• Published 20th Feb 2012
  • 940 Views, 7 Comments

Shards of Nightmare - Stonedpony

the bearers of harmony are sent to retirve peices of Nightmare moon, however they have some "he

  • ...



It was a few hours after midnight the Apple family was fast asleep. That was till Applejack awoke to the sound of something bouncing off her window with a ping just loud enough to wake her up. She sat up her blond hair hung in her face and stuck up in half a dozen direction, she groaned as she slid her stiff limbs out of bed. Again something pinged off of the window, Applejack was just awake enough to see that it was a small rock. “what in tarnation.”
the tired mare stumbled over to the window. She bumped into the her dresser and almost tripped face first into the window. she fumbled with the lock before opening her the window, she half expected to get hit in the head with a rock. Applejack looked down to the yard below to see a young colt looking up at her with wide fearful eyes “your not Applebloom.”
“no ah'm not.” Applejack deadpanned. “shes two windows to my right, but if Ah were you Ah would hurry home before ah got my hide tanned by an angry older sister who was just woken up at 2:30 In ta morning.” there was nothing sweet about the smile Applejack gave terrified colt.
“good boy.” Applejack said nodding approvingly as he scurry away. The orange mare yawned but a flutter of wings and a eep drew her attention to the sky. She just barely caught a glimpse of a pegasus with a long mane and tail silhouetted against the moon. Applejack just shrugged and sighed, out of the corner of her eye she caught movement in her front yard. On closer examination she saw it was a stallion's about her age.
“let me guess. you have some poem about your undieing love for me?” Applejack called down to the third intruder of the night.
“um no.” the Stallion replied, Applejack felt a pang of guilt and disappointment. “just a special delivery.”
“oh well just slip it in the slot.” Applejack ordered “but don’t you think its kind of early for a delivery.”
“got a lot to deliver ma'am.” the annoyed delivery colt replied.
“oh well then I wont keep ya.” Applejack replied as she turned around and slipped back in bed.
The mail stallion debated on weather or not to drop off the letter. He finally shrugged and slip the letter into the mail slot.
* * *
Twilight yawned as she trotted down stairs late that morning, the librarian and her assistant would open the library soon. Said assistant sat at the kitchen table eating a bowl of cereal he wasn’t alone down there, Winchester was siting at the library table reading. he normally made a early morning visit to the library although he normally didn’t stay this late. After greeting the boys Twilight trotted into the kitchen and asked “hey Spike whats for breakfast?”
the dragon swallowed his mouthful of cereal and said “this.” as he held up a cereal box.
Twilight looked at the box and read the name “Elements Of Harmony.” she wasn’t sure if she should have been disgusted or flattered. On the front of the box had a drawing of her and her friends all wearing their respective elements facing some unseen villain.
“its really good.” Spike said with a mouth full. Twilight still didn’t know how to feel.
“i would say at least your not a trading card buuut look at the back of the box.” Winchester said knowing full well how it felt when something like this happened to you, at least he liked his cards effect.
“what?” Twilight took the box from Spike and turned it over. On the back was an advertisement for the new Bearers of Harmony cards for the Mystic trading card game, one of which was free in each box. “okay well that’s weird.” she thought for a moment “well I try a bite.”
Spike smiled and got a spoon full for her. Twilight Sparkle felt strange as she looked at her friends cutie marks in marshmallow form. The mare leaned in closer and opened her mouth. Spike let her take the bite. Just as Twilight had expected the marshmallows were pure sugar and the crunchy oat cereal was glazed with more sugar. In a word delicious.
“see told you it was good.” Spike said with a smile “specially if you add rubies.”
just as Twilight realized what the dragon said she bit down on something hard. The mare glared at her assistant as she swallowed her mouthful of cereal and pulled a small red gem form her mouth. “SPIKE.” she scolded. “you know ponies can't eat gem stone.” she used her tongue to check her teeth “i think I chipped a tooth.”
“sorry but your loss.” Spike replied before his tongue shot out and snatched the ruby out of the air. He crunched the ruby with a satisfied grin.
“SPIKE! GROSS.” Twilight said rearing up and backing away from the dragon. Spike just shrugged. “I lost my appetite.” she turned to the tea kettle, like always now it had a fresh batch of tea. Winchester was making Twilight's morning tea now, Although he did need to be told to do so a couple of times before he started doing so on a regular basis. “dragons are gross.” Twilight said as she poured herself some tea.
“yes.” Winchester replied and floated his empty tea cup over to the mare.
“at least there cute, sometimes.” Twilight said as she poured both herself and Winchester some tea.
“Cute is not the word I would use for any of the ones I’ve met.” Winchester replied as he took his cup back. He ignored Spike's protest.
“if you say so.” Twilight said as she looked to her mail neatly stacked on the desk. The mare sipped her tea as the letters floated by her. Most were miscellaneous work related forms. Twilight smiled seeing a letter from her parents she set that aside to read later. Next was her monthly allowance from Canterlot. She tossed the envelop on in her saddle bag planing on cashing the rather large check while she was out that day.
Most ponies around her age would have been thrilled to have the pay check she just haphazardly tossed aside. Rainbow Dash for example, before becoming the supervisor on Day shift of the weather patrol she would have to go with out food to pay her bills from time to time. However if the Wonderbolts had a show she wanted to go to she may give up a meal or two. Applejack worked her hooves to the bone along side of Big Mac to keep their farm running and most of their money went right back into it, leaving little for them to spend on themselves. Luckily they don’t want much more then to eat out once in a while but normally they just saved up for the family vacation. Most of Fluttershy's savings came from her inheritance from her grandfather. He had also paid for her cottage when the shy pegasus moved to Ponyville. Her normal income however came from pet siting, training and grooming, but that was fairly low income work. Most of Pinkie Pie's pay check the Cake's kept for room and bored. The Cake's themselves didn’t think that family should have to pay to live with family but Pinkie Pie disagreed, she thought the Cake's needed the money more the she did. Rarity was the only other well off pony in the group. But that was from nearly ten years of building her business starting back in middle school.
Twilight Sparkle continued to go through her mail till the last letter in the stack caught her eye for the wrong reasons. She read the front of the envelop aloud “Congratulations citizen of Ponyville.” the mare's voice dripped sarcasm. Twilight turned to Spike and asked “did you enter some silly box top competition?"
“no.” Spike answered “not this time.”
Twilight eyed the baby dragon as she opened the envelop. She slid the letter out and again read “congratulations citizen of Ponyville.” then sarcastically added “you may have already won ten thousands bits.”
“and all you have to do is buy a life time supply of our over priced product.” Winchester said looking up from his book.
Twilight giggled and continued to read the letter “Congratulations citizen of Ponyville you and your town have been invited to the grand opening of the Steamy Stones Hot Springs.”
“interesting.” Winchester said siting down his book to listen.
“a train will arrive on Monday all travel expense paid.” Twilight Sparkle looked up “this could be fun. Wonder if its real.”
“well.” Winchester replied rubbing his eyes “we'll find out at lunch today won't we.” he stood and stretched.
“your joining us at lunch?” Twilight asked looking at him from the brochure it was Friday and Twilight and her friends decided to meet for and big group lunch today.
“yeah.” Winchester said picking up the book he was reading “Applejack still owes me a meal.” he smiled as Twilight remembered the reason why they all had to buy the stallion a meal.
“i cant believe that Rainbow Dash bought you dinner before Applejack.” Spike said as he checked out the book Winchester wanted. Both the ponies nodded.
