• Published 14th Dec 2013
  • 882 Views, 17 Comments

The Dawn's Horizon - T3mp3st

Dawnstar can't seem to find happiness in the walls of Canterlot Castle. Perhaps a trip to Ponyville can change this.

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Dawnstar couldn't help but feel a tinge of excitement as his carriage flew down towards Ponyville. Sure, taking the train would have been faster and more comfortable, however, he did not want to deal with the attention that he would have gotten; media coming up with stories as to why he's going to Ponyville, political ponies trying to bypass the Royal Sisters in order for there bills to be passed, ponies being to afraid to start conversation. He just didn't want any of it, especially when his mother was right; some time away from the confines of Canterlot Castle would help ease his nerves and take his mind away from recent events. Not to mention spending time with Twilight Sparkle and her friends; he always felt so loved when he was with the elements, whether from royal business, or occasional visits. The small carriage let out a loud thud as it hit the ground, breaking Dawnstar from his thoughts. After gathering his things and thanking the two pegasi guards; he stepped out into the warm sun, taking in the view of the Golden Oaks Library , aka Princess Twilight Sparkle's home.

He started to make his way towards the library's door, knowing full well that the mare inside was either in a panic or... What's that noise? A faint whistling could be heard from across the town and started getting louder as it's source grew closer. Dawn's eyes grew to the size of dinner plates as he saw a pink missile heading straight for him, the whistling turning into a long, drawn out version of his name.

"Daaaaaawnstaaaaar!" Dawn's world was instantly made into an overload of cotton candy smelling pink fluffiness as Pinkie Pie tackled him to the ground in a lung squashing hug. Pinkie, being the bubbly mare that she was, didn't seem to notice Dawn's struggle to breath; mistaking his taps on her back as a form of hug, she continued to greet the young prince. "Its been so long since I've been able to see you, Dawny! Except your birthday a couple of years ago, and Hearths Warming Eve. Ooh, let's not forget Hearts and Hooves Day!" As Pinkie kept going with her ramblings about the times that she last saw Dawn, who managed to break free of her death grip; Dawnstar just stared ahead with his hoof under his chin, and occasionally casting the party pony a few unamused glances before speaking up.

"Nice to see you too, Pinkie. Now could you kindly let me go!" Pinkie Pie stopped her rambling and let out a sheepish grin as she loosened her grip on Dawnstar.

"Heheh, oopsie." Dawn rolled his eyes and gave a knowing smile as he returned a warm hug to the pink earth pony.

" I missed you, Pinkie, but do you know if Aunt Twilight is home? I'd like to talk to her."

A smile and a nod is what Dawnstar got for an answer, "Of course she is, silly, she's been working all week trying to get ready for your arrival." Did she just say a week? Mom already had planned on my coming here?! "Now that your officially here, I can start passing out invitations to your Welcome Back Party!" That bit caused Dawn's ears to perk up.

"My Welcome Back Party? Pinkie, I hate to tell you this, but I'd rather not have a party. I kinda want this visit to be on the down low, if you know what I mean." A disappointed sigh came from the pink mare. But before Dawn was able to cheer her up, she perked up and gave a little wink.

"Okie dokie lokie, Dawny, I'll be sure to let your visit go undisturbed. Princess Luna had already told us of why you'll be here." Dang it, Mother! "I'll just let the rest of the girls know that your here." With that she was gone, Dawn blinked a few times trying to figure out how an earth pony could move that fast, and why his mother had taken it upon herself to let the Elements know of his visit to Ponyville. With a quick shake of his head, Dawnstar made his way to the Golden Oaks Library door, giving it a few knocks before entering.

The market district of Ponyville seemed to be abnormally empty as the various shop and stall owners tried their best to sell their various goods and services. One such owner was a young, cream colored, red and pink maned mare named Roseluck. She was a simple mare, mainly focusing on growing her ensemble of flowers; primarily roses. She let out a saddened sigh as she looked at the large amount of flowers that was left at her stall. On any normal day the stall would be almost sold out, that is, whenever Lily or Daisy looked over the stand. The way that they had made the work schedule called for Rose to man the booth on Mondays, Fridays, and Saturdays, while Daisy and Lily switched between Sundays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. In all honesty Roseluck couldn't complain; most Fridays she could sell a cart of flowers to stallions looking to score bonus points with their dates, and more than half the bits she earned she got to keep. However, she would constantly be reminded of how alone she felt when a couple would visit her stall, or when Lilly and Daisy were talking about plans for their weekend. A voice from behind quickly broke her from her melancholy daze.

"Rose, are you feeling ok?" Rose turned to face Lily, who had snuck up behind her in order to help cheer her friend up.

the cream colored mare's emerald eyes showed what her fake smile could not hide as she answered the rosemary earth pony, "I'm fine, Lily. You don't have to worry about me." her business colleague knew better, she had known Rose for way too long for the fake smile to work on her. After placing her hoof over Rose's shoulder, she turned the cream colored mare's head to force eye contact.

"You know better than to lie to me, Rose, we've been friends since we were but wee fillies. Ever since you came back from the Gala last year you've been very down in the dumps. Just tell me how you feel and I'm sure that we can... Rose? Are you even listening to me!?"

Unfortunately for Lily, Roseluck's attention was transfixed on a carriage descending from the heavens. Sure, Ponyville sees more and more of these royal carriages, thanks to Princess Twilight's refusal to leave the town that she's grown to love, however, it was the insignia on the side of this carriage that had captured Rose's attention. A circle that was half sun and half moon on a golden background. Inside the sun, there was a small patch of what appeared to be the night sky; the same with the moon, save for a daytime sky. This was Prince Dawnstar's carriage, and that meant that he was here in Ponyville. Roseluck's heart skipped a beat and a very distinct red blush appeared on her cheeks. Lily noticed what was going on quickly and placed a highly mischievous smirk on her muzzle.

"I get it now. My little Rosy has a crush on the prince." After busting out a few giggles from the look of embarrassment from the cream mare, Lily gave a sympathetic smile to her friend. "Is this why you're so depressed?" Rose simply nodded. "I can understand that; having a crush on royalty and knowing that it would never happen. I'd be the same way if I was in your shoes." After pausing to think of something to cheer her friend up, Lily continued, "Oh, I know! Why don't we ask Princess Twilight to set up a "business meeting" with her and the prince? We can see about increasing business into Canterlot, same as what Madame Rarity did!"

Rose's blush did not cease to relent its assault on her cheeks. The thought of sitting next to Prince Dawnstar definitely appealed to her and she couldn't deny Lily's suggestion to set up a shop in Canterlot. They could greatly benefit from the added business; and the increased chances of her seeing the prince would be a huge bonus. Just as she was about to give her friend her thoughts; a voice from the front of the stall caught their attentions.

"Excuse me, I'm looking for a Roseluck? I was told she could be found at this stall, and I wish to speak to her." Roseluck's hairs stood on the back of her neck as she turned to face the stallion before her; His golden coat shone like the sun in the morning of a warm summer's day. Violet mane flowing in the swift breeze as the wind caught it, and those eyes; they demanded respect and honor where ever he looked, and yet they showed the same kindness and compassion that his mother and other princess held. His wings were still drawn to his side, yet Rose wished that she could see those majestic wings of his. Roseluck felt her body stiffen up and her knowledge of how to speak left her; for standing in front of her was the Prince Dawnstar.

Author's Note:

Sorry if the ending of this chapter came to suddenly, but I really wanted to get this chapter out in so I could start working on chapter 3 and get things going a lot better. Stay tuned because I have a ton of good plans for Roseluck and Dawnstar.