• Published 24th Jul 2013
  • 373 Views, 2 Comments

Return of Evil - Superkat

An ancient evil from Equestria's past has returned. It's up to the Mane 6 to stop it before it brings darkness to all, but how can they when they lose their greatest weapon?

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Chapter 1

As Celestia's first light reached the small town of Ponyville, the lavender mare resident of Golden Oaks Library was awakened from her sleep. Today was a big day. Leaping to her hooves, Twilight Sparkle excitedly shook the basket holding the sleeping baby dragon at the foot of her bed.

"Spike! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" she cried to her assistant.

"Uh, jeez, Twilight" Spike groused as he woke up "I haven't seen you this excited since Winter Wrap-Up".

"I'm sorry, Spike" Twilight said calming down as she ran down the steps "But today is a big event. It's the day of Equestrian Eclipse! It happens once every thousand years!"

The Equestrian Eclipse was an event when Princesses Celestia and Luna brought the two sun and moon into perfect alignment, creating an amazing display of light.

"Gee, I forgot how you get around big events" Spike groaned as he reluctantly climbed out of bed "But at least this time, you didn't get up in the middle of the night".

"What can I say? Cosmological events always get me excited" Twilight admitted before unfurling the new wings she had gotten less than two weeks ago "That and Princess Celestia said it was important for the princesses to attend such an event".

"You're really taking this 'princess' thing seriously, aren't you?" Spike asked as he jumped down the steps.

"It's a big responsibility, Spike" Twilight said "Bigger than any responsibility I've ever had. I want to live up to everypony's expectations of as the newest alicorn princess".

"Wow, and I thought you took your role as Princess Celestia's student seriously" Spike commented, earning a jab from Twilight.

"Still, I'm glad that my life hasn't completely changed" Twilight stated "It was nice that Princess Celestia allowed me to continue living here in Ponyville despite my new royal status. And I'm glad my friends haven't treated different. Speaking of my friends, come on, we have to meet up with them so we can all go to Canterlot. Rarity said she has a new dress for me to wear at the celebration".

With that, the alicorn and her assistant were out the door.

As Twilight and Spike made their way through town, a lot of ponies they passed stopped and bowed their heads out of respect for the new alicorn princess.

"Your friends may treat you the same" Spike commented "But everyone else seems to treat you like a princess".

Twilight sighed "Yeah, I know. Having people bow before me is still taking some getting use to". She then happened to look up to see a rainbow speeding along the sky before making a turn and heading straight for her and Spike. In an instant, a cyan pegasus with a rainbow mane landed in front of them.

"Well, if it isn't Equestria's newest princess" Rainbow Dash commented "How are you today, your highness?"

"Very cute, Rainbow Dash" Twilight said with smirk "Is the sky clear for the eclipse today?"

"Yep" the weather pony replied "Not a cloud will disrupt today's event anywhere in Equestria".

"Great" the new princess said "Hate for anypony to miss it. Any sign of the others?"

"I'm right here, Twilight" came a meek voice. Twilight and Rainbow Dash turned to see a yellow pegasus walking up to them "Didn't want to make you late for such an important day".

"Fluttershy's right, Twi" said an orange earth cowpony from behind them "It just wouldn' do for a princess to not be in person for an event such as this".

"Thanks, Applejack" said Twilight "This is the first major event to occur since I became an alicorn and I want it to go perfectly".

"Well, you can count on us to make sure it goes alright, Twile" said a pink earth pony as she walked up to the group.

"Nice to hear it, Pinkie Pie" the lavender alicorn said with a smile "Now that we're all together, let's head over to Rarity's store to see the gown she made for me".

It didn't take the group long to get to Carousel Boutique. Once inside, they were greeted by a white unicorn.

"Well, it looks like the gang's all here" Rarity said.

"Alright, Rarity" Twilight said "Let's see this outfit you made for me".

"Never thought Rarity's sense of fashion would rub off on you, Twilight" Rainbow Dash said with a smirk.

"I figure looking your best is one of the things that come with being a princess" Twilight conceded as Rarity took her measurements.

"And trust me" Rarity said as she telekentically summoned a carrying case "You will look fabulous, dear".

While Rarity helped Twilight with her fitting, the others waited.

"There" Rarity said after a few minutes "All finished. Everypony, what do you think?"

"Whoa" said four ponies and a dragon as they looked at the sight in front of them. Sanding before them was Equestria's newest princess, dressed in a dark purple gown that complemented her lavender hue quite nicely. On the sleeves and atthe bottom of the dress were ruffled laces of the same color pattern as Twilight's mane. Completing the look were four brand new blue horseshoes.

"Dang, Twi" Applejack said "Yah really do look like a princess now".

"She's right, Twilight," Fluttershy said, "You're even prettier than the day you were coronated".

Twilight looked herself over in the mirror that Rarity had telekintically brought over, and as she did, she couldn't believe how far she'd come since she first arrived in Ponyville. She teared up.

"Thank you, everypony" she said to her friends "I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you".

"Think nothing of it, Twile" Pinkie Pie said "You know, after the celebration, I say we have an Eclipse Party!"

"Is there no event that happens in Equestria that won' make you want to throw a party?" Applejack asked with a smirk.

"Hey, I'm not a party pony for noth..." Pinkie Pie started to say before her tail started twitching "Hooves burning! Hooves burning!"

Twilight froze "Oh no. Not a Pinkie Sense! Not today!"

Rainbow Dash sighed "What is it this time, Pinkie?"

"I don't know" the party pony said with a shrug "I've never felt that one before".

"Then for all we know, it might not be something serious" Applejack said before turning to the nervous Twilight "So yah might as well relax, Twi".

Twilight calmed down "You know, you're right. It's probably nothing. Come on, let's go to Canterlot".

As the group was walking out the door however, Twilight was still thinking to herself.

Nothing bad's going to happen today, right? Right? Of course not.

Deep within the cave, it was quiet, except for the dripping of stalactites into stalagmites. What was really curious about this place was the large round stone in the center of the floor. On the stone was the carving of a picture know around most of Equestria:

The symbol of the Alicorns.

Suddenly, the chamber shuddered for a few seconds before the tremors stopped.

The time was getting closer. The force behind the seal could sense it. The eclipse was only a few hours away. Its strength was growing. Soon, it would be free again. The chamber then shuddered again, the vibrations stronger than the last one. This time, it resulted in a few cracks appearing within the stone slab on the floor. After the miniature quake stopped, a blackish-purple substance began to seep out through the cracks in the stone tablet.
( Too Be Continued...)

Comments ( 2 )

I'm done with Ch 2!! When I get at least 15 likes I will post it!!!!!!! :yay:

gave you a 4th, thats close enough... NEXT CHAPTER:flutterrage:

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