• Published 23rd Jul 2013
  • 508 Views, 5 Comments

Memories of Friendships passed - Spirit of EverFree

Song can stir emotions and memories that one might have buried ,but they still remain. How does twilight deal with them when a singer at the Gala brings all these feeling of her friends and their passing out to the surface?

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No more Generosity

Celestia busy talking with frantic chamberlain and Diplomat Ponies each Voicing their concerns, over Gryphons entering the city. A older pony spoke above the others voicing his concern.

"Princess? This is no idle chat with the Gryphons if they have crossed the ocean it must be of great matters, or perhaps a declaration of war!" each pony becoming more terrified then the other feeding off the mob mentality, Celestia has had her share of calming down ponies during times of woe ,but this was different somehow. She smiled at her subjects reassuring in her posture that all was right before speaking in her normal gentle tone.

" I understand your fears in this time ,but rest assure they have not traveled here for war. The Gryphon kingdom has held its own for over one thousand years in fact no gryphon besides those born here in Equestria has ever left." She paused a moment to gather her thoughts. " now my ponies please continue on, I have everything under control they have arrived peacefully so lets give them a chance don't you agree? The crowd of ponies smiled in response accepting the answers given to them by Celestia. Chamberlains had finished cleaning the throne room, Diplomats took their places awaiting the arrival. Looking around Celestia watched hiding the turmoil in her heart behind a smile. "Glancing?" she spoke turning to face the guard by her side. Saluting he replied.

" Yes Princess Celestia!"

"Please go gather my sister and Twilight, I need them here with me if we are to properly greet our guest when they arrive.

"yes Princess as you command." Glancing bowed before her turning he faced the side entrance exiting to the hallways.
making sure the doors were shut Glancing sighed heavily. "Man I Thought being a guard would just mean I stand at a Door or gate for hours, not standing guard at the side of Celestia while Gryphons come to equestria I mean what if they attack!" Sulking the guard walked towards the tower mumbling to himself. Luna's and Twilight's room luckily are located in the same tower one just above the other making the job that much faster, allowing him to return before the arrival of the guest.
"Ok just three more times around the bend and ill be at luna's room"

"You really shouldn't talk to yourself so much Shield, ponies are going to think your insane."

"What? who's there is that you, Piercing?" Just alittle further up the stair floating in the air a lite green pegasus smirking at him. Placing his hoof over his face pulling down his snout the Pegasus narrowed his eyes at Glancing.

"Yes Glancing its me, now tell me what are you doing in this area? This is my patrol route."

"Celestia sent me to send word for luna and Twilight to head to the throneroom. Gryphons have come to Canterlot and she would like her sister's to be present." The other guard sank down to the ground folding his wings down to his side, turned and spoke.
"I'll go get Princess Twilight ,you get luna." and with that he took back to the air flying up the tower.


Ponies of all kinds filled the market, alleyways, and doorways to various stores all to catch a glimspe of the gryphons. In total there are five of the hybrid creatures, four walking along the market streets, two adorned in armor walking next to a elderly gryphon. The other two, one in the sky flying over head blindfolded drawing Awe from jealous pegasi over the feat, and lastly the largest of the five in between the two armored gyrphons truely flared to mind he was the lord. Littered with regal dress for their kind, a necklace of talons and a single gryphon skull hanging from his neck, along with his body painted with markings of red and black.

Ponies whispered quietly to each other, guards watching with unease as the one flying over head landed next to a vendors stand in the market. Ponies scattering from the gryphon. Silently he stood there the vendor gulp unsure if he should speak, as cue to the gulp the blind gryphon spoke.

"Tell me pony what by chance do you sell here?" There was a few moments of silence before the question registered to the vendor.

"Uhmhm Apples sir we sell A-apples from the famous sweet Apple acres."

"Apples you say? I have never heard of those are they by chance meat" I do love the taste of meats its sweet ironish taste." The vendors eyes opened wide in fear of what the gryphon wanted.

"N-n-no it....its fruit we- we- we don't eat meat at all." At this point the pony has started to shiver and guards started to surround the gryphon. The crowd watching in horror and excitment over what well happen over these current events. Two guard ponies raised their spears in ready positions before a booming voiced called out.

"Enough Talon! get your snack and move on we shall not dabble with these foolishly happy ponies any longer!" The voice belonged to one of the two armored gryphon this one being smaller than the other. Talon let out sigh reaching into a pouch to his side, pulling out a gem and holding it out with talon almost hitting the poor vendor right in the muzzle.

"Eh I'm a gambler lets try one, is this enough to pay?" unable to reply the vendor just blinked blankly at the blindfolded gryphon infront of him trying to figure out if he was only dreaming, really who would pay for an apple with a gem?!? "Hello anyone still there are is my claw just hanging here?"

"YES!!!!" screamed the vendor causing Talon to flinch in surprise. "sorry I mean yes that's enough to pay for an apple that's more then my whole chart infact!" Talon dropped the gem into the apples picking one up with his free talons, with that he jumped into the air with his purchase and landed next to the others continuing the walk to the palace.

"Can you go one minute without needing food you blind buzzard?" spoke the armored gryphon from before.

