Family mysteries

by Cuteclaws101

First published

when scootaloo trys to figure out who her parents are. But theres more to her family history then she expects.

When scootaloo gets curious about her family history she and the rest of the cmc's go in search for her parents and try to find out as much as possible from ponies everywhere. But then they discover big information from scootaloos family history and things start to get interesting.

The adventure begins

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Another boring day at school thought Scootaloo as she lay her head on her desk listening to once again Diamond Tiara's
father, Filthy Rich. Family appreciation day was here.

"And that is how my job earns so much money" said Filthy Rich.

All of Miss. Cheerlie's class clapped there hooves unenthusiastically except for Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon who clapped there hooves fast and loud.

" Thank you Mr. Rich that was very interesting", Miss. Cheerlie said, unsure of what she said.

Sweetie Bell leaned over to Scootaloo and whispered " That was sooo boring", Scootaloo chuckled quietly and whispered back. " I know right", then she snickered and chuckled more loudly.

Scootaloo's laughter was interrupted by Cheerlie's voice.

"Now the next student to bring in there family is..... "Cheerlie paused to check her list. Uhh, Scootaloo?

No one ever knew about Scootaloo's family not even Scootaloo herself, it was all just a mystery so at family appreciation day things got a little awkward for Scootaloo.

"Well, is there anyone you want to bring Scootaloo, or can" she said under her breath, Cheerlie asked nervously.
"It's okay Miss. Cheerlie, i know that you know i don't have any family".

"Well except for me and Sweetie Bell smiled Apple Bloom, well friend related, Apple Bloom added.

"You call that a family" Diamond Tiara smirked. "That's just a bunch of blank flank loser's", she grinned coldly. Silver spoon snickered along with the pink filly.
Scootaloo scowled at her enemies, wanting to say something, but couldn't seem to because there was a large lump in her throat .
"Girls that's quite enough" Cheerlie spoke sternly.

Riiiinnnnnnng! Cheerlie's stern face changed to Cheerlie's kind cheery face again.
"Have a good weekend my little fillies" Cheerlie called as her students poured out of the school.
Scootaloo,with her eyes glued to the ground and still thinking about Diamond Tiara's comment walked out of the school.

"Hey Scootaloo!" Apple Bloom Called as she and Sweetie belle ran up to her.

"Are you exited for our annual cutie mark crusader sleepover?" she asked.

"Only this time Rarity's letting us have it in the boutique, I'm so excited" she squealed, bouncing once in the air.

"Ya, Scootaloo answered solemnly, barely listening.

"Why so sad, it's not about Diamond Tiara, is it?" she said.

"Don't listen to Diamond, Scoots", Apple Bloom added. She's just a big o'l bully.

"Ya and we cant worry about her when were trying to get our cutie marks",Sweetie Belle said.

"Come on lets go to the boutique I wanna start extra early since i got some really good plans".

Scootaloo forced a smile at her friends as they began to walk down the road to the boutique.

As the young fillies entered the boutique, Rarity, Sweetie Belles bigger sister was busy at work with her designs. "Hello girls" she welcomed, "getting ready for your sleepover i see" looking at Apple Blooms and Sweetie Belles heavy saddle bags filled with pillows and blankets.
"Please, let me take your bags darlings she smiled, levitating there saddle bags with her blue magic.

"Wow she seems happy today" Scootaloo remarked.

"I know, she got another order from Fancy Pants, shes been getting a lot of letter from him lately.

"I think Rarity likes him", Sweetie Belle giggled cheekily.The others, joined her giggling.

"Come on cutie mark crusaders, lets see what we can do to earn our cutie marks! "Apple Bloom yelled.

The three fillies rushed upstairs to Sweetie Belles room. Sweetie Belle grabbed a copy of the PonyVille map and placed it on the floor in front of her friends.
"Okay, so here's the plan were going to start at the boutique and end at the farm", Sweetie Belle pointed to the map.

"Then for sure we'll earn our cutie marks!" Apple Bloom said. Scootaloo still didn't say anything, but then she spoke.
"Girls do you, Scootaloo paused to think. "Where do you think my family is?" she said out of subject. It was quiet for a few moments but then Apple Bloom spoke up.

"I dont know, i never really thought about it before", she replied.

"I haven't either and i have been thinking about all day, cause i was thinking maybe we could earn our cutie marks on trying to find them"

"Thats a great idea! Sweetie Belle screamed. "What do you think it would look like", she wondered.
"Honestly, i have no idea",Scootaloo huffed.

"I know!" Apple Bloom said, we could go to Twilight's library. "I bet she has a family history book or something."

"Come on lets go now!" said Scootaloo. The three fillies raced out of the boutique and raced all the way to Twilight's library, all of them out of breath.

"Were ... huff huff here, Sweetie belled said panting then collapsed to the ground. " I don't think iv ever ran that fast".

