• Published 13th Aug 2013
  • 609 Views, 3 Comments

The Equestria Zone - The reader 0_0

The mane six go through supernatural crisis in The Equestria Zone.

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There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to ponies. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is in the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of ponies' fears and the summit of their knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call "The Equestria Zone".

Ponies come and go knock on your door, tell you what they want then leave. But what if a pony stays a couple feet from your house. A pony only you can see unanswered questions swim through your head. Will it harm me? Am I going insane? Why is this happening to me? The mind has a funny trick of delusion. Twilight's going to learn that trick in The Equestria Zone.

It was a rainy day the moon shone across Equestria. The land was silvered and transformed by the light of the moon, which, at the full, hung like a great luminous pearl on the radiant breast of heaven. The mane six had just finished having a party for Twilight's birthday. She said it was no big idea but Pinkie insisted they have her party at the oak tree.

The purple unicorn walked them all to the door and they said their goodbyes then headed home. All except Pinkie who was holding an umbrella outside the tree to shield herself from the rain. “Did you leave something Pinkie?”

Pinkie shook her head. “No I just wanted to check on you before I left.” The pink pony explain. “I'm just worry about you that's all.” Pinkie grasp the umbrella keeping the full force of the wind from stealing it from her. The Pegasus really did a good job.

“There's nothing to be worry about Pinkie I'm fine,” she reassured. “And the party was great, I'm truly grateful for that.”

Pinkie stare into Twilight's eyes. She wasn't convince she knows when a pony's lying. What felt like hours a earsplitting storm broke their gazes. “Willlookatthetimegottago BYE!” in an instant Pinkie was gone. Leaving Twilight alone. Twiligth shut the door and sighed.

“She almost had me,” she waked into the kitchen and grabbed a cup of coffee with her magic. “I wish Spike was in to clean this mess up,” The magical mare glaze at her living room. It was a disaster some mugs were on the floor, cake icing, and the worst of all vomit. The vomit was from Rainbow having too many cider mugs and the others had two or three. Twilight only had one. So she levitated a mop and a broom then started cleaning.

After a few smelly minutes of hard labor Twilight was finished so she put the broom and mop away in her closet. Tried she sat on a chair near the window letting the sounds of rain drops relax her. Twilight fell asleep on the chair she where she sat.
The thunderstorm had grown more earsplitting and furious. “Gah!” yelped Twilight as the thunderstorm woke unicorn up from her slumber. When she was fully awakened she was still seated in the same spot but her chair was outside. Raindrops hitting her coat and the wind was flowing through it. The thunderstorm threaten to smite her. She tried to get up but her fur was attached to the chair.

“Somepony help me!” pleaded the unicorn. Her cry for help wasn't heard. When she was struggling for her freedom she saw a pony standing a few feet from her. She couldn't see who it was, all she could make out form the dim moon light and flashes of lightning in the distance was a strange hairless pony standing on two legs but she didn't care it was the thing she cried for. “Thank Celestia, Can you help me I'm stuck in this chair.” The pony didn't speak or move they just stared. “Hello you standing there can you help.” Again the pony remained silent and still.

The lavender mare started getting irritated by the pony not helping her or not answering her. “GET ME OFF THIS CHAIR!” he didn't move only stared. “PLEASE HELP ME!” pleaded Twilight. She tried to get out to no avail she'll was only hurting herself. “STOP STARING AT ME AND-" the purple pony was cut short as a bolt of lightning struck her in chest and everything went black.

*Gasp* Twilight regain conscious she got up from her chair and went to the window. Nothing was out there but raindrops and darkness. Relieved it was just a bad dream she went upstairs to her room to go to bed. When she was out of sight a second bolt of lightning brighten outside area revealing a hairless pony standing a few feet from her house.


“Where.. where am I?” Twilight awoke standing near a house she wasn't familiar with. “Maybe if I can go- she tried to walked but she couldn't move. -”What the- she tried to move again but her body stood still. “Why can't I move?” She started to panic she didn't know why she couldn't move , or why she end up here the confused mare slowly looked down to where her hooves were. Hoping there wasn't anything wrong with them that they were just stuck in the mud. When she finally brought her eyes down to her hooves she gasped at what she saw. “MY HOOVES! THERE ATTACHED TO THE GROUND! The frightened pony shouted.

“Somepony HELP ME!” she screamed for help but there was no responds. A light came on from the house where she was standing at. Tall figure what bags under his eyes with a messy hait and a dirty sleepwear. It wasn't a pony it had no fur on it's body or it's hooves had sticks on it.

“NO! Why won't you get away from my house! The creature shouted. “My friends think I'm crazy for seeing a pony outside my house!” the creature went back into the house and came back with materials from the house. “GET AWAY!” it started throwing stuff at Twilight.

“Ouch.. Please ouch! I mean no harm! Twilight pleaded.but the creature didn't listen only kept throwing stuff at her andscreaming “leave me alone!” One of the materials it was doing hit Twilight in the forehead. She felt something streaming down her forehead she could tell It was blood, a book had put a small cut in her head.

Twilight waken not in her house. But in sugar cube corner in Pinkie pie's bed . She touched her head where the object had hit her. No blood nor pain Twilight sighed in relif it was just a nightmare but it felt so real.

“Good morning, sleepy head! Shouted Pinkie coming in the room.”You sleep ok?”

Twilight got up from the bed. “Pinkie, how I get here?” she looked outside it was morning Pinkie must of brought her here last night.

“I carried you here silly filly!” replied Pinkie. Bouncing to where Twilight was standing. “My nose started inching that mean some pony is having a bad nightmare and needs my comfort!” “ So my nose was inching when I was sleeping so I went to your house to check up on you cause I heard you been having trouble sleeping!” Pinkie explained.

“Thank you Pinkie, but I gotta get back to the library. Twilight and Pinkie walked to the door.

“You sure, you don't wanna have breakfast here?” Pinkie offered.

“No thanks I got food at home I don't wanna trouble you.” than Twilight gaved Pinkie a waved goodbye and went off .

Pinkie closed the door and sighed I worry about you Twilight.” she went upstairs to her room to get some rest.

Comments ( 3 )

I love the Twilight Zone anyways...but the pony version.... AWESOME!!!! :pinkiecrazy:

Comment posted by Honey Mead deleted Aug 14th, 2013
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