A possible FIFTH STORY!? WHAT IS THIS!? · 2:07am Oct 6th, 2013
Hello folks! Vlarrion here, with an update on all of my stories. Your probably thinking, "BUT VLARRION! (btw it's pronounced Vlarr-ion), there hasn't been any updates on any story at all!" Yeah? Well I have a few reasons! First is that school is a bitch, also practicing with my new Alto Saxophone, Archery practice, and the fact that a few weeks ago I got the games Mechwarrior 4, Mechwarrior 4: Black Knight, and MechWarrior 4: Mercenaries, BEAT THEM ALL, and am now writing this blog post!
Thank you for favouriting "Fallout: Equestria Girls"
*Pokes* Hi
Thanks for adding Trixie Secretary Extraordinaire! to your favorites . how you liking it so far?
Thanks for giving Woundsalt a little love!
No problem! Keep up the good work!