Scootaloo knocked on the door, Almost immediately, Twilight Sparkle opened the door, as usual.
"Oh, hello girls,I'm surprised to see you here she said sweetly.

"Ya, I'm kinda too" Scootaloo mumbled under her breath sarcastically.

"So, I'm guessing you need some sort of book, you came to the right pony.", "I Have spell books, astronomy books, potion books...."
"Any history books" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Of course a whole row in fact" ,Twilight began to levitate all the history books on the ground in a neat stack.
"There really actually interesting,you can learn a lot from just one book you know" ,she smiled, "Its nice to know that some young fillies are interested in this kind of stuff."
Three fillies began searching through the stack of books, ready to read.

"Hey i found it!" Apple Bloom said proudly.
"Pony Ville history" she read out loud, "I bet it has everything in there", she added.

"What are you looking for anyway", Twilight asked curiously. I would be happy to help, if you want."

"Sure", Scootaloo answered. "Were trying to find my family history."

"No problem", said Twilight as she flipped through many pages. She looked at the book closely ," that's a shame the page your looking for is ripped out,"She showed the three wide eyed fillies the ripped page.
"Its supposed to be about all the Pegasus family's in PonyVille, but for some reason the whole section of it is ripped out". said Twilight.
"I'm really sorry"

"Its okay Twilight" Scootaloo said sadly.

"Wait!" Yelled Sweetie Belle "There's still all the other history's, like Canterlot, and Manehatten, and all the others!"

The excited white filly flipped through the pages of Canterlot history, Eventually she found the Pegasus pages.

"Look Its not ripped" she squealed excitedly, The four ponies looked at the book.

"But how are we going to know what your family looks like, plus your family could be in any town!" exclaimed Apple Bloom.

"Your right" said Scootaloo I don't know what mt family looks like."

"Wow, I don't think I have ever seen you guys this serious" Twilight laughed.

"Your free to take some of these books to look at" the lavender mare said.
"Thank's Twilight!" ,they all said together, picking up a few books in there mouths.
" If i only knew how to use my horn" Sweetie Belle sighed, smiling.

The happy group of fillies rushed out of Twilight's library and went to there clubhouse quickly. They arrived soon' and piled the books onto the floor of the clubhouse.
Soon they started flipping through the pages trying to look for Pegasus pages, amusing Scootaloo's family would be Pegasus.

"Girls, what do you think about going on a adventure?" Scootaloo asked.

"What kind of adventure?" replied Apple Bloom.

"Oh I dont know maybe trying to find my parents all through Equestria", she grinned.

Sweetie Belle spoke up first. "Sounds kinda serious to go all through Equestria but i guess ill give it a try", she smiled.

"Me too" Apple Bloom said as she sat next to sweetie Belle.

"But first your gonna have to convince you sister's and\or brothers", said Scootaloo.

"True, Apple Jack would never let me do that" Apple Bloom spoke.

"Neither would Rarity", Sweetie Belle sighed.

"Don't worry the cutie mark crusaders always find a way", Said Scootaloo.

"Tomorrow when Apple Bloom heads home she will ask Apple Jack, right?"

"Right" said Apple Bloom said with her head down, trying to figure out what to say to her big sis.

"And you ask too",Sweetie Belle.
Sweetie Belle just nodded.

"As for me I'll meet you two at the clubhouse tomorrow afternoon."

"Come on lets back to my house" ,Sweetie Belle interrupted.

The three fillies once again galloped to the boutique ready to enjoy a crusader sleepover. Tomorrow they would meet at the clubhouse as Scootaloo instructed. Tomorrow something unexpected would happen.

The hooded pony

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Scootaloo, slowly woke from her sleep as the sun began to rise, warming the Pegasus's fur. She yawned sleepily and forced herself to get up. The hard floor of the clubhouse had made her night rough sleep.

Scootaloo, usually didn't get up too early but she wanted to pack really early for her adventure. Scootaloo's brain finally started functioning properly, as she blinked quickly, looking at the clock." 7:00 a clock?", Scootaloo mumbled, "way to early to get up."

With bags under her eyes, Scootaloo stretched her arms and walked out of the clubhouse with saddle bags on her back, She wanted to be the first one in the market before it would start crowding. Scootaloo was thinking of delicious cupcakes from sugar-cube corner as she walked to the town center.

Scootaloo arrived at the village 10 minutes later. It was very quiet in the early morning of Pony Ville, there was only a few ponies trotting along for there early morning work. There were also a few sales ponies setting up there stands. Scootaloo decided to have breakfast first since she was quite hungry.

As Scootaloo trotted to the cafe she saw a flash of black on the side of her eye, she jerked her head to the side but saw nothing. "I'm probably imagining things", she thought. Scootaloo opened the door to the cafe and was greeted by the sound of the tiny tinkle of the bell above the door. She sat down looking at the menu and decided on hay bacon strips.

