• Published 2nd Aug 2013
  • 1,012 Views, 10 Comments

Doctor Whooves - The Dark Side of the Moon - MrPengu1n

Everyone knows that Princess Luna was banished to the moon for a thousand years, but what most people do not know is that she did not stay there the entire time.

  • ...

When the clock tower tolls

"The Congress of the Tri-Galactic Empire, capitol planet Kepler 22-b," The Doctor explained, gesturing to the grand hall they had entered, "This is where all the big-whizzes and ponies in charge come to discuss matters of galactic importance."

Luna marveled at the congress hall. it was designed like the old parliamentary building back at Canterlot, but on a massive scale. She saw things she had never seen before, creatures of all shapes and sizes dressed in the same uniform, seated all around the head bench before them. "That must be where the King and Queen sit, then?" Luna asked, gesturing to the bench in question.

"No, no kings, no queens," The Doctor explained, "just the Congress."

Luna was befuddled, "What do you mean, how can you run an empire without a king or queen?"

"You'd be surprised," The Doctor said, turning back to face he, "It's called Democracy." and he walked up to some form of creature Luna had never seen before. it looked like a pony, somewhat, yet it had no mane or tail, and several tentacles spilling out of it's face. "What is that thing?" she asked apprehensively.

"Luna," The Doctor quickly chastised, "Don't be rude. It's an Ood. they were once used as slaves, but..." The Doctor paused, cleared his throat, and said, "Certain...developments occurred, and they've gained quite a lot of stature in the Empire." he turned to the 'Ood' in question and said nicely, "'scuse me, uh, hi, we're not actually supposed to be at this meeting but, can you slip us in anyway?"

"Just flash him your psychic paper like you did the receptionist," Luna suggested obviously.

"no, no, can't do that," The Doctor said, winking at Luna, "The Ood are too smart for that."

The Ood nodded and said, "I'm sorry sir, but that would be against the rules," in a nice, pleasant voice.

"You can make an exception for me," The Doctor implored, "I'm 'Doctor, Friend'."

The Ood paused, then said, "Doctor, friend," and he turned away so he wasn't looking at them.

The Doctor nodded, thanked the Ood, then turned back to Luna and said, "He's giving us a chance to slip by, come on!"

Luna nodded and followed, and they quickly found themselves a seat on the court floor. Luna gave the Doctor a curious look, then asked, "So that's your name, then? 'Friend'?"

"No, of course not," The Doctor said, "What kind of name is 'Friend'? No, that's just how I'm known to the Ood. All Ood, actually. now be quiet, Congress is starting."

And he was right, slowly but surely the remaining Congress seats filled with various alien lifeforms, though luckily a regular old pony sat next to Luna and The Doctor. she admired Luna's appearance and said, "I've never seen an Alicorn before, I thought they were extinct."

"Extinct?!" Luna repeated apprehensively. she was shushed by the Doctor, "Well what does she mean 'extinct'?"

"Shh!" The Doctor repeated, "It's starting! you, as a princess, should be able to appreciate a good parliament meeting."

Luna gave up trying to talk to him and instead muttered, "Not as much as YOU can, apparently."

The pony next to her chuckled at her joke, "There's not really that much to see, all these meetings are the same."

"figures," Luna said, "He offers to show me all of time and space and the first place he brings me is a courtroom."

The pony chuckled again, then held out her hoof, "I'm Rose."

The Doctor's head immediately turned their way, "Rose what?"

Rose, startled, answered hesitantly, "R-rose bud?"

"...oh," The Doctor said with a tinge of despair, turning back to the meeting.

Luna ignored the strange occurrence, the took Rose's hoof in her own, "Luna, charmed to meet you." they shook hooves, then Luna asked, "So you're the ambassador of a whole planet, that's amazing! were you elected or something?"

Rose smiled nervously, "well, yes and no, see, my special talent is law," she explained, flashing her balancing scales cutie mark, "So, technically, yes I was elected, but it wasn't exactly fair for the others. and actually, this is my first meeting, I'm really excited, I spent all night last night watching old meetings in preparation." she wore a big, bright, enthusiastic smile while she said this.

Luna smiled, she had been to plently parliament meetings herself-not on a galactic scale, of course, but still-so she said, "You'll do fine, I'm sure of it."

Rose smiled in gratitude, and on que, the Ood who had let them in rose and read from a script, "All rise for the Empirical salute."

They rose and saluted while a short song played, then seated again. an old, mint green furred pony on the head bench with a long white beard fidgeted with a strange piece of technology, "it would appear our favorite dragon ambassador is late once more, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to start the meeting without him." he picked up some papers, clapped them straight, then read, "first order of business-"

he was cut off as the doors to the congress hall clicked opened, and glided not-so smoothly on their squeaky hinges until it was fully ajar. there stood a small, pony sized purple dragon, wearing a ripped up, disheveled suit and breathing heavily. he was bruised and bloody.

"Good God, man! what happened to you?" asked the pony at the head bench, staring in disbelief.

"I...I came..." The dragon panted, "I came...to warn you..." he rose a quivering claw and pointed out the far window, where a massive clock tower stood in the distance, it read the time 10:59. "It comes..." the dragon panted.

"what comes? spit it out!" the head pony demanded.

"when the clock tower tolls 12, it comes," he said, shaking like a bowl of jelly in an earthquake.

"for the last time, what is it?!" the head pony demanded.

"Nibiru..." the dragon whispered, then collapsed.

the doors slammed shut, the lights clicked off, and the congress was left alone in the dark.