• Published 9th Sep 2013
  • 522 Views, 7 Comments

Pony Age: Friendship is Magic - PonyTom

The world of Equis is changing and on the verge of war. Young Unicorn Mage, Twilight Sparkle, and a group of unlikely friends go on a journey to stop a war, find the power of friendship, and save the only home she has ever known.

  • ...


Blood Mages.

Twilight had read about Blood Magic. It was a subject that both fascinated and frightened her - on a scholarly level, she was interested in the concept of blood fueling magical spells, and of how the fact was that in most cases, Blood Magic could only be combated by other Blood Magic. Still, it was also terrifying to imagine. On some fundimental scale, it was a perverse art, however, and studies showed that a unicorn who performed Blood Magic might be more likely to be found by the demons of the dream scape and, subsequently, possessed.

The idea that one of her colleagues might be using such magic scared her. After all, it was such a nice, quiet tower, the Unicorn circle. She knew many unicorns didn't care for it, but it was home, and she never really found much need for much else. Here, she had all the books she could read, she could do all the studying she wanted, she was fed and cared for... what wasn't to like? She let these thoughts stew in her head all the way through the day, until it was time for lights out - at which point, she received one last surprise.

"Welcome to your new quarters."

Twilight stared, mouth agape, at the space. For the first time, it was something a little closer to private in her life. It was a cosey little room with no door, a bookshelf filled with books, a desk, and a nightstand. Of course, there was also the traditional bed for sleeping in. She would have jumped for joy had she not been afraid of embarassing herself in front of her mentor.

"As a full fledged Mage, you receive your own bed space. A bit more private than normal. I hope it is to your liking?"

Twilight grinned. "I love it!" Spike snickered a bit, having expected the unicorn's response.

Nova smiled. "Very good, Twilight. All of your belongings have already been moved here, so don't worry about having to go back for them. You've earned it, kiddo."

Twilight trotted into the small room space to let her eyes wander. Indeed, all of her things were there; her old robe had been laid out on a nearby dresser, the books on her bookshelf were books she had purchased with her allowance (and stored under her bed) - bringing to mind there was more space in said shelf to fill, much to her own amusement. Next to the bed was a small basket, in which slept the baby dragon, Spike. She turned to look at the nightstand. On it was a pendant; on that pendant was a crescent moon and three stars. She had had that pendant for as long as she could remember; it was old and dirty, but still as precious to her as it had ever been. She smiled a bit as she crawled into her bed and pulled her sheets over herself.

Tomorrow was a new day. Her first day as a full fledged Unicorn Mage.



Somepony was yelling, shouting. She couldn't tell what; her brain was still in sleep-mode. All she knew is that she opened her eyes to see a worried and frightened face staring at her.

"Let me go! I'm not a Maleficar!"

"Quiet, you! You're gonna get the brand for sure!"

"No! You're mistaken! Please, see reason!"

Twilight jumped a bit and looked towards the door. She slowly stood up, staring at that exit. Cautiously, she began to bring herself towards it, wondering just what was going on. "Please! I-I-I didn't do anything! I was just joking, I swear!"

"Joking about summoning a demon and learning Blood Magic? Not so funny NOW is it, Maleficar?"

"No! I would never!"

"Stop resisting!"

"No! I must see the First Enchanter! The Knight Commander! I need-"


The sound of a sword being swung, followed by a shout of pain and a thud was heard. Twilight paled visibly, eyes wide. "Well... that takes care of that... guess we're gonna have to talk to the Knight Commander..." She gulped and backed away. What had happened? Did they kill somepony? Did they do something? Was the unicorn really guilty? She quickly hurried to her bed and climbed into it, pulling the covers over herself. Spike climbed in with her and huddled close; she put her hooves around him protectively as she stared at the door. She saw two stallions pass by - neither of which she was familiar with. One of them turned to look at her; his gaze was cold and ruthless, his face splattered in blood. He stared at her and gave a nod of his head - not the kind to acknowledge somepony, but that kind of nod that says 'I'm watching you.'

Her eyes filled with tears, but she said nothing. The dragon in her hooves was choking and sobbing. She had to be strong for him, if nothing else. "Shh... it's okay Spike..." she said calmly. "It's okay..."


"Now, Captain Steel Gleam, care to explain to me WHY you murdered a Unicorn in the dead of night?"

