• Published 14th Dec 2013
  • 881 Views, 17 Comments

The Dawn's Horizon - T3mp3st

Dawnstar can't seem to find happiness in the walls of Canterlot Castle. Perhaps a trip to Ponyville can change this.

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Roseluck felt her hind legs shaking uncontrollably as the moon's son stood in front of her. He's here; at my stall, asking for me!? her heart felt like it leapt into her throat; preventing any form of communication to take place, save for the few squeaks that came out. She knew her face must have been a darker shade of crimson than her hair, and as hot as her ears felt, it was more radiant. Dawnstar didn't seem to take notice of her, instead he turning to Lily and speaking up.

"I take it that, the lovely mare there is she?" An audible gasp could be heard from Roseluck as she realized what Prince Dawnstar had called her. She glanced up and noticed a regal smile that carried so much love and compassion in it, as well as authority. Lily simply bowed her head and gave Rose a slight bump to her flank. This in turn, caused the now crimson mare to release another high pitched squeak as she found herself pushed closer to the prince. After practically face planting into the ground as she hastily bowed, she mustered enough courage to speak again.

"I-I am R-Roseluck, Y-y-your Highness, how may I assist you this lovely morning." Rose could hear Lily giggling behind her as Rose attempted to keep sounding calm. Dawnstar, on the other hoof, seemed slightly annoyed, and this frightened Rose. After letting out a long, drawn out sigh, he decided to continue the conversation.

"Please, there are no need for formalities here. I am simply here on personal business and would like to be treated as such; in other words, please, call me by my name. Actually, just call me Dawn; I like my name better like that." After receiving a nod from both mares, he continued, "Now, Madame Roseluck, I wish to have a word with you about your generous donation of flowers to the Gala last year."

Roseluck was somewhat intrigued that somepony would take an interest in her flowers at THE Grand Galloping Gala; especially when the much more majestic Canterlot Garden sported flora that put her flowers to shame on a good day. She decided that there must have been a catch somewhere; it's not everyday royalty comes along asking about donated flowers. Of course she needed to remember that its Prince Dawnstar she was talking to, she must play it cool. Right? "Oh, those flowers? Well... I... uh.... thanks..." Definition of cool; or so she thought, the giggles she heard from Lily said otherwise.

"Yes, you see; when you live in a city where everypony expects something in return for a deed, no matter how big or small, receiving such a generous delivery from a florist two times smaller than a normal shop with no intentions of getting paid is an act worthy of the Elemental Bearer herself. But of course, I am not here to compare you to Madame Rarity; no I am here to give you this." With a red glow from his horn, a rather large bit bag appeared in front of the stall. Rose and Lily's jaws dropped and their eyes grew to the size of dinner plates. There must have been at least a thousand bits in that sack, which was the same amount they can make during a good month. After giving a slight chuckle, Dawnstar continued, "Our royal gardeners told us that your flowers rivaled the Canterlot Garden's in both quality and beauty. I would like for you to take these bits as my way of saying keep up the good work, and as a small investment for future deliveries.

He only received head nods from the two mares, which he gave a slight smile at. "Unfortunately, I must cut this short; Princess Twilight is needing some help with her new duties, and I'm sure you know how she gets when her schedule's out of wack. I look forward to our next meeting." With a bright red glow from his horn, Dawnstar teleported from the stall, leaving two very shocked and extremely happy mares behind.

Within the large white walls of the Canterlot Court, Princess Celestia sat on her thrown listening to the trials and tribulations of the Canterlot Elite and various nobility debating and fighting about matters that had little effect on them. Normally, her undivided attention would be on each speaker as they made their cases, however, one noble's presence was distracting her from it. Up next in the line of speakers stood her other nephew; Prince Blueblood. Originally the heir of the throne, he had to witness his rise to ruling stature crumble as the crown was taken from him not once, but twice. Dawnstar being born was one thing, however, when her protégé ascended to royalty, she had feared it was a matter of time before he decided to say something. Her own thoughts were interrupted when Blueblood was recognized onto the stand.

"Members of the Canterlot Elite, I wish to discuss a matter in regards to the royal line. Do I have your permissions to speak?" This perked Celestia's interest greatly, her nephew was hardly one to ask the nobility permission to speak; normally he would just come in and say what he wanted and wouldn't budge till it happened. He was up to something, but what exactly it was didn't really hit her. After a few moments, the Elite's had given Blueblood the permission he needed to speak, which he took into wasting no time to starting his discussion.

"My fellow lords and ladies, as you know, we have had yet another heir named for a throne of Equestria. Just a few years ago it was stated that he shall take over for Princess Luna when she gives up her throne. I for one am not one to sit idly by while our noble blood flows in vain, as many of you are aware; myself and several other of our noblilty were denied the throne when it was our own blood rights to succeed. And I'm sure most of you aren't very comfortable that the son of Nightmare Moon will be leading Equestria; I say that we shou-"

"DOST THOU DARE TO INSULT THY PRINCE AND PRINCESS BEHIND THEIR BACKS, BLUEBLOOD!?" The recognizable sound of Luna's voice rang through the courtroom as a bright flash of white filled the seat next to Princess Celestia, who was sporting a very unamused look at how the court was going. Princess Luna appeared next to her sister with look of malice on her face, her azure eyes seeming to throw ice crystals at the white unicorn in front of them.

To say that the tension in the room was thick was a large understatement, in fact a simple feather drop could have been heard in the courtroom. As Blueblood started to piece together words, he was interrupted by Princess Luna, "Choose your next words carefully, Blueblood. Celestia's nephew you may be; I will not stand idly by while you insult my son and I. I understand your frustration, but throwing a filly tantrum because we found more eligible heirs is not worth the time of the court."

Princess Celestia decided to intervene before there was yet another incident on the court room that she'd have to cover; namely her sister making the family tree one generation smaller. "AS my sister is trying to say, Prince Blueblood, this is a matter best discussed behind closed doors and in the company of ALL of us," She bumped Luna with a quick tap of magic as she continued, "and I suggest that you and I speak one on one before that. As of now Day and Night Courts are closed for today, we shall resume where we left off tomorrow." As the courtroom came to life with nobles and elites got up from their seats; Princess Luna and Princess Celestia failed to see the group of nobles surrounding Prince Blueblood as they spoke in a corner.

Author's Note:

And here's chapter 3, I'm planning on making the next few chapters longer; so bare with me. As always let me know what you think; It helps me out greatly.