* * *
lunch that day was surprisingly packed. Only Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash had not brought somepony to the meal. Twilight of course brought Spike, the baby dragon was a regular guest daring their meals. Pinkie Pie had been tasked with watching the twins for the day. Rarity arrived with Thunderlane's wing draped over her back. The pegasus stallion walked beside her with his head held high. Poor Applejack however had convinced her older brother to join her and her friends for lunch, she needed help keeping an eye on the cutie mark crusaders. Their latest crusade had got them in trouble with the mayor, again. upon realizing she would not only be paying for Big Mac's big stomach and the three fillies that hadn’t quite gotten a grasp on the concept of money she would also have to pay for the knight who could eat like a army, the mare felt her purse getting very light. Luckily after a short discussion between Big Mac, Applejack and Winchester, they decided that Big Mac would pay for himself and the fillies, Applejack would buy Winchester's and her own meal. Winchester learned the true stubbornness of the Apple clan when he tried to the add his two bits to their discussion.
The rather large group of ponies sat around the largest table in the restaurant. Big Macintosh, Winchester, and Thunderlane talked about masculine things like sports and the newest model of cart. They swapped stories they thought were appropriate for their present company. Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Applebloom more or less welcomed Spike into their ranks as and honorary member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, the baby dragon was very happy to be able to join them on their adventures. Pinkie did her best to keep the twins happy and quite while she talked with her friends. The mares' conversion included many things from the latest fashion trends, attractive celebrity ponies to the new race track opening in Trottingham and the latest books coming, soon their talk moved to the morning delivery.
“did anypony else get an invitation to the grand opening of some hot spring resort this morning.” Twilight asked.
“oh yes.” Rarity replied “i thought it would be a simply perfect idea for our three mouth anniversary, don’t your think dear.” Thunderlane slowly turned to look at his mare friend with an eye brow raised most of her friends were giving her a similar look. Rarity sighed “no I’m not really one of those mares, I just thought it would be fun for Thunderlane and I have a romantic vacation.” Thunderlane nodded now liking the idea.
“well if the Cake's go I'll have to go too.” Pinkie said with a smiled, Pumpkin cake whined as she waited for Pinkie to continued to feed her and her brother. “plus vacations are fun.” everypony rolled their eyes expecting that responds from Pinkie.
Applejack perked up as she said “well the Apple family will be joining y’all there. With the Apple family vacation next week and all.” they nodded remembering it was that time of year again.
“woe woe wait a second, the Apple farming robot is going to take a break.” Rainbow Dash commented with a smile.
“well there’s a first time for ever thing.” Rainbow Dash replied with a sly smile.
“well then maybe you'll do some work some day.” Applejack retorted. The mares giggled. “ah bet your going too?”
“you'd win that bet.” Rainbow Dash replied with out missing a beat. “its all the day shift been talking about this morning. so I guess I’ll check it out, I’m not into that fru fru stuff but hey it may be fun.”
“what about the town?” Thunderlane asked.
“hey I'm fast enough to fly all the way back here clear the sky’s and be back in less then five minutes.” the stunt flier said thumping her blue chest with her hoof.
“sure.” Thunderlane said with a grin. He didn’t believe the stories about how fast she was.
“well if you all are going then I’ll go too.” Fluttershy said barely above a whisper, although her eyes were hidden by her mane they never strayed from Big Mac.
“hey” Twilight Sparkle said as realization washed over her “this will be our first real vacation we all take together, this is going to be so fun.” Twilight smiled as she spoke. Spike didn’t say anything he was too busy stuffing his face as he and the crusaders talked about new ideas for getting cutie marks. The lavender mare turned to the stallions particularly the one in the middle and asked “what about you Winchester?”
Winchester slowly looked up from his sweet tea and said “well as an ever vigilant knight, I checked with the mayor's office about these suspicious invitations aaaannnnnd.” the group leaned in curiosity overwhelming the adult ponies “the offer came through all of the normal channels. so of course I'll heading there to enjoy a relaxing vacation as well. Plus I can do research for my book. Ideas can and do come from anywhere.” he chuckled but Twilight suspected that the knight may more on his mind.
“you ain’t going to be doing research on us when we're all wet are ya?” Applejack asked with a smirk. Rarity turned her nose up at the idea, while Fluttershy blushed.
Winchester stared at the country mare with half lidded eyes and a sly grin, as Big Mac and Thunderlane slowly turned to glare at the writer. Their eyes told everypony what they intended to do if his words were not chosen correctly. Winchester merely smirked as he said “I promise that I will not partake in the site of your beauty any more then the appropriate amount of time allotted to me, do to your relationship status.”
Big Mac blinked and looked at Twilight to ask “do ya have any idea what he just said?”
Twilight smirked as she answered “he said yes.”
“only to Rarity.” Winchester said before he was pelted with french fires and a few other side dishes. Lunch drew to a close soon after, every pony need to get ready for a week long vacation.
* * *
When Monday came an express train branded with Steamy Stones Hot Springs logo pulled into the station, most of Ponyville was waiting for it. Nearly the whole town had decided to take up the offer for a free week long vacation. the few residents that remained were a about a third of the police force and a few ponies that had been paid to care for gardens and pets. The train was packed, so packed in fact that many of the pegasi in the train decided to ether ride on top or fly along side it, Rainbow Dash saw flying along side the train as an endurance challenge and she never turned down a challenge.
Thunderlane however didn’t want to leave Rarity cramped in the private cabin that all of the bearers of harmony and their family’s had bought when they bored, although the stallion didn’t mind that she was basically siting in his lap the entire time. Sweetie Bell, Spike and Applebloom decided to slip away to find Scootaloo so the three could go crusading throughout the train. That lasted all of twenty minutes till they were escorted back to the bearers of harmony private cabin by Winchester, he stayed do the damage done to his own private cabin.
The train ride took all day and into the night, so long in fact that Twilight and her friends ran out of conversions and eye spy can only entertain adult ponies for so long. Luckily enough Big Mac had a deck of cards, the ponies quickly put together a game of poker. Penny pots kept the game friendly. Rarity laid back against Thunderlane's chest content with simply relaxing in her colt friend’s lap and give him advice when she saw fit. She looked from Thunderlane's cards to that of the other players. Pinkie Pie was holding up her card to her face one of which was backwards, Rarity sighed they all knew that Pinkie wasn't that stupid she was just wearing out a bad joke. Fluttershy was nervous, but that was normal for her and it made for quite the poker face. Big Macintosh had folded when he first looked at his cards, must have had nothing. Twilight was trying to hide her excitement, despite her reading up on the game she almost had as bad of a poker face as Applejack the worst liar in the world. Although right now the white unicorn couldn’t tell what her apple farming friend was thinking. Spike was concentrating on his cards very hard, just like he did when he had something. Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo were whispering into his ears, the three were working together but still losing all their money. Rarity decided that she would help them after this round. Winchester was the only one that had been giving her problems, he just had the same amuse smirk he had each round “Darling” Rarity said sweetly “go ahead and fold.” Thunderlane did as told Fluttershy and Twilight were both disappointed.
Applebloom was looked over her sisters shoulder and said “hey sis is good that you have all those fancy looking ponies in a row?”
“APPLEBLOOM!” Applejack scold. As soon as the words left the Filly's mouth Fluttershy and Twilight immediately folded.
Winchester eyed Applejack with his same amused grin. “coming from anypony else I would call your ploy, but one of the apple clan. Hmmmmm.” he dropped his cards and said “i fold.”