Twilight stood in the office of Ser Shield once more, though under very uncomfortable circumstances. After the previous night's events, an investigation had been called into action; to determine if the murder was justified. Naturally, this meant anypony who was within earshot of the situation was called in.

Only Twilight actually showed up; the others claimed to have slept through the whole ordeal.

"Knight Commander, I had been following that unicorn for weeks under suspicion of practice of Blood Magic" said the earth pony Templar with utmost conviction. "I heard him speaking to a colleague, talking about the power of Blood Magic and what it had to offer, no doubt trying to spread his filth and corruption."

Ser Shield stared at his subordinate with a cold gaze; judgmental, analytical, just. "And do you have any evidence to support your claims? Did you witness the Unicorn performing Blood Magic? Or did you slay him simply on suspicion?"

Steel Gleam cleared his throat. "I-I acted, ser. I cannot say I had seen much, but he had said to his colleagues... and talked of the power of Blood Magic... and--"

"Silence." It was not shouted. It was not angry. But it was stern. Steel Gleam complied. "So, what you're telling me is that, in the dead of the night, you invaded a stallion's chambers and struck him dead on a hunch? On a suspicion? Without any real cause?"

"Ser, he was resisting, and--"

"He said he wanted to talk to the Knight Commander..."

Everypony turned to look at Twilight. She hadn't even realized she said it. She suddenly became aware of the fact that there were three Templars in the room and only two Unicorns; herself and Nova Flare. "He... he begged you not to hurt him... and asked to see the Knight Commander... "

"Is that so, Steel?"

"Ser, with all due respect, she is a Unicorn Mage" said the pony, with no attempt to hide the contempt in his voice. "She would say anything to protect the image of one of her own, or to sully the good name of any Templar, and-"

"Is what she said true?"

Steel became silent.

"... He... did ask to... b-but ser, I didn't want to risk him getting his fowl magicks at you, and-"

"So, a Unicorn asks for a fair trial, a fair judgement, and instead of giving him a chance to be proven innocent, you slay him?"

"He was resisting, ser!"

"And what was he doing to resist? Am I to assume he was casting spells on you? Setting your armor ablaze?"

Steel Gleam fell silent, his mouth moving wordlessly as he tried to think.

"No? Did he thrash? Kick you? Give you a dirty look?"


"Steel Gleam."

Once more silence as the two Templars stared each other down. Twilight could feel the tension rising. She wished desperately that she could be anywhere else right at this moment in time, but she was certain it was not to be.

"You were transferred here from the Circle of Unicorns in the Free Plains two years ago, correct?"

"Ser..." he nodded his head in acknowledgement.

"As I understand..." continued Ser Shield, "part of the reason you were transferred is because of a particularly nasty situation in which an escaped Unicorn turned his collegues into abominations and had raised the bodies of your fallen comrades, and that you were so traumatized they sent you somewhere of a lower... harshness inclinity?"

"Ser, I know what I heard, and-"

"That being what it is, Steel Gleam, is it not possible, neigh, probable that in your fear and quickness to judge, that you may have spilled innocent blood?" Ser Shield was gone; he was now Knight Commander Shield, and his voice was rising. "Is it possible that you, in your mindless fear and cowardice, slew an innocent life with minimal reason, just to quiet your fear?" He was full out yelling now. "Is it likely that you, Ser Steel Gleam, KILLED a pony who had done absolutely NOTHING to provoke your judgement, or your blade!?"

"None of them are innocent!" shouted the Templar. "They are born cursed, and every day they live is another day they risk the lives of all who surround them! They aren't even safe from themselves!"

The room fell quiet. Steel Gleam was sweating, frustrated, and angry; while anger was in the expression of Ser Shield as well, they were different. Ser Shield's anger was righteous fury; the anger of one who sought justice. Steel Gleam... his anger...

It was true and utter rage.

"Your heart is stained by darkness, Steel Gleam..." said the Knight Commander, his expression softening from anger to mere sternness. "I do not know what terrors you have seen... or what stories you have heard... but they have left a mark on you. Get out of my sight... I will decide your punishment later."

"But ser--"

"Report to the barracks; you will be escorted by Ser McIntosh and Lady Bonbon, and you will be monitored."

"But ser, I--"

"And if I so much as hear of you coming within ten feet of a Unicorn, there will be no hole deep enough for you to hide from me in."

