• Published 14th Dec 2013
  • 881 Views, 17 Comments

The Dawn's Horizon - T3mp3st

Dawnstar can't seem to find happiness in the walls of Canterlot Castle. Perhaps a trip to Ponyville can change this.

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The castle of Canterlot stood above the raging inferno that used to be the Canterlot Gardens and Observatory. The attacking force arrived sooner than planned and the attack started so fast that the Guards had no clue what hit them till it... hit them. Blueblood's army marched in front of their leader as countless of Royal Guards fell before it. Pegasi dueled each other for dominance of the sky, while ponies and minotaurs alike fought. The halls were quickly filled with the sound of battle as they made their way to the throne room. countless bodies were scattered about as the conflict raged on. The Royal Guards received no mercy from the invaders as their defenses and counterattacks quickly started to fail. The throne room was where their charges were being kept safe, and it was their duties to ensure that they remained that way. The last detachment of the Sun Guards were formed up in a phalanx maneuver as a final attempt at buying the royals the time they needed before reinforcements arrived. Blueblood quietly turned his attention to Celestia's School of Gifted Unicorns, taking a squad of his finest unicorn soldiers.

He met little to no resistance on his way there, mercilessly striking down every Guard that stood in his way to ultimate control and power. Several students both young and old watched as their instructors were torn apart in front of them, Blueblood performing the dirty work for some of them. He turned to his squad, making his way back to the throne room, and ordered the school to be razed. With the students still inside. The unicorn leader he gave the command hesitated before giving a form of acknowledgement. As soon as he left, the four unicorns stared at each other; knowing full well that what they were about to do would forever change who they were. Four black armored unicorns stood in front of the main school. Four horns glowed their respectable colors as they fired up. Four tears hit the ground as four bodies collapsed along with them.

Blueblood stared in anger at the Guard held firmly in his magic's grasp. The phalanx that the Guards were in had failed, but still managed to take out a good number of Blueblood's troops. One of such casualties being the Minotaur leader, Iron What's-it-now? That didn't matter anyway. He focused on the Pegasus in his grip, pounding him against the large magically sealed door that would not open. "Urgh! Tell me how this things opens!" The Guard spat at the floor and replied.

"Considering how you'll be losing this fight... I'm going to say... eat a dick!" He gave the white unicorn a defiant sneer , that was quickly replaced by pain as Blueblood start pulling his wing feathers.

"I will not be insulted by a low class piece of trash such as you. Now tell me how to open this door or by Cerberus I WILL TEAR YOUR WINGS APART!" His nostrils flared as his threat was received by another sneer

"Oh go off and play pretty pink princess, your Celestia Damned Wanker!" The guard felt several of his feathers being ripped from his wings. The pain was unbearable, blinding his eyesight in nothing but pure white as his body tried to dull it. He wanted to surrender. Wanted to end it all together, but he had to bear through it. Every second he stalled, gave the prince and princesses time to ready themselves and time for the Crystal Empire's promised aid to arrive.

That statement did little to lower Blueblood's rage, "I WILL FUCKING MURDER YOU!"

"Can't you at least take me on a da- AGHHHHH!" The white Pegasus screamed in agony as he felt his right wing get torn off. His eyes were down to the size of pin pricks, his tongue hanging out of his gaping mouth.

"Oh my, that seems to hurt a lot. Here, let me ease your mind off of the pain." The guard started to sputter but was quickly interrupted as he felt his other wing get torn of his body. His body quickly reacted the only way it could to dull out the pain it was in, causing him to black out. Blueblood tossed the guard to the side and stared angrily at the door, he was going to have his revenge on Twilight and Dawnstar, and he was going to get it now. As he stared at the door, he didn't notice an Arc Trooper stepping up behind him; Twin Hook Blades drawn.

"Your Highness, are you ok?"

"Glad to hear from you, Waxer, do you have an update for me?"

"Yes, Sir. Roseluck is on her way to the throne room. She should be there alone in a few minutes."

"I'm not liking your tone, Trooper. What's the matter?"

"Your Highness... It has been an honor serving you."

"Don't do this, Waxer, we still need you!"

