Heroes rise in the darkest of times....

by Airoe

First published

(From other dimensions of course.) The Lone Wanderer, Dragon Born, and The Grey Warden join forces to save Equestria....and their own Sanity.

(Events happen after Season 3. Skyrim and Dovahkiin belong to Bethesda, as do The Lone Wanderer and Fallout Three. Dragon Age, Bioware, and MLP Hasbro and Lauren Faust. Equestria Girls NEVER HAPPENED IN THIS FICTION!!!) After the coronation of Princess Twilight Sparkle, shadowy beings, monsters, started appearing throughout Equestria, mainly, around Ponyville. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna decided it was time to activate one of Star Swirl the Bearded's long lost spells to summon three heroes from different worlds. The Wanderer, whom forever roams a ruined world. The Dragon Slayer, one who shares a soul, just like those she slays.. And the Warden, he who has felled hordes of demons, and arose triumphant in his greatest battles. The fate of Equestria, rests in their HANDS...... (And yes, this is the normal universe. NO ANTHROS! Sorry.)

Recruitment: Talking Horses!?

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Location: Canterlot Castle underground.
Time: 6:28 p.m.

Princesses Celestia and Luna sat in a darkened hall, deep under the castle of Canterlot. The room was lit dimly by torches, providing barely enough light for them to see the entire hall. On the ground before them, was three circles in a triangular formation, each filled with different designs and patterns, all drawn by chalk. Celestia had a an aged tome floating in front of her, contained by her magical grip, studying it with her sister. After a few moments, she gently closed it and levitated it away. "It seems we followed and copied everything to the letter and angle. These will work, I know it." Luna looked to her, a concerned frown on her face. "Are you sure about this, Tia? Bringing such individuals here, one alone may be catastrophic!"

Celestia shook her head with a heavy sigh. "I worry too, Luna. But our guards are unable to beat these creatures, and the other nations are having enough trouble dealing with them. No matter what, we need these beings." Luna was about to argue with her sister once again, when she heard the sound hooves coming from the hall on the far side of the room. After a minute or two, the ancient door opened up, revealing their niece, Princess Cadence, wearing her usual attire.

After the greetings were exchanged, Celestia and Luna became serious once again, Celestia taking the lead. "Thank you for coming on such short notice. As you know, every nation is under attack by strange beings, made up of shadow. We have contacted the other nations, only to find that Equestria is on it own in this conflict, due to them having the same problems as us." Luna walked towards the runes and sat in the middle of them, facing the group. "In response to this, Celestia and I have delved deep into the works of Star Swirl the Bearded, and found a spell that may assist us. This spell will transport the user to a different world, depending on the circle drawn. There were three highly recommended."

She pointed to the one on her right, behind her. "This one, when activated, will take the caster to the world of The Wanderer. A being who has roamed the land of a ruined world, and survived its trials." She lowered her leg and pointed behind herself again, to the left with her other leg. "This one will lead the caster to the land of the Warden. A powerful being who has vanquished many in the name of his land, to save it from total destruction." She then moved her leg to point to the one in front of her. "And this one, the one I will be activating, leads the caster to the land of The Dragon Slayer. Do not let the name fool you, this being slays dragons to protect those of their realm as well, since the dragons want to destroy all life. The catch with this being, is that they share the soul of a dragon as well." She then lowered her leg and inhaled deeply, Celestia joining her side and facing their silent and awestruck niece.

"The reason we called you here, is because we wish For you to retrieve the supposedly kinder one of these three, and said three heroes will join Twilight and the other Element Bearers back to Ponyville, since they seem to be concentrated in that are for some reason. I will go and find the Wanderer, Candence, should you accept, will find the Warden. These circles should take you to the safest, and closest, place near the Warden. Do you accept?" Cadence nodded and trotted over to the circle, standing in front of it. "I'm ready Aunt Celestia. Tell me how to activate it." Celestia walked over and nudged sat beside her. "Just pour your magic into it, it will open the portal. Try to bear in mind, the Warden will not be a Pony, like us. Whomever it is will have an aura about them that well let you identify them. Good luck." Candence let her magic flow into her horn. "Same to you Aunt Celestia, Aunt Luna." Luna and Celestia nodded and trotted over to their own circles, Celestia and Luna's horns already alight with magic.

As one, the Alicorns poured their magic into their respective portals, the runes coming to life, and in a flash, a bright blue, oval shaped portal was before each of them. Slowly, each entered the portals, leaving the room bare, the portals the only proof of any activity in the hall.
Princess Cadence
Location: Forests near Ostagar.
Local Time: 2:38 p.m.

Princess Cadence walked out of the portal into a beautiful forest, seemed peaceful, and full of life. Violent life, for the sounds of battle came upon her ears nearby. Turning, she made her way towards it, as quickly and quietly as possible. She came upon a rise, the sounds of battle close now. Dropping onto her belly, she crawled towards the edge and peeked over it, shocked by what she saw. Four individuals were surrounded by monstrous creatures resembling them, but twisted and deformed.

Said four beings were a tall being, whom looked like they were made out of stone, with gemstones located at certain points on its body, standing tallest of the group. The second being was at least half said beings height, wearing deep blue robes, a hood over their head, and holding a staff in their hands, said staff being a simple one made of, what seemed to be a tree branch. Cadence had trouble breaking her sight from the being for some reason, but did so. The third was a head shorter than the last, wearing a dark, padded leather armor with a leather skirt, holding two daggers in her hands, reverse grips. The final one was half her size, wearing blood red chain mail armor with a single shoulder pad, a full head of Carrot colored Orange hair on his head, and a large beard to match. This one was wielding a rather large, dual-bladed battleaxe, coated heavily with black blood, which nearly made Cadence sick.

Suddenly, the hooded being lifted their left, claw like appendage, holding two claws up in front of their mouth while pointing the staff at the group in front of him, a large lightning bolt striking the one closest to them, which then split up and continued to hit every single being in their field of vision, electrocuting them thoroughly. The largest beings started pounding on their enemies, the weapons that made contact with its skin doing barely any damage at all. The shortest one became a whirlwind with its axe, swinging it with precision, cutting down multiple enemies at once, downing its foes almost as fast as the stone giant. The final one, started dancing among her enemies gracefully, striking swiftly and then dodging out of harm's way.

The group had dispatched the beings within minutes, much to the awe of Cadence. Her attention focusing on the hooded being once again. Something about them was drawing her to them. 'Could that one be the Warden...?' Her thoughts were interrupted by a loud growl from behind her. She turned her head to see one of the deformed creatures raising its sword to strike her. Before it could, she screamed and leaped off the rise and towards the group below, entering Fight or Flight mode.
Grey Warden Commander Adrian
Location: Forests near Ostagar.
Time: 2:42 p.m.

