• Published 5th Aug 2013
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Clubhouse of Horror - Grenazers

The Cutie Mark Crusaders decide to try and earned their cutie marks in telling scary stories.

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Ch 3: Red Sky

The flock, a term alien to both the earth and unicorn, but very familiar amongst the pegasus ponies. The flock is a common word used among their kind, it's basically a group mentality where every pegasus must contribute to the group and in return the group will keep you safe and secured.

As a group the pegasus established rules that everypony must follow. One of these rules is to never stray too far away from the flock. This was taught upon the young colts and fillies of the group, they were warned that if you stray to far the flock the Black Beast will take them away.

The Black Beast is described as a large winged creature with a beak so sharp it could pierce through mountains. The monster also had two sharp talons which is used to catch helpless preys, like the name says the creature has black fur , the only other color besides the black are his two red eyes.

This story has been passed down from generation to generation and each time always frighten the children. Even the adults fear this story and while some hardly believe the creature exist, most them wouldn't dare leave the safety of the flock. There was however one mare who didn't share their view.

This young mare is named Radiant Dawn. When she was little Dawn believed in the story of the black beast, but as she grew older she started to get less scared of this myth. She thinks that the black beast is just a hoax, and fairy tale to keep young children in line.

Because of her attitude, it sparked numerous conflict with members of her flock. She would usually argue with them about not following the rules or not doing the proper procedures of something. Dawn eventually became an outcast among her group, while still in many ponies tend to avoid her, less her personality will rub off them.

Then one day Radiant Dawn was having a huge argument with her parents, harsh words were exchange. Then when the argument stopped Dawn bolted out of the house and flew off somewhere, away from the flock.

After a couple of minutes of flying the pegasus stopped and landed on a cloud. This wasn't the first time she flew off like this, in the past when ever she was mad she just needed to be far away as possible. She does this so she vent off her anger with nopony around.

After doing her venting she realized how tiring she was and decided to take a quick rest on the soft cloud she was on. Soon her quick rest turn into a long slumber as her eyes were getting heavy and closed.

When the Radiant Dawn started to wake up she notice it was dark, she theorized that it was night time. However her theory was proven wrong when she opened her eyes wide.

The first thing notice was the sky. The once beautiful and bright blue sky has been replaced with a bright, eerie red. Its as if the sky has been stabbed and the blood soon spread, tainting the brilliant blue sky with blood red.

As she looked up she noticed that wasn't a sun in the sky, this was odd since the sky was bright enough to see. She then took a look on the cloud she was on, gone was the white color of the cloud instead replaced with the color black.

But what really scared was when she looked from her cloud. Down on earth was nothing but blackness, this black shadow covered the land from far and wide. Once there was many sight to be seen from the skies. Forest, mountains, oceans, villages, and many more were gone,all gone. Swallowed up by the black abyss below.

Then her instinct started to kick in and she decides to fly back to the flock. This was a common thing taught for the young pegasus, when ever they feel that they are in danger fly back to the safety of the flock.

Unfortunately Dawn couldn't find her flock, in fact she didn't see any other living creatures. No birds and no bugs were seen or heard. There was even any wind blowing in the sky. Where ever she was, she is definitely not in Equestria anymore. And yet despite the feeling of isolation she still feel that someone was watching her.

She thinks there is something down at the bottom watching her. She thought about exploring the dark ground, but dismisses it out of fear of being swallowed up by the abyss.

So with nothing else to do Dawn flew around aimlessly, in hopes to find something. Half an hour of flying the young pegasus was starting to slow down from exhaustion. Then suddenly she a sudden sound of wind from below, when she looked down she a big black blur speeding towards her.

Dawn reacted quickly and dashed to the sides. Something huge flew pass her and she got a clear view of her assailant. Her eyes widen on laying her sight on the creature, it was big, black, red eyes, two talons,two large wings, and a long spear like beak. It was the black beast! she said to herself, it was real!

The beast quickly turn and dashed towards the shocked pegasus. Upon seeing it dash at her brought the mare out of her shock state and evaded his attack. When she turned around the beast was gone, confused Dawn quickly looked around. The beast was nowhere in sight.

Continuing on Dawn kept flying aimlessly. Occasionally she would encounter the black beast again but again she evaded it and it disappeared. This went on for many hours, Dawn was getting tired. She wanted to rest but feared that he will come and attacker her. Her condition are starting to get worse due the lack of sleep and rest, her mind wandered, not focusing. There were also scars from the previous beast attack and without bandages she was losing blood.

Despite all this the pegasus couldn't care. She was tired, she wanted it to end, and the only she can get this is from that beast. During her time here, Dawn thought long and hard and she came to a conclusion. There was no escape, simple as that. She flew endlessly and she no further escaping then she was at the beginning.

She's given up, there was no escaping this hell. She could always continue evading the beast, but for how long? All she'll be doing is torturing herself with her pointless attempt to escape the monster, instead she should've just let it killed her in the first place. Death will be her only escape now.

With that resolved Dawn stopped in flight and stood there. Then she heard the noise of the approaching beast flying towards her. The pegasus simply closed her eyes and think happy thoughts, she remembered all the happy time she was as a child. Hanging with her friends, playing games, and spending time with her parents. A small smile appeared on her face and tears emerged from her closed eyes.

Then in instant she gone, the black beast pierced her small body with his razor sharp beak. The impact was sudden and quick, Dawn died instantly.

With his prey caught the large beast return back down to the abyss to enjoy his meal, while awaiting his next prey.
"The End" Scootaloo finished.

The two other fillies stared with mouth opened. Seconds later both of them spoke up.

"That was amazing! , Scootaloo" Applebloom praised her orange friend.

"Yeah Scootaloo, great story" Sweetie Belle said also praising her friend.

Scootaloo then turned her head and look at her rear. "Aw, man" the orange filly moan. "I didn't get my Cutie Mark".

Sweetie Belle then realized she forgot to check her flank. She gave the same response as Scootaloo upon seeing no mark.

Applebloom then took the flashlight from Scootaloo. "Alright gals, It's my turned to tell a scary story".

She then put the flashlight below her face. "Now prepare, for what I'm about to tell is a true story" the yellow filly said in low voice.

"Long ago when my granny was just a filly like me, one of her cousin from afar lived with her family for a bit until she mysteriously vanished" she continued.

"This is the story of Ginger Gold and the ...

The Stranger