• Published 7th Aug 2013
  • 1,260 Views, 55 Comments

Another Day - PonyTom

When the Mane Six (and Big Mac) go camping, things take a turn for the worse fast.

  • ...

A-Camping We Will Go

"Ugh. Another month, another Topaz..."

Spike put tape on the corners of a sheet of paper and slapped it against the lamp post. The paper itself was a poster, depicting a ragged, stuffed doll and a little unicorn filly. The poster read as thus:

"Have you seen me?
My name is Smartypants
I'm a cherished stuffed pony and
I have been missing for two years!
If you find me, please return me to
my family (Twilight Sparkle) at your
earliest convenience!"

"Oh, what is that, Spike?"

Spike turned around to see Applejack staring at the poster, tilting her head a bit. "Oh, hi Applejack," greeted the dragon, "Twilight's been looking for Miss Smartypants for a year now. Every month she takes a day to give concentrated effort into finding her, but nothing has turned up yet."

Applejack hummed. "Strange. Ah swear that doll looks familiar..." She pondered on this a few moments before shaking her head. "Speakin' of Twilight, she gonna be able t' make th' camping trip t'day? Ah know she said she would but Ah figured Ah'd make sure somethin' didn't come up."

Spike smiled and nodded. "Oh yeah! She's been planning for that too. It's not very often that she gets to go camping, and she wants to experience the great outdoors!" He looked up at the poster. "She said that much as she cares for Smartypants, if she's still in Ponyville now, she probably won't be anywhere else for a while."

Applejack nodded. "Right... what's so important about that doll anyway?"

Spike sighed, rubbing his forehead. "What isn't? Mom made it for her when she was a little baby, and Twilight has had her ever since. She had forgotten all about her after that 'Want it, Need it' situation for a while, until she was going through her trunk a little over a year ago and found she was missing and remembered the last time she had seen her she was being thrown about by various crazy spell-bound ponies."

Applejack nodded. "Ah see...." She placed a hoof up on the top of her head, scratching a bit. "Well, Ah'll be sure t' tell y'all if'n Ah see anything, Ah s'pose."

Spike smiled a bit thankfully. "Thanks Applejack. It'd be really good if somepony found her... Twilight gets really frustrated when she looks for her and depressed when nothing comes up... it's temporary but still, I hate to see her so upset at the end of the day."

Applejack gave a small nod. "Anywho... out of curiosity, does Twilight know anythin' about healin' magic?" Applejack looked aside a bit, shame taking over her featurs. "Big Mac sorta had a bit of an accident an' broke 'is nose a bit. Doc says it shouldn't disfigure 'em any, but he's still feelin' some discomfort an' Ah was hopin' she might help?"

Spike blinked. "Oh, you mean from when you hit him in the head with a vase?"

The farm pony balked a bit. "Hu-wha... how did you know!?"

Spike chuckled. "Eh, the Cutie Mark Crusaders came by the Library today to find out that very same thing. They figured they might get a cutie mark in medicine if they could at LEAST help somepony get better... not sure how that works or if Cutie-Marks can form by the act of trying alone, but yeah."


Spike shrugged. "Twilight said that she could read up on it, but she can't promise she could help very much. Said healing took a lot of effort and energy."

Applejack let out a sigh, hanging her head. "Well, thanks anyway Ah guess."

The dragonling nodded. "She DID, however, write Celestia and ask if she knew anything. We haven't received a response yet, so don't get your hopes up."

The farm pony seemed to ponder this before giving a small nod to the dragon. "Alright, Spike. Ah guess that's more than Ah have any right t' ask fer. Thanks a billion."

"Ah, don't worry about it," responded Spike with a dismissive wave of his claw. "Twilight loves helping her friends. As the local Princess, she feels it's more her duty now than ever before!"


"A cure for a damaged snout? What, Applebloom, is this about?"

Three fillies stood at the threshold of a home built in a tree, staring at the zebra who lived therein. "Applejack hit mah brother in th' face an' busted his snout. He's kinda hurtin', an' Ah was hopin' ya might know how t' fix it?"

Zecora tapped a hoof to her chin. "Oh my, that sounds quit bad. How often does she get so mad?"

Applebloom shook her head. "Oh, no, she wadn't mad!" said Applebloom in defense, understanding what Zecora was thinking. "Mah sister aint abusive! She jus' thought he was a burglar cause he was out playin' poker late and tried to sneak inta th' house last night!"

Zecora nodded in understanding, a look of relief crossing her features. "I see, that's good! No need for consern. Such a home one should not return." The Zebra turned to look into her hut. "Many brews have I to help and heal... but a unicorn could do more, I feel."

"Aww! What!" shouted the buttery yellow filly. "Ah thought you had miracle salves an' stuff! Like th' potion that fixed mah tooth!"

The older Zebra smiled. "Yes, that is true young filly, but listen up and do not be silly. That mixture was taken shortly after the break - fresher damage to heal in a hoof shake. If your brother was injured last night, then it had been too long by morning light. The most, I fear, I can do is this..." She reached into a nearby shelf and pulled out a small poultice. "To ease his pain; a little bliss."

