• Published 26th Aug 2013
  • 2,240 Views, 176 Comments

Comes the Sunset - Scipio Smith

Sunset Shimmer returns to Equestria determined to save her home, but at such cost that destruction might be preferable. With Twilight imprisoned in the Labyrinth Box and the Mane Six captured the hopes of Equestria rest with the CMC.

  • ...

Dragon Age

Chapter 17

Dragon Age

Fluttershy led the way towards Appleoosa in silence. Glory trailed a few steps behind her, her armoured gauntlets rattling with every step she took along the dirt roads.

They were nearly there, or so Fluttershy thought. They had followed the railroad as much as they dared, took detours where they had to, used dirt tracks where they could not follow the rails, and she felt almost certain that they would see Appleoosa soon. It wasn't as if she could recognise the cacti or anything, but she felt, in her stomach, that they were nearly there. It was as if Princess Celestia, when laying this charge upon her, had cast a spell upon her to guide her to her destination.

If only she had cast a spell to do all the talking for her as well.

Somehow, Fluttershy doubted that it would be so easy. She, Fluttershy, the mare who balked at the mere thought of public appearances, would have to find the words within herself to persuade the buffalo and the deer and the griffons to join the fight and come to the rescue of ponykind.

This isn't me. I can't do this. Somepony else should be doing this, anypony but me!

Except, of course, there was nopony else. Twilight was a prisoner, and so were all the rest of her friends for all she knew. Even Spike was a captive of Sunset Shimmer. There was only her, Fluttershy, the mare who couldn't even sing in public unless she was only providing the voice for Big Macintosh.

But she would have to do it. She would have to find a way. So many ponies were counting on her to save them, not only her friends but Princess Celestia too, and everypony else who was suffering because of Sunset Shimmer. She had to succeed, for all of them.

Fluttershy glanced behind her, to where Glory followed in her wake. Though her lilac mane Fluttershy watched the other mare for a while, shuffling pebbles out of her way with her hooves, head down, ears flattened, not looking at Fluttershy or, indeed, where she was going.

Glory was counting on her too, of course. Not in the same way as everypony else who was relying on Fluttershy whether they knew it or not - and didn't the thought of that make her want to crawl into a hole and hide until it was all over - but she was counting on Fluttershy nonetheless. She had made the plain when she had offered Fluttershy her aid.

"Um...Glory?" Fluttershy murmured.

"Yup?" Glory's head came up instantly, her ears perking, her eyes darting here and there as if she wished to make she that no one had spotted her previous dejected appearance. She tossed her head first this way and then that. "Yes, Fluttershy, you need something?"

"Do you ever get nervous?" Fluttershy asked. "Do you ever feel like you won't be able to do whatever it is you have to do?"

"No," Glory said quickly. Too quickly, by a long way. "No. I don't get nervous. I don't get scared. I'm always up for it. Whatever it is."

Fluttershy looked at her. "It's okay to admit it, you know."

"There's nothing to admit," Glory snapped. "I do what I have to, whatever that is. And I ain't scared of nothing."

Fluttershy smiled sadly.

"What?" Glory said.

"You remind me a little of a friend of mine, when she's trying to pretend she isn't afraid," Fluttershy said.

"I..." Glory hesitated for a moment. Then she sighed. "Listen, you'd be scared too if the fate of your whole people was on the line."

"It is," Fluttershy replied.

"Yeah, but I meant..." Glory shook her head. "Look, even if I am nervous, which I'm not, I might have things to be hypothetically nervous about. Don't you think?"

"Of course," Fluttershy said. After a moment she added. "I'm more than a little nervous myself."

Glory laughed. "Well aren't we a fine pair of jellyfish to rest the future of our peoples' on? Listen, Virtue told me you were stronger than you seem, and much as he's an absolutely awful judge of character I really hope he turns out to be right on this one."

Fluttershy's head bowed slightly.

"But, you know, no pressure and all that," Glory said, smiling forcibly. "Oh, light preserve us. What are we going to do?"

Fluttershy hesitated. "I learnt a long time ago, that it doesn't matter if you're afraid so long as you do the right thing anyway."