Scootaloo chowed down on her hay bacon after the waiter placed it in front of her. Scootaloo looked up to say thank you to the waiter, but he was walking back into the kitchen already. Scootaloo resumed her eating when she realized how empty it was in the cafe, then again it was early, but for some reason it felt odd and it felt as if she were being watched, not to mention that she never actually saw the waiters face directly.

Scootaloo finished her breakfast and left 3 bits on the table. She was still feeling a bit uncomfortable about how quiet it was, but she was relived to see most of the sales ponies were unpacked and trying to fish in customers.

The young filly browsed through the stands and decided to buy carrots, cucumbers,and a bar of soap. By now, she only had three bits left and she knew exactly were to spend them, sugar cube corner.

As Scootaloo entered the door to sugar cube corner, the smell of freshly baked muffins filled the air.
"Three muffins please", Scootaloo said to Mrs. Cake. Scootaloo waited for Mrs. Cake to return with her muffins and saw Derpy sitting at a table with a dozen muffins.
"Mmmmm, muffins", Derpy said to herself.

Mrs. Cake returned with a bag of muffins and gave it to Scootaloo.
"Don't worry about paying dear, Derpy has been coming in so much that where earning much more than we used to".
"Really, thanks Mrs. Cake!", Scootaloo thanked.

Scootaloo skipped out of the door with the bag of muffins still in her mouth. She skipped all the way to the club house, and placed her bags on the floor. She looked at the clock, 11:45, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle would be here any minute.

Scootaloo waited inside the clubhouse starring at the roof, when she thought she heard something, it wasn't her friends it was a thud or something. It sounded like it was outside.

She looked and looked for what of may be causing the noises, but never found it. Suddenly there was a huge whoosh, and a pony with a black hooded cloak swooped through the door landing on all hooves.

Scootaloo was stunned at what she saw, finally she had enough courage to speak up." Who are you, and what do you want from me?, she screamed.
"Don't go looking for your parents, there is great danger's ahead", the hooded pony said deeply.

"Hey, I know Rainbow Dash and she taught me some moves so i can handle anything!"

"I'm trying to save you from horrible things that could happen to, i know what will happen, trust me."

"Why would i want to trust a pony i don't even know!", Scootaloo kept screaming.

" You may not remember me but i know you so that's all that matters".

"Your kidding, maybe if you took off that cloak i might know who your are."

"For the last time your life is in danger if you try to find your parents, my job is to keep you alive, do you even know how in portent this is?", the pony yelled.

"I will not explain that again, and i have to go now, just remember what i said". in a flash of black the pony was gone.

"W-where did that pony go."

"Hey Scootaloo, are you in there?"
It was Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle.

"Y-ya I'm in here", Scootaloo had not notices how much time had gone past, but the black hooded pony still went through her head.

The two fillies walked up the stairs to the clubhouse and sat down next to Scootaloo.

"Well, i have some good news and some bad news", Apple Bloom said.

"Whats the bad news", Scootaloo asked.

"Apple Jack and Rarity wouldn't let us come", Apple Bloom said bluntly.

"What are we gonna do?" Sweetie Belle said with teary eyes.

Scootaloo interrupted there conversation. " I need to tell you something really important."
As she told them about the hooded pony Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle gasped the whole way through.

"What did you do?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Nothing, really but he kept repeating what he said."

"But what are you going to do if we cant come?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Honestly i don't know, but I'm not sure if it is a good idea for me to go alone."

"We have to come with you", Sweetie Belle said.

"I know but your sister's wont let you two".

"Apple Jack is never gonna forgive me for doing this but we have to sneak out", "there's no way we can convince them".

"We could just ask someone to come with us", the white filly said nervously.

"Who would come with us?" Apple Bloom pointed out.

"Girls, you don't have to do this", Scootaloo said.

"Yes we do", Apple Bloom rejected. She placed a hoof on Scootaloo's shoulder.

"Okay", Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo agreed.

"We can do this together", they yelled, raising there hooves to one another.

"The cutie mark crusader unite !"

On a train in equestria

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The next day it was glorious once again in Ponyville. It was very early , so early that Celestia hadent even raised the sun yet.

Scootaloo grumbled and glanced at the treehouse clock, it was ticking a unpleasant and irritating sound to Scootaloo's ears.
As the young filly brought herself up to four hooves she glanced at the clock again, "Be quiet you stupid clock!", Scootaloo hadn't relized how loud she had said that when she herd a bunch of squirrels and birds scutter and squawk away.

"oops"' she muttered.

The young filly picked up her saddle bag and rushed to the middle of the apple farm,this is where they were meeting.

Scootaloo yawned and gazed up in the sky while sitting by a apple tree,the sun still hadent rise yet.

"just as scheduled", Scotaloo smiled smugly.

Soon there was a soft russle of leaves from a bush and Sweetie Belle popped out.

"Hey Scootaloo", she said cheerfully, looking at the bags under Scootaloo's eyes.

