The Dead Of Night

by Raidah

First published

RD, AJ and Rarity are lost in the Everfree Forest. With RD having a broken wing, no memory of how they got there, and somepony or something hunting them down, can they make it through the night alive?

Rainbow Dash and Applejack go looking for Rarity in the Everfree Forest, but Rarity isn't the only thing they'll find in there...
(Cover art by: Sakura)

A Peaceful Beginning

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It was a pleasant day in Ponyville. The sun was shining, the air was warm, and everypony was enjoying their day. There seemed to be nothing wrong at all, even Cranky Doodle Donkey was happy today. Then, all of a sudden, BOOM!!! The sound of a sonic boom along with the rainbow appearing out of nowhere in the sky confirmed what everypony was thinking, Rainbow Dash has done it again. A sonic rainboom. Applause broke out as she flew over the town, her rainbow trail following her. Rainbow felt as happy as she could be. Then she remembered that she had to meet Applejack at Sweet Apple Acres to help out with the apple picking. So she hurried along on her way.

Once she arrived, she was happily greeted by AJ.

"Thanks a lot for the help Rainbow," Applejack said, nearly out of breath, "these apples ain't gonna pick themselves. And ah can't do it alone with Big Mac sick and all."

"No problem Applejack, always happy to help out." Replied the cyan pegasus.

As the day went on, Applejack and Rainbow Dash pick at least 150 trees worth of apples before calling it in.

"Whew!" Said RD, "You weren't kidding AJ, that was a lot if apples!"

"Like ah said" panted AJ, "Ah'm gonna need all the help ah can get until Big Macintosh gets better."

"Well, don't hesitate to call on me," said RD, "I'll help you out whenever you need it."


As the two caught their breath, Rainbow remembered something else, she had to meet with Rarity to help her carry dress supplies to the Carousel Boutique.

"I gotta go AJ, Rarity needs some help getting dress supplies." She said.

"Ah'll come with ya," replied Applejack, "the more help the better right?"

"Yeah, let's go." RD agreed.

So the two set off to help Rarity with the dress supplies. Heading to the fabric store near Sugarcube Corner. But when they got there, Rarity was nowhere to be seen.

"Uhh... Rarity?" Rainbow called, "You here?"

"She just left." Said the shopkeeper.

"Shoot!" She said.

"Do you know where she went?" Applejack asked him.

"Nope, sorry." He replied.

"Great!" shouted Rainbow in annoyance.

"Woah, RD, calm down," AJ said worriedly, "lets go check the Carousel boutique, she's probably there."

"Yeah, I gues you're right." Rainbow said a little more calmly. "Let's go."

The Search

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As the two made their way to the Carousel Boutique, Rainbow and AJ looked everywhere they could think of for Rarity. But wherever they went nopony seemed to know where she went. Neither Pinkie Pie or Twilight knew where she was. So they went to the Carousel Boutique, but when they got there, they both noticed something odd, nopony was around.

"Where is everypony?" asked Applejack, "this street is usually so crowded you can barely get through! Somethin's not right."

"I don't like it either," replied Rainbow nervously, "but let's keep going, we're almost there."

As they walked into the boutique, they noticed that Rarity, yet again, was nowhere to be found.

"Well where could she be now?!" Applejack asked in a mix if frustration and worry. "We've looked everywhere for her and still no sign of her! Any thoughts RD?"

But Rainbow Dash was silent. She was fixated on reading a note left by Rarity.

"Rainbow...? What's that?" Applejack approached the worried pegasus.

"It's... its a note... Rarity went into the Everfree Forest to look for jewels for her dresses!" Rainbow replied with worry shaking her voice.

"Calm down RD, everything's gonna be alright. Now lets go find her." Encouraged the earth pony.

"Alright." Said Rainbow with her spunk back.

The two set off for the forest. Stopping by Fluttershy's place to tell her where they were if anypony asked.

"The Everfree forest is too dangerous to go into alone," warned Fluttershy, "maybe I should go with you."

"Don't worry Fluttershy!" Said a confident Rainbow Dash, "we're just going in, finding Rarity, and getting out. No problem!"

"If you say so..." Replied an extremely worried Fluttershy, "good luck."

"Thanks." AJ and RD replied in unison, "we'll need it." And they headed off.