"Yeah, I've heard that before," Glory said. "But that's the first time I've heard it said by someone who actually looked like they were a bundle of nerves. And you know what? That's oddly comforting, when people who look fearless say that it feels like they're patronising you."

They walked along in silence for a little while before Glory said, "Just so you know, this shaking in my legs has nothing whatsoever to do with nerves. It's the sugar withdrawal, I need to eat something sweet. Do they have any sweets in this place we're going to?"

"They have apple pies," Fluttershy said.

"Apple pies," Glory said, sounding as though the very word would send her into rhapsody. "With cinnamon?"

Fluttershy hesitated. "I'm afraid I don't know."

"Oh, well, I live in hope. Is it a nice place?"

"Oh, yes, it's very friendly."

"Then why do they have a sentry posted?"

Fluttershy looked around and she could see that, yes, there was a lone pony standing in the middle of the road, scanning the area all around. Despite the appearance of a keen lookout, he didn't appear to have spotted them yet, despite the absence of anything that might have hidden them from his view. Squinting a little, Fluttershy recognised the stallion as Applejack's cousin Braeburn.

"I wonder what he's doing out here," she muttered as she walked towards him. Glory followed, until they were standing right in front of him.

"Um, Braeburn," Fluttershy murmured. "Is everything okay?"

Braeburn did not act as though he had seen them coming, but he didn't act as though they had surprised him either. "You better turn back, nopony should be coming into...Fluttershy?"

"That's right," Fluttershy said. "What's going on?"

"Well, I'm sorry, Fluttershy, but you picked a bad time to come visiting," Braeburn said. "You'd better turn back now. I got orders from the sheriff to keep everypony away from Appleoosa if they know what's good for 'em."

"Oh no, the zebras didn't get here before us did they?" Fluttershy gasped.

"Zebras," Braeburn said. "Now what in tarnation would any zebras be doing around here?"

"You mean you haven't heard?" Fluttershy asked.

"Heard what?" Braeburn replied. "What are you talkin' about Fluttershy?"

"Oh, nothing really, just a light bit of war, conquest and the occupation of the capital," Glory muttered. "What are you talking about?"

"There's a dragon!" Braeburn cried. "A dragon that's landed right plum tucker in the middle of our apple orchards and he...well he just won't leave. Us ponies can't pick our apples and the buffalo can't stampede and nobody knows what to do! That's why I've been put here to stop anypony from comin' into town. We got no time for visitors right now."

Oh no, no this can't be happening. I can't start letting everypony down already. Fluttershy said, "But I've come all this way to get help. Twilight's been captured and so has Applejack and Canterlot has probably fallen by now. Equestria has been invaded by zebras. We need your help, and the help of the buffalo as well. There isn't a moment to lose."

"Wild sacks, that does sound pretty bad," Braeburn said. "But I don't think we can do anything to help you while the dragon's still hanging around."

"What, you never heard of a spear?" Glory demanded.

"These dragons are pretty tough, you know," Braeburn replied.

"You've never heard of courage either, then?"

"And who the hay are you to be calling me a coward like that?"

"My name's Glory Seeker and I'll call it like I see it when a pony is too scared to defend his country."

"That's enough, Glory," Fluttershy said sharply.

Glory frowned. "Right. Help. Make nice." She looked away. "I'm sure you're making the best of a bad situation."

"Uh huh," Braeburn said. He scratched the back of his neck with one hoof. "Look, I'd like to help, I really would, but there ain't much that I can do all by myself. I'll take you to see the sheriff, but I don't think he'll tell you much different."

"The least we can do is talk to him," Fluttershy said. "Please, let us come in."

"Well, all right," Braeburn said. "But only cause you're a friend of Applejack."

He led the way down the road. Appleoosa was a much quieter place than Fluttershy remembered from her last visit, that seemed so long ago. The street was deserted, the shops and houses were closed, even the saloon had been boarded up. A pair of tumbleweeds rolled across the street, until one of them got stuck on Glory's foot and she started jumping up and down trying to get it off.