Silence ruled the room. Finally, Steel Gleam nodded in grim acceptance. "Yes... ser..." With that, he turned and made his way out of the room; the doors open and the two ponies to escort him already waiting. As he passed Twilight, though, he turned and glared at her. She gulped a bit; his eyes were so... hateful. Angry. Vengeful. Eventually, he looked away as he made his way towards the other two, and then the three Templars left their sight.

Twilight felt a lot of tension leave her and she let out a shuddered breath.

"I'm sorry for all that you witnessed, Twilight Sparkle."

Twilight turned around to look at the Knight Commander, whose expression had gone from the sternness to an almost comforting, apologetic one. "... Steel Gleam... he experienced terrible things in the Free Plains. I fear he may not be well enough to do his job..."

"Clearly..." said Nova Flare, speaking up for the first time. She had kept quiet the whole time, hoping not to incite anger from the younger Templar; though Twilight was certain she wanted to speak up many times. "And for his experiences, a Unicorn Mage now lays dead. Surely there will be justice for this crime?"

The Knight Commander sighed, rubbing a hoof against his forehead. "Unfortunately, it is not so easy... while I am supposed to strip him of his rank and title, the Chantry is often cold towards Unicorns, and supposes a 'guilty until proven innocent' stance. I will have to painfully investigate the situation, and be able to prove that there is no evidence of the victim practicing Blood Magic."

The First Enchanter nodded. "And I noticed you didn't even bring up his personal grudge against the unicorn?"

Shield shook his head. "There was no point to it."

Twilight gulped once again. "W... what happened?"

Ser Shield shrugged. "Well... he and that particular Unicorn... Golden Glow... had a falling out. Golden had complained of getting dirty glares and being stalked by Steel Gleam. Eventually, however, Steel Gleam began to accuse him of Blood Magic." He turned and trotted to his desk, rearing up and placing his hooves on them. "We investigated him, and could find no hints or suggestions of him practicing Blood Magic. Just yesterday, I had told Steel Gleam that the investigation was being stopped. I suppose he wasn't happy to hear that."

The First Enchanter nodded. "It leads me to wonder if these claims of Blood Magic might have been spread by some of his closest compatriots?"

Ser Shield shook his head. "I cannot assume that, unfortunately. That pain in my ass... he has assured that I will spend the next week making inquiries and reports..."

The First Enchanter turned to Twilight and smiled; it was a comforting smile, especially for all the fear she was feeling at this time. "Twilight Sparkle, please return to your quarters. I promise, this will all be cleared up..." Twilight nodded and turned, trotting from the room hurriedly. She wanted to get back to her room and quietly sulk for the rest of the day at what had happened. She didn't want anymore thoughts of death and pain invading her mind.

As she trotted down the halls, she couldn't help but let her gaze wander. Templars. Unicorns. She had heard the stories, but never feared the Templars. For her entire life, they had simply been the police of the Tower; never once did she get dirty glares, never once was she accused of anything... heck, she found some of them, such as Ser McIntosh and Lady Bon Bon, to be particularly pleasant!

But now a new feeling was creeping into her.

Maybe it was the rumors. Maybe it's the shock of recent experience playing in her mind. But now... she was scared. Were they really so pleasant after all? Were they really a police force? Or are they headsponies, just waiting for her to slip up? And what of her colleagues? Can she say the Templars' fear is unjustified? What if... somewhere... what if one of them was practicing Blood Magic. This was all too much for her to take in at once. She needed to be in a sanctuary to process these events, to understand them.

She worried she might never be able to.

Eventually, she had found her way back to her quarters. There, Spike sat on her bed, waiting for her. His eyes looked up to meet hers, and he quickly jumped off the bed and ran to her, wrapping his arms around her leg. "Oh Twilight!" he shouted. "I... I was so worried... wh... what happened?"

Twilight sighed and shook her head. "It... it's dealt with... there will be an investigation, and the Templars might be running about more later... but I think we're going to be left alone..." She hoped she was right. She didn't know if she could take this anymore.


Twilight couldn't sleep.

The days' events were still playing in her head. She had decided to busy herself with reading to take her mind off the events that had played out, so she had decided to read up on recent history. At first, she was reading about the Fifth Blight; about how the Hero of Equestria - a Pegasus named Snowflake, had slain the Archdemon. She was fortunate in that at that time, she hadn't witnessed any abominations or blood magic; she was spared those horrors, not like some she knew. She was scared for a while, but eventually shrugged it off. Maybe that was why she was worried? Maybe she didn't shrug it off, and subconsciously was afraid of it starting over?

