Out Of Place: In Equestria

by KhaosSparkz

First published

Our protaginist is a Human out of place in Equestria, struggling to deal with his new life. Having to leave his Loving wife, and two beautiful children, all his friends and his family who he was very close to, having to deal with cotton candy ponies.

John Walker is a twenty seven year old male, who lives a comfortable life, with his Wife and two lovely baby daughters, he is content with his life, however all that is turned upside down by one fatal error on his three hour drive home. To find himself living among a sea of candy cotton ponies, and never in his life has he ever felt so scared so alone, and down right out of Place...

*This was a story that kinda came to me while reading another fan fiction* and I also apologize if it isn't great I don't write many Fanfics and haven't written for some time. also I dunno about the style whether to keep it first person *With the urge to avoid breaking the forth wall* and personal or to expand it out more towards narrator, and then the characters, I forget what they call it... second person?

But I wrote this Fanfic because the feeling of being alone in a place, with no one is a pretty scary thought the psychological effect on someones mind, and this guy isn't a Brony, he is a person who knows about Bronies and Pegasisters, but he is having to deal with something serious to him. And I see to many Brony in Equestria Fanfics it kinda gets boring so this is a very different outlook from someone out side the fandom ;)


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Out of Place: In Equestria
By Khaos Sparkz

Prologue :

“You could say that really I was very different to the others in this town. Out of place could be the word for it. It was over five years ago since I stepped into this magical world of ponies, but don't get me wrong it was a struggle and still is at times and I was terrified I had no idea what to do where to go and was completely alone in this world with not a friend to turn to in the world. I lost my friends and my family my two lovely children and a wife I left behind which I held so dear to me all gone and taken from me like a toy being taken from a naughty child, and all I wanted to do was curl up and cry, or just close my eyes and wake up to find it was just a bad dream... But no it never was a dream it was very much real, I am here in Equestria alone and by the looks of it I don't think I will be seeing my children or my family again.”

“Ok I knew about Ponies and I definitely knew about Bronies, there was enough of them where I lived, Swooning and pining over cotton candy ponies, but each to their own. Hell a couple of my friends where into it I never judged but lets say it wasn't a conversation we got to deep into, but every now and then I felt it was only fair to allow them to share their opinions as I didn't wanna bore them with my topics and not give them a chance to share their interests, and I must say some of what they spoke about did certainly get the mind thinking. The most common one being.”

“If I lived in Equestria as a Human I would be so over-joyous... and squee for ever” Or “I would worship Twilight and Rainbow Dash.” and the most popular of arguments, “You're all wrong Fluttershy is cutest and best and I would kiss the ground she walked on.” and something about CMC but I didn't pay to much attention to that bit.

“Blah Blah you get the jist, but then I got the thought running through my head, well more of a question... How would I cope in Equestria if I got stuck there. I can't say I relate to the show, I don't particularly enjoy the thought of watching the show, not my cup of tea, so I would be a fish out of water in that circumstance.”

“Sorry I never introduced myself properly. I do apologize, My name is John Walker I am a twenty seven year old male, I used to be an pencil pusher in an office job dealing in insurance, now in a Equestria as a lay about trying to find a way home, and I am going to go right back to the very beginning of how my life was turned upside down when I entered this realm of madness and I will start from the very beginning of what happened, or what I can remember at least.”


It was a boring day in the office , like any other, watching as time ticked by slower than normal, as I watched the pendulum on the clock as it almost seemed like it was about to suddenly just stop. My work life was boring and to be honest I knew that I was ripping my hair out I knew I had to find a new line of work before I went completely insane. Trust me when you start monologuing in your own mind going over things it is time to move on. However my home life I couldn't be happier, I have my loving wife Eileen, and my two gorgeous baby girls Sarah, and Juliet, we where a truly happy family, and to always have Eileen mocking me because I sucked so badly at changing nappies and she would always taunt me.

