him of his rank and title, the Chantry is often cold towards Unicorns, and supposes a 'guilty until proven innocent' stance. I will have to painfully investigate the situation, and be able to prove that there is no evidence of the victim practicing Blood Magic." The First Enchanter nodded. "And I noticed you didn't even bring up his personal grudge against the unicorn?" Shield shook his head. "There was no point to it." Twilight gulped once again. "W... what happened?" Ser Shield shrugged. "Well... he and that particular Unicorn... Golden Glow... had a falling out. Golden had complained of getting dirty glares and being stalked by Steel Gleam. Eventually, however, Steel Gleam began to accuse him of Blood Magic." He turned and trotted to his desk, rearing up and placing his hooves on them. "We investigated him, and could find no hints or suggestions of him practicing Blood Magic. Just yesterday, I had told Steel Gleam that the investigation was being stopped. I suppose he wasn't happy to hear that." The First Enchanter nodded. "It leads me to wonder if these claims of Blood Magic might have been spread by some of his closest compatriots?" Ser Shield shook his head. "I cannot assume that, unfortunately. That pain in my ass... he has assured that I will spend the next week making inquiries and reports..." The First Enchanter turned to Twilight and smiled; it was a comforting smile, especially for all the fear she was feeling at this time. "Twilight Sparkle, please return to your quarters. I promise, this will all be cleared up..." Twilight nodded and turned, trotting from the room hurriedly. She wanted to get back to her room and quietly sulk for the rest of the day at what had happened. She didn't want anymore thoughts of death and pain invading her mind. As she trotted down the halls, she couldn't help but let her gaze wander. Templars. Unicorns. She had heard the stories, but never feared the Templars. For her entire life, they had simply been the police of the Tower; never once did she get dirty glares, never once was she accused of anything... heck, she found some of them, such as Ser McIntosh and Lady Bon Bon, to be particularly pleasant! But now a new feeling was creeping into her. Maybe it was the rumors. Maybe it's the shock of recent experience playing in her mind. But now... she was scared. Were they really so pleasant after all? Were they really a police force? Or are they headsponies, just waiting for her to slip up? And what of her colleagues? Can she say the Templars' fear is unjustified? What if... somewhere... what if one of them was practicing Blood Magic. This was all too much for her to take in at once. She needed to be in a sanctuary to process these events, to understand them. She worried she might never be able to. Eventually, she had found her way back to her quarters. There, Spike sat on her bed, waiting for her. His eyes looked up to meet hers, and he quickly jumped off the bed and ran to her, wrapping his arms around her leg. "Oh Twilight!" he shouted. "I... I was so worried... wh... what happened?" Twilight sighed and shook her head. "It... it's dealt with... there will be an investigation, and the Templars might be running about more later... but I think we're going to be left alone..." She hoped she was right. She didn't know if she could take this anymore. *** Twilight couldn't sleep. The days' events were still playing in her head. She had decided to busy herself with reading to take her mind off the events that had played out, so she had decided to read up on recent history. At first, she was reading about the Fifth Blight; about how the Hero of Equestria - a Pegasus named Snowflake, had slain the Archdemon. She was fortunate in that at that time, she hadn't witnessed any abominations or blood magic; she was spared those horrors, not like some she knew. She was scared for a while, but eventually shrugged it off. Maybe that was why she was worried? Maybe she didn't shrug it off, and subconsciously was afraid of it starting over? That thought led to her reading about the Free Plains incident. It was fairly recent, really; the stories differ here and there, but some say that it was a revolt started by the Unicorns, while others claim it was started by the Templars. There, they say a champion by the name of Pokey Pierce (which was strange a name for a hero, so people just called him 'Champion' most times) sided with the Unicorns. That was probably a little over a year ago; sometime shortly before Steel Gleam made his way into Equestria. She sighed and closed her eyes. She was tired and she knew it. She was just afraid of going to sleep. Deciding to at least attempt it, she closed the book she was reading and levitated her covers over herself, tucking herself in. Closing her eyes, she let out a wide yawn. "Goodnight Spike..." she said to the dragonling; he had been asleep for hours now, but it wouldn't feel right for her not to say it, with all the fears she had been having. She lay her head down into her bed and closed her eyes. She lay in silence for several minutes. Suddenly, she heard the clinking of metal; the sound of an armored pony walking. "Here she is. Still asleep." She didn't dare open her eyes. "Put one of those amulets on her, then stash another one in that room next door. Put it somewhere good; if it's too obvious somepony might get suspicious." Twilight opened her eyes to see a Templar standing over her, his sword in his mouth, raised up. Her eyes widened, and she panicked. She watched as the sword came down. Time seemed to slow. And then, it bounced off an invisible force. "What the--!?" Twilight lept from the bed. "WHAT THE HAY!?" "Freeze, Maleficar!" Twilight was going to protest; to defend herself verbally. She then remembered how well that worked for the last unicorn. "GET THEM NOW, CHAUNSY!" The two Templars' eyes widened and they looked behind themselves; there was nothing there. Suddenly, a flurry of books flew at them, striking them both in the heads multiple times and knocking them down. Twilight quickly pulled Spike (who had woken up at her shouting) and placed him on her back, jumping from her bed. She levitated her staff towards herself and looked to her pendant. It seemed so lonely. She didn't know why, but she... didn't feel she could leave it. She levitated it and her saddlebags towards herself, placing the bags over her back and the pendant around her neck. The Templars began to recompose themselves, so Twilight made a point of jumping over them and running down the hall. She knew where she was going to run; straight to the Knight Commanders' office. He had to know. He had to be warned; they were planting evidence now. She stopped when she heard screaming. Looking into a nearby room, she saw a Templar standing over a unicorn, magic fleeing his body as he struggled, eventually falling limp. Wishing not to draw attention, she hurried along once again. As she ran, she heard more; ponies screaming, shouting, the sound of blades... even the sounds of desperate spell casting. Eventually, she reached the Knight Commanders' quarters. Filled with urgency, she wasted no time in throwing the doors open. Just in time to see Ser Shield get driven through. Her eyes widened as she saw him drop his blade, a sword running through his chest. Blood spilled from his muzzle as he struggled, and eventually the blade was pulled free as he was carelessly shoved backwards, falling to his side. "Sorry Captain" said the assailant in the helmet. "But you're too nice to these freaks." The earth pony threw something at him; a pendant. She had only caught a glimpse of it, but it looked familiar. A Unicorn Emperium pendant. "This tower needs somepony who knows what Unicorns can do if being coddled." Twilight didn't bother sticking around, she was quick to turn and run, much to the confusion of the little dragon on her back who hadn't really caught a glimpse of what was happening (he had been watching out for others). She knew that voice; that was Steel Gleam. Steel Gleam had murdered Ser Shield? Why? Was he afraid of punishment? Had he been planning this all along? What was going on? She only had one place she could think to go now, and rushed to the First Enchanters' quarters. Much to her worry, the doors were already open. Cautiously, she peaked into them, and found the First Enchanter, standing before three Templars. One of them was frozen in a solid block of ice, another trapped in stone shackles, and the third was being levitated in the air. "What is going on? Why are you attacking me!?" shouted Nova Flare. "Unicorn scum... put me down and submit, or I'll gut you!" "As you wish." Suddenly, the Templar was brought down. Forcibly. He slammed into the ground once, and quite hard, and immediately stopped moving. Twilight had worried she had killed him, but she could see that he was still breathing. The other Templar, the only one conscious and not encased in ice, simply growled. She looked to him with a cold gaze. "Do you have anything to say?" He did not respond, but Twilight imagined he was not very happy underneath that helmet. "Good." "First Enchanter?" Nova Flare turned to her and trotted towards the younger unicorn. "Twilight? Spike? Thank the stars, do you have any idea what's going on here? One minute I'm researching the history of cheese, the next I'm being attacked by Templars." Twilight grimaced, biting her lip. "They... they're killing everypony! They're killing the unicorns! They killed Knight Commander Shield!" This caught even Spike by surprise, whose only response was to place his claws over his mouth. Nova stared at Twilight. At first, she seemed to be processing the information, but then she seemed to become sad... mournful even. "What? ... the Unicorns? Shield?" Twilight nodded. Nova shook her head. "Wh... but... I... " "It was Steel Gleam..." Twilight said. Nova grimaced. "Gleam... so... he's incited a revolt? A genocide?" Suddenly, Twilight felt something. It was... odd. She felt the strength leave her body, and at the same time, a deal of pain, like being cut. It was not a pain she was familiar with, though... it was like it was cutting deeper than flesh. It was as if it was cutting her very being. She buckled to her knees and saw a light strike the First Enchanter who, while she seemed drained, continued to stand. Spike seemed to wince a bit too, shaking his head as he was overcome by vertigo. "It's an Annulment." Twilight turned to see two more Templars; both wearing helmets. They stepped into the room and held their swords up, but before they could do anything, a blue aura appeared between them and launched them apart, cluttering against the floor and walls. "Run!" It was one word, and as Nova uttered it, Twilight knew to listen. She got up on shakey hooves and began to rush towards the door, hearing the First Enchanter follow up behind her. They fled the room and darted down the halls. "Wh... what's an Annulment?" said Spike, regaining his composure. Nova Flare didn't bother looking towards the dragon. "It's when the Templars decide to purge the Unicorns of a circle!" "What!? They can't do that!" shouted Spike. "What are we going to do!?" shouted Twilight. "An Annulment!? Don't they need permission from the Grand Cleric first!?" "Yes!" shouted Nova. "But I don't think this is a true Annulment; there are no grounds to invoke the Right of Annulment without proof that the vast majority of a tower is corrupt!" Both mares looked ahead and skid to a stop. Before them stood a single stallion; a familiar red colt with an orange mane wearing Templar armor. His sword was drawn, and he had blood on his armor. Twilight's eyes widened and she froze. "Ser McIntosh... " "Get down!" Twilight blinked, confused, when suddenly Nova put a hoof on her head and shoved her to the ground. Spike, quick to catch on, pulled his own head down and covered it with his arms, while McIntosh leaped over the two, and as Twilight looked back she saw him engage the two Templars they had just fled from. He struck one with the pommel of his sword, dazing him, before throwing a hoof and knocking him out cold. Turning, he parried blades with the other Templar, before shoving him back, turning around, and delivering a quick, well-aimed buck, sending the Templar sailing into a wall, also getting knocked out cold. The two unicorns slowly stood up as he approached. "Y'all alright?" "F-fine..." said Twilight. "Y-yeah, I'm good..." followed Spike. "Ser McIntosh... just what in the name of Celestia is going on?" McIntosh grimaced. "Gleam Shield started a revolt... apparently they been plannin' this a while." "What?" said both unicorns in tandem. "Seems he's been enlistin' new recruits an' junior Templars... feeding them his stories and paranoia..." McIntosh shook his head. "They ambushed a lot of us while we was in our small clothes an' forced us t' side with 'em or get killed." Spike peaked over Twilight's shoulder. "Then... wh... what are YOU doing here?" McIntosh grinned. "Ah was a farmer b'fore Ah became a Templar. Mah muscles are built by honest work." "Okay, that's good..." said Nova Flare, "But now we have to get out of here. Apparently they're starting a revolt and claiming it an Annulment." McIntosh shrugged. "What do we do?" "Simple, we run..." Nova scowled. "You two hurry, get out of the tower. I'll meet up with you outside... I have to grab something first." With that, Nova's horn began to glow, and suddenly, she disappeared, with a burst of air in her wake. Twilight turned to face Big Mac who nodded to her. "Do y'all know how ta fight?" The unicorn blinked and smiled nervously. "Uhh... well... not much, no..." Spike bit his lip. "I'm... not good at fighting at all..." Mac nodded. "Do ya know anything useful?" Twilight nodded. "Well, I... can levitate things and make barriers?" Big Mac shook his head. "Good enough. We can use that. Support me an' let's go." With that, the two ponies rushed down the hall. As they ran, Twilight was reminded just what was going on; the sounds of ponies screaming, begging for mercy, of explosions and the sounds of ice cracking, of stone shattering. Her home was being torn apart, and all she could do was run. Eventually, they had made it to the doors; it was almost surprising how easy it was. "Okay, let's get outside an' wait for--" "You aren't going anywhere traitor!" The ponies turned around to see five Templars had followed them. "Where did they come from!?" shouted Twilight. "Look fellas, calm down! Y'all ain't thinkin' clearly..." said McIntosh, his voice calm, exhuding some air of understanding... even confidence. "What's happenin' here is wrong, an' you know it. Put yer weapons away an' just... think about this fer a moment." "What's WRONG is that these abominations are treated like foals while their wild brethren pollute the world with evil!" shouted one of the enemy Templars. "We guard them day in, day out, and for what? For them to escape, turn to Blood Magic, and tear entire villages apart!" Big Mac sighed and shook his head. "Ain't that simple..." Reaching back, he placed his teeth around the handle of his sword and drew it. "Ready, Twilight?" Twilight nodded, levitating her staff to her side; she felt comfort in feeling it's reaction to her magic ease her burden. The Templars charged suddenly and without any further warning. Blades drawn, they rushed towards the two ponies. Big Mac was quick to ready his greatsword - a sword that only a pony of his prodigious strength could hope to wield - and swung it around. He struck the shield of another Templar, who countered with a slash that barely missed the stallion. One of the Templars rushed towards his side, and he lept just in time to miss the blade, swinging his sword again and slashing at another Templar, cutting deep and sending blood against the walls. The injured stallion backed away, quickly reaching into his bags for a poultice, as another took his place. Big Mac threw his legs to buck him back and thrust his head forward, butting another stallion in the stomach as he had reared up to bring his sword down. Big McIntosh didn't see the stallion bringing the sword toward his neck. CLANG! The blade bounced off a magenta bubble that now surrounded the large red colt. His eyes wide, he looked towards the Templar who had attacked him, who stared at him with surprise as well. Big Mac turned to see Twilight's horn glowing, her own eyes wide with a mix of fear and desperation. He gave a nod, and then the bubble disappeared. Swinging his sword sideways, the flat, side-end of the blade struck the stallion's face and knocked him backwards and out for the count. Big Mac looked up to the unicorn once again, and his eyes widened. "BEHIND YOU!" Twilight turned to see a stallion leaping at her, mace in his mouth. She panicked and lowered her horn, launching a magenta bolt of light forward that struck the Templar and sent him flying backwards - Templars were resistant to magic, but they did not absorb it. While the blast itself may not have been as effective as it would have been to other ponies, the Templar was no more immune to common physics as his body slammed into a wall and he fell unconscious to the floor - which earned a cheer from Spike. She turned to see Big Mac once again combating the stallions, dodging and swinging and striking, her horn glowing in preperation for another spell. Suddenly, they were all lifted into the air by a blue aura and struck the ground with great force, and each and every one of them was knocked out cold. The two ponies looked up to see First Enchanter Nova glaring at them. "What are you three still doing here!? I said to run!" "We got kinda tied up..." said Big Mac, nodding towards the Templars. "Get what you were looking for?" the First Enchanter nodded. Her saddlebag opened, and from it levitated a small vial. It drifted before Big Mac, who stared at it a few moments before letting his eyes open wide. "A phylactery... but... whose...?" "Twilight's..." said Nova, looking towards Twilight Sparkle. Twilight's eyes widened, her expression nothing short of shocked. 