• Published 26th Aug 2013
  • 2,239 Views, 176 Comments

Comes the Sunset - Scipio Smith

Sunset Shimmer returns to Equestria determined to save her home, but at such cost that destruction might be preferable. With Twilight imprisoned in the Labyrinth Box and the Mane Six captured the hopes of Equestria rest with the CMC.

  • ...

Luna's Counterattack

Chapter 7

Luna's Counterattack

"Look, it's simple," Rainbow Dash whispered as the the five ponies and Spike huddled together in the middle of the schoolhouse. Sunset Shimmer had added bars to the windows when turning it into their prison, and zebra guards patrolled around the building, hence the need for whispers. "All we gotta do is bust out of this building, steal the box that madmare put Twilight in, then make it to Canterlot as fast as we can. Then Princess Celestia can let Twilight out of the box and we can set everything straight again. Simple!"

"Assumin' that Princess Celestia can let Twilight out," Applejack said in hushed tones.

"Sunset trapped Twilight using magic," Rainbow hissed. "That means that magic can be used to free her again, and the Princess has to know as much about magic as this punk!"

"I wouldn't be so sure," Rarity murmured. "I didn't see her horn glow when she locked Twilight away, and there's something not quite right about that mare."

"Well, Discord then," Rainbow said, her voice rising. "While you get to Canterlot, I'll go find Fluttershy and she can get Discord to do his thing."

"Hmm," Rarity mused. "It would be worth it to get Twilight away from these awful creatures. But how are we going to 'bust out' of here?"

Rainbow grinned. "You pretend to be ill, swoon and moan and give it all the theatrics, then when the guards come in to check on you, me and Applejack will jump them."

"Maybe not give it all the theatrics," Applejack said. "Or they'll know you're faking it for sure."

Rarity sniffed. "I must say I resent the implication that I am some kind of screaming diva."

"Then why do you act like one?" Pinkie asked. "I mean you don't do it all the time, or even most of the time, but some of the time when you're fainting couch comes out and you're all-"

"Yes, thank you, Pinkie dear," Rarity said primly. "I suppose I could-"

"You know, if you're going to plot an escape you should probably not try to talk so loudly," one of the zebras said from outside. "These walls are not very thick."

There was a moment's silence before Rainbow Dash started rolling around on the floor, clutching her stomach. "Oh no, help me, I'm sick. It feels like I'm dying."

"Nice try," the zebra said. "Even you weren't whispering as silently as you thought you were."

Rainbow stopped acting, and glowered at the door instead. "Why are you doing this?"

"Because Mistress Sunset ordered me to stand guard," the zebra said.

Rarity opened her mouth to clarify the question, but before she could she heard a peculiar sound, followed by somepony's cry of pain. Then another such sound, a whoosh followed by a thwack, and somepony else yelled.

"What's going on out there?" Spike asked nervously.

"Punishment," the zebra said dolefully. "Mistress Sunset is making an example of the disobedient."

"Punishment?" Rarity asked in alarm. "Sweetie Belle hasn't done anything foolish, has she?"

"Or Apple Bloom? Or Big Macintosh?" Applejack added.

"Or anypony?" Pinkie asked.

"None of your pony friends have transgressed Mistress Sunset's commands," the zebra said. "They are too cowed by her. The guilty are two zebras, caught stealing food from the stores, a griffon who harassed a citizen of the town without provocation and the pony Virtuous Fury, for releasing your friend Fluttershy against the orders of Mistress Sunset."

Rarity frowned. "I wonder if he still thinks it was worth it." She remembered how surprised she had felt when he had announced that he was letting one of them go. She had thought she was being asked to volunteer to be punished, perhaps even killed, not to be left behind while Fluttershy walked away. Did he regret his decision now that it had consequences for him? "You haven't caught Fluttershy yet then?"

The zebra outside said nothing.

Rarity sighed. "You might as well talk to us. It isn't as though we can do anything about it, and you must be very bored out there."

The zebra spoke, his voice deep and slow. "We have searched the surrounding area but found no trace of her by land or air."

"Awesome!" Rainbow said. "You'll never find Fluttershy and she'll stop all of you, you'll see."

The zebra laughed. "That frightened, cowardly mare?"

"Don't call her that!" Rainbow snarled. "Fluttershy is not a coward. She's the bravest, strongest pony I know and she's certainly stronger than you are or Sunset Shimmer!"

"I'll believe that when I see it," the zebra said.

The sounds and the yelling continued. Rarity said, "What are they doing to them?"

"Mistress Sunset has commanded that they be flogged and tied to crossed pikes for a day and a night without relief," the zebra said. "Thus, all will know her for a just and fair ruler devoid of either malice or favouritism."

"That's awful!" exclaimed Spike.

"And they have brought it on themselves by their own foolishness," the zebra barked.

"Doing the right thing is never foolish," Rarity replied. "It may not always be easy, but it is never foolish."

"The right thing," the zebra muttered disdainfully. "My home is burned, my lands are stolen, my wife, my son and my liegelord are hostage to my good behaviour, yet I should risk my life, their lives and the lives of all my soldiers to help you? Is that the right thing?"

"The right thing," Rarity answered coldly. "Would have been to never have come here in the first place."

"I will not dispute that," the zebra answered.

"You never answered my friend's question," Rarity said. "Why are you here? Who are you?"

"My name is Muttines and I am a captain in the service to House Aethiope. The last captain, of the last company sworn to that banner. You met some of my comrades in your capital, I believe."

Applejack stood up. "You mean you're the ones who tried to-"

"Take over your country, yes," Muttines said. "My lord waged a battle he did not believe he could win because it was 'the right thing'; the Emperor, may he live forever, had given the command and, as a loyal subject, my lord obeyed. My lord perished, humbly serving Grevyia and the throne and while with one face, the Emperor, may he live forever, denied any responsibility to your Princess Celestia; with his other face, he ordered House Aethiope extinguished, it's lands seized, it's retainers put to the spear or scattered on the wind. We have nothing left, no homes to return to, no strong lord to shelter us, our famillies live only because we have fought to protect them and brought them with us to keep them safe. But, if we serve Mistress Sunset well in this war then she may return to us our lands, or grant us new lands here, and the mark upon our house may be wiped clean. That is our last hope, our only hope. That is why we are here."

"Hate to break it to you pal," Rainbow Dash said. "But you aren't gonna conquer Equestria with the numbers you've got."