Dawnstar felt Waxer break his telepathic connection, leaving him wide eyed and staring at the sealed door. The throne room that he and his fellow royals stood in had been converted into a small headquarters and med bay. Injured Guards were constantly being teleported in by the field medics, only to shortly be marked as KIA or sent to the ER. The golden alicorn grit his teeth as he pondered his trooper's last words. He wasn't under orders to perform such a suicidal act, but yet he was doing his job. After releasing a grunt of frustration, he turned to help his mother organize the Night Guard for a counterattack. His motions were stopped short when the sound of the servant's entrance started to slowly open.

With caution, he moved towards the door, ready to strike down any disloyal souls that would dare enter. A tuft of crimson stopped the stallion dead in his tracks. He knew that mane. His hopes soared at the thought of his Roseluck coming back to him unscathed entered his mind. The smile that had snuck onto his muzzle quickly fell as a banged, bruised, and dirty Rose entered the room, an unconscious white and silver maned filly laying on her back.

"Medic! Somepony give me a hoof!" Dawn sprinted towards the stumbling mare as she slowly made her way to meet them, his heart pounding at the sight of her. Several Night Guards and medics joined him as they approached Roseluck, carefully moving the filly from her back before tending to her, despite her quips about being okay. Her light emerald eyes caught his azured gaze as both lovers stared at each other. He carefully lifted a hoof to her tear stained cheek and stroked it, only to be pounced on by the off white mare in a strong hug, softly sobbing as she was reunited with her love.

Dawn bent down and placed a wing around her as he placed a kiss upon her forehead. He escorted her towards where his fellow princesses gathered, gently sitting her down when they got there. Princess Luna sat next to her son and future daughter-in-law, holding both in a loving embrace of her wing. The moment was quickly broken when Dawn felt a third, smaller party join the hug. Glancing down he noticed the same white filly Rose entered the room with was holding on tightly to his foreleg. she was obviously shaken and scared. Roseluck started to comfort the scared filly by rubbing a hoof along her silver mane.

"She's suffered so much." Dawn looked up at Rose while she spoke, puzzlement on his face, "Both of her parents were killed in front of her." He noticed Rose's voice started to crack as she recalled finding the scared filly sobbing next to her parents who were in the Guard. Apparently, she was a student at the School for Gifted Unicorns, and when the attack started she ran off to find her mom and dad. "She's extremely lucky to be alive." Dawn nodded as he looked down at the filly. Nopony should have to suffer the loss of their parents. One was bad enough for him, he couldn't dare imagine the pain the filly felt with both. He stared at the door, a new form of raw emotion building up inside him as he thought about the pony responsible for this pain and death. He stood up, ensuring Roseluck continued to comfort the filly, and spoke as he turned towards the doors.

"Mom, Aunt Celestia... Open the door." Both princesses gave unsure glances to each other before looking at the golden stallion, "I'm going out there and I am going to finish this. Blueblood had more than earned his stay in Tartarus and I am going to send him there personally." The two sisters said nothing. They trusted the princes judgment, it was his specialty after all. Two sets of horns lit up as the throne room doors slowly started to open. The Night Guard and several Arc Troopers forming into a phalanx at its entrance to drive back the invaders.


Dawn stood in front of the phalanx as the doors opened wide enough for him to see Blueblood watching two Arc troopers battling each other, oblivious to the doors behind him. He felt anger well up inside him as he stared at the cocky smile formed the white Unicorn's muzzle. Focusing in on the troopers dueling it out, he noticed Waxer's armor and twin hook blade fending off the fully wing bladed Pegasus. Dawn focused his magic and withdrew his own blade, one meant for countering opponents and precision strikes. He took in a deep breath as Blueblood suddenly noticed the open doors, his smirk never losing its cockiness. The remaining forces he had had stood behind him as he summoned two blades to his side.

Calm. Serenity. Peace. These words formed in Dawnstar's head as he started to move forward, the phalanx behind him moving at the same pace. He could hear mockeries and confident laughs coming from the opposing force. He didn't care. He knew what had to be done, no matter the cost. It didn't take long for Dawn to notice that it was just him and Blueblood staring each other down, waiting for the other to strike. The opposing forces had descended upon the phalanx, but found the mix of Elite Night Guards and Arc Troopers to not be so easily taken down. The whole formation acting as a single unit, each member protecting his brother or sister to their left.