"Pretty early, huh, Sweetie Belle said as she sat down next to her friend. The two friends didn't say much as they sat there under the apple tree after all it was early and they didn't feel much like talking.

"where's Apple Bloom", Sweetie Belle asked.

Scootaloo, half asleep mumbled, "I don't know but she better be here soon".

Just then there was a sound of huffing and galloping in front of them.

"s.... Sorry I was... late" puffed Apple Bloom, "I just got a letter from Bab's this morning and I had to write back, then I couldn't find any stamps, and the only stamps in the barn were in Granny smi-", "don't worry about it"said Scootaloo with her hoof on Apple Blooms mouth, "As long as your here".

"But I really think you should know what it said in the letter", Apple Bloom said, shoving Scootaloo's hoof down.

"Alright but let's start walking to the train station while we talk", Scootaloo replied.

"okay", agreed Apple Bloom then started explainning the letter.


Apple Bloom had finnaly finished talking about the letter when they had arrived.

"So, Bab's might be coming with us" squealed Sweetie Belle.

"That's what I think, she said she might be able to meet us at Mane Hatten."

"So that's our first stop!" said the exited Scootaloo.

"All abored!" the conducter pony shouted.

"Come on let's go", Scootaloo urged.

As the three fillies were about to enter the train, the conducter pony's hoof flung Infront of them.

"Don't you think you a bit young to be going on train without a accompany?"

The three fillies glanced at each other and knew exactly what to do.

"where terribly sorry sir", Apple Bloom said in a Mane hattenish accent , "but we are just returning to our own home town, and my poor grandmother, couldn't accompany me to Pony Ville or back."

The conducter looked suspiciously at the little fillies, he didn't look like he wanted a argument so he just sighed and let them in, after all it was very early. No pony would want to argue at this time.

"I can't believe he let us in" Sweetie Belle said.

"me too", said Scootaloo.

"I have been practicing" Apple Bloom grinned

They enterd the almost empty train. There was only two other ponies on bored, a tired brown stallion dozing off on his chair and I lemon coloured mare in a bonnet sitting with bored eyes. She gave the little ponies a unamused look when they passed her.

"it's been so long since I was last on a train" Sweetie Belle commented, quietly.

They all decided on a empty caboose near the back. it was very quiet in the train intill it had started to pull off of the station. The rumbling noise of the train set off to Mane Hatten. The sun was now raised In the sky, more beautiful then ever seen.

They all sat quietly on there seats, and stared out the window. "AppleJack is properly waking up now Apple Bloom sighed.

"don't feel bad", the other two comforted "she might understand when we get back.

"I don't know" said Apple Bloom.

Suddenly there was a loud thump on top of the train right before they enterd a dark cave.

"what was that"? Sceamed Apple Bloom. Before any pony could answer They were on the other side with a hooded figure Infront on them.

"ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" they all screamed.

Scootaloo gasped, "you!" it was the same pony she had seen yesterday.

"What are you doing here, how are you here!" Without answering, the pony purposely dropped a envolope Infront of Scootaloo,then dashed off,her face covered by her hooded cloak.

The three ponies gaped at the envelope, then looking side to side to meet each others bewildered eyes. "what just happened" Apple Bloom asked.

Scootaloo ignored the comment and picked up the envelope, it was new and had a red seal on the back. "classic" Scootaloo chuckled. When she opened the envelope there was a long letter inside.She unfolded it and read it aloud.

"Dear Scootaloo, I'm very sorry about not being able to introduce my self, my name is WingWeight and I am one of your parents most trustworthy friends. Please forgive me about everything,but I ask you to not put yourself in to any danger. There is a reason your family couldn't keep you and it was tragic to have to let you go. I cannot tell you anything about your family, it is top secret not for your eyes. You probably want to know more about everything but once again I'm sorry I cannot. I have tried to arrange for your parents to meet you but it was always a bad time. But please for the sake of your mother and father do not go looking for them. As much as they would like to meet you and you would like to meet them, it is not allowed.
Good luck and hope to see you again, WingWeight."

That's what it says" Scootaloo said slightly sad." So I can't know anything about them!" "but it's not fair!" She said while throwing the letter and envelope down. Then a another small letter slithered out.

"huh" they all said.

Scootaloo picked it up and read:

"WingWeight again, no one knows I'm writing this but, I believe in you, your parents are dying to meet you! I will be traveling near to you and can always help you and your friends when your in trouble. I really shouldn't be telling you any of this but go to Canterlot imdently, I will help you when you get there, and if you like I can help you get there with transportation."

Scootaloo dropped the letter, then smiled a huge grin.

"this is it, we just have to go to Canterlot then find my parents!" "it basically says it all in the letter!"

"but we don't know this pony at all, what if she's not what we're expecting." Apple Bloom replied.

"ya Rarity has told me about ponies who lie then end up being super creepy."