Spike however grinned “i know a bluff when I see one.”
“no you don’t.” Scootaloo said with a raised eye brow.
“you go Spike.” Sweetie Bell cheered from behind the baby dragon.
Spike slid his rather small pile of coins into the pot and said “all in.”
“are you sure you want to call one of the Apple family a liar, sonny?” Granny Smith called from behind the group. Applejack looked almost sorry as she slid her much larger stack of coins into the pot.
“okay what you got?” Spike said as he threw his cards down and said “I’ve got two pair. tens and aces”
“like my little sister said royal flush.” Applejack skillfully slide her cards onto the table the table already had a ten and an ace in Applejack's hoof there was a King, Queen and jack. Spike was dumb struck, Scootaloo laughed while Sweetie Bell patted the dragon on the back. The adult ponies tried not to laugh, except for Winchester. The game continued although Spike had to beg Twilight for some more pennies to get back into the game sadly anything he won would go right back to Scootaloo and Sweetie Bell it was their money he lost.
About an hour after night fall the train pulled into a lavish train station on the side of a mountain and the passengers began slowly filed out. The station was a short walk away form the Steamy Stone Hot Springs resort. The resort was a huge complex of buildings, it looked more like a small city then a hotel. The population of Ponyville could possibly fill maybe one of the dozen of buildings. The white marble walls of the front hall stood out against the dark oak trees of the mountain side forest. A fountain in the center of the complex released a pair of rainbows that bathed the whole resort in a soft calming light. A red carpet had been rolled out for the first official guest. Hundreds of attendance greeted the citizens of Ponyville. it wasn’t hard to notice that the attendance were an attractive bunch. Ranging from classically beautiful mares to the strong jawed muscular stallions and every type in between. Everypony had some eye candy just for them.
Rarity's eyes almost burst into flames as she watched a very attractive mare all but presented her rump to Thunderlane as she told the stallion about the room options. “Sorry darling but he's with me.” Rarity said with a falsely sweet smile. The white unicorn pulled her coltfriend over to hear the same options from the handsome stallion that had approached her. A shutter ran down Thunderlane's spine, the way Rarity was squeezing his fore leg was starting to scare him.
Winchester quickly lost interests in the tiny blond mare that had approached him in favored of two other ponies. The first was another stallion about his age chatting with one of the mares that worked for the resort. He was a cream colored earth pony with short black mane and tail, he was leaning on his large suit case. He had a dart for a cutie mark, his left flank had a rather ugly scare across it. He was athletic and a little smaller then the advantage earth pony. The mare was pretty and around Winchester age, her long fur and leathery wings revealed her to be one of the “bat Ponies” from northern Equestria. Supposedly they were one of Discord's creations from the dark ages. Like the other attendant she wore a light green and near skin tight outfit that showed off her hips and revealed her cutie mark to be a black crescent moon with bat wings.
Winchester smiled as he trotted over to the pair and said. “long Sight is that you.”
the cream colored stallion turned and smiled “Winchester what brings you here.” the blue stallion nodded to Twilight and the bearers of harmony. “oh.” Long Sight said with a nod “nice.”
both Winchester and the bat pony mare glared at Long Sight and his lecherous grin, Winchester hoped that he didn’t look like that when he looked at mares. The writer turned to the mare but she cut him off before he could speak “I’m Night Shadow Sir. I was just telling your friend about some of the room upgrades if you like I cou-”
“the free one is fine.” Winchester looked to Long Sight he nodded and the blue stallion nodded in return.
“very well sir.” Night Shadow replied writing something down, she told the pair about the nights events the most important of which was the welcoming banquet.
“will your employer be joining us?” Winchester asked.
“Mister Steamy Stones is an eccentric business pony of considerable years.” Night Shadow said with a smile “although he has the vitality of a pony a fourth his age, and he will most likely be joining you at the banquet.”
“good I always like to meet my host.” Long Sight said with a smile.
“he will be delighted to meet you.” Night Shadow replied. She smiled and gave them their room keys and bowed “if you need me I'll be at the front desk tonight.” turned and trotted away.
Winchester looked around and chuckled as he watched a few bus colts struggle with his bags as Long Sight asked “could you send a few letters for me.”
“of course as long as I'm in the loop.”
“my source are yours.” the athletic earth pony answered.
“cool.” Winchester said with a nod “come on I'll introduce you to the girls.” the two stallions turn and made their way over to the bearers of harmony “so what do you have so far?”
“not much, but we cant get into the inner circle of management so there’s no telling what's going, but you know how I work.” Long Sight replied with a grin.
Winchester sighed “oh of course I do and we'll do it your way this time I guess.”
“yeah we don’t need this place burnt down like the last place, special if there’s nothing going on.” Long Sight chuckled. “like last time.” the too knights laughed together as they made their way to the bearers of harmony.
Twilight and her friends were talking about the coming events of the night. They weren't sure how to feel about a dinner show of the great and powerful Trixie. Winchester joined them with a earth pony they didn’t know.
“hey girls this is an associate of mine.” Winchester said gesturing to his fellow Knight. “Long Sight.”
Applejack greeted Long Sight and shook the stallion's hoof with a big smile, Long Sight looked at his throbbing hoof. Twilight giggled as she introduced herself and told him not to worry the numbness would pass. Fluttershy blushed as the knight bowed and kissed her hoof. Rainbow Dash and Long Sight simply asked each other “whats up.” Pinkie Pie threw her hooves around the stallion like she would an old friend. Rarity introduced herself with her normal grace. Long Sight bowed and said “oh moun sharey.” he took her hoof in his and kissed it, Thunderlane tried not to growl from behind them. Rarity gasped impressed and replied in fluent french. Long Sight was dumbfounded and looked around “okay I really don’t speak french.” the mares giggled and Thunderlane grinned.
“with as much flirting as you do you'd think that you'd be better at it.” Winchester said with a grin.
“shut up.” Long Sight replied.
Winchester and the others laughed as they walked away to find their rooms. Which despite being free they were amazing. High thread count sheets, goose down pillows, and plush carpet. Each even had a full bath and a mini kitchen rivaling that of any hotel.
However as nice as the free rooms were they were nothing compared to the upgrade suites. The honeymoon suite that Rarity and Thunderlane bought was amazing it was about the size of a mid size three room apartment. A short hall way connected the three rooms. A Large down stuffed bed with expensive silk sheets was the center piece of the bedroom. The large bathroom was covered in expensive blue tiles and hard wood trim, and even had a jacuzzi. The Kitchen though small everything you could need and was complete with a well stocked mini bar.
The extravagances of the resort didn’t stop at the rooms, the banquet hall was so big it reviled that of the Canterlot ball in size. The entire town of Ponyville fit with in the room enough space for a small stage in the middle, and it didn’t even feel cramped. Trixie was putting on a rather impressive light and magic display. The fillies and colts couldn’t pull their eyes away from her, most of the adults were enthralled as well. Trixie was loving the attention. Winchester and Long Sight never showed anything more then a passing interest in the mare, the two knights were more interested in their host. Twilight Sparkle asked what they found so interesting about the elderly stallion with a dark orange coat and gray mane and tail, the pair just said they couldn’t remember where they had seen him before.