His team had just vanquished the ambush party. Before Adrian could congratulate them, he heard a woman screaming, and spun with the rest of his group to find, 'A UNICORN WITH WINGS!?' The pink unicorn leaped from the rise she was on, screaming with a surprisingly human voice, a Darkspawn right behind her, snarling as it charged after her. Adrian looked to his dwarf companion. "Ohgren! The Darkspawn!" Ohgren shook himself out of his stupor and charged past the Alicorn, swinging his axe so that it caught the Darkspawn in the gut and continued to cleave it in two.

The scared Alicorn then hid behind Adrian, shivering with fright, staring at the now dead Darkspawn. Leliana walked over, sheathing her daggers and kneeling close to Adrian. "Adrian, is that... A unicorn with wings?" Adrian looked from the frightened creature to Leliana and nodded. "You see it as well? Great, then I'm not hallucinating, which means I didn't accidentally drink some of Ohgren's home brewed ale." The dwarf set the axe on his back, the enchantments to his armor holding it there. "Now wait just a minute! My ale may be volatile, but it won't make ya see things like this!" The dwarf looked to Shale, the Stone golem nearby, who was studying the Alicorn as well. "Well, ya big hunk of rock? Are we all hallucinating?"

The golem shook its head and crossed its stone arms. "I am afraid not. I am seeing the creature as well." Said Creature, Princess Cadence, looked up at the one she was hiding behind, the one called Adrian, and suddenly stopped shaking. She immediately felt calm, like this being was in control of the situation, calm and collected itself. She stood and backed away slightly, clearing her throat, every memeber of the group looking at her with complete attention. "G-greetings. My name is Princess Mi Amore Candenza, or Cadence, for short. I am here from my world, looking for a being know as The Warden, said to have vanquished hordes of beings to save their land from destruction. Do you happen to know them?" The group of Wardens were shocked silent. A talking Unicorn with wings....

Leliana stood up, keeping her eyes on this, Cadence, silent saying a prayer to the Maker for guidance. Ohgren was wondering if he was dreaming, Shale was wondering if she added a gem with a great about of magic that was making her hallucinate like a human, and Adrian was just silent. He took a step forward and pulled his hood back, revealing him to have raven black hair, cut short, with pointed ears, an angular face, and piercing blue eyes, his staff now floating next to him. "I'd guess I would be said Warden. I am Commander Adrian Valroth, Leader of the Grey Wardens. What do you wish of me, Princess, and more so, where are you from?" His voice was young, but firm and authoritative.

Cadence smiled slightly. "I am from a world known as Equis. I came here to ask for your help, Ser Adrian." She bowed her head to him. "Please, return with me to help. Our country is under attack by beings made of shadows, and our military can't stop them, I beg of you, please help." Adrian blinked and looked to his group, then to Cadence in front of him. For some reason, he couldn't help but trust her.

He turned to his group, more specifically, Leliana. "Leliana, you know I can't abandon those in need of aid..." She smiled and leaned forward, kissing him deeply before backing away. "I know. Just return safely, alright? Maker watch over you, love." Adrian nodded and looked to Ohgren. "Ohgren! You and Nathaniel are in charge of the Wardens until I return, got it? Don't kill any recruits before their Joining now." Ohgren grunted, and shale gave a deep chuckle. Cadence stood back to her full height and looked at the carnage about her. 'I hope he isn't like this too often...' She shook her head when she noticed he was watching her. With a beckoning motion, she lead him to the portal, entering it almost immediately. Adrian took in a deep breath before stepping through himself, the portal closing behind him.
Princess Celestia
Location: Capitol Wasteland, Springvale
Local time: 3:49 p.m.

Celestia stepped out of the portal at the edge of the mostly destroyed trail. Unlike Cadence, she knew how to easily track her target. With a flare of magic, she had the direction. She turned away from the small town and to the mass of scrap metal put up to make the outer walls of Megaton. As she got close, the robot out front spoke in a mechanical voice. "Halt. Please state your business, sir or madam." Celestia smiled and raised her voice slightly, spotting the sentry aiming at her atop the wall. "Pardon me! I am looking for one known as The Wanderer! Is he or she here at the moment?" The sentry, a bald man in scrapped together leather armor, was dumbstruck, and lowered his aim in shock before shaking his head and aiming at the strange creature again. "And so what if The Wanderer is here!? Wadya want with em? And what the fuck are you!?"

Celestia winced at the language, but smiled anyhow. "I am Pr-, Celestia, and I come to ask for their aid, if that is alright! I can wait here if needed, kind sir." And with that, she sat down on the hard ground, wishing to have a bath as soon as possible. The sentry blinked and lowered his rifle, standing up straight when a gruff, authoritative, and aged voice called out to him. "Hey Dave! What's going on over there!?" Dave turned and looked down to see an African american colored man with a full, raven black beard, wearing a green duster, dark grey shirt and pants with combat boots, and a green cowboy hat on his head, covering his hair. "Sheriff! Some....Thing, is here, asking for Sarah! Asking for her by her title too, says that she wants her help!"

The man down below, Sheriff Lucas Simms, frowned and shook his head. "Sounds about right. Main reasons people trek out this far now-a-days is to get a glimpse of her. And wadya mean 'Thing?'" Dave looked back to see Celestia still sitting there with a warm smile before looking back to the Sheriff. "She needs to see for herself man!" Lucas shook his head and turned to his right, hopping over the pipe jutting out of the ground and walking up the staircase built into the dirt, moving onto the platform of which The Lone Wanderer's house sat. He walked up to the front door and knocked hard, three times.

There was the sound of glasses being fumbled with, then a heavy thud before the door opened to reveal a woman with short cut red hair, brown eyes, and wearing a clothing set similar to his, minus the hat, and her coat was a dull brown. Her voice was smooth as silk, that of a movie star back in the day, same could be said for her amazing curves, and only nineteen to boot. "Oh hey Lucas. What's the matter? Another tourist after my autograph?" Lucas shrugged and smiled at her. "Not this time Sarah. Dave says that someone, or, as he puts it, some THING is at the gate for you. He seems on edge. You wanna check it out?"

