• Published 2nd Aug 2013
  • 1,012 Views, 10 Comments

Doctor Whooves - The Dark Side of the Moon - MrPengu1n

Everyone knows that Princess Luna was banished to the moon for a thousand years, but what most people do not know is that she did not stay there the entire time.

  • ...

Home, Not So Sweet Home

The Doctor ran to the controls, trying to gain control over the wildly panicking TARDIS. Rosebud clung for her life to one of the decorative columns, too scared to question how the big room fit in the small box. Luna was completely still, and here eyes were full of shadow. The Vashta Nerada had gotten to her, taken over her mind just like they had Rosebud.

The Doctor ignored that for now, trying to control his TARDIS. it was travelling through time at a dangerously fast rate, heading to some place, but where?

The Doctor looked back up at Luna, the shadows had spread over her whole body. "Of Course!" The Doctor said to himself, "This was it's plan! Whatever was controlling the Vashta Nerada, it's getting stronger! It's completely taken over Luna, and now it's bringing Luna back towards the source of the signal!"

The TARDIS finally stopped travelling with one final jolt. The Doctor looked up at the pony who had once been Luna, and watched as she pushed the doors open, looking back only to say, "The Night shall last forever," and she jumped out.

The Doctor finally managed to get his TARDIS under control, landing it some ways away in a small forest clearing.

Rosebud let go of the column, panting, "What was that?" she said breathlessly.

"The Vashta Nerada," The Doctor said, "Or, what was controlling them. it completely took over Luna, and now it's running rampant wherever we just landed."

"What'll we do, Doctor?" Rosebud asked.

"Well, firstly we've got to find out where we are," The Doctor instructed, "Maybe that'll give us a clue as to why it brought us here." and he got up and headed for the door, "Come on, now! no time to waste!"

The Doctor and Rosebud stepped outside to find a very different world than the one which they had left. The Doctor surveyed their surroundings, "Let's see, Victorian era buildings, doesn't seem like technology plays that much of a role in society, we must be back on Equestria, around...the 1800s, I presume."

"Incredible!" Rosebud said in awe, "I've seen places like this in my history books! but I'm actually here!" She turned towards The Doctor, "You really ARE a time traveler!"

"You had doubts?" The Doctor asked surprisingly.

"This is incredible!" Rosebud said, ignoring his question. she tapped the shoulder of some nearby pony and asked, "Excuse me, what year is it?"

"What?" the pony asked, not sure they'd heard right.

"The year, the current year, what is it?" Rosebud asked.

"2005, why?" They answered.

Rosebud turned towards The Doctor with an enthusiastic smile and said, "2005!"

"Well, I was close," The Doctor said.

"Give or take 200 years," Rosebud teased.

"Now don't get sidetracked," The Doctor said, "Remember what we're here for." He tapped the shoulder of the pony who had given them the year and asked, "'scuse me, is there any, eh, important event that is to be taking place at this moment in time?"

The pony eyed him curiously, then said, "Well, uh, The Summer Sun Celebration is today, if that's what you mean."

"That must be it!" The Doctor inferred, "That must be what whatever's controlling Luna wanted to bring her here for," he said to Rosebud, then turned back to the pony, "would you take us to this celebration?"

The pony just looked at them, completely weirded-out, "S-sure," he said cautiously, then walked off, "Follow me."

The Doctor smiled, "Come along, Rosebud!" he said, following the pony.

The pony lead them towards a large building that must have been the town hall, "You're in luck," the pony said, "it looks like the celebration is starting right now."

"Thank you," The Doctor nodded to the pony, "Let's go, Rosebud!" and he walked inside.

"hey," the pony said, stopping him, "who are you?" they asked curiously.

"I'm The Doctor, and I was never here," The Doctor said mysteriously, walking into the Town hall.

they walked inside just as somepony was giving a short introductory speech up on the balcony, "..,ladies and gentlemen, Princess Celestia!" and she pulled open the curtain.

But there was nobody behind the curtain.

suddenly, a maniacal laughter filled the air, and Luna appeared out of the sky.

"So that's where she went," The Doctor mused.

"What do we do now?" Rosebud asked.

The Doctor thought for a moment, Luna was asking the crowd if anypony knew who she was. "I suppose we answer her question," He said, then took a breath to yell-

"You're Nightmare moon!" some purple unicorn said from the front of the crowd.

The Doctor was puzzled, "What?" he asked no one in particular.

but that seemed to be the answer that Luna was after, and after a short standoff, Luna flew away, proclaiming that the night would last forever.

Rosebud was just as puzzled, "What do we do now?"

The Doctor said, "That purple unicorn seems to know something," he watched as the unicorn in question ran out the doors, "We've got to find her and find out what she knows."

"Alright," Rosebud nodded, "Allons-y!" and she ran towards the door.

"That's my bit!" The Doctor complained, then ran after her, weaving his way through the wildly panicking crowd until they reached the door. The Doctor just managed to spot the unicorn they were after, and he said, "Rosebud, this way!" and they chased after her.

The unicorn lead them all they way to a large building which appeared to be a library. she ran inside and slammed the door behind her. Rosebud tried to open it, but it was locked. "What now?" She asked.

"This way," The Doctor said, and he lead her towards a window to the side where they could eavesdrop on her. she was rifling through the books, muttering something about 'Elements of Harmony'.

"The Elements..." The Doctor mused.

"What are the Elements?" Rosebud whispered.

"They're these...necklaces of sorts, they boost magical ability, and are frequently used to banish evildoers and such. quite frequently, actually," The Doctor explained quietly, "If they manage to find the Elements...they could blast Luna with magic powerful enough to short out the psychic signal controlling the Vashta Nerada, placing them back under Luna's control, thus stopping Nightmare Moon..." The Doctor quickly explained to himself, "They'd save billions of lives in the future not even knowing what they'd done..." he jumped up and said, "Right, then, we'll let them keep doing what they're doing,"

"What do we do?" Rosebud asked, getting back up herself.

The Doctor gave her a steely look, "I've got some questions for a certain Alicorn Princess."