"I don't care,this is are only chance to actually do something." she screamed, then hugged the letter from the ground.

Apple Bloom though for a moment."Why not,we properly not gonna be able to do anything better, I'm in"

"then I am too" Sweetie Belle , yelled.

Just then the train learched to a stop, making the group of three startled and crashed into each other. They all broke into a fit of laughter. "Welcome to Mane Hatten, every pony the conducter said from the speaker.

The exited fillies bounced out of the train to see Mane Hatten the most wonderful thing they ever saw.
"whoa"they all breathed, airily.

"So this is what it's like to be in Mane Hatten," Apple Bloom breathed. "what are we waiting for!" the three fillies rushed into the streets of the big city and gasped some more. Tomorrow would be another bug adventure.

Mane Hatten

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The exited fillies stared in aw as big lights shone in the morning of Mane hatten, it was a tremendous sight, any local pony from Ponyville would find amazing. They seemed to be a bouncing everywhere to see what place in Mane hatten they could see next because a rich looking pony looked annoyed at them.
"Get out the way,little tramps." he said harshly.
Apple Bloom had forgotten that Babs said that mostly every pony was pretty pushy and such in Mane hatten, so they should look out. Surprisingly there was actually quite a few ponies out in the morning, but not as much as Babs had explained in the afternoon.

"We better watch out girls", Apple Bloom said.

"Some ponies", Sweetie belle declared with a cute but angry look in her eye
"Come on, Babs said she would meet us near the fountain over there", she pointed.

They rushed over, trying to avoid any other rude ponies, that would crash right into them. They diden't see bab's seed anywhere, but she was probably running a bit late. Just then, a brown earth pony was walking calmly down to the fountain.

"Hey, there she is!" Apple Bloom yelled, pointing her hoof again.
"Cousin!" Babs seed said while hugging Apple Bloom, when she had approached them.
She had her sly grin on her face while saying hello, to Apple Bloom's best friends.
"Good to see you again"she grinned.

The four fillies chatted for a bit in the morning light, so they knew what was going on with there lives. Mostly Apple Bloom and Babs did the talking but it made sense because they where related to each other.
"So i here you gals are searching for Scootaloo's parents, right", Babs said.

"Ya,and we where wondering if you wanted to tag along", Scootaloo answered.

"Sure, my sis probably wont care a bit, after all i did say i might be gone for a while. So you wanna take a look at ma'h home town?" Babs asked.

The young fillies nodded rapidly, dying to see the city.

"Come on then." Babs seed urged, waving a hoof in the other direction. The group followed the brown and red mare around the city, open mouthed the whole tour.There where huge buildings in Mane hatten unlike Ponyville had, with amazing windows and doors, unlike anything they had ever seen. The whole city was dosed in streetlights and ponies everywhere. After the short tour was over Babs seed offered to take them to the best cafe in town.

As they accepted the offer and went inside the famous cafe, Scootaloo had noticed something about the cafe. Not that it was very fancy and dim lighted to make the perfect scenery but that there was a picture of the old owners of the cafe. It said right bellow there names that they where the old owners of the cafe, so that was pretty clear. There names where Doug and Vanilla Cloud. Doug seemed to have a burnt crimson mane and tail and a orange body, Vanilla Cloud had yellow poofy hair like a cloud and a pearl white body.

"Hey, were those the old owners of the cafe", Scootaloo asked even though she knew that they where but she just wanted to know more about them.

"Ya, Doug and Vanilla Cloud, they owned the cafe as a couple, they where real nice, but i don't know what happened to them, they disappeared a while back when i was a younger filly." They where both Pegasus's from clouds-dale."
"Cool", muttered Scootaloo, still staring at the photos. They just seemed so familiar, only she knew she had never seen them in her life.

"You alright Scoots?" asked Apple Bloom.

"Oh ya, im fine, its just... well they look familiar, only i have never seen them in my life before."

"That's strange", replied Apple Bloom, while taking a sip of lemonade, She then chomped on the lemon wedge, by accident.

"Sour!" Apple Bloom spat. Scootaloo and the rest paused to laugh. Soon Apple Bloom joined in after wiping the bitter taste on her tongue.

"Well, what should we do now?"asked Sweetie belle, when she had finished her lemonade.

"How about we head on down to theater, its pretty fun to watch."

"Okay!", they all agreed excitedly. Scootaloo decided to stop thinking about the photos of the old owners and followed the rest outside. She did want to have fun while they where here after all, so she blocked the though in her mind, but it was still nagging a bit at her brain.

The four fillies arrived at the theater. It was another big building with the theatrical sign on top. Scootaloo, Apple Bloom and Sweetie belle skipped in excitedly, while Babs walked in her normal cool easy going self. They where about to line up when Babs stopped them with a hoof.

"We don't have to line up there and pay, do you know how expensive they are?" i like going in the other way".