They went back to the boutique, and went to the edge of the forest nearest there. Once inside the Everfree Forest. The two ponies instantly saw Rarity's hoofprints, and followed them to a part of the forest that they have never been in before. Even worse, it had started to rain. So Rainbow Dash flew up to get rid of the storm clouds. The wind, however, had other plans, and smashed the poor pegasus into a nearby tree. As she plummeted to the ground, Rainbow hit several thick branches, knocking her unconscious.
Meanwhile, Applejack was trying to get under Rainbow Dash, as to catch her before she hit the ground. As she passed the lowest branch on the tree, Rainbow fell hard onto AJ's back.

"Argh!!!" Shouted AJ painfully as Rainbow made her landing.

Laying the unconscious RD on her back, Applejack tried to get her to wake up.

"RAINBOW!!!" She screamed, "RAINBOW WAKE UP!!!"

Rainbow Dash only managed to moan in pain, though still out cold.

"Shoot!" AJ said under her breath, "Gotta find some shelter until the storm passes."

She picked up Rainbow Dash, put her over her back, and headed to somewhere dry. Rarity's hoofprints were long gone now, the rain had washed them away. Now they had no way back.
Lying Rainbow Dash up against a tree with a decent amount of protection from the downpour, AJ resumed her attempts to wake up the unconscious pegasus. She tried shaking her, pouring water over her head, but nothing would work. Seeing that only time would get RD up and moving again, AJ decided to try and get some rest. This day was exhausting her.

Finding Rarity

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The next morning, Applejack awoke to an even heavier rainstorm than the previous day.

"Gosh darnit!" She yelled. Throwing her hat on the ground.

Then, all of a sudden, she heard moaning behind her. Rainbow Dash was coming to.

"Rainbow!" AJ said happily, "You're awake!!!"

Rainbow Dash only moaned louder.

"Aaagh!" RD said painfully. "What happened?"

"You got smashed into a tree," AJ explained, "ah caught you and brought you here, where we'd be safe and dry till you came to. Problem is..." She gestured to the storm unfolding around the tree.

"Wow... That is quite a storm..." Rainbow said in astonishment.
"Well, should I try to go deal with it?" She asked.

"You're kidding right?" AJ replied, "You'll be thrown around even worse than yesterday!"

"I gotta try!" RD countered, "Or we'll never get out of here!"

But as she tried to take off, Rainbow felt a sharp pain in her right wing.

"OW!!!" Rainbow Dash yelled, "My wing!"

As she turned her head to inspect her wing, she saw that the lower bone was cracked in half, and her wing hung limply at her side.

"What's wro-- oh..." AJ said. "Doesn't look like we are goin' anywhere now..."

"Argh! This hurts, can you bandage it with something?!" RD said impatiently.

"Hold on." AJ said.

Tearing vines off the lowest branch she could find, Applejack proceeded to make makeshift bandages to hold Rainbow's wing together until they could get her to the hospital.

"That should hold it, for now." Said AJ after finishing the bandage.

"Let's hope." Rainbow agreed.

As the day went on, the rainstorm slowly but surely died down. The two friends were very relieved that the storm had passed. And decided to keep looking for Rarity. After about two hours of searching, they heard faint complaining, or really, whining, off in the distance. Complaints that could only come from one pony that they know, Rarity.
Excited to have finally found her, Rainbow Dash and Applejack galloped toward the sound of Rarity's voice.

"Rarity!" Called Rainbow Dash. "Is that you?!"

"Rainbow Dash?" Rarity replied.

"Yep! That's Rarity alright!" AJ said happily. "Now lets go get her!"

As they rounded the next tree, they found their friend. All alone and dripping wet.

"Rarity! We're so glad we found you!" Said a relieved Applejack.

"I'm glad you found me too." Rarity said gratefully, "Now we can get out of here."

"Uh, guys?" Rainbow Dash started, "Just which way IS out of here?"

"I remember!" Said Rarity pointing her hoof right, then left, "it's this... way......"

"Oh crud!" Rainbow said disappointedly, "now we'll never get back home."

"Why don't you fly overhead and look for a way out Rainbow Dash?" asked Rarity in confusion.

"My wing is broken, again." Rainbow replied sadly.

"Oh well isn't that just wonderful?!" Rarity said sarcastically.

"Calm down everypony," said AJ, "if we keep worryin' we'll never get back home! We gotta start tryin' to retrace our steps."

"Good idea Applejack!" Agreed Rainbow Dash.

"NOT SO FAST!!!" yelled somepony in the trees.

"Huh?" The three said in unison.

"You three aren't going anywhere!!!" Said the voice.