Sarah, or, as the Wasteland called her, The Lone Wanderer, chuckled before kneeling down and lifting up her right pant leg a bit, showing a revolver strapped to her leg. "I got this." She stood up as Lucas stepped aside, walking past him while shutting the door behind herself. Making sure to lock it, she headed down to the gate with Lucas. "Hey Dave! Open her up! I got this!" Dave nodded before pulling a lever next to him. The jet engine in the front of the wall spun up rapidly, and the gates slowly opened up, revealing to Sarah the being who asked for her, which got a raised brow from her and Lucas. "What. The. Fuck? Is that....A horse? With wings? And a horn?" Lucas stepped next to her and shook his head. "I have NO idea Sarah. Me and Dave got your back. Go on."

Sarah nodded before stuffing her hands in her pockets and strolling out of the safety of Megaton's walls. She walked towards Celestia, till she was ten feet from her, both sides studying each other. Sarah was wondering if the town was hallucinating from the Wasteland fumes, while Celestia studied Sarah's aura. Resourceful, loyal, and an overpowering sense to do the right thing. 'She is the one, I hope.' Sarah rubbed the back of her hand, looking Celestia up and down some more, till she spoke. "Greetings. I trust you are The Wanderer?" Sarah chuckled. "The full title is 'The Lone Wanderer,' but yeah. So, who are you, and what the hell are you?"

Celestia giggled a bit. "Of course, I have yet to introduce myself. I am Celestia. I know this may sound strange, but I come from....Somewhere not of this world, if you will." Sarah frowned, stuffing her hand in her pocket again. "We talking two different planets here? because the last time I encountered an alien race, they were capturing, dissecting, and mutating humans. Well, until they nabbed me. Big mistake on their part." Celestia blinked and chuckled. "I see. Well, then, I am Princess Celestia of Equestria, on the planet Equis. To cut to the chase, as it were, my kingdom, which I rule with my younger sister, is under attack. Those attacking are creatures made of shadow, able to overwhelm even our best guards. I came here, hoping to enlist your help. Will you come back with me, and aid me in protecting my kingdom? You will be taken care of, of course. Food, lodging, ectcetera."

Sarah frowned, furrowing her brow. For some odd reason, she just, hell, outright trusted this horse-thing called Celestia. Her mind went into overdrive before finally caving in. "Follow me please, Celestia." Celestia stood once again as Sarah turned around and followed her back to the city. "The name is Sarah, by the way. Sarah Rogers." Celestia couldn't help but smile even wider as she followed Sarah past a dumbstruck Lucas and to Sarah's house. Wadsworth was in the kitchen, charging. Sarah's home was simple. A soda machine, stand filled with bobble heads, a chemistry lab upstairs, and a workbench near the door. Sarah went for the locker near the bobble head stand, opening it up and pulling out two large satchels and a weapon. This weapon had a rectangular shape with a grip under it, leading to the but of the rifle, with three large holes in the stock, and down to the trigger. The rifle also had the words 'Metal Blaster' neatly carved onto either side of the rectangular barrel.

Sarah then pulled out a strap and attached to the gun before slinging it over her shoulder. She then picked up one of the satchels and dumping all four hundred and eighty-eight bullets for her revolver into it, before setting it down and picking the other one up, filling it with small yellow cylinders, a total of one thousand, five hundred, fifty six shots worth of Micro-fusion ammo. She then secured both satchels to her waist and turn to the patiently waiting Celestia. "Let's move." The two exited the home, which Sarah locked again, and left the city together, the gate shutting behind them. Celestia led her to the portal and entered first. Sarah however, reached into her duster, pulling out a crumpled up dark brown fedora before popping back to nearly perfect before setting on her head and entering the portal, which shut close behind her.
Princess Luna
Location: High Hrothgar, The Summit
Local time: 4:56 p.m.

Luna stepped out of her portal in the middle of a snow covered peak, the only things around her being snow, the rest of the mountain, continuing up through the clouds, and a semi-circular structure, with a being on its knees, meditating. Said being was wearing a form of midnight black armor with a cape, and a hood over their head and a facemask covering her lower face. Combined with the shadow cast by their hood, their face was almost non-existent. At the being's side was a crossbow only. The being slowly stood up, picking the crossbow up, before turning to face Luna. The being was skinny, nimble by the looks of it, and the bumps on their chest, (boobs) were at a c-cup, their rear flat. A midnight black tail was curled around their right leg. The being spoke, a feminine voice with a slight accent. "Who, or what might you be? And what is your purpose here?"

Luna shook her head, seeing the piercing, orange feline eyes appear from the shadows of the hood. She quickly studied the beings overpowering aura. Strong, passionate, and unpredictable. She cleared her throat and spoke over the winds that had suddenly picked up. "I am Princess Luna, co-ruler of the Diarchy of Equestria! I have come looking for the Dragon Slayer with the very soul of one, do you know of them?" The being walked towards Luna and stopped five feet away, before reaching up with a free hand and pulling back the hood and down the face mask, revealing a feline face, short ears, no hair except her midnight black fur. The Khajiit grunted. "I am her. But the term is known as Dragon Born. I am Veskia. Now, what are you doing here? And what in the name of the Nine is Equestria?"

Luna frowned and studied the woman before her. "It is a country I rule with my sister. She and my niece have gone to find two others in other worlds. My purpose is to bring you back with me. Our world is under attack from creatures made of shadows, and we require aid. Aid that, sadly, the other kingdoms cannot give, for they face the same problems as us. Please, come with me, Dragon Born Veskia." Veskia furrowed her brow, studying this, Luna. She was always a good judge of character, and this time was no different. "And what happens when these Shadow creatures are defeated?" Luna blinked, but did not forget to answer. "You will be returned here, to your world. Do you accept?"

Veskia looked in the sky, knowing the Master of the Voice was no doubt watching. She shook her head before pulling up her face mask and hood. "Alright. Let's see what I can do. And just call me Vesk." Luna smiled, turning and entering the portal Veskia shook her head and sighed. "I just saved Tamriel, and now I'm saving another world entirely.....Wait, she said two others....Eh, at least I won't be alone...." Veskia walked through the portal, not noticing it closed behind her......

Test your might, PREPARE TO FIGHT!

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Location: Canterlot Castle Forgotten Halls.
Hero Retrieval: Successful.
Time: 5:38 p.m.

As one, all three portals flared, and the respective Princess and Hero stepped out of them, Cadence and The Warden, Celestia and The Wanderer, and Luna and the Dragon Born. All three princesses converged on each other, greeting one another warmly, while the three Outworlders studied each other. Veskia the Khajiit pulled down her hood and mask again, revealing her face, to the shock of Adrian and Sarah. Adrian pulled back his hood, revealing him to be an elf while Sarah just stood there, rolling up the left sleeve of her jacket, revealing a dull grey glove on her hand, connected to a strange device that covered the rest of her lower arm up to the elbow, with a dimly glowing blue screen. The princesses watched the thre curiously, and cautiously. Adrian broke the silence by moving between the two, the females unmoving. He then stuck a hand out to each of them. "Adrian Valroth,Grey Warden. Pleasure to meet you both." Sarah blinked before grasping the hand before her and giving it a firm shake before letting go.