'She's giving him my phylactery?' Twilight knew what it was; it was the one thing that truly bound her to the circle. It was her lifeline in more ways than one. If anything happened to it... "I can't believe it..." said Spike. "That's Twilight's Phylactery?" Big Mac grimaced. "Why?" "I'd rather her phylactery be in the hooves of a pony who can be trusted to do the right thing..." said Nova with a nod. "Big McIntosh, I know this is asking a lot, but given the circumstances, consider this my permission for Twilight to leave the tower. It is, after all, in my power to grant it, is it not?" Big Mac nodded, clearly not one hundred percent on what was going on, but complying, and pulled open his saddlebags. He took the small vial into his mouth and gently placed it in with his other things, closing it back. "Good... I'm going to stay here and help my apprentices, protect them, and heal them... you two know what to do. Find the Grand Cleric in Canterlot, explain this situation. She should be able to help us..." Nova nodded to Twilight Sparkle. "You be safe, dear..." Twilight nodded slowly, to which Nova responded with a polite smile. Suddenly, in a burst of air, she was gone again. Twilight looked to Big Mac, and the two ponies nodded toward each other. With that, they pressed the doors open and stepped out of the tower. *** Twilight had not left the safety of the tower for years. Sure, it had a small courtyard of sorts for the Unicorns to wander, get a little fresh air, but even that had stone floors and high walls. For the first time in a long time, she felt the grass beneath her hooves, and she could see the lake, and the trees on the other side of the lake... sure, it was dark out, and hard to see, but the black painting the horizon and seperating it from the blue star scape made it as visible as it needed to be. It's beautiful... She took a few steps forward to admire the scene, to truly take it in. Suddenly, she heard something whiz past her head, and heard the sound of Big Mac yell. Drawn out of her revery, she saw the stallion fall to one side, an arrow sticking out of his other. The unicorn spun around to see a stallion in Templar armor reloading a crossbow, staring at her. Without a second thought, she launched a bolt of energy at him, striking the crossbow from his hooves. Thinking quick, she threw him upwards into the air; a bit higher than she intended, and grimaced as she saw him drop back down with a thud. He would live. She turned and quickly rushed to Big Mac, who was gritting his teeth and trying to figure a way to get the arrow out of his body. Twilight couldn't help but grimace, Spike sharing the sentiment; it was in deep, and he was bleeding pretty badly. "Oh my goodness... d-don't move, I'm going to try to pull it out..." "N-no, don't, Ah--" Suddenly, the arrow was yanked from him, and Big Mac clutched his teeth together and shouted into them, eyes shut tight with tears of pain rolling down his cheeks. More blood began to flow, much to Twilight's horror. Quickly, she pulled Big Mac's armor from him, despite the stallion's protests and discomfort. As she removed the plating, however, she nearly balked at what she saw had been underneath it. Cuts. Bruises. Gashes that had been healed by weaker healing poultices. His body was absolutely torn apart; most of the wounds had not fully healed, some of them had pulled back open, and all of them looked fresh; some more so than others. She looked up to the stallion, eyes wide. Spike turned around and gagged; he didn't care for the sight of blood. "... Oh my... you.... how...?" Big Mac's expression, for the first time, shifted from the determined, frantic one he had been wearing to something weary and tired. All at once, the energy he had had since they had been forced to wake up left him. "They beat me fer a while. Tortured me, said it'd all be better if Ah joined they cause. Eventually, Ah stopped movin' an' they thought they killed me, so they left me alone long enough ta get away... Ah downed a healing poultice that took care of most of th' wounds, but that's all Ah had ta work with..." Twilight could only stare. He fought with all of these injuries? The stallion had to be in a great deal of pain; it was any surprise he was still moving in his condition. Quickly, she pulled open her saddlebags and pulled from it some bandages. In moments, she had covered the worst of the damage, but he was still in no shape to do what he HAD been doing; chances were, he was going to need help from here on out. "Can we jus' go now?" "Of course..." she said carefully. Quickly setting his armor back onto his body, the two ponies (and one dragon) climbed into a small ferry boat on the dock. Normally, there should have been a ferrypony there, but he was probably likewise occupied. As Twilight shoved off, she looked back to the stallion, whose injuries seemed to finally be catching up to him as he held a hoof to his side. It still didn't fail to surprise her - by all means, he should be incapacitated. Was this the kind of will that drove Templars? Their strength? Or was this just the sheer power of the one stallion? "You're very strong..." He nodded. "Apples don't raise weaklings..." "So... where to now?" said Spike, shaking his head to get the image of the damage done to the stallion out of his head. Big Mac turned to look out over the lake. "Let's get to Ponyville first... Ah gotta go see mah family, tell 'em what's happened... see if Ah can't get help... after that... we head towards the Chantry to do what th' First Enchanter asked us ta do..." Twilight nodded. She looked to the other side of the lake. And it didn't fail to strike her. This all started just after she became a full fledged Mage. > Meeting New Faces > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight couldn't stop looking around and taking in the scenery. It had been nearly half a day since they had fled the tower. Severl minutes spent crossing the lake, and a few hours on the road after getting a ride in a wagon, and she still couldn't get over it. She hadn't left the tower since she was a foal; the world seemed so... brand new to her. Heck, Spike had NEVER left the tower; he still couldn't get over grass. She looked to her escort; Ser McIntosh had passed out. Without any healing poultices, and having expended her only injury kit, he was still in bad shape; she knew enough about first aid to tell he likely had some broken bones and other such trauma. How he intended to go on this journey in his condition was anypony's guess - she wondered if they'd have to wait for him to heal? Did they have that kind of time? "Twilight?" The unicorn turned to the small dragon sitting beside her, staring outside of the cart. "Yes Spike?" "... Will we ever go back to the tower?" Twilight nodded. "I'm certain we will." Spike nodded. "Oh... do we have to?" "Yes." "Oh...." Twilight turned to look forward. She could see a small town coming up just ahead. "That right there is Ponyville, miss. Could ya wake yer friend n' tell 'em we're here? Think I'd like ta continue along my way if that's good with you." Twilight nodded and brought a hoof to gently shake the large red stallion, who shifted and slowly opened his eyes. "Huh...?" "I think we're just outside of town." Big Mac slowly looked up over the side of the wagon. "Eeyup..." Slowly, he stood up with a wince and trotted towards the edge of the wagon; his injuries had finally caught up with him, and such were they that it hurt to move. He felt his wounds straining to heal with certain motions, and breathing in too deeply hurt his chest. Twilight helped him get out of the wagon, and once the three had left it, the stallion gave a nod and continued trotting down the path. Twilight stayed beside the stallion as balance as they headed into the town. It seemed rather lively; ponies milling about, trading, visiting friends, etc. Twilight had not seen a town in a long time; the closest she got was years ago... Just as she was about to reminisce, she suddenly became aware of a pink pony who turned around and smiled wide. "Oh! Hi Big McIntosh! Hi New Pony!" She seemed to go on about her business before she stopped, looked to Twilight, and then leaped in the air with a gasp, before dashing off at high speeds. "What was that...?" said Spike. Big Mac groaned. "Don't ask, just move faster towards that path down that way, big red barn, can't miss it, an' move before she comes back..." Twilight, not one to question this stallion this particular day, nodded and continued her trek forward. *** Twilight had never seen a farm before. Especially not an apple farm. As far as the eye could see; apple trees everywhere. Somehow, it only served to make her miss her books and wish she could have brought more with her. She turned her attention back to the road, eventually seeing something in the distance; a small, red house, and out on it's porch, an elderly green mare. As they approached, she looked up and smiled. "Well howdy there Big McIntosh! Was wonderin' when ya'd swing by! Them there yoo-nee-corns give ya the day off?" Big Mac shook his head. "Not quite Granny... can we go inside before I talk about it?" "An' whose this?" Granny turned to Twilight, eying her, humming. "... Not sure how comfortable Ah am with ya bringin' a unicorn home, but long as she can bare healthy foals and gives me at least one strong and proud earth pony great grand child Ah ain't one ta argue." Twilight's face grew a deep red at the implications, her jaw dropping wide open and her eyes darting left and right. Big Mac glared at the elder mare. "Granny, be serious." "Ah am serious!" Big Mac groaned, squeezing his eyes shut. "Is Applejack here?" The elder mare nodded. "She's takin' a short break from 'er chores. Why ya ask, sonny?" The stallion sighed and smiled. "Jus' come on in, Ah'll explain everythin' to ya." *** "Well hooow-dee there! Can't say Ah've ever met a unicorn OR a dragon face-to-face before, but it's a mighty fine pleasure to meet you Miss Twilight Sparkle an' Mr. Spike!" Twilight's body tumbled as the orange mare shook her hoof vigorously. "Nnniiiice to meeeet you toooooo!" Applejack smiled. "Well, if'n y'all come here from that there unicorn tower, Ah'll have ya know Sweet Apple Acres grows the best apples in all of Equestria! Y'all might wanna hop to orderin' yer own fer the place, lest we run out! An' our Apple Cider? To die for!" "Applejack..." The orange mare turned to her brother, whispering. "Shh, Ah'm tryin' ta sell apples to th' fancy unicorn representative ya brought! Don't ruin this, we can use th' money! Yer pay fer yer Templar work is good an' all, but we need ta make a lil' more otherwise we're just gettin' by!" Big Mac grimaced. "She ain't a representative. She's my charge." Everything fell quiet. "Is THAT what they're callin' 'em now?" said Granny, earning another pointed stare from Big Mac. "Ah can't give y'all the details, but things... things are really bad at the tower right now. We need ta get ta Canterlot and warn the Grand Cleric before things get too out of hoof..." Applejack blinked. "Wait... so the unicorns are revoltin'? Ah heard it was gonna happen but... why ya got one of 'em with ya if they went bonkers?" Twilight seemed to withdraw herself, ears folding in obvious discomfort, to which Applejack noticed, chuckling nervously. "Not that yer bonkers! Yer great!" "Ain't the unicorns..." said the stallion. "Some of the Templars started a revolt and began killin' unicorns in their sleep." Applejack and Granny's jaws dropped at the same time. "What!?" said granny. "Ah aint never heard of no Templars revoltin' against the unicorns! Aint they the ones in charge?" Big Mac shook his head. "Not that simple. There's rules. An' they're breakin' all of 'em." Applejack turned to her brother with a brown and a questioning glare - clearly, there was some concern in her about this particular situation.. "Well what in the hills do y'all want us to do about it? We aint no fancy Templars or anythin'." Big Mac opened his mouth to speak, but stopped, and tapped his chin with his hoof. Shaking his head, he looked to his sister. "Jus'... don't panic none, kay?" Granny blinked. "Is th' unicorn pregnant?" Twilight almost grew as red as the Earth Pony she was following and bit her lip, wishing she could disappear before the embarassment killed her. Big Mac shot his grandmother another glare. "Stop that." "An old coot can hope can't she?" Big Mac sighed. Best to show them. He reached his hoves around and undid clasps in his armor, letting the plate slide down as he took it and set it aside, exposing his various injuries (most of which were bandaged, even if said bandages had already been soaked in blood). Applejack placed her hooves over her mouth, eyes wide in shock. Granny let out an impressed whistle. "Woowee, whoever got you got you good didn'ey boy?" Big Mac nodded. "Ah'm hurt bad... Ah need ta lay low while Ah recover, an' so does she" he gestured to Twilight. "Would it be alright if we stayed her a week or so? Let Twilight n' Spike take the guest room?" Granny hummed and looked to Applejack. "Well... Ah guess it wouldn' hurt. Apple Bloom might get curious but she ain't one ta blabber much... what do you say Applejack?" Applejack turned to look Twilight over. "Ah ain't sure... no offense, sugar cube, Ah'm sure yer a peach, but if they find her with us, won't they... ya know... have us all executed?" The stallion shook his head. "Technically, Ah'm her escort, an' the First Enchanter gave me permission an' her phylactery. The only thing we gotta fear is rogue Templars followin' me, an' considerin' Ah took the only available ferry on the island at that time, Ah doubt they'll catch up too soon." Granny grinned. "Well sounds good ta me. Y'all can stay here till ya get better. Who knows, y'all might meet a pretty girl! Hint hint." Big Mac gracefully ignored his granny's attempt to push his buttons this time. "Thanks, Granny." *** Twilight stared out the window of the guest room she had been given for her stay. There was a single bed with only two pillows (she let Spike sleep with her for lack of a comfortable bed space on the floor) and a single nightstand to speak of, as well as a chair. She didn't mind; she didn't need much... though some books would have been nice. Still, she stared out at the farm, her thoughts racing back and forth. Between home. Between the journey ahead of her. And the future. "Hey." Twilight turned to face the orange mare from earlier, who was wearing a gentle smile. "How are ya?" Twilight smiled a bit and shrugged. "I'm fine... a bit nervous, but fine..." Applejack gave a gentle nod. "... Ya know... Big Mac told me about what happened... when Granny wasn't around that is... about what ya saw, and what ya did..." Twilight frowned and lowered her head, her ears folding. Suddenly, she felt hooves wrap around her and pull her into a hug, and she stiffened. Twilight was not so used to being this close to a pony. "Thanks fer savin' mah brother's life an' helpin' him get outta there..." Thanks? She hadn't been thanked before. Well, she had been, but... not with so much meaning. Suddenly, she relaxed a bit, gently putting a hoof around the other pony. "It was nothing... to be fair, he helped me first..." Applejack nodded and pulled away. "Yeah. But y'all kept 'em treated and saved his hide from what Ah hear. Way Ah see it, had ya not done that he mighta been a goner twice at least..." Twilight smiled a bit, a little blush on her cheeks. "Thanks..." The orange mare turned and looked out the window. "Ya know, if'n y'all want, Ah can take ya out there n' we can wander around town a bit. Ah can give ya a hat ta cover yer horn, an' if that don't work an' anypony asks, Ah'll tell 'em yer under cover on official Chantry business or somethin'. Technically aint lyin'." Twilight thought of this for a moment. She had never left the tower before... perhaps she should see the great outdoors? After all, when would she get this opportunity again? "Alright... I think I'd like that." *** As the two mares wandered about town, Twilight couldn't help but let her curiosity get the best of her. Everywhere she turned, there were more ponies. They all seemed so... happy. Content. Had she ever seen so many ponies like this? A vague memory comes to mind, from long ago, but nothing certain. All Twilight knew was that something about this town was... different. A perfect contrast to the quiet, seemingly perpetually contemplative state her tower always lay in. "Is it always so... lively?" "Eeyup!" said the orange mare next to her, adjusting her stetson hat on her own head, then quickly helping to adjust Twilight's own headwear - a similar hat, if pulled down a bit to cover her horn - to make sure the base of her horn was well hidden. "'Specially on a market day. Few years ago, Ponyville was jus' another town that barely registered on th' map, but that 'Hero of Equestria' everypony talks about? He came from here. When everypony heard, this town became kinda a tourist attraction." Applejack shrugged. "To think, people thought he was jus' another city Pegasus who'd spend 'is life livin' in a slum." Twilight gave a slight nod of acknowledgement, her eyes still wandering the town. "Mostly Earth Ponies in this town. Got a few pegasai here n' there, but they kinda stick to the poorer parts... an' the only unicorns ta speak of are in that there Magic Shop thing... course, them fellars act awful slow..." "Oh. Are they tranquil?" asked Twilight. Applejack shrugged. "Ah dunno, they seem pretty peaceful ta me. Maybe they're jus' creepy, Ah dunno." Twilight was about to respond when suddenly a pink pony popped up in front of her, decorated with a strange contraption that added a drum, a trumpet, some cymbals, and who knew what else into one instrument. As she began to play the loud musics, everypony seemed to ignore her as if they were used to this. "Welcome welcome welcome! A fine welcome to you! Welcome welcome welcome! I say how do you do? Welcome welcome welcome! I say hip hip hurray! Welcome welcome welcome! To Ponyville today!" Applejack grimaced. "Pinkie Pie, Ah--" "Wait for it!" Silence. "Oh wait!" shouted Pinkie. "I forgot to bring my oven with me!" Somewhere in the distance, Twilight could swear she heard the sound of something... like a.... gooey explosion? Following it, of course, were short shouts of surprise. Pinkie shrugged. "Oh well! At least SOMEPONY got to enjoy it!" Applejack sighed. "Pinkie, ain't y'all supposed ta be workin' right now?" Pinkie shook her head. "Nnnope! The Cakes let me use my lunch break to welcome the new unicorn to Ponyville!" Pinkie suddenly rushed in front of Twilight. "So, are you a First Enchanter? Senior Enchanter? Mage? Apprentice? Apostate? Or were you just born with a freaky horn thing?" Twilight balked a bit, eyes darting left and right. Applejack pulled Pinkie close, crammed her hoof in her mouth, and spoke in a harsh whisper. "Hush, sugar cube! We're tryin' not ta draw attention to 'er!" Pinkie shrugged and spat the hoof out. "Oh, okay, I see. I guess the answer doesn't really matter anyway, if the rumors going around are true." Applejack quirked her brow. "Wh... rumors?" Pinkie nodded. "I welcome everypony who comes to Ponyville, so I hear a lot of weird gossip, and one rumor is that there's some kinda tension brewing between the Circle of Unicorns and the Templar Order! They say it's really bad in some places - the Circle in Hoofwall is all but dissolved after the Templars there invoked the Right of Annulment after their Chantry exploded and the High Cleric was killed! Lotsa ponies think it's gonna turn into all out war - some say it already has! But I'm not too worried, cause I also hear the Unicorn Circle north of here is quite peaceful and the Templars and Unicorns get along nicely!" Applejack turned to face her unicorn companion; Twilight's mouth was hanging open, her pupils were pinpricks, and she had gone pale. Applejack was quick to speak, shaking her head. "I-It's okay, Sugar cube! Ah'm sure they're jus' rumors!" she shot a glare to Pinkie Pie. "Right Pinkie?" Pinkie hummed. "Well, I know that the Hoofwall thing really happened, but yeah, the war stuff is kinda just rumors at this point!" That didn't help comfort Twilight at all. For such a rumor to spread, she knew, there had to be SOME grounds for it. "A war...?" Applejack scowled at her pink friend as Twilight pondered this over. "Should we tell McIntosh?" The orange mare nodded. "Ah reckon so... might not be the worst idea in the world..." Pinkie frowned. "Aww, did I do something bad?" She grabbed Twilight and pulled her close. "I have to make it up to you! Drinks! On me! I know the bar tender, he owes me one!" Applejack sighed. "Pinkie, Ah reckon ya've done enough fer today..." "Nope!" shouted Pinkie. "I've still got twenty five minutes left!" *** Twilight had never drank apple cider before. Correction: she had drank apple cider before, but this was... different? It was warm and tingly and made her belly feel warm. Also, the world seemed kind of spinny. "This cider is GREAT!" shouted Twilight. "What's so different about it!? Is it's chemical composure altered somehow? Special ingredient?" Applejack groaned to herself, placing a hoof on the bridge of her nose, muttering under her breath. "Great... now Ah got Pinkie out helpin' a unicorn get drunk... who... is clearly quite the lightweight..." She turned to face the pink perpetrator. "You do realize we're trying to NOT draw attention, right?" Pinkie shrugged. "What's fun with NOT drawing attention?" Applejack groaned, when the sound of doors opening caught everypony's attention. Standing in the doorway was a pegasus - her coat was a cyan color, her mane dressed in the many colors of the rainbow. On her face was a series of strange, intricate tattoos, and she was wearing