• Published 22nd Aug 2013
  • 885 Views, 35 Comments

Family mysteries - Cuteclaws101

when scootaloo trys to figure out who her parents are. But theres more to her family history then she expects.

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Mane Hatten

The exited fillies stared in aw as big lights shone in the morning of Mane hatten, it was a tremendous sight, any local pony from Ponyville would find amazing. They seemed to be a bouncing everywhere to see what place in Mane hatten they could see next because a rich looking pony looked annoyed at them.
"Get out the way,little tramps." he said harshly.
Apple Bloom had forgotten that Babs said that mostly every pony was pretty pushy and such in Mane hatten, so they should look out. Surprisingly there was actually quite a few ponies out in the morning, but not as much as Babs had explained in the afternoon.

"We better watch out girls", Apple Bloom said.

"Some ponies", Sweetie belle declared with a cute but angry look in her eye
"Come on, Babs said she would meet us near the fountain over there", she pointed.

They rushed over, trying to avoid any other rude ponies, that would crash right into them. They diden't see bab's seed anywhere, but she was probably running a bit late. Just then, a brown earth pony was walking calmly down to the fountain.

"Hey, there she is!" Apple Bloom yelled, pointing her hoof again.
"Cousin!" Babs seed said while hugging Apple Bloom, when she had approached them.
She had her sly grin on her face while saying hello, to Apple Bloom's best friends.
"Good to see you again"she grinned.

The four fillies chatted for a bit in the morning light, so they knew what was going on with there lives. Mostly Apple Bloom and Babs did the talking but it made sense because they where related to each other.
"So i here you gals are searching for Scootaloo's parents, right", Babs said.

"Ya,and we where wondering if you wanted to tag along", Scootaloo answered.

"Sure, my sis probably wont care a bit, after all i did say i might be gone for a while. So you wanna take a look at ma'h home town?" Babs asked.

The young fillies nodded rapidly, dying to see the city.

"Come on then." Babs seed urged, waving a hoof in the other direction. The group followed the brown and red mare around the city, open mouthed the whole tour.There where huge buildings in Mane hatten unlike Ponyville had, with amazing windows and doors, unlike anything they had ever seen. The whole city was dosed in streetlights and ponies everywhere. After the short tour was over Babs seed offered to take them to the best cafe in town.

As they accepted the offer and went inside the famous cafe, Scootaloo had noticed something about the cafe. Not that it was very fancy and dim lighted to make the perfect scenery but that there was a picture of the old owners of the cafe. It said right bellow there names that they where the old owners of the cafe, so that was pretty clear. There names where Doug and Vanilla Cloud. Doug seemed to have a burnt crimson mane and tail and a orange body, Vanilla Cloud had yellow poofy hair like a cloud and a pearl white body.

"Hey, were those the old owners of the cafe", Scootaloo asked even though she knew that they where but she just wanted to know more about them.

"Ya, Doug and Vanilla Cloud, they owned the cafe as a couple, they where real nice, but i don't know what happened to them, they disappeared a while back when i was a younger filly." They where both Pegasus's from clouds-dale."
"Cool", muttered Scootaloo, still staring at the photos. They just seemed so familiar, only she knew she had never seen them in her life.

"You alright Scoots?" asked Apple Bloom.

"Oh ya, im fine, its just... well they look familiar, only i have never seen them in my life before."

"That's strange", replied Apple Bloom, while taking a sip of lemonade, She then chomped on the lemon wedge, by accident.

"Sour!" Apple Bloom spat. Scootaloo and the rest paused to laugh. Soon Apple Bloom joined in after wiping the bitter taste on her tongue.

"Well, what should we do now?"asked Sweetie belle, when she had finished her lemonade.

"How about we head on down to theater, its pretty fun to watch."

"Okay!", they all agreed excitedly. Scootaloo decided to stop thinking about the photos of the old owners and followed the rest outside. She did want to have fun while they where here after all, so she blocked the though in her mind, but it was still nagging a bit at her brain.

The four fillies arrived at the theater. It was another big building with the theatrical sign on top. Scootaloo, Apple Bloom and Sweetie belle skipped in excitedly, while Babs walked in her normal cool easy going self. They where about to line up when Babs stopped them with a hoof.

"We don't have to line up there and pay, do you know how expensive they are?" i like going in the other way".

'You mean the express line?" Sweetie Belle said cheerfully.

"No, i just sneak in, Babs seed grinned. Babs seemed to have read there minds because the look on there faces as she continued talking.

"Don't worry, i have never got caught once", plus there is a secret passage way i take, i found it the first time a came here." Babs led the group to the side of the counter when no pony was looking, she then glanced side to side then quickly went behind a velvet curtain. The crusaders followed and where led into as it seemed the stage, only the front curtains where closed.
There was a dangling rope on the side. Babs grabbed it and yanked it. she then started climbing it up to a flat wooden surface.
"So you gals good climbers?"

"Are you sure this is safe", asked Sweetie Belle.

"Would i lie to the crusaders?" Babs stated.

"Well ok, if you say so". Sweetie Belle was the first to climb up, she struggled a bit but got up unhurt. It was Apple Bloom's turn next. She grabbed hold of the rope and slowly climbed it, joining the others.

"Come on, Scootaloo your next" Bab's said "The actors are gonna come in any minute now."

Scootaloo gulped, she had never done any stunt or trick like this, for all she knew that she was best on her Scooter. How did Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom get up so easily anyway, she thought. Scootaloo finally grabbed hold to it and began climbing. It wasn't actually that hard, she soon was up with her friends.

"Good, job!" Apple Bloom said, relived that nothing bad had happened to any of them. Babs now led them quickly up more wooden surfaces. They seemed quite stable so Scootaloo didn't worry. It also felt good to be high up, as if she where flying.
The friends had finally reached there destination, it was high up and had a few boxes, that they could sit on. They seemed to have walked around on the planks all the way the the back so they could see the stage. Babs seed opened the small curtains that where covering a little wooden window with no glass so that they could here what was going on in to big room.
They all made themselves comfortable on the boxes and watched as the curtains opened.
Light streamed through the room when the curtains opened and a beautiful looking mare was the center of the spotlight, she was wearing a beautiful sparkly dress and had her mane done up.The play began with a song, witch the crusaders enjoyed quite much, then the next scene started.

After the play, Sweetie Belle was telling them how much she loved when the actors sang in the play and how cool it would be to be in one. The play was about a young mare trying to find true love or something like that.

"It was kinda sappy for me" said Scootaloo.

"Same here" replied Babs "they usually show different ones though."

"Well i liked it said Sweetie Belle." Apple Bloom too" Apple Bloom nodded with a- huh. The friends started arguing about how it should have ended but Apple Bloom made a good point, that it would be to sad if it didn't end how it was.

"Noon, already?" Apple Bloom declared, looking at a clock, as they exited the theater making sure no one saw them come out from the curtain.
"Time flies by when your having fun, that's what Apple Jack always says."

"Come on" Babs seed said." "there's lots more to see". They all darted away from the theater and followed Babs seed to there next stop, there was a fun day ahead of them... for now.

Author's Note:

I am sooooooooo sooooooo sorry it took so long to finish this story, i just took a huge gap in between the chapters cause i was lazy, like i said before. Anyway i hope you enjoy this chapter and you will hopefully be seeing more later on.
p.s. it takes me about two days to finish a chapter , but im think i will make on every week if i can and im up to it.