• Published 7th Aug 2013
  • 1,258 Views, 55 Comments

Another Day - PonyTom

When the Mane Six (and Big Mac) go camping, things take a turn for the worse fast.

  • ...

Revelations and Disaster

It was dinner time at the Apple residence, and everypony was present; gnawing and eating on their meals. Contrary to popular beleif, the Apples did not eat apples every day; while it was, indeed, their main export, they grew a personal garden of various other fruits and vegetables, which had been used to make Granny Smith's own vegetable soup. Everypony rather loved the meal; it was a favorite, especially for when you were sick or injured.

Big Mac wondered if Twilight and Rainbow Dash might want some when they got out of the hospital?

"-- And THEN yer granddaddy an' me got into a fight! We was both wieldin' knives an' starin' each other down on th' deck, and neither one of us was gonna let th' other get away with that treasure!" Everypony knew it wasn't true; Granny's stories about how she met their grandfather changed every time she told them. "He went fer mah hoof, an' Ah dodged and got 'em in the cheek! That's where that scar he had came from!" The scar had, in fact, come from a farming accident. "And then he shanked me in th' back! That's where that scar on mah back came from!" That scar wasn't even vaguely knife-like; it was a bite scar from a Timberwolf attack she was lucky to survive. Her coat grew over it so you couldn't see it unless you looked for it. "An' after hours of knife attacks, we finally decided ta split th' booty knowin' neither of us was gonna beat the other!"

Applejack smirked. "Sounds like a hoot, granny."

"Dern right it was!" shouted the mare. "Ah'd be th' most feared mare on th' seas t'day if Ah hadn't gone n' got knocked up with yer daddy! But Ah guess that's the way of things, 'specially with them there ninjas lurkin' about in th' shadows every derned corner." Everypony present was fairly certain Granny Smith had never been on anything bigger than a row boat in her entire life. "So, Big Mac, hows that there mare y'all saved doin'?"

Big Mac shrugged. "She's fine, Granny. They say she'll be able t' go back home t'morrow afternoon, though she'll need ta stay in bed fer a while after."

Granny nodded. "... So, when ya gonna marry 'er an gimme some great grandkids?"

Both Big McIntosh and Applejack spat their meals out.

"Granny!" shouted Applejack.

"Granny Smith!" shouted Big Mac.

"Wut!? Ah'm old an' Ah wanna see mah great grandfoal b'fore Ah pass on!"

Applejack groaned. "She's mah friend, Granny Smith. B'sides, ya don' just up n' marry a pony jus' cause ya save 'em from a spider bite!"

"That's how yer grandpappy n' me decided we wanted t' get hitched!"

Big Mac grimaced. "But y'all jus' said ya met on a pirate ship..."

"We *met* on a pirate ship!" she said, matter-of-factly. "We got *married* when Ah was bit by one of them there Blue Sage spiders! Yer granddaddy, bless 'is soul, sucked th' poison out and spat it right back at th' bugger!"

It was one of those things it was better not to argue with.

"Anyway, uh, that's not gonna happen." said Big Mac.

Granny hummed. "... Too bad." She turned to Applejack. "Wut about that there Fluttershy girl? She seems awful sweet."

Big Mac scowled. "Granny, ya already tried t' set us up on a date. It were awkward n' quiet most-a th' time."

Granny waved a hoof. "Oh you kids t'day don't know nothin' about romance... Ah suppose Applejack has three more friends..."

Big Mac groaned and stared flatly at his grandmother. "Can we drop th' subject, please?"

Granny hummed. "Speakin' of... hey AJ, when are you gonna find yerself a nice colt an' bare 'em some foals?" Applejack turned deep red and let her jaw hang open; Big mac, admittedly, was trying not to laugh. "Ah spend so much time badgerin' Big Mac who's prolly gonna die heirless at this rate that Ah fergot Ah had a grandaughter who was in her foal-barin' years!"

"G-granny!" shouted Applejack, putting her hooves over her head.

"Yer mah only other option, sweety! By th' time Apple Bloom's old enough t' have foals Ah'll prolly be six feet under, an' Ah need t' know that mah bloodline aint reached a dead end!" Nopony liked it when she talked about death. She did it so casually, as if she didn't care it was going to happen. "Ah, y'all're no fun. Mark mah words though, Ah'm not gonna die until SOMEPONY has a foal."