simple commoners' clothing. She trotted towards the bar and climbed into a seat. "One Apple Cider, please." The Barkeep nodded and pulled a flagon from under the counter, filling it with cider, and sliding it to the pegasus. She took hold of it and pulled a few gold bits from her pouch, placing them on the counter, and then took a drink from the cider. Twilight stared at her in utter fascination - the only time she had seen a Pegasus that she knew of was when Snowflake came to the tower. He was big, muscular, and had tiny wings; naturally, she assumed that must be what all Pegasai looked like. Yet this one was about the same height and shape she was - a bit more athletically built, she could tell - and her wings were proportional with her body. "Holy MOLEY you're a Pegasus?" The mare turned to face Twilight and grimaced. "Yeah? Wanna make something of it?" Applejack laughed and stood between the two mares, looking around nervously. "A-Ah'm sorry fer mah friend here, she's jus' a mite drunk is all! Hehe" Twilight waved a hoof and looked over Twilight's shoulder. "I saw the uh... uhhh... Snowflake! Hero of Equestria! I saw him a few years back and he was... BIG! You're... you're not big at all!" The mare in question smirked. "What? Don't see many pegasai?" The unicorn giggled. "I don't see many things! I'm a uni--" Applejack was quick to shove a hoof into Twilight's mouth. "-A unique situation. She lived in that there Canterlot fer a few years, hailed from a noble family that never bothered with Pegasai an' such." The mare stared at the two, quirking her brow, before giving a shrug. "Alright, sounds cool. Long as she ain't starting trouble. My name's Rainbow Dash... I already know you, Applejack, but who is this?" "This is mah friend, Twilight Sparkle." Rainbow hummed. "Twilight Sparkle, eh? Never heard a pony with a name like that before. You foreign?" "You could say that!" shouted Twilight, much to Applejack's dismay. "Sugar cube, no more hard cider fer you..." Twilight grimaced a bit and sniffled. "My home is in turmoil... there's probably a war brewing somewhere that's gonna affect everypony I know... Applejack... I'm... so saaaad!" she whined, wrapping her hooves around Applejack, her sobs interrupted by the occasional hiccup. Rainbow Dash quirked a brow and looked around. "She... uh... gonna be okay?" Applejack sighed. "Ah figure so... might as well take 'er home..." Rainbow hummed. "Need help with that?" Applejack smiled. "If ya'd be so kind?" The pegasus grinned. "Hey, it's the least I could do for my favorite cider provider!" *** Applejack and Rainbow Dash stood with Twilight between them, helping her stumble back towards the farm. Pinkie had disappeared to who knows where. As they passed through the town, Applejack wondered if they should have waited until sundown to invite her new friend to drink. It was then that they both noticed something familiar. "Oh no..." said Rainbow Dash. "She's doing it again..." In the middle of town stood another pegasus, much like Rainbow Dash. Also like Rainbow Dash, she had tattoos marking her face, although they were smoother, and less consuming than the sharp and warrior-like patterns that adorned Dash's visage. "E-excuse me... c-c-could you sign this? I-I-It's just a petition for an animal shelter for--Oh... okay... uh.. ser! Ser? There are lots of poor homeless animals roaming the streets at night and--Oh... uh... th... I'm not that kind of pony, but thank you for the advice anyway..." Rainbow placed a hoof on her forehead and sighed. "Mind if I go deal with this?" Applejack simply gave a nod, and with that, Rainbow gently eased the unicorn next to her into the farm mare and floated towards her fellow pegasus, who simply looked to her and smiled. "Oh, hi Rainbow Dash. Such a lovely day to sign petitions for an animal shelter, isn't it?" Rainbow sighed and shook her head. "Flutters... again? You know nopony pays attention to you. And so you don't get upset, you know I don't mean that offensively... ponies... just aren't taking us Pegasai seriously yet..." Fluttershy nodded. "Oh, I know, but somepony has to speak for the animals! If I don't, then who will?" Rainbow shook her head. "Fluttershy... we live in the alienage. Just us being here makes ponies uncomfortable. Bonus points that we came from a caravan unlike some of these city pegasai. A lot of the prejudices maybe wearing down since Snowflake slew the Archdemon, but ponies are still adjusting. It's going to be a while before they take you too seriously." She didn't want to add that Fluttershy was also a bit of a pushover and tended to blend with the environment. "Oh, I know that too" said the butter yellow pegasus, "but that's why I keep doing it. That way, when ponies are ready to accept and hold hooves in brotherhood, I'll be ready right from the get go!" "That's the spirit!" Pinkie Pie seemed to pop out of nowhere and hug onto Fluttershy tightly, who did not seem very comfortable by the intrusion of her personal space. "After all, nopony gets nothin' done by not doing anything, Flutters!" "Where you been, Pinkie?" said Applejack, a bit shocked. Pinkie Pie stared at her and snorted, shrugging. "I have no idea!" "Well," said Applejack, "If'n y'all don't mind, can ya help us get Twilight to mah farm? Ah can't even imagine how mad Big Mac'll be when he finds out Ah got his charge drunk..." "I'M DRUNK!" shouted Twilight, much to everypony's surprise. She giggled a bit, before passing back out and snoring. Everypony stared at her silently. "Ah thought she was out cold..." said Applejack. "Me too..." said Rainbow Dash, wings flared from surprise. "What is all that racket?" Everypony turned to see a pony aproach them. Her coat was white, and she donned a hood with a hat underneath that covered most of her head. She wore a fancy looking dress, and from under her hat/hood combo came a wave of curly hair. "Oh, hi Rarity..." said Rainbow Dash, rolling her eyes. Rarity threw her nose up. "Rainbow Dash..." She looked to Fluttershy and smiled. "And Fluttershy. Dear, are you trying to sign those petitions again?" Fluttershy nodded. "Oh, yes! Would you mind?" Rarity shook her head. "Deary, you know I would if I could if not for uh... certain conditions." Fluttershy nodded. Rainbow snorted. "What, that you're an apostate?" Immediately, a white hoof was shoved into her mouth. "Quiet, Rainbow!" she shouted. "You never know who might hear you!" Rainbow Dash spat her hoof out and rubbed her muzzle. "Who might hear me? I think a bunch of ponies already know. In fact, I figure Applejack's brother is the only pony in this town who doesn't know you're really a unicorn." Rarity scowled at the pegasus and turned her nose upward again. "And if he finds out I just know they'll drag me off to one of those awful towers!" "T... they're not *hic*.... awful..." Rarity paled (as much as a white unicorn could) and turned her attention to Twilight. "Wh.... who is that..." Twilight slowly lifted her head up and blinked. "Listen you three... I grew *hic* .... grew up in one of those towers an'... an' it was great.... more books'n I know what to do with an'.... an'...." Suddenly, her eyes began to water, and she sniffled. "An'... an' now I miss my home..." Rarity stared at her for a few moments and looked to Applejack, who nodded at her. Reaching her hoof forward, she pushed the hat Twilight was wearing up a tad to reveal she did, indeed, have a horn. Rainbow Dash clopped her hooves together and pointed, grinning. "Ha! I knew it!" Applejack and Rarity both glared at her, causing her to wilt. "Er... sorry, carry on?" Rarity gently lowered Twilight's hat to be sure nopony noticed, she put a hoof over her mouth. "You're... a Circle Unicorn?" Twilight nodded and sniffled. "W-what are you doing out here? Circle unicorns don't leave unless--" she gasped. "Y.. you're not hunting apostates are you?" Twilight shook her head. "... Are.... are you trying to escape?" Twilight shook her head again. "What's wrong?" Applejack sighed and put a hoof on Rarity's shoulder. "Rares... it's been a tough few days for her... don't press it, please? She's seen more than anypony should have to..." Applejack gave a slow, gentle nod, her expression the definition of pity as she looked to the other unicorn. "I... I'm sorry it's just... well... the only Circle unicorn I ever knew was my mother... and besides her the only unicorn I've ever known was my sister... I've heard rumors about some of my clients but nothing I could verify..." "Well... be that as it may, sugar cube" said Applejack, "Mah brother an' her are on an important mission. We were carryin' her home so she could sober up..." Rarity nodded a bit, staring at Twilight, before turning to Applejack. "Do you... do you think you can send her my way when she does? I have so many questions to ask her..." Applejack nodded. "Ah'll tell 'er you wanted to talk to 'er, but whenever mah brother feels he should leave they're gone." The white unicorn nodded. "But of course..." she looked to Twilight and smiled. "Take care you poor thing..." With that, she nodded to each of the mares (accept Rainbow Dash, who she just huffed at) and then turned and trotted along her way. "I guess I should go home too!" shouted Pinkie. "I'm sure my break is almost over! The cakes must be getting swarmed! By!" With that, she darted off. "Oh... well, it seems nopony is helping today, so I think I'll head back to our house, alright Rainbow Dash? I'll meet you there when you finish what you're doing." "Yeah, sure Fluttershy" said Rainbow with a nod. The yellow Pegasus smiled and began to slowly hover off in another direction. "Poor mare... too good for this world..." said Rainbow. "Y'all can say that again. Speakin' of poor mares, let's get this'n into a bed so she can enjoy her first hangover..." said Applejack with a smirk. "HA!" laughed Rainbow, "I remember my first hangover... it's the proudest lesson I've never learned..." > Long Road Ahead > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "War?" Applejack stared at her brother with a look of worry. Rainbow Dash and Rarity had followed her back, both sitting to either side of her as she stared at her brother from across the room. "That's what Pinkie says... says that there's talk of it. She didn't elaborate, but Ah did some diggin', an' the rumors so far is that there's some sorta... uncertainty within the chantry, an' that tensions between Templars an' Unicorns are growin'. "Big Mac stared at his hooves, letting the thoughts run through his head. He had heard of the incident at the Free Plains, of how the chantry there had been destroyed, supposedly by some apostate, and of how the circle in Hoofwall dissolved when a Right of Annulment was declared. Many debated if it was even valid, considering there was no authority given by a High Cleric. Either way, the tales agree that the Knight Commander was insane, and that the First Enchanter used Blood Magic. "Ah don't understand... Ah was told it was a single incident... that it wasn't gonna be a problem..." "Apparently that isn't the case..." said Rarity, frowning at the implications. "Word travels fast, and with so many unicorns labeled apostates for the mere crime of preserving their lives, they've likely made a point of spreading word as far as they can..." She shook her head and tugged her hat a little, hoping her horn didn't show to the Templar. "While I can't say I've ever felt the Circles were justifiable, I must say that these Unicorns are doing more harm than good by spreading chaos they way they have been..." She was, of course, leaving out the part where Templars would likely be on the hunt for apostates in larger numbers than ever before. Big Mac shook his head and limped to the other side of the room, trying to think. "... Uncertainty... anythin' else?" Rainbow Dash threw a hoof up. "Oh! I talked to some ponies who uh... have sources... and they say the only thing staying the hooves of the Templars is some sort of secret, shadow organization." Everypony looked to her, Big Mac eying her particularly interested. "They call them the... uh... Seekers, I think it was? Supposedly, they're like... the Templar's version of... well... Templars. Find the bad ones and sort them from the good ones. Deal with particularly crafty Unicorns..." Big Mac stared at her for a few minutes and shook his head, placing a hoof on his forehead. "Oh Land Sakes..." he uttered in an almost tired way, his expression very fearful, very worried. "Wh... what's goin' on Big Mac?" Big Mac stared at his hooves and thought just how he was going to tell them. There was no way to keep it short. "The Seekers of Truth. They basically root out corruption in the Templar Order. If they're gettin' involved enough that rumors are flyin' around, somethin' might be goin' on..." Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash exchanged glances. Big Mac turned back to them. "... Girls... this is very, very bad. If what yer sayin' is true, then... if we bring news of the Circle being attacked by Templars... Ah... Ah can't say what'll happen... they might bring order, but they might wipe one side of the board clean... maybe do a total purging of both Templars an' Unicorns..." Applejack's jaw fell. Big Mac began to pace, his eyes darting around as if the answer to their problems might be somewhere nearby. "The First Enchanter... surely she knew? She goes to them College of Magi meetin's... don't they talk about this stuff...?" "What happens?" Everypony turned to Rarity, who was clearly worried. "What happens if... if this is all true? If a war breaks out between the Unicorns and the Templars?" McIntosh stared at her for a few minutes before looking back at a wall and placing a hoof behind his head. "Ah can't say for sure... Ah don't even know..." "It would become an 'you're either with us or against us' scenario..." Everypony turned to see Twilight Sparkle had entered the room. She was clearly suffering a headache if her expression was any sign. "How long ya been there, filly?" said Applejack, biting her lip. "I heard all of it... about the war..." "And what do ya mean..." said Big Mac with no shortage of tension. "... I've heard a lot of Unicorns talk... about how they hated the tower... how they felt like slaves, like dolls, like beasts being caged for the accident of birth..." She shook her head and sat on her haunches. "Rest assured, Ser McIntosh, I never felt that way... but... they always felt like the Templars were some sort of oppressive force. One that they wanted to fight but couldn't for various reasons... some out of fear... some out of uncertainty... but one element was always the same... Templars and Unicorns are two greatly different things." Big Mac frowned a bit, shaking his head. "... Some Templars thought it the same way... Ah'm not proud to admit that fer a while, Ah was kinda scared mahself to walk among Unicorns, thinkin' any minute one of 'em would go nuts and twist ponies apart with their brain..." "And that..." said Twilight, "... is what we're looking at with a war. The only difference..." "... the gloves are off..." said McIntosh, his eyes staring into space, a haunted expression adorning him as if he could actually see the idea. "Nopony will hold back... all restraint will be broken..." said Rarity, her fear growing almost palpable. "Unicorns n' Templars... slaughterin' each other in the streets..." said Applejack. "... That is... totally not good..." said Rainbow Dash, looking at all the other ponies in the room. Twilight nodded. "If some of the rumors that milled around the tower were true... and bare in mind, I typically don't listen to rumors, but... well... this once I make an exception... then all the taboos will likely be forgotten. Unicorns might summon demons and use Blood Magic more freely and openly. Templars might kill anything with a horn without a second thought as to if they're actually combat capable. Everypony will be a target." The room fell silent as everypony present pictured the horrid future in their minds. "What do we do?" said Applejack quietly. Big Mac stared at the others, fear plain on his face. Finally, however, his expression toughened up. "Ah'm gonna pack up. Gonna ready for mah trip to Canterlot tonight. Ah'm leavin' first thing in the mornin'." "What!?" shouted Applejack. "Look at you! Yer a wreck! If you try to make that journey you'd be lucky to get far enough for even a bandit to kill ya!" "Ah have no choice, Applejack!" shouted the stallion in an uncharacteristically loud voice. "If this is gettin' bad as we're hearin' right now, then Ah gotta get to the Chantry as soon as Ah can if we're gonna have any hope of savin' every single pony in that tower!" Twilight blinked. "Ev... everypony? Not just the Templars?" Big Mac turned to her, his expression nothing short of shocked. "Miss Sparkle, Ah know ya prolly don't have the best impression of Templars right now, but Ah like to think with what we went through back there Ah'd at least have given you a better impression than THAT." She supposed he had her there. "We'll go together though Twilight" he said. "If you an' me go there an' make a joint effort, it might convince the Chantry that it's not something happenin' to everypony. We'll have to make a point of lettin' them know who instigated the situation, that it was all the work of a... crazy pony with a chip on 'is shoulder, an' that he was brain washin' his subordinates an' threatenin' others. If we do that, they might send in some Seekers..." he shook his head at the mere thought. "... they might send in some Seekers an' help us resolve this issue for everypony..." Applejack ran to Big Mac. "Wait... what if.... what if Ah go in yer stead? What if Ah take Twilight there?" Big Mac grimaced. "No, Applejack. Y'all ain't equipped fer fightin'. Even Twilight here ain't no fighter... Ah wish there was a way Ah could leave her here safe, but she's in more danger here than out there." Applejack scowled. "You say that like yer in any condition!" He simply stared at her with that stare you gave when you knew you had nothing to say in your defense. "I-If Applejack and Twilight are going, I'm going." Everypony turned to see Rarity holding up her hoof, clearly uncomfortable. "Why?" said Big Mac. Rarity took a deep breath. "... I have family that are Unicorns... and I dare say that if I sat here and did nothing while they risked being persecuted for something that was outside of their control, I wouldn't be any sort of mare." Applejack and Rainbow Dash felt a great deal of pity for the fearful unicorn-in-disguise. "Well, if Rares is going..." said Rainbow Dash. "I suppose I'll go too!" She out her hooves to her sides and hovered above the ground. "You ponies need SOMEPONY who has combat experience, and I'll have you know I was a hunter in my caravan before I came to Ponyville!" Everypony stared. "What was Fluttershy?" said Applejack. Rainbow seemed to look away. "That... that's... for her to tell... not me." Applejack turned to her brother and scowled. "Big Mac. You know for a fact Ah'm plenty strong, an' that Ah can take care of mahself. Even if Ah ain't as experienced as you are, Ah'm plenty sure Ah could tan yer hide in yer current condition." Big McIntosh stared at his sister for several minutes, the two never letting their gazes falter. Everypony felt the tension rise, looking between the two. "Jus' let 'er go, sonny." Everypony turned to see the wizened green matriarch of the family trot into the room. "G-Granny...?" said McIntosh. "Did Ah stutter? Let 'er go. Like she said, in yer shape yer likely to keel over long b'fore you get ta Canterlot..." She smirked. "Plus, she's got friends ta take with her. Friends she has more experience with than you do. Not to mention, Ah reckon if them traitors of yers do start lookin' around, they'll be expecting a runaway Templar an' a Unicorn charge, not a buncha mares." Big McIntosh stared at her for a few minutes, turning his gaze to