As her travelling companion rolled around on the ground, Fluttershy was led to the sheriff's office by Braeburn. He pushed open the door slowly, and with an obvious degree of reluctance.

"Howdy, Sheriff Silverstar. I know you said not to let anypony come round these parts, but you see this is-"

"Fluttershy!" Little Strongheart said as she climbed to her hooves. Fluttershy saw that the jailhouse was occupied not only by the town sheriff and his deputies but by the young buffalo, her father the chief, and two other buffalo with them. They were all clustered around a table, over which they had draped a map of the surrounding apple orchards. "What are you doing here? Is Rainbow Dash with you?"

"Actually-" Fluttershy began.

"Darn it, Braeburn, I said no visitors, even if they are friends of yours," Sheriff Silverstar growled. "I'm sorry, Miss Fluttershy, but this really isn't any place for tourists right now. Braeburn ought to have told you about our troubles. We should have told others about them before now."

"Excuse me, but-"

"No outside interference," Chief Thunderhooves said forcibly. "The creature should not be harmed."

"It can't stay where it is," Silverstar said. "And you know that as well as I do."

"We can endure the discomfort for a little while," Thunderhooves said. "That is no ordinary trespasser, but a dragon. Who are we to drive it from our land."

"We're the folks who own and live off that land," Silverstar said.

"If I could just-"

"Maybe they've got a point, dad," Little Strongheart murmured.

"You know our traditions as well anyone," Thunderhooves said.

"Yes, but that dragon doesn't seem very friendly," Little Strongheart said. "What if it hurts someone?"

"That is why we need to send for help so that Princess Celestia can send somepony to get rid of it for us," Silverstar declared.

"That might be a little-" Fluttershy tried once again to get a word in edgeways.

"No!" Thunderhooves shouted. "If we wait-"

"How long do we have to wait before it becomes a problem?" Silverstar demanded.

At that point they stopped waiting for another to reply altogether, and just began to talk over one another incessantly. Little Strongheart rolled her eyes. Braeburn smiled apologetically.

And then everyone was silenced by a sound like nails being run down a chalkboard. Fluttershy winced at the shrieking noise, and some of the ponies and buffalo present covered their eyes, as everyone turned to see who and what was causing it.

It turned out to be Glory, who had come in without anyone noticing, and she was dragging one of her armoured gauntlets down the chalkboard at the front of the sheriff's office, containing the list of wanted fugitives and the like. When she had everyone's attention she said, "Right. None of you know me, but I think you this mare here. Now she's got something to say to all of you, something as important as any dragon around these parts, so how about your rest your mouths for a minute and listen to what she has to say." Glory patted Fluttershy on the shoulder. "The floor is yours, Fluttershy."

"Thank you, I think," Fluttershy murmured.

"Your welcome," Glory said cheerily, taking a few steps back so that she could speak without interruption.

Every eye was turned towards her. That alone was sufficient to set her legs trembling.

Remember why you're here. Remember your friends.

"I have come here," Fluttershy began, her voice wavering a little. "To ask for your help. To ask for the aid of ponies and buffalo alike. I am here...I'm here because I need all of you."
"Equestria is in a great deal of trouble. In danger, even, because the trouble comes from a very dangerous pony called Sunset Shimmer. She's already taken prisoner all of my friends, even Princess Twilight, and she might even have taken Canterlot by now, and Princess Celestia with it. She has an army of Imperial zebras with her, and she's tricked or forced other ponies into serving her as well. I don't think she's going to stop with just Canterlot, or with Twilight or Celestia. I think she wants everything, and all of us.
Which is why I need you. Which is why Equestria needs you. The ponies and the buffalo of Appleoosa, the deer and the griffons too. We need everyone to come together and fight this."

"You need us," Thunderhooves said. "But why do we need you?"

"Dad!" Little Strongheart said.

"It is a fair question," Thunderhooves replied. "What has Celestia done for us that we should fight for her?"