"Sarah Rogers. Lone Wanderer." Veskia rolled her eyes before following suite. "Veskia. Dragon Born." Adrian grinned and took a step back, studying both the women, while the Princesses watched on in silence. "Dragon Born and Lone Wanderer, huh? Sounds more mystical than my title. Any who, it seem that YOU, Ms.Rogers," Sarah blinked at the elf, "Obviously do not know our species, and I don't know Veskia's. I'm an elf, a mage by trade." Veskia grunted. "I am a Khajiit. Mostly related to cats due to our appearances and inborn ability to see in the dark. Anyhow, shall we get down to business?" Sarah and Adrian turned with her to stand before the princesses. Celestia walked up and nodded. "Very well. I am Princess Celestia, for the two of you who don't know. This is my sister, Luna," She motioned to Luna with a nod of her head, Luna bowing slightly, "and my niece, Cadence."

Cadence just waved. The three heroes smiled and introduced themselves one at a time. Luna stepped forward, about to say something when the portals shut on themselves, and the sound of someone rapidly approaching coming from the still open hallway. Cadence looked to the three bipedals. "Quick, hide!" Sarah didn't need to be told twice. She bolted over to the nearest wall and blew out the torch before crouching against it, almost unnoticeable except for those with the most trained of eyes. Veskia did the same, dragging Adrian along and holding him against the wall silently. Luna was impressed with how the two women could hide so quickly, and so well, even with another with them. A guard, clad in gold armor, burst out of the hallway, panting heavily. "Your...Your majesties....The city....Under attack....Shadows....At the south....Elements....Spotted there as well." Celestia and Luna looked to each other with wide eyes. Cadence ran up to the guard. "Get me to Captain Armor, NOW!" The guard saluted and led the way, the both of them vanishing in the corridor. Sarah came out of the shadows first, pulling a cylinder out of the back of the rectangular part of her strange weapon, inspecting it, and slapping it back in and pulling a small lever into place to secure it.

Veskia came out with Adrian, loading her crossbow, and giving Celestia and Luna a good look at it.
(To save time and my sanity, here is a pic.)

Adrian stepped closer to the princesses, pulling his hood over his head. Veskia did the same, and pulled up her face mask. "Your majesties, I think it's time we see what we will be fighting." Sarah grinned under her fedora. "And kick their asses to kingdom come while we're at it!" Veskia chuckled at the woman's obvious enthusiasm. "Save the murderous intentions for the bad guys, yes?" Sarah shrugged. "Hey, if I can help it, I-" Adrian clapped loudly, causing them to stop. Luna nodded and teleported them out of the room, and up to the balcony in her tower, giving them a full view of the city, and the ability to hear the fighting, and screams, coming from the south end of the city. Sarah ran to the edge and looked down, a frown on her face. "We NEED to be down there, NOW!" Adrian stepped next to her, is staff on his back, arms crossed. "They'll definitely need us." Veskia loaded her crossbow with an orange tipped bolt. "And by Talos we shall." She turned to Luna. "How close can you get us?" Luna grinned at her sister, who was staring at the carnage below. "Close enough, but perhaps it would be better if the sun was up fully, no?"

Celestia blinked before igniting her horn, the sun rising to its highest point, making the sky light up as if it were seven in the morning. The three heroes, momentarily stunned, each quickly prayed to their own gods to wake them up if this is a dream. Luna ignited her horn next. "Be careful, and save as many of our little ponies as possible please." In a flash, all three of them were standing on a rooftop near a train station, pure chaos down below. Pony guards in golden armor wielding spears and swords were holding a fading line, letting regular civilian ponies get away. Six of said civilians were in the middle of beings made of shadow, hundreds of them, like they were told, finding for themselves pretty well. Veskia snarled at this all the same and pointed to them. "I will get them out of there. You two assist the guards!" Adrian and Sarah nodded before leaping off the roof and into the streets below.
Battle: Initiated
Location: Canterlot
Objective: Save all innocents.
Hero: Veskia the Dragon Born

Veskia looked around, and found a large park to her left. She pulled down her face mask and took a deep breath. When she spoke, her volume matched that of the Royal Canterlot Voice, but was unheard over the screaming and carnage behind her. DURMHEVIIR! Her throat burned slightly, something she was used to. Several purple circles began forming and spinning in the center of the park, and soon, a large dragon with grey scales materialized, and took in his surroundings before noticing Veskia. When he spoke, his wise, aged voice nearly shook the buildings nearby. "Greetings, Thuri. May I ask where you have summoned me to?" Veskia shook her head. "No time to explain, old friend. Behind me are creatures, made of Shadow. Slaughter them and only them, nothing else, until the Soul Cairn calls for you once more, understand?" Durmheviir chuckled. "So be it. For my freedom, your wish is my command!" And with that, the dragon took to the sky.

Veskia watched as Durmheviir flew over her and started to thin out the horde of monsters swiftly with his flaming, purple breath. Not to be outdone, she turned her head to the side closest to the train station. 'Need to move for this to work...' Grinning, she pulled her mask back up and sprinted, jumping roof top to roof top, tand then to the very edge of the horde. She could no longer see the ponies, but her mind calculated this wouldn't reach them. She set her Crossbow down and readied her inner magic outward, into a black and purple ball of energy. Chuckling, she took another deep breath, and waited a moment before yelling at the top of her lungs, "FUS-RO-DAH!" The result blew back all of those directly in front of her, disintegrating the bodies into piles of ash. SOme of the horde turned on her, thinking they had found something else to kill.

Veskia fed power into the little ball of magic in her hand before throwing it. The ball expanded upon impact, and out of it stepped a being completely made of ice. Upon seeing the shadows attacking its master, the Ice Atronach ran straight at them, smashing through them easily. Meanwhile, Veskia picked her crossbow back up and studied the area as her conjuration fought off the attackers. She was standing near the train station, the sound of some form of elecricity, and other elements reaching her ears from the line, which was now holding, and even pushing back. With a mischevious grin, she looked to the sky and yelled again. "Durm! To me!" The dragon landed next to her seconds later, causing the ground to shake violently. Veskia was used to it, and kept her balance before hopping on Durmheviir's neck, where it and the head meet. "Get me to those ponies in the middle of the fighting! I'll get them out, cover you cover us!" Durmheviir launched into the air once again. "Very well Thuri, but know that my time is running short, we must end this!"