The next morning was mostly uneventful, with a few acceptions. Rainbow Dash was invited to spend the next few weeks at Applejack's place (Fluttershy had offered, but she had refused due to the fact she wasn't sure she could put up with all of the animals), and Everypony was getting to work on moving Twilight back home. Big Mac insisted in helping, and indeed he pushed her in a wheelchair back. Eventually, she was set up in her bed and put comfortable covers on, and everypony began to clear out, leaving Spike alone with Twilight.

The little dragon stared at her with the utmost fear and concern in his eyes. She smiled at him. "It's okay Spike, I won't bite..."

Spike shook his head. "Uh... it aint that... Twilight... I'm just..." His lip trembled and he ran to the bed, hopping up to it and wrapping her in a hug, much to her surprise. But she just smiled and wrapped a hoof around the little dragon as he sniffled. "I-I was so worried... and... I wanted to visit you in the hospital, but I was scared, and... and..."

Twilight smiled and cooed gently, stroking the little dragon's headscales. "Shh... it's okay Spike... I'm alright..."

He sniffled and nuzzled into her chest. "I'm so sorry... I'm the worst assistant ever..."

"No you are not..." she lifted his chin and stared him in the eyes, smiling. "You're the best assistant ever. Never doubt that." Spike just sniffled and nodded, whiping his eyes. "Spike, I'm sorry to ask... but could you fetch me a book? I'm kinda bed-bound for a while, and I'd like something to keep myself entertained." Spike nodded and dutifully hopped from her bed and rushed downstairs. Twilight giggled; she knew that would keep him distracted. All he needs is to be reminded he's helpful.


"Well, Rainbow, this'll be yer room until yer wing is good 'nuff ta get ya back to yer own place."

Rainbow Dash looked around the small guest room of Applejack's home; it was very... cosey, for lack of a better word. There was naught but a simple bed, a nightstand, a dask, and an empty closet to speak of. The pegasus let out a small sigh, figuring she didn't really have much she needed anyway; Fluttershy was going to take care of Tank (lest Applejack's dog, Winona, harassed the poor toroise) until she was well enough to return home, and she supposed there was no real reason to bring her Wonderbolts posters along with her. As the cyan mare trotted towards the bed, she turned about and sat on the edge, bouncing a bit, looking down at it, humming. It was more comfortable than it looked, really.

Applejack smiled towards her friend. "Right. Well, y'all get settled in. Me n' Mac are preparin' a meal downstairs if'n y'all care t' join us fer supper?"

"Uhh, sure, call me when it's finished..." Applejack nodded and turned, stepping out of the room and closing the door gently behind her, leaving the rainbow-maned mare alone. Rainbow sighed and slumped down onto the bed, staring at the ceiling, several thoughts running their way through her mind. Deciding she was bored, she threw herself back to her hooves and stepped from the room, down the stairs.

She turned and made her way towards the doorway that led into the kitchen. She barely peaked around the corner to find Applejack and Big McIntosh working various odds and ends on the meal.

She felt her heart beat picking up.

Why did she have these feelings for her friend? Did it all start because of a little competition? Was it because they both had competitive drive? She didn't know if they shared any interests; after all, one was an athlete, the other a worker. Not that Rainbow Dash didn't work a good job, but it was hardly her big calling.

She felt her heart flutter as she tried to steel her nerves.

"Ah'll be back, Ah gotta use th' lil' filly's room."

With that, Applejack turned and trotted out of the kitchen. Rainbow Dash froze as she passed by and stopped, looking at her friend and smiling. "Oh! Wasn't expectin' ya Rainbow! Dinner'll be done in a bit, so Ah hope yer ready for some Veggie soup, corn bread, an' a heapin' helpin' of coleslaw!"

Rainbow chuckled nervously. "Uh, yeah, sounds good..." Applejack gave a nod and trotted up the stairs. Rainbow sighed and hung her head, shaking it.


Rainbow turned around to face Big McIntosh, who smiled down at the mare. Rainbow Dash hoofwaved. "Oh, h-hi..." Then, things seemed to get silent. "Hey, Big Mac? Uhm, can I ask you something about... uhh... Applejack?"

Big Mac hummed, tapping a hoof to his chin. "Eeyup...?"

Rainbow gulped. "Uhh... well... she........ she and you go a long way, right?"

Big Mac raised an eyebrow and smirked. "We're siblings.."

Rainbow mentally face hoofed. "Yeah, I mean, no, what I meant to say was... you know her pretty well, right?"

Big Mac shrugged. "Eeyup."