"I know that we ponies haven't always treated the buffalo as nicely as we could have done," Fluttershy said. "But believe me when I say that the Grevyians would treat you a lot worse. They have buffalo of their own in their lands, not exactly like but close, and they treat them like slaves, and make them fight for them, and work for them like animals. Maybe you don't think that Celestia cares enough about your problems, but Sunset Shimmer wouldn't care at all because she doesn't care about anypony." Fluttershy's voice began to strengthen, becoming more calm, more confident. "I know that Equestria isn't always perfect; but I think it comes close some of the time, and it does well a lot of the rest of the time. And I also think that, if we let Sunset Shimmer and the zebras take over, it wouldn't be almost perfect, or even close. It would be...it would be terrible. And that's why we need to come together to defend all of the people and all of the things that we care about.
"I can't do anything by myself. I'm not as smart as Applejack or as brave as Rainbow Dash. I'm not a wonderful pony like Twilight is. I'm nervous, and scared, and I don't even speak very well. I can't fight a magical duel, or any other kind of fight. I can only ask you to help me save my friends.
"I can't save Equestria, or stop Sunset Shimmer all by myself. Only you can do that, by standing with me. So I'm asking you: please help take Equestria back!"

She bowed her head, and for a moment all was quiet in the jailhouse.

"You speak well, for someone who claims to be bad at it," Thunderhooves said. "Perhaps you are right."

"I'm convinced," Silverstar said. "Or I would be if there was anything that I could do. But with this dragon just outside of town."

"So if this dragon was gone," Glory said. "Or at least not a problem, you'd all help?"

"Well us ponies couldn't exactly sit idly by while some maniac took over, could we?" Braeburn asked.

"Excellent," Glory said. "Just let me dig out my battleaxe and I'll bring you the head, the tail, the whole darn thing."

"You can't harm a dragon!" Thunderhooves spat.

"Well what do you suggest, big guy?" Glory demanded.

"I'll go and talk to him," Fluttershy said. "I'm sure that if I ask nicely he'll turn out to be reasonable." In actual fact she was sure of no such thing, but then her fears facing the last dragon had turned out to be...okay, they had turned out to be well founded, but things had worked out in the end, and she didn't have a lot of choice at the moment. She couldn't afford to wait for the dragon to leave. For the sake of her friends she would have to face her fears...again.

"No," Glory said. "Absolutely not."

"I have a special connection to animals," Fluttershy explained. "I might be the only pony who can do this."

"Or you might get burned to a crisp," Glory replied.

"And I wouldn't go anywhere near him if I had a choice," Fluttershy murmured. "But I don't see that I do. In spite of my fears, just like I told you."

Glory frowned. "Then I'm coming with you."

"No, you should stay here," Fluttershy said. It wasn't that she didn't trust Glory but...well, she didn't entirely trust Glory. "I'll be okay." I hope.

Sheriff Silverstar nodded. "I'm afraid that there isn't anypony who can show you the way, but I don't think you'll find it too hard to find a dragon in the orchard. It's not like it has anywhere to hide. Good luck, Miss Fluttershy."

"And Fluttershy," Little Strongheart said. "I'm really sorry about your friends. They don't deserve to have this happen to them."

Fluttershy smiled. "Thank you."

Fluttershy walked slowly through the apple trees, glancing this way and that, jumping at the slightest noise. But she did press on, she did not turn away. She couldn't.

"Um...hello?" she whispered. "Is there a...a dragon somewhere near here?"


"Eep!" Fluttershy cried as she jumped into one of the lower branches of the nearest tree.

"It's only me," Glory said as she trotted out from behind a different apple tree. "Are you okay?"

"Yes," Fluttershy said as she glided down to the ground. "What are you doing here?"

"I can't let you risk your life all alone," Glory said. "Whose going to honour our bargain if you get eaten? Nopony will even know that we made a bargain. I have to keep you safe."

"That's why you brought those, I suppose?" Fluttershy said, gesturing to the axe and the halberd slung across Glory's back.

Glory nodded. "You may want to talk to this monster but if he so much as snorts smoke in your direction I'm going to take him out."

"I don't want to hurt him," Fluttershy said. "Dragons aren't bad people. They just make bad choices sometimes."

Glory rolled her eyes. "Anypony would think you didn't like violence."

"I don't."

"And your country is under occupation, how's pacifism working out for you?"