That thought led to her reading about the Free Plains incident. It was fairly recent, really; the stories differ here and there, but some say that it was a revolt started by the Unicorns, while others claim it was started by the Templars. There, they say a champion by the name of Pokey Pierce (which was strange a name for a hero, so people just called him 'Champion' most times) sided with the Unicorns. That was probably a little over a year ago; sometime shortly before Steel Gleam made his way into Equestria.

She sighed and closed her eyes. She was tired and she knew it. She was just afraid of going to sleep. Deciding to at least attempt it, she closed the book she was reading and levitated her covers over herself, tucking herself in. Closing her eyes, she let out a wide yawn. "Goodnight Spike..." she said to the dragonling; he had been asleep for hours now, but it wouldn't feel right for her not to say it, with all the fears she had been having. She lay her head down into her bed and closed her eyes.

She lay in silence for several minutes.

Suddenly, she heard the clinking of metal; the sound of an armored pony walking.

"Here she is. Still asleep."

She didn't dare open her eyes.

"Put one of those amulets on her, then stash another one in that room next door. Put it somewhere good; if it's too obvious somepony might get suspicious."

Twilight opened her eyes to see a Templar standing over her, his sword in his mouth, raised up. Her eyes widened, and she panicked. She watched as the sword came down. Time seemed to slow.

And then, it bounced off an invisible force.

"What the--!?"

Twilight lept from the bed. "WHAT THE HAY!?"

"Freeze, Maleficar!"

Twilight was going to protest; to defend herself verbally. She then remembered how well that worked for the last unicorn. "GET THEM NOW, CHAUNSY!"

The two Templars' eyes widened and they looked behind themselves; there was nothing there. Suddenly, a flurry of books flew at them, striking them both in the heads multiple times and knocking them down. Twilight quickly pulled Spike (who had woken up at her shouting) and placed him on her back, jumping from her bed. She levitated her staff towards herself and looked to her pendant.

It seemed so lonely. She didn't know why, but she... didn't feel she could leave it.

She levitated it and her saddlebags towards herself, placing the bags over her back and the pendant around her neck. The Templars began to recompose themselves, so Twilight made a point of jumping over them and running down the hall. She knew where she was going to run; straight to the Knight Commanders' office. He had to know. He had to be warned; they were planting evidence now.

She stopped when she heard screaming.

Looking into a nearby room, she saw a Templar standing over a unicorn, magic fleeing his body as he struggled, eventually falling limp. Wishing not to draw attention, she hurried along once again. As she ran, she heard more; ponies screaming, shouting, the sound of blades... even the sounds of desperate spell casting.

Eventually, she reached the Knight Commanders' quarters. Filled with urgency, she wasted no time in throwing the doors open.

Just in time to see Ser Shield get driven through.

Her eyes widened as she saw him drop his blade, a sword running through his chest. Blood spilled from his muzzle as he struggled, and eventually the blade was pulled free as he was carelessly shoved backwards, falling to his side. "Sorry Captain" said the assailant in the helmet. "But you're too nice to these freaks." The earth pony threw something at him; a pendant. She had only caught a glimpse of it, but it looked familiar.

A Unicorn Emperium pendant.

"This tower needs somepony who knows what Unicorns can do if being coddled."

Twilight didn't bother sticking around, she was quick to turn and run, much to the confusion of the little dragon on her back who hadn't really caught a glimpse of what was happening (he had been watching out for others). She knew that voice; that was Steel Gleam. Steel Gleam had murdered Ser Shield? Why? Was he afraid of punishment? Had he been planning this all along? What was going on? She only had one place she could think to go now, and rushed to the First Enchanters' quarters.

Much to her worry, the doors were already open. Cautiously, she peaked into them, and found the First Enchanter, standing before three Templars. One of them was frozen in a solid block of ice, another trapped in stone shackles, and the third was being levitated in the air.

"What is going on? Why are you attacking me!?" shouted Nova Flare.

"Unicorn scum... put me down and submit, or I'll gut you!"

"As you wish."

Suddenly, the Templar was brought down. Forcibly. He slammed into the ground once, and quite hard, and immediately stopped moving. Twilight had worried she had killed him, but she could see that he was still breathing. The other Templar, the only one conscious and not encased in ice, simply growled. She looked to him with a cold gaze. "Do you have anything to say?" He did not respond, but Twilight imagined he was not very happy underneath that helmet. "Good."

