• Published 9th Aug 2013
  • 465 Views, 3 Comments

Finding My Family - AlexisWolf2001

Sally had no family that she knew,until she went to Ponyville for a trip. That's when she met Scootaloo

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Chapter 2

Chapter 2

I woke up to the smell of waffles,milk and orange juice.(I have a pretty good sense of smell). I saw a small tray with waffles and syrup,cereal, and a glass of OJ. I finished the cereal in what seemed like 3 minutes.
The waffles were next and I tried to savor them cause I haven't had food like this in what seemed like ages.
I gulped down the OJ and then as if watching me, Mel walks in after I finished the last drop of OJ.
“Good, you're awake.How did you sleep?” she asked.
“Like a sweet foal,” I responded.
“Good.We have a big day today! So lets clean up this room and get a suitcase for your stuff.” She levitated the tray with the horn and we headed towards the house. I carried my blanket,pillow, and photo on my back.
Melody opened the sliding glass door and walked upstairs. I closed the door and trotted to keep up with her.
We went into her room and I realized that the tray was gone. She must have put it away when I wasn't looking.
I closed the door and Mel took out two suitcases. One for me and one for her.
I told her that I don't need a big suitcase and could pack all my stuff into a small saddlebag.
She replied with an, "Ok.'' and pulled out her sewing machine and a saddlebag that was not yet finished.
“I was hoping to finish this before today but I guess I could finish it now.”
And with a spark of magic, the machine started whirring. I saw that she sewed the flap of the top of the second bag to the strap and the sew on a small redish-pinkish cross onto the bottom of the flap.
She turned off the sewing machine and levitated the bag onto my back.
She took a good look at it and yelled, “PERFECT!”
Her yelp made me flinch and want to hide in her closet. She apologized for her outburst.
I told her that it was ok.
“Now lets get packed,” Mel said with a wave of her hoof.
“Hold on, shouldn't we call Blossom?” I asked.
She stood frozen in her position and had like a “processing” type of face.
I waved my hoof in front of her face and she snapped out of her trance.
“Yes,yes we should.” We went downstairs and Melody grabbed the phone and called Bloss. Mel talked on the phone for about 2 minutes. She hung up and told me that B would be here in about 5 minutes.
She went to tell her mom the news and saw that she was still asleep. We tried to wake her up but she wouldn't budge.
We both looked at each other and as if we were thinking the same thing and Mel said, “Fine I guess if you don't wake up,we'll just have to get the twins to come in here and do it for us.”
Her mom jolted up in her bed yelling, "PLEASE,NO, ANYTHING BUT THE TWINS!”
Mel and I started laughing as we left her room.
The doorbell rang and Mel yelled, “IT'S OPEN!”
Jeez, I never thought someone that seemed so elegant could be so loud. I guess she gets it from her twin siblings.
Blossom opened the door,came in,closed it, and dashed upstairs and tackled us to the ground. She had a big smile across her face and a suitcase strapped to her back.
We got up and walked to Mel's room and grabbed our things. Blossom admired my saddlebag and I told her that Mel made it for me.
Blossom was pretty jealous of me and Mel told her that hers was on the way. She just finished mine so I could take it on the ride to Ponyville.
Blossom stopped being jealous and we trotted on down the stairs, and saw that Mel's mom just finished packing her suitcase and the twins. We were ready to go.
We walked out the door,locked it and made our way to the Friendship Express. Ms.Song (Mel's mom) pulled out 6 tickets and handed them to the conductor. He nodded and we boarded the train.
Minutes later, the conductor yelled out, “ALL ABOARD!”
The train started to quicken as we made our way to Ponyville. Buildings and high class ponies zoomed past us as the train accelerated.
Mel,Blossom and I decided to pass the time by coming up with ways to get our cutie marks in Ponyville and we didn't get many ideas. So the rest of the time,we just talked.
We talked about Mel's cousins and what they looked like and acted like. And then the train came to a stop.
We got off the train and after the smoke cleared, I saw a small family coming towards us.

Melody and the twins ran over and hugged everyone there. We walked over and I saw a VERY elegant unicorn mare and a not so elegant, small,but adorable,unicorn filly.
Mel introduced me to Sweetie Belle and Rarity. Sweetie Belle quickly ran and then came back with two other fillies.
A small, yellow,Earth pony and a small, orange pegasus filly. Sweetie Belle introduced us to Apple Bloom and Scootaloo.
Apple Bloom screamed with excitement as soon as see saw Blossom. Blossom ran over and hugged Apple Bloom really hard.
I looked at Scootaloo out of the corner of my eye and I swear she looked really familiar. I snapped out of my trance and saw that everyone was already walking away from the train station. I ran to catch up with them and we walked over to a big boutique.
Rarity told us that this was their home and her business. “It's called the Carousel Boutique.”
Sweetie Belle told us, “This is where my sister makes a bunch of very fancy dresses and suits.”
Rarity took us up to a big room with three beds in it. “This is where you three will sleep.Do you like it?”
“We love it.Thanks Rarity.” Melody told Rarity and gave her a big hug.
“I get to sleep in that?!” I asked.
“Why of course,darling!” Rarity told me. “You act like you've never slept in a bed before.”
Me,Blossom, and Mel all rubbed the back of our heads. “ I haven't. I don't have a home.” I told her.
“Oh well don't you and your family have a nice shelter?” She asked
I started to get tears in my eyes. “ Well the truth is...”
Then Melody interrupted. “Um..., her family is staying with us until they can get back on their hooves.”
Rarity gave an understanding look and apologized for being rude. I told her that she wasn't being rude in any way. She told us to go into the room and make ourselves at home.
Mel and Blossom let me choose a bed first and I chose the most comfiest bed (which was hard because they were all very comfy.)I finally chose a bed that had a nice comfortable pinkish red blanket on it.
Mel and Blossom actually did rock,paper,scissors for the last two beds. I put my saddle bag on the ground near my bed and accidentally fell asleep during the two's R,P,S.
They got there beds and told me who won,but then they found out that I was asleep.I told them when I woke up that the bed was so warm and comfy that I couldn't help but sleep.
We laughed about it and we all decided that it was about time to get settled into our beds. Then I heard Rarity call for us to come down and eat dinner. We went down and we had a wonderful dinner.
After dinner we all went to our rooms and went to sleep. But Mel,Blossom,and I stayed up and played games with each other. We did end up falling asleep. But sadly not in our beds.
We ended up falling asleep on the floor.