Muttines laughed harshly. "Mistress Sunset has been anointed Battle Commander by the Emperor himself, may he live forever. All the armies of Grevyia are hers and she is not shy to use them. We are merely an advanced guard, there are many more zebras and other warriors on their way."

"Oh," Rainbow's tone became a little downcast, but she rallied again as she began to shout. "Well Fluttershy is still gonna stop you, you see if she doesn't!"

"As I said," Muttines replied. "I'll believe it when I see it."

Be safe, Fluttershy, Rarity thought. Wherever you are.

In Canterlot, as the hours grew late and the time drew near for the setting of the sun and the rising of the moon, Princess Luna girded herself for battle.

"All the times I have put this armour on," Luna murmured. "I never thought the sun itself would be my squire."

Celestia finished fastening the breastplate into place and strapping it tight across Luna's back and neck. "It's been a long time since you had to put this armour on, still longer since you flew to battle without me. I should be going with you."

"No," Luna said. "Somepony must stay here to watch over Canterlot, in case I-"

"Hush," Celestia whispered. "Do not say it. Do not even think it. You will return, you must. I could not lose you again."

Luna looked her elder sister in the eyes. "What do you think is out there, waiting for me?"

"Whatever it is, whoever it is, you are it's equal," Celestia replied.

"Yet you think I need you there to hold my hoof and keep me from harm's way?" Luna asked, amusement in her voice. "Just because I am a thousand years younger than you does not make me a child."

Celestia nodded. "I am sorry. I can't help it sometimes."

"Have you sent word to the Crystal Empire yet?" Luna asked.

"No, not yet."

"Good," Luna said. "This matter will be resolved tonight, and they need never know."

Luna stood as still as a statue as Celestia garbed her in her splendid armour, piece by piece. Luna felt the weight of every bit of it, from the feel of her breastplate tight across her chest to the greaves on her legs. Her armour was lacquered blue with silver trim surrounding every individual piece of armour, and the cuirass was studded with tiny diamonds that glittered like the stars in the night sky. The breastplate, like Luna's usual necklace, was stamped with the image of the cresent moon worked in white gold. Her gorget had to be segmented to cover the entirety of her neck, and her silver helm pressed down her flowing mane. Only Luna's wings were left unprotected.

"Thank you, Sister," Luna murmured. "For keeping this."

Celestia smiled. "I always knew that you would come back to me. And, though I hoped you would never need it again, I knew you would howl if I had not kept it in perfect condition waiting for you."

Luna chuckled. "True enough."

"And you will also need this," Celestia said, passing Luna her spear, Nightfang. The shaft of the lance was black as Sombra's heart, made from the finest ebony, while the point itself was silver as the moon and seemed to glow with some small fragment of it's light.

Luna smiled. "I am ready."

"Good luck," Celestia said.

"Luck?" Luna asked, walking to the window to look out towards Ponyville. "It is our enemies who will have need of luck."

She leapt from the window and swooped down into the open square, her wings spread wide and her horn glowing as the sun set beneath the horizon. Before her hooves struck the ground, Luna had raised the moon, a lantern beneath the blanket of the night by which all ponies could read past their bedtimes.

When she landed, Luna beheld her warriors. Before her stood all the strength of the night guard, mustered and assembled for battle as if time had bent backwards and they stood once more in the Equestria of old, when all manner of perils stalked the night and only brave hearts and sharp spears held them at bay. Their polished armour gleamed, their spearpoints glimmered, their eyes were hard and full of certain purpose.

Luna's chin rose higher with pride at the sight of them. They were hers, her guards, her warriors, her children of the night. She knew they would not fail her.

She looked down at Captain Catseye, standing to attention to her left. "Have the ground forces departed?"

"They have, Princess," Catseye said. She was a female night pony whose blue mane was flecked with crimson and whose green eyes glowed luminescent in the darkness. "Lancer and his ponies set off two hours ago."

"We will cover the same distance much faster by air," Luna said. She turned to address her troops.

"Guardians of the night," Luna said, her voice echoing across the square to reach the ears of the entire assembled company. "The time has come to repay a great debt. All of you know what I was once, what my jealousy and loneliness allowed me to become. You all know what I did in my madness. And you all know who freed me from that dark prison and allowed the moon to shine once more.
"Now it is the Elements of Harmony that stand in need of aid, now it is Ponyville that withers under the embrace of some dark power, now it is I that has the chance to mount a rescue and I will do so. I swear it under the moon that I will not return without Princess Twilight and her comrades at my side. But I cannot rescue them alone. So I ask you, my ponies, my followers, my children, will you go with me to Ponyville and brave whatever perils lurk there? Will you fight at my side to save those who have saved Equestria so many times? Will you help me to repay my debt?"

"We will, Your Highness," a guard shouted.

"We'll follow you to Tartarus itself!"

"Let's make them fear the darkness!"

Luna smiled. "Then up! Up and into battle. And let our foes recall that whatever powers they claim, the night shall always belong to us."

She spread her wings up wide and surged upwards into the night sky, rising so high that she was silhouetted against the moon itself; and her guard followed her, rising with the hum of beating wings above the roofs and spires, above the walls, above the clouds.

In silence they flew, with no trumpet or battle cry, eating up the miles as they soared over houses, walls, trees, hills and rivers. With winged speed they passed out of Canterlot and over the lands around and came quickly to Ponyville. Looking down, Luna could see Lancer and his force of guards - mostly Twilight's company, with a few from the City and the Palace companies - forming up his earth ponies, unicorns and pegasi into a battle line. The pegasi would not join in the assault of her night guards. Rather, the plan Luna had devised called for her ponies to launch the initial attack, sew dismay and confusion in any foe that they encountered, and then Lancer's force would attack in formation and deliver a hammer blow that would sweep the enemy away.

The ponies of the day would wait until she gave the signal.

Luna and her guards closed in on their target. Luna began to descend, trusting that her night ponies would follow her. She could make out sentries patrolling around the outskirts of Ponyville. Zebras. Luna scowled. Had they not done enough?

As her night guard descended from out of the clouds with all the swiftness of a hurricane, Luna opened her mouth and a warcry loud enough to echo to the moon ripped from her throat. After a moment, her guards echoed the shout.

And they fell upon the zebras like a great wave, sweeping all before them. The sentries were overpowered in moments, picked up by the night ponies then driven down into the earth from a height. The night guards whooped with glee as they swept through the town. Zebras, diamond dogs and ponies with strange manecuts staggered out of tents and public buildings only to be assaulted by the angry guards. Griffons rose into the air, wings beating furiously, only to find that the night ponies had already claimed mastery of the starry sky.