As the voice finished its sentence, three rocks came flying from the trees, hitting Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash squarely in the forehead, knocking them all out cold.

Dash Awakes

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When Rainbow Dash finally came to, it was late at night.

"Hello?" she called into the darkness, "Is anypony there?!"

But there was no response. Only the chirping of crickets and the hooting of owls.

"Applejack? Rarity?!" She yelled. Still nothing.

She was not where they had been when that mysterious figure had knocked them out, in fact she had no idea where she was. Only that she was alone in the Everfree Forest in the middle of the night.

The Alicorn

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Rarity and Applejack came to ten minutes apart. But they were together. AJ came to first, and spent the next five minutes trying to wake up Rarity. After those five minutes passed however, she decided to just wait it out like she did with Rainbow Dash. There was only one problem though, Rainbow Dash was nowhere to be found. So AJ spent the next five minutes until Rarity woke up getting her bearings on their surroundings. They were still in the forest, but not where they had been when they were attacked. It was also late at night, as the moon had taken the sun's place in the sky.

"Rainbow?!" She called, "You near?!"

But there was no response.

"Shoot!" Applejack said.

When Rarity woke up. She was greeted by a relieved Applejack.

"Where's Rainbow Dash?" Asked Rarity.

"Ah don't know," said Applejack worriedly, "but ah hope she's ok."

"Oh she's fine," said the voice from before, "not to say that you will stay the same way."

Applejack quickly turned to face the adversary, only to find nothing.

"Who are you?!" AJ damanded, "What do y'all want from us?!"

"Oh I don't want anything FROM you. I only want to... 'mess' with you. Yes I guess 'mess' IS the right word, as there will be quite a mess once I'm done with you!" the voice chuckled.

"Applejack? What does he mean by that?" Rarity asked nervously.

"Ah dunno. But it could be anything." Replied an equally nervous Applejack.

"Oh Rarity," called the voice, "if I do recall you were looking for jewels, correct?"

"Yes... why does that matter?" Rarity said in confusion.

As if in response, a razor sharp diamond flew from the darkness and stabbed into Rarity's side.

"Ouch!" Yelped the wounded unicorn.

"Oh no ya don't!" Said Applejack as she jumped into the path of three more diamonds, each embedding themselves into AJ's right side.

As the onslaught continued, both Rarity and Applejack had multiple diamonds sticking out of their bleeding sides. Applejack more so however, due to her jumping in the way of most of the jewels headed for Rarity.
Applejack, now with more than two dozen bloody diamonds sticking out of each side of her, finally collapsed due to the blood loss.

"APPLEJACK!!!" Yelled Rarity as she watched her friend collapse to the ground.

Rushing over to try and help AJ, Rarity noticed that the diamonds had stopped coming from the forest. Even though she was in a lot of pain, she didn't care about her own wounds, she knew that Applejack had taken most of the flying diamonds trying to protect her.

As she knelt down to try and help Applejack, Rarity saw that it was too late. AJ had lost too much blood, and now was lying dead in a large pool of it. Even though Rarity's legs were getting covered in blood, in which case she would normally scream, she simply layed next to her friend and cried.
About twenty minutes later, the voice spoke once more.

"Excellent," it started, "simply excellent. One down, two to go."

"You call THIS excellent?!?!" Yelled a very broken Rarity, "You just killed Applejack!!! You're a monster!!!"

"And you think I am not aware of this?" The voice replied calmly, "How long do you think I have been doing this to ponies and other creatures who have entered the Everfree Forest?"

Rarity just sat there, shocked.

"You mean to tell me that everypony who has gone missing in the Everfree forest is dead because of you?!" She asked in shock.

"Now you get it." The voice sounded almost relieved, "And I thought I'd have to explain it further than I already have."

"Why are you doing this?" demanded Rarity, now extremely angry.

"Why? Because nopony trespasses in my part of the forest and gets out alive!" replied the voice.

Then, a black coated pegasus jumped from the top of a nearby tree. It's mane was a very dark purple and its irises were blood red. Not only that, but they seemed to be glowing. But there was one other thing that put this pony apart from the other pegasi, a horn. Meaning that this pony was an alicorn.
Rarity, now extremely frightened by this menace, tried to run away, but the black alicorn used her magic and held Rarity a foot off the ground.

"Running so soon?" The alicorn asked teasingly, "I haven't even begun yet!"