The three fillies stared at the gift of the Zebra, before Sweetie Belle spoke up. "It aint drugs, is it? Miss Cheerilee said never to take drugs..."

The Zebra could not help but laugh, shaking her head. "Wise you are, you fillies three! But this is a salve made from a tree! If one rubs it on their aches, be it wounds or bone breaks, it calms the pain and cools the fire, quenching ones' physical ire."

The three fillies looked to each other a bit and sighed. "Well..." started Applebloom, "... The docs already gave Mac some painkillers, but Ah guess long as mixin' this with them isn't bad..."

The Zebra shook her head. "Heavens no, one should not ingest this balm of which I invest! Rub it on the wound, don't eat! It's a balm, not a treat!"

"What?" said Applebloom. "So... what happens if'n ya eat it?"

Zecora sighed. "Important to know, some of the ingrediants are powerful chemicals and active inebriants. It may also have Hallucinigenic qualities as well, but they're relatively rare, so that much is swell."

The fillies nodded as if to understand - they didn't. "Well, Ah guess that makes sense... well, thanks a bunch, Zecora! We'll go give this to 'em right away!"

The Zebra gave a gentle smile. "It is no problem, young Crusader. Do take care, and see you later!"


"Oh Angel, I don't know if I should go or not!"

The small rabbit stared at his owner (well, more like servant in his eyes, but that depends on who's asking) as she sat on her haunches. "I love my friends, and I want to go camping, b-but I'm afraid of the wilderness. What if something bad happens?"

Angel began to chitter and wave his forepaws around.

"Oh, I know I'm friends with almost all the animals in the woods, and that I can befriend any new animal I met with ease. It's not the animals I'm afraid of. It's just... well... what if a hunter sees one of us and thinks we're an animal? What if we stumble onto Diamond Dog territory? What if we..." Fluttershy gasped and retreated into her own body. "What if we wake a sleeping dragon?" She spoke barely above a whisper.

Angel responded with yet more chittering.

"What?" said Fluttershy, looking at her pet. "Do you really think I'm over thinking all of this?"

More chittering, arm flailing, and hopping.

"I... I guess that kind of makes sense... after all, we are sort of heroes, and Twilight Sparkle is one of the most powerful magicians in Equestria..."

More chittering from Angel, this time eliciting a gasp from Fluttershy.

"Angel! Watch your language!" The rabbit crossed his arms and stared almost defiantly up at her. She returned with a glare. The rabbit's will seemed to slowly break as he leaned back some before relenting and nodding apologetically, earning a smile from Fluttershy. "That's better... but... I suppose you do have a point. This might help me make new woodland critter friends."

The rabbit smiled and nodded, hopping up and down.

"Well..." said the butter yellow tree wannabe, "I guess that settles it then! Just... I'll need somepony to watch you while I'm away."

Angel scowled.

"Oh Angel, I know you feel you can be trusted home alone, but after that fire you started trying to cook your own dinner, mama doesn't trust you" she cooed gently. "It's not that I don't love you, I just don't think I'd return to a cottage."


"Hmm... what to bring what to bring..."

Sweetie Belle watched as her elder sister rummaged through various odds and ends. "Oh dear! I want to be fashionable and make sure I have all of the basic necessities... but the question is, what is absolutely required?"

"Well..." chimed Sweetie Belle, "Why not just bring a tent, some food, a canteen of water, and basic toiletries? It's camping, there's really no need to bring all your brushes, combs, perfumes, makeups, shampoos, conditioners, moisturisers, hoof polishes, curlers, and so on... is there?"

"No ne- No NEED!?" shouted Rarity at her sister. "Dear sister, I am shocked! What sort of travesty is it that I would EVER go ANYWHERE without everything I need to look my absolute best!?"

Sweetie Belle shrugged and decided Rarity knew best, and went back to her alphabet soup. She stared in it for a few moments as she read the letters that were left.


"Well, they ARE going camping..." said Sweetie Belle, shrugging as she finished her lunch.



Rainbow Dash looked around her home for a moment. "Another tough day at work... good thing I got done early, and a good thing the rain is scheduled to stay around Ponyville and away from our trip." She trotted towards her room and was greeted by a small tortoise on a propeller that drifted to her and nuzzled her nose. "Oh, hi Tank! How are you, buddy?"

The tortoise responded with silence.

"So, I think everypony's getting ready. I'm gonna leave you with Snowflake while we're away. Can you be a good boy?"

The tortoise replied with a long lick of her cheek.

"Good! I just gotta pack up and we can take off!" She leaned forward to give her favorite reptile a nuzzle - something she'd try to keep short in public but enjoyed in her home. "Who's a good boy? Hoosh a good boy!?"

The reptile responded with a slow, happy smile.

"Right! Best grab my tent, sleeping bag, canteen, and a box of crackers or something!"


Big Mac stared around his room for a bit.

Before him lay a simple tent-building kit, a simple fire-making kit, a canteen, a bag of food supplies, and a sleeping bag. Something was missing, however. He looked around quickly, and trotted towards his closet, opening it. Reaching in, he pulled from it a ragged, stuffed pony doll. A smile crossed his face as he stuck the doll in his saddlebag, next to his pain killers.