Twilight and her friends didn’t see anything wrong with the old stallion other then his awkward flirting with the mayor as they sat at the table across from them. They just wanted to enjoy the great food before them. Oranges from the far east, Apples that were most likely bought from one of the apple clan, all of the fresh fruits and vegetables were of the highest quality. far better then most of the citizens of Ponyville had ever eaten. The pasties and other delicacy reviled those that Twilight Sparkle grew up eating with the princess. The refreshments were also of the highest quality, from fine wines to fancy sodas. Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie both enjoyed the sweat peach wine a little too much, Pinkie Pie especially. It wasn’t long before Pinkie had to be carried back to the Cake's room. The pink pony was a little bit of a light wait when it came to alcohol. The Cake's would have normally lectured Pinkie about drinking to much, but they decided to let it go they were on a vacation after all.
The next morning started well after sun rise with a fine breakfast in bed for everypony. The food really helped with Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy's headaches, as did the messages afterwords. Applejack and her family were not use to waking up so late but they enjoyed the food and after a little fussing mostly from Big Macintosh they let the workers serve them. Although nether Big Mac and Applejack understood why soaking in a pool of mud felt so good. Applejack later admitted to Rarity that she would have to join the white unicorn at the spa after this.
Around noon Twilight and her friends were soaking in a nice little spot in the largest hot spring as they waited for lunch. The hot spring was the size of a large public pool, even though it was split in half with a log wall mares on one side with stallions on the other. Twilight Sparkle was happily reading a book with her hair tied back in a bun. Rarity sat next to her lavender friend with her hair safely tied up and wrapped in a towel, she was sipping from her third glass of wine of the day. Beside her Rainbow Dash was asleep with her chine on the edge of the pool, she was so relaxed that the stunt flier hadn’t noticed when Rarity had put her mane up in pig tails. Applejack laid back with her hat over her face and a sprig of wheat in her mouth. She kept a hoof on Rainbow Dash's shoulder to keep her from floating away. Fluttershy sat on the other side of Twilight giggling as she watched Pinkie prepare to jump in the water, the yellow pegasus was a little tipsy. She got more then a few looks some of the other mares. She would normally never drink alcohol in excise if any at all, but Cloud Kicker had told her the night before that stallion like drunk mare's. Fluttershy suspected the value of the information but Cloud Kicker was a very popular mare, so she could be right.
Pinkie was having a great deal of trouble relaxing now, her boundless energy had been kept in check all morning. Now after watching the foals play in the small pool near by the Pink pony needed release. She jumped high into the air yelling “WWWWEEEEE!”, she landed in the water hard making a big splash that washed over her friends.
Rainbow Dash jumped comply out off the water yelling but she luckily had the presence of mind to bite her tongue as she glared at Pinkie Pie. Rarity, Applejack and Twilight coughed and yelled “PINKIE PIE!”. Fluttershy was laughing as much as was the pink mare.
Pinkie smiled as she popped out of the water laughing. “Pinkie this isn’t that kind of pool.” Rarity said discarding her ruined wine and pouring herself a new glass of wine. she ignored Rainbow Dash screeching her name.
“but but I want to play.” Pinkie said “can't you hear the guys over there, their having so much fun.” she pointed to the log wall and the cacophony of laughter and splashes.
Twilight looked up from her book, thankfully it had been protected by a simple shield spell. “they do sound like their having fun.” the lavender unicorn said listening to sound of the stallions, Applejack nodded. Rainbow Dash was busy removing her unwanted pig tails.
“Pinkie Pie we are not a bunch of roughhousing colts, we are ladies and should hold ourselves with grace.” Rarity scolded before sipping from her wine.
Pinkie Pie just smiled “Rarity haven’t you ever just let loose and had a wild time at a pool party.”
“i don’t let loose or have a wild time.” Rarity replied.
“well your missing out.” Pinkie Pie said as she began to sing.
“Pinkie don’t.” Rarity said worried, but she couldn’t stop her friend from singing about the merits of a big pool party. Rarity's dead pan “no” was juxtapose to the stallions deep chores. Twilight Sparkle was one of the few that wasn’t helping Pinkie sing, she just continued reading her book as the water got more lively around her. Soon with Pinkies musical couching the stallions and a few of the more athletic mares began breaking down the wall that separated them and the song reached its climax. With in moments the pool was a cacophony of laughter, splashing and joy.
As the stallions and mares began to really have fun a voice called over the crowd “what's going on out here! Whose responsible for this?!” Pinkie froze realizing she may be in trouble. she slowly turned to look at the bat pony worker looking at them all.
Before anypony else could respond Long Sight yelled “Don’t worry baby me and my buddy here will take care of it all.” he gestured to Winchester as the unicorn finished laying the last of the logs in a neat pile.
“your grammar is atrocious.” the blue stallion said with out looking up from his work.
Knight Shadow was dumb struck as Long Sight splashed his way over to her. She shielded her face with her wings as the stallion stopped in front of her with a huge smile. Knight Shadow glared at the earth pony “we- I'M supposed to be working.”
“well, why don’t you take a break.” Long Sight said before he jumped up at pulled the surprised bat pony into the water.
Night Shadow burst out of the water gasping for breath as Long Sight surfaced laughing. The bat pony looked dreadful as she jumped out of the water hacking and coughing, her shaggy coat hung from her body in a most unbecoming way, the professional bun of her mane now hug limply on her neck. The mare stared daggers at the cream colored stallion causing a hush settled over the pool. Till a laugh echoed around them, a genuine laugh from Night Shadow. She shook her self loosening up her coat and releasing her mane. “i guess its break time.” she quickly pulled her wet uniform off, she smiled as a few cat calls came her way. Then with out warning Night Shadow pounced Long Sight.
“its not break time its party time.” Pinkie said with a laugh. She happily jumped in the water splashing a few other ponies.
Soon with some help from Night Shadow the large mineral springs was turned into a true party pool, a make shift bar was set up and so that more then just wine was being served, most of the older ponies decided to take their foals to other actives. Not long after that a turn table appeared with the famous DJ Vinyl Scratch, it was as if she was summoned by a party. She knew just the music to play to get the crowd going.
Rarity sat next to Twilight Sparkle nether of them thought this kind of fun was their thing. Rarity watched a few of the more attractive stallions with only passing interest before she finally found Thunderlane as he trotted over to her. The couples lips met for a brief moment before the stallion leapt into the air over his lover. Rarity closed her eyes and covered her wineglass with her hoof. A few seconds passed with no splash, the white unicorn realized that Thunderlane was using his wings to slowly enter the water so not to splash her. Rarity smiled and when the stallion asked her to join him she quickly drained her wine glass and tossed her head to remove the towel, her damp mane fell around her face just right. Thunderlane found her irresistible as she licked the dark red stain from her lips. she leaned over to kiss Thunderlane again, but a small wave splashed over the couple. The pair glared at the culprits, Sweetie Belle, Applebloom, Spike and Scootaloo laughed and splashed the two again. The three fillies and baby dragon were no match for the couple's splashy retaliation.
Laughter and joy surrounded Twilight Sparkle, but she was happy to just relax and read in the now fairly turbulent water. That is until she heard somepony calling her name. Twilight looked up to see Rainbow Dash siting on the back of a stallion the lavender mare wasn’t familiar with. “Come on Twilight we need a sixth.” Rainbow Dash yelled. Twilight blinked and looked to her other friends all of them were on the shoulders of stallion's. Applejack sat on Poky Pierce’s shoulders, he would later regretfully refer to her as Ampleflank. Rarity of course sat on Thunderlane’s shoulders like a queen, the pegasus's wings were at full attention. Fluttershy sat happily on Big Macintosh’s wide shoulders, although her mane hid her face it was pretty clear that she was drunk. She would normally never be brave enough to do that. Pinkie was happily siting on Ace's shoulders, the overly muscled Pegasus had his normally over enthusiastic grin.