The duo slowly started circling around, Dawn waiting for Blueblood's move; Blueblood looking for a distraction. He didn't have to wait long when the sound of Nightwish yelling in frustration and pain sounded from behind him. Dawn's eyes betrayed him and watched as Waxer's twin hook blades sliced through the Pegasus's armor and easily taking a hoof. He watched the Arc Trooper perform his swordsponyship with flawless technique plunging his blades into the Pegasus's chest... Is that a sword? Dawn reacted last second as Blueblood charged him. The sound of blades clashing ringing throughout the halls.


The white halls of the West Wing echoed with the sounds of swords clashing and two ponies dueling each other. From an outsider's perspective, it would have appeared the Blueblood was housing the advantage; His frantic and aggressive attacks preventing Dawnstar from actively countering and making accurate strikes. Yet, in his mind, Dawnstar knew that if he was going to win, he'd have to fend off the countless lunges, strikes, and magical bursts in order to find an opening. While on the defensive, he made a quick assumption to head towards the West Wing and away from any form of support that Blueblood could bring in. After parrying yet another hard strike from the noble, the golden alicorn quickly took to the air and headed for a less crowded area; the Address Balcony.

As he flew, he forced his body to push its limits as surges of magical energy shot by him from his pursuer. His flight was soon cut short, however, as a bolt made direct contact with his left wing; singeing some of it's primary feathers, and forcing him to land in a less than graceful heap. Catching his breath Dawn turned towards Blueblood and studied his movements, waiting and watching for his next move. While studying him, he noticed a faint veil of black aura flowing from the noble's blue eyes. Dark Magic. That explained the unicorn's extreme hatred. It also explained how far he was willing to go to see his plan through. Dawn quickly checked behind him in order to see that he had... a lot farther to go than he thought. As he redrew his sword from its sheath, Blueblood started to speak.

"This is the famed son of Luna?! I'd have thought that she'd have known better than to raise a coward." As he spoke he slowly stepped closer, casting spell after spell at the defending Prince. "Once I am rid of you, I'll personally see to it that Twilight receives the same treatment. However, I believe I should reduce her back to her Unicorn state by removing her wings..." Dawnstar stared daggers at the confident noble in front of him, knowing full well that he had to stay calm and get to the balcony. His ears perked as Blueblood continued, "Of course, I believe that that precious Rose of yours would produce plenty of foals for me."

Dawn's heavy breathing quickened as his anger tried to take control of him. The thought of that disgrace laying a hoof on Rose sent raw emotions through him as he turned and galloped off to the balcony. Blueblood let out a grunt of frustration as he took off after him. "There's no place to run, Coward! I will find you, and you will face your demise by my hoof!"

As Dawnstar made his way onto the balcony, he let out a sigh of relief at the amount of smoke billowing from below it, allowing him to almost disappear as Blueblood blasted his way through the doorway. Ignoring the pain in his wing as best as he could, he slowly drew his blade and waited for the opportunity that he needed. That was until a blast of magic forced him to dodge and give away his position. Blueblood blindly charged into the smoke, slicing the air at anything that moved. This was the opportunity that Dawnstar needed, and he took it. Every movement that Blueblood made, Dawnstar countered with a precisioned strike to limit his fighting capabilities. Starting with his hindlegs and moving forward. He stopped when the soon beaten noble lay before him, his legs useless and unresponsive. A large clap of thunder overhead was quickly followed by a torrent of rain, as Dawnstar took notice of the arrival of some well appreciated allies.

Crystal Pegasi soared overhead as they took control of the skies and focused on the fires raging in the castle. Crystal ponies marched into the castle grounds and swiftly finished off the remaining opposing forces. The sound of labored talking broke him from his focus on the Crystal Empire's Army, "W-Wait, please, I d-don't wish to die. S-show me mercy."

"You dare attack Canterlot, and mercilessly kill hundreds of innocents, and yet you beg me for mercy when your life is in jeapordy!? You make me sick just looking at you right now. Yet, I'm not going to kill you. Although, Gods above know that I want to. You are being placed under arrest for the crimes of high treason and conspiracy against the Royal Crowns of Equestria." As Dawn continued to speak, another voice called out from behind him. One he thought he'd never be able to hear again.