Luna's horn glowed as she hit two zebra warriors with bolts of blue magic, then turned to the dozen night guards who had stayed with her, rather than dispersing to join the fight along with the rest of the company.

"Summon Lancer," she commanded.

One of the guards raised a bugle to his lips and started to blow the rally call. It was answered almost immediately by another trumpet blowing the charge, and the sound of Lancer's unit yelling as they advanced.

"Twilight?" Luna yelled, stopping beside Ponyville's fountain as the battle raged around her. "Twilight Sparkle?"

There was no answer but the sounds of fighting. The enemy had the advantage of numbers - though that would change once the ground forces joined the battle - but most of them were ground bound and Luna's ponies knew that flight was their greatest advantage. They swooped up and down like kites, descending to attack from above like birds of prey before soaring upwards out of range of any retaliation. A few diamond dogs threw spears at them as they retreated, but none hit the mark. Luna saw many downed enemies, but not a single one of her guards had yet been so much as injured.

"Twilight?" Luna called again. "Rainbow Dash? Applejack? Pinkie Pie?"

Nopony responded. There was only the sound of battle.

"Captain, take your squad and search the town, find Twilight and the others," Luna said. "You remember the signal?"

"Yes, Your Highness," Catseye said. "If the trumpet blows 'Rally' again, then the attempt to retake Ponyville has failed and the objective becomes to get the Princess and her friends to Canterlot." She looked around, and a grin flashed across her face. "It doesn't look like there's much chance of that."

"Be careful," Luna admonished. "We still don't know who was behind this." Mere zebras and diamond dogs could not have defeated Twilight and her friends, there must be something more this.

Catseye and several of her ponies flew off in all directions, leaving Luna with only three guards to attend her as the battle raged all around. Ponies were staggering out of their houses now, looking around as the night ponies yelled at them to get back inside where it was safe. Some of them obeyed, taking to their hooves and heading for the outskirts of town. Luna hoped that they did not become unfortunate casualties of the fighting on the way.

Luna spotted two zebras, a griffon and a unicorn tied to crossed pikes not far off, and ordered them cut down and taken prisoner. They looked half out of it anyway, but she did not want to take any risks, even if she did hope that they would be grateful enough for rescue to provide intelligence.

As two of her guards attended to that, Luna looked around her, trying to sense anything that was not right. Her attention was drawn towards the town hall. Luna's eyes narrowed as she crept warily towards it, magic at the ready. Why was it not being defended? Why had this enemy of theirs not garrisoned such an important and easily defended building? Why was it so quiet when the whole town was in an uproar?

Luna felt the magic buildup a fraction of a second before the doors to the hall exploded outwards and a beam of azure magic as wide as a cart erupted towards her. Luna threw up a shield, but she was still pushed backwards by the force of the blast, her hooves digging furrows in the grass as the intensity of the beam repelled her.

When the beam died, Luna could see an amber unicorn standing in the ruined doorway, her horn smoking slightly.

"Impossible," Luna murmured. "No unicorn should have that much power."

The unicorn strutted down the town hall steps, her fiery red and yellow mane flicking from side to side. "Princess Luna, what an honour to finally meet you," she said, her tone carrying more than an undercurrent of mockery.

Luna scowled. "You know me, it seems. Will you let me know you?"

"Of course, that would only be polite, wouldn't it?" the unicorn said, chuckling. "My name is Sunset Shimmer. Ask Celestia about me, if you get the chance."

Luna sidestepped. Sunset matched her movements, keeping her face to Luna.

"So, I take it you are responsible for all of this," Luna said. "Where is Twilight Sparkle?"

"I put her in a box for safe-keeping," Sunset replied. "As for the rest, it is my doing. Impressive, no?"

Luna snorted. "You call this an accomplishment? Sombra would laugh." She stamped her hoof. "I advise you to surrender now, Miss Shimmer. You may not get another chance."

Sunset smirked. "Surrender? But I'm barely getting started."

"You are a powerful unicorn, I grant," Luna said. "But your army is already being defeated, Ponyville is being retaken, the Bearers of the Elements will soon be free and you will have nothing." The sounds of fighting intensified behind her as Lancer's force slammed into the defenders and swept the remnants of the garrison aside before the force of their charge.

"Your expedition has failed, your enterprise is over," Luna insisted. "Yield now, while you still can. Yield, and end the fighting before unnecessary harm is done."

Sunset looked around. "You know what, you're right? I'm not doing very well at the moment am I? Oh, dear, what's a girl to do?"

Luna heard deep horns sounding in the distance. Horns, horns, dozens of horns blowing out on the plains. Horns, drums and the trumpeting of herds of war elephants.

Sunset's grin was something manic to behold. "The answer, of course, is to call in reinforcements. You may want to reconsider which of us is on the losing side here, Your Highness."

"No, no, no," Rainbow Dash hammered on the door with her hooves. "No, this is not happening. Not again!"

"What are you talking about, Rainbow?" Applejack asked.

"Any minute now, somepony is going to break down that door to bust us out and I'm not standing for it," Rainbow said. "It was bad enough getting rescued by Twilight the last time, I am not getting saved by a complete stranger! Rainbow Dash does not need rescuing."

In spite of the seriousness of the situation, Applejack couldn't help but chuckle. "It's okay, Rainbow, none of us will think any the less of you. How can we, when we're stuck in here, too?"

"It would be nice to be out of here, I must admit," Rarity said. "Then we could actually find out what's happening instead of having to guess from the sounds."

Pinkie's tail began to twitch up and down like a startled rattlesnake. "Ooh, twitch-a-twitch! Rainbow Dash, get out of the way!"

Rainbow's wings beat like a humming bird as she backed away from the door with a cry of, "Aww, not again!"

"Are the bearers of the Elements in here?" Applejack vaguely remembered the voice as belonging to some kind of officer, but couldn't remember the mare's name.

"Hello!" Pinkie called cheerfully.

"Stand back," the officer said. "On a count of three: one! Two! Three!"

The schoolhouse door splintered inwards with a crack and a creak, revealing a group of night ponies in the armour of Princess Luna's guard, using a seesaw as a makeshift battering ram.

"The Royal Guard returns the favour, three more to go," the guard officer announced. "Captain Catseye, at your service." Her green eyes swept over the five ponies. "Where's Princess Twilight?"