Dash sighed. "Uhm... can you tell me what some of her interests are?"

The stallion chuckled. "Like 'er?"

"DO NOT!" shouted Rainbow, blushing madly. "I mean... no..."

Big Mac, much to his credit, simply shrugged, although a cheesy grin snuck into his face. "She likes long walks on the beach..."

"Big Maaaac!"

McIntosh chuckled at Rainbow's despair, shaking his head. "Ask her?"

Rainbow gulped. "I-I c-can't ask her... because..... I.... well..."


Rainbow gulped, and forced her eyes shut. She knew what she had to do. She was probably going to regret it, but she was going to do it. She threw herself forward, grabbing Big Mac's face between her hooves and pulling him down, pressing her lips against his. The stallion's eyes widened in shock as she quickly got into deepening the lock; to the point he felt her push her tongue into his mouth.

Quickly, he pulled away.

"Whoa whoa WHOA! Hold yer horses! What the hay!?"

Rainbow, having abandoned any sense of restraint she had, was blushing furiously but staring at Big Mac with intensity. "Big McIntosh! I-I think I l... l.... like you a lot! Ever since I started coming to those poker games, I've been falling for you, a-and sometimes I stay up at night cause I can't sleep cause I think so much of telling you it hurts! You're strong, awesome, and the mmmost trustworthy pony I've ever met, a-a-and I wwwwant to date you!"

Nailed it, Rainbow Dash thought to herself.

Big McIntosh rubbed a foreleg against his muzzle, his eyes staring as he tried to piece it all together. "So... y'all... an' AJ.... you was.... me?"

"I needed a conversation topic" she said, a hint of guilt in her tone, "Trying to break the ice with a pony that rarely talks is very hard to do."

Big Mac continued to stare at the mare as he pieced everything together. He then let out a sigh and stood up. "Rainbow Dash?"

Rainbow nodded.

"... Yer a good friend.... but... that's all Ah see you as..." Rainbow seemed to stop any form of motion. "... Don't get me wrong, yer a great mare, an' Ah love havin' ya over t' play cards, but Ah don't think you and Ah would mesh well..." This made the mare cringe as if it physically hurt her. "... Ah mean... yer all action, tough, an' live fer th' thrill. Ah'm jus' a quiet hill pony..."

Rainbow threw herself to his hooves. "But you're not! You're strong, you compete in rodeos too! Applejack told me! And you're awesome! The way you saved Twilight? That was brave stuff!"

Big Mac sighed and shook his head, closing his eyes. "Dash..." the pegasus just seemed to whimper, staring up at him with eyes struggling not to shed tears. "Yer a good mare... an' a great friend... but Ah jus' don't see ya that way..."

Whatever little fight she still had in her drained. Rainbow, without another word, slowly picked herself up and nodded. She forced back her emotions and seemed to take on her poker face. "You're right... I'm sorry... I don't think I'll be joining you guys for dinner tonight, I'm going to head over to Twilight's and see how she's doing..."

"Rainbow, Ah-"

"No... it's okay, really..." Rainbow forced a smile. "I get it. Don't worry. I really do."

With that, she turned and trotted hurriedly out the door. Big Mac stared as she left, the air seeming to sit still. He did like the mare, he really did... but not in that way. He didn't want to break her heart, but what was a stallion to do. He let out a small sigh of frustration and turned to see his grandmother idling by the back door, a look of disappointment etched into her features.

"Ah'm never gonna have great grandfoals, am Ah?"

"Not now, please Granny?"


Once again, night time was upon Ponyville.

Foals were climbing into their beds, hearing tales of adventure and wonder. Lovers were convening in both public and privacy, expressing their love in one way or another. Rainbow Dash sulked in her temporary room space, not getting a wink of sleep, while a short distance away, Big Mac and his friends were playing another game of cards. While in a certain Library, a certain Princess was getting one last check up from her favorite assistant for the day.

"Are you comfortable, Twilight?"

Twilight lay in her bed, smiling at her number one assistant. The room was dark, save the light from a candle shining in from the hallway giving it slight illumination. She gave a slow, weak nod of affirmation to Spike, who smiled a bit in response. "Right. The doctor says that you need to get plenty of bed rest... don't exert yourself too much. You've still got small traces of poison in your body, as well as some of the lingering effects, and if you tax yourself too much it might make a comeback and do further damage." Spike looked over to notice that Twilight had fallen asleep. He sighed and nodded, turning and walking out of her room and picking up the candle, and made his way downstairs.

