• Published 7th Aug 2013
  • 988 Views, 8 Comments

Paladin of Light - Dyna

Twilight Sparkle - Princess Celestia's most faithful student, and the Element of Magic. Unknown to most ponies, however, she's also a warrior; one of many whose fates are to vanquish the demonic darkness that plagues Equestria...

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Enter The New Blade

Where there is light, shadows lurk and fear reigns.
Yet by the might of Paladins, Equestria was given hope.

Chapter 1

It was starless in Canterlot - the capital of Equestria. It was during the night when the city’s hidden ugly side showed itself. Within its dirty alleys, there are things most high-class Canterlot ponies choose to deny, or at least turn a blind eye against – drugs, drunken street fights, bribery, prostitution, etc. However, these merely adapted to the plain darkness; there were horrors that were born in and from the deepest of darkness – the darkness within one’s heart…


“So, how much for a night?”

The grey unicorn mare remained silent at the preposition as she gave the ochre pegasus stallion a quick look. He had an untidy, short, black mane, and he smelt of booze and cigarettes. Lust and eagerness were evident in his eyes. Taking her cigarette out from her mouth and casually flicking it away, she merely gave a seductive smile and turned around, wrapping her long blue tail around the ochre pegasus stallion’s neck. He gave a horny grin as he sniffed the perfume and allowed himself to be led along. Soon, they arrived at a shabby-looking building. Normally, buildings like this and its surrounding areas would be littered with unpleasant company - fierce-looking stallions standing around the place as they starred at anypony who walked pass or sharing alcohol among themselves, and mares in gaudy makeup attempting to attract clients. However, this one is completely isolated. The ochre pegasus was too focused on the unicorn that led him here, that he did not notice that most of the windows of this building were broken or boarded up, except for one which was lit. They soon arrived at the mare’s bedroom – it was totally different from the outside. It was clean and beautifully decorated. Scented candles provided the aroma and a dimly-lit romantic atmosphere. The stallion was about to say something when the mare pushed him onto her bed and gave him a deep, long kiss.

“Somepony’s excited.” the pegasus grinned after they broke apart, his heart racing with excitement. “What else can you do?”

The unicorn giggled, and looked straight into his eyes.

“I want your heart and soul. Will you give me everything I ask of you?” She asked in a sultry and seducing whisper.

“Oh yes.” He replied without thinking.


Without warning, two chains emerged from the mare’s body and bound the stallion. The stallion watched, in fear, as the mare’s face slowly melted away, and cracks appeared on her horn. Her eyes turned bloodshot, and sharp, shark-like teeth filled her mouth, making her monstrous smile even more sinister. The candle flames went out in an instant, shrouding the room in almost complete darkness. Under the moonlight that shone through the window, the now-transformed mare looked even more terrifying.

“It has been a while since I ate a pegasus. Your muscular wings are sure to be delicious.” The creature said as it touched the struggling wings with its hoof, its forked green tongue licking its lips. The stallion tried to scream for help, but the chains binding him tightened around his neck.

“And your heart, ooh I just love how fast it’s beating at the moment. I wonder how much blood I can get out of it as I bite into it.” The pegasus’ eyes widen with terror and struggled even harder – his captor was obviously enjoying the torment it was inflicting upon its prey.

“Bon appetite.” It declared with a gleeful tone. Its tail transformed into a scythe, and swung towards the helpless pegasus.


“What the…” A silver sword appeared out of nowhere and blocked its tail-scythe. The creature barely registered the interruption when a spell hit it from the side and blasted it away from the stallion.


A figure in black cloak teleported into the scene, standing between the creature and the pegasus. The pegasus noticed that a second sword, identical to the one that saved him from being sliced open, was floating beside the stranger. This must meant that his rescuer is another unicorn.

The monster growled as it stood up and stared at the pony that disturb its meal. Then it noticed what the pony was wearing. It was a white triangle-shaped medallion, with a silver wing on both its sides. In the middle was a round, blue crystal. The monster started showing a hint of fear as it recognised its enemy.

“Witchcraft, this Terror is a simple predator-type; let’s wrap this up quickly.” A mechanical, female voice came from the necklace.

The unicorn nodded, and the sword by the unicorn swung and severed the binding chains.

“Get out, now.” This time, it was the mysterious unicorn who spoke, the voice stern and commanding. It was a mare.

The pegasus did not need telling twice as he spread his wings and sped out of the window.

“No!” The monster roared as more chains sprouted from its back and launched after its escaping prey, only for them to be cut and slashed by the two swords. Furiously, it turned to the pony whom interrupted her.

“Die, Paladin!” It pounced forward, her tail once again a scythe. Its opponent immediately blocked the attack with her twin blades, and followed up with a counter attack via a magical blast right in its face.


The monster roared as the attack forced it backwards. Its fury peaked, and even more chains grew from its grotesque body. This time, there were razor sharp blades at the end of each chains. With an angry hiss, the chains lunged at the unicorn warrior like venomous snakes going for the kill. However, before they even reached her, her necklace suddenly emitted a blinding flash that shattered the monster’s chains and blades.

“No…” The monster hissed again, this time in fear. As the light slowly dimmed, a new figure was revealed. Where the cloaked unicorn was seconds ago, now stood a completely different pony. From her horn to her tail, the pony was covered entirely by a set of mysterious silver armour that she seemingly summoned from nowhere. Her swords now crackled with energy, and underneath the moonlight, the armour showed off intricate carvings of magical runes. The only thing that remained unchanged was the necklace at her chest.

“This ends now.” The armoured unicorn declared as she magically raised her swords and charged towards her foe. The monster turned around and attempted to escape, only for the unicorn to teleport right in front of it, and drove her sword right through its head.