"That meanie-pants Sunset Shimmer cast a wicked spell on her to trap her in a little wooden box along with Trixie and the Changeling Queen and that jealous jealousy-pants Breaking Dawn which is the weirdest thing because she was supposed to have been turned to stone and when I say weird I really mean weird because don't you think Twilight getting trapped in a box is really weird anyway?" Pinkie said, catching her breath when she was done.

Catseye blinked. "Princess...trapped in a box...changeling....what?"

"It sounds as strange no matter who tells it, Captain," Rarity said in a dry tone. "The important thing is that Sunset Shimmer has trapped Twilight in some kind of magical prison which is, yes, in the form of a little wooden box. We have to find it so we can get Twilight out of there."

Catseye allowed herself a small smile. "We're well on our way to retaking Ponyville, so they'll be plenty of time for all of that once we've put this Sunset Shimmer in chains. Now, if you follow me, I'll take you to Princess-"

Catseye was interrupted by the sounds of horns, dozens of horns blowing in the night, and drums beating rapidly in the darkness.

"What's that?" Rainbow asked. "Is that you?"

"I'm afraid not," Catseye murmured. "Moonlight!"


"Fly up and find out what's going on, then give me a report!"

"Yes, ma'am!" the guard zipped up into the air, disappearing into a bank of low cloud.

"We should hurry," Catseye said, chivvying the five ponies out of the schoolhouse. "We need to get you to the Princess as soon as possible."

"I want to find Apple Bloom first, see that she and the others are safe," Applejack said.

"Yes, I should like to know that Sweetie Belle is all right too," Rarity added.

"And Scootaloo."

"Not to mention everypony else," Pinkie said brightly.

"There will be time for all of that later, with luck," Catseye said. "But I have to get you to Princess Luna in case-" Catseye was interrupted again, this time by a trumpet, a sound higher than the horns that had gone before, more tinny and - in it's solitude - much less imposing.

"What was that, now?" Applejack asked. "That was you, wasn't it?"

Catseye growled wordlessly before she replied. "Yes. Whatever the horns and drums were, they've had an impact. That was the signal that the attack has failed, we're abandoning Ponyville and taking you back to Canterlot."

"Abandon Ponyville!" Rarity demanded, shock filling her voice. "You mean we're just going to run away? What about Twilight?"

"Do you know where she is?" Catseye asked.

"No, but-"

"Then we can't risk your safety to search for her, I'm sorry," Catseye said. "But we have to go, now."

"Y'all go on," Applejack said. "I'll catch you up when I've gone and fetched Apple Bloom and the others."

"I can't-"

Applejack's gaze was absolutely flat, and as immovable as a stone wall. "If time is precious, cap'n, you'd be best off not wasting it arguing with me."

"We'll all go," Rarity said.

"No!" Catseye insisted firmly. "If you don't get out of here then all of this was for nothing."

"It'll be all right, Rarity," Applejack said, reassuringly. "Y'all go on now. I'll meet back up with you in a little while."

The guard that Catseye had sent up to reconnoitre returned, and offered a quick salute.

"Report!" Catseye demanded.

"A large force approaching from the south," Moonlight said. "Very large, like a whole army: zebras mostly, a few griffons, some ponies. They're trying to cut us off from Canterlot, most of Lancer's guards have pulled back to bar their way."

"Then we need to get out of here while we still have a line of retreat," Catseye muttered. "Miss Applejack, hurry up, we don't have long."

Applejack nodded. "Don't you worry, Captain, I'll be back before you know it." And with that Applejack turned around and took off in the direction of Sweet Apple Acres.

"We have to go," Catseye repeated. "We need to get you to Princess Luna. You'll be safe there."

A beam of blue magic erupted from Luna’s horn, colliding in the middle of the town square with another beam from the horn of Sunset Shimmer. Luna gritted her teeth, growling as she tried to force Sunset’s beam backwards. But Sunset’s power was immense, as strong as Twilight after she had become an alicorn, and Luna found it was all she could do to stop her beam from being pushed back into her.

With an angry snarl Luna broke off the contest, her wings carrying her up into the air as Sunset’s beam struck the fountain behind her. It exploded in a shower of dust and fragments. Luna fired two magical bolts, one after the other, but both dissipated harmlessly against an azure shield.

“Who are you?” Luna demanded. “Why are you doing this?”

“I am the memory of the forgotten, I am the voice of those who have no tongue,” Sunset replied. “I am the mistreated servant who will serve no more.”

“That is a riddle, not an answer,” Luna spat, firing another bolt which dissolved upon contact with Sunset’s shield, just like the others.

Sunset grinned, firing a beam of magic up into the sky. Luna dived to one side and felt the heat of the magic as it passed by her.

“I have been ill used,” Sunset said. “Made a puppet of the high and mighty, as so many are. But no more! I shall save this world from demons and from princesses alike, and you will see what happens when the downtrodden bite back.”

Luna bared her teeth. “Have you asked these ponies whether they felt more downtrodden before or after your arrival? Why not ask them who they would rather bite?”

“Nothing is perfect in its inception,” Sunset replied. “When all has settled down they will find me a more just ruler than any they have had before now.”

“Forgive my scepticism,” Luna said.

She and Sunset traded fire, Sunset from the ground and Luna from the air. In spite of her armour – in truth it hardly weighed on her at all – Luna was the more nimble of the two, weaving through the air as sent her magic lancing downwards. Sunset, though she had no protection but her coat, stood still, using shields to protect her from Luna’s onslaught, lowering her defences only to counterattack.

It was a contest of the storm against the mountain, except that this storm had the power to grind any mountain in Equestria to dust.

“You may triumph in Ponyville tonight,” Luna shouted. “But you cannot win. Are you so arrogant that you think you can do what Tirek, Discord and Sombra could not?”

Sunset laughed. “I think that I don’t have a brother to stab me in the back, I’m more focussed than Discord even if I’m not smarter, and unlike Sombra I can actually string a sentence together. And if I can defeat you, why should I fear Celestia?”

Luna risked a glance across the town and its outskirts. Though her guards had driven Sunset’s forces before them with the advantage of surprise, the arrival of Sunset’s reinforcements – and so many reinforcements, Luna could not begin to count them – had halted their advance and allowed the defenders to get a second wind. The fighting was now approaching a stalemate as the guard sought to hold a corridor for Twilight and her friends to escape. It was a fight which the Night Guard was less suited for than their initial high tempo onslaught; pinned down on the ground trying to hold their positions, unable to escape into the air, they were vulnerable and faring poorly. Meanwhile, outside of Ponyville the Twilight Guard was struggling to hold back the overwhelming numbers being brought to bear against it.