"Hey flying really takes a lot of energy ya know?" lifting up the apple he took a bite followed by a tight squeeze and frantic coughing and spitting out the apple. "UGH! this is awful! its all crisp when you bite it goes downhill, so mushy!" Talon tossed the apple over his head then letting his head slump down. " I'd rather have a bone."

"Talon?" spoke the largest gryphon in a hushed voice as to avoid any ponies from near by hearing.

"Yes my lord?"

"Did you sense any changes in this area?

"No my lord but from what I can tell by the feel of the wind the rumors are true these ponies.....they control everything even the weather and from what I can tell even have a impact of the wind." Talon paused to gather his thoughts before speaking again. "I could hear in the distance, what they call weather ponies planning tomorrows rainstorm."

"I see my brethren we must not let our guard down. If the rumors are true and these ponies still hold onto the vice that is order the chance that his reign is still tight. trust no guards, we shall find the true extent of how much he remain."Next spoke the second armored gryphon.

"Lord if I may? what shall we do if they truly do not know of the king? the weeks I have spent here as a spy in hiding not once have I heard any talk of him. only of the sisters and another named Twilight sparkle." The gryphon lord stopped and looked up to the palace rubbing his beak with a talon.

"Than tell me, Gale what have you been able to learn?"

"I have learned that the eldest sister is named Celestia a rather larger pony with a white coat and a mane of multi-colors flowing in the air like the wind. Her sister and the youngest is luna she is smaller then her sister but still taller then most other mares, a dark coat color like the night sky and a mane that shimmers like its made of the stars." Gale shuffled as they walked uneasy in the information he had gathered. "Each of the sister's controls part of the world with their magic the eldest moves the sun and once a year they celebrate this with what they refer to as Summer Sun Celebration. The younger moves the moon at night and even influences dreams of the ponies, at one time she was called Nightmare Moon and was banished to the moon but those events apparently predate back one thousand years. As for Twilight Sparkle she is known as the Element of magic one of six Elements of Harmony a great weapon of the ponies as we already know. She was made into a alicorn by Celestia and is the only remaining pony that wielded the elements."

"Tell me more."

"I wish I could but the history book....are missing large parts before the events of those or even a creature they called Discord, and get this he is a god of chaos also known as the spirit of disharmony." Gale stretched out his wings as he continued to walk. "all History books in equestria only dates back to his rule no information of the time during asides from the princesses rising to power with the Elements of Harmony. In fact no where is the king of Order ever meantioned!"

"This is troubling pressing matters are afoot but I suppose it isn't so bad." the Lord looked at the surrounds scanning for anything out of place or misleading. "If these ponies truly have no memories of the past maybe our mission here well be much easier.....I just hope we aren't to late, The Elements of Harmony must remain even now I can feel an evil laying in this kingdom." Stopping he turned to his party. "When we speak with this Celestia we shall not reveal are true purpose here, instead we shall pose in a state of need until I can tell if this Twilight Sparkle falls into place of the Prophecy."
In unison each gryphon nodded.


Twilight sat at her dresser running a brush through he mane whincing each time as she caught a knot tugging at the bristles. humming a song to herself she sat there alone with only her thoughts drifting back to the past. "Rarity would kill me if she seen my mane like this." drifting off Twilight remembered shortly after he transformation into a alicorn , Rarity was in a fuse changing all of her dresses to accommodate her new wings.

"Darling you simply must hold still and stop fidgeting, you are as bad as Rainbow Dash at time!"

"Sorry, ugfh not so tight Rarity.. its hard to sit still my wings are acking!." Twilight protested as she was assaulted with measureing tape and needles piercing the dress at all angles. Rarity ignoring each complaint continuing her work. "we can do this later I know you have that order due with Hoity Toity those dresses must be more important than changing all of mine!"

"Nonsense Darly Hoity can wait I mean really how often does one become a princess or even for that fact get the chance to make a dress for a princess!" Rarity squealed with delight lost in her own fantasy world. Twilight remained silent only staring at her primed and proper fashionista friend.

"R-Really Rarity its no trouble at all I can wait." Twilight said with a weak smile and shaky chuckle.

"Honestly dear you can be so difficult at time what if you need a dress and come to find none of them fit you cause you don't have any holes for your wings." suddenly Rarity gasped. "and don't you think for one second missy that you can just tear a hole into your lovely dresses Princess or no princess that is unforgivable!" Twilight unable to hold it in bursted out laughing at her friends over dramatic threat only to be joined in by Rarity, together and much to Twilight relief finishing the dress make over headed out for lunch.

Knocking came from Twilight door jerking her from her day dream groaning she replied. "What is it? I am busy in here!"

"Forgive me princess but your presence is requested in the Throne room by Celestia" Piercing called from behind the door standing with unease as he waited for Twilight to open the door. With a groan Twilight put away her brush and opened the door to see the eager Pegasus guard standing by.

"Fine lets go!" Pierce gulped as Twilight walked pass him, he could tell that today was not going to be his day.

Author's Note:

Haha still bad at writing but atleast I try. :3 would love some feedback. I decided to draw this chapter out and leave out the acutally meeting of the gyphons and the princess so I have a jumping off point for next chapter. I only hope I didn't end up making this harder to read.