Once she finished her sentence, the alicorn levitated Rarity with her magic, and the diamonds in Rarity's side began digging deeper in, causing her to scream in pain. But they didn't stop, the diamonds kept going straight through her until they exited her body on the other side of her.

Rarity, now extremely weakened from the internal damage done to her, could barely focus on the alicorn as she grabbed a chainsaw,and jabbed it straight through Rarity's stomach. Rarity screamed in pain. But the alicorn only revved up the chainsaw and proceeded to vertically bisect Rarity, first going straight up, which killed the screaming unicorn. Then coming back down to finish the bisection.

Once Rarity was cut in two, the black alicorn proceeded to rip out all of Rarity's organs and spread them all around her corpse. Satisfied with what she had done, the alicorn proceeded to head to where she had left Rainbow Dash, so she could deal with the third and final trespasser.

Run Dashie Run!

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When Rainbow heard the flapping of pegasus wings, she thought she was saved. However, to her surprise, it was a black coated alicorn with a dark purple mane and glowing red irises. Rainbow Dash instantly knew that this new arrival was trouble, so she proceeded to run as fast as she could. Even with one broken wing, Rainbow managed to outrun the alicorn, but kept running to try and find somepony to help her. Maybe she would run into Applejack or Rarity, they would surely stand a better chance together.

After several minutes of furious running, Rainbow did find Applejack and Rarity, however, they were both lying dead on the ground. AJ in a pool of her own blood with dozens of diamonds sticking out of her sides, and Rarity completely bisected, surrounded by her own guts. The sight made Rainbow Dash vomit all over the ground In front of her. Rainbow approached Applejack's prone figure, she knew that Rarity was dead, but there might be some life left in Applejack.

"Applejack?" Rainbow said, tears streaming down her face. "AJ are you alright?"

Applejack managed a weak groan in response.

"Applejack!" Rainbow grabbed her friend very gently and held her close.

Applejack could barely manage to lift a hoof, and all she could say was, "Rainbow... run... you gotta... run..."

And then, Applejack went limp, and she died. Rainbow Dash still held on to Applejack's body, and she cried as she closed her friend's eyelids.

Meanwhile, the alicorn landed softly behind the sobbing pegasus, and watched as she held her dying friend.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" the alicorn asked slyly, "I was hoping you would find a way here."

"What have you done?" Asked a deeply saddened RD.

"Well what does it look like?" asked the alicorn, "I killed them!"

"Why...?" Rainbow could barely keep her voice from shaking due to the anger and sadness building up inside of her.

"Because you three trespassed on my part of the forest, and now you must die like your friends."

The alicorn made a jump at Rainbow Dash, who turned around and bucked the alicorn in the face, hard. The impact not only stunned the evil pony, but also broke her horn clean off. Rainbow proceeded to run like she had never ran before. And after about an hour of running, made it out of the forest. However, the alicorn had gotten herself together, and was speeding towards Rainbow Dash in a blaze of fury, her irises glowing even brighter than before. Rainbow wasted no time, she made a mad dash for Ponyville's town square, trying to wake up as many ponies as possible before the alicorn arrived to kill her. Once she had woken about half of the population with her banging on doors and windows, everypony could see the infuriated alicorn, now just a pegasus, running straight for Rainbow Dash, and formed a protective barrier around her.

"Who are you?!?!" Demanded Twilight, who was also awoken by Rainbow's furious attempts to wake up the town.

"As if I would tell you that!" The alicorn shot back.

"What have you done with Applejack and Rarity?"

"They're dead..." said a broken Rainbow Dash, who was curled up and crying in the centre of the town square.

"What...?" Twilight said in astonishment.

"Yes," the alicorn said, "I killed them, both of them. And now I'm going to kill you, Rainbow Dash."

"Oh I don't think so," said Twilight, "if you intend to do that, you'll have to go through the entire town first!"

The alicorn, now realizing that she had been defeated, or at least would be if she tried to get to Rainbow Dash, started to fly off, but not before giving a final warning.

"Enter the Everfree Forest again," she started, "and you will never get out alive!"

With that, she flew off.

Relieved that the alicorn was gone, Twilight turned to comfort Rainbow Dash, who was still curled up and crying.

"Rainbow?" She started.

Rainbow only continued to cry.

"Rainbow, please. Talk to me, tell me what happened." Twilight begged.

And so, Rainbow sat up, and told her everything that had happened. Twilight didn't say anything until RD had finished.

"It's gonna be ok Rainbow," Twilight began, "you're safe now, nopony's gonna hurt you."