Where was Catseye? Where were Twilight and the others? If Catseye could not find them quickly and get them out of Ponyville then the their escape route would be cut off and all of this would have been for nothing.

Sunset’s shield dropped. Unlike every other time that it had done so, no attack sprang from the horn of the amber unicorn.

Luna smiled triumphantly as she fired downwards with all the power at her command. Sunset rolled out of the way, still not raising her shield.

Watch out! Above you!

Luna acted on instinct, diving down and to the left, landing on the grass outside the town hall as a heavy net, woven of dozens of interlocking chains, thudded to the ground. It would have trapped her had it not been for that warning.

What was that voice? Luna wondered. It sounded like…no; no it could not be him. That was not possible.

Sunset’s blue-green eyes looked from Luna to the net, then back again. Her tone was curious, almost academic, devoid of the madness that had suffused it earlier. “Hmm, I thought I’d get you with that. How did you know?”

Luna didn’t answer. She did not want Sunset to realise that she had no answers.

Sunset waited a moment, until it became clear that a response was not forthcoming.

“Giving me the silent treatment now, are we?” Sunset said, amused. “Oh well.” Her horn blazed with magical aura as a fireball the size of a barn door sped towards Luna. Luna slammed up a shield and the fireball bounced off, exploding near the stakes where Sunset had tied up her victims; the battle between Luna and Sunset had forced Luna’s guards to abandon the effort of cutting them down. The grass caught light and began to burn beneath the captives’ hooves.

Sunset didn’t look back, keeping her attention fixed on Luna.

“Aren’t you going to help them?” Luna demanded. “Don’t you care about your own followers?”

“I have others,” Sunset said simply. “Only the unicorn might be worth keeping, and he’s fire-proof anyway. Certainly I’m not going to turn my back on you for any of them.”

Luna bared her teeth and she felt her blood begin to boil. “They are yours! No matter whether you are friends with them or not, whether they are useful to you or not, whether they appreciate you or not, they are yours! It is your duty to protect them, to care for them, to watch over them always whether they like it or not! How can you call yourself a leader if you don’t understand that?”

Your compassion will be your downfall. Put it aside. Luna heard that voice again; the voice that had warned her of Sunset’s net whispering in her ear once more. It was an old voice, scratchy, whispery, but with hints of depth to it that recalled ancient, half-forgotten memories.

No, Luna thought. It is not possible. It is my darker self that speaks to me in my father’s voice and bids me take the Nightmare path once more.

Sunset regarded Luna evenly, her voice quiet but thick with an undercurrent of menace. “Celestia might, might, have the right to lecture me like that. But I’ll not have Nightmare Moon lecture me on the obligations of leadership.”

Luna snarled, “My name is Luna!”

Sunset laughed. “Shrike doesn’t agree. One of my followers, one I sometimes listen to. She wants to save you; I might even let her.”

“I do not require any salvation,” Luna growled. “Twilight and her friends have saved me already! That is why I will save them now, because my debt to them can never be repaid!”

“Princess Luna!”

Luna’s head darted round to see Catseye and her guards approaching, leading Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Pinkie Pie. Where were the others, where were Fluttershy and Applejack? Where was Twilight Sparkle?

Never mind. If some had been saved that was better than nothing.

Unfortunately, Sunset saw them too and a roar of pure rage and frustration burst from her throat as she cast a jet of fire towards them. Luna threw up a shield between the ponies and the flames, which beat upon the barrier like a storm upon the coast.

“Captain, get them out of here!” Luna bellowed. “I will rejoin you when I can.” If I can.

They hastened away. Sunset made to pursue them, but a bolt from Luna’s horn gave her pause.

“I am your opponent,” Luna declared coldly. “And we are not yet finished here.”

Sunset hissed angrily. She looked towards the flames, the flames that had all but consumed the crossed pikes and their occupants. “Virtue! Get up, you dozy lump, I know you’re wide awake! Get up, or I will crush your precious country between my hooves!”

Like an island rising out of the ocean, the black unicorn rose from out of the roaring flames. He stared at Sunset, his eyes inscrutable. “What do you command, Mistress?”

“Get after those ponies!” Sunset roared. “Don’t let them get away!”

The unicorn paused for a moment, closed his eyes, sighed deeply, then began to run. Luna fired at him, but Sunset conjured a shield to absorb the blast.

“I am your opponent,” Sunset returned, mockingly. “And you’re right, we aren’t finished here. Not by a long way.”

Applejack kicked in the doors of Carousel Boutique. "Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, are y'all in here?"

There was a moment of silence, then Apple Bloom poked her head out from under the table. "Applejack? You're out?"

Applejack didn't answer, crossing the shop floor in swift strides to take her little sister under one leg and nuzzle the top of her head. "I'm glad you're okay."

"You're glad we're okay?" Scootaloo asked, as she and Sweetie Belle crawled out from their hiding places - under a box and behind a stack of fabric rolls respectively - to join the Apple sisters. "We're not the ones who got locked up. What's going on?"

"Princess Luna's come to rescue us," Applejack said. "We have to go, now."

"Is Rarity all right?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"And what about Rainbow Dash?"

"They're both fine, and we'll be meeting up with them real soon," Applejack assured them. "Now follow me, quickly and quietly now, I don't know how much time we have."

"Time?" Applejack turned at the sound of a deep, gravelly voice from behind her. Her eyes widened as she saw a heavily built stallion, his coat a deep green and his mane the colour of lime, standing silhouetted in the entrance to the boutique. He grinned, revealing shining white teeth which, Applejack realised to her horror, he had sharpened to fine points. "Oh, honey, I'm afraid you've got no time left at all."

Applejack planted herself firmly between the crusaders and this stallion. "I'm afraid the store's closed, you'll have to come back some other time."

The emerald stallion chuckled. "That's fine, I don't think they've got anything here in my style anyway. You see, I've never been the kind to hide what I am behind fancy clothes or a mask of acceptable behaviour. I am what I am: Emerald Ray, the very worst kind of pony." He licked his pointed teeth theatrically, lingering over his fangs with exaggerated glee, cackling wildly as he did so.

"I'm guessing now ain't the part where you tell me to surrender," Applejack muttered.

"Well why would I want you to surrender, when I can pit myself against the famous Applejack, strongest of the heroes of Equestria?" Emerald asked. "I may have to take you alive, but that doesn't mean we can't have some fun first."

Applejack growled wordlessly, lowering her whole posture in preparation for a charge. "Apple Bloom, everypony, once things get started I want y'all to run, understand? Find Rarity and the others if you can, head to Canterlot if you can't."