Veskia grunted as he dove at the ponies, and at the last possible second, turned upside down, letting Veskia fall off at a safe height, before righting himself and taking to the skies with a mighty roar. Speaking of righting, Veskia spun through the air gracefully before landing in the middle of the group, causing them to gasp. Vesia nodded to them, aimed in the direction of the train station, and fired her crossbow. The resulting explosion from her explosive bolt blew several of the Shadows up, and sent some others flying. She then stepped forward, in front of the ponies, ignoring their glances and colors. At this point, her throat was heating up from the shouting. 'Once more at least please, once more before my limit...' And with that, she let out another familiar yell. "YOL-TOOR-SHUL!" As she let the mighty yell go, it turned into a swirling inferno, catching and incinerating any in its path. Soon as the way started too clear, Veskia turned to the ponies, seeing a barrier up. 'A ward? Clever!' She motioned to them, then the station. They all understood, and dropped the shield before the group teleported away.

As they did, Veskia found herself surrounded by the remaining Shadows, at least a hundred of them. That is, until a quarter of them were killed off by a blizzard that came from nowhere. Another quarter falling to red lights and strange sounds turning them to ash, and the final two quarters being taken care of by the guards and Durmheviir before her dematerialized before everyone's eyes. Sarah and Adrian came running up, panting heavily. "Dragon Born, eh? From that thing I saw, and what you were doing, I'd say that sounds about right!," Said Sarah, stuffing a new cylinder into her device. Adrian pulled out a blue vial from a pouch at his side and downed it quickly with a sigh. "Indeed. That was something else." Veskia shook her head and cleared her throat, trying to hide her current discomfort. "And what kept you two?" Sarah and Adrian both looked to each other before smirking and shrugging. "Well, ya see....."
Battle: Initiated
Location: Canterlot
Objective: Aid Guards in defense.
Heroes: Sarah the Lone Wanderer and Adrian the Grey Warden

Soon as the two jumped off the roof, a guard was thrown past them and into a nearby wall. He fell to the wall, striied slightly, before finally losing consciousness. Sarah pulled Metal Blaster off her back and shouldered the modded laser rifle while Adrian pulled out his staff. Together, they both charged towards the fading line of what seemed thirty something pony guards. The Shadows they were fighting were grotesque monsters, looking like something had stitched them together and given them weapons. Sarah quickly snapped to V.A.T.S., where time seemed to stop, but really just slowed down for her. Unknown to everyone else, her Pip-boy gave her quite a few perks, including a Heads Up Display which displayed her heart and pulse rates, and an estimation of how much damage she can take, and, her biggest advantage, Action Points, which lets her put a new spin of accuracy on any weapon. She noticed several guards being overwhelmed, and about to be killed, and put all of her action points on those Shadows.

When V.A.T.S. turned off, her body acted on its own accord, aiming and snapping off a total of seven perfectly aimed shots, sending five lasers into each Shadow and disintegrating it. Adrian looked to her device and gawked. When another guard fell screaming, he shook himself out of it and dug through his mental archive of spells until he found the perfect one, one he seemed to be using a lot recently.

He bolted towards the defensive line, his staff becoming encased with lightning as he did. Right before he made it to the first pony, he jumped, landing and standing lightly on it's back, much to it's surprise, and fired a large ball of lightning that split into smaller ones upon impact, electrocuting any it touched. He hopped into the gap and snapped off a cone of fire from his staff at the group to his right, and a cone of ice shards to the group on his left. Some of the Shadows were smart enough to come up where he wasn't casting, only to get blasted down by Sarah. The stunned guards, who were suddenly given some moments to collect their thoughts, immediately recognized that these....Things, were on their side.

Adrian dispelled the cones, Sarah and the guards charging past with war cries. The guards, now lead by a guard in bright yellow armor and a dome of....cheese?.... tattooed on his flank, the guards snapping off spells and cutting down Shadows while Sarah snapped off shots with her rifle, only pausing her bombardment to swiftly reload and continue her hail of burning death. Adrian grinned, not to be outdone, he charged up and with the line, snapping off spells quicker than any of the Unicorn guards, and healing any of the wounded. After mere moments of this, they heard Veskia shouting, and LOUDLY, only to find her decimating Shadows, with her voice! The group that was sin the middle of the Shadows suddenly teleported behind them, getting escorted away by some of the guards. While this happened, Sarah and Adrian helped save Veskia while mopping up the rest. The guards started cheering and letting forth joyful whoops for their victory.

Sarah and Adrian caught up to Veskia, and explained their side of the battle. Veskia shook her head and chuckled. "I think we make a good team. This is a good thing indeed." Adrian nodded. "I couldn't agree more. We may just be able to turn the tide here, and might I say, it's be awhile since I wasted magic that fast!" Sarah chuckled and slung her rifle over her shoulder. "Only wasted three mags. This was a cakewalk!" Veskia looked past the duo to see her Frost Atronach vanish in a burst of lightning before sighing. "Best we return to the castle, no?" They all nodded and made their way through the carnage, asking the guards for directions, which they happily gave, walking towards the castle, each trying to think of where this would lead.
Battle: Victory
Location: Canterlot castle
Twilight Sparkle and friends.

Twilight couldn't calm herself. It wasn't the battle that had her so confused, but what had saved her. That bipedal figure in armor, whose voice was loud enough to rival even Princess Luna's, and the other two she saw before the guards led her and the others away. Rainbow Dash, hovering above the group, was thinking of how she could incorporate that thing's voice into her stunts. Applejack was wondering the same thing along the lines of Twilight, and Pinkie was wondering what kind of party to throw the three newcomers. Rarity was wondering who made that one beings armor, and Fluttershy was wondering why it resembled a cat so much.

The group suddenly found themselves in the throne room, with Celestia at her throne, smiling warmly at them. Twilight immediately bolted, her wings lifting from her sides slightly. "Princess Celestia!" Celestia stood from her throne and encased Twilight in a wing hug. "Twilight Sparkle, I am glad to see you and your friends made it here alright." Before Twilight could answer, Pinkie bounced up. "Yeah! We are fighting those freaky thingies, and then BOOM! This thing riding a dragon SWOOPED in and shot an amazing firework at the meanies, then shouted them out of the way for us to get away! Oh and she's new, so I HAVE to throw her a party!" Rarity perked a brow. "Pinkie, how would you know that things gender?" Pinkie giggled. "Wasn't it obvious, with her figure and-" before she could finished that thought, A giddy Luna teleported in next to Celestia. "Tia! Oh, by the stars it was amazing! THEY, were amazing! As soona s they came in, the casualties dropped to almost none, and WE WON!" Luna skipped around in a circle a bit, giggling happily.

