• Published 6th Sep 2013
  • 1,017 Views, 34 Comments

The Dead Of Night - Raidah

RD, AJ and Rarity are lost in the Everfree Forest. With RD having a broken wing, no memory of how they got there, and somepony or something hunting them down, can they make it through the night alive?

  • ...

Run Dashie Run!

When Rainbow heard the flapping of pegasus wings, she thought she was saved. However, to her surprise, it was a black coated alicorn with a dark purple mane and glowing red irises. Rainbow Dash instantly knew that this new arrival was trouble, so she proceeded to run as fast as she could. Even with one broken wing, Rainbow managed to outrun the alicorn, but kept running to try and find somepony to help her. Maybe she would run into Applejack or Rarity, they would surely stand a better chance together.

After several minutes of furious running, Rainbow did find Applejack and Rarity, however, they were both lying dead on the ground. AJ in a pool of her own blood with dozens of diamonds sticking out of her sides, and Rarity completely bisected, surrounded by her own guts. The sight made Rainbow Dash vomit all over the ground In front of her. Rainbow approached Applejack's prone figure, she knew that Rarity was dead, but there might be some life left in Applejack.

"Applejack?" Rainbow said, tears streaming down her face. "AJ are you alright?"

Applejack managed a weak groan in response.

"Applejack!" Rainbow grabbed her friend very gently and held her close.

Applejack could barely manage to lift a hoof, and all she could say was, "Rainbow... run... you gotta... run..."

And then, Applejack went limp, and she died. Rainbow Dash still held on to Applejack's body, and she cried as she closed her friend's eyelids.

Meanwhile, the alicorn landed softly behind the sobbing pegasus, and watched as she held her dying friend.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" the alicorn asked slyly, "I was hoping you would find a way here."

"What have you done?" Asked a deeply saddened RD.

"Well what does it look like?" asked the alicorn, "I killed them!"

"Why...?" Rainbow could barely keep her voice from shaking due to the anger and sadness building up inside of her.

"Because you three trespassed on my part of the forest, and now you must die like your friends."

The alicorn made a jump at Rainbow Dash, who turned around and bucked the alicorn in the face, hard. The impact not only stunned the evil pony, but also broke her horn clean off. Rainbow proceeded to run like she had never ran before. And after about an hour of running, made it out of the forest. However, the alicorn had gotten herself together, and was speeding towards Rainbow Dash in a blaze of fury, her irises glowing even brighter than before. Rainbow wasted no time, she made a mad dash for Ponyville's town square, trying to wake up as many ponies as possible before the alicorn arrived to kill her. Once she had woken about half of the population with her banging on doors and windows, everypony could see the infuriated alicorn, now just a pegasus, running straight for Rainbow Dash, and formed a protective barrier around her.

"Who are you?!?!" Demanded Twilight, who was also awoken by Rainbow's furious attempts to wake up the town.

"As if I would tell you that!" The alicorn shot back.

"What have you done with Applejack and Rarity?"

"They're dead..." said a broken Rainbow Dash, who was curled up and crying in the centre of the town square.

"What...?" Twilight said in astonishment.

"Yes," the alicorn said, "I killed them, both of them. And now I'm going to kill you, Rainbow Dash."

"Oh I don't think so," said Twilight, "if you intend to do that, you'll have to go through the entire town first!"

The alicorn, now realizing that she had been defeated, or at least would be if she tried to get to Rainbow Dash, started to fly off, but not before giving a final warning.

"Enter the Everfree Forest again," she started, "and you will never get out alive!"

With that, she flew off.

Relieved that the alicorn was gone, Twilight turned to comfort Rainbow Dash, who was still curled up and crying.

"Rainbow?" She started.

Rainbow only continued to cry.

"Rainbow, please. Talk to me, tell me what happened." Twilight begged.

And so, Rainbow sat up, and told her everything that had happened. Twilight didn't say anything until RD had finished.

"It's gonna be ok Rainbow," Twilight began, "you're safe now, nopony's gonna hurt you."

"And what about AJ?!" Rainbow demanded, "Or Rarity?! They're not safe! They're DEAD!!! And I'm the only one who got out! I couldn't do anything, I had no idea where they were, I didn't even know they were dead until I saw them with my own eyes!!!"

"I know Rainbow," Twilight comforted, "I know..."

Author's Note:

I couldn't do it... I just couldn't kill off Rainbow Dash! Not only because she is my favourite, but also because I need a sole survivor.