the ceiling as he let the thoughts mull over in his head. "Alright..." he said, sighing. Throwing a hoof up, he shook his head. "Fine... fine... Ah'll... Ah'll let ya go..." Applejack grinned. "But..." he said, holding his hoof towards her. "... You an' Ah gotta talk about some things first... an' Ah'm gonna need to give ya some things so that the Grand Cleric knows yer there on mah behalf, an' not some kinda bleedin' heart or somethin'." Rainbow Dash grinned. "Alright! Action! Adventure! Just what I always wanted! I am SO gonna have to tell Fluttershy!" With that, the pegasus bolted out of the room, leaving Applejack and Rarity to share grimaces. "That mare... she doesn't take anything seriously..." said the white unicorn. "Ah reckon Ah'd be scared if she did..." said the farm mare. Big Mac stood up and limped towards the door. "Applejack. Follow me." Applejack tilted her head. "What fer?" "Ah gotta talk to you, like Ah said. If'n yer gonna leave tomorrow, Ah'm gonna have to... explain some things, much as Ah can, before ya do. Some things that just might save yer life." Applejack blinked and looked back to her friends, before turning and following her brother towards the door. The two ponies made their exit out into the sunset, and out the window nearby, Twilight could see McIntosh leading Applejack out into the fields. "I'd best go home myself and prepare..." said Rarity, giving a slight nod. "I'll see you tomorrow I suspect, dear?" Twilight looked to Rarity, feeling as if she had noticed the other mare for the first time. The first apostate she had ever known. "Of course..." Rarity gave a gentle nod, and with that, she turned and made her way out of the farmhouse, trotting down the road back to Ponyville. "I'd better get ready too!" Twilight nearly jumped ten feet in the air as the pink pony seemed to appear out of no where next to her. Bearing in mind she had no horn, she had to wonder if Pinkie might be some sort of secret Unicorn herself? "Where did you come from!?" "Blame my parents!" beamed the pink pony. "Anywho, you can't go on an adventure without the life of the party, and I'm the most livliest, most partiest pony you'll ever know!" With that, she waved a hoof, and in an instant, darted out the door and down the road. Twilight could swear she heard the sound of Rarity shouting in the distance as Pinkie passed her up. "Well..." said the elder Granny Smith. "Y'all gonna prepare? Or y'all prepared up?" Twilight seemed to mull that over for a minute, before smiling. "You know what? I think there is something I can do to prepare..." *** A rooster called it's morning call as the sun rose up. Most of Ponyville remained in their beds, sleeping for the last few hours of sleep they could grab. The animals began to gather their nuts and berries, hunting for worms and bugs, and larger animals for large animals. By all means, it was peaceful, and quiet, and everything seemed to be working as one. Save for four ponies trotting down the path towards Sweet Apple Acres. "Fluttershy!? Why are YOU coming, dear!?" said Rarity - she was wearing much the same clothes she had been wearing before, though now she had an ornate staff on her back, with strange designs running up it's shaft. Fluttershy nodded towards Rarity with a smile. "Oh, I simply couldn't let Rainbow Dash go alone, nore could I let that friendly..." She stopped and waved a hoof to Rarity's forehead. "... Mare... go without an extra friend to watch her." The mare herself was wearing basic traveling garb as opposed to any form of real armor; something that perplexed the ponies involved. She wielded a strange bow; a strap on the body allowed the hoof to "hold" it, while each of the arrows had a small, simple rope or string to allow them to be pulled against the bowstring. Rainbow Dash sighed. "Fluttershy, you do know this might be dangerous, right?" The prismatic pegasus wore a light chainmail shirt, with leather leggings around each leg, and a pair of wingblades positioned on her flank in such a way that she could slide her wings into them and use them as she needed and, similarly, place them back with similar grace. With that, suddenly the butter yellow mare stopped walking, eyes wide. "D... danger?" "Yup! So... you should probably stay here!" Fluttershy stared at the ponies as they continued walking, her mind racing a thousand miles a minute. She wanted to stay. She really did. She disliked danger. But... She bit her lip and caught up, forcing down every urge and instinct that cried at her to turn back. "N-no... you girls might need my help..." Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. "Alright... but if we all end up dead with our heads on pikes, don't say I didn't warn you..." Fluttershy whimpered a bit, clearly wanting to reconsider her offer. "It's okay Flutters! We'll be there to help too!" shouted Pinkie, bouncing along the path with her friends. She wore a strange leather outfit that was pink, blue, and yellow in it's coloration. On her back was an unusual crossbow, which was, itself, a blue color with a dark pink handle with a flower on it. Eventually, the four ponies finally made it to the farm house, just in time to see the door swing open. Stepping out from the house first was Twilight Sparkle, wearing the same robes she had been wearing the other day. Following behind her was Applejack who, much like Dash, was wearing a chainmail shirt over more common clothing, though her legs were each covered in armored horseshoes. Naturally, she refused to part with her stetson. On her back was a simple, iron blade, and on her side, a shield placed for easy hoof access that bore a single apple on it. "Well..." said Twilight. "Let's hop to it" said Applejack. "Let's just hope that something doesn't swoop down on us the very first moment we enter that forest..." said Rarity with a hint of worry. "Yup! Swooping is bad!" shouted Pinkie. > Ancient History > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Can you guess what number I'm thinking of now?" "No." "How about now?" "No..." "What if I tilt my head this way? Can you see it? It's right there!" "For the last time, Pinkie Pie..." said an irritated Twilight Sparkle, "I do NOT have mind-reading powers, and I cannot guess the number you are thinking of." "That's because I was thinking of cupcakes, silly!" The pink mare burst into a fit of giggles and snorts as the little crew of ponies trotted down the path of the road. Canterlot was a straight shot north, more or less, but it could take them a few days to get there. "Wow, I figured unicorns had magical powers that broke all the rules, but I guess Rarity wasn't kidding!" Twilight sighed. "No, Pinkie. Magic has rules and limitations. Sure, it's more flexible than simply doing things with your hooves, but a unicorn can't cast a spell that is outside of their magical capability, nor can they cast a spell they don't know how to use... while I imagine there are spells that allow for mind reading, I do not know them, and with the way some ponies are, I'm probably better off not knowing." Pinkie seemed to shrug, odd given she was bouncing instead of walking. "So..." started Rainbow Dash, looking around. "How long is this trip gonna take?" "A few days at least..." said Applejack, eyes on the road, focused on the journey ahead. "An' that's assumin' we don't run into any obstacles or detours or the like." "A few DAYS?" shouted Rainbow. "Ugh... really? You sure you don't want me to fly ahead? I could be there like... within an hour. Two hours tops. I can give the letter to the Grand Cleric and everything." "Uh-uh..." said the farm mare with a shake of her head. "First off, we gotta get Twilight there too, to verify that this is happenin'. Secondly, you aint got no connection to Big McIntosh OR the Templars, so Ah'm not sure they'd take you seriously. Twilight n' me have to be there to give them this seal, the letter, and anythin' else they need, to make as sure as possible that they're gonna listen to us." Rainbow Dash shrugged and looked toward Twilight. She hummed a bit and drifted closer to the unicorn. "What about you, egghead?" "My name is Twilight Sparkle, thank you... and... what about me?" "Why do you care? I mean, I always saw Circles as prisons. Don't get me wrong, we pegasai get a pretty bum wrap, but at least we're free to roam around. You unicorns, it's like if you're not behind some kinda wall you've got a target painted on your back." Twilight balked a bit. "Hey! The Unicorn Circle isn't that bad..." Well... it wasn't anyway. "I mean... sure, there's a lot of restrictions, and you can't really leave... but that isn't really such a bad thing." "How can you say such a thing, dear?" Twilight's attention turned to Rarity, who looked at her with wide eyes. "Every unicorn who ever escapes lives in terror of those dreadful places! Why, my dear mother was a Circle unicorn before she finally escaped. She and my father were on the run for a few years before they finally lost their pursuers and settled down." She sighed and shook her head. "My mother admitted to me once that she dearly hoped her children would be Earth Ponies... not that she loves us any less... she just wouldn't wish the life we live on anypony..." Twilight grimaced a bit towards the other unicorn. "How can you speak so badly of somewhere if you've never been there? How can you look down upon the Circles if you've never been behind their walls? I'll give, on the outside looking in, it seems restrictive, but it's more of a sanctuary than a jail." She looked forward. "Unicorns in Circle Towers are safe. We have everything we need provided to us. We can practice our magic and learn to use our skills practically, without fear of the resentment of others who would misjudge us or accuse us of Blood Magic. And for your information, we can leave the tower, so long as we have permission from the First Enchanter." The other unicorn frowned. "I can speak so badly of it because my mother has been there. She has told me how every day, the Templars watch unicorns like hungry lions, waiting for one of them to show a sign, any sign, to justify murdering or tranquilizing them. You're hated for the fact you were born with a horn, and if you step out of line, or even so much as cough a way they don't like, you're labeled and punished!" "You don't under-" "Furthermore" continued the white mare, "Where is the quality of life? Detained to a tower for the whole of your existence, leaving only at the behest of one of your own who the Knight Commander decides they hate the least, and even then, you're watched and expected to return, lest you run the risk of being labeled an Apostate and hunted like game." "Look..." said Twilight, putting a hoof to her forehead. "Can we not talk about this right now? I'm really not in the mood. I can tell you don't care for the Circles, and that is your right... but the Templars aren't really as bad as everypony thinks they are--" "Then why are you here?" Twilight stopped and looked to the other unicorn, who put her nose up in the air in triumph. "Hey now!" said Applejack, turning to face Rarity. "Ah know ya have reason to be untrustin' of Templars, but remember, mah Brother is in that there order. They got their bad apples, but he's livin' proof they ain't all bad!" "Oh parish the thought, dear!" shouted Rarity. "Your brother is an absolute gentle stallion, I will not deny it. The fact he risked his life to get Twilight here is proof enough. But look what he had to go through to do it! His own comrades turned on him and tortured the poor thing!" She shook her head and put a hoof over it dramatically. "I would never dream of saying all Templars are bad ponies... " her expression became more serious as she looked towards the farm mare. "But I would never dare to suggest that there wasn't a lot who were." "Can we drop this already?" Rainbow groaned and threw her hooves into the air. "I just wanted to know a few things! I didn't mean to start some sort of philosophical debate on the ethics of Unicorn Circles!" "Yes, please..." said Twilight, squeezing her eyes shut. "Yes... I'm sorry dear..." said Rarity, though in truth, there was so much more she wanted to say. "You! Halt! Stop right there!" Twilight froze and everypony turned to face three ponies sitting next to a wagon - each one was wearing chain link armor, and had swords on their sides, and all of them were Earth Ponies. There was a wagon behind them, filled with various odds and ends, and nopony failed to notice an overturned wagon and a few corpses off the road. Fluttershy nearly passed out. "Hey, girls. I'm afraid if you wanna continue down this road, you're gonna have to pay a tax" said their leader. "This aint no free roamin' thing." "What?" said Applejack, eying them cautiously. "There ain't no toll here. Ah mean, first off, tolls are usually reserved for bridges an' not roads, so y'all kinda picked a bad place to do this... secondly--" "You're missing the point..." said the stallion, shaking his head. "Look, just give us some gold or turn around, unless you want things to get ugly." Fluttershy reached for a purse and put a hoof in it. "Oh, that's alright, I can--" "No Fluttershy." Rainbow Dash put a hoof on her friend's purse. "Keep your gold. We aren't paying these creeps a single bit." "Well, that's a shame... I guess we're going to have to take it from you then..." "Wait!" shouted Twilight. "You just said we could turn around and leave!" "Yes, about that..." said the stallion. "I kind of say that to make it sound like a good deal thinking you'll just do it. That doesn't seem to be how this is going to play out, so we're just going to kill you six and loot your corpses." "Think about what you jus' said..." said Applejack, stepping forward and glaring daggers at the stallion. "There's six of us and three of you. We got you outnumbered." "Yeah, but you is mares, you is..." said an obviously... slow-witted pony. "Ain't got no hoof fer fightin', prolly wandered too far from a kitchen." Rainbow's pupils shrank. "What did you say?" "I said, 'aint no good fer--" "Hold that thought." Rainbow Dash rushed forward and uppercut the dim-witted pony, launching him into the air, and spun around, her wings now adorned with wing-tip blades, which slashed at him and threw him back, tumbling into the grass. Applejack rushed forward and headbutted the leader pony, causing him to stagger back, before turning around and bucking him in the face, sending him flying backwards. Pinkie Pie aimed her crossbow at the last stallion, who was readying a crossbow of his own, and fired, the arrow splitting the drawstring and snapping it, rendering the device useless. Twilight's own horn glowed, and suddenly the stallion found that his hooves weren't touching the ground - before he came speeding back down and slammed into it. The leader slowly pulled himself up. "What in Celestia's divine ass..." "What do we do with 'em..." said Applejack, staring at the three incapacitate stallions, then letting her eyes drift to the wagon and the corpses. "If they've been killin' ponies, Ah don't think we can jus' let 'em go free..." Rainbow Dash growled. "Leave 'em to me." She held her wingtip blades and drew them to the leaders' throat, causing him to whimper pathetically. "P-Please d-d-don't kill me! I didn't do anything!" "What about these ponies?" "I d-didn't kill them! They were like this when I got here! Honest!" Applejack quirked a brow and looked at all the ponies. Something did seem odd... it was then she realized it. "Wait... these ponies... they weren't killed by blades... them's claw n' teeth marks..." "Yes! Yes, we found them here, and found the cart, and we were going to leave but we decided to set up shop and scare some money out of other ponies!" Applejack glared at him. "Well you threatened to kill us!" "We were just trying to scare you!" he shouted, eyes filling with tears. "Wwwe were going to maybe rough you up a little bit at worst, make you give up the coin! P-please, we'd never kill anypony!" Everypony glared at the stallion, Rainbow Dash aiming her wingtip blades at him. She looked to Applejack, who nodded to her, before pushing her wingtip blades back to her sides. "Get lost." "An'..." added Applejack. "If we catch you doin' this again? Yer gonna envy these poor pony folk." "C-can we take the cart with us...?" The ponies looked towards each other, then to the wagon. It seemed to have a single treasure chest in it. "No. Leave it. Y'all are lucky Ah'm too busy to beat ya black an' blue an' drag you to Canterlot to rot in a dungeon." "Oh come on--" "GIT ON OUT OF HERE!" With that, the stallion quickly stumbled up and ran away, his compatriots gathering themselves up and following. Applejack sighed and turned to her friends, humming. "So... what do we do? Do we leave this stuff here, or do we take it with us?" "Well..." started Rainbow Dash, "It IS sorta free game, right?" "What? We can't take it!" said Fluttershy. "We just chased them away from it! If we took it, wouldn't we have technically robbed them?" "They were going to mug us!" Shouted Rainbow Dash. "Besides, if we leave it here, somepony's just gonna pick it up and run off with it anyway! We'd just be putting it toward our cause!" "But this belonged to somepony!" "Want us to leave a note telling passerby 'this belonged to somepony - please do not steal." "Rainbow Dash, it's not ours!" "It's not anypony's right now!" "GIRLS!" Everypony turned to face Rarity, who took a deep breath. "Look. I understand both of your points of view. Really, I do. Give me a second." Rarity trotted towards some of the bodies, grimacing a bit as she felt around them, looking in satchels and bags. Having found nothing, she climbs up into the cart and looks inside, grinning triumphantly as she reaches down and begins rooting through a bag. "Ah-HA!" Rarity hopped down from the wagon, holding a note in a magical aura. She opened it and read it. Father, I am looking forward to finally getting to meet you and mom! I had grown up so alone in that orphanage, wondering what happened to my parents... imagine my surprise when I was told they were alive! I heard how you lost me in a horrible storm, while being attacked by bears, which were being controlled by a Blood Mage, who was also possessed by a demon, while you were both tired from all your work feeding the poor and homeless. I've got some pretty cool friends, and I hope you get to meet them - their names are Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, and together we go on awesome adventures! I've been told you are both awesome flyers, so I hope you can give me some pointers! Love, Scootaloo Rarity winced as she looked at the letter and looked up to the other ponies, Applejack and Rainbow Dash stepping forward. "What's it say?" said Applejack. She stared silently at the parchment, unsure of what to say, still mulling over the situation. "Uhh... well... we uh... well I know who this should go to. Let's... gather this all up and take it with us. We can return these things to their rightful owner once we get back to Ponyville..." Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy looked to each other, then back to Rarity. "Alright, sounds fair" said the rainbow pegasus. "Good..." Rarity folded the letter and put it in one of her bags. "With that settled, girls, let's gather this up and then continue on our way as soon as possible, if we can?" *** It was late, and the stars were out. Twilight loved the stars. She figured if there was one thing about the world outside of her tower she loved, it was the night sky. The tower generally didn't let the unicorns stay in the courtyard after sunset, for fear they might take advantage of the situation and try to climb the walls or something. She often looked at the stars and wondered if, somewhere out there, something was looking at those same stars like she was. "Hey Sugar Cube. You look deep in thought." Twilight turned to see Applejack approach her, smiling as she sat next to her. "What's on yer mind, Twilight?" "Oh, not much..." said Twilight, looking back up to the sky. "I'm just admiring the stars." Applejack nodded a bit, looking up at the sky with her. She turned her attention back down, and noticed something she hadn't noticed before. "What's that?" she pointed at Twilight's pendant. "This another gift from yer First Enchanter?" Twilight looked down and smirked, shaking her head. "Oh, no. This is mine. I've had it with me for as long as I can remember..." she held the pendant up so she could look at it. "I really have no idea what it is beyond that it is. I always figured it was a gift from my parents or something." Applejack shrugged. "Yer parents eh?" She looked at the little pendant. "... What are yer parents like?" The unicorn stared at the pendant for a few seconds. "I don't really know..." "Hm...?" Applejack quirked her brow. "How old were ya when they took ya from 'em?" Twilight looked up to Applejack, a sad smile on her face. "I... was taken when I was six. But before that, I grew up in a Chantry orphanage." Applejack bit her lip, reeling some. "Oh, geez, Ah'm sorry Sugar Cube..." The unicorn giggled and shook her head, turning her attention back to the pendant. "Oh, no, it's alright Applejack. I don't really bother myself with it much... don't get me wrong, it would have been nice to know my parents, but I guess I really can't miss somepony I never knew." She sighed a bit, letting the pendant dangle from her neck again. "I suppose, in the end, it doesn't matter. I imagine I would have been taken from them eventually. So who knows, maybe I'm lucky like that?" If Applejack shared her sentiment, she didn't say. She simply stared at Twilight with an unreadable expression. "... Do you know anything about yer family?" Twilight shook her head. "Not a thing. I had asked the Chantry sisters once, but all they would tell me was that they didn't know my parents. One day, I was just brought to them by some Templars who didn't give any explanation as to where they found me..." Applejack grimaced. She had a few wild guesses, but she didn't dare bring them up. "Ah'm.... so sorry Twilight...." She apologized for what she couldn't verify. "It's okay" she said. "Like I said. Never really knew them..." Twilight looked back to the stars. "I think, if I had one real loss in this situation... it's that it would have been nice knowing where I come from. If my folks were nobles, or paupers, or travelers... or maybe even pegasai?" Applejack bit her lip. "W... what if they was apostates?" Twilight shrugged. "I don't know..." Applejack wanted to tell her. Wanted to say something. Did them Templars murder her folks? Is it possible she was a victim of Templar cruelty long before she even realized? Applejack stared at the unicorn for a few minutes. Her expression filled with sadness and pity. She shook her head and looked at her hooves for a few minutes. "Ya know... Ah think we got a bit in common." "Oh?" "Mah folks passed when Ah was lil'. Shortly after mah sister was born." Applejack looked to the stars. "... Timberwolf attack on th' farm. They normally don't come outta the woods... but Ah guess these particular ones was desperately hungry..." "Oh... I'm so sorry, Applejack..." Applejack shook her head. "... It was surreal, really. Every mornin' Ah would wake up, expectin' that it was a dream. That mah Ma would tell me Ah was makin' lotsa noise in mah sleep, an' mah Pa would tell me he'd never let Timberwolves make 'is lil' filly cry..." She smirked a bit, her eyes glistening a little. "He always wanted to put on a brave face..." The sight broke into silence as the two ponies stared at the stars. 'If I feel so hurt by losing my parents... I can't even imagine what never meeting them would do. Is she really okay? Or is there a void in her life that she just can't see?' Applejack shook her head. "Ah'm gonna hit the hay. Goodnight, Twi." "Goodnight, Applejack." With that, the farm mare stood and trotted towards her tent and crawled into it, rolling into her sleeping sack and closing her eyes. She would have a restless sleep that night. > The Roar of Nature > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack awoke to a familiar noise. The sound of birds chirping, of leaves rustling in the wind. For a few moments, she wondered if she had fallen asleep in the fields again, slowly opening her eyes. When she realized she was in a tent, the events of the past few days returned to her. While she would have liked to rest longer, her up bringing got the best of her, and within moments, she was out of her sleeping sack and her tent, taking in the fresh air. It was then she noticed loud snoring coming from two of the tents - Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie's. She shook her head, rolling her eyes a bit, before sitting on her haunches, staring at the sunrise. "Oh, you're awake. Good morning!" Applejack turned to see that Fluttershy was not only already awake, but was carrying a basket in her mouth filled with assorted berries. "I was wondering when somepony would wake up." "Up awful early, ain't ya Fluttershy?" Applejack was honestly surprised - she thought only her family woke up at this hour. "Oh, I always wake up this early..." she stated, setting the basket down. "I like to feed the little critters around the Pegasus alienage when I can, and doing so this early allows me to think and consider the day ahead without interruptions." Applejack could understand that sentiment - it was always easier to do things when nopony else was awake to bother you with them. "What about you?" The orange mare smirked. "Yer talkin' to th' head farmhoof at Sweet Apple Acres. Ah wake up bright n' early every day to do mah job. After all, Apple Bloom is too lil' to buck apples, Granny Smith is too old though she'd smack me in the back of mah head fer sayin' so, an' Big Mac's busy with 'is fancy schmancy Templar career." Fluttershy nodded a bit, staring at her berries in contemplation - did she get too much? Too few? Should she have asked what the other ponies liked? "So, why did y'all come with us?" said Applejack. "No offense, sugar cube, but you don't strike me as a fighter, or an adventurer. Ah figure this'd be one of the last sorta things you'd be wantin' to do." The pegasus looked up to Applejack and smiled. "Oh, yes. I'm not much of a fighter at all..." She frowned a bit. "Uhm... in fact... fighting terrifies me..." She cleared her throat. "But... I am really good with making medicine, and I knew that that would come in handy." "Wait..." the farm mare held a hoof up. "Y'all said... that yer good with medicine... an' yet when we started this, y'all didn't seem aware there'd be danger. That bein' said..." Applejack looked to the bow and arrow setup her friend had near her tent, as well as the berries. "Why did ya think to bring weapons, an' why would we need medicine if'n there was no danger present?" Fluttershy blinked and looked down at her hooves, fidgeting a little. Much as Applejack wanted an asnwer, there was something particularly unpleasant about making the timid pegasus uncomfortable. She simply shook her head. "Nevermind, Ah didn't mean to impose, Flutters. Ah was jus' curious." "It's because of me, alright?" The two ponies turned to face Rainbow Dash, who was rubbing sleep from her eyes. "Fluttershy wouldn't ever say anything thinking I'd be embarrassed, but I think she deserves the praise when she can get it." "What do ya mean, Rainbow?" Rainbow Dash sighed and sat on her haunches. "Before we left our caravan, I was a hunter. I think I said this already... but uh... one day, I was given the task of hunting down a monster that had been scaring other hunters..." She smirked and shook her head. "Naturally, I was psyched." "Naturally" said Applejack with a smirk of her own. "Anyway... I went out to find it. I was pretty confident I could beat it, easy street, and make all those other hunters look like real chickens." She sighed and shook her head. "It found me first." She looked at Applejack. "Have you ever heard of a Wyvern?" The orange farm mare tapped her chin. "Sounds familiar... why?" "They are a relatively rare creature..." added Fluttershy. "They say the only creature that is more elusive are dragons... and they are extremely... EXTREMELY... territorial..." Rainbow Dash nodded with a sigh. "... I... it got me. Bit onto me. Poisoned me. I tried to fight it, but their poison is rather... unpleasant. It was only a few minutes before I couldn't even focus on the damn thing, and minutes more before I could barely stand. Eventually, I couldn't take anymore and I dropped like a log..." She looked to Fluttershy with a smile. "That's when Flutters saved me." "Came out of no where, and stared the thing down. It roared at her... 'barked' a few times I think. But her stare... I think it scared the thing to death. Much as it threatened, it never dared get close to her. Eventually, it backed down, and ran away." Applejack's eyes were wide by this point. She turned to look to Fluttershy, who blushed and looked at her hooves as if they were the most interesting things in the world right now. "Well, it wouldn't be the first time she saved me. Wyvern poison is almost always fatal, and I'd had it in me long enough that I was told I was barely kicking." She shook her head. "Honestly, scared me to death when they told me. With that Wyvern still on the loose, nopony was willing to risk themselves to go get what was needed for the cure. Flutters here volunteered to find the stuff though, and when she came back, she made the cure herself, and fixed me right up!" Applejack looked to a furiously blushing Fluttershy, a grin on the farm mare's face. "Well Ah'll be!" "O-Oh, it was nothing, really, the animals tend to leave me alone so I knew I wouldn't have a problem..." "Nothing? NOTHING? Tell that to this pegasus!" Shouted Rainbow Dash, grinning broadly as she put a hoof to her chest. "Flutters, it may not be much to you, but if you hadn't done it, I'd be six feet under right now!" Fluttershy seemed to reel back into herself, obviously not really wanting the praise that much. "Right, well Ah think what ya did was swell, Flutters." The pegasus smiled some - it seemed she was alright with praise as long as it was more... reserved than what Dash was used to giving. "Y'all saved yer friend, an' did a good job of it. If'n yer THAT good at makin' medicine, then Ah think we're more n' lucky to have ya roamin' around with us!" "Oh, thank you very much" said Fluttershy with a nod. "I do hope my skills aren't needed of course, but if they are, I'll do my best. I promise." *** Their journey resumed, the six mares traveled down the dirt path. Occasionally, Pinkie Pie made a point of asking 'are we there yet' - much to the chagrin of everypony else - whenever she got bored (not that she was trying to annoy anypony of course), until eventually deciding to entertain herself with a game of 'I Spy' - which quickly became irritating because most of what she saw was either trees, one of her friends, or a rock. Eventually, she settled on humming to herself and creating songs in her head. A slight change of pace arrived in the form of Rarity questioning Twilight. "So, dear..." said said as she trotted forward to catch up with the unicorn at the front. "I was wondering... and please, do not take this the wrong way... but... what exactly is it you like about the Circle of Unicorns?" "Uhh.... well..." Twilight hummed and looked up. "I don't know. I guess there's always that feeling of security. Of knowing where everything stands, and then there's the fact I have every book I could ever want to read only a short trot away..." "You do know most towns have their own libraries, right?" Twilight shrugged. "Maybe. But I don't think it's that I have access to books. There's just some sort of sense of safety I got in the circle. I'm going to be honest, I've been nervous ever since I left." "Of being labeled a maleficar, an apostate, of being hunted and killed when all you were doing was trying to help?" Applejack shot Rarity a glare. "Rarity, ya better not be tryin' ta start nothin' sugar cube." "Sorry, I'm just curious" said the mare. "My whole life, the Circle was sort of the horror story I heard. The thing I fear every day of my life. I don't believe I ever recall my mother having anything to say about Circles that was positive." Twilight shook her head. "Maybe it's different Circles? From what I hear, they occasionally vary between countries and regions." "I heard" spoke Rainbow Dash, "That the Circle in the Unicorn Emperium is basically just for show, and that the Unicorns there are the real power behind the country itself, and practice Blood Magic freely." "Ah heard that the Unicorn Emporium is the total opposite of us..." said Applejack, staring ahead. "Ah heard that they treat their Unicorns as kings, that those unicorns can do anythin' they want and ain't nothin' anypony can do if they ain't a Unicorn themselves. If the Circle here oppresses Unicorns, then the Circle there oppresses everypony else." Twilight shrugged. "From what I read, the Unicorn Emporium one day decided that the commandment 'Magic should serve ponies, not rule over them' meant that Unicorns' magic should serve the greater good. They believed that, as such, Unicorns should be allowed to take seats of power in government." Rarity smiled. "I like the sound of this 'Emporium' already." "Thing is..." said Twilight, "While the Chantry would not argue that magic should serve the greater good, they feared that giving Unicorns governmental power held the potential for abuse, with laws being shifted radically in the favor of unicorns and in the disfavor of everypony else." Rainbow smirked. "As if that's workin' out so great with our totally not Earth-Pony dominant system..." "Hey now" responded Applejack, looking at Rainbow. "Don't go sayin' things you might regret in the presence of Earth ponies." This, however, did not scare the rainbow maned mare. "Look, I have no problem with Earth Ponies Applejack, but you can't deny that you guys have all the cards. Pegasai are vagabonds and barely tolerated, and Unicorns are locked in stuffy old towers or hunted like dogs. Did you know they say part of the reason Pegasai didn't just migrate to the clouds when they fled was because some of them shared kin with Unicorns?" "It's true" said Fluttershy as she trotted to catch up. "Every clan tends to have at least one unicorn, who serves as the keeper - they record tales, legends, and old ways so that they can be passed on to future generations!" Rarity scowled a bit. "So they're given a job cause they have horns? Doesn't sound too different from the Circle..." "Oh no!" shouted Fluttershy. "Being a Keeper is considered a great honor! They basically serve as the leaders of the clan, and everypony looks up to them with great respect!" Ever curious, Twilight looked back at Fluttershy. "But what if there are no unicorns? I mean, has that ever happened?" Fluttershy nodded. "Sometimes. If there are no unicorns present, they select a pony based on merit and skills. They still serve the role of 'Keeper', they just do so with less use of magic." "Not to mention those born of unicorns are often considered first" added Rainbow Dash. "Of course, that's kinda related to the skills thing. Pegasai born from unicorns tend to be particularly magical - better at manipulating clouds and water and stuff like that." Twilight was fairly impressed - while she considered herself fairly well versed in history, she had to confess that she knew little to nothing about Pegasus society and clans. She supposed that as soon as she had the chance, she might have to research into it a bit more. "Help! Help!" The mares stopped to see a pony run into the road. Her clothes were filthy and torn, and she had various scrapes and bruises on her body. The girls turned to look where she was running from to see something break the treeline. Massive creatures, vaguely canine in appearance. Their bodies constructed from wood, with leaves and grass acting as hair might. Their eyes simply hollows in piles of lumber, filled with glowing red orbs. They stopped chasing the mare and turned to face the other six. The ponies all stared in terror at the sight as they counted five of the beasts. "Timberwolves..." said Applejack quietly. The creatures turned their attentions to the mares, who all quickly drew any weapon they had. Within an instant, the monsters rushed towards them. "Get ready everypony!" shouted Applejack as she brought her sword to bare, and, within a second, charged forward. Steel collided with wood, the Timberwolf she struck giving out a yip of surprise. As another rounded on her, it snapped it's jaws at one of her legs in an attempt to throw her balance, the orange mare stumbling a bit but catching herself, just in time to see another run to bite at her. In that instant, Rainbow Dash sprang up from behind and jammed the blades on her wings into the beast's back, causing it to yell and jump away. Twilight Sparkle's horn glowed as one slammed it's paws into her barrier, which she dissolved long enough to blast her attacker, sending it flying backwards. Pinkie Pie lept over her unicorn friend, grinning widely and aiming her crossbow into the air - it fired a bow that whistled as it spiralled towards it's mark, lodging itself in a Timberwolf's forehead. The beast looked up between it's eyes and whimpered when the bolt suddenly exploded, launching burnt, wooden debris in every which way. A single one of them seemed to have singled Fluttershy out, and approached her with hunger in it's eyes. It drew closer, staring into hers, intent to kill burning all over it... until she stared back. The beast began to growl, whimper, and bark, it's mind assaulted by strange sensations and fears it could not make sense of. An abstract terror hid behind those orbs, and it continued to bark and paw at the ground, trying to prove it's dominance... but she simply stared harder. It took a few steps back, now switching between growling and whimpering. Suddenly, a blue aura surrounded the beast, and it's eyes glowed the same color. What was once a protest suddenly shifted, the beast staring and whimpering and cowering down. Fluttershy turned to see Rarity's horn glowing, a smile on her face. "I can only imagine what a 'Horror' spell is conjuring in the mind of an already terrified beast." Before more could be said, though, Applejack rammed into the massive creature, shattering it's body. She grinned to the other ponies, not seeing that one of the massive monsters was right behind her. "Applejack!" shouted Rainbow Dash. It's claw swiped at her, tearing through her armor, eliciting a pained cry from the farm pony who was thrown a few feet by the damage. Instantly, Rainbow Dash came to attention, flying towards the attacker, slashing at it with her wings, causing pained howls to echo forth from it. Twilight aimed carefully and blasted with her magic, shattering the beast, before seeing another round on her. Quickly, she rose her barrier again and winced as the beast slammed headfirst into it, stumbling backwards trying to regain it's composure. It wouldn't be, however, as Pinkie fired a bolt that whistled as it flew, striking the creature, and in the same instant, exploded, shattering the beast. As the least beast sped forward to take advantage of it's brother's downfall, it jumped through the broken wood straight towards Pinkie Pie, but before it could grab her, she lept out of the way, exposing Twilight to the beast. The unicorn simply grinned and fired her horn, sending a bolt of energy straight into it's mouth - as the energy traveled, bits of the beast's body exploded outward, until the bolt exited the way most things it ate did, though perhaps not in the way it had intended. As it hit the ground, it's body shattered into pieces, marking the destruction of the