• Published 7th Aug 2013
  • 1,258 Views, 55 Comments

Another Day - PonyTom

When the Mane Six (and Big Mac) go camping, things take a turn for the worse fast.

  • ...


Through twisting vision she looked up to see the sun, past it's xenith in the sky, which began to tint with orange and yellow colors. She let her sights drift back down to the sight before her; naught but an orange mane and two red ears poking up from either side. Her vision was blurring around the edges, movement causing her to become dizzy to the point she almost felt sick. She felt a tinge of warmth in her brow; it did not abode well. Then she looked to see that all the trees were staring at her. Did Big Mac see these trees? They were looking at her, but not like they were mad. They just seemed curious! Dare she say, even friendly!

"The trees want to play a game of tag..."

"Nnope..." he said with a hint of worry.

"Oh..." she said, almost dejectedly, resting her head on the back of his. "Do you think trees fall in love?"

Big Mac rolled his eyes. "Maybe?"

Twilight sighed. "Poor trees... they're rooted to the ground... if only they could embrace each other... whisper sweet nothings... have tree babies..." She giggled. "Oh wait, they do. But they need bees and birds and stuff to do that..." She fell silent for what seemed the longest while. Big Mac had hoped that it would hold. "Big Mac, do birds and bees count as prostitutes, or as donation agents for their troubles?" The stallion didn't know what to say to the alicorn mare on his back currently tripping quite hard as a result of a mix of the venom in her system and having asked for some of the herbal paste Zecora had made for him. She had asked him for some to ease the pain and in the hopes it might slow the progression of the poison in her body, though he didn't know if it really worked.

"They're jus' doin' what comes naturally..."

"Prostitutes it is then!" Twilight let out a giggle and nearly fell off his back, though Big Mac helped shift her back into place to stop that from happening. It was getting quite late, and they'd need to eat eventually; especially Twilight. Big Mac was not about to worry about shelter if he didn't have to, after all, he could see pretty well in the dark, and trusted his body to be able to make the trek home.

"Pain meds?"

Twilight nodded, reaching her hoof to the side and opening the bag. She pulled the bottle from it, tried to get it open, but to no avail; her hooves were too weak. She then used magic to try to pop it open with more success.

More than Big Mac would have liked.

She popped it open, and startled herself in the process; the bottle popping open and pills falling everywhere into the dirt. Big Mac looked back at the mess, his expression almost mournful of the loss. A few pills had been spared the same fate as their brothers, but not a lot. He knew it would be pointless to do much more about it at this time, so instead he took the bottle and stopped, pouring one pill into a hoof and tossing that in his mouth. Reaching for his canteen himself, he took a sip, while Twilight latched onto his yoke so she didn't slide off his back as he put more weight on his back legs for balance. He set the bottle and canteen back into his bag and sighed, trotting away, hoping that no poor animal decided to eat those meds and accidentally overdose.

"Sorry... "

"Nuthin' ta---"

"I-I-I just wanted to help, b-but but but... it 'sploded..."

Big Mac sighed, feeling the dull pain in his nose slowly ebb away. "Salright..."


"Dearies, I think it best we forget the map and just try to find our way back to camp..."

Rainbow Dash and Applejack turned to Rarity, who seemed more than a little uncomfortable at her own speaking. "It's not that I don't think we'd ever find it, but with Rainbow's injuries, I feel it wise that we try to find camp without it instead of roaming about looking for it. At least the camp is hard to miss; that map could be anywhere."

Applejack turned to look at her friend and sighed, shaking her head. "Yer right, Rarity. Not only is it hard t' tell if Rainbow's right on where she landed, that map coulda been dragged off by animals or th' wind or been ripped t' shreds entirely... we're just gonna have t' try t' find th' camp first. If'n it comes to it, we'll jus' leave th' woods entirely. Ah'm sure everypony'd understand, given Rainbow Dash's injuries."

This only made the rainbow maned mare sigh. Applejack shook her head, understanding that Rainbow Dash hated being pitied; but it was the truth. She was hurt, and her friends had to help her to the best of their ability.

"Rainbow, Ah think we're jus' gonna try t' get outta these here woods an' hoof it back t' Ponyville."

Rainbow shot up. "What!? We can't! What about Pinkie, or Fluttershy?"

"Pinkie was a scout, remember dear?" said Rarity, smiling. "As I said before, if anypony can do well out here, it's her and Fluttershy."