"But Applejack-" Apple Bloom began.

"Tarnation, Apple Bloom, for once you do as I say," Applejack said. "Now, all three of you, get ready."

"Better not," Emerald Ray said. "This won't take long enough for you to escape, and if you make me mad, I might decide to have some fun with you as well. I like kids."

"That's not gonna happen," Applejack snarled.

"Oh, and I suppose you're going to stop me?" Emerald Ray said, laughing. "Then why don't you show me what you've got, farm girl?"

Applejack sprang like a panther, leaping across the carpeted floor in long, graceful, bounding steps. Emerald Ray growled in anticipation. Applejack pirouetted on her forehooves, turning one hundred and eighty degree to bring her rear legs in line with Emerald's face before she bucked him as hard as any apple tree. Emerald cried out as she kicked him through the window of Carousel Boutique - she would apologise to Rarity for that, assuming she ever got the chance - and out into the street.

"Go, girls, go," Applejack yelled, leaping after her opponent and landing on top of him as though he were a mattress placed to cushion her fall. He gave an 'oof' sound as she landed on his belly, knocking all the wind right out of him.

Applejack had just enough time to see the three crusaders running from the dress shop and in the direction of Canterlot as she started pummelling Emerald Ray's face with her forehooves. Apple Bloom was at risk, so she had to make sure this stallion was in no position to chase her or her friends.

Her forehooves rose and fell like anvils: once, twice, three times descending into his face. Emerald flinched from every blow, until the fourth time Applejack's hoof came down when he caught the strike in mid-air.

"Nopony was exaggerating," Emerald Ray said. "You really are strong. Strong, but not a warrior. If you were, you would have known to go for the throat." He lashed out with his free hoof, hitting Applejack in the throat.

Applejack choked, gasping for breath as Emerald threw her off him and into the street. She lay on the ground, legs thrashing wildly, helplessly, her body floundering as spots began to appear before her eyes and her mind became consumed with the pain she was feeling.

Emerald Ray stood up, his face bloody. He looked at Applejack, then in the direction Apple Bloom and her friends had fled in. "Huh. I wonder which would be more fun..."

Apple Bloom! In spite of the fact that she could hardly breathe, in spite of the fact that she could hardly think, in spite of the fact that she didn't want to do anything but lie on the ground and wish for the pain to go away, some big sister's instict propelled Applejack up and at him once again, barrelling into the startled pony as they crashed through the wall of Carousel Boutique and rolled around inside. Tables were shattered by their grappling, ponikins fell before them, piles of fabrics and supplies scattered everywhere, shelves fell and crashed on top of the two struggling ponies. And they fought on, kicking and biting and pulling at anything they could reach. Emerald Ray roared like a big cat; Applejack's only sound was the wheezing, gasping of her breath. She kicked him in the face and in the stomach, she bit his ear, she pulled his tail. She tried to stuff rolls of twine down his throat. She wouldn't let him anywhere near her little sister, she would always protect Apple Bloom! Always, until the day she died.

But she could feel herself getting weaker, feel the strength ebbing from her legs, see her vision blurring before her eyes. And nothing she did seemed to keep him down. He just kept on struggling, kept on fighting, staying as strong as ever while she weakened. She wouldn't be able to hold him off much longer.

Then she spotted Rarity's sewing machine, and an idea so desperate and stupid it just might work occurred to her pain and exhaustion-fogged mind.

Emerald Ray seemed to sense his impending victory. "I must admit, you've made me work hard. But now it's time to-"

Applejack didn't let him finish, throwing all her weight upon him to pin him to the floor even as she fumbled for the sewing machine with both her forelegs. She head butted Emerald Ray twice with all the reserves that she had left, and while he was still a little woozy from it she pulled the machine over to her and sewed his ear to the carpet of Carousel Boutique.

Emerald Ray howled in pain. "Agh! You little...! Let me up! Let me up, right now! I am going to find those fillies and I am going to make you wish that you'd never made me angry! Do you hear me, farm girl?" He tried to pull himself free, but couldn't. He would have to wait until somepony came to help him. "I am going to find those fillies, and when I do I am going to kill all of them! In the most painful way that I know how!"

Not tonight you won't, Applejack thought, standing up and walking away from him. She started towards the door. Perhaps there was still time. Perhaps she could still find the others.

Her legs gave way underneath her, and Applejack realised that whoever found Emerald Ray would find her too. Well, that was the best case scenario.

It was all worth it for my sister.

I hope to see you all again, my friends...my family.

A great army bore down on Ponyville from the south, snaking across the grassy plains that divided the little down from Canterlot upon the mountainside. To anypony watching from above, from the vantage point of the capital or from some cloud high up in the sky, the three columns might have seemed to have been made of a great mass of ants toiling for their queen beneath the light of the moon. To those seeing them from the ground, however, it was clear that this was an army made up of creatures larger than ants.

Most of them were zebras, tall and strong, marching under a dozen different banners, their faces painted in two dozen different colours. They were richly armoured, in shining bronze or glittering steel, with the plumes of exotic birds woven in their manes and painted masks worn over their faces. Elephants marched in the midst of the zebra ranks, bells around their necks tinkling as they made the ground shake with every tread; and with the elephants came rhinos wearing armour on their backs, while lions prowled upon the edges of the columns.

Above the heads of the zebras flew griffons, while ponies armoured in rich caparisons of war formed a column to themselves, keeping their distance from zebra and griffon alike.

Maud Pie watched them all indifferently. Whoever they were it made no difference to her, unless they tried to hurt Pinkie Pie. Then she would have to do something about them. Maybe even something painful.

She walked briskly towards Ponyville. It looked like Pinkie's home wasn't doing so great, so she wanted to find her sister as soon as she could.

Unfortunately, her way was blocked by a group of ponies in the armour of the Royal Guard, standing clumped in a disorganised mass facing the advancing zebra columns.

"We need to fall back," one of them was saying. "We don't have the strength to face off that many enemies."

"Captain Lancer ordered-"

"Captain Lancer's wounded, he's not in command any more. He isn't even here any more, what he ordered doesn't matter," the first guard said. "We need to get out of here while we still can."

"We have to hold this position so that the princesses and the Elements can escape."

"Do you really think any of us are going to escape if we stay here?"

"Excuse me," Maud said calmly. "Could you please let me pass?"

Everypony looked at her like she was crazy. Maud didn't so much as blink. Ponies had been looking at her like that for years, it had never bothered her. Besides, right now she had more important things to think about.

