• Published 27th Jul 2013
  • 1,069 Views, 38 Comments

Heroes rise in the darkest of times.... - Airoe

(From other dimensions of course.) The Lone Wanderer, Dragon Born, and The Grey Warden join forces to save Equestria....and their own Sanity.

  • ...

Introductions are in order....

Location: Canterlot Castle Throne Room
Time: 7:38 p.m.
Battle Casualties: Low
Hero Status: Wary

The Elements all stared at the strange beings in awe. The man with a robe and tree branch, the cat-thing with armor and a crossbow, and something dressed like a detective.....A dirty detective, much to Rarity's disgust, with a weird box-thing attached to its back. Said thing stood and put its hat back on its head, her hair peeking out of it. "Vesk, you're SERIOUSLY gonna have to explain how you do that stuff, and all from shouting. SHOUTING FOR CHRIST'S SAKE! I've seen some weird shit in my world, but that is ridiculous!" Vesk, the cat-thing, responded with a calm voice. "All world's are different. Yours is obviously advanced in technology, compared to my world and Adrian's." Adrian, the one with the branch, stood there with his arms crossed, hood over his eyes. "Indeed. To me, it seems like you're using light as a weapon itself." Sarah was about to go into detail, when Pinkie jumped in her face, defying the laws of physics by floating there. "HI! I'm Pinkie Pie!"

Sarah jumped back in shock and almost went for her rifle, but restrained herself. Adrian was staring at the pink pony in shock, and Veskia was wondering what magic was being used. The pink pony landed on the ground and bounced in a circle around the three heroes. "I've never seen anyone like you three before! You all look so cool!" She zipped in front of Adrian and pointed at him. "You look like a sage, all Mr. Know-it-all and stuff!" She zipped in front of Veskia, with speeds that reminded her of her Whirlwind Sprint shout. "You and your clothes make you all mysterious and sneaky!" Before Vesk could respond, or blink, Pinkie was in front of Sarah again. "And you like like a detective, but remind me of a cowpony even more!" BEfore Sarah, or the others could get a word in, the pony was in the air again, gasping. "OH MY GOSH! I need to go get your 'Welcome to Equestria' party ready!" Before she could speed off, Celestia had her covered in her magical grasp.

"Later, Pinkie. For now, I should introduce you to these three heroes, and explain their presence and origins." With that, she set Pinkie over by the other Elements, Twilight and the other princesses joining them. Before either side spoke, Cadence teleported in, as well as a stallion wearing golden spartan armor (pony style), with purple highlights, and a shield in the middle of the chestpiece. The stallion lit his horn at the sight of the three, but Cadence's hoof on his shoulder and smile stopped him. They then joined the group. Celestia, Luna, and Cadence broke off, and approached the hero they personally retrieved, each pair shaking hands/hooves with each other. The princesses then turned around and nodded to each other, before looking to the group of ponies present. Celestia started off.

"As you all know, these beings of Shadow are ruthless, outnumber our guards at every battle, and seem to never end. That is why Luna and myself delved into the works of Star Swirl the Bearded, looking for a spell or information to used against the creatures. We found not one, but many spells for summoning Heroes, beings from other worlds to this one to aid us. Three were highly recommended." She stepped aside, letting them get the full look of Sarah. "First, The Lone Wanderer. A being who went into their ruined world, and survived every trial thrown at her. Sarah Rogers." Sarah gave a casual two-fingered salute, grinning. "Nothing to it! Just a ton of ammo, explosives, and Stimpaks!" Celestia chuckled and nodded to Luna, who trotted to her sister's side, pointing at Veskia with a hoof. "The Dragon Slayer, or in her world, the Dragon Born. Veskia is a dragon slayer, one with the very soul of those she slays, in a world where the dragons wish to destroy all other life." The group was shocked of this, and immediately wary of the dragon hunter. Veskia grunted, pulling down her facemask and hood. "Just so you know, I try to talk to them first, before drawing any weapons. And yes, I have the soul of a dragon. That shouting I was doing earlier? THat was my Thu'um. My Voice, in the language of the Dragons." Cadence giggled and moved next to Luna, all the way down the line before motioning to Adrian. "And the Warden, Adrian Valros. The name of his organization is the Grey Wardens, which he leads, to save his world from evil creatures. He is an amazing spell caster too." Adrian removed his hood with a chuckle, bowing. "Greetings! It's a pleasure to meet you all."