Rainbow Dash grimaced, looking around. "Uh... what about... Big Mac? Twilight? And Rarity's stuff?"

Rarity waved her hoof. "It's... true that it's a shame to leave my things behind, but you're more important to me, dear. I can always buy and/or make those things again. It'd be impossible to replace a Rainbow Dash." Rarity couldn't help bit smile at her own comment; even Rainbow had to try not to.

"As fer Big Mac an' Twilight, Ah figure Mac knows th' way back better than any of us. He's always had a good sense of direction, and if nothin' else he'd know how t' get outta the woods. Twilight's in good hooves so long as she does what he asks her t' do." Applejack nodded. "You on th' other hand are perdy banged up. We wanna get ya to a doctor b'fore those injuries have a chance to get infected or somethin'."

Rainbow Dash shook her head. "Fine... "


Pinkie Pie stared at the campfire she was readying for the longest time. She felt like it was stirring something in her brain; some far off memory or idea that made sense. Staring at it just tickled something in her, something that wanted to be known.

"We should probably make our way back to Ponyville..."

Pinkie gasped and looked to Fluttershy. "Wh... but... what about the others?"

Fluttershy shook her head, sighing. "Pinkie, it's been over twenty four hours sinse we've seen any of them. We should go back to Ponyville and get help, find other ponies to help us look for them. If we just sit here waiting for them, there's no telling what will happen." The butter yellow mare turned to look at her pink friend. "We've got to do this for them, Pinkie Pie. We can't find them alone..."

Pinkie looked to Fluttershy for a few seconds, her expression visibly saddening, and she gave a slow nod. Fluttershy hugged her friend. "I'm sorry Pinkie, but it has to be done."

The two ponies had begun gathering their belongings, but stopped after thinking better of it.

They left the camp, fully intact, even leaving their own things behind in case somepony came back. Somepony who might need it much more than they did.


The sun was beginning to set.

The sky was painted with oranges, reds, and purples, the woods growing visibly darker, but Big Mac wasn't too worried; he could already see the edge. It wouldn't be long before they were out of the woods. He turned back to look at Twilight; she was terrible. Her mane was a mess, her nose had run a little, and her eyes weren't focused at all. Her breathing was slower, and she had become extremely limp on his back.

"Hang in there..." he said. "Edge of the woods..."

Twilight didn't respond quickly. After several seconds, she spoke in a tired, raspy voice. "Big Mac...?"


"... I don't think I'm going to make it..."

"Course ya will." He really didn't know. He wanted to believe what he was saying, but he really had no idea how long it took for the Blue Sage bite to deal it's worst. She was barely conscious as it was, and he could feel the life leaving her body. "Ah'll run." With that, he started to trot faster, trying not to go too fast so the mare on his back would remain comfortable.

"Big Mac...? Can I ask you a question...?"


"... Why did you keep Smartypants?"

He really didn't want to talk about this. He was already feeling ashamed and, by his own admittance, a little angry at her for it. However, in her condition, he couldn't keep being mad at her, and felt he did owe her at least that much. He sighed a bit, thinking of the best way to put it.


No response.

Normally, Big Mac didn't say more than needed to be said. This time, however, he felt more needed to be said.

"Didn't have many friends growin' up..." he said. "Caramel... Cheerilee... Caramel's datin', Cheerilee works, an' so do Ah..." He shrugged as he ran. "Not much time."

Twilight blinked unevenly. "I thought you had other friends? Like Lyra, and Rainbow, and Snowflake?"

Big Mac smirked. "Rainbow's okay... but she comes fer Applejack. She invited Snowflake..." He paused mentally and thought it over. "No idea where Lyra came from..."

Twilight nodded. "... So... why did you keep Smartypants?"

He sighed. "Keep a secret?" Twilight nodded. "Never had toys growin' up... saw that beat up doll... reminded me of myself..."

"... You don't look beat up or worn down..."

Big Mac shrugged. "Ah wear it well. Work defines me." He smiled a bit as he thought of it. "She gives me peace of mind."

Twilight laughed weakly at this, eliciting a raised brow from Big Mac. "What's so funny?"

"You call her 'her'... instead of 'it'...."

Big Mac shrugged. "So?"

Twilight sighed. "It means you give her more value than most ponies would a doll. You treat her like you would a pony..."

Big Mac blushed and shrugged. "Reckon so."

It fell quiet again.

"Big Mac?"