"Oh, hello Spike!"

He smiled - he never would forget that voice, and he turned to it's owner with a tired, yet dream-struck smile. "Hi Rarity."

The fashionista looked upon Spike and gasped. "Dear, are you sure you don't want help? You seem so exhausted!" Rarity trotted towards the dragon to look him over - indeed, he looked as if he had been working none stop.

"Twilight needs me now more than ever! I don't want to let her down!" he shouted. "I don't care if I didn't sleep at all last night - I'd stay awake an entire week if I had to!"

"You haven't slept in a day!?" shouted Rarity?

Spike winced. "A... two days actually..."

Rarity put a hoof on Spike's head and petted him gently. "Ohhh, Spikey Wikey..." she cooed, "It's alright... you really should get some rest my poor, poor baby..."

He sighed, the twisting emotions tearing at him - the urge to give in to the sweet and gentle sound of Rarity's beautiful voice and it's promise of sweet sleep... versus Twilight's well being. He shook his head and sighed. "Sorry, Rarity... but I have to do this..."

Rarity hummed and nodded. "Very well... but I will be back by later on to check on you. Don't be hard on yourself, alright?" Spike gave a soft nod, to which Rarity smiled. With that, she made her way out of the library, leaving Spike alone to his thoughts. He had to admit, the idea of sleep was downright tempting. But he must resist. Twilight needed him.

He would just close his eyes for a moment.


Rarity pushed the door to the library open and peaked inside. "Oh Spikey Wikey, I'm sorry dear, but I forgot I had come for a book and... and..." She heard a sound coming from the dragon, who was laying on a nearby pillow. Rarity trotted over to him and smiled a bit; he was fast asleep. "Poor dear... so diligent..." She trotted towards Spike and gave him a little kiss on his head, smiling down at the small dragon. "I'll just come back for it tomorrow... you sleep tight, little Spikey Wikey." She turned about and made her way towards the door, stepping out of the library and gently closing the entrance behind her.

As Spike lay there sleeping, an empty candle holder lay next to him; it's contents laying on their side. Slowly, a small flame had been born beneath it, and it was growing.

All thanks to a careless turn and a well-placed, curley tail.


"Hey Big Mac. You alright?"

Mac stared at his cards and looked up at the other ponies with a sigh. "Eeyup..." the word left his mouth, but he didn't put his heart into it. Lyra, Caramel, and Snowflake all exchanged glances, before turning to their cards.

"So... anypony know that... uh... Fluttershy gal?"

Everypony looked to Snowflake. Big Mac nodded. "Eeyup... why?"

Snowflake cleared his throat a bit, rubbing the back of his head. "Uhh... any idea if she's... ya know... single...?"

Big Mac couldn't help but force back a slight laugh. He shook his head, biting down on his lip and staring at the pegasus. Lyra, fortunately, spoke up. "Whoa whoa whoa... you... the biggest, loudest, most muscle-brained pony in all of Ponyville... have a crush on meek, little, quiet Fluttershy?"

Snowflake stood tall. "Yeah! What of it!"

"Whoa whoa whoa, Big guy!" Lyra said, grinning. "Nothin'. Just didn't expect it at all..." She looked around. "To be honest, I kinda thought... uhh.... ya know..... ah it ain't important. Anyway! Dunno!"

Big Mac shrugged. "Applejack never said she wasn't. Might be?"

Snowflake nodded. "... Think I'd have a chance?"

The ponies exchanged glances.

"Sure why not?" said Lyra.

"Maybe." said Big Mac.

"Snowflake's chance in hell, big guy." said Caramel without looking up from his cards.

"ALRIGHT!" shouted Snow Flake. "Yeah! YEEEAH! Gonna ask her out! TOMORROW!"

Everypony got to looking back at their cards; though Lyra was now somewhat amused, and Snowflake looked ready to take on the world. Well, on a mental level. Physically he always looks like that. It did him proud to see the big stallion find an interest in Fluttershy; who knows? Maybe their opposing natures might compliment each other? He wasn't really sure himself, but hey, he'd seen stranger things on a Tuesday.

Suddenly, the door flew open and slammed against the wall. Everypony turned about to see a panicked Applejack standing with Fluttershy, who was shivering madly. Big Mac stood up. "AJ? What's wrong?"

"It's the Library, Big Mac!" shouted Applejack.

"It's on fire!"