"Oh, hey Big Mac!"

The red stallion jump-turned around, quick to close the bag, eyes wide, to behold his youngest sister. "Oh, uh, h-howdy..."

Applebloom quirked a brow. "You okay Big Mac? Ya look awful scared..."

Big Mac looked around. "Eeyup..."

The filly seemed to buy it - maybe she thought he was jumpy because of his injury? Best not to question it. "Well, alrighty then!" said Applebloom. "Before y'all went on yer trip, Ah wanted t' give you this! Zecora gave it to me this mornin', and Ah wanted to be sure you got it. She said it'd make yer nose feel better." She reached behind herself and pulled from her back a small poultice and presented it to him. Big Mac gently held his hooves out to take it from her, staring at it a second to analyze it. The red stallion then smiled to his sister and reached out to pat her head.

"Thanks, Applebloom."

"Yer welcome!" shouted the filly, who beamed at the praise given by her brother. She turned and trotted out of the room to return to whatever she had going otherwise. Big Mac once more turned to look at the poultice, scratching his mane. He shrugged, and placed it into his saddlebag with Smartypants and his pain killers.


Twilight sighed, staring at the empty chest before her. She didn't even acknowledge the sound of the front door opening and shutting. "Twilight!" shouted Spike, "I'm home! I've put posters all over town and everything... uhh... so... you packed up for your camping trip?"

Twilight nodded. "I have everything. Sleeping bag, supplies, how-to guides on camping and wilderness survival, first-aid kit... Rarity's bringing a big tent so we won't need to bring one..." Twilight sighed as she relented, shutting the chest. "Alright... well, no point worrying now. I got a trip to enjoy." Twilight's horn glowed a soft magenta color, and her saddlebags and a camping bag levitated towards her and landed atop her back. "Spike, you remember the rules, right?"

"No staying up past 10 PM, no midnight snacks, no Crusaders?"


Spike sighed. "No ice cream unless I've eaten dinner."

Twilight smiled. "Good. Now, you be good, and I'll buy you a nice, juicy ruby when I come home!" With that, the lavender mare trotted towards the door and opened it and stepped outside.


"Okay... 'Snowflake!' Yes, he sounds like a nice pony!" said Fluttershy as she knocked on the door. It opened up, and standing within the doorway was a massive, white-coated pegasus stallion with red eyes and a short-cut mane.

Fluttershy's eyes narrowed to pinpricks and she huddled down into herself and trembled as Angel let out a small whistle of amazement.

"M-my name is F... ffffluttershy... I-I-I was t-t-t-told yyyyyou c-c-c-"

"Watch your pets? Like Rainbow Dash's turtle?"


"Yeah, sure, why not?"

Fluttershy simply stared up in intimidation. The stallion quirked a brow. "You gonna be okay?"

The little rabbit next to her rolled his eye and kicked her in the hoof, waking her from her stupor. "I-I-I'm fffine... yyyyyyou'll b-be good to him, right? He likes... salad... and carrots..."

Snowflake shrugged. "Yeah, I'm good with rabbits. Aunt owned a pet store."

Fluttershy sighed a bit and stood a bit taller, though she was still very nervous and distant. "O-okay... uh... well... he can be a bit cranky if he doesn't get his way... fair warning..."

The pegasus grinned down at the little rabbit. "I think me and he are going to get along famously."

Angel's ears folded back and he hugged onto Fluttershy's hoof.

"I'll miss you too, Sweety, but mama's gotta go now." Fluttershy peeled the rabbit from her leg and nuzzled him, placing him in the hooves of the massive stallion slowly. "I'll be back tomorrow, so be a good bunny until then."

Fluttershy waved goodbye and trotted on down the street. Snowflake brought the rabbit into his house and shut the door. "So, little rabbit... how about I show you my gym and we do some POWER LIFTING!"

Angel let out a tiny scream of terror.


"Well, everypony here an' accounted for?"

Six mares stood next to a large cart full of what was likely Rarity's supplies (who, unlike the others, was not wearing a camp-carrying bag, just her saddlebags and a massive hat). "Not yet" said Applejack, "Big Mac's gonna be here any second."

As if on queue, the group was greeted by the sight of the red stallion, who waved at them and smiled. "Howdy." It caught everypony's attention that he had a bandage on the bridge of his snout and a dark tint to his left eye. Everypony kept quiet, save one.

"Whoa, big guy! What happened to ya!?" shouted Rainbow Dash. "Where did you get that shiner!?"

"That's kinda mah fault... " admitted Applejack. "Kinda... thought... he was a burglar last night... an'... yeah..."

Rainbow stared at Mac a few seconds before turning to Applejack. "What did you hit him with? A frying pan!?"

"A vase, actually..." said Applejack. "One that Ah kinda broke on 'is head. Granny ain't too happy with me right now."


"Well!" said Pinkie Pie. "I guess we're all ready for our little trip then?"

The ponies exchanged glances, then nodded. Big Mac trotted towards the large cart and set his harness to it, and then the ponies began to make their trek from the acres, and out of Ponyville itself.