"About as well as being a warrior is working out for your people, I guess."

Glory's eyes narrowed. "Touche. You know you've got quite the sharp tongue under that cutie-pie exterior of yours."

"Um...thank you?"

"Don't worry, I'm not sure if it was a compliment either," Glory said.

Fluttershy sighed. "I suppose I ought to thank you for coming out here when you knew it would be dangerous."

"I laugh in the face of danger," Glory declared. "Then I sock it on the nose with my right hook."

Fluttershy could only shake her head in resignation.

"So," Glory said. "Where do you think this dragon is?"

A deafening roar split the air, striking the clouds and making birds flee from it. Fluttershy found that the hairs on the back of her coat were standing on end and, looking at it, Glory's were as well.

"You think he might be over there?" Glory asked.

Fluttershy nodded. "Probably."

"Do you want to go first?"

"Yes," Fluttershy lied, willing her recalcitrant hooves to start moving.

They beheld the dragon after cresting a small rise, and saw it lying flat on its belly with its wings folded up, head resting in the dirt, opening its mouth to roar but otherwise making no moves at all.

It's lazy appearance did not, to Fluttershy's mind, detract from the scale of the creature before them. This was no Spike, that was certain. This was an enormous beast, larger even than the dragon she and her friends had persuaded to move from that cave up in the mountains. If stretched out through Ponyville it would probably have exceeded the village boundaries. The head alone looked to be bigger than Applejack's barn, and the fangs that protruded over dragon's lips were as large as trees. The dragon was a dark green, with great horns as black as ebony. Its claws, with which it was digging idly into the dirt, were an earthy brown. Smoke was rising idly from nostrils as large as wells.

Fluttershy gulped, and thought desperately of Rainbow Dash as she walked down off the small hillock and down into the little trough of earth in which the great wyrm languished.

"Um, excuse me...sir?" Fluttershy said.

The dragon opened one emerald eye and stared at her for a moment. Then it rose to its feet, slowly but at the same time inexorably, like a mountain driven to erupt out of the earth by the clashing of tectonic plates. His feet left impressions on the ground as deep as Fluttershy was tall, his neck was as long as Steven Magnet, and his throat looked large enough to swallow a carriage whole.

"So," the dragon said, his voice deep and hoarse and old, not just in the scratchy tone and the breathless sound, but in the weariness that Fluttershy could hear within it. "A champion has been found at last. Are you her squire, come to announce my doom has come? Tell your mistress she looks a poor knight, without even a suit of dented armour, let alone the shining raiment that she ought to wear. Still, I suppose I am worth nothing better in this day and age."

Fluttershy blinked. What is he talking about? "I'm afraid I don't-"

"Actually if anyone is the squire here, it's me," Glory said. "I'm not a knight and I'm not here to kill you. That young lady there is here to talk to you."

The dragon turned his gaze on Fluttershy. "Talk? Am I grown so pathetic in my dotage?" He turned away. "Leave me, little pony, I have no desire to talk."

"Then what do you want?" Fluttershy asked.

"I told you I do not want to talk!" the dragon snarled. "Leave me in peace, or I will devour you, and so force your fellows to send a true champion."

Glory took out her axe. "Right, that does it; get away from him, Fluttershy."

"Glory!" Fluttershy cried. "Put that away."

"You heard him, he doesn't want to talk."

"Yes, he does," Fluttershy said. "He just doesn't realise it yet." She sat down. "Please, won't you tell me your name."

The dragon was silent for a moment. "Fafnir," he said.

Fluttershy nodded. "It's nice to meet you, Fafnir. My name is Fluttershy, and this is my friend Glory Seeker."

"...Hi," Glory said after a moment.

Fafnir made a rumbling sound within his throat. "Do I inspire so little fear in you that not even the threat of death will make you leave me?"

"I don't think that you would eat two ponies for nothing," Fluttershy said calmly. "I don't think that you're a bad person. You just seem sad about something, and I'd like to find out what it is. What are you doing here?"

"Waiting," Fafnir said. "Waiting in vain, it seems."

"Waiting for what?" Fluttershy said.