“um I think I'm good.” Twilight replied a little nervous. As her friends encouraged her to join them a blue shape shot towards her under the water. Twilight's book snapped shut and floated away in a blue glow. “woe hey.” Twilight said as she was lifted up by the same glow and sat on the shapes back. Winchester stood up and looked over his shoulder at her with a big warm smile. “what are you doing.” Twilight asked with her hooves on the back of his neck to help stabilize herself.
“just helping you along.” Winchester replied.
“okay um.” Twilight said less then certainty. “so, what we playing?”
“Volleyball.” Pinkie answered in a gleeful squeal.
Twilight blinked, everypony knew she wasn’t much of a sports fan. However she did like to try new things. She watched as a makeshift net made of towels and sea weed wraps was erected, the lavender mare was tempted to ask how exactly one plays volleyball but she guessed she would pick it up as she played.
Twilight was a little nervous as she watched Pinkie Pie make the first serve, Blossom Forth returned the ball with easy. Rainbow Dash was there just in time to smack the ball high into the air, she and her stallion partner both called out to Twilight and Winchester. The stallion responded quickly but Twilight wasn’t nearly as quick, the ball went right between her hooves and slammed into her face. Twilight was knocked off of Winchester's back. The crowd gasped as did Twilight's friends, Winchester wiped around worried that he may have gotten one of the bearers of harmony hurt. Twilight soon surfaced with her hair hanging over her face. Many asked if she was okay, Winchester leaned closer to the to see if she was injured but she suddenly flashed purple and disappeared.
“Well, now I feel bad.” Winchester said as his mane and fur stood up from the energy discharge. He dunked his head under the water so he wasn’t all frizzy. He stood up before anypony could question what happen Twilight reappeared on Winchester's back her nose in a book and steam wafting from her frizzy mane and tail. Winchester looked over his shoulder his hair was once again standing on end. He asked “you okay?” her friends ask the same. Twilight Sparkle held up her hoof to silence the questions her eyes darted back and forth as she read her book as fast as she could.
While everypony waited Winchester read the title of the book, “One Hundred And One Pool Games.” About a minute passed and Twilight finally said “okay.” the book snapped shut and vanished. “if I’m getting dragged into this game we're, going to win it.” the crowd cheered.
“yes let's show theses hussies how real ladies play.” Rarity replied smiling at the other six mares, Night Shadow snorted and got ready to serve the ball. Cloud Kicker had a delightfully dirty response for Rarity. The game soon became very heated as everypony got into the game. Trash talk was exchanged between sides by both the mares and their mounts, they got more then a few nasty looks from the few remaining parent's of foals. drunk Fluttershy even had a few slurred words for her opponents although she always apologizes afterword. The crowd cheer and alcohol flowed and the few remaining fillies and colts got a good lesson or two on the excessive consumption of alcohol.
Rainbow Dash's competitive nature really came out, becoming the impromptu team captain. She barked orders and encouragement when needed, and making the appropriate heroic sacrifice for the team. when Fluttershy knocked the ball the wrong way. Rainbow didn’t miss a beat and dove onto stone pathway and return the ball. The flew clear over the net, Lily was more concerned with Rainbow Dash's well being then the ball that went right between her hooves and right into her colt friend Note Worthy's face, the blue stallion reared up and threw the pink and blond mare from from his back. She landed safely in the water but Note Worthy still felt bad for his instinctual action. Rainbow Dash on the other hoof took a moment to stand up. After checking that her wings were okay and downing half a beer, the stunt flier was ready to rejoin the game.
However Blossom Forth on the other team argued that the ball was out of bounds and her team backed her up. Applejack was adamant that the move was legal and that Lily had missed the ball giving the barrers of harmony the point. Before the loud discussion became a party ruining argument Twilight chimed in agreeing with he other team, to end it there. Winchester dunked Twilight saying “you always agree with your team even if their wrong.”
Twilight just rolled her eyes as she got back on his shoulder prepared to prove them wrong. Once Colgate served the ball Twilight spurred on Winchester to get to the ball before Pinkie and Ace. The knight was quick to respond, easily getting to the ball and bucking Twilight up high enough to spike the ball right in front of lily, again causing Note Worthy to rear up and throw his marefriend again. The lavender mare smiled proudly as she reseated herself high on Winchester back. The knight and the more competitive members of the bearers of harmony nodded in approval.
Sadly the game couldn’t go on forever, eventually Night Shadow had to return to work. Rarity also decided she had enough of the game and that she would like to retire to her room with Thunderlane. Rainbow Dash only agreed to let them leave because the bearers of Harmony were wining. As the couple trotted to their room Rarity whispered something to the stallion that made his wing pop straight up so hard it must of hurt.
Pinkie Pie hopped off Aces back and joined several other ponies in front of Vinyl Scratch and her turn tables. The pink mare laughed as she began dancing with several stallions. One lucky stallion got a kiss form the mare after buying her a drink, she hadn’t notice she had been so thirsty.
Having just proven her athletic ability Twilight Sparkle thought it was time to relax again. She quickly found her book, the protective spell she had cast on it had turn it into a trip hazard. She smiled as she noticed Spike still playing with the crusaders, after giving them a warning not to run around the pool which she found which she found sounded a little too much like her mother she decided a drink was in order.
Rainbow Dash and Applejack still had some competitive energy to burn off so on a whim they decided to see who could do the most shots of Whiskey. five shots in and Applejack's head was buzzing pretty good but Rainbow Dash had to place her head on the table to steady herself.
“you ready to give up?” Applejack said with a laugh.
“Hell no.” Rainbow Dash slurred. Fluttershy whispered to her friend that they should go lay down and relax by the pool, the yellow mare wasn’t feeling good ether.
“well okay then.” Applejack replied with a grin. She ordered another round and the small crowd cheered.
Twilight sipped her strawberry lemonade as she watched her friends act like a couple of stallions. The librarian just hoped her friends didn’t do something they would regret. She was so focused on her friends that Twilight jumped when Bon Bon taped her on the shoulder. The cream colored mare looked worried as she asked “Have you seen Lyra?”
“no sorry?” Twilight replied shaking her head “why?”
“she went to the little fillies room and hasn’t come back.” the worried mare answered “and that was like almost an hour ago.”
“well this place is pretty big so maybe she got lost.” Twilight Sparkle said siting her drink down.
“well we'll help look for her.” the Liberian said. she turned to Applejack and quickly explained the problem.
Applejack sighed and downed her last shot “Hey Rainbow.”
“what?” the blue mare slurred from under the table. Fluttershy nudged her friend with her nose to check on her.
“we have to put this little contest on hold and help find one of the filly-foolers.” the country mare answered. Bon Bon looked greatly insulted by the use of the derogatory term.
Rainbow Dash moaned and lifted her head. The world was spinning and she had to take a moment to steady herself, before she could agree to help Scootaloo led the the other crusaders in yelling “Cutie mark crusader search party is a go.” the four of them high hooves and ran into the resort.
“Don’t go too far y’all.” Applejack yelled but it was too late the three fillies and baby dragon were gone. “ah dang it! Pinkie stay with them.” Applejack yelled she would have gone herself but the buzzing in her head was a little hard to ignore.
Pinkie had barely been paying attention, she was more occupied with helping Ditzy Doo teacher her daughter Dinky to swim, but without hesitation Pinkie was off after the wayward young ones. Dinky giggled and waved to the pink blur. Twilight and the others spread out through out the resort.
