• Published 2nd Aug 2013
  • 1,012 Views, 10 Comments

Doctor Whooves - The Dark Side of the Moon - MrPengu1n

Everyone knows that Princess Luna was banished to the moon for a thousand years, but what most people do not know is that she did not stay there the entire time.

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With one final heave, the front doors to the Congress building were opened. inside it was eerily quiet and dark, only a few lights scattered around the lobby were lit. "Right then," The Doctor said, "the Vaas Nerada can't stand light, so all we have to do is stay somewhere lit."

"I can use my magic to light up the room," Luna suggested.

The Doctor shook his head, "That wouldn't work. it has to be natural light, like the sun, or a flashlight."

"I've got a flashlight," Truman said, pulling one out of his bags, "I always carry one around, just in case."

"Well that's convenient," The Doctor said gratefully, taking the light and handing it to Luna, "Keep this flashlight pointed at us at all costs, use your magic to carry it if you have to." Luna nodded and took the flashlight with her magic, flipping it on and holding it overhead. The Doctor nodded, then said, "The rest of you, stay in the circle of light, and move carefully."

Truman and Rosebud nodded understandingly, then the four carefully stepped inside the building. the doors slammed shut behind them.

The Doctor sighed, then said, "Well, it looks like we've no choice but to press on," he turned to Truman, "which way is storage?"

Truman thought for a moment, then said, "It would be that way, down a corridor and through a door to the left," gesturing across the dark room.

"Right then," The Doctor nodded, "let's go," and the four began walking across the lobby, their steps echoing loudly across the silent room.

They passed by the desk where they had been greeted by the cheerful receptionist. "Doctor," Luna said with a quiver in her voice.

"Ignore it," The Doctor said solemnly, looking back to see the skeleton of the pony who had been sitting there, greeting all the ponies who came into the congress building. "All we have to do is get to the TARDIS, and this whole mess will never have occurred.

"You keep saying that," Truman challenged, "But what does it mean? it would appear to me that you haven't gotten any plan at all!"

"Truman!" Rosebud said, shocked, "How dare you! it's because of this pony that we're all still alive! how can you say that?"

"It's because of this pony that we're in this mess to begin with!" Truman pointed out, "He said it himself, he's a time traveler and he's been here before and this didn't happen, I can only assume it's happening now because of something he did!" He looked The Doctor in the eye and said, "Who are you, really?"

The Doctor looked Truman in the eye and said smoothly, "I'm The Doctor, I'm a Timelord from the planet Gallifrey, in the constellation Kasterborous. I'm 909 years old, and I'm the pony who's going to save your lives and the lives of all the billions of people the Vashta Nerada just devoured. You got a problem with that?"

Truman looked at him hesitantly, "N-no."

The Doctor nodded, "Well then," he said, "Allons-y!" and they dashed off through the shadowy corridors.

The travelled through the hallways, staying right inside the small circle of light provided by the flashlight held aloft with Luna's magic. finally, they reached a large door labeled 'Storage', and with a bit of horsepower, they got it open and continued down the corridor.

After a bit of walking, they reached a small room where four corridors intersected. The Doctor immediately went into action, "Luna, put the flashlight up there and light up this whole room," Luna nodded and did so, and soon they could spread out a bit in the small room. The Doctor surveyed the three different passages they could take, then turned to Truman and asked "Alright, Truman, which way?"

"How should I know?" Truman asked, "I didn't bring your TARDIS or whatever down here."

The Doctor sighed, thought for a moment, then said, "Oh yes!" and he pulled out his strange cylindrical tool again, "My Sonic Screwdriver can detect the TARDIS from here," he explained, and then pointed it at each of the hallways in question, listening carefully to the high pitched sound emitted by the tool.

"Doctor..." Rosebud said nervously.

The Doctor ignored her, "Okay, yes, the TARDIS is down this hallway."

"Doctor," Rosebud said a bit stronger

"We have to go down this hallway," He said, then turned back towards the three other ponies, "Okay, Luna, you-"

"Doctor," Rosebud interrupted, "I have two shadows."

The Doctor stopped. he turned around and saw two shadows extending from the hooves of Rosebud. Luna and Truman took a step backwards, away from her.

"Okay," The Doctor said slowly, "Rosebud, Don't move. not a muscle." he slowly walked around her shadows, inspecting them. he used his sonic screwdriver on them, rattling it back and forth and thinking hard.

"I'm scared, Doctor," Rosebud said, her voice quivering.

"Rosebud," The Doctor said reassuringly, "Very slowly, close your eyes." he instructed.
Rosebud did so, trembling.

"Now open them again." The Doctor instructed.

Rosebud did so, but here eyes had changed. they were now dark and full of shadows, with deep dark circles beneath them. her second shadow vanished.

Luna gasped, "What's happened to her?"

"It's the Vashta Nerada," The Doctor explained, "They wouldn't dare try to take her body while she was in the light, so they took over her mind."

"What do we do? How do we save her?" Truman demanded warily.

"Well," The Doctor said, "We've got to question the Vashta Nerada."