Still thinking about my family and seeing their smiles when I got home, always made time edge forward a little faster, and to my amazement, before I knew it, it was six o'clock and I was getting ready to leave the office, I tell you the walk to the car, I was itching to get on the road, the drive normally took three hours driving sensibly but I needed to get home and see my children, I didn't want them to go to bed without me saying goodnight.

As I get into the car, I push the key into the ignition and turn the key, as the engine roars to life in all its majestic galore.... Ok... ok as it feebly struggles to stay alive, I flick the radio on the hear about weather warnings I have been caught out before on those back roads lethal and was stuck for a couple of days a few years ago, on Christmas day of all times to be stuck in the middle of nowhere, even though it wasn't Christmas I didn't want to get caught out again.

Weather Reporter: “This just in incoming gale force winds, and flash flooding and heavy downpour to hit local area, all drivers are advised to take the main roads and avoid the back roads and please drive safely.”

And just like that I took off down the road, without a care but those children and my wife, however the choice I make has led to my demise, You don't think things like this can happen to you, you don't expect it to happen to you, ignorance is bliss but not when your leaving people you love behind. Unfortunately there are some things I can't remember so you are going to have to bare with me as I try and relocate some of my forgotten memories.....

Chapter One: A Strange New World

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Chapter One : A Strange New World

“Ugh what the hell happened?” John thought to himself as he rubbed his head, “I feel like I have been run over by a god damn truck.” He groaned as he opened his eyes slowly, and in a flash he shot up as he jumped to his feet. But coming over very dizzy, “Oh damn that wasn't a good idea.” He said as he fell onto his back again, “Maybe I should just rest here for a minute.” he looked around. “Wait a minute!!! Did I.... Did I have an accident???” He looked around but to be honest the forest was that dark, he could barely make out anything.

John sat himself upright as he shuffled over to a tree and rested against it, as he looked around and taking in his surroundings, but nothing seemed right, he felt something was out of place the forest seemed normal, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. “Maybe a dream?” He thought. After a couple of minutes John got bored and decided to use the tree he was leaning against to hoist himself back to his feet, with success as he paced himself, unaware that he was being watched from a distance.

John decided to see if he could find a phone or a cabin hut where he could get help. “Come on John you got to get somewhere safe, the forest is no place for anything that could be mistaken for dinner.” He chuckled nervously, as he stumbled off with a slight limp as he used his hands to find his way.

John felt like he had been walking for hours, he was so disorientated by the pitch black that he had no idea if he was even going in a straight line or whether he was going in circles. But not wanting to give up he pressed on gradually picking up pace slightly. Eventually he came to a clearing that was slightly illuminated by the beautiful and strangely large moon.

“Ok now I know the moon is never that big, what in the hell... or where in the hell am I?” he said as he stood in the clearing lighting up like a Christmas tree. All of a sudden something made the hairs in the back of his neck stand to attention as he froze, as he heard a deep low growling from behind him. “Oh shit... Oh shit...” He muttered under his breath. He didn't wanna turn around but his curiosity got the better of him, and there stood the biggest animal.... monster, wooden, wolf?

“HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!!!!” He screamed at the top of his lungs as the beast roared at him.

All pain disappeared as the adrenaline kicked in to action, as he turned about and picked his legs up so high as he bolted off back into the forest. “Oh Shit, Fuck, Fuck fuck!!!! What the hell is that thing?!?!” he screamed and cried as he shit his pants.... literally. Next thing he saw was a blinding flash of light as he had a head on collision with a tree and knocked himself out.

“Honey I’m home.” John called out as he entered through his front door of his house.

To be greeted with the warming welcome from his two girls as they charged at him and dived onto him, embracing their father in a huge cuddle as he chuckled kissing them on the head and squeezing them both tightly.

“Hey John. How was work?” Spoke a female voice that came out from the kitchen smiling, his beautiful wife Jane.

“Tiring as usual, but the travelling home is worth it to come home to two beautiful girls and my dearly beloved.” As he said that his wife turned a couple of shades redder as she walked up to him and gave him a hug and a big kiss on the lips. He was in heaven what more could he ask for in life but to have his wonderful family around him, then everything started to fade away to darkness...