last of the pack. "Twilight! A little assistance?" Twilight turned to see ponies gathering around Applejack, who stood up and winced, staring at her massive wound. "Applejack!" shouted Twilight, "Are you alright?" "Ah'm fine..." said the mare, grinning, though it was clearly pained. "Jus' a bit of a flesh wound..." Twilight pulled close to inspect it. Despite the act Applejack was putting on, Twilight could tell the poor mare had to be in pain - the claws had dug deep, and she was bleeding quite badly. "Applejack, this is pretty deep... we might have to turn back to get you fixed up..." "Oh wait!" shouted Fluttershy. Everypony turned to her as she reached into her saddlebag, rooting around, before producing a poultice. "I made these this morning before I gathered our breakfast! I figured with those bandits we never knew if we'd need them..." The pegasus trotted towards Applejack and put the poultice in her hoof, the mare taking it and placing the draught into her muzzle, and tilting her head back. As she drank it, her wound seemed to slowly disappear, until eventually leaving nothing more than a missing patch of fur. Rarity stared at the damage and grimaced. "Dear me, I hope that doesn't leave a scar... " Applejack grinned. "Ah reckon it won't... " she turned to Fluttershy, her grin widening. "Thanks, Fluttershy! Ah feel fit as a fiddle!" Fluttershy blushed, but offered a sweet smile in return. "Oh, it was no problem at all, really." "Uh.. girls...?" "What is it Rainbow Dash?" said Twilight, turning her head. Her jaw dropped, however, once she saw what her friend was looking at. Slowly, the pieces of the felled Timberwolves began to draw towards a focal point. Each twig, each leaf, each stick drawn to a single point. Slowly, they built onto each other and added together. Until a single, large Timberwolf stood over the mares, and let out a piercing roar. "Well..." said Rainbow Dash, "This sucks." The ponies ran to scatter as it lunged forward and slammed it's massive paw into the ground where they had been standing. Fluttershy turned to try to stare at the creature, but it kept it's gaze from her and swiped at her with it's paw. The mare squealed when she realized she was going to be hit, but before it could happen, a barrier surrounded her and stopped the damage - Twilight staring in horror at the butter yellow Pegasus with a look that said 'that was far too close.' Turning it's attention to Twilight, the massive Timberwolf lunged once more, jaws wide open, intent on chewing the unicorn alive. Twilight stared down the beast's throat in horror, before she was knocked out of the way by Rainbow Dash, both ponies tumbling a few feet. Twilight slowly pulled herself up and shook her head to see Rainbow Dash staring at her as if she were crazy. "What are you doing just staring! Fight it!" As the unicorn turned around, she could see that her friends had, indeed, engaged the vicious monster in combat. Fluttershy was holding a small bowl and mashing some ingredients together, and then pouring the resulting liquids and pastes into vials. She handed one such vial to Applejack, who proceeded to pour some of it on her blade. As she did, the sword seemed to ignite, which made the mare grin ear to ear as she readied herself. "How did you do that?" asked Twilight, approaching Fluttershy, who never took her attention off her work as she grabbed more ingredients and mixed. "I just made some fire coating potion. It ignites surfaces. Timberwolves can't take fire well... if we burn it, it won't rebuild..." Twilight turned to look around. Sure enough, there were a few pieces of wood that still littered the ground, and all of them were at least partially burnt - no doubt from Pinkie Pie's explosive bolts. "I see..." Twilight grinned a bit, feeling somewhat silly that she hadn't thought of it herself before. She trotted forward, watching as Applejack struck the beast with the blade, which instantly set some of the branches on it's hide ablaze, causing the creature to fall back, growling and snarling. With a shake, it managed to dislodged the damaged wood. As Applejack lunged into it for a second strike, it swatted her away with it's paw, sending her tumbling again. Rainbow Dash rounded on it and jabbed into it's back multiple times, causing it to thrash and spin around. Pinkie aimed her crossbow and unleashed yet another bolt that lodged into the creature's left leg and exploded, sending debris everywhere and effectively emputating the beast, though the undamaged twigs began to draw back to repair what they could. "How much can you spare to make another of those flame coats, Fluttershy?" "I'm all out of the necessary ingredients..." she said, a bit fearful. Twilight stared at the beast intently. She closed her eyes and focused on her magic. 'Come on, Twilight... you've lit candles before... that's the most basic form of magic training they give in the Circle... how much more difficult can it be to light this thing up?' She focused as hard as she could on the monster, channeling her magic into it, filling her magic with her will. "Come on..." She didn't notice as it's paw came from the side and knocked her away, sending her bouncing and skipping like a stone, further than even Applejack, until she collided with a tree. She lay there breathless for a few minutes before letting out a paind shout and coughing a few times. 'So much pain...' was all she could think. '... It hurts... so much...' "Twilight!" Applejack stood, renewed vigor in her body and rage etched into her features. "Pinkie Pie! You got any exploding bolts left?" "Only one!" "Shoot 'em in the head!" Pinkie Pie nodded, and took aim, releasing her final explosive bolt. It sailed true and struck the massive creature in it's forehead, before exploding, sending much of it's body into various directions. As Fluttershy rushed to tend to Twilight, the creature began to pull itself back together. "Not so tough when yer busy healin' are ya?" Applejack ran forward and, her blade still burning with Fluttershy's mixture, began to slash at the twigs as they built up. With each strike, a formless screaming came from the wood, the damaged twigs dropping uselessly as it tried to adjust to the damage. She kept swinging and striking, slashing furiously, denying the creature another reformation. So desperately was she hacking she didn't notice the fire on her blade dissipate as the mixture had worked it's course, until the wood began to build despite her actions. She backed off and watched as it built back together, reforming the creature once more, although at only two thirds of the size it had been. Twilight groaned as Fluttershy approached her, tipping a healing poultice and putting it into her mouth. She drank eagerly of the strange liquid, finding it's contents predictably bitter, although with a hint of sweet in them. She felt much of the damage fade away, but she was still in pain. "Hurts.." Fluttershy frowned. "You may have broken a few ribs... we might have to give you first aid to fix that..." Slowly, Twilight brought herself back to her hooves, shaking a little, but feeling much of her strength return. As she saw the creature reforming again, she realized that this was going to be a long fight unless she put a stop to it, and once more, set on the task of focusing. "Fluttershy, tell Rainbow Dash to distract him. Just for a bit." With a nod, Fluttershy rushed from Twilight, who tried to keep from catching the creature's attention for a moment. "Rainbow Dash?" 'shouted' Fluttershy. Dash turned to fly to her friend, having been paying attention since Twilight was attacked. "Twilight wants you to distract the Timberwolf." "No problem!" she shouted. With that, she moved fast as a bullet to fly in front of the creature's face, and delivered a shameless jab of her wing blades into it's eyes. It let out a feral scream and shook it's head, launching her away, the small glowing orbs in it's eyes burning brighter than before as it turned it's attention to her. Twilight focused again, pouring her magic, her will into the creature. Willing it to burn. Willing it to ignite. Willing it to explode. Her thoughts were focused on fire. And she was a unicorn - her thoughts were power. The creature swatted and snapped at the pegasus who was always just out of it's reach (which was too close for her own comfort). Eventually, however, it came to stop, and began to shake itself as if trying to shake something loose. Eventually, it began to whimper and rear up, shaking frantically and jumping around. Turning, it began to gnaw at it's own body, picking smoking branches out, trying to get at the source, and as more branches were removed, more smoke poured from it. Then, fire began to pour from it's body. It screamed and yelped and whimpered, shaking desperately and chewing itself apart trying to get at the fire. Branches tumbled uselessly from it's body in a desperate attempt to save it's own life, but the fire was spreading quickly. Within moments, it's entire back was lit, and chunks of burning wood were falling from it, leaving holes in it's body. The fire spread to the rest of it, and eventually, in a way that almost made Twilight feel somewhat sorry for the creature, it stopped struggling. It simply whimpered and lay in the dirt as the rest of it was consumed by flame, eventually crumbling once it had lost too much to sustain itself. Everypony looked on with mixed expressions. Applejack seemed rather cold to the situation, likely glad to have the creature vanquished. Pinkie seemed somewhat mortified, if not disturbed. Rainbow Dash simply grinned and crossed her forelegs in triumph. Fluttershy's lip was trembling, and she bowed her head in respect. Rarity was simply glad to keep her distance to keep her own dress from igniting. Twilight watched the pile of wood burn away. She truly didn't want to kill it... but it hadn't given her a choice. Still... there was a sadness to it. To see the creature give up it's fight in a desperate struggle to save itself. Sure, it had attacked them... but could they have just run away? Was it the only way? She shed a single tear. 'I never want to have to kill again...' > A Plea for Help > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been an entire day before anypony could get Twilight to speak. The six mares didn't even notice something was wrong with her at first - they had simply assumed she was just shocked by the sudden attack. But by the time dinner had rolled around and she wasn't eating, they knew something was wrong. Even then, Twilight simply answered with short answers, rather than risk going into long conversations. She had never killed anything before - never even so much as a bug, really. It wasn't simply killing the creature, however, that had gotten to her. The pitiful way it died, the way it struggled to take away what was threatening it's life, the way it simply... gave up... it haunted her. "I did that..." she told herself a few times once ponies weren't listening. "I burnt it's core... lit it up from the inside out... with little more than focusing on wanting to ignite it..." On retrospect, she didn't know how she had expected that to end - all she knew was she and the other five mares were in danger, and she had to do something. Was it worth it? She believed so... after all, it likely wouldn't have given up until either it died, or they did. But still, it didn't make it any less horrific for her. And so, she slept that night, thankfully dreamless. Tomorrow, they would be upon Canterlot if all went well, and then, she would be one step closer to being in her tower. Locked away. As she deserved to be. As the world needed her to be. *** "Mmm-mm! This sure is a delicious breakfast, Applejack!" It was a surprise when everypony had awoke to a meal prepared for them by their resident apple farmer. They were simple oats with some apples on the side, but it still hit the spot for hungry adventurers and prepared them for the day ahead. Twilight looked to all of her friends, realizing that each one had a particular way of eating that sort of gave an idea of what kind of pony they were. Applejack ate rather sloppily, seeming to work to stuff the oats and food into her mouth as if she were dying of hunger. Rainbow Dash ate quite similarly, although the way she kept eying Applejack showed she might be doing so competitively. Pinkie Pie was, however, the worst, having her face outright planted into her bowl and gobbling the food down with breath rather than real eating. Fluttershy, ever true to her meek nature, would take small bits and chew them daintily, as if she was trying to not eat them too hard. Rarity ate a little more than that, but still with a refined manner and a calm pace. Twilight considered her own eating habits. She didn't think herself sloppy, but she didn't normally eat quite as paced as her friends did either. Of course, since the other day, she was eating much more leisurely. After all... it's hard to eat when your mind is so full of thoughts... Of fire... "Twilight, y'all sure you're okay?" She looked up to see Applejack staring at her with some concern on her face. She could tell from the past few days that the farm mare and her brother both shared a lot of characteristics - while Ser McIntosh was much more calm and didn't seem to talk when he didn't need to, however, she was expressive and emotive, and let her mind be known. "Ah know ya said you were fine, but ever since the other day you've been actin' strange. Ah saw ya take a pretty bad hit there, an' if somethin's wrong, please tell us." Twilight wanted to say something. To spill it all out. Every thought, every question, every bit of guilt... but she couldn't. "I'm fine, Applejack" she said dryly, before turning back to her meal and eating. For her credit, Applejack didn't seem to buy it, but went about her business anyway. After everypony finished their meals, it was time to pack up and resume their journey to Canterlot. They could already see it now - it was just in the distance, perched on a mountainside in glorious fashion. Twilight had remembered reading tales about the fantastic city - that it was built with the combined expertise of Earth Ponies, Unicorns, and Pegasai alike; a tribute to harmony and friendship, to ponies who got along despite the differences between them, as a symbol to the world of peace. As they trotted, they eventually reached a small caravan - two strange, pony-like creatures, it seemed, both seeming to be taking a break from their travels. As the mares passed, they seemed to take notice, and one of them, who had a scruffy beard, smiled and spoke up. "Oh! Hi! Hi there! Excuse me, lovely ladies?" The mares stopped to face the donkeys. They wore simple shirts that Twilight could recognize as the kind of shirt that Donkey nobility often wore. As she inspected them, she could recognize they were, in fact, Donkeys. The fact they were on the surface suggested a lot of them of course; from what she knew of their culture, once a Donkey breached the surface, they were an outsider to their people. "Yes! Hello! My name is Marty, and this is my son, Sandal! Say hi, boy!" The other Donkey looked to the mares, his stare somewhat dimwitted, but his smile cheery. "Enchantment!" Pinkie hopped up and down. "Ooo! Ooo! Character insertion! Character insertion!" "What?" said Applejack, looking at Pinkie Pie with a quirked eyebrow. ".... I dunno! I just wanted to say that!" "Sure is an energetic thing, your friend?" said the older Donkey, his friendly smile never fading. Applejack rolled her eyes. "You don't even know the half of it." The Donkey nodded. "Ah, well, yes! Well, am I to assume you are headed towards Canterlot, ladies?" The mares traded glances, unsure of where else they could be going, or why he cared to ask. "Sure are" said Applejack, returning the smile - after all, not everypony was up for suspect. "We got an important message to get to the Grand Cleric!" Marty gave a nod. "Ahh, gonna see the Grand Cleric? I do hope it's with good news. After the King went away on some quest, it seems a lot of pony folk are getting a mite worried that we're on the brink of war. They say there's unrest between the Free Plains and the Zebra lands, and that some of the Templars from Foalaise are spreading around trying to rally up escaped Unicorns from that Hoofwall incident a while back!" He shook his head. "I was there at the start of that whole mess, and let me tell you, it was a right frightening sight!" "Oh?" said Rarity, stepping forward, her curiosity piqued. "I always wondered what happened. Any idea?" The Donkey hummed. "Well, from what little I know, the First Enchanter of the Hoofwall Circle had been struggling against the Knight Commander there for years. Rumor has it that a Unicorn blew up the Chantry, and that in a fit of rage, the Knight Commander called for the Right of Annulment!" Rarity nodded, but sagged inside - she had already heard that rumor. "Me an' my boy were lucky to get away from THAT mess, let me say, but I must say that up until that point, it wasn't so bad. We got to serve the Champion of Hoofwall, after all!" Twilight looked toward the city. "Hey, I just noticed you're a unicorn!" She turned around to see that the Donkey was examining her horn. He smiled again though. "So was the Champion. I think his Apostate upbringing was obvious though - he fought with a little more physical prowess than most Unicorns do. No offense, but from what I've seen most of you unicorns rely almost entirely on your spell casting and utilize the minimal of physical effort." "Well..." started Twilight, blushing a bit. "We're often trained to focus our minds and clear anxiety as we cast spells. Becoming too frustrated may lead to desperation, and desperation often leads to Blood Magic. As such, we train to remain clear-headed during the heat of battle. 'That doesn't mean we're any less prone to mistakes.' "Ahh, I see" said Marty. "I had heard that Apostates and Circle Unicorns tend to learn differently..." "Well, the Circle does have it's rules, but it's for our own good" said Twilight, smiling. "Hm... well, I guess I can see the sense in that. Still, lotsa pony folk don't seem to think your unicorns get a fair deal. I don't know how I feel on the subject, but I typically try to keep my head out of pony affairs." Marty looked to the sky. "Well, as fun as it would be to converse with you further, I do believe my son and I must be on our way! Gold doesn't make itself, does it Sandal?" "Enchantment!" "Haha, yes Sandal! We'll get to enchanting as soon as we can!" With that, the two Donkeys waved, and continued on their way down the path the mares had just taken. With little reason to stare, they turned about to continue their path towards Canterlot. "... The King went on some kind of quest...?" Applejack nodded. "King Caramel? Yeah. He went off with some friends to do Celestia knows what. Aint heard from 'em in a bit. Lotsa ponies are beginning to wonder if it was a bad idea to give th' throne to a royal bastard - an' Ah mean the kind whose pa weren't married to his ma, so no jokes Rainbow - instead of givin' it to the last king's queen. As if the rumors that he was workin' with Foalaise weren't bad enough." "Well" said Pinkie, bouncing up between them, "I heard the poor pony just wanted to live a life of adventure! I think it's awesome that we have a king who actually goes out and does stuff!" "'Bout time too!" Shouted Rainbow with a grin. "If I were a queen, I'd go everywhere, and I'd like... make everypony love us... and... conquest?" "Rainbow Dear, no offense darling, but I don't think you could take over a bowl of oatmeal, let alone one country" said Rarity with a slight grin. "Pfft! I could too take over a bowl of oatmeal!" The mares shared a giggle and resumed their journey toward Canterlot. It wouldn't be long now. *** "Oh mah stars..." It was big. Bigger than any of them had really expected. They had seen it from the distance, sure, but somehow that didn't even begin to compare to looking straight up at the towering spires. "It's gotta have more ponies in one corner than all of Ponyville put together..." said Applejack. "It's the most beautiful thing I have ever seen!" Rarity's eyes were beaming, almost tearing up at the sight before her. "Yeah, it's pretty cool I guess..." Everypony turned to face Rainbow Dash. "What?" she said. "I've been here before. Once you see it, it becomes kinda old hat." Deciding to not continue on that trail of thought, everypony continued their stroll into the city. Applejack let out a whistle as she let her eyes wander to the market - ponies standing about, bartering and trading, getting packed by wanting customers. "Ah bet we could make a fortune if we sold apples here..." Rainbow Dash, meanwhile, was focusing on a nearby tavern, the smell of booze and the sound of fighting called to every fiber of her being. She reached for it, eyes big and watery. "What is it Rainbow" said Applejack, smirking. "Ah thought you had seen this place before?" Rainbow sighed. "Yeah, well, I'm a pegasus, remember? Last time I was here I was pretty much chased into the Alienage." "Don't they have taverns in yer Alienages too?" Rainbow huffed. "It's not like Ponyville, Applejack, where the Alienage is basically just another part of town that has been... remodeled to be Pegasus friendly." She looked towards a large, opened gate with a guard watching over it. "The Alienage here is a lot more restrictive. They don't mind you going in and out of the city, but they really don't like you to mingle with their nobles. You're not 'clean' or 'pure' enough to talk with Canterlot Elite." "I don't know" said Fluttershy with a smile. "I thought the way you talked about it sounded sweet, Rainbow Dash. Especially that they grew a tree in the middle of town..." "Ugh, you would like that, Fluttershy." Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, but smiled nonetheless. "But still. You're second class citizens, and they never let you forget it." "Well, Ah guess it's a good thing yer a Ponyvillian and not a Canterlot Pegasus eh?" said Applejack, grinning to the rainbow mare in a clear attempt to cheer her up. Rainbow Dash hadn't even realized it, but as she had been speaking she had grown more angry, and her friends could see it. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, shaking her head, and smiling sadly to her friends. "Sorry. I don't have many good memories of this place." Without pressing the matter, the ponies resumed their trot. Eyes scanning the various structures and buildings. It was then Twilight saw it. Her eyes widened, her heart swelling, and her spirits rising. The Wonders of Equus. Everypony stopped once they had realized she wasn't following them and returned to her, looking at the building. "Whatcha starin' at Sugar Cube?" said Applejack, puzzled over Twilight's behavior. "This store... it's... it's run by the Circle!" She said, her body trembling in anxious energy. "I-I-It's one of the ways the Circle makes it's money, by selling enchantments, enchanted items, and relics!" "Well, it's just a store, Twi-" Without another word, Twilight simply trotted into the store, much to her friends' dismay. Naturally, however, they followed her. Inside, the place certainly lived up to her description - there were countless bookshelves, all lined with various books on history, magic, religion, and whatever texts you might consider. Nearby, there was a unicorn dusting some of the shelves, horn glowing while a feather duster brushed off the filth of the day - he didn't seem particularly interested in his duties. At the very end of the room (not including the space one might ascend behind him, which seemed to have a long table and more tomes and other such items as if it were a leisure spot) was another unicorn. This one, however, had a strange brand burned into his forehead, just under his horn. As they approached, he simply nodded to them and spoke empty of any form of emotion. "Greetings, and welcome to the Wonders of Equus. We sell enchantments and enchantment accessories. I am Comet Tail. How may I be of service?" "Yeah, howdy..." said Applejack with a shudder - she wouldn't admit it in front of Twilight or Rarity, but the Tranquil, whenever she saw them, gave her the creeps. "Uhh... we're jus' browsin' thanks..." "I see. Feel free to peruse our wares at your leisure. Please do be mindful of our supplies and the law, however. A safe store is a happy store." "Oh, yeah, of course" said Applejack. 'As if y'all would know what happy felt like.' Twilight approached the Tranquil, gazing about the store. "Hey, just curious, but you wouldn't happen to have any spell books or enchanted robes, would you?" The Tranquil shook his head slowly. "As each Circle contains it's own public library of all spell knowledge that is allowed within their personalized laws, we at the Wonders of Thedas highly doubt that anypony would have need of such knowledge. If you are an apostate, I might suggest you turn yourself in to the Templars to be turned to the Circle, where you might be trained appropriately." "I'm not an Apostate" said Twilight, grimacing. "I just forgot to bring some books from me when I came here." "I see" said the unicorn with a nod. "I apologize then for the inconvenience, Circle Unicorn. Perhaps this is a chance to take a lesson - that one must always be prepared." Applejack smirked. If she didn't know any better, she would have thought the Tranquil was teasing Twilight. "If it is of any condolence, we do have special robes and staves designed to better channel magical energies and aid in Unicorn spell-casting." Twilight seemed to beam. "Oh! Show me those!" As such, Comet Tail reached beneath the shelf and pulled from it a catalog, showing it to Twilight. She flipped through the various pages, eying bits and pieces. Once in a while, she'd smile, frown, and even seem to get starry eyed. Eventually, however, her jaw fell, and her eyes seemed to grow. "C-can I see this?" "Ah yes, the Reaper Cloak. A wise choice." Applejack quirked her brow. "Wha?" Twilight grinned. "Reaper was an Apostate Unicorn who was noted for being particularly elusive. I don't even know if they intentionally put his cloak here - it sounds like the total opposite of what they might do!" Eventually, Comet Tail brought up a box and opened it for Twilight. She wrapped her magical aura around it, and withdrew it from it's wooden confines. It was a fine, dark blue color - a golden collar would fit on the neck, and from that collar hung a beautiful pendant with a red jewel in it's center. A fur coating spread from there that wrapped around the withers and back, and then the coat-tails would travel just below the flank. Rarity stared at it and hummed. "It does look rather... nice, given it is 'Circle Chic'...." Twilight turned to give a slight grimace towards the other unicorn, who blush and giggled nervously. "Not that there's anything wrong with Circle Unicorn robes, darling!" Twilight shook her head. "Besides, this isn't 'Circle' attire. These are the kind of robes that are often worn in the Chrystal Emperium..." She grinned as her eyes went over it. "The enchantments placed on it are said to make it as durable as plate armor, it is resistant to fire and to magical attack, plus it is said to increase the personal strength of it's wearer... " Her eyes fell to the book, and her pupils shrank. She frowned and folded her ears. "It's also way out of my price range..." Applejack quirked a brow staring at the robes. "Why the interest anyway?" The unicorn turned about. "This is an important piece of history! To have it in my possession would be so great! A piece of history just within my grasp!" Applejack trotted forward and looked at the catalog, reeling back. "Whoa Nelly! Ah was wonderin' how a lil' store could support that big ol' tower... guess Ah got mah answer" "If you do not have the funds to acquire this particular garb, I fear I must ask that you replace it within it's container." Twilight sighed and bowed her head. "Of course." Slowly, the robe was placed back into the wooden box. Comet took it in his hooves and gently placed it back under the shelf. "Well..." said Twilight, looking to her friends. "We've dallied long enough. Shall we continue?" *** "Here it is..." Everypony let their gaze trail upward toward the great cathedral. A symbol of religious strength and spiritual guidance. Twilight couldn't help but gaze upon it in reverence - this sacred place, this great building that inspired ponies and evoked so many emotions... it would be where she found her salvation, and the salvation of her home. The six mares trotted forward, until being stopped at the gate by two Templars. "What is your business here?" Applejack was a bit surprised - she hadn't known the Chantry to stop ponies at the doors from entering unless a Blight were around and they were filled with refugees like a few years back. "We're here on behalf of the Templar Order and the Circle of Magi" stated Twilight with a bow. "We come baring grave news in the hopes of receiving aid from the Grand Cleric." "Aid?" said the other Templar. "I thought you likes were told after the Blight that the Circle cannot expect charity from the Chantry. It is it's own organization, even if within the Chantry itself, and we can't be expected to clean up your messes every time an abomination runs loose or... or..." Applejack frowned. "What about a revolt where half the templars are killin' the Unicorns unprovoked and slaughterin' the tower?" The two templars stopped talking, then exchanged glances, before stepping aside and pushing the door open. "Right this way." As the ponies stepped into the building, everypony couldn't help but let their eyes wander. The building was, naturally, well lit with candle light and the light of the sun pouring into any window in the building (most of which were higher off the ground than most windows would be), pews at either side of the aisle for spiritual contemplation. At the very end was the dais, and a podium; behind it, a series of candles, and two statues; one was gold, depicting a mare with a horn and wings, holding a balancing scale and a book, and the other was made from what appeared to be onyx, or maybe a darker metal, being that of a similar mare, her hooves over a sword. Then they saw why the Templars might have been unwilling to let ponies in. A lot of ponies were already gathered around, talking about their fears and worries with the priestesses - fears for apostates running on the loose, looking to snatch their children up at night, worry that their Circle might rebel next and destroy their own chantries and kill their own Grand Cleric, and grave concern that what happened in the Free Plains was going to happen here. She heard some talk about the rise of the instances of Blood Magic, as well as a greater number of Unicorns fleeing their circles. It all gravitated around Unicorns. So naturally, when a bunch of ponies turned to them, she felt a deal uncomfortable. It didn't help that some of the ponies gave her uncertain, if not outright nasty and hateful looks. She lowered her head and folded her ears, hoping to not draw attention. Rarity, for her credit, seemed to be taking the words in stride - of course, with her hat on, she was disguised, and nopony was probably the wiser. Eventually, they approached a threshold that peeked into a room with several book shelves and a single desk at it's end. Sitting at that desk was an aged mare, wearing the robes of the Grand Cleric. Her eyes a light blue-grey, her coat grey through and through, her mane snow white. Before her was a Templar, much to Twilight's worry. "The ponies entering the building are becoming too troublesome, Grand Cleric. Are you sure we should not turn them down at the door? I have already ordered my stallions to block way unless important business were to come..." "Then please tell them to stop" said the Grand Cleric - it sounded more like a request than a command, caring and understanding. "The Chantry is for all ponies. We do not block our gates unless it would become troublesome for our flock to keep them open." "But your Grace, I--" "That is my decision. I appreciate your thoughtfulness, but these are times of trial and tribulation. If this is not what the Chantry is here for, to give peace to the weary and broken, then what purpose do we serve?" The Templar simply nodded. "Of course, your grace. Thank you." With that, the Templar turned and walked past the mares. Twilight didn't know if he didn't notice her or just didn't care, because he didn't seem to look back at her. She turned her attention back to the Grand Cleric, who looked towards her and nodded. "Come in." "Your Grace..." said Twilight, bowing a bit. The Grand Cleric simply smiled. "No need to bow to me, child. I am not royalty... just a servant of the people and the divine. Tell me, what can I do to ease your spirits?" Twilight grimaced and nodded. "Applejack... would you mind taking over?" The farm pony stepped forward and nodded. "Yer highness... er... holiness... graciness...?" She flustered and shook her head. "Ah come on behalf of mah brother, Ser McIntosh of the Templar Order who serves to guard the Circle Tower beyond Lake Everfree." "Oh?" said the Grand Cleric, her expression becoming curious. "And what news do you bring?" Applejack looked to Twilight and then back to the Cleric. "There's been a revolt in the Circle... an' before you make any assumptions, it's the Templars." The Grand Cleric fell silent, staring at Applejack, turning her gaze to Twilight and the others, as if trying to discern the truth in the matter. "Ah have a letter from mah brother, an' his signet hoofband for proof. He saved Twilight here from the tower, an' he couldn't be here himself due to injuries sustained durin' the process." Applejack reached into her saddlebag and produced from it a sealed scroll, handing it to the Cleric. She then removed one of her hoof plates to reveal there was, indeed, a band around her hoof with the templar insignia. The Cleric looked at the signet, then went on to read the scroll. "... Oh my..." she said, her expression becoming somewhat grim. "... It would seem there is truth to your words young... Applejack, was it?" "Yes'm" said Applejack. "... I see..." She seemed to read it once again. "... Yes... this is bad." She looked up to Twilight, her expression shifting to a sad, pitying smile. "You poor thing... you have endured a lot to bring this to me, haven't you?" Twilight simply nodded. The Cleric stared at her a few minutes. "... Twilight Sparkle...." She smiled a bit. "Yes, I think I do remember you." "You do?" said Twilight, tilting her head. "Yes" said the Grand Cleric, still smiling. "You were quite the inquisitive young mare, I recalled. I only saw you once, but for what little conversation we had, you were asking all kinds of questions I was surprised a foal so small would ask." She chuckled and shook her head. "It made the Templars quite nervous when you inquired about the difference between the Chrystal Emperium's Chantry and our own." Twilight blushed and giggled. "Oh, yeah... I can see how that would have made them nervous... but I was just curious." The Grand Cleric nodded and seemed to return to her thoughts. "... At the moment, however, I fear that there is not much I can do. Our resources are strained, and we've only a few Templars to quell the situation... much as I want to help, I am not certain my mere appearance will dissuade either Templar or Unicorn from fighting..." "What?" said Twilight, her eyes wide and her jaw dropping. The Cleric shook her head sadly. "I'm afraid the most I can do is send word for reinforcements, but that could take time. And with the growing strain brought up by recent events in the Free Plains, I do not know if they will be enough to suffice." Twilight seemed to just stare into nothingness, before falling to her haunches. "... So then... we can't do anything...?" The Grand Cleric seemed to ponder this question. "I wouldn't say that... it may take time for me to get reinforcements to the tower... but they will come. It will simply require a little time, is all." Twilight sighed and nodded in understanding. "Fear not, child..." said the Cleric, placing a hoof on Twilight's withers. "Good news comes to the patient... and I do believe your bravery and patience shall be rewarded..." *** Much of the day had passed since the group had met the Cleric. They had managed to get three rooms at the local inn, each room giving space for two of them. At Rarity's request, she was going to share a room with Twilight (who was not too comfortable with the idea), and Rainbow Dash would room with Fluttershy for familiarity's sake. This left Applejack a little annoyed that she was stuck with Pinkie Pie, who she was certain wouldn't get any sleep. "So... you're telling me that you just... go about your day doing mundane tasks? Nopony really tells you to do it, you just do?" Twilight shook her head. "Not quite... I mean, we do get chores, like anypony. We get duties and jobs to do, but it's not like slavery. We receive an allowance, our food and lodging are provided for us... for particularly good jobs, we might receive a bonus, and that's not accounting for the good image it gives the First Enchanter, as well as the rest of the Circle." She smiled a bit triumphantly. "If we're particularly good at what we do, we Unicorns can gain a lot of freedom through hard work. The First Enchanter can even permit Unicorns to leave their tower, for extended periods of time even!" She smirked. "Plus, occasionally, Unicorns who do a lot in service to the country and the towers are granted a sort of 'reprieve' and allowed to leave the tower to live lives as they choose." "But still, darling... you have to do it all at somepony else's comfort. What kind of life do you live if you're living it on Somepony else's terms?" Twilight sighed. "If their terms don't interfere with mine, should it really be a problem?" Rarity shook her head. "I don't know dear. All I know is it sounds restrictive. To be unable to live life as freely as other ponies for something you couldn't control? I mean, bandits and highwayponies are proof enough that one doesn't need magic to harm the innocent." "And that's why we have jails" said Twilight with a nod. "Then you're saying the Circle is a jail?" "What, No, I-" "One that takes it's prisoners BEFORE they can commit a crime." "That's not what I'm saying at-" Rarity stomped and looked Twilight dead in the eyes. "Twilight, look at you! You've been brain washed! You spent your whole life being told these stories, about how horrible a free Unicorn can be, about how good the Templars by their very nature are! It doesn't matter that you've watched ponies get slaughtered by the very ponies that should be protecting them in your argument - it stays valid!" "One isolated incident does not paint an entire picture!" shouted Twilight, turning on the other unicorn. "Just because a few Templars decide that they have a right to purge a bunch of Unicorns doesn't mean all Templars are like that, it doesn't mean all circles are like that!" "You're right dear..." said Rarity, her expression turning to pitying once more. "One incident does not paint an entire picture. And yet Unicorns will be locked in Circles for their entire lives for the deeds of the few and the long dead. Because a few decided to turn to cruelty, innocent colts and fillies will be taken from their families in the night and refused contact." Twilight wanted to rebuttal. Really she did. "Twilight, what about your family? Did you even know your family?" Twilight shook her head. "And there's where the difference stands." Rarity turned and trotted to the side. "I may live my life in fear of being found by the Circle... but my parents and I are close, as am I with my sister. My mother