"What the," the first guard, the grey unicorn who wanted to retreat, seemed dumbfounded. Eventually, he stammered, "You want to go into Ponyville?"

"That's right," Maud replied. "I have to find my sister."

"No way!" he shouted. "It's too dangerous, can't you see that? Any minute now this whole area is going to be overrun by zebras. They've already pushed us back from our initial position and soon they're going to overrun Ponyville. I don't know who you are but there's no way that you can get in there."

"Yes, I can," Maud said, walking past.

"But Ponyville is already full of zebras and diamond dogs!" somepony shouted.

Maud nodded. That explained why she'd felt that Pinkie was in trouble. She kept on walking.

"Stop!" the first guard yelled. "What makes you think you can just walk in there with everything that's happening?"

"Because I am strong," Maud answered simply. "Stronger than all of you. Extremely strong. I can defeat all these zebras by myself if I have to. You can go, or stay here. Do what you like. But I'm going to save Pinkie Pie, no matter what it takes."

She kept on walking, the town getting closer with every step she took.

"Was that supposed to be an inspiring speech?" she heard one of the guards ask.

"I dunno, but it really wasn't."

The first guard, who had so forcefully advocated flight a moment ago, growled wordlessly. "Oh, what the hay, you guys. Are we going to let some random civilian out of nowhere show us up? Are we the Royal Guard or not? Where we trained to cut and run when the going gets tough? Let's show these zebras they'll need more than numbers to break Equestria!"

"Yeah!" the guard cheered, and Maud heard them rush back into the battle behind her as she kept on going towards Ponyville.

"If you never wanted to run away," Maud murmured to herself. "Why did you spend so long talking about it?"

Not long after that, she entered Ponyville. The town was dark, the doors closed, the shutters barred.

But, on the other side, nopony tried to stop Maud either as she walked through the streets: neither pony nor zebra nor diamond dog. She was all alone, looking for her sister.

A sister she saw come careering round a corner just then, accompanied by a couple of guards, a rainbow-coloured pegasus and a white unicorn.

"Get out of the way!" Pinkie screeched, before skidding to a dead halt in the middle of the street. "Maud? What are you doing here?"

"I came because I thought that you were in trouble," Maud replied. Behind them, a guard yelled as somepony, hidden behind the corner that Pinkie had just run round, threw him into a house so hard he shattered the wall. "It seems that I was right."

Pinkie nodded eagerly. "It all started when some meanie called-"

"Pinkie, dear, perhaps we can all catch up when we're not being pursued?" the white unicorn suggested.

"Hmm, I guess so. It's a pity that Applejack, Fluttershy and Twilight aren't around, that way all of my friends could have met my best big sister!"

"Nice to meet you, big sister," the rainbow pegasus said. "We'd all love to get to know you, but we're kind of in the middle of something right now."

The ground thudded as a unicorn stallion bigger than any unicorn had any right to be stalked around the corner, blood dripping down his body. His breathing was heavy and his red eyes gleamed as he glared at Pinkie and her friends.

"Pinkie, is this guy bothering you?" Maud asked, her tone even.

"He's kind of a weird one," Pinkie said. "Last night he let Fluttershy escape but now he's trying to recapture us for his meanie-pants mistress. I really don't think he knows what he's doing sometimes-"

"Just say yes!" the unicorn mare snapped. "Yes, darling, he is definitely bothering us."

Maud nodded. "Then leave it to me. I'll take care of it."

"What are you-" the white unicorn began, but Maud Pie was already moving.

Maud hurled herself at him faster than a speeding train. The big stallion raised one forehoof to block, but even so she pushed him backwards so hard that he left furrows in the earth. He tried to respond, but she had caught him by surprise and had no intention of letting up.

For you, Pinkie Pie.

She hammered against him like the wind against an ancient tree, blowing and blowing until the old trunk cracks and the tree falls to the ground. Unlike a tree, however, her opponent could move, and he was trying to break away from her now, to escape from her fierce hooves, her swift strikes. Maud would not allow it. She would not let him pass, she would not let him continue, she would not let him anywhere near her sister.
Since his guard wasn’t protecting him and his attempts to retreat were not availing him, her opponent tried to counterattack. He looked strong, but the wounds on his back seemed to be slowing him and his movements were sluggish, his blows ponderous and easily avoided. Maud kept up the pressure, her expression cold as grey slate and as devoid of emotion as a statue carved by an inept artist.

“Enough,” he snarled, aiming a heavy swipe at her head that she nimbly dodged, but which forced her to cease her onslaught for a moment. He panted for breath, his face coming out in bruises and blotches that Maud could see despite the darkness of his coat. He looked on her with disbelief. “So strong.”

“Stay away from my sister,” Maud said solemnly. “I don’t like it when Pinkie Pie gets hurt.”

His eyes widened. “Sister? Younger or older?”

“I’m older,” Maud replied, though she didn’t understand the significance.

The stallion shook his head and drew himself up. “Then you must finish it.”

Maud blinked. “What?”

“I cannot yield up the fight so you must take the victory,” he snarled. A grim smile flashed across his face. “Fortunately, as mighty as you are that should not present a difficulty for you.”

Maud regarded him evenly. “Are you mocking me?” It had been known to happen, though the realisation usually came slowly to her, if at all.

“Do it!” the stallion raged. “Strike me down or I will take your sister and-“

Maud hit him. She struck him over and over again, swifter than lightning strikes, pounding him like a stubborn rock until he lay at her hooves in an unconscious heap.

“Nopony touches Pinkie Pie,” Maud said coldly. “Nopony.”

She turned back to her sister's friends staring at her, dumbfounded.

"Didn't I tell you I had the coolest sister ever?" Pinkie yelled.

Luna and Sunset circled one another warily, the town square lying half in ruins around them. Several fires, set by Sunset's fireballs, burned in a loose ring, almost forming an arena for their combat. Ponies expelled from their homes by their destruction huddled in the shadows, trying to escape the notice of the gods battling for control of their town.

Sunset's eyes were narrowed, her smile that of a predator. "Aren't you getting bored with this, Princess Luna? I attack, you block with a shield. You attack, I block with a shield. It's clear we aren't going to settle this by throwing fireballs or magic missiles at one another."

Luna chuckled. "Somehow I doubt you intend to surrender to me."

Sunset laughed. "Indeed not. But you have a spear, I have a blade." Sunset's horn glowed as she conjured a golden sword of pure magic, holding it before her in a low guard. "We both have hooves, and other talents besides these crude attacks. There are other ways to fight a battle than with pure magic."