About twenty minutes later Fluttershy Applejack and Rainbow Dash trotted back out to the pool area, the later two were leaning fairly heavily on the first. Fluttershy was embarrassed because Rainbow Dash's wings were standing straight up, and not to mention she had to be the stability for the three of them and she was still pretty drunk herself. They joined the still very worried Bon Bon. “did you find her?” the three mares slowly shook their heads tears formed in Bon Bon's ice blue eyes as she said “where could she be.”
“whats going on?” Winchester asked seemingly appearing out of no where a dark amber drink floated close by.
“Lyra’s missing.” Fluttershy explained.
“yeah we split up to find the darned filly-fooler but there ain't no sign of her.” Applejack added causing Bon Bon to snort.
Winchester raised an eye brow but before he say anything Big Macintosh and Long Sight joined them saying “the bartender doesn’t know when the DJ's going to be back.”
“Oh dear.” Fluttershy said having a bad feeling.
“What about Lyra?” Bon Bon asked teary eyed.
“there’s no worry girl I’m here to help.” Rainbow Dash said still dizzy, even though she had prayed to the porcelain throne while she was searching for the light green unicorn she still felt bad.
Thunderlane trotted out to the pool area and looked around for a moment before he joined the circle and asked “have y’all seen Rarity?”
“No, we thought she was with you.” Applejack replied fighting back a burp.
“well she was. We where in our room and she decided to powder her nose before we really got started.” Thunderlane said trying to skirt around what they were actually doing. “and well. she was in there for a really long time. I got worried and went to check on her and she wasn’t there.”
“Aw don’t worry there boy, Rarity probably just got cold hooves about being unladylike in front of her stallion.” Applejack said with a smile.
Thunderlane stared at the farm mare with half lidded eyes then decided to ignore her “it didn’t even take this long our first time.”
“wait a sec your.” Long sight let his eyes brows finish his sentence. Thunderlane was upset by the other stallion's immature behavior but he nodded to get it out of the way. “nice, tell me tell me. Is she really velvet and lace or is whips and chains like I think she is?”
Thunderlane paused for a moment to comprehend what the earth pony was saying. “a gentlemen dose not speck of his ladies bedroom actives.” Thunderlane said through clinched teeth. Long Sight grind mischievously.
Winchester was about to add his thoughts when he heard Pinkie Pie, Scootaloo, Spike and Applebloom calling for Sweetie Bell. Realization washed over the knight as he looked back at the empty turn tables. Then to Ditzy Doo as she looked around panic slowly seeped into her voice as she called for her daughter.
Winchester looked around the group and asked “Where's Twilight?” everypony looked around not sure none of them had seen her in a while. “Shit.” Winchester growled before he he tore off toward his rooms dropping his drink. Long Sight cursed as well realizing what Winchester had figured out and fallowed. Confused Applejack, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash hurried after the knights. Thunderlane and Big Macintosh were right on their heels.
“hey wheres every pony going?” Pinkie asked.
“Stay here with the crusaders.” Applejack ordered from the door way.
“what the hell is going on here?” Rainbow Dash asked trying hard not to throw up again as she galloped behind Long Sight.
The cream colored stallion stopped at his door while Winchester hurried past to his own room down the hall. “Damn it why didn’t we see this coming.”
“excuse me?” Rainbow dash asked before having to hold her mouth shut with her hoof. Fluttershy pushed a trash can over to her friend, Rainbow quickly took advantaged of the bin.
Long Sight sighed as he fiddled with his room key “we had some suspicions about this place. But with no hard evidence I didn’t take them seriously.....and I don’t like to cause a panic if I don’t have to.”
“well that didn’t work.” Thunderlane said angrily.
Long Sight glared at the pegasus and said “yeah I know.” as he unlocked his door and hurried inside. The others fallowed him in, Big Macintosh was nice enough to give Rainbow Dash a cup of water while the rest watched Long Sight. the knight quickly retrieved two suit cases from under his bed, he set the long gilded case on the bed and opened the nondescript one and tossed some clothing aside.
“okay so will you actually tell us whats going on now?” Applejack asked, she was so focused on the well being of others that she didn’t notice how the world was spinning around her.
Long Sight slipped a double hoof bow onto his left foreleg and tightened it. “we're not sure yet.” the stallion replied as he pulled a light steel chest plate out of the cast. A loud boom and crash from down the hall drew every pony's attention. “no.” the knight ran to the hall past the other ponies “that came from Winchester's room.”
“that’s bad.” Fluttershy epped instinctively moving closer to the largest stallion close by, not that she minded getting closer to Big Macintosh.
Cursing Long Sight bolted down the hall too Winchester's door, confused and worried Applejack and the rest fallowed. Long Sight pushed the door open, Winchester hadn’t taken the time to unlock it he had just shouldered it open. The room was in shambles several holes had been smashed in the walls the night stand had been over turned. Winchester's armor was tossed about and Featherweight laid on the bed, but the knight himself was no where to be found.
“they got him?” Long Sight said as he sniffed around for clues.
“How did they get him.” Rainbow Dash said her voice cracking more then it should “we've seen that guy shred a hydra.”
Long Sight looked up at blue mare and sighed “I'm sure that he would have shredded anypony that was stupid enough to fight him face to face, but if you ambush him he's just a normal pony.” the knight notice a few drops of greenish red blood on the floor. He leaned down and tasted it but quickly spat and growled “how dose he do that.”
“what?” everypony asked.
“taste blood and know where it came from.” Long Sight replied “makes me sick.” he pushed past them and headed back to his room. “Winchester seems to like it.” he mumbled as he returned to his room and finished putting on his armor. He wore no where near as much as Winchester, just a light chest plate and some shin guards.
Finally Long Sight moved to the long gilded case. He opened it after a few holy words and retrieved a long gold bow, its string glowed like a morning rainbow. He slipped the string over his head so that it hung across his chest.
“you kids can go back to the pool or get some messages, I’ll have your friends free with in the hour.” he move to push past the civilians, but Thunderlane refused to move. “stand aside citizen.” the knight stared into the gray pegasus's eyes, who refused to back down.
“no!” Thunderlane growled. “Who every is taking ponies has taken my marefriend and I'll be Damned if I’m not going to save her.”
Long Sight glared at the pegasus as Applejack added “and don’t count us out in a fight.” the country mare stomped her hoof. The knight looked at them all their determination evident on their faces, even Fluttershy looked like she would stand up for herself.
“Very well.” Long Sight relented “just keep up.” he slipped pass Thunderlane and stopped in the hall to look both ways.
“how you going to find the bad guy?” Rainbow Dash asked taking a deep breath to help steady herself as she hovered next to Big Mac.
Long Sight lowered his head and mumbled a prey before lifting his head and saying “the sun provides and the moon guides.” his brown eyes were now ice blue eyes and glowed with an ethereal light. He looked at the civilian ponies “if your going to come then you got to keep up.” he bolted down the hall, Rainbow Dash left her trademark multicolored trail behind as she followed. Big Mac, Thunderlane and Applejack dodged around the blinding rainbow in the hall. Fluttershy epped as she galloped down the hall after them.
When Fluttershy caught up with the group half a dozen turns, two buildings and three flights of stairs later, two mare attendants had stopped Long Sight saying “sorry sir this area is off limits.”
“I am on official business of the court.” Long Sight replied holding up the seal of the Knights. “now in the name of our princesses stand aside.”