'You mean the express line?" Sweetie Belle said cheerfully.

"No, i just sneak in, Babs seed grinned. Babs seemed to have read there minds because the look on there faces as she continued talking.

"Don't worry, i have never got caught once", plus there is a secret passage way i take, i found it the first time a came here." Babs led the group to the side of the counter when no pony was looking, she then glanced side to side then quickly went behind a velvet curtain. The crusaders followed and where led into as it seemed the stage, only the front curtains where closed.
There was a dangling rope on the side. Babs grabbed it and yanked it. she then started climbing it up to a flat wooden surface.
"So you gals good climbers?"

"Are you sure this is safe", asked Sweetie Belle.

"Would i lie to the crusaders?" Babs stated.

"Well ok, if you say so". Sweetie Belle was the first to climb up, she struggled a bit but got up unhurt. It was Apple Bloom's turn next. She grabbed hold of the rope and slowly climbed it, joining the others.

"Come on, Scootaloo your next" Bab's said "The actors are gonna come in any minute now."

Scootaloo gulped, she had never done any stunt or trick like this, for all she knew that she was best on her Scooter. How did Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom get up so easily anyway, she thought. Scootaloo finally grabbed hold to it and began climbing. It wasn't actually that hard, she soon was up with her friends.

"Good, job!" Apple Bloom said, relived that nothing bad had happened to any of them. Babs now led them quickly up more wooden surfaces. They seemed quite stable so Scootaloo didn't worry. It also felt good to be high up, as if she where flying.
The friends had finally reached there destination, it was high up and had a few boxes, that they could sit on. They seemed to have walked around on the planks all the way the the back so they could see the stage. Babs seed opened the small curtains that where covering a little wooden window with no glass so that they could here what was going on in to big room.
They all made themselves comfortable on the boxes and watched as the curtains opened.
Light streamed through the room when the curtains opened and a beautiful looking mare was the center of the spotlight, she was wearing a beautiful sparkly dress and had her mane done up.The play began with a song, witch the crusaders enjoyed quite much, then the next scene started.

After the play, Sweetie Belle was telling them how much she loved when the actors sang in the play and how cool it would be to be in one. The play was about a young mare trying to find true love or something like that.

"It was kinda sappy for me" said Scootaloo.

"Same here" replied Babs "they usually show different ones though."

"Well i liked it said Sweetie Belle." Apple Bloom too" Apple Bloom nodded with a- huh. The friends started arguing about how it should have ended but Apple Bloom made a good point, that it would be to sad if it didn't end how it was.

"Noon, already?" Apple Bloom declared, looking at a clock, as they exited the theater making sure no one saw them come out from the curtain.
"Time flies by when your having fun, that's what Apple Jack always says."

"Come on" Babs seed said." "there's lots more to see". They all darted away from the theater and followed Babs seed to there next stop, there was a fun day ahead of them... for now.

To Canterlot we go!

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"Boy,what a day" exclaimed Apple bloom, collapsing on to a park bench. It had been a long day for the little fillies and they had a blast! With the delicious treats and the theatre and even meeting Babs family.

"Ya, Scootaloo said, taking a seat next to Apple bloom. Sweetie belle and Babs seed sat down too. The four gazed at the sunset, and they swore that they could almost glimpse Luna and Celestia amung it all. Scootaloo sighed, and started replaying all the things they had done today,she then noticed how tired she was as her eyes began to droop. then suddenly something accured to her, that she had compleatly forgot.

"CANTERLOT!" she yelled louder then expected. "Ugh, how could I have forgotten!" Scootaloo mumbled while slapping her hoof to her face in frustration.
"Uh, what, do ya mean?" asked Apple bloom clearly confused.

" Remember, in the letter, we were supposed to meet Wing weight or something so she could take us to Canterlot."

"Oh shoot, your right we compleatly forgot!" Apple bloom replied, Face hoofing herself as well.

"Why does life have to be so ironic!" said Sweetie belle joining in with her friends frustration. Babs,obviously confused asked "uhhh what are you guys talking about?"
Apple bloom immediately started explainning to Babs. " I'm so sorry cuz, we forgot to tell you , I guess we kinda forgot."
Babs starred at Apple bloom waiting for more. " Oh ya, well when we were on the train, a cloaked pony that keeps following us, jumped on to the train and dropped this note for Scootaloo."

Babs expression clearly got through to Apple bloom that she was utterly astonished and confused.

"Look, here" said Scootaloo rushing to find the note in her saddle bag. She found the two notes and then handed it to Babs. The trio waited patiently as Babs read the letter, finding it quite amusing watching Babs emotions.
After she had finished reading it she handed it back to Scootaloo.

"wow" was all she managed to say.

" yaaaa", Scootaloo said while scratching the back of her neck.

"Well, come on we're are we supposed to meet her, Babs seed grinned.