Twilight was amazed. She never knew that Star Swirl the Bearded found new worlds, with new creatures in them! So many questions to ask, so much research needed to be done! Rarity was wondering how to improve Adrian's robes, wanting to completely replace Sarah's wardrobe, and wondering who designed Veskia's armor, and what the crest in the middle of her chest stood for. Rainbow was judging completely silent, squinting at the three. 'They don't seem so tough...' Applejack was wondering just how strong they all were. Fluttershy was wondering what species they were, Veskia the most, but was too shy to ask. Pinkie just wanted to throw them all a party. The Unicorn stallion, whose coat was white as snow and hair as blue as the color gets, Shining Armor, was wondering how they were able to beat the Shadows back so easily, when the guards he trained and stood alongside were getting overwhelmed so easily!

Sarah stepped forward and chuckled. "Yup, well, when Celestia came to get me from my home in the Wasteland, I thought this was some sort of joke, a bunch of chems snuck into my Nuka-Cola. But being here....Shit, I know it's real now! And you guys have your work cut out for you. Us too." Veskia chuckled. "Indeed, it seemed odd, but our presence is most definitely required here. Those numbers were astounding." Adrian sighed with a smile on his head. "Leliana would never forgive me if I just abandoned those in need. Even with that, I stay to help those who need it."

The ponies all gathered smiled at the attitudes of the three heroes. Twilight stepped forward, eyes shining. "Greetings, my name is Twilight Sparkle, it's a pleasure to meet you three." Sarah tipped her hat with her trademark smirk on her face, Veskia and Adrian both bowed. Celestia cut in next. "Twilight is my student, and is studying the magic of Friendship in Ponyville." Sarah frowned and let out a heavy sigh. Celestia tilted her head in confusion, as did everyone else. "Ok, seriously. All this magic is getting to me....I experienced some sort of....Event..Shit I'm still trying to figure it out, but we don't have magic where I'm from. So, seriously, please don't be surprised if I flip my shit at some of it, ok? I'm still trying to cope with Vesk's shouting here." She said, jerking a thumb at the Khajiit, who was rolling her eyes. Celestia smiled, understanding her predicament. "I understand, Sarah. Anyhow, Twilight is one of the Elements of Harmony, the Element of Magic itself. There are five others, and they will introduce themselves shortly. The Elements of Harmony are a powerful weapon when combined, meant to purify the enemies of Equestria. They seem to be the focus of these attacks, as there have been few, but none the less unrelenting, attacks on the other cities. You three, will be going with the elements to Ponyville, to guard them and the town. Expect many dangers, though I doubt they will overwhelm you." Sarah and the others grinned at that.

Rarity stepped forward next. "Well, since we are making introductions, I am Rarity, Element of Generosity. It's a honor to meet such intriguing beings such as yourselves!" Rainbow was next, floating above Rarity and Twilight. "I'm Rainbow Dash, Element of Loyalty and fastest flier in Equestria!" Sarah rolled her eyes, but smirked at the obvious ego the pegasus had. Veskia was wondeirng if she'd say that when she shouted past her. Adrian was just silent, more so thinking about how he could have done better with his new teammates in the previous battle. Applejack trotted up next. "Howdy there! Ah'm Applejack, Element of Honesty. I gotta say, we were in a tough spot till ya'll came in and got them varmints!" Sarah laughed. "You mean, when Veskia got them. Me and Adrian just turned the defense into an offense." Veskia rolled her eyes playfully. She felt like she could relate to this woman, having survived plenty of trials on her own world. Applejack turned and pointed to the pink pony, still bouncing from the need to throw a party. "Ya'll already know Pinkie, the Element of Laughter." She then looked around, only to see Fluttershy hiding behind Shining Armor, who was shuffling uncomfortably. "That fella over there is Twilight's brother, Shining Armor, and hiding behind him is Fluttershy. Like her name implies, she's shy, and also the Element of Kindness."