“Hey Twilight? Do you think he is gonna wake up?” spoke a female voice as John stirred to the muffled sounds of unknown voices.

“I don't know Rainbow.” She replied back as she stared closely at the human laying in Ponyville hospital.

“Well what I wanna know is.... What in tarnation is he???” The very clear country drawl, John subliminally thought he was now in red neck town as the voices became clearer.

“I know what we should do for the strange thing that appeared out of nowhere..... We should like throw him the biggest supper party........” Then a really high hyper voiced piped up but was cut off abruptly by a very well spoken voice.

“Pinkie.... I do not think he will be in any fit state to..... Ugh.... Party.” So well spoken voice.

All the different accents made John stir as he slowly started to open his eyes, as his vision was blurred and out of focus.

“I think he is waking up Twilight?” Rainbow said as she pointed towards him.

They all shushed each other as they had no idea what to expect. John opened his eyes drowsy but had full focus as he was faced with five very colourful what looked like ponies.... he sighed as he closed his eyes all of a sudden his facial expressions had the look of a worried concerned and somewhat frightened appearance.

“Wait..... Did I just see that correct?” He said in his head with a slightly panicked sound to his tone, as he opened his eyes once more as all five faces where right in his face up close, not a pleasant sight. “AGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!” He yelled as he rolled and tumbled out of bed crashing to the floor.

“Well that went better than expected don't you think miss smarty pants.” the pink pony.... thing bounced up and down.

“Pinkie please... He could be dangerous” Said the purple pony.

All of a sudden John poked his head up just revealing his eyes as he hid behind the bed, staring at five cotton candy coloured ponies.... but not only ponies, but talking.... no ponies don't talk.... he began to laugh uncontrollably out of fear. As he shook his head. “Nope... I refuse to believe any of this. I'm dreaming...” He started in a very whimsical tone. “No no Ponies don't talk, I am definitely dream.” He looked around quickly as he grabbed the first thing that came to mind which unfortunately was a lamp, as he hit himself on the head with it knocking himself clean out again.

“Well that went swimmingly darling.... Any more bright ideas.” Rarity sighed as she rolled her eyes.

“Twilight. Please can you tell me what in the hay that thing is?” Twilight looked over to Apple Jack, and sighed.

“He is a Human...” she sighed softly.

“A HUMAN!?!?” They all said in unison.

“What in equestria is a Human?” Apple Jack asked scratching her head with a very confused look.

A a few books and a long speech later the group of ponies finally kind of understood about this Human business, as John started to stir again. Twilight immediately got read for any more sudden bursts of brash behaviour as she took extra precautions this time.

“Ugh... M...my head....” John sighed, “I was dreaming I must be.” he chuckled nervously, “Ponies can't talk, it was definitely a dream....” He paused for a moment, “A weird one at that.” he groaned as he rolled over and peeped from behind the bed again, nope he wasn't dreaming there where multi coloured ponies looking at him with very uncertain and slightly scared eyes. “Nope I wasn't dreaming....” He laughed hysterically, as he seemed to go a tad bit mad with fear.

“Mr Human?” Spoke Twilight, “Please don't be afraid...” She started but was interrupted by John.

“Afraid!!! Why would I be afraid, I mean ok I am talking with brightly coloured ponies, I don't know why I should be afraid.” In his hysterical state he went from fits of laughter to a complete bawling wreck.

“I think we should all leave before he does something stupid.” Rainbow said in her brash tone

“Rainbow please have some empathy...” Twilight piped up but was interrupted by Rarity.

“Actually I agree with Rainbow here Twilight, the poor.... Human looks like he is about to have a cardiac arrest, maybe it would be good if we let him calm down first.” Twilight nodded and agreed with them.

“Ok, we will leave you to calm down Mr Human.” Twilight sighed as they all turned and headed for the door, but before they could leave, Twilight felt something tugging on her leg, as she turned around she found the human attached to her hind leg like a scared lost foal as she kicked her back leg to shake him off.