"Rose?" Dawnstar turned towards the crimson maned mare standing at the balcony's entrance, along with the four Princesses and Shining Armor. After conjuring a pair of hoofcuffs on Blueblood he started to gallop towards his love, focusing his magic to bring a box from Ponyville to his location.

As Dawnstar trotted towards the group, Blueblood watched as the ponies responsible for the loss of his hopes and dreams revel in their closely won victory. He hated them. He hated them so much. Painfully standing on his legs, he focused all of his remaining energy on one last spell. The very same spell he used to kill Moneybags, and now he was going to use it on the pony that he hated the most. Twilight Sparkle. She was the low class commoner that dared usurp him of his throne. "You really think that you won? That I can be beaten that easily?" Dawnstar slowly turned around as Blueblood's spell charged to its max, "I will not lose knowing that some filthy, common, incompetent, wretch holds MY crown!" His voice rose and a victorious smile plastered on his lips as he released the spell towards Twilight, only for it to turn to a look of horror as he watched Dawnstar react without hesitation. The gold stallion drew his sword, his magic encasing the steel as he 'caught' and redirected Blueblood's spell back to its owner. Everypony stared in shock as the bolt of magic tore a hoof sized hole in the white unicorn's chest.

Blueblood stumbled back to the edge of the balcony, not believing what had just happened. His breathing labored and his screams falling silent as he fell off the railing towards the ground below. Nopony could stand to watch what had taken place, except Dawnstar who watched with a cold, unwavering stare, a single tear gracing his cheek as he stared at the empty space in front of him. Roseluck holding onto him tightly as she covered her eyes. Blueblood was dead, it was over.


Waxer stood out in the fully regrown Canterlot Gardens, looking over the completed memorial that had been erected in honor of the guards that perished during the attack. It wasn't anything too fancy, but it was impressive nonetheless. A large black granite slab with the crests of the Solar, Lunar, and Arc Troopers engraved at the top. Below their respected crest were the names of everypony that had passed. In front of the granite was a pond that stretched the length of the slab, Koi swimming in a never ending circle in the clear waters. Several months had passed since Blueblood's Rebellion, but he still sat there no emotion on his helmetless muzzle. His gray and black mane blew gently in the breeze as he stared at the granite. Why so many had to die for such a stupid reason was beyond him, but he had heard from the prince that Blueblood's actions were heavily influenced by Black Magic. As he thought to himself he barely noticed the sound of hoofsteps lightly trotting along the path towards the monument, the smell of roses gracing the air around her.

"Hard to believe that happened seven months ago." Waxer's unemotional state broke as he noticed the newly 'coroneted' Roseluck sitting next to him. Her crimson mane was done up in a braid, her emerald eyes shining brightly in the evening sun. Her tail blew gracefully in the wind as she smiled up at him. On her left foreleg rested the wedding ring Prince Dawnstar had given her a couple of weeks after the rebellion.

"Still remember it like it happened yesterday. And all because of one noble's jealousy." Waxer replied back, trying to keep his voice from cracking.

Roseluck seemed to study the ground as she contemplated on her next words, her eyes showing a mix of fear and happiness. "You know, Dawn and I will be moving back to Ponyville in a few months. I know that you probably won't have a choice to come with us or not, but.."

"I'd follow my Prince to the gates of Tartarus and back if need be, M'lady." Waxer interrupted, thinking that she was implying about his duty. "I swore an oath to him and I intend on keeping it until he deems me unnecessary." After a glance at her troubled figure he quickly apologized. "Apologies, M'lady, I meant no disrespect."

"Please, just Rose is fine with me, Waxer." She paused as the Arc Trooper nodded in agreement, "Anyway, what I was saying is that... Well... When we go back to Ponyville, I wanted toask you personally if you'd be able to do something important for both Dawnstar and myself."

Waxer motioned for her to continue on, letting her know that he was listening, "You see.. Dawn doesn't know this yet, but I'm carrying our first foal together. I was going to tell him after this, but I wanted to speak with you first." She paused for a second and stared at the sunset behind the monument. "This foal is going to mean more to both of us than our titles, or my shop, and I want to make sure that he or she is well looked after. Even if myself or Dawn isn't present." She then turned to the trooper, "Please, when we have this foal, will you make it your new focus to protect him or her, and to act as their mentor and teacher when we aren't around?"