"First Enchanter?"

Nova Flare turned to her and trotted towards the younger unicorn. "Twilight? Spike? Thank the stars, do you have any idea what's going on here? One minute I'm researching the history of cheese, the next I'm being attacked by Templars."

Twilight grimaced, biting her lip. "They... they're killing everypony! They're killing the unicorns! They killed Knight Commander Shield!" This caught even Spike by surprise, whose only response was to place his claws over his mouth.

Nova stared at Twilight. At first, she seemed to be processing the information, but then she seemed to become sad... mournful even. "What? ... the Unicorns? Shield?" Twilight nodded. Nova shook her head. "Wh... but... I... "

"It was Steel Gleam..." Twilight said.

Nova grimaced. "Gleam... so... he's incited a revolt? A genocide?"

Suddenly, Twilight felt something. It was... odd. She felt the strength leave her body, and at the same time, a deal of pain, like being cut. It was not a pain she was familiar with, though... it was like it was cutting deeper than flesh. It was as if it was cutting her very being. She buckled to her knees and saw a light strike the First Enchanter who, while she seemed drained, continued to stand. Spike seemed to wince a bit too, shaking his head as he was overcome by vertigo.

"It's an Annulment."

Twilight turned to see two more Templars; both wearing helmets. They stepped into the room and held their swords up, but before they could do anything, a blue aura appeared between them and launched them apart, cluttering against the floor and walls. "Run!" It was one word, and as Nova uttered it, Twilight knew to listen. She got up on shakey hooves and began to rush towards the door, hearing the First Enchanter follow up behind her. They fled the room and darted down the halls.

"Wh... what's an Annulment?" said Spike, regaining his composure.

Nova Flare didn't bother looking towards the dragon. "It's when the Templars decide to purge the Unicorns of a circle!"

"What!? They can't do that!" shouted Spike.

"What are we going to do!?" shouted Twilight. "An Annulment!? Don't they need permission from the Grand Cleric first!?"

"Yes!" shouted Nova. "But I don't think this is a true Annulment; there are no grounds to invoke the Right of Annulment without proof that the vast majority of a tower is corrupt!"

Both mares looked ahead and skid to a stop. Before them stood a single stallion; a familiar red colt with an orange mane wearing Templar armor. His sword was drawn, and he had blood on his armor. Twilight's eyes widened and she froze. "Ser McIntosh... "

"Get down!"

Twilight blinked, confused, when suddenly Nova put a hoof on her head and shoved her to the ground. Spike, quick to catch on, pulled his own head down and covered it with his arms, while McIntosh leaped over the two, and as Twilight looked back she saw him engage the two Templars they had just fled from. He struck one with the pommel of his sword, dazing him, before throwing a hoof and knocking him out cold. Turning, he parried blades with the other Templar, before shoving him back, turning around, and delivering a quick, well-aimed buck, sending the Templar sailing into a wall, also getting knocked out cold. The two unicorns slowly stood up as he approached.

"Y'all alright?"

"F-fine..." said Twilight.

"Y-yeah, I'm good..." followed Spike.

"Ser McIntosh... just what in the name of Celestia is going on?"

McIntosh grimaced. "Gleam Shield started a revolt... apparently they been plannin' this a while."

"What?" said both unicorns in tandem.

"Seems he's been enlistin' new recruits an' junior Templars... feeding them his stories and paranoia..." McIntosh shook his head. "They ambushed a lot of us while we was in our small clothes an' forced us t' side with 'em or get killed."

Spike peaked over Twilight's shoulder. "Then... wh... what are YOU doing here?"

McIntosh grinned. "Ah was a farmer b'fore Ah became a Templar. Mah muscles are built by honest work."

"Okay, that's good..." said Nova Flare, "But now we have to get out of here. Apparently they're starting a revolt and claiming it an Annulment."

McIntosh shrugged. "What do we do?"

"Simple, we run..." Nova scowled. "You two hurry, get out of the tower. I'll meet up with you outside... I have to grab something first." With that, Nova's horn began to glow, and suddenly, she disappeared, with a burst of air in her wake.

Twilight turned to face Big Mac who nodded to her. "Do y'all know how ta fight?"

The unicorn blinked and smiled nervously. "Uhh... well... not much, no..."

Spike bit his lip. "I'm... not good at fighting at all..."