and sister are also unicorns. We live in hiding... but I would gladly continue hiding rather than living in one of those towers where the only chance at happiness for me would be appeasing ponies who may very well hate me for reasons beyond my control." She turned to face Twilight again, sadness painting her face. "What did they take from you? Do you not remember anything? Anything at all?" Twilight looked to the side of the room, wondering if she did perhaps have some sort of distant memory. She frowned. "I have nothing..." She held up her pendant. "All I have is this... and I'm not even certain I got it from my family..." Rarity approached Twilight. "Dear... you're a victim. You may not acknowledge it... but something was taken from you... and all you had to do was be born..." Twilight continued to stare at her pendant, thinking about it. Was it true that she was a victim? What did happen? Did it really matter? "I don't know" she admitted. "I have no idea Rarity. Maybe you're right. Maybe I was a victim... but regardless... that tower is my home... and it holds the closest thing to family I have ever known..." For her credit, Rarity didn't respond with anything. She simply nodded. "I see..." She moved her mouth a bit in want of words, which seemed to fail her. Rarity, with a little thought, finally spoke. "Twilight... I apologize if I seem... blunt... but... I pity you. I really mean no offense when I say that." She shook her head and turned to the bed, trotting to one side and climbing in, setting her hat on the night stand. "... There's so much you miss out on... and you don't even see it." Twilight grimaced. "Well what about you? You live every day in hiding. You have to wear a hat everywhere you go for fear of being captured. What kind of life is that?" Rarity smiled a sad, tired smile. "A hard one... but... at least it's guided by my choices, my desires. It's not an easy life... but it's mine. And I would die before I let anypony take it from me." The marshmallow mare tugged her sheets over herself and rolled over, closing her eyes. Twilight stared for a few minutes, letting those words roll about in her head for a minute, before shaking her head and climbing into the bed next to the apostate unicorn. She didn't know if she agreed with her... But at least she could understand her. *** The Grand Cleric sat in her study, writing a letter. Suddenly, she heard the clinking of metal armor. "As I have said, you need not worry for me, Ser knight. I shall turn to my chambers for sleep once I am tired." "Forgive me, your Grace. I simply felt you could use a cup of tea..." said the knight. She turned about to see that he was holding a teacup holder, with a cup of tea predictably sitting on it. He gently placed it before her, and she smiled. "How thoughtful of you. Thank you for your kindness, Ser knight." He nodded and trotted a few feet away. She lifted the teacup and took a sip from it. At that point, he allowed himself to look back at her. "You are welcome, your Grace... and have a pleasant rest..." He trotted away, his expression becoming grave. "Celestia and Luna forgive me for what must be done..." > Conspiracy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "What do you mean she's sick!?" It had been well into the day before Twilight had asked Applejack if she might take her to see the Grand Cleric. It isn't that Twilight was an impatient pony, rather that deep down she knew the longer they waited, the less likely it was they'd be able to save anypony. It was all she could do to ignore the very real possibility that the rebellion had ended already, with everypony she ever knew on the sword of a Templar. "She had fallen ill by this morning" stated the Templar. "Terrible it is. She's barely conscious for most of the time, and when she is, she speaks things that don't make sense." Applejack pushed her hat up to scratch her head. "... But she seemed fine the other day... how would an illness jus' sneak up on 'er like that?" "No idea ma'am" said the Templar guard. "All we know is that she's not well, and is in need of her rest." "Please tell me she at least wrote a letter?" shouted Twilight, trying not to grab the Templar by his withers and shake him as she got up into his face. To his credit, he did not flinch. "Please tell me she said something about sending a missive or a scroll or SOMETHING somewhere!" The Templar seemed to think this over before shaking his head. "No, I don't rightly recall her making such a claim. If you wish, I can talk to some of the cloistered and see if any of them knows anything." "Would you?" Her eyes had faint hope, although even she knew it was unlikely. The Templar nodded before stepping inside, leaving guard duty to his partner, who simply stood there, staring at the two ponies as they waited. "Ah jus' don' understand..." said Applejack. "She looked so healthy. Ah ain't no doctor, but Ah don't reckon Ah've ever heard of a sickness so bad jus' swoopin' down on anypony..." "Swooping is bad!" The two ponies jumped at the sudden appearance of Pinkie Pie, Applejack scowling at her. "Will you stop sayin' that?" "What? It is!" said the pink mare with no shortage of confusion in her features. "Where did you even come from?" "A rock farm, silly!" Applejack facehoofed, dragging her hoof down until it fell off her chin, and turned back to Twilight. "Anyway... like Ah said. This is all very strange..." "Psst..." The two ponies turned to face the Templar guarding the gate, whose eyes were shifting. "You're not entirely wrong..." he said, biting his lip. "I can't say much, 'cause he'll be back soon. Meet me tonight at the Chipped Hoof tavern." Twilight and Applejack exchanged glances. Just then, the door opened again, and the Templar straightened up as the other returned to retake his position. "Yeah, nopony has heard a word. I'm afraid that until the Grand Cleric is feeling well, your issue will have to be put on hold." Twilight looked to Applejack, ears folded back, who simply nodded to her. "Right, thank you gentlestallions" said the country mare. "Come on, Twilight. Let's go on back to the room at the inn. Who knows, maybe she'll feel better in the morning?" The Templar who had just returned smiled. "There's the spirit. It's faith that keeps the world strong." With that, the two mares made their way away from the Chantry. "Well... that was..." began Applejack before looking around. "Hey, wait... where did Pinkie go?" Twilight began to look around as well. "... Wasn't she just..." "We're gonna have to put a bell on that filly..." As the unicorn nodded in agreement, her mind returned to the matter at hoof. "Alright... so... let's get this straight... " she spoke in a hushed tone, "... the Grand Cleric is suddenly so ill she can't do anything... just as we get here with news of the Circle being attacked... while I can't say it's impossible, the odds aren't exactly in favor of this happening..." "Ah know what ya mean, Twi..." said Applejack with a hint of worry. "Somethin' fishy is goin' on here, an' Ah ain't likin' the looks of it. Maybe it's some kinda conspiracy or somethin'?" Twilight nodded. "I don't know what else it could be... only way to know for sure though is to talk to that templar tonight at the Chipped Hoof..." "Ooo! That tavern right there? That's a GREAT idea!" Both ponies jumped and turned to see the pink pony who had just disappeared between them, smiling and waving a hoof. "Pinkie Pie, I think I know just the right accessory for you...." *** "Dingaling ling ding ding-a-ding!" Pinkie continuously poked and prodded at the bell on her neck, occasionally shaking around to make it ring. Twilight was holding a hoof on her head as Applejack seemed to be trying to pull her hat over her ears. "Pinkie could you stop that, please?" said the unicorn. "Why? It's so fun!" she shouted with a grin. "You were right, Twilight, this IS an awesome gift! Now it's like a little party everytime I move! Every! Single! Time! JINGLE JANGLE DINGLE DANGLE!" She began to bounce and jump and spin to make the bell ring more, much to the annoyance of her friends. "So" said Rainbow Dash, setting her mug down. "We've got to come back here tonight to meet somepony?" Twilight held a hoof up and shushed at Rainbow. "Not so loud... but yes... we've got to come back here tonight to meet somepony important, and I am fairly certain he'll have information that we will find very useful." Rainbow grinned. "Aww yeah, shady deals and possible conspiracy? This adventure just keeps getting better!" "Well... if it isn't little Rainbow Dash..." Rainbow seemed to stiffen up, her pupils becoming pinpricks as a unicorn trotted behind her, a grin on his face. Twilight turned her own eyes to him - he didn't look like any unicorn she had ever known. In fact, he wasn't wearing unicorn robes at all - he wore what seemed like chain mail armor, and his staff was not your typical wood or iron staff, having a blade on one end of it as if it were built for direct combat like a sword. "My it has been a long time, Rainbow Dash. Things have been so quiet in the Alienage without you." Rainbow scowled, not even bothering to look at the unicorn speaking to her. "Go away, Nebula Cloud..." He chuckled and shook his head. "Oh Rainbow Dash... such a frisky mare... I am quite glad to see that hasn't changed in you..." he placed his hooves on her shoulders, which caused her to visibly shudder. She shoved him back and, in a quick motion, drew her wingblades, staring at him dangerously. "Back. Off. I nearly killed you last time, and I won't hesitate to do so again." The unicorn chuckled. "Oh, so feisty..." He growled lecherously and let out another disgusting chuckle. He turned to face Twilight and Applejack, quirking a brow. "And such lovely friends... so diverse... the orange one looks like she'd be quite the beast in bed..." Applejack's jaw fell open, her face turning red. "... and the unicorn? Well, she looks like she would know a lot of... interesting... spells..." Twilight's own face turned crimson and she looked away. Finally, Applejack found words. "Hey, listen here pal, y'all don't jus' go up to random mares an' start... sayin' such indecent things about 'em!" The unicorn grinned. "Oh? I thought girls loved flattery and attention?" "No" she said, grimacing. "A mare likes to be told she's pretty and that she's important. Interpretin' her in.... intimate ways without any previous affiliation is just a dern poor first impression!" "Oh!" he said. "But where are my manners... as you may have heard, I am Nebula Cloud. Mastermind, gentlecolt, and... if I may say so myself? One... FINE lover..." "You can't say so yourself" said Rainbow, growling. "That's not how it works." He shook his head. "Well, Rainbow, if you care to be the judge, I do believe we can--" "If you finish that sentence you'll be breathing out of an extra hole." Once more, Nebula just laughed. "Suit yourself. I do believe I must run now, however. Important business transactions to attend to." With that, he turned and bowed to the other mares. "Good day to you." He turned about and trotted out of the room, leaving the three (wait... where did Pinkie Pie go?) to wonder what just happened. "Sorry girls... that was Nebula Cloud... he's sort of an... old acquaintance." Twilight shook her head, turning to Rainbow Dash. "How do you know that guy?" Rainbow, however, seemed to sink into her hooves. "I sorta ran with his gang back in the Alienage a while back." "Why is he in an alienage?" said Twilight. "I thought those were for pegasai?" "They are..." said Rainbow Dash. "His mother was a pegasus... a... 'mare of the evening' from what I am told. He was always sheltered there... given nopony likes to go into the Alienage for any reason, it also makes for an excellent hiding place for an apostate unicorn. Plus, he's pretty crafty, so anytime they DO come looking for him, he's usually long gone..." "So... why did you leave?" said Twilight. "Ah reckon we jus' saw why..." said Applejack, her expression flat and annoyed. "Actually, that was only a bonus prize..." said Rainbow. "Annoying as he is, I could tolerate his flirting. It was the jobs he was having us do... it started off small things. We'd steal from nobles... take some coin purses... grab some fancy expensive swords... that sort of thing..." She sighed and shook her head. "Then one day, on a mission, out of no where he decides he wants to off an entire family of nobles." The two ponies looked to each other, then back to Rainbow, who smirked. "Don't worry... I didn't. I asked him why he would want to... what they did to deserve it... all he said was 'that was none of my conscern.' Well, I refused, and the next day, I left the Alienage for parts unknown... came to find out, one of the nobles was a guard who knew about him. He wanted to kill them all so it wouldn't look suspicious." "That's awful..." said Twilight. "Just so he could save himself from the circle?" Rainbow laughed. "The circle? Please. For all the thefts? For all the prostitution? For all the murders I've been hearing of? That guy is looking at the sharp end of a Templar's sword." It fell quiet then, the three ponies sitting in silence. "So... am I to assume we're gonna just wait here for our meeting?" "I got nothing better to do..." "Actually..." said Applejack, "Ah wanted to take a look at this fancy blacksmith Ah heard about earlier today. They say he's a master smith, an' that he can make any kind of armor!" Twilight quirked her brow. "But isn't your current armor good enough?" Applejack smirked. "Course it is! Still, Ah'd like to go window shoppin'!" *** As Applejack and Twilight opened the door, they were instantly able to recognize something about the establishment. It smelled of sweat. "Woo-wee!" said Applejack. "Smells like somepony's really workin' out in here!" "I dare say you're right on the money..." said a nearby Earth Pony, who stood waiting behind a counter. "After all... this is a BLACK SMITH shop, and if somepony weren't doing taxing manual labor, I'd think we weren't doing our jobs right." Applejack huffed. "Well, ain't you just a golden ray of sunshine..." He simply shrugged. "I'm here to make money. Not to smile. Now, what is it you'll be having?" "Oh, Ah'm jus' browsin'..." "Oh for the love of... fine... fine, just... don't touch anything." Applejack wandered around, looking at the various armors on the walls. Some of them were your run of the mill armors - shiney, could get hit by a sword and not feel it, that sort of thing. But some of them seemed to be more creative, having unusual designs etched into them, seeming to be made of exotic materials... "Ah wonder, do y'all think you could make an armored hat?" "That is the silliest idea I ever-" "What!? What did she say, Wensly?" The stallion in question groaned as a mare stepped from behind a wall - she was green with a bright yellow mane, and wore a black smith's apron. "Did you suggest I take a hat... like yours... and put armor on it?" she pointed to Applejack's trademark skull-topper. "Uhh... yeah?" The mare stared at her. "Nopony does that. Nopony would THINK to do that. That idea is outlandish, and it's never been heard of." "You see? Even she--" "I MUST DO IT!" Applejack was caught slightly off guard. Wensly turned to the mare. "What? You can't be serious." "I'm deadly serious" said the mare, staring at him with the eyes of a pony who knew what she wanted. "It's so simple, so unusual... I must do it. I am an artist! I wouldn't even consider NOT doing it! What kind of... of... horrible.... thing would I be to deny the world something different?" "But I don't understand, why not just make a helmet?" The mare laughed. "Hah! Any fool can make a helmet! What I'm going to do will potentially change the way ponies wear armor for years, neigh, DECADES.... dare I dream? CENTURIES to come!" "Please reconsider Sweet Smithy-" "No! I will hear not another word of it! For this, I must have fitting materials..." She looked to Applejack. "Now, I can forge it with what I have... OR you could bring me some drake skin, and I can create for you something seamless, something masterful, something AMAZING." Applejack grinned. "A drakeskin hat..." She sighed and shook her head. "But where can Ah find Drakeskin?" Sweet Smithy shrugged. "I hear you can buy some, traded by the occasional adventurer who manages to down a drake and/or dragon." Twilight winced. She hoped Applejack wouldn't get any ideas about returning to Spike and... 'borrowing' the materials. "Well shoot..." said the mare. "... Ah don't imagine you'd be willin' to simply make a normal hat with some plate armor on it?" The mare sighed. "Well... it would steal away some of the exoticism... but, I will do it! Since you inspired this, you will get the work for free." Applejack shook her head. "Oh no, Ah couldn't dream of takin' it for free..." "I won't hear of it! Now, away with you! Your armored hat will be ready tomorrow! Oh... should it be a helmet...? Maybe a... hat-helmet?" "Yes... please go before you give her more ideas..." said Wesley, his head dropping into the counter as the mare babbled various ideas to herself. Taking the hint, Applejack and Twilight turned about and left the small shop. *** After spending much of the day wandering about the market, returning to the Wonders of Equus to see if Twilight could afford anything, going on a quest to stop an illegal trading ring of laurium, and reading to orphaned pegasai, Twilight and Applejack had returned back to the tavern where they had promised to meet the Templar from earlier. As they stepped in, they immediately took notice of a colt - his coat was a golden brown, his mane blue, his eyes green. He seemed quite nervous, and then he looked to them and relaxed, if only for a moment, before trotting towards them. "Follow me to my room. Don't say a word. Don't look at anypony. They maybe watching." The two mares exchanged glances, and then the group began to walk. Eventually, they made themselves to a room and shut and locked the door. He turned to them, worry still in his eyes. Applejack, more than a little suspicious, stepped forward. "Bud, Ah hope you ain't here thinkin' yer gonna take advantage of two helpless mares, cause yer gonna be sorely disappointed." "Nono, I've been honest" he said. "There is a conspiracy... and... and nothing is what it seems..." Twilight and Applejack once more exchanged glances before looking to him again. Suddenly, his expression turned from worried to a sort of dark calm. "And you can't be allowed to get in our way." "Well lookie what we've got here brother of mine; it's the same in every town!" "Oppressive Templars and broken unicorns scattered all the world 'round!" The two ponies turned to see two unicorns step from the side, wearing casual, colorful clothing and hats as opposed to the usual robes worn by unicorns. Their coats were both a buttery yellow, their manes a mix of red and white, like candy-stripes; the only defining difference being that one of them had facial hair. "Maybe they're not aware there's no need for this dreary despair?" "But quite frankly they're a problem, so we really don't care!" Their horns glowed menacingly as they approached the two mares, the Templar behind them drawing a sword. "Well horseapples..." said Applejack, her attention shifting between the unicorns and the Templar. "Seems this conspiracy jus' got a whole lot more complicated..." > Cancelled > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unfortunately, this story has been sitting on the backburners for a while, and I'll be perfectly honest with you, while I was having fun at first, I really don't know where I was taking this when I started. I had fun writing it up until the recent chapter, where I sort of lost track of my goals with the story. Sorry folks, but I think this one's flat-lined. If somebody else wants to take it on, I might be willing to pass it over to a capable writer, but yeah. Thanks for reading!