• Published 23rd Jul 2013
  • 508 Views, 5 Comments

Memories of Friendships passed - Spirit of EverFree

Song can stir emotions and memories that one might have buried ,but they still remain. How does twilight deal with them when a singer at the Gala brings all these feeling of her friends and their passing out to the surface?

  • ...

Hush now quiet now

Celestia exited the Gala calmly without showing any urgency to the guest she motioned a guard to follow her.
"Yes Princess Celestia?" the guard answered while saulting at full attention.

"I need you to gather the guard and help me find Twilight."

"Yes princess." the guard hesitated then spoke. "Is princess Twilight Sparkle alright?"
Celestia breathed in and sighed.

"As far as I know she is, but I wanted to know for sure now please gather up the guards and find her." The guard simple nodded before running off."Twilight what is wrong?"

"Dream now let your heart give you what you desire. This is what you wanted isn't it, Twilight?"
Twilight Tossed in her fitful sleep among the graves. Her brow scrunched up in stress over the voice she did not recall.

"W-Who are you?"

Twilight mumbled as rain started to fall. She jerked awake as the chilling rain touched her coat Inciting shivers. Her gaze returned to the five graves first meeting her old friend Fluttershy. "Shy....I miss you.. anytime I-" Twilight took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. "-was sad you would always be there for me even the other girls always had my back." Chocking back more tears Twilight smiled weakly. "You remember all the good times we had?"

"Like the time you turn the Handsome Discord to stone?"
Twilight ears perked up at the voice coming from above her.

"Discord! how long have you been there?" flaring her wings up in protest to his presence.

"Now now Twilight you know as well as I do we are not enemy's anymore." discord picking at the nail of his lion paw. "I have been ...Reformed as Celesti called it."

Discord sat beside Twilight poofing into existance a rather large umbrella complete with a blanket and picnic basket.
"How many lumps, Twilight my dear?"

"Yes please but Discord lumps of sugar not some other item you would find funny."

"Always a downer on my fun, Twilight." She smiled softly sipping from the warm tea.

"So Discord why are you here?"

"I always come here everyday ever since" Discord trailed off his gaze having grown soft. "This is the first time I've seen you come here in years." Twilight looked at Discord with confusion. She gulp and began to speak gently.

"Why do you come here? You've always acted like you wanted us gone."
Discord shuffled uncomfortably from side to side not quite comfy in his current position.

"I don't want to forget about her." Twilight continued to sip from her tea a frown on her face.
"She was my only friend...the only real one I I...Lov-" Discord stopped mid sentence and gathered his thoughts.
"Always cheery all the time you remember the umm oh what did you silly mares call it slumber parties? Twilight smiled ingoring Discord change in the subject deciding not to pry.

"Sleep over discord only fillies call it slumber parties." Twilight said chuckling. Her and Discord continued talking swapping stories of the dear friend.

"Princess Twilight! There you are." A guard shouted approching from the gate.
Heaving and panting desperately trying to catch his breath.

"What is it? Is something wrong?" Twilight approched the guard putting her forehoof on his shoulder concern in her touch.

"You ran out of the gala in a hurry princess Celestia was worried of your well being" Twilight blushed from embarasment.

"Im sorry-"Twilight turned to Discord "- same time tomorrow Discord?"

"If you must join." Discord replied waving his claw at Twilight.

Round through the garden to the streets of canterlot and finally into the castle courtyard Twilight was escorted by the guard. entering the main entrance Celestia ran to Twilight hugging her tightly.

"Twilight is everything ok my dear? are you hurt?" Twilight struggling to free herself from the vicegrip put her forehoofs straight out.

"Yes yes .. now please I wont be if you keep squeezing me like that!" Celestia released Twilight her raising in her cheeks as a blush plastered her white coat.

"Yes of course you are-" clearing her throat to disrupt any awkwardness she had brought on. "-Forgive me, Twilight you just ran out crying I thought something might of happened to upset you." Together they walked toward the throne in a uneasy silence.

"It was the song Celestia." Twilight quietly spoke her vision focused on her hooves. "I-it just made me think of the girls...how much I miss them." Tears welling up in her eyes twilight continued. "I remember the times we shared no matter what we were always friends. All of the moments we shared together. All except this one" taking a deep breath a shiver ran down her spine. " Why only me Celestia?" Celestia tensed up at the question not sure how to answer.

"Twilight-" Celestia fell silent her words failing her in the moment.

"Celestia?" Twilight now barely holding back the tears. "Why do I have to live forever? why couldn't the girls stay to? They saved equestria more then once too! T-they-" gasping between words "-saved .....us. Why do this to me?"
Tears now falling from Celestia muzzle they both started to sob. Celestia wrapping Twilight up in her hooves.

"Twilight I-I-I... never meant to cause you so much grief!"

"Don't cry princess I didn't mean to say those things" Shaking Twilight choked back her sobbing and put on a weak smile. "Don't banish me to the moon?" Celestia pulled back and smiled at Twilight.

"Maybe?" Both of the mares started to laugh weakly. " I know its hard I had to deal with this sort of thing for years my dear Twilight." Twilight looking Celestia in the eyes nodded motioning for her to continue. " I watched as those I became friends with died. each time was hard some harder then others." Twilight pulled Celestia back into a hug nuzzling her cheek.

"I am sorry I made you worry me running off was selfish." Celestia didn't reply only stroking Twilight mane.
" I think I would like to go to bed now."

"Certainly Twilight if you need or want to talk about anything just come to me." Twilight nodded and headed to her room. guard saluting her as she passed.

"Finally a nice soft bed." climbing into the blankets covering her head only her horn sticking out.
"I should bring Flowers tomorrow." and with that she drifted off to sleep.

Author's Note:

I'm hoping This is easier to read then the first chapter. I did a few things different this time after someone gave me a tip on spacing. I feel like the story is moving along slowly or might be boring but either way I hope you all enjoy it as I slowly start to ramp it up more.