Luna grunted, grasping her spear with telekinesis and holding it before her. "I know it well enough, and do not need a filly of your age to teach me about war. I am Princess Luna, who defeated Sombra and Tirek and drove the demon Typhoeus from this land."

"And I am Sunset Shimmer, Captain-General of Grundleland, commander of the Sunset Company, the only mare to ever break an Imperial legion from the front," Sunset declared proudly. "And all of my experience was in recent years, and all of yours at least a thousand years past. Perhaps you are not as sharp as you were. Shall we find out?"

Luna charged, brandishing Nightfang before her as she drove forwards towards her foe. Sunset advanced to meet her, seemingly unworried by her lack of armour compared to Luna, weaving her vorpal sword in precise, elegant arcs.

Luna thrust for Sunset's heart, but Sunset battered the spear away with her blade. Sunset attacked, pressing Luna hard, but two of her strokes were parried by Nightfang and the third scraped off Luna's breastplate. They battled back and forth, neither able to gain advantage over the other.

They paused, retreating a few paces from one another to catch their breath. Luna looked over Sunset's shoulder...for a moment she thought she saw an alicorn stallion watching her, a stallion with a coat of polished onyx who looked strangely insubstantial, as if he were not really there at all. When Luna blinked, he was gone.

First his voice, now I seem him with my own eyes. Has Sunset Shimmer cast a spell to drive me mad?

Luna shook her head. She had to focus or she would be defeated here. Focus. Think.

"You have some skill," Luna conceded as she spread her wings. "But I have something you do not: freedom of movement!" She leapt upwards, her wings carrying her up into the sky before she rolled over and began to descend upon Sunset, holding her lance before her as if to impale Sunset through and through.

Sunset retreated, but Luna landed smoothly and attacked again, using her wings to leap balletically into the air in short, smooth jumps, heading upwards to dodge Sunset's attacks, flying out of danger to places Sunset Shimmer could not reach. She could see her getting more and more careless in her urge to get to grips with Luna. And, when Sunset was careless enough, Luna flew upwards, barrel rolled in mid air and fell to earth behind Sunset, poised to strike.

Luna let out a cry of victory...as Sunset teleported away.

Luna heard the sound of magic behind her and flew upwards just in time to avoid Sunset striking her from behind.

"Swiftly done," Luna conceded as she glided down to the ground.

"And you were very elegant, Princess," Sunset said. "I admit you have the advantage over me. But I wonder, how many enemies can you keep your eye on at once?" Her horn glowed, but she did not renew the conjuration of her sword. Rather, an aura of magic surrounded a dislodged roof beam, which transformed before Luna's eyes into a giant snake, which slithered towards her, hissing in anger.

Luna smiled. "As many as you, I think." She planted her spear in the ground, and cast a spell upon the statue set in the centre of the fountain - by some miracle it had escaped destruction - so that it seemed to come to life, leaping from its plinth and advancing on Sunset.

Sunset glanced at the moving statue, then at Luna, then at her serpent. She cast a spell on a nearby tree, so that it uprooted itself and its branches became arms, reaching out for Luna. Luna cast a spell upon a pile of rubble so that it resolved into the rough shape of an ape, ready to hurl its weight down upon Sunset.

"My fighting may or may not be rusty," Luna said. "But I assure you, my transfiguration is not."

"No, I see that now," Sunset said. She looked the picture of unassailable confidence. "You may be good, but you're also very traditional."

She leapt to one side, a bolt of energy firing from her horn as she rolled to blast Luna's rubble construct to dust. Sunset's tree closed with Luna, but a simple spell was all it took to revert it to a tree again. Sunset fired at Luna, but the statue Luna had animated leapt between the two though it was destroyed in the process. Sunset's transfigured serpent struck, but Luna swiftly turned it back to wood again. Luna returned her attention to her real enemy, her horn glowing midnight blue as she charged a spell-

Sunset conjured a shield...not around herself but around Luna, enclosing her like a bubble, a bubble hard as steel and clear as glass. Luna's spell bounced off it and struck her on the breast. Luna yelped as her own magic burned through her armour and hurled her backwards, her chest in burning pain, joined swiftly by her back as she struck her cage.

Luna slid down onto the ground. When she tried to rise she was shocked from all directions by the shield, lightning rippling up and down her limbs, getting through the minute cracks in her armour. Luna moaned in pain as thousands of tiny needles stabbed at her, and she collapsed onto her knees once more.

"What...what is this?" Luna asked.

"Inverted shield, I came up with it myself," Sunset declared proudly. "Very useful for containing enemies. Honestly I wasn't sure it would work on an alicorn. Even I can be proven wrong sometimes."

Luna glared at Sunset as the latter advanced smugly upon her. "You will not win," Luna muttered.

Sunset paused. "Really? And why not? Do I lack conviction?"

"You think you have been strengthened in fire, hardened by it, but fire has the power only to consume all that it touches," Luna said. "And these ponies, they are stronger than you know."

Sunset scoffed. "So strong that I have defeated even their princess!"

"You are nothing but a howling wind," Luna said. "You will blow and rage and wax wroth, but in the end you will spend all your strength and then, everything will be as it was before."

"You are wrong," Sunset insisted. "I am not the storm, for all that I ride upon it's wings. I am the storm wall."

Luna did not replay. She looked past Sunset, and saw him again. The alicorn she thought she had seen before, with an onyx coat and night-dark hair, the alicorn who looked half a shadow, who appeared to have the consistency of smoke.

He had been more solid when she had seen him last. He had been real then, all those years ago. She could have touched him, in ways that she could not have touched him now.

"It is you, isn't it?" Luna murmured. "I was not dreaming, when I saw you before you. You are here, aren't you...father?"

She thought, with a touch of contempt, that she could see sorrow in her father's large, dark, glassy eyes. When it came, the voice that sounded in her head was rich with melancholy. I am sorry. I am so sorry that I cannot help you.

Luna sniffed. Her voice was cold. "You have never helped me before."

I cannot. It is forbidden.

"You do not care enough to try," Luna retorted.

Care? What is to care, but to be vulnerable?

"Until you can answer that for yourself, we have nothing more to say," Luna snapped.

"Who are you talking to?" Sunset demanded, looking towards Luna's father but seeming to not see him.

"Nopony," Luna replied. "The past, long gone and almost all forgotten."

"Good," Sunset said. "Shrike is anxious to discuss the past with you as well."

Luna saw the stunning spell coming, then saw no more.