The monster howled and hissed in extreme agony, which unfortunately gave its enemy the opening she needed. Focusing her magical energies into her other weapon, she made a vertical slash and sliced her foe in half. As soon as the halves fell onto the ground, it faded and vanished into thin air, followed by an unnaturally high-pitched shriek.

“Huh, good thing this one had the manners to not explode.” The necklace quipped as the unicorn’s armour was replaced by her cloak again.

“Don’t remind me Dawn. I’m still dreading missions to Cloudsdale ever since that encounter.” The unicorn replied whilst starring at the open window. “I thought I told you to leave.”

Cautiously, the pegasus from before revealed himself. The unicorn never really understood why most rescued victims decided to stay behind to watch, but it does make her next job easier.

“What in Celestia’s name is that!? What are you?! I mean, who are you? Er, I mean, thanks for saving me from that…” He silenced, as he suddenly found himself being pointed at by his rescuer with what looked like a large paintbrush.

“Just be glad you are not its dinner. Now forget everything you saw tonight.” The unicorn ordered as her brush glowed green. With a few fast strokes, strange symbols and shapes appeared in the air, and the pegasus fell onto the floor, unconscious.

“So, do we want to leave him here, or remove him?” The necklace, Dawn, asked.

“Here would be fine. Judging from the smell of alcohol on him, he would probably wake up believing he got here while flying drunk. Let’s go back now, I have an early lesson with Princess Celestia tomorrow.” As soon as she said that, she vanished in a flash.


In the gardens within Canterlot castle, Princess Celestia stared sadly at the moon. Not a single night since that fateful encounter that she did not wish there was some other actions she could have taken. There had been many nights of full moon where she had cried herself to sleep, blaming herself for not being strong enough then to defend the most important pony in her life. Even now, her rescue plan did not go accordingly; some unforeseen circumstances had thrown a spanner into her works. Only time will tell if this unexpected element is a blessing that will help ease her pain, or a curse that will deepen her existing heartbreak.

A magical flash, indicating teleportation, distracted the Princess from her thoughts. She turned around and saw Twilight Sparkle, her protégé and most faithful student.

“Good evening Princess Celestia.” Twilight greeted her mentor as she lowered the hood of her cloak.

“Good evening Twilight Sparkle.” Celestia replied with a look of concern on her face. Not only was Twilight still up and about at such a late hour, she was wearing her black cloak she reserve for only one activity. A dangerous, yet unfortunately necessary activity.

“I take it your… excursion, was successful?”

“This one was a bit troublesome to find, but rather easily taken down.” Twilight replied. “What are you doing out here so late, Princess?”

Princess Celestia said nothing, and merely gazed at the moon. Twilight knew what was on her mind.

“Don’t worry Princess Celestia. I am sure you and Princess Luna will be reunited again.”

“Twilight, you knew?” Celestia was not expecting her student to find out about her sister so soon.

“I probably shouldn’t tell you this, but then the Guild never gave me a direct order to keep this information from you.” Twilight managed a small grin. “They believe Princess Luna is long gone, and thus plan to destroy Nightmare Moon when she returns.”

Celestia gasped in shock. “I will not let them do that! Twilight, you must let me speak to them! My sister is still alive, I know it!” She sounded desperate, almost begging.

“Princess, please, calm yourself down.” Twilight said, while mentally reprimanding herself for distressing Celestia. “I feel the same way as you do. I know Princess Luna can be saved. That is why I volunteer myself for the task.”

“You, Twilight Sparkle?”

“Yes Princess. Please, trust me. I will bring your sister back.” Twilight assured, her voice and eyes filled with determination.

“Very well, my faithful student.” Princess Celestia nodded, and turn her head, not wanting Twilight to see her tears.

“It’s getting late now Princess. I think we should both go to bed.” Twilight suggested as she stifled a yawn.

“Yes, you are quite right, Twilight. I bid you good night.” Celestia answered.

“Good night Princess.” Twilight gave her a bow, and left Celestia.

“Soon, my dear Luna. You will be released from your torment, and we will be together once again.”

Comments ( 8 )

Looking forward to the next update.

This must meant that his rescuer is another unicorn

should be mean. And I don't think you can use must, since that's present and the story is in past tense.

He silenced

Maybe 'he fell silent'?

being pointed at

This is a really bad use of passive voice.

Only time will tell if this unexpected element is a blessing

This is pretty wonky, tense wise.

Despite all those (somewhat avoidable) mistakes, I like the story so far. It's actually a lot better than some you can find on fansites. It just tickles my inner editor, since it's both good enough to spend some time on and flawed enough to need that time.

Did you ran it through a spell-check? I'd guess so, form the type of mistakes.

3002928 Thank you very much for your comment. I'll edit & correct them soon, and will keep your advice in mind when I write the new chapters.

3002920 Thanks.

Wow, a nice part of Canterlot and then a dirty, nasty part of Canterlot, reminds me of Omaha, except that the nice downtown area is surrounded to both the north and south by slums. Great story, looking forward to the next chapter!

Looked up Garo in the search bar... :rainbowdetermined2:

See this story at the start of the results... :rainbowhuh:

Sees that it also has Shinkenger and Nanoha added in... :unsuresweetie:

Read the first chapter... :pinkiegasp:

Only one this to say...:pinkiehappy:


.... This isn't complete. It's missing ONE thing and one thing only........ SAVIOR IN THE DARK.

Okay having fully read this..... YOU SIR GET ALL OF THE LIKES AND FAVS FROM ME. THIS.... THIS IS WHAT I'VE BEEN SEARCHING FOR! Now I hope to see some awesome fights with the Terrors and maybe a chance to see Zero soon! Maybe go a bit unique and have a Terror that wants to change and becomes an ally.

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