Shining Armor trotted up with Fluttershy before snapping off a crisp salute. An instinct, which all three of the heroes had come to know, awoke. All three of them snapped to attention before giving a crisp salute. Sarah gained this from being in the Brotherhood of Steel, and training with Sarah Lyons, Veskia gained it from serving with the Legion against Ulfric, and Adrian gained it from being a Grey Warden, which basically was a soldier, just much more dangerous. They then went to their own forms of ease. Shining chuckled. "Seems you've all trained in militaries before." Veskia and Sarah both said at the same time "Gained my skill on my own.", then stared at each other with raised brows. Adrian laughed at this before answering. "I basically lead a form of military, only thing is, we have a strict entrance procedure. I may delve into it later." Luna looked out a window and chuckled. "After we fix the sky." And with that, her horn was lit, and the sun swiftly fell, the moon replacing it, the lights in the hall growing to compensate. Sarah rubbed her eyes and sighed. "Magic...." Veskia chuckled, while Adrian gave her a mock hurt expression, which she stuck her tongue out to before looking to Celestia. "Hey, I need to ask, mind if I get taken home for a bit? There were a lot of them fuckers, so Ima need some bigger guns to screw their day up." Veskia blinked before nodding. "I must return home as well, to retrieve some weapons, as well as more ammunition for my crossbow." Celestia and Luna nodded before looking to the others.

"I'm sure you all have questions, but they must wait till later. Adrian, do you need anything from your home?" Adrian shook his head. "No your majesty. I have my staff, and that's all I'll ever need." Celestia nodded before looking to Cadence. "Make sure everyone is settled in while we take care of this?" Cadence nodded. "I will, make sure they come back truly ready." The sister nodded before teleporting to the summoning chamber underground with the two female heroes. Cadence led everyone else down the halls of the castle, assigning rooms as she went, till it was her, Adrian, and Shining. They stopped in front of an empty room, before she turned to the elven mage. "This will be your room, Ser Adrian. Sleep well." He nodded before opening the regal doors, shutting them behind him, before giving it a once over. A large, regal bedroom, fully outfitted. He sighed, taking his staff off of his back, setting it at the foot of the bed, then falling into it falling asleep quickly.
Location: Canterlot Castle Underground Tunnels
Time: 7:42 p.m.

The two Alicorns and Heroes appeared in the hall mere seconds after leaving, Celestia and Luna going to the Rune circles they used earlier, activating them with a flare of magic. Celestia flared her magic again, pulling to her the book discarded earlier from a nearby corner. Flipping it open, she scanned through the pages before smiling. "Alright, you both just need to picture where you want to go. Step in when ready." Sarah jogged through her portal, while Veskia bowed before walking through hers.
Location: Sarah's house in Megaton.
Objective: Weapon retrieval.

Sarah popped out of the portal, nearly running into Wadsworth. Th floating robot assistant floated backwards in surprise. "Dear me! Ms. Rogers, how did you do that!? What is that!?" Sarah chuckled and went straight to her locker. "Imagine that damn book I destroyed in the Dunwich building, and those aliens. Now imagine them combined and forces of good. There's your answer." The robot huffed. "Vague as always, I see. Please don't get into too much trouble, miss." Sarah grinned evilly at that, somehow pulling a tube like weapon out of the locker, and twenty tubes for it as well, setting them on the floor. ".....Ah. I see, so the rocket launcher is needed? Very well! I will get the Stimpaks from upstairs." And with that, the robot floated upstairs.

Sarah chuckled and pulled out a sword, the blade a good two inches in length going edge to edge, and a foot and a half long, with a brass hilt, a button on the pommel. She set that down, then continued to dig through the locker, until Wadsworth came down laughing. "Madam! I cannot contain it anymore! Without your permission, I sent word through the Wasteland, and got a reply to the request, from your Brotherhood of Steel friends! The request? A full tank of gasoline! Sarah my dear, the Motorcycle is able to be driven!" Sarah looked at the robot slowly before grinning, her eyes sparkling. "Did you test it!?" The robot laughed again before flying upstairs. Sarah bolted up with him and into one of the rooms, where the motorcycle sat. It was beat up, with a full on, dull greenish brown paint job she tried to recreate to the best of her ability. It took her longer to find intact tires that fit. The bike shone, due to her polishing daily, and an empty, intact gasoline tank sat nearby.

"She's ready for a test drive, whenever! And, of course, naming, if you wish." Sarah grinned. "I'll name later. SHE COMES WITH!" She looked at him. "You did find Saddle bags, right?" Wadsworth moved into the doorway, revealing two rectangular, metal saddlebags. "Made in the Metal works of The Pitt, ma'am. A gift from that Weyner fellow. You got grab what you need, I will ready them." She nodded and ran out of the room, and down the stairs, diving to the lockers. "Already taking the launcher, got Metal Blaster, Black Hawk, Jingwei's sword......." She tapped her chin in thought. "Power Armor? Naw, too many, need to be nimble...." She snapped her fingers, reaching in and pulling out a Combat shotgun and all six hundred and sixty eight rounds, dumping them into the bag with her revolver ammo, slapping a fresh clip in first, and grabbing all of her other clips, setting them nearby. She then shut the locker, looking towards the stairs. "Ready Wadsworth!?"