Twilight looked to her mentor in curiosity. "What does Princess Luna mean? Those things that saved us? Do you know them?" Celestia smiled and chuckled softly. "Come. Perhaps it's better if you actually MEET your saviors." Before she could take a step away from Twilight, everyone's ears, including hers, were assaulted with a yell that could rival the Royal Canterlot Voice. "WULD-NA-KEST!" In what seemed like a whirlwind, the doors burst open, and there stood the three heroes, Sarah and Adrian letting go of Veskia's hands, Sarah collapsing on her rear and fanning her face with her hat to keep from losing her lunch, while Adrian immediately cast a few healing spell to rid himself of his nausea. Luna grinned at them. "Welcome back, and job well done! You were amazing!" Sarah gave her a thumbs up before putting her hat on her head, and Adrian pulling back his hood. Veskia just studied the group of ponies nearby, who studied her in turn.

All in all, Awk-waaaaaard....

Introductions are in order....

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Location: Canterlot Castle Throne Room
Time: 7:38 p.m.
Battle Casualties: Low
Hero Status: Wary

The Elements all stared at the strange beings in awe. The man with a robe and tree branch, the cat-thing with armor and a crossbow, and something dressed like a detective.....A dirty detective, much to Rarity's disgust, with a weird box-thing attached to its back. Said thing stood and put its hat back on its head, her hair peeking out of it. "Vesk, you're SERIOUSLY gonna have to explain how you do that stuff, and all from shouting. SHOUTING FOR CHRIST'S SAKE! I've seen some weird shit in my world, but that is ridiculous!" Vesk, the cat-thing, responded with a calm voice. "All world's are different. Yours is obviously advanced in technology, compared to my world and Adrian's." Adrian, the one with the branch, stood there with his arms crossed, hood over his eyes. "Indeed. To me, it seems like you're using light as a weapon itself." Sarah was about to go into detail, when Pinkie jumped in her face, defying the laws of physics by floating there. "HI! I'm Pinkie Pie!"

Sarah jumped back in shock and almost went for her rifle, but restrained herself. Adrian was staring at the pink pony in shock, and Veskia was wondering what magic was being used. The pink pony landed on the ground and bounced in a circle around the three heroes. "I've never seen anyone like you three before! You all look so cool!" She zipped in front of Adrian and pointed at him. "You look like a sage, all Mr. Know-it-all and stuff!" She zipped in front of Veskia, with speeds that reminded her of her Whirlwind Sprint shout. "You and your clothes make you all mysterious and sneaky!" Before Vesk could respond, or blink, Pinkie was in front of Sarah again. "And you like like a detective, but remind me of a cowpony even more!" BEfore Sarah, or the others could get a word in, the pony was in the air again, gasping. "OH MY GOSH! I need to go get your 'Welcome to Equestria' party ready!" Before she could speed off, Celestia had her covered in her magical grasp.

"Later, Pinkie. For now, I should introduce you to these three heroes, and explain their presence and origins." With that, she set Pinkie over by the other Elements, Twilight and the other princesses joining them. Before either side spoke, Cadence teleported in, as well as a stallion wearing golden spartan armor (pony style), with purple highlights, and a shield in the middle of the chestpiece. The stallion lit his horn at the sight of the three, but Cadence's hoof on his shoulder and smile stopped him. They then joined the group. Celestia, Luna, and Cadence broke off, and approached the hero they personally retrieved, each pair shaking hands/hooves with each other. The princesses then turned around and nodded to each other, before looking to the group of ponies present. Celestia started off.

"As you all know, these beings of Shadow are ruthless, outnumber our guards at every battle, and seem to never end. That is why Luna and myself delved into the works of Star Swirl the Bearded, looking for a spell or information to used against the creatures. We found not one, but many spells for summoning Heroes, beings from other worlds to this one to aid us. Three were highly recommended." She stepped aside, letting them get the full look of Sarah. "First, The Lone Wanderer. A being who went into their ruined world, and survived every trial thrown at her. Sarah Rogers." Sarah gave a casual two-fingered salute, grinning. "Nothing to it! Just a ton of ammo, explosives, and Stimpaks!" Celestia chuckled and nodded to Luna, who trotted to her sister's side, pointing at Veskia with a hoof. "The Dragon Slayer, or in her world, the Dragon Born. Veskia is a dragon slayer, one with the very soul of those she slays, in a world where the dragons wish to destroy all other life." The group was shocked of this, and immediately wary of the dragon hunter. Veskia grunted, pulling down her facemask and hood. "Just so you know, I try to talk to them first, before drawing any weapons. And yes, I have the soul of a dragon. That shouting I was doing earlier? THat was my Thu'um. My Voice, in the language of the Dragons." Cadence giggled and moved next to Luna, all the way down the line before motioning to Adrian. "And the Warden, Adrian Valros. The name of his organization is the Grey Wardens, which he leads, to save his world from evil creatures. He is an amazing spell caster too." Adrian removed his hood with a chuckle, bowing. "Greetings! It's a pleasure to meet you all."

Twilight was amazed. She never knew that Star Swirl the Bearded found new worlds, with new creatures in them! So many questions to ask, so much research needed to be done! Rarity was wondering how to improve Adrian's robes, wanting to completely replace Sarah's wardrobe, and wondering who designed Veskia's armor, and what the crest in the middle of her chest stood for. Rainbow was judging completely silent, squinting at the three. 'They don't seem so tough...' Applejack was wondering just how strong they all were. Fluttershy was wondering what species they were, Veskia the most, but was too shy to ask. Pinkie just wanted to throw them all a party. The Unicorn stallion, whose coat was white as snow and hair as blue as the color gets, Shining Armor, was wondering how they were able to beat the Shadows back so easily, when the guards he trained and stood alongside were getting overwhelmed so easily!

Sarah stepped forward and chuckled. "Yup, well, when Celestia came to get me from my home in the Wasteland, I thought this was some sort of joke, a bunch of chems snuck into my Nuka-Cola. But being here....Shit, I know it's real now! And you guys have your work cut out for you. Us too." Veskia chuckled. "Indeed, it seemed odd, but our presence is most definitely required here. Those numbers were astounding." Adrian sighed with a smile on his head. "Leliana would never forgive me if I just abandoned those in need. Even with that, I stay to help those who need it."