“Please....... Please tell me where the hell I am!!!!” All of the ponies stopped and stared at each other...

“Well......” Rainbow said

“Uhm.....” Apple Jack shuffled her hooves slightly.

“You are in Equestria.... Mr Human?” Twilight sighed as she still had John clinging to her hind Leg.

The expression on Johns face told them all that he had no idea, or ever heard of such a place as tears formed in his eyes, eventually he let go of Twilight's leg as he slumped to the floor in tears.

“C'mon gals, let's leave him alone for a while.” Apple Jack sighed as she felt sorry for him.

The ponies left the room, as Twilight looked down at the floor where John laid crying, she began to feel his fear and she knew that she did not want to distress him any more as she slowly closed the ward door. As she made her way to the entrance to where her four friends stand waiting for her.

“What's wrong Sugar cube?” Apple Jack spoke as she lay her hoof on her friends shoulder.

“I don't know but I think I am going to stay her tonight until he calms down.” The others looked at her with great concern.

“Are you sure that is wise Twilight?” Rainbow spoke up.

“Of course I am sure, he was in a real mess back there, I can't just leave him not any pony or human, and from the way he was acting I don't know..... Maybe just maybe....” Twilight traced off into her own thoughts, pensive as her friends stare at her waiting for her to finish, she shook her head, “Oh never mind you girls go on a head I need to ask him a few questions.” Her friends shrugged as they turned and walked out of the hospital.

John was still laid on the floor sobbing softly, “What's going on.... Equestria, I have never even heard of such a place.” He wept as he sputtered out incoherent words, eventually he pulled himself up as he swaggered towards the bed sitting on the edge staring out the window out to the horizon.

Suddenly from behind him he heard a cough, cause him to jump to his feet and face the noise, it was the Purple pony again, he stared at her long and hard, but the more he stared at her, the more uncomfortable she became, as she grinned sheepishly, as she rubbed her shoulder with her hoof. “So.......” She started up as she tried to think of a conversation or something to break the ice. “Uhm....” she was struggling for the first time Twilight was struggling to find words to speak.

John opened his mouth, but no words came out, from shock as he was face to face with a purple unicorn... pegasus pony thing....

“I have to..... ask you something....” She took a deep breath and swallowed as she looked him the eyes, “Have you come from the alternate universe, through some kind of portal? With people like you but slightly more colourful?” Twilight realized that he was too old to be a student at Canterlot High from the alternate universe she recently visited. But judging by the response that John was giving her she quickly scratched that notion and asked another question, “Uhm, so where are you from Mr Human?” she smiled softly trying not to look intimidating.

John again opened his mouth as he formed words but not much was coming out, after a long pause and struggling he managed to bright some life from his mouth, “I..... I'm..... I'm from... E....Earth....” He stuttered.

“Earth???” twilight scratched her head, “I have never heard of Earth before.”

“What.... What are you?” he said as he looked down at her.

“Uhm, I am a Pony.” She chuckled but more out of confusion, “what kind of question is that?” she thought.

“No....no no no, Ponies don't talk, and they certainly aren't as colourful as the ones here.” He said as he felt panic rising in him again.

“Please Mr Human, calm down. This isn't going to help, with you getting all upset, I understand you are scared, but the sooner we can figure this out the quicker we can get you back to where you came from.”

John just nodded, as he looked over to the purple pony. “My name, isn't Mr. Human.” he spoke softly.

“Hmmmm?” Twilight looked up to him.

“My name isn't Mr. Human, it's John..... John Walker.” He said as he sniffed and wiped his eyes on his sleeve.

“Oh I'm sorry John.” She chuckled softly.

“What's so god damn funny?!?” he raised his tone slightly.

“Oh nothing, I will tell you later, but for now you are going to have to come with me so we can figure this out.” John looked at her, he didn't trust her, or any talking coloured pony for that matter, he shook his head as he sat back down on the bed and faced the window.