Waxer turned back towards the monument, thoughts heavy on his mind as he let what she said sink in. Rose stood back up, letting him know that he had plenty of time to think about it as she started trotting back to her and Dawnstar's quarters. The trooper focused his magic around his helmet, securing it onto his head as he gave a salute of respect to the fallen guards. "You have no idea how much that honors me, M'lady." he said to himself, as he started making his way back to the castle.

Dawnstar paced back and forth in the waiting room of the Ponyville Hospital. Waxer stood silently by the doorway watching his charge with great interest. Princess Luna paced next to her son, trying her best to calm him down. Succeeding very little. Twilight and Celestia were laughing at his expense and having casual conversation between mentor and student.

"My son, you must calm down. You're forming a rut in the floor." Luna giggled as he paused and stared at the small path he had been forming on the carpeted floor. With a defeated sigh, he sauntered over to a chair next to his body guard and rubbed a hoof on his temple.

"Forgive me, Mother, but no matter how much I try to remain calm, the more I'm reminded that she's all alone in there."

Princess Luna gave him a loving nuzzle and sat next to him. "I know, sweetie, but remember. My Daughter-in-law is a very strong hearted Earth Pony mare, she'll be fine."

I guess you're right... but I guess I am also worried about the foal... our Heartfire... It's not everyday that a bat pony is born with parents that are Alicorn and Earth Pony."

"Have you really forgotten whose blood runs in your veins, my son. I created the bat ponies with my blood and dna, you had as much a chance to having been born one as the rest of your foals." Before Dawn could reply to his mother's counter, a young nurse entered the waiting room and bowed, a smile plastered on her muzzle.

"Your Majesties, you've been asked for in the delivery room." Dawn shot up in an instant and followed the nurse almost impatiently as they made their way down the hall to Roseluck's room.

Upon entering he noticed a very exhausted and happy Rose laying down with a bundle of blankets wrapped in her hooves. He couldn't quite make out whether it was the light of the sun outside or the lights in the room, but his wife seemed to glow a more extravagant off white color as she looked down into the bundle. She glanced up at him and beamed as she motioned for him to see. As Dawnstar nuzzled closer to Rose, he carefully unwrapped the blankets to reveal a beautiful bat pony filly. Her coat being a slightly light shade of dark blue than most bats. She had her mother's mane and her father's eyes. Her leathery wings gently unfolded and flapped a few times to stretch as she started to coo at her parents. After a few moments together, Dawn wrapped the filly back up in the blanket and placed her next to her sleeping mother. Princess Luna wrapped a wing around him and gave him a loving hug as she stared at her grandchild. This is it. I finally found the happiness I was looking for.

Author's Note:

WHEW! Longest Chapter and hopefully the best one of the story. That being said; I would like to thank you guys for giving this story a look at, and thanks for the support. Look forward to a second book with Heartfire as the main focus. Please leave a comment on what you guys think and please spread the word. Again, Thank you, and see you Ponies next time! ;)

Comments ( 5 )

Well, it's a bit... formulaic.

The heroic Alicorn OC (surprised you haven't gotten much backlash for that), villainous Blueblood (though I'll give you props for using him in what was at least somewhat believable), the backstabbing, the fights... villain begging for his life, then turning around to backstab again, the hero slashing out and killing with newfound moral justification (because of said backstabbing)...

I must admit I began jumping ahead at times. It didn't really draw me in, you see.
So, I'm simply going to abstain from voting. It definitely doesn't deserve a downvote (that you got any is a shame), but I can't really upvote it either.

I hope this won't sound too much like an attack; it's not meant to be one.
Best of luck!

Nice man glad to see blueblood got his in the end, and I feel like Waxer is from star wars, I remember a clone called that

4481374 That's pretty much how I came up with his character. There was going to be a chapter dedicated to explaining his role, but obviously I ended up scraping it.

4478812 I'd rather have an honest comment than a down vote and an attack. Thanks, it helps a lot.

4482528 Well I knew something in a story for once in my life, and he was one of my fav clones in any of the star wars movies or TV shows

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