Mac nodded. "Do ya know anything useful?"

Twilight nodded. "Well, I... can levitate things and make barriers?"

Big Mac shook his head. "Good enough. We can use that. Support me an' let's go." With that, the two ponies rushed down the hall. As they ran, Twilight was reminded just what was going on; the sounds of ponies screaming, begging for mercy, of explosions and the sounds of ice cracking, of stone shattering. Her home was being torn apart, and all she could do was run.

Eventually, they had made it to the doors; it was almost surprising how easy it was. "Okay, let's get outside an' wait for--"

"You aren't going anywhere traitor!"

The ponies turned around to see five Templars had followed them. "Where did they come from!?" shouted Twilight.

"Look fellas, calm down! Y'all ain't thinkin' clearly..." said McIntosh, his voice calm, exhuding some air of understanding... even confidence. "What's happenin' here is wrong, an' you know it. Put yer weapons away an' just... think about this fer a moment."

"What's WRONG is that these abominations are treated like foals while their wild brethren pollute the world with evil!" shouted one of the enemy Templars. "We guard them day in, day out, and for what? For them to escape, turn to Blood Magic, and tear entire villages apart!"

Big Mac sighed and shook his head. "Ain't that simple..." Reaching back, he placed his teeth around the handle of his sword and drew it. "Ready, Twilight?" Twilight nodded, levitating her staff to her side; she felt comfort in feeling it's reaction to her magic ease her burden. The Templars charged suddenly and without any further warning. Blades drawn, they rushed towards the two ponies. Big Mac was quick to ready his greatsword - a sword that only a pony of his prodigious strength could hope to wield - and swung it around. He struck the shield of another Templar, who countered with a slash that barely missed the stallion. One of the Templars rushed towards his side, and he lept just in time to miss the blade, swinging his sword again and slashing at another Templar, cutting deep and sending blood against the walls. The injured stallion backed away, quickly reaching into his bags for a poultice, as another took his place. Big Mac threw his legs to buck him back and thrust his head forward, butting another stallion in the stomach as he had reared up to bring his sword down.

Big McIntosh didn't see the stallion bringing the sword toward his neck.


The blade bounced off a magenta bubble that now surrounded the large red colt. His eyes wide, he looked towards the Templar who had attacked him, who stared at him with surprise as well. Big Mac turned to see Twilight's horn glowing, her own eyes wide with a mix of fear and desperation. He gave a nod, and then the bubble disappeared. Swinging his sword sideways, the flat, side-end of the blade struck the stallion's face and knocked him backwards and out for the count. Big Mac looked up to the unicorn once again, and his eyes widened. "BEHIND YOU!"

Twilight turned to see a stallion leaping at her, mace in his mouth. She panicked and lowered her horn, launching a magenta bolt of light forward that struck the Templar and sent him flying backwards - Templars were resistant to magic, but they did not absorb it. While the blast itself may not have been as effective as it would have been to other ponies, the Templar was no more immune to common physics as his body slammed into a wall and he fell unconscious to the floor - which earned a cheer from Spike. She turned to see Big Mac once again combating the stallions, dodging and swinging and striking, her horn glowing in preperation for another spell.

Suddenly, they were all lifted into the air by a blue aura and struck the ground with great force, and each and every one of them was knocked out cold. The two ponies looked up to see First Enchanter Nova glaring at them. "What are you three still doing here!? I said to run!"

"We got kinda tied up..." said Big Mac, nodding towards the Templars. "Get what you were looking for?" the First Enchanter nodded. Her saddlebag opened, and from it levitated a small vial. It drifted before Big Mac, who stared at it a few moments before letting his eyes open wide. "A phylactery... but... whose...?"

"Twilight's..." said Nova, looking towards Twilight Sparkle. Twilight's eyes widened, her expression nothing short of shocked. 'She's giving him my phylactery?' Twilight knew what it was; it was the one thing that truly bound her to the circle. It was her lifeline in more ways than one. If anything happened to it...

"I can't believe it..." said Spike. "That's Twilight's Phylactery?"

Big Mac grimaced. "Why?"