"And what about AJ?!" Rainbow demanded, "Or Rarity?! They're not safe! They're DEAD!!! And I'm the only one who got out! I couldn't do anything, I had no idea where they were, I didn't even know they were dead until I saw them with my own eyes!!!"

"I know Rainbow," Twilight comforted, "I know..."

The Calm Between Storms

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About two weeks later, Rainbow still wasn't like her usual self, Applejack and Rarity's deaths would stay with her and everypony else until the day she died. But she was the most affected by it, as she had seen their corpses, she could see what was done to them, and she would never forget that sight, ever.

Nightmares, and Their Solution

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Two months have passed since the incident, and still RD hasn't gotten back to normal. It is clear now that she never will, unless something happens that completely blows those memories out of the water. She had stopped clearing the skies above Ponyville, other pegasi were taking care of that now. All Rainbow would do was sit on a cloud or in a tree and just stare downward, a horrified look on her face. She couldn't sleep, for whenever she tried, she would just wake up screaming from horrible nightmares. Nightmares consisting of her being in Rarity's place when the black alicorn chainsawed her in half, or having diamonds impale her all over her body.

The lack of sleep along with the nightmares was driving Rainbow insane, she tried therapy to help get over the sight, hypnotism to try and get some sleep, nothing would work. The images of her friends' mangled corpses just wouldn't go away. Which led her to only one conclusion; the alicorn had planned this all along. For the images to last in Rainbow Dash's brain until either she or the alicorn were dead. Rainbow decided that the only way to rid herself of the terrible dreams and memories, she would have to return to the Everfree forest, and kill the alicorn.

Preparation For War

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After about two hours of preparation and saying long goodbyes to Pinkie, Twilight, and Fluttershy because she knew she may never come back, Rainbow Dash was ready to go in and face the alicorn. She had brought with her photos of Applejack and Rarity, so she would remember who she was fighting for, and show the alicorn how much pain and misery she had endured.

The Final Battle

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Rainbow was in the forest for two days, and still couldn't find the alicorn. But she knew that she was nearby, she just couldn't see her.

"I know you're here!" Rainbow called, "Now show yourself!"

"As you wish." The alicorn replied, jumping down from a tree and landing softly on her hooves.

The alicorn didn't look any better than the last time Rainbow had seen her. Her horn was still gone, nothing would change that, but she looked as if she were obsessing over something, but RD couldn't figure out what.

"So you finally return," the alicorn began, "do you like the nightmares? I knew that if you were going to get away I had to do something to bring you back here."

"So you ARE the reason I am having nightmares..." Rainbow accused.

"Correct, and if you want them to stop, then you will have to kill me." The alicorn confirmed.

"Good," said Rainbow Dash, now tensing up for what she knew would be a long and intense battle, "now all I have to do is succeed."

The ensuing fight was long and hard, with Rainbow using her speed and agility for hit and run attacks, and the alicorn using her superior size to try and hold Rainbow Dash down. Clop by clop, blow after blow. Both of them realized they were an equal match for each other, and that this fight was going nowhere fast. After two hours of furious fighting, both combatants were exhausted. But Rainbow Dash had just enough energy left to buck the alicorn one last time in the head. Denting her skull and crushing her brain, killing her instantly.

With the alicorn menace dead, Rainbow Dash sighed in relief and collapsed to the ground, exhausted. After catching her breath, Rainbow headed or home, oblivious to the five other pairs of eyes watching her from the trees. Rainbow was, however, relieved that the alicorn wouldn't be harming anypony else, ever again. Though Applejack's and Rarity's deaths would never be forgotten, Rainbow could finally rest knowing that their deaths, along with many others, had been avenged.


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When Rainbow Dash returned to Ponyville bruised and beaten, she was immediately rushed to the hospital for an examination. She turned out fine, and after about two days bed rest was out of the hospital and spreading the word about that fateful day. Pinkie, being Pinkie, wanted to know one hundred percent of everything Rainbow had experienced on that difficult day. And Rainbow didn't hold back on the details. She told everypony who would ask everything about the search for Rarity, the alicorn, discovering her friends corpses, and the insanity brought on by the nightmares. After two months, Rainbow was back to normal. She had taken back the responsibility of clearing the skies above Ponyville, and could finally sleep in peace without being bothered by nightmares. Though she would never forget what happened during those two days in the forest, she could accept that nothing would change those events, no matter how hard they tried.