"For some bold knight, glimmering and gallant and ardent for glory, to make an end of me," Fafnir said. "When I was young there were many such. I even devoured a few, when they dared to trespass in my lair. It is true that I have not seen their like in many years, but I had thought - ah, vanity - that I had become too fearsome to be challenged. Yet now it seems the world has changed while I slept, and there are no knights left. Only mares who wish to talk with me." He glared balefully at Fluttershy.

"You wanted...to be killed?" Fluttershy murmured, her tone anxious. "But why?"

"Who cares why?" Glory said. "Hold on there, pal, I'll just get a running start."

"Glory!" Fluttershy snapped.

"You've got no idea how jealous Virtue is going to be when he finds out I'm a dragonslayer."

"I don't care," said Fluttershy sharply. "I won't let you hurt him."

Glory pouted. "Equestrian ponies always spoiling my fun."

"Let her," Fafnir sighed. "She is no knight, but if she is the next best thing then she will do. Do you not want me gone? Do you not want your apple orchard back?"

"I want to find out what's made you so sad that you would...that you would want this," Fluttershy said. "Won't you tell me what the matter is?"

Fafnir blinked, and for a few moments he said nothing. Eventually he whispered, "I have lived too long."

"What do you mean?"

Fafnir made another rumbling noise within his throat, and when he raised his head up out of the dirt Fluttershy saw a tear run down his scales. "I am old, Fluttershy. I have lived over a thousand years upon this earth. I remember when Luna and Celestia were young. I remember when Discord ruled Equestria and made me dance for him as a hatchling babe, I remember when your two princesses battled for the crown. I have slept for centuries, but I have lived for centuries also, and when I am awake I travel every year, through the skies, to join the great migration of my people to our nesting grounds.
"I was so strong once. I am as tall as a mountain, I am as long as a river, and once I was as strong as an army and as hot as a forest fire. My scales were as hard as rock and steel and my claws were as sharp as diamond. No dragon was as strong as I, and after a while none dared to challenge my dominance. Once we reached the nesting grounds I would have the choicest seat, in the very centre of things, and the she-dragons would compete to be my mate.
"Then I grew old, though I knew it not. Old age stole upon me like a thief, like some burglar creeping into my hoard to steal my trinkets. My scales grew soft, my strength fled, my fire died, but I did not realise it until, when I arrived at the nesting grounds at the end of the migration, I found another had taken my place, a younger dragon with scales as red as blood and eyes that burned like fire. With a might roar I demanded that he make way for me, but he refused. We fought...and I was fortunate to escape with my life."

Fafnir swung his head around so that Fluttershy, who had hitherto only seen the right side of him, could see the left of his head, face and neck. What she saw made her gasp in shock. The left side of Fafnir's face had been torn to ribbons: his eye was gone, his scales had been ripped out, red and angry slashing wounds disfigured him. There were more claw marks and bite marks on his neck, where most of his scales had been ripped away. Caring for animals had given Fluttershy a good eye for injuries, and her eye confirmed that Fafnir was not exaggerating when he told her he was lucky to be alive.

"I was forced to retreat to the very edges of the nesting grounds, and I took no mates this year," Fafnir said. "I have lived too long. My strength is past, my prime is behind me, ahead is only an eternity of dotage as my strength is sapped, my gold is stolen, my life becomes more unbearable with every passing day.
"And so I came here, to find some bold knight to finish me, except that now I find there are no knights, and no relief.
"Let your friend do her work. Here is my neck, let her swing the axe."

Fluttershy rose to her hooves. "No!" she declared. "No, you can't. How can you even think about something that? I won't allow it!"

"Do you think your the only person who seems like they're in a hopeless place? Do you think your even the only person to feel that way right now? Right here?"

"Do you claim to understand my pain?" Fafnir asked, sounding more amused than anything.