"Uh, we'll she just said if we ever needed her she could help us but I'm not exactcly sure how she knows when we do need help." she said sheepishly.

"Oh, I know, how about we start calling for her" Sweeite belle suggested. "Well, since she just popped out of no we're in the train, and the clubhouse I just assume she could pop out of no where right now" Sweetie said smiling a little.

" But, she came out of now where when we least expected it" Apple bloom stated. Apple bloom did make a good point but Sweetie belle dident listens to what her friend said, instead she began calling Wing weight's name astonishingly loud.

" Great, now ponies are gonna look at us like we're crazy" Scootaloo said, quite annoyed.but little did she know that the hooded pony of the name Wing weight was making her way slowly closer to the group of fillies.

"WING WEIGHT!, WING WEIGH- Sweetie was cut of with a loud crash beside a building. They jerked ther heads in that defection and saw boxes and crates tumble into the streets. Along with the sounds of boxes bashing to the ground was a loud moan. The friends hurried over closer to the pile of crates and box's and then saw a moving lump with a black cape over top, the Moaning still consistent.

Not sure if the lump was a pony Scootaloo said "Uh, are you alright?" The black lump, unaware of any pony watching jerked up revealing a sturdy grey looking mare, with a spikeish pitch black mane and gorgeous emerald green eyes.

After a awkward silence of staring the mare started talking.

"Hi" the mare spoke quick and short, proberly pretty embarrassed with the awkwardness and abrute landing. Her voice sounded pretty young, maybe a bit older then Rarity or the others.

Scootaloo a bit dazed stammered, " are you w-wing weight."

"Ya, that's my name and you must be- oh what the heck!" she then hugged Scootaloo tightly and smiled. "I have been waiting to do that all my life!"

"you have?" asked Scootaloo a bit Uncomfterble.

"Ok, I know I dident really mention this is the letter but.... Oh my gosh, this is gonna soud crazy. She paused and took a deep breath " I'm your sister." At that moment Scootaloo heard those words a mixture of confusion joy and suprise went through her.

"say that again", she said making sure she wasn't just imagining it. "I-am-your-sister." she said In long words making sure Scootaloo understood her." Scootaloo slowly looked around to her friends behind her and began forming a huge smile.

"yeeeeeeeeessss!" I have a sister!" she yelled bouncing around on quick hooves around her friends then to her newly discovered sister. "oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, I...have... a.. sister, sweet!"She said sounding awfully a lot like rainbow dash. Her whole face beaming as she she savours those words. She then hugged her sister tightly and closed her eyes, still smiling.

"Wow, Inever would have thought you would react that way" Wing weight said smirking down at her little sister.

" I never thought that Sweetie belle's idea of you actually coming would work" Apple bloom said chuckling happily for Scootaloo.

"I told ya so!" Sweetie belle said innocently. All of them laughed including Scootaloo, who had now released her big sister and was turned to them. Wing weight interrupted their laughter " Well it is certainly nice to meet all of you, she said out of no where." smiling happily at all of them. Now are we going to Canterlot to meet Your parents or not Scoots, she said."would!" Scootaloo yelled enthusiastically. The whole group chuckled at Scootaloo's enthusiasim.

"Well what are we waiting for, hop on!" Wing weight expanded her wings and flapped them once. All four fillies grabbed hold of her back and they took off. Surprisingly she was a very strong mare, stronger then some stallions maybe. Wing weight also reminded her a lot like Rainbowdash her biggest fan/ fake sister, she liked that.

"Oh and gals" she said I may need to explain a few things while we head there.

"Like what?" Scootaloo asked in response.

Wing weight sighed " you'll see."And with that they soared through the sky of equestria leaving Mane Hatten down below, heading forth to Canterlot.

A quiet moment of questions

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Wingweight, Scootaloo, Sweetiebelle, Applebloom and Babs soared through the sky, it was a wonderful sight for all. Celestia was bringing the sun down as Luna raised her lit moon towards the sky revealing a beautiful sunset. Scootaloo sighed happily as the wind blew through her mane and gazed at the sunset, her friends doing the same.
Scootaloo had never really been able to fly before, and it felt so nice to be up in the open air right next to her friends and her newly found sister. It seemed like there was always a piece missing in her life and she though she might have finally found it, after all she was about to meet her parents too!

"Where almost there!" Wingweight yelled through the air to her passengers.

" I can't wait!" Scootaloo yelled back.

" I can imagine, but I still have to tell you guys a few things before we can meet them tomorrow."

"Wait tomorrow?" she asked

" "Well we can't go see them when some ponies would be going to sleep soon, trust me we will have a much better time tomorrow after a good nights rest" Wingweight replied smiling.

Soon afterwards they landed on a high platform near Canterlot. "Wow, iv never seen Canterlot up this close before!" Sweetie, exclaimed. The CMC's all had a look of amazement on their faces as they starred directly at Canterlot, Wingweight just smiled.