The robot floated down swiftly. "Yes madam. Give me Metal blaster, and put the Rocket Launcher on your back. I will put it in the saddlebahs with everything else. What about more fuel?" Sarah blinked, then shrugged. "I'll wing it! And the Stimpaks?" "Already in their spot, miss. Are you irradiated?" She checked her giga counter. Four hundred, fifty three rads. "Eeyup, the mutation will fix my bones and major stuff." She slung Metal Blaster off her back, taing the strap off before handing it to Wadsworth, who took it upstairs swiftly. She then attached the strap the the big gun, adjusting it slightly before slinging it over her shoulder. She then picked up a bundle of rockets and took to the stairs two at a time. With Wadsworth help, they (somehow), managed to get everything in the saddlebags and roll the bike downstairs, aiming at the portal.

Sarah sat on the bike, running her hands over it lovingly. Wadsworth was next to her, checking the straps holding the gas can to the bike, which he insisted on. "You may stop manhandling it miss Rogers, it will not get aroused." Sarah stopped and groaned. "I programmed you to a fully self-aware AI, WHY?" The robot chuckled. "Because ypu keep yourself locked in here now days, and would go insane without some form of company, NOW LET HER RIP, madam." Sarah giggle and started up the bike, which roared to life in response. She grinned maniacly before kicking off and revving the engine, taking off into the portal with the bike roaring over her screams of excitement. Wadsworth chuckled as he watched the portal shut behind her. "Gods speed, you crazy bitch with a shotgun."
Location: Veskia's mansion in the Pale.
Objective: Arm self further.

Veskia appeared in the armory of her home, pulling off her hood and facemask combo completely and setting them on top of a glass case. "Speed is key in this fight...." She nodded to herself before jogging to the far wall, a large group of enchanted weapons awaiting her touch. She grabbed two katana's, Dragonsbane and Bolar's Oathblade, attaching them to her left hip, Dragonsbane over the Oathblade. "Better safe than sorry." She then grabbed kicked open a nearby chest, revealing several boxes made of mahogony, a sheathed dagger, and a knapsack. grunting, she opened the knapsack, stuffing the dagger in first, then opening each box individually, each filled with Dwarvern crossbow bolts of the plain, explosive fire, ice, and lightning qualities, and dumping them inside as well. She then went to another nearby chest, opening it to reveal it filled with Ultimate Health, Magicka, and Stamina potions. She grabbed ten of each, placing them in the sack carefully. She then closed it shut, securing all of the straps before carrying it to the portal, grabbing her hod/mask on the way, before she entered, she heard the sound of a door opening, and a female saying her name. She looked to the left to see a woman in brown leather armor that opened up just above her breasts, and went down to be robes at the knees, reinforced leather pants and boots underneath those robes, a cape with a hood.

The female was caucasian, and had glowing orange eyes. "Veskia. I thought you were in High Hrothgar." Veskia smiled warmly. "Serana. And I thought you were at Fort Dawnguard." Serana waled over swiftly, and Veskia knew immediately, setting the sack down and dropping her mask, before welcoming the warm hug. "I missed you, you furball." Veskia chuckled. "And I missed you, you blood-sucker." Serana stiffened, and Veskia sighed. "You haven't fed in the past two months now, have you?" Serana hugged her tighter. "Mind?" Veskia chuckled at her nervousness. "Get me a potion for curing diseases, then yes." Serana released Vesk, moving to a chest at the other end of the room, opening it and pulling out a small vial, walking back over and handing to Vesk. She took it gratefully, before turning her head to the right, exposing her neck. "Be swift, I am needed."

