• Published 23rd Jul 2013
  • 509 Views, 5 Comments

Memories of Friendships passed - Spirit of EverFree

Song can stir emotions and memories that one might have buried ,but they still remain. How does twilight deal with them when a singer at the Gala brings all these feeling of her friends and their passing out to the surface?

  • ...

Faded rainbows

"Which will you choose? To gain what you want greed overshadowing the generosity? abandoning what you learned losing that loyalty? perhaps so just like all those others."

Twilight eyes twitched as the sunlight basked her in its warmth. She lifted her head glaring at the window and the offending rays of light interrupting her dreams. "As much as I enjoy my schedule can't I just not do anything?" asking nopony in particular. Looking out the window Twilight she could see the weather team frantically clearing the clouds.
Confused she wonder what the rush was over. While she watched the Pegasus ponies one grabbed her attention. This pony coat was a skyblue cyan color with a dual color mane of red and yellow. Twilight smiled daydreaming seeing a different mare in place of the true one. "Dashie."


"Hurry up slow poke." Rainbow Dash shouted sticking her tongue out teasing the mare following her.

"No fair no fair I just got these darn wings." Twilight laughing with cheer flew after the multi-hued mare.

Rainbow flew down to the grassy field landing gracefully. Turning her head behind her scanning the sky for her lavender friend. Panting Twilight finally reach her friend taking a few deep breaths and coughing she cleared her throat to speak.
"See right behind you Dashie."

"Geez Twi you had those wings for like a month now! Even Fluttershy flies faster then you." She proclaimed waving her hooves in the air.

"I've been busy!" Twilight protested.

"Yeah? With what lazy mare"

Twilight let out a nervous laugh. "I have been busy learning all I can about flying." Rainbow looked at her head tilted to the side eyebrows raised up. "Mhm I got the book Aerodynamics of Pegasi Flight manipl-"

"Alright egghead I get it." Rainbow said placing a hoof over Twilight lips to silence. Twilight blushed looking into the mares eyes. "Hey Twi.. hello equestria to Twilight."

"uh what? Huh? Yeah oh sorry Rainbow almost got carried away there." She said looking down at the ground to hide the deepening blush on her muzzle.

"Er right Twilight. Now a book won't teach you about flying like actually doing it. Nothing in those dorky pages gives you the feel of air in your mane."

"Well how else well I learn?" Twilight said smiling at her friend. With a smirk on her face rainbow rub her forehoof off her chest.

"Oh? Only the most awesome, coolest, fastest, bravest-" Twilight cut Rainbow off before she could continue the gloating.

"Ok Rainbow I get it" rolling her eyes at her friend, giving out a small giggle. "Umm Rainbow?"

"Y-yeah Twi?"

"I want-" Twilight paused a moment gathering her though not quite sure how she would say it. She felt her cheeks burning, holding back the blush she continued. "- Umm can we walk the rest of the way back?" Giving her friend a sheepish grin she sank her head down lower in shame.

"What? Oh! Yeah sure Twilight we can walk if you need a break.". Together the mares walked along a dirt road, heading to canterlot enjoying each others company, Rainbow dash telling storys of flight school and her adoptive sister scootaloo own hijicks in the schoolyard. All the way up to the main streets they continued trading story, Twilight listening more then talking. "Oh man and then scoots told off that diamond whatever and silver who cares off it was priceless!"

"Sounds like she is a handfull."

"Nay scoots is just awesome like me Twilight." The pair continued walking in silence passing many stores, resturants that smelled of sweet breads, and several ponies hustling along the streets. Twilight however only noticed the ponies staring and bowing as they passed. This made her nervous still not use to the attention, even saving the world she did not becomes this much of a social icon. She slowed her pace falling behind Rainbow eventually coming to a complete stop, tears building up in the corners of her eyes.

"Twilight?" Rainbow turned around seeing her friends head hanging low not moving.
"Twi what's wrong?"