“I'm very sorry sir but you cant go back here.” one of the mares replied.
Long Sight aimed his hoof bow at the mares and ordered “stand aside this is your last warning.”
“sir we are very sorry but-” with a twitch of his wrist Long Sight fired two arrow hitting the mares just under their chins, the two ponies dropped like sacks of potatoes.
“oh dear.” Fluttershy epped as she reared up and galloped away.
Applejack and the remaining three starred on in disbelief. After a few seconds green smoke began to drift from the slain ponies as their light pink and orange coats turned black and hard like the skin of a insect.
“changelings.” Big Macintosh exclaimed.
“How'd ya know they were Changelings?” Applejack asked swallowing her fear.
Long Sight finished reloading his hoof bow and answered simply “i didn’t.”
Rainbow Dash chuckled nervously “ha ha very funny you've known a long time now right.”
Long Sight turned around and shook his head “like I said before we had suspicions but they were just in my way.”
“harsh.” Thunderlane commented.
Long Sight raised and eye brow “Winchester wouldn’t have given them as much time as I did before he cut them in half.” the civilian ponies didn’t know how to feel about that.
Long Sight led on down the hall till a magical pop resonated around him and the knight stopped next to a large black door. “what is it?” Thunderlane asked wanting to find Rarity soon.
Long Sight looked back at the ponies following him, his eyes brown again. “we're here.” he slipped the long gold bow off his chest and attached it to his left hoof with a gold strap. He reared up and leaned on the wall next to the door too steady himself he touched his right hoof to the sting. Sparks ran the length of the sting as he some how pulled it with out any sort of attachment.
He counted for the civilian behind him on three he wiped around the corner and kicked the door open. The room was large and open mist covered the floor. The only lights in the room came from the hundreds of pony sized tubes stacked two high. They looked like a insect’s cocoon with a glass hatch, cables ran from the chambers into the darkness. Each of the tubes had one of the missing unicorns floating inside, a few wires were attached to their horns. Long Sight stood on his hind legs using his bow to balance himself as his eyes swept the room for threats, he noted one of the occupants. Thunderlane hoovered over the knights shoulder looking around for any sign of Rarity. Applejack and a slowly sobering Rainbow Dash soon followed, Big Macintosh brought of the rear.
The group looked around until they heard laughter, they had been expecting it some how. The elderly pony Steamy Stones trotted out from the shadow of the tanks. “so you have discovered my plans.” Long Sight noticed he had a cable running from the darkness to a device on the back of his head.
“yeah, now skip the stupid evil speech and tell me where my marefriend is.” Thunderlane ordered. Rainbow Dash gave their foe a few select gestures.
“HOW DEAR YOU SPEAK TOO ME LIKE THAT!” the older pony exploded with anger. the elderly form of Steamy Stone was bloom away in green flames revealing a large muscular changeling with a long sharp horn. “do you know who I am.” he snarled venom dripping form his long fangs.
“no.” the civilians ponies replied in a intentionally dismissive manner.
“he's a Changeling Duke.” Long Sight explained. “like their female counter parts they lead small hives, or hunting party’s and the like.” Long Sight smiled and added “or just as egg factories.”
the Duke growled “I’m more then a play thing for the whore queen.”
“see.” Long Sight chuckled.
The Duke growled “Teach these bastards to respect me.” a dozen Changeling dropped down from the ceiling hissing at the ponies. With out missing a beat Long Sight pulled back the string of his bow and a arrow of curling fire form. The knight shot lead changeling in the chest, it and the four closest to it were completely consumed in fire. Three others were killed by the concussion of the blast. The remaining stunned changelings were quickly dispatched by Thunderlane, Big Mac, Applejack and Rainbow Dash with ease.
Before the Duke could respond to the defeat of his hive's best, Long Sight drew back his bow again and shot another fire arrow at the Duke. Flames obscured the view of the Duke as the arrow exploded on impact, Long Sight smirk thinking he had killed the duke. a moment later the smoke cleared and the Duke just laughed as the whole blown in his magical shield reformed in front of him. Long Sight looked worried “a changeling shouldn’t have that much power.”
the Duke laughed “like I said I am more then a mere duke. I AM A KING, but not just King of the changelings. with the power I gain from these little ponies I will over throw your goddess CELESTIA!”
Long Sight took great offense and growled “your queen is no mach for Celestia, What makes you think you’d last more then second against her.”
“i have my ways.” the Duke chuckled till another fire arrow blew a whole the translucent green wall and a second exploded around the Duke.
“take that you bastard.” Long Sight said as he stood on all fours again. “none can survive the Wrath of Celestia.”
the Duke's laughter echoed around them again. “none but me.” smoke clear revealing the changeling unharmed his large horn glowed pale green and the air shimmered the same color around him. “why do you not understand it yet. you cant defeat me.”
Long Sight growled as he reared up on his hind legs again. “I wield Solar Flare, Celestia's wrath burns with in this bow as bright as her sun.”
“you knights and your love for your princess's toys.” the duke said with a laugh that was soon drowned out by the impact of more fire arrows. Thunderlane and Rainbow Dash hit the green field in a vain attempt to fly through it, they hovered in the air and slammed their hooves against it in frustration. Applejack and Big Macintosh bucked the wall hard enough crack it, but doing so almost cracked them. The Duke quickly grew tired of the noise as arrows exploded against the bubble around him. “ENOUGH!” the changeling roared, the force of his order blew away the cloud of smoke and sent the earth ponies sliding across the floor. the pegasi tumbling out of the air and landed next to the knight. Before the hole in the field sealed shut Long Sight fired a bolt from his hoof bow, the arrow skipped off the Duke's shield and hit something important on one of the tubes. The devices lights flickered and went out.
The Duke blinked “what the hell was that supposed to do?”
Rainbow Dash looked at Long Sight and said “yeah dude that was pointless.” the other ponies nodded till a loud thump reverberated through the room.
Long Sight smiled “i thought it would ether kill him or release him.”
another thump drew the Dukes attention to the right “what did you do.” he looked to the deactivated tube and inside he saw the burning brown eyes of Winchester as he slammed his glowing horn into the glass cover again. “oh.” the next hit shattered the glass. The stallion leapt out of the tube his horn glowed brighter as he took hold of the larger pieces of glass. Winchester grinned as he whipped the glass around like dozens of razor sharp knives. the changeling Duke hiss as glass scraped across his shield. The glass found no bite aginst the Duke's magic, but each piece of glass that broke only added to the Knights multitude of blades.
Winchester was surrounded by a whirlwind of glass as more arrows impacted the changeling's shield. The duke hissed, if he lowered his shield to counter attack he would be blown away or cut to shreds. He had to get the blue stallion away from him. However he had an idea and began to draw power from the unicorns. The force of the duke's will explode out as he bellowed “get back”
the knight spun around as he hoped his thick hide turned away most of the glass, but a few shards did stick painfully in his back. Before the changeling could charge Featherweight burst through the wall just missing some of the occupied tubes. In one fluid motion Winchester caught the missive’s blade's handle spun around and brought the sword down on the duke's shield with such force the energy field creaked like a dropped snow globe.
The Duke growled as his horn glowed brighter in an attempted to hold back the deadly weapon. Long Sight shot the changeling's shield the combined force of two gifts of Celestia was more then the Changeling's shield could take, Featherweight tore through the field just missing taking off the duke's head. Winchester launched forward and put his horn to it's most primitive use, stabbing it into the changeling's chest. The horn went deep but wasn’t long enough to hit anything import.