"I'm sorry for the things I said..."

Big Mac turned to look back at her. "Now don't--"

He stopped when he noticed she had tears in her eyes.

"I... I was just so... surprised to see her again, and upset that you had her the whole time, I stopped thinking... and what I said to you was wrong, and horrible... and you have every right to hate me for it..."

Big Mac sighed, grimacing. "Ah don't hate you..."

Twilight sniffled a bit. "B-But... I said such terrible, awful things..."

The stallion shook his head. "Been told lots of terrible things. Won't lie... ya hurt me." He shrugged again. "Ah don't hold grudges. Aint mad at ya at all."

Twilight sniffled. "... R.... really?"

He nodded, smiling a bit. "Eeyup."

Twilight smiled a bit. "... Thanks, Big Mac..."

He nodded. "Yer welcome..."

He stopped momentarily as he saw something else in the distance.

"... Is that...?"



"Yeah, Rainbow?"

Rainbow Dash looked up to her friend, eyes pained and tired. "... I wanted to apologize for all of this..."

Applejack shrugged. "Think nothin' of it, Sugar Cube. It's the least Ah could do fer my friend."

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. "Not this... I meant everything. For getting our friends lost and ruining the trip..."

Applejack groaned. "Rainbow, ain't we been over this already? Look, Ah can see th' edge of the woods. You can gimme yer apologies when yer not so mopey from yer injuries."

"No... it's not right... this was supposed to be fun, and I ruined it Applejack..."

Rarity sighed. "Rainbow, dear, you simply must get over this..."

"Rarity's right, Dash..." responded Applejack. "Yer just stressed out. Some R n' R an' you'll be back to yer good ol' self in no time."

Rainbow simply scowled. "Then maybe I deserve to be stressed..."

Everypony looked to her.

"I... I don't want ponies to think of me as ungrateful or full of myself... I want to be amazing, but sometimes I get so carried away.... right now I don't feel that... I just feel the reality of the situation, that there's nothing to blow up... that I'm... I'm...."


Rarity's choice of words seemed to physically hurt the pegasus. "Y-yeah... but like I'm being more honest too... and I want you to know Applejack..." Rainbow Dash looked to Applejack, gulping. "... that... I'm sorry I messed this up for you...."

Applejack sighed, shaking her head. "Salright, Rainbow... Ah ain't mad. Ah'm jus' happy t' help is all..."

The three ponies continued their walk in silence. Eventually, Applejack stopped and squinted. "Wait... is that....?"


"Do you think they're okay?"

Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy had already crossed the threshold out of the woods. Pinkie was visibly worried at the idea of leaving their friends behind, but she still seemed to put her trust into Fluttershy.

"I'm sure they're fine, Pinkie... we've got to have faith in our friends."

The two mares turned to take one last glance into the woods.

Then they saw something.

"Hey... is that...?"

Suddnely, Applejack emerged from the treeline, rushing forward. "Holy horse apples! Flutters, Pinkie! We found ya! Ah though y'all were lost in th' woods!" She turned around. "We gotta go back in, Rainbow's banged up, an' she's with me an' Rarity! We should prolly head back t' camp an' see if Twilight n' Big Mac are--"

"They're not with you?"

Fluttershy's words seemed to piece the entire group.

"No... we left 'em in th' camp t' look fer you girls n' Rainbow..."

Fluttershy frowned. "... we were in the camp for the past twelve hours, I think... a bear had ransacked the place... we figured you girls ran away..."

Silence fell on the group. Applejack's mouth moving wordlessly. "Y... y'all don't think th' bear got mah brother or..."

"No..." spoke the butter mare. "... There were no bones, no sign of a struggle, and there was no smell of death... the bear didn't eat them or mortally wound them..."

"Then where--"


Everypony turned to see Big Mac pass the tree line. As he got closer, they could make out he had something on his back; or rather, somepony, and his expression was nothing short of panicked. A short distance away, Rarity and Rainbow Dash had just exited the woods as well, staring at Big Mac as he rushed towards the group.

"Ponyville! Now!" he shouted, the utmost urgency painting his expression. Applejack and Fluttershy rounded to see that Twilight was unconscious, and her left forehoof was very swollen and turning a blueish black color. "Bue Sage." he shouted. "Last night! Hurry!" Applejack and Fluttershy's expressions both became of grave worry, everypony else just confused.

"Girls, we've gotta book it. Rainbow, get on mah back."