"I can't ... I." Ponies all around stared at the two some whispering to each other. Twilight was trembling, teeth clenched tight. Rainbow was helpless seeing her friend in distress. She felt a heat raising up in her belly, her blood boiling.

"What do you all think your staring at move on!" Rainbow yelled flaring her wings as high as she could. Grabbing Twilight's left hoof she pulled her off to the nearest buidling she could find. Bursting through a set of double doors the smell of brewed, fruits, and perfumes hit the two mares. Startling the stallion occuping the front booth.

"Princess Twilight! Pleasure to have you enter our fine establishment I well show you to your table." The dressed greet spoke opening a door with his free hoof. "Come come we have the finest booth in all of canterlot for you."

"ugh hey wait a minutes!" Dash protested as the pushy colt lead them throught the resturant. Patrons eatting their meals stopping, mouth gapping from a few at Twilight and dash. Finally lead up the stairs to a outside balcony decorated with hedges and flowers all around, a view off of canterlot drop off showing the setting sun in all of its glory. Rainbow dash spoke up glaring at the colt.

"Just what the hay did you think you were doing forcing us here? I was trying to get Twilight somewhere away from other not pushed through a open resturant you bucking.

"Rainbow!!" Twilight yelled at her friend ears folding back.

"Hey what are you yelling at me for?"

"I-its alright. Actually I could use something to eat. Can we just order something? We are already here anyway." Rainbow didn't reply only nodding her head. The wide eye colt relaxed sure he was now safe from a beating let out a sigh and continued to talk.

"Oh yes my princess may I suggest our tossed radish salad with rasberry squash and a orange garnish, and for your err well spirited friend our most popular dish for Pegasus grilled cucumbers seasoned with pepper on a honey brasied cloud."

"Yes that is fine."

"Mwah" the colt kissed his hoof throwing it in the air in a rather dramatic fashion. "Your meals shall arrive shortly and here is a bottle of our famous wine princess and please enjoy your meals its on the house." The colt turned around and exited the balcony. Twilight let out a sigh of relief, Rainbow shuffling uncomfortably in her seat.

"Twilight?" She asked leaning in closer to her friend concern in her voice.

"I- I'm ok." Twilight lied her voice saying otherwise.

"Twilight no your not." Tears were now falling down her cheeks she breaksdown.

"I hate this I don't want to be the pony everypony stares at. I- I just want to be at my library reading my books and being with you girls." Choking on her sobs Twilight sniffed up her nose. " I don't want to lose you. I....I...I."

"Twi..you won't ever lose any of us." Rainbow pulled Twilight in close to her, in return Twilight melted into the embrace of Rainbow as the sun started to fade away over the horizon.


"Prepare the gates make way for our guest! Notify the Princesses they have arrived." Came the booming voice of a guard as others scrambled around lining up. Whilst one guard ran to the throneroom, barreling into the entrance. Celestia held her head high holding up her brow at the guard stumbling to his feet before he spoke.

"Princess Celestia please forgive my Intursion , but the Gryphon lord and his escort have arrived at the front gates." Celestia eyes opened wide at the guard.

"What is your name my guard?" Saluting the guard responed.

"I am known as Glancing shield my princess."

"Thank you it is nice to meet you." Celestia smiled raising to stand. "I was unaware of the visitors even coming. DO you know what they want?

"No princess we assumed you had royal business with the gryphons considering how far they have traveled." The guard held his position unmoving waiting for a sign to relax. Celestia spoke breaking the silence and to Glancings relief an order to ease.

"Please relax there is no need. I do want you though to remain, we shall see why they have come from their homeland to Equestria."

Author's Note:

I am starting to get a hang of writing more. Note I still do not have a editor so there are bounded to be mistakes. I do hope its becoming easier to read and more interesting. :) I would love to hear your opinions on this chapter. I did decide to add in extra to this chapter so I can put more ingaging story and felt like the ending point is good. ;) next chapter well start heating up the story more. After all what could gryphons want with equestria?