The duke panted as he pushed off the stallion and flew above the knight. Winchester spun out of the way of the changeling's electrical counter attack. The unicorn reared up and wrapped his hooves around Featherweight's handle intent on cutting his foe in half shield or no.
As Long Sight watched he noticed something that made his hart skip a beat he bellowed “Winchester Stop” the blue stallion stopped mid-stride. He laid his sword on his shoulder while the tip of the blade touched the ground, his eyes never left the Duke as the changeling began to laugh.
“So you observant friend noticed.” the changeling Duke chuckled as Rainbow Dash and Thunderlane hoovered around the room waiting for a moment to pounce on their opponent. The apple siblings were meanwhile looking around trying to figure out what the changeling meant, suddenly it dawned on them. All the unicorns in the tubes were twitching and convulsing in pain.
The Duke's chest wound healed in seconds. “they are my shield as much my sword.” he looked over his shoulder at Thunderlane “any injury you inflict on me merely drains Their life force.” he looked back at Winchester “and some have so little to give.” Winchester snorted angrily “my kind's want to be monarch is no match for me now and your loving princesses wouldn’t dare harm their precious little ponies.”
the Knights laughed at the Duke, they each knew what the other would do. A plan was quickly and silently formed. Long Sight glared at the duke as he said “your right, my princesses will hesitate if their actions endanger their subjects, but only to consider all possibility. Regardless of Their decision it will be flawless.” while Long Sight spoke Winchester slowly side stepped his way to behind the changeling intent on cutting the cable. He figured if the duke was disconnected from the other unicorns, they could slay it with out worry.
“when Princess Celestia and Chrysalis fought, my princess would have not only vaporized your damned queen but every pony else in the room” long Sight continued, allowing Winchester so get into position. “so she fell back on the Bearers of Harmony and captain Shining Armor AND Princess Candace.”
the duke glared at the knight till Winchester spoke up behind him saying. “if you are a true threat she would sacrifice everypony in this room with but a moments pause.” Winchester almost snarled as he continued “even if you held up her most faithful student before her, she would hesitate just a moment before she would turn you both into smears on the ground.” Applejack and Rainbow Dash felt their harts skip a beat at the thought. Thunderlane trembled wanting to pound the Changeling into paste, but he knew he would merely be hurting Rarity if he could get to the beast. Big Macintosh stared at duke silently preying for the Unicorns he was holding hostage.
Winchester sighed as he looked at his free hoof the other still wrapped around Featherweight's handle as it held him up right “however she would morn, through long days and cold nights she would morn. Forgoing food and drink and maybe even the companionship of her servants, only her knights and Sister allowed to see our grieving goddess.” Winchester had allowed the words to flow to give Long Sight time to take the most careful aim but it was time to act. The blue stallion looked up at the duke and said “but if I can save her from such pain, I will give my life to do so.” Winchester kick Featherweight behind him as he pulled the handle to his chest. The changeling had a mere moment to react. His horn glowed and sparks flew from the shield the Duke summoned over the cable then jumped to the right as a fire arrow flew past, close enough to boil the exoskeleton off his leg.
Winchester was not as lucky, his feeble shield only stop the arrow from penetrating his chest but the explosion sent him flying into the darkness behind him. The Duke growled as the burn healed causing the captured unicorns a great deal of pain. “you see even Celestia's champions are no match for me.” Winchester's battle cry cut the duke off as the injured knight charged from the darkness Featherweight griped in his teeth. The Changeling jumped over Winchester, the knights true target was pulled out of the way by the changelings magic.
The blue stallion spun around his eyes burning with rage and blood from a large cut on his forehead. The Duke's horn flashed as he hit Winchester with bolts magic and sent the knight tumbled across the floor, smearing blood along his path. The knight slide to a stop just in front of his comrades. Applejack leaned down to check the knight as blood pooled around him, however sparks danced over his body and he stood as if he was unharmed despite his multitude of injuries.
The duke laughed at them all, Thunderlane was shaking with rage as he stared at the beast. Rainbow Dash felt her hart pounding in her throat and ears. Applejack and Big Macintosh were holding in their anger, it was the Apple way. The knights glared as the Changeling said “so do you get it now? you can not win.”
Winchester looked around “none of us have fallen.”
“For we are the servants of the goddesses of the Sun and Moon.” Both Long Sight and Winchester began in unison. the air was filled with a strange energy that made everypony's fur stand on end.
But before the pair could continue what every they were planing on doing a black shape landed on the changelings back. Thunderlane's hart almost stopped as he saw the the twin bladed knife in the ponies mouth. The world seemed to be at a near stand still as the pegasus stallion took everything in, he saw the dark mares leathery wings slowly folded to her side. The bat pony mare wore a thick sweater with metal studs and the crest of Equestrianaver her hart. “NO!” the Pegasus stallion yelled as the mare drove her weapon into the back of the changeling neck.
The mare tore the device that connect the Duke to his prisoner from his neck, she tossed the weapon and the cable across the room. The angry duke wiped around and sank his fangs into his attackers neck. The bat pony mare winced in pain as the changeling lifted her up and slammed her to the ground. The enraged changeling pounce the mare but she just rolled to the side, she tossed her long black scarf around herself and vanished. The changeling blinked but he had no time to think as Featherweight sliced through the ground inches away from him, the duke wasn't fast enough to completely dodged the weapon. he lost his right front hoof and a large portion of his right wing.
Fear filled the changeling's mind as he stumbled on his bloody stump. A second later a flaming arrow impacted the Duke in the side turning his wing to ash and boiled away a substantial part of his carapace. The Changeling bounced across the floor till he was caught by Rainbow Dash. She drug his face across the ground before throwing him up in the air to meet the angry hooves of Thunderlane.
The Duke saw his plans crumbling before him as he rocketed to the floor once again, just before he crumpled against the hard stone the duke caught a glimpse Applejack's apple adorned flanks as she bucked him across the room. He slammed into something that must have been a wall. The Changeling duke slumped to the floor only to realize it was not a wall he had hit but in fact Big Macintosh. The large stallion reared up and brought his for hooves down on the changeling. he quickly regretted doing so, he thought this must be how Rarity must feel when she walked through the mud.
With the changeling dispatched Thunderlane flew into the rows of tubes looking for Rarity. Rainbow Dash and Applejack began to looked for ways to open the tubes. Long Sight told Winchester he would do the report for this incident. Winchester mean while mumbled the words for a healing spell. Night Shadow reappeared next to her fellow knights saying “well that was interesting.” she jumped when Winchester touched his glowing horn to her neck to cast the spell on her wound. She blushed and thanked him.
It took some time but the captives were released. Luckily most were asleep when they were returned to their rooms, though most did later complain about stiffness and fatigue. Luckily it was nothing that a message and a real nap couldn’t fix.
Twilight and Rarity were the only ones told what really happen the pair being bearers of harmony meant they were privy to the truth about the dangers of their world, although they had to wait till the later of the two finished declaring Thunderlane as her hero.
The vacation went on like normal afterwords but the the fate of the resort after its first guest left was in question, till the knights decided to offer ownership of the resort to Lotus and Aloe. The sisters graciously excepted, with their leadership and talents the resort prospered, although Aloe never neglected the spa they started in Ponyvile. They never learned of the dark secrets of their new acquisition. If any changeling still remained at the resort no pony ever knew. Although rumors spread through the Royal Guard detachment assigned to guard the resort about vivid dreams of their very special somepony coming for a romantic rendezvous in the night.