The ponies all gathered smiled at the attitudes of the three heroes. Twilight stepped forward, eyes shining. "Greetings, my name is Twilight Sparkle, it's a pleasure to meet you three." Sarah tipped her hat with her trademark smirk on her face, Veskia and Adrian both bowed. Celestia cut in next. "Twilight is my student, and is studying the magic of Friendship in Ponyville." Sarah frowned and let out a heavy sigh. Celestia tilted her head in confusion, as did everyone else. "Ok, seriously. All this magic is getting to me....I experienced some sort of....Event..Shit I'm still trying to figure it out, but we don't have magic where I'm from. So, seriously, please don't be surprised if I flip my shit at some of it, ok? I'm still trying to cope with Vesk's shouting here." She said, jerking a thumb at the Khajiit, who was rolling her eyes. Celestia smiled, understanding her predicament. "I understand, Sarah. Anyhow, Twilight is one of the Elements of Harmony, the Element of Magic itself. There are five others, and they will introduce themselves shortly. The Elements of Harmony are a powerful weapon when combined, meant to purify the enemies of Equestria. They seem to be the focus of these attacks, as there have been few, but none the less unrelenting, attacks on the other cities. You three, will be going with the elements to Ponyville, to guard them and the town. Expect many dangers, though I doubt they will overwhelm you." Sarah and the others grinned at that.

Rarity stepped forward next. "Well, since we are making introductions, I am Rarity, Element of Generosity. It's a honor to meet such intriguing beings such as yourselves!" Rainbow was next, floating above Rarity and Twilight. "I'm Rainbow Dash, Element of Loyalty and fastest flier in Equestria!" Sarah rolled her eyes, but smirked at the obvious ego the pegasus had. Veskia was wondeirng if she'd say that when she shouted past her. Adrian was just silent, more so thinking about how he could have done better with his new teammates in the previous battle. Applejack trotted up next. "Howdy there! Ah'm Applejack, Element of Honesty. I gotta say, we were in a tough spot till ya'll came in and got them varmints!" Sarah laughed. "You mean, when Veskia got them. Me and Adrian just turned the defense into an offense." Veskia rolled her eyes playfully. She felt like she could relate to this woman, having survived plenty of trials on her own world. Applejack turned and pointed to the pink pony, still bouncing from the need to throw a party. "Ya'll already know Pinkie, the Element of Laughter." She then looked around, only to see Fluttershy hiding behind Shining Armor, who was shuffling uncomfortably. "That fella over there is Twilight's brother, Shining Armor, and hiding behind him is Fluttershy. Like her name implies, she's shy, and also the Element of Kindness."

Shining Armor trotted up with Fluttershy before snapping off a crisp salute. An instinct, which all three of the heroes had come to know, awoke. All three of them snapped to attention before giving a crisp salute. Sarah gained this from being in the Brotherhood of Steel, and training with Sarah Lyons, Veskia gained it from serving with the Legion against Ulfric, and Adrian gained it from being a Grey Warden, which basically was a soldier, just much more dangerous. They then went to their own forms of ease. Shining chuckled. "Seems you've all trained in militaries before." Veskia and Sarah both said at the same time "Gained my skill on my own.", then stared at each other with raised brows. Adrian laughed at this before answering. "I basically lead a form of military, only thing is, we have a strict entrance procedure. I may delve into it later." Luna looked out a window and chuckled. "After we fix the sky." And with that, her horn was lit, and the sun swiftly fell, the moon replacing it, the lights in the hall growing to compensate. Sarah rubbed her eyes and sighed. "Magic...." Veskia chuckled, while Adrian gave her a mock hurt expression, which she stuck her tongue out to before looking to Celestia. "Hey, I need to ask, mind if I get taken home for a bit? There were a lot of them fuckers, so Ima need some bigger guns to screw their day up." Veskia blinked before nodding. "I must return home as well, to retrieve some weapons, as well as more ammunition for my crossbow." Celestia and Luna nodded before looking to the others.

"I'm sure you all have questions, but they must wait till later. Adrian, do you need anything from your home?" Adrian shook his head. "No your majesty. I have my staff, and that's all I'll ever need." Celestia nodded before looking to Cadence. "Make sure everyone is settled in while we take care of this?" Cadence nodded. "I will, make sure they come back truly ready." The sister nodded before teleporting to the summoning chamber underground with the two female heroes. Cadence led everyone else down the halls of the castle, assigning rooms as she went, till it was her, Adrian, and Shining. They stopped in front of an empty room, before she turned to the elven mage. "This will be your room, Ser Adrian. Sleep well." He nodded before opening the regal doors, shutting them behind him, before giving it a once over. A large, regal bedroom, fully outfitted. He sighed, taking his staff off of his back, setting it at the foot of the bed, then falling into it falling asleep quickly.
Location: Canterlot Castle Underground Tunnels
Time: 7:42 p.m.

The two Alicorns and Heroes appeared in the hall mere seconds after leaving, Celestia and Luna going to the Rune circles they used earlier, activating them with a flare of magic. Celestia flared her magic again, pulling to her the book discarded earlier from a nearby corner. Flipping it open, she scanned through the pages before smiling. "Alright, you both just need to picture where you want to go. Step in when ready." Sarah jogged through her portal, while Veskia bowed before walking through hers.
Location: Sarah's house in Megaton.
Objective: Weapon retrieval.

Sarah popped out of the portal, nearly running into Wadsworth. Th floating robot assistant floated backwards in surprise. "Dear me! Ms. Rogers, how did you do that!? What is that!?" Sarah chuckled and went straight to her locker. "Imagine that damn book I destroyed in the Dunwich building, and those aliens. Now imagine them combined and forces of good. There's your answer." The robot huffed. "Vague as always, I see. Please don't get into too much trouble, miss." Sarah grinned evilly at that, somehow pulling a tube like weapon out of the locker, and twenty tubes for it as well, setting them on the floor. ".....Ah. I see, so the rocket launcher is needed? Very well! I will get the Stimpaks from upstairs." And with that, the robot floated upstairs.

Sarah chuckled and pulled out a sword, the blade a good two inches in length going edge to edge, and a foot and a half long, with a brass hilt, a button on the pommel. She set that down, then continued to dig through the locker, until Wadsworth came down laughing. "Madam! I cannot contain it anymore! Without your permission, I sent word through the Wasteland, and got a reply to the request, from your Brotherhood of Steel friends! The request? A full tank of gasoline! Sarah my dear, the Motorcycle is able to be driven!" Sarah looked at the robot slowly before grinning, her eyes sparkling. "Did you test it!?" The robot laughed again before flying upstairs. Sarah bolted up with him and into one of the rooms, where the motorcycle sat. It was beat up, with a full on, dull greenish brown paint job she tried to recreate to the best of her ability. It took her longer to find intact tires that fit. The bike shone, due to her polishing daily, and an empty, intact gasoline tank sat nearby.