"Right now, my friends are all held captive by maniac," Fluttershy cried. "Right now, a pony that I love has been imprisoned by magic, and I don't even know if she's still alive or not." Her eyes were beginning to water, but she didn't care. What was it to her if this dragon saw her cry. "My home has been occupied by a foreign army. So has the capital city, and Princess Celestia and Princess Luna have been taken prisoner too. I...I don't know if any of the ponies that I care about are safe." She stifled a sob. "And I've been told to fix all of it. Me. Fluttershy, the shy pegasus who talks to animals because she doesn't have the courage to talk to other ponies. Me, Fluttershy, the weak one, the cowardly one, the one whose always holding everpony back. I'm the one who has to make everything better. I have to raise an army, I have to retake Canterlot, I have to save my friends. Don't you think that that feels hopless sometimes? Don't you think I lie awake at night wondering how I can do this, how anypony could expect me to do this? Don't you think there are times when I want to curl up into a ball and give up? But I don't, I keep on moving, I keep on trying, because I have to. Because we all have to, no matter how tough it gets, don't you see? That's the only way that it will ever get better."

She stopped and took a deep breath even as she began to wipe the tears from her face. Glory's eyes were as wide as saucers, and her jaw hung open. Fafnir was staring at her in astonishment.

"You shame me, little Fluttershy," Fafnir rumbled. "In courage I am the mouse, and you are the dragon."

"And I'm the ant," Glory muttered.

Fluttershy shook her head. "I'm just a pony, that's all."

"A pony who has given me a greater gift than any golden crown I ever stole," Fafnir said. "I will trouble these good ponies no more. Instead I shall help you in your great battle, to save your friends."

Fluttershy gasped. "Really?"

Fafnir nodded. "If I can help you to recover your hope, perhaps I can recover mine as well. So let the enemies of Fluttershy beware, for I have yet a little fire and strength enough to make a difference!" He let out an ear spitting roar as his wings, tattered and torn but still large enough to encompass the entirety of Celestia's palace beneath their shadow, spread out and Fafnir took flight, soaring up into the sky before he began to circle overhead, as if he were waiting for Fluttershy to point him in the direction of the great battle.

"So, you've not only recruited a buffalo army but you've got a dragon too," Glory said. "Nice going."

Fluttershy stared up at Fafnir overhead. "I don't know what to say."

"You don't need to say anything, you're being praised," Glory said. "Virtue told me you were stronger than you seemed, I'm starting to think he didn't know the half of it."

Two days later, Fluttershy watched the ponies of Appleoosa and the buffalo who lived round about march out together. Chief Thunderhooves and Sheriff Silverstar were at the head of the column, and a great host of ponies and buffalo followed them, while Fafnir flew overhead, casting his shadow over the world.

"Ponies and buffalo going to war with a dragon," Braeburn muttered. "Who would have thought it."

"His presence is a good omen," Little Strongheart said. "We will succeed, especially if Fluttershy can produce more miracles."

Fluttershy blushed. "I didn't really do anything."

"You must have done, cause it wasn't me," Glory said.

Fluttershy smiled. "Braeburn, Little Strongheart, thank you for agreeing to come with me. I could use a little more company upon the road."

"Don't mention it Fluttershy," Braeburn said. "I couldn't just wait for you to call on us while Applejack was in trouble. She's family after all, and you're an honorary part of the family yourself."

"And I think there will be some more fine adventures in store for us if we follow you," Little Strongheart said.

Fluttershy didn't find that prospect quite as exciting as the others did, but she led the way nonetheless.

Towards the Whitetail Wood.

Author's Note:

An administrative note: Starlight Nova is away on private business for an unspecified period so, if future chapters look less polished it's because they aren't being preread. I hope you'll all join me in wishing Starlight all the best.

This chapter title is a reference to the fact that the primary inspiration for Fluttershy's plot in this story is Bioware RPGs (the whole 'go to A, B and C and recruit X, Y and Z to join your army' is the plot of both Dragon Age and the Mass Effect trilogy.) Originally this chapter was going to read a lot like an RPG playthough, so that people would stand around waving for Fluttershy (the PC) to talk to them so that they could give her sidequests, while the NPCs (Glory, Braeburn and Little Strongheart) would chatter to one another but not talk to Fluttershy unless she initiated it, etc. I found I didn't really work, so what we have is a much more conventional chapter. Which is probably for the best.