• Published 1st Aug 2013
  • 404 Views, 1 Comments

Out Of Place: In Equestria - KhaosSparkz

Our protaginist is a Human out of place in Equestria, struggling to deal with his new life. Having to leave his Loving wife, and two beautiful children, all his friends and his family who he was very close to, having to deal with cotton candy ponies.

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Out of Place: In Equestria
By Khaos Sparkz

Prologue :

“You could say that really I was very different to the others in this town. Out of place could be the word for it. It was over five years ago since I stepped into this magical world of ponies, but don't get me wrong it was a struggle and still is at times and I was terrified I had no idea what to do where to go and was completely alone in this world with not a friend to turn to in the world. I lost my friends and my family my two lovely children and a wife I left behind which I held so dear to me all gone and taken from me like a toy being taken from a naughty child, and all I wanted to do was curl up and cry, or just close my eyes and wake up to find it was just a bad dream... But no it never was a dream it was very much real, I am here in Equestria alone and by the looks of it I don't think I will be seeing my children or my family again.”

“Ok I knew about Ponies and I definitely knew about Bronies, there was enough of them where I lived, Swooning and pining over cotton candy ponies, but each to their own. Hell a couple of my friends where into it I never judged but lets say it wasn't a conversation we got to deep into, but every now and then I felt it was only fair to allow them to share their opinions as I didn't wanna bore them with my topics and not give them a chance to share their interests, and I must say some of what they spoke about did certainly get the mind thinking. The most common one being.”

“If I lived in Equestria as a Human I would be so over-joyous... and squee for ever” Or “I would worship Twilight and Rainbow Dash.” and the most popular of arguments, “You're all wrong Fluttershy is cutest and best and I would kiss the ground she walked on.” and something about CMC but I didn't pay to much attention to that bit.

“Blah Blah you get the jist, but then I got the thought running through my head, well more of a question... How would I cope in Equestria if I got stuck there. I can't say I relate to the show, I don't particularly enjoy the thought of watching the show, not my cup of tea, so I would be a fish out of water in that circumstance.”

“Sorry I never introduced myself properly. I do apologize, My name is John Walker I am a twenty seven year old male, I used to be an pencil pusher in an office job dealing in insurance, now in a Equestria as a lay about trying to find a way home, and I am going to go right back to the very beginning of how my life was turned upside down when I entered this realm of madness and I will start from the very beginning of what happened, or what I can remember at least.”


It was a boring day in the office , like any other, watching as time ticked by slower than normal, as I watched the pendulum on the clock as it almost seemed like it was about to suddenly just stop. My work life was boring and to be honest I knew that I was ripping my hair out I knew I had to find a new line of work before I went completely insane. Trust me when you start monologuing in your own mind going over things it is time to move on. However my home life I couldn't be happier, I have my loving wife Eileen, and my two gorgeous baby girls Sarah, and Juliet, we where a truly happy family, and to always have Eileen mocking me because I sucked so badly at changing nappies and she would always taunt me.

Still thinking about my family and seeing their smiles when I got home, always made time edge forward a little faster, and to my amazement, before I knew it, it was six o'clock and I was getting ready to leave the office, I tell you the walk to the car, I was itching to get on the road, the drive normally took three hours driving sensibly but I needed to get home and see my children, I didn't want them to go to bed without me saying goodnight.

As I get into the car, I push the key into the ignition and turn the key, as the engine roars to life in all its majestic galore.... Ok... ok as it feebly struggles to stay alive, I flick the radio on the hear about weather warnings I have been caught out before on those back roads lethal and was stuck for a couple of days a few years ago, on Christmas day of all times to be stuck in the middle of nowhere, even though it wasn't Christmas I didn't want to get caught out again.

Weather Reporter: “This just in incoming gale force winds, and flash flooding and heavy downpour to hit local area, all drivers are advised to take the main roads and avoid the back roads and please drive safely.”

And just like that I took off down the road, without a care but those children and my wife, however the choice I make has led to my demise, You don't think things like this can happen to you, you don't expect it to happen to you, ignorance is bliss but not when your leaving people you love behind. Unfortunately there are some things I can't remember so you are going to have to bare with me as I try and relocate some of my forgotten memories.....

Author's Note:

*Note: This is not another anon human character thrown into Equestria however more of the issues that come with it, the psychological and physical state it can have on a human, feeling alone in a world with multi coloured ponies.

I have read many fanfics like this (Not saying they where bad) However seems to have the same recurring approach, human wakes up in Equestria isn't the least bit concerned being surrounded by multi coloured ponies that can talk no less, or sex related

But I want to try and delve deeper past the sex and the yeah I am totally Ok with this scenario and nothing creepy about this and I can live with it. To a more realistic approach . There isn't going to be a Brony character either because of the unoriginal style that has been worn thin now.

Anyway enough Boring you with my nonsense talking, and I do apologize I don't write many fanfics and its probably going to suck, but this topic really does interest me a little and I like the concept which was inspired by another fanfic.

Also Before I start handing out free ropes the Prologue is kinda a flashback from now to past before what happens, so I wrote it all kinda first person but in Chapter one it will probably be back to normal depending on how I feel it goes.

* I do apologize about the spelling remember British English and American English are very different in spellings :3 But I will try and keep it as close to home as possible :P /)