• Published 5th Aug 2013
  • 1,132 Views, 21 Comments

Clubhouse of Horror - Grenazers

The Cutie Mark Crusaders decide to try and earned their cutie marks in telling scary stories.

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Ch 2: The Fiend

Long ago when the three tribes were not united, there was a old legend common amongst the unicorn tribe. This is the story of the Fiend.

The Fiend is said to be a being with no physical form, rather just a spirit. According to the legend this spirit is a horrifying demon that possesses unicorns and make them go on a violent rampage.

Once it found its target the Fiend will use the unicorn's magic and cause enough death and destruction possible before the host dies. The reason is because the demon will push the body beyond limits and until it can go no further,once done it live the body to die and travel the land seeking another host.

Several facts has been found about the Fiend, that describes its characteristics. One them is the fact that it usually targets young unicorns who are starting to learn magic. The reason is that children are more easier to control then most adult unicorns.

Once it chosen its target the Fiend is said to lay dormant inside the young unicorn until it start learning to use magic. During this stage the host will show symptoms such as increase in magical performance, more violent, and paranoia.

To defend against this the unicorns train their young, not in strength but in the mind. The legend said that the Fiend will slowly try to influence the child over a couple of years, drastically changing them. However if the unicorn's mind are strong the creature will eventually get tire of it and leave.

This training went for many years, but eventually as time passed many unicorns started to forget about the spirit and most just assume it's just a myth.

Soon a majority of them stop training their minds and went on with their life. Only few actually do it and it was done mostly for traditions.

For many centuries there has been no indecent involving the Fiend, which then fade out into obscurity. That is until the tragic event in Manehattan.

The Great Manehattan Fire was one of the most tragic event in history. The fire was massive and fierce, it took the firefighters three days to finally vanquished the flames. The aftermath was terrible, huge portions of the city was destroyed and a estimate loss of life is over a thousand.

To this day it still remains a mystery of how this fire started. Some say that it was merely an accident, others believed it was an attack by foreign enemies. While many ponies came up with their own version, one them involved a long forgotten legend. This is their story, A few years ago before the incident there was young unicorn colt named Wind Song

Wind Song comes from a typical family with a mom and a dad. Both of his parents were overachievers and as such expect their child to do the same. At a young age the little colt was showing incredible magic capability, making him into prodigy.

As time pass and the colt grew up, his whole personally and attitude changed. Before he was quiet and nice, now he was aggressive and spiteful. It also didn't help that his parents were strict and pushed him to his limits, of the fact that he was the envy of his peers who resents the stallion.

Finally after all the years of of abuse and mistreatment he finally snapped. One day Wind Song came back home with poor grades, as expected his parents were not too pleased. During their heated argument the young stallion lifted his father up with his magic and lit him on fire.

His father screamed in agony while his wife watched in shock. Once done with him Wind Song did the same with his mother, but instead her burn to death.

The sound of screaming and the smell of smoke alerted the neighbors to call in the fire department and the police. By the time both department reached the area, they were confronted with something shocking. The entire neighborhood was on fire. Houses were set a blaze and ponies were screaming and running as they were on fire.

Then out came from the burning inferno stood a lone unicorn with white glowing eyes and a wicked smile on his mouth. One of the fire fighter upon seeing him rushed in to save him. As he got closer though he suddenly combusted into flames, soon after the rest of the fire fighters and police combusted into flame as well.

So for a long night Wind Song set anything he see on fire. Building erupted in flames, trees and plants were incinerated, and ponies were consumed by the fire.

As he continued his onslaught, his body was starting to weakened as indicated by his sluggish movements. Eventually he stopped in his tracks and simply fell on the hard concrete floor, laying their in incredible pain that soon disappeared with the sweet embrace of death.
"To this day nopony ever found out the cause of the Great Manehattan Fire" Sweetie spoke in dark menacing voice while holding a flashlight below her face. "And as such the legend of the Fiend soon began to reemerged itself and rumor has it if say 'fiend three times in front of mirror in the dark. The fiend will appear and posses you!"

Both fillies across Sweetie were holding each other while shaking. Then something clicked inside Applebloom's head.

"Wait a second Sweetie Belle" the yellow filly spoke up. "We learned history the other day in class and Miss Cheerliee never mention any Great Manehattan Fire".

"Well of course Applebloom, it's just a story." the white filly stated "It doesn't have to be real".

"Oh" Applebloom said then quickly turning around. "I gotta change something quickly". After a couple of minutes of readjustment Applebloom rejoined the two at the center.

"Alright, who goes next" Sweetie asked her two friends. Applebloom and Scootaloo looked at each for a moment and thought about something. "Ready?, one two three first!" Scootaloo yelled at the last part.

"Then it's settle Scootaloo is next" Sweetie announced. "Hey! wait a gosh darn minute, what the hay was that" Applebloom pointed her hoof at the orange filly.

"What?, we decided the one two three rule when ever we can't reach an agreement" Scootaloo pointed out.

"But-" she wanted to say something, but realized that they did made that a rule for their club and because that is the rule she must obey it. "Oh fine" she crossed her arm and pouted.

Scootaloo then grabbed the flashlight from Sweetie Belle and held it below her face. "Now it's my turn" she said in a menacing voice.

"My story is about a lone pegasus that got separated from his flock and found himself in lost in strange new world, and dangerous world with....

Red Sky