" You guys are really heavy all piled up on me, she said, my back is killing me" she said letting out a exaggerated stretch.

"You should have thought twice before letti'n all four of us you" Applebloom chuckled. The grey mare grinned back at her.

" Come on, follow me, let's go to the Canterlot cafe so we can talk then we can go to my house after. The four fillies followed the mare with no trouble, they were all excited to look around Canterlot for the first time.They then stopped in front of a big cafe. The group headed inside,it was now the second time going into a fancy cafe in the course of one day.
Wingweight showed the fillies to a comfy spot near the back of the cafe and they all sat down.

A waiter came to their table and handed them all a menu. The menu was awfully fancy and had quite a few delicious looking food.
"Get whatever you want" Wingweight said.
"Really?" Scootaloo exclaimed, lots of stuff is really expensive though.
"Its fine, i dont mind couching up a few bits for my sister and her friends". She said as she placed her hooves behind her head, relaxing into the comfy chair.
"Gee, thanks"!
After a while on looking at the delicious treats on the menu all five, decided what to order. Sweetiebelle decided on a strawberry crepe, Applebloom chose a drink called a shirly temple, Babs ordered some weird looking dish, that nopony could pronounce, Scootaloo picked the specialty hot choclate,topped with whipped cream and chocolate sauce and Wingweight got a strawberry orange smoothie. The waiter soon came back with their orders and they chowed down.
"Mmmmm, this is delicious!" sweetie belle exclaimed while shoving another piece of crepe down her gullet.
"Ya, thanks alot Wingweight" Applebloom said. Babs nodded in agreement and took another bite of her dish.

"You rock, sis!" Scootaloo said nudging Wingweight. Wingweight nudged her back playfully and smiled again. But Wingweights smile soon vanished and was replaced by a frown and a serious look.

"Now, i dident just take you girls here just to eat,i took you here to talk too, i need to tell you some very important info."

"What is it?" Scootaloo asked with big eyes.

"Well, its about your parents and how its gonna work." Wingweight said as her head drooped.

"Whats that supposed to mean?"

"This may take a while to explain" Said Wingweight, "But"... She paused and took a sip from her smoothie. "Me and your parents are in a situation, a big situation" The fillies just starred at Wingweight, confused and waiting for her to continue.
"You see" Wingweight scratched her head nervously. " Your parents were tooken by a pony the name of Darkdust." He's like the bad guy and he's keeping them somewhere with his own will." she continued. "Its my job to keep them safe and to make sure Darkdust dosent try to get into any mischievous, see me and him made a deal, so he wouldent hurt them or anything but i still havent found a way to let them escape from him."
Now all the fillies had their mouths hanging open. Scootaloo's expression looked devastated and utterly confused.
"B-but what does he want from them, Scootaloo whimpered, why dident you tell me about this sooner?"
"I know im sorry, i just wanted to tell you at the right time and....." Wingweight drifted off. "And he wants your parents because they know something about him, something dangerous. The reason hes keeping them inclosed is because they saw him use dark magic on another pony, they were going to tell the police, but he dident want that, so hes been keeping them with him to make sure they dont tell anypony. I dont know what hes planning to do with them but i know its not good."
Scootaloo was still silent and her head hung low, tears in her eyes.
"Im sorry i know its alot to take but you can still see them as long as you keep quiet, its hard to understand but i know you are smart enough to understand eventually.
Scootaloo's heart felt like it had just shriveled up in her body. Why did HER parents that she never met before had to be tooken from some evil stallion, why did all this have to happen, why couldent she just have a normal life like everypony elese. Was that too much to ask for?

Scootaloo felt a hoof lift her chin up, so she was directly facing Wingweight. "Its ok, i know i can get them out someway, but i really think they want to meet you even if they are with some bad pony, and i know you want to meet them too." Wingweight smiled softly tears in her eyes as well.
Scootaloo breathed in deeply, and sat up aware of her friends starring at her with sad and worried eyes."I dont get it" Scootaloo breathed out. "What was with the letters you gave me and that warning?"

At first Wingweight looked confused but then she looked angry and looked away, her arm still resting on Scootaloo's shoulder. "Not all that was me, its Darkdust's companion,, she's just as wicked as bad as Darkdust. He had the idea of making her pretend she was me! Shes the one who was always warning you and who gave you that letter about not coming to find your parents, i was aware of this so i quickly wrote another letter and slipped it in with hers. I hope it wasent to confusing."

Scootaloo just nodded, letting Wingweights words sink into her brain.finally she spoke. "I think i want to be alone right now."
"I understand" Wing weight said sadly letting go of Scootaloos shoulder.
The fillies watched as Scootaloo walked away to restroom, they were silent and just looked down at their food.
"Dont worry" said Wingweight reassuringly,she just needs to think, we can go to my place soon with her.
They nodded eyes still glued to the table.
Wingweight spoke again"She just needs time."