Serana nodded, walking up and hugging her friend again, before exposing her fangs and biting at her exposed neck. The pain nearly made Vesk drop the vial, but she held on, waiting as Serana drained blood from her. After a few minutes, she pulled away, licking her lips. Veskia, feeling slightly dizzy, popped the cork on the vial and downed it's contents, feeling slightly better. "Alright. I'll be gone a while, watch the hall while I'm gone. Serana nodded, frowning as she watched Veskia pick up her sack and hood/mask before entering the portal, which vanished behind her.
Location: Canterlot Castle Underground Tunnels
Time: 7:58 p.m.
All objectives: Complete

Both portals flared, Sarah speeding out of hers on a machine that roared as it sped by before skidding to a halt in the middle of the room. "HAHAHA! I LOVE THIS BIKE!" Veskia stepped out of her portal and stared at Sarah in wonder. "What in the name of the Nine is THAT?" Sarh grinned, turning off the motor. "My ride. So, what now, Princess?" Celestia looked to Luna, who was dumbstruck. "Luna, why not take Veskia to her room, while I do the same with Sarah? They need to rest for their trip tomorrow." Luna shook herself and nodded, trotting to Veskia's side and teleporting away with her.

Celestia trotted over, chuckling. "I hope you won't drive that in the castle. My ponies need their rest tonight." Sarah smirked. "Yeah, yeah. I was actually wondering if you could find a way to make some more fuel for this thing?" Celestia perked a brow before smiling. "I'm sure Twilight can when you're all back in Ponyville. Come, let's get you to bed now. You have a big day tomorrow." Sarah chuckled. "You sound like my Dad." She smiled sadly, shaking her head. Celestia noted this, teleporting them to her room. "Make yourself comfortable, I will see you in the morning." And with that, she teleported away. Sarah got off the bike, putting the kickstand up first, then undressing to her underwear, leaving her clothes where they dropped before hopping into the bed, falling asleep almost immediately from a soft comfort she never felt before.

Author's Note:

"Damn straight! The people wanna see more of us, ass hole!"
Sarah, what are you doing in my Author's notes?
"Grit, Spit, and Duct Tape."
True enough!
Here's a current Equipment set up for the three of them
Sarah Rogers, Lone Wanderer.
-1 Rocket Launcher
-20 rockets
-Metal Blaster Laser Rifle
-1000+ Microfusion cells
-1 BlackHawk Revolver
-400+ .44 ammo
-1 Combat Shotgun
-668 shotgun shells
-1 Jingwei's Shocksword
-1 Fully fixed motorcycle
Veskia, Dragon Born Khajiit
-1 Enhanced Dwarvern Crossbow
-200+ Dawrvern crossbow bolts
-150+ Dwarvern Crossbow bolts of all explosive varieties.
-5 Ultimate Health Potions
-5 Ultimate Magicka Potions
-5 Ultimate Stamina Potions
-1 Dragonsbane
-1 Bolar's Oathblade
-1 Mehrune's Razor
Adrian Vlaros, Grey Warden
-1 Oak Branch
That's all folks! Stay tuned for more from our heroes! And if anyone has an idea for what Sarah will name her bike, send me a pm! I wanna hear some ideas! Also, I have an idea....To bring in another hero....But later, I WANNA SEE MORE PEOPLE READING THIS BEFORE THAT HAPPENS!


Comments ( 13 )

I for one would prefer if you kept the number of heroes low. We don't need this turning into another Humans Assemble!

I have clicked the like button as hard as any mortal can. I hope you can afford a new mouse because this is your fault for being too awesome.

3003202 Ill pay you.....With another chapter. -Maniacal gentlemen laugh- :rainbowdetermined2:

3002762 And if I DO add more heroes.....Probably the max to be two. No, scratch that, one......and I have two especially in mind........One comes from BIOWARE.....The other comes from Nintendo....

If it wasn't for being a mage Adrian would be considered highly under equipped.

i want more...please??:fluttercry:

3415161 dem mages man.they can only wear a robe and still kick your ass. :rainbowlaugh:
3515346 my good sir. I would love to give you more..... But alas! My computer has broken down, a new hardrive needed! I've lost all the work I was doing: additions, edits, and worse of all, a new chapter for this fic, Equestrias new shade of winter, and young hearts new world! Why is life cruel?:raritycry:

3545915 Well since he's from Dragon Age Origin that isn't true. There is the Arcane Warrior specialization which allows mages to wear heavy armor by using their magic instead of strength to deal with the weight.

3545915 i feel like i'm in limbo i can't get peace until it is finished

3546209 you will have to wait.....until I get a new computer:ajsleepy:

3643629 the world is so cruel right now:fluttercry:

3686207 Is it? Because I got a brand spanking new windows eight comp...And I have the writers itch.....:pinkiecrazy:

3707005 FUCK YEAH:flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage: (examble)

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