"She's ready for a test drive, whenever! And, of course, naming, if you wish." Sarah grinned. "I'll name later. SHE COMES WITH!" She looked at him. "You did find Saddle bags, right?" Wadsworth moved into the doorway, revealing two rectangular, metal saddlebags. "Made in the Metal works of The Pitt, ma'am. A gift from that Weyner fellow. You got grab what you need, I will ready them." She nodded and ran out of the room, and down the stairs, diving to the lockers. "Already taking the launcher, got Metal Blaster, Black Hawk, Jingwei's sword......." She tapped her chin in thought. "Power Armor? Naw, too many, need to be nimble...." She snapped her fingers, reaching in and pulling out a Combat shotgun and all six hundred and sixty eight rounds, dumping them into the bag with her revolver ammo, slapping a fresh clip in first, and grabbing all of her other clips, setting them nearby. She then shut the locker, looking towards the stairs. "Ready Wadsworth!?"

The robot floated down swiftly. "Yes madam. Give me Metal blaster, and put the Rocket Launcher on your back. I will put it in the saddlebahs with everything else. What about more fuel?" Sarah blinked, then shrugged. "I'll wing it! And the Stimpaks?" "Already in their spot, miss. Are you irradiated?" She checked her giga counter. Four hundred, fifty three rads. "Eeyup, the mutation will fix my bones and major stuff." She slung Metal Blaster off her back, taing the strap off before handing it to Wadsworth, who took it upstairs swiftly. She then attached the strap the the big gun, adjusting it slightly before slinging it over her shoulder. She then picked up a bundle of rockets and took to the stairs two at a time. With Wadsworth help, they (somehow), managed to get everything in the saddlebags and roll the bike downstairs, aiming at the portal.

Sarah sat on the bike, running her hands over it lovingly. Wadsworth was next to her, checking the straps holding the gas can to the bike, which he insisted on. "You may stop manhandling it miss Rogers, it will not get aroused." Sarah stopped and groaned. "I programmed you to a fully self-aware AI, WHY?" The robot chuckled. "Because ypu keep yourself locked in here now days, and would go insane without some form of company, NOW LET HER RIP, madam." Sarah giggle and started up the bike, which roared to life in response. She grinned maniacly before kicking off and revving the engine, taking off into the portal with the bike roaring over her screams of excitement. Wadsworth chuckled as he watched the portal shut behind her. "Gods speed, you crazy bitch with a shotgun."
Location: Veskia's mansion in the Pale.
Objective: Arm self further.

Veskia appeared in the armory of her home, pulling off her hood and facemask combo completely and setting them on top of a glass case. "Speed is key in this fight...." She nodded to herself before jogging to the far wall, a large group of enchanted weapons awaiting her touch. She grabbed two katana's, Dragonsbane and Bolar's Oathblade, attaching them to her left hip, Dragonsbane over the Oathblade. "Better safe than sorry." She then grabbed kicked open a nearby chest, revealing several boxes made of mahogony, a sheathed dagger, and a knapsack. grunting, she opened the knapsack, stuffing the dagger in first, then opening each box individually, each filled with Dwarvern crossbow bolts of the plain, explosive fire, ice, and lightning qualities, and dumping them inside as well. She then went to another nearby chest, opening it to reveal it filled with Ultimate Health, Magicka, and Stamina potions. She grabbed ten of each, placing them in the sack carefully. She then closed it shut, securing all of the straps before carrying it to the portal, grabbing her hod/mask on the way, before she entered, she heard the sound of a door opening, and a female saying her name. She looked to the left to see a woman in brown leather armor that opened up just above her breasts, and went down to be robes at the knees, reinforced leather pants and boots underneath those robes, a cape with a hood.

The female was caucasian, and had glowing orange eyes. "Veskia. I thought you were in High Hrothgar." Veskia smiled warmly. "Serana. And I thought you were at Fort Dawnguard." Serana waled over swiftly, and Veskia knew immediately, setting the sack down and dropping her mask, before welcoming the warm hug. "I missed you, you furball." Veskia chuckled. "And I missed you, you blood-sucker." Serana stiffened, and Veskia sighed. "You haven't fed in the past two months now, have you?" Serana hugged her tighter. "Mind?" Veskia chuckled at her nervousness. "Get me a potion for curing diseases, then yes." Serana released Vesk, moving to a chest at the other end of the room, opening it and pulling out a small vial, walking back over and handing to Vesk. She took it gratefully, before turning her head to the right, exposing her neck. "Be swift, I am needed."

Serana nodded, walking up and hugging her friend again, before exposing her fangs and biting at her exposed neck. The pain nearly made Vesk drop the vial, but she held on, waiting as Serana drained blood from her. After a few minutes, she pulled away, licking her lips. Veskia, feeling slightly dizzy, popped the cork on the vial and downed it's contents, feeling slightly better. "Alright. I'll be gone a while, watch the hall while I'm gone. Serana nodded, frowning as she watched Veskia pick up her sack and hood/mask before entering the portal, which vanished behind her.
Location: Canterlot Castle Underground Tunnels
Time: 7:58 p.m.
All objectives: Complete

Both portals flared, Sarah speeding out of hers on a machine that roared as it sped by before skidding to a halt in the middle of the room. "HAHAHA! I LOVE THIS BIKE!" Veskia stepped out of her portal and stared at Sarah in wonder. "What in the name of the Nine is THAT?" Sarh grinned, turning off the motor. "My ride. So, what now, Princess?" Celestia looked to Luna, who was dumbstruck. "Luna, why not take Veskia to her room, while I do the same with Sarah? They need to rest for their trip tomorrow." Luna shook herself and nodded, trotting to Veskia's side and teleporting away with her.

Celestia trotted over, chuckling. "I hope you won't drive that in the castle. My ponies need their rest tonight." Sarah smirked. "Yeah, yeah. I was actually wondering if you could find a way to make some more fuel for this thing?" Celestia perked a brow before smiling. "I'm sure Twilight can when you're all back in Ponyville. Come, let's get you to bed now. You have a big day tomorrow." Sarah chuckled. "You sound like my Dad." She smiled sadly, shaking her head. Celestia noted this, teleporting them to her room. "Make yourself comfortable, I will see you in the morning." And with that, she teleported away. Sarah got off the bike, putting the kickstand up first, then undressing to her underwear, leaving her clothes where they dropped before hopping into the bed, falling asleep almost immediately from a soft comfort she never felt before.