Twilight looked at him with raised eye brows, but soon refrained from snapping as she remembered what it was like waking up in a strange new world. She sighed softly as she approached John slowly and calmly, “Look John I know your scared and I know you are traumatized. I know how you feel I have been where you are except I went from this to looking like you and I had no choice but to get used to it. I don't wanna sound mean John, but in order for me to find a way to get you back home. I am going to need your full cooperation.” She smiled as she placed a hoof on John's hand and stroked him.

John pulled his hand away as he was touched by the pony, Twilight was taken back, but soon regain her composure, as she looked at him sweetly. John stood up and inhaled deeply as he sighed, “Ok I will come with you but you got to promise me I will be home within the next few hours.”

Twilight was shocked she was good but she has had no time to study or even know where to begin, as she shook her head, “I'm sorry John, but I can't guarantee that I will be able to get you home that quickly, but I know someone who may be able to help, or a couple I should say.” She smiled trying to re-assure him.

Without any warning John headed for the door as she chased up behind him. She looked up at him and sighed, “This is going to be a long night....” she groaned to herself. “My name is Twilight Sparkle....” she said and then she thought about being cheeky by adding her title “Princess” in as well but soon reconsidered that , as by the look on his face he was not looking to happy about his current situation. As John just grunted and walked off in the distance as Twilight had to keep up pace with him.

They Eventually made it back to her home, as John looked up at it, “It's a tree.... House?” he was really confused. Why a tree, when everyone else had normal-ish house considering he was far from anywhere normal.

“Well, yes it is I guess, but it is my home nonetheless, and it has every book you could possibly imagine.”

“Great....” John replied sarcastically, as Twilight open the door for him she gritted her teeth as she felt the aggravated Human begin to grind on her mentally and physically.

“Spike??” She called out as she shut the door, “Spike are you here?”

“Yes Twilight I am in.” As Spike climbed the stairs, as he looked up at John who stood there. “Whoa where did he come from?” Spike asked, “He didn't come from that place we went to to get your crown back?” Twilight shook her head silently as she made a zip motion to Spike.

“No Spike I need you to take a letter for me, urgently.” Spike saluted Twilight.

“Sure thing Twilight.” He smiled as he grabbed a quill and parchment.

“Dear Princess Celestia,

We have a really big problem in Ponyville, just the other night we cam across a Human in the Everfree Forest, being chased by a Timberwolf which was alerted to me by Apple Jack and we managed to rescue him, however it would seem he is not from the alternate universe either, but from a place called earth, and he really would like to get home, but I have no idea how he got here. I await your quick response.

Your Faithful Student,

Twilight Sparkle.”

“Wait, shouldn't it be Princess Twilight Sparkle.” He snickered as he looked at her disapproving scowl.

“Spike! Please this important.” she shouted at him.

“Ok Ok. Jeez” Spike took a deep breath and ignited the parchment as it disappeared off into a cloud of smoke.

“Now we just wait.” Twilight sighed, as she looked up at John.

John sighed as he tapped his foot impatiently, as he waited for this Princess to show her face. An hour had past and John was beginning to get really annoyed with the wait, he had children and a wife back home waiting for him and he didn't have time to be waiting around for some prissy Princess pony to speak to, he just wanted to get home.

“Screw this I am going, I haven't got time to be pissing around, I got a wife and two children who I need to get home too, not wasting my time waiting for her Highness, who probably has her head up her ass while sitting on a throne of gold!” He shouted as he opened the door to be face to face with a very, very big pony, who seemed angered by his statement.

Twilight and Spike's mouths had both dropped at what had just been said, as Twilight shook her head, “Uh........ Uh, uh Princess hello, heh.” she grinned sheepishly, as she tried to get the Princesses attention.

But Princess Celestia although calm, did not appreciate being bad mouthed about as she brushed passed John with her head held high, “I do apologize for the delay Twilight.” she smiled as she nuzzled Twilight lovingly, “But it seems our friend here, left an unwanted contraption of some kind in the Everfree, might I add that crashed into and destroyed poor Zecora's house.” Twilight looked over at John, as he shrugged back at her.