"I'd rather her phylactery be in the hooves of a pony who can be trusted to do the right thing..." said Nova with a nod. "Big McIntosh, I know this is asking a lot, but given the circumstances, consider this my permission for Twilight to leave the tower. It is, after all, in my power to grant it, is it not?" Big Mac nodded, clearly not one hundred percent on what was going on, but complying, and pulled open his saddlebags. He took the small vial into his mouth and gently placed it in with his other things, closing it back. "Good... I'm going to stay here and help my apprentices, protect them, and heal them... you two know what to do. Find the Grand Cleric in Canterlot, explain this situation. She should be able to help us..." Nova nodded to Twilight Sparkle. "You be safe, dear..." Twilight nodded slowly, to which Nova responded with a polite smile. Suddenly, in a burst of air, she was gone again. Twilight looked to Big Mac, and the two ponies nodded toward each other. With that, they pressed the doors open and stepped out of the tower.


Twilight had not left the safety of the tower for years.

Sure, it had a small courtyard of sorts for the Unicorns to wander, get a little fresh air, but even that had stone floors and high walls. For the first time in a long time, she felt the grass beneath her hooves, and she could see the lake, and the trees on the other side of the lake... sure, it was dark out, and hard to see, but the black painting the horizon and seperating it from the blue star scape made it as visible as it needed to be.

It's beautiful...

She took a few steps forward to admire the scene, to truly take it in. Suddenly, she heard something whiz past her head, and heard the sound of Big Mac yell. Drawn out of her revery, she saw the stallion fall to one side, an arrow sticking out of his other. The unicorn spun around to see a stallion in Templar armor reloading a crossbow, staring at her. Without a second thought, she launched a bolt of energy at him, striking the crossbow from his hooves. Thinking quick, she threw him upwards into the air; a bit higher than she intended, and grimaced as she saw him drop back down with a thud.

He would live.

She turned and quickly rushed to Big Mac, who was gritting his teeth and trying to figure a way to get the arrow out of his body. Twilight couldn't help but grimace, Spike sharing the sentiment; it was in deep, and he was bleeding pretty badly. "Oh my goodness... d-don't move, I'm going to try to pull it out..."

"N-no, don't, Ah--"

Suddenly, the arrow was yanked from him, and Big Mac clutched his teeth together and shouted into them, eyes shut tight with tears of pain rolling down his cheeks. More blood began to flow, much to Twilight's horror. Quickly, she pulled Big Mac's armor from him, despite the stallion's protests and discomfort. As she removed the plating, however, she nearly balked at what she saw had been underneath it. Cuts. Bruises. Gashes that had been healed by weaker healing poultices. His body was absolutely torn apart; most of the wounds had not fully healed, some of them had pulled back open, and all of them looked fresh; some more so than others. She looked up to the stallion, eyes wide. Spike turned around and gagged; he didn't care for the sight of blood.

"... Oh my... you.... how...?"

Big Mac's expression, for the first time, shifted from the determined, frantic one he had been wearing to something weary and tired. All at once, the energy he had had since they had been forced to wake up left him. "They beat me fer a while. Tortured me, said it'd all be better if Ah joined they cause. Eventually, Ah stopped movin' an' they thought they killed me, so they left me alone long enough ta get away... Ah downed a healing poultice that took care of most of th' wounds, but that's all Ah had ta work with..."

Twilight could only stare. He fought with all of these injuries? The stallion had to be in a great deal of pain; it was any surprise he was still moving in his condition. Quickly, she pulled open her saddlebags and pulled from it some bandages. In moments, she had covered the worst of the damage, but he was still in no shape to do what he HAD been doing; chances were, he was going to need help from here on out.

"Can we jus' go now?"

"Of course..." she said carefully.

Quickly setting his armor back onto his body, the two ponies (and one dragon) climbed into a small ferry boat on the dock. Normally, there should have been a ferrypony there, but he was probably likewise occupied. As Twilight shoved off, she looked back to the stallion, whose injuries seemed to finally be catching up to him as he held a hoof to his side. It still didn't fail to surprise her - by all means, he should be incapacitated. Was this the kind of will that drove Templars? Their strength? Or was this just the sheer power of the one stallion?

"You're very strong..."

He nodded. "Apples don't raise weaklings..."

"So... where to now?" said Spike, shaking his head to get the image of the damage done to the stallion out of his head.

Big Mac turned to look out over the lake. "Let's get to Ponyville first... Ah gotta go see mah family, tell 'em what's happened... see if Ah can't get help... after that... we head towards the Chantry to do what th' First Enchanter asked us ta do..."

Twilight nodded. She looked to the other side of the lake.

And it didn't fail to strike her.

This all started just after she became a full fledged Mage.