“I am sorry about Zeflora's house.” he spoke up with little emotion

“Zecora.” Twilight corrected John

“Whatever... But I want to get home, I have a family and children to get home to.” he said as he began to get more annoyed every second was wasted with mindless chin wagging.

“Twilight.... Might I have a word with you.... In private.” Twilight gulped at the request. As she followed her tutor into the back of the Library.

“Y...Yes, Princess?” She chuckled nervously.

“I understand that our guest may be in shock, upset and scared, but I do not like his attitude much.” She spoke calmly to Twilight.

“I do not know Princess, his name is John he is a Human from a place called... Earth.” she looked at Celestia as if she would have an answer of some kind. Celestia just stood there thinking eventually she looked at Twilight and nodded her head in the direction of where John was waiting, as they both made their way back into the room.

“SO MR. JOHN,” Celestia spoke up, not one to use her Canterlot voice however John had upset her so she felt fit to treat him as if he where a naughty foal, “IT WOULD SEEM THAT THOUEST HAS COME UNDER SOME UNPRECEDENTED EVENTS AS OF RECENT, WHICH IS WHY I HAVE DECIDED TO HELP THEE IN GETTING THOU BACK HOME.”

“Please don't shout at me.” He winced as he placed his hand over his ears to shield from the sheer power and bass in her voice as it echoed throughout Ponyville.

Twilight face hoofed as John had another outburst, she scowled at him, “JOHN! A WORD..... NOW!” she grabbed his arm sleeve with her mouth as she dragged him off.

“John I am sorry you have gotten lost, I am sorry that you are scared, but please don't speak to the Princess like that, she is here to help you, and unless you want to find yourself on your own I suggest you apologize right away.” she said as she looked up at John, and he hated to admit it even though she was a lot smaller than him, she was very intimidating.

John opened his mouth to speak but before he could get a word in she head butted him back into the main room as she nudged him to apologize to the Princess as he sighed, closed his eyes and then looked up to the Princess. “I am very sorry your highness” Even though he started out looking her in the eye, he began to feel bad for his behaviour earlier, “I'm just tired, I ache, I'm a god knows how far from home, talking to multi coloured ponies, I want to just go home, pick my children up and hug them, hold my wife and kiss her and tell them all how much I love them.” as he felt the emotions build up as he felt the tears roll down his cheeks. Celestia just nodded as she agreed.

“Ok John, I will help you and I accept you apology. But unfortunately We can not do anything till morning as it is too late, but I know the best place where we can start at the crack of dawn.” she smiled as she nuzzled Twilight softly. Twilight nodded as she knew who the Princess was speaking off.

“Ok Princess I will take him there first thing in the morning.” John just looked back and forth at the two as they spoke to each other.

“Sorry I am still here you know, who are we going to see.” he piped up from a distance.

Twilight chuckled at him, “Sorry, I will take you to Zecora, in the morning she is knowledgeable on this kinda stuff, but I warn you she speaks in riddle so don't expect to understand anything she says.” Twilight smiled.

“Thanks for.. the heads up.... I guess.” John chuckled nervously as he looked at the Princess.

“I am sorry I could not be of much help now, but as soon as I get back to Canterlot, I shall get back to the books and see what IO can find out for you, until then I must leave you all. Twilight I hope you will be okay accommodating John for the night.” Twilight smiled and nodded.

“Of course Princess it will be fine.” she nodded and with that Princess Celestia disappeared in a bright blinding flash.

Then from out of nowhere. Spike spoke up. “I guess I will make some hot coco.” He smiled.

John sighed softly as he thought to himself, “This is going to be one hell of a week.” as he looked to Twilight and nodded giving a slight smile, if he was going to get home he was going to need all the help he could find. But still a world with talking cotton candy ponies was weird as hell.

But there was one thing bothering him a lot since his unexpected arrival, why couldn't he remember what happened, he remembered his wife, and his children, but everything after he finished work was a blank, he was trying hard to remember what happened, maybe a good nights sleep will help him ease his mind and bring back his memories.......