• Published 20th Feb 2012
  • 940 Views, 7 Comments

Shards of Nightmare - Stonedpony

the bearers of harmony are sent to retirve peices of Nightmare moon, however they have some "he

  • ...

Desperate Battles and Daring Rescues

Desperate Battles and Daring Rescues

Rarity had lost track of how long she had been trying to get the attention of the guards. she was about to give up hope when one of the hybrid beast trotted down the hall holding a torch. He stopped in front of her and waved his hand at her to get her to talk. “oh umm.” her nerve faltered as the emotionless beast stared down at her. “hello sir... could I uh please have some water.”
the centaur shifted his unfeeling gaze to the large puddle of water in the corner and pointed with out a sound. Rarity looked behind her and stated simply “um sir that’s.... been spilled.” she looked back at the centaur who simply shrugged.
Rarity pouted as she asked “could I have some food then.” the centaur’s answer was as simple as before, he just pointed at the straw in the cot. “i cant eat that.” she shivered at the thought.
The centaur turned to leave and Rarity cursed under her breath she was missing her chance. The mare quickly reach for the beast saying “WAIT!” the creature turned and looked at her again its face still impossible to read “cant you see its you I want.” still it made no response, thinking on her hooves the mare “i did a report on your kind when I was in school and I’ve been fascinated with you ever since. I’m sure hands can do so much more then hooves to a lady.” she was lying, she just hoped she was doing good. the centaur gave no sign of its opinion.
“RAIRTY!” echoed down the hall.
The white mare's heart fluttered as it reached her ears. “Thunderlane!”
the gray stallion shot passed the centaur, the beast dropped his torch garbed its throat. The beast made a gargling sound for a moment before it vanished, a belt with a ring of keys fell to the ground. The Pegasus trotted over to the keys and dropped centaur dagger in his mouth. “Darling you have no idea how happy I am to see you.” Rarity said her eyes sparkling brightly.
the stallion smiled, he fumbled with the kings before he unlocked the cell. the couple embraced as soon as the barrier was removed. “I'm so happy your safe.” Thunderlane said as they kissed briefly before the stallion hurried out of the cell saying “come on babe lets get out of here.” Rarity nodded and limped out of the cell her flank was still sore, she whined with each step. “Rarity your hurt.”
“yes.” she stated ruffly. She took a pained breath and looked at her coltfriend, he was very worried. Once outside Rarity's horn sparked and it started to tingle. She looked up at it and focus, the normal magical aura surround it. “i think I may be able to fix that now darling.” Rarity knew a few spells, luckily one of them was a minor healing spell.
Thunderlane blinked as his love mumbled something he didn’t understand. The mare glowed for a short moment before fading to her normal radiance. “i hope I did that correct.” she tested her injured leg and nodded “i guess I have.” she removed the bandages. Thunderlane gasped seeing his marefriend's cutie mark completely covered in blood. Rarity refused to look at her self. “we must hurry love.”
“yeah.” Thunderlane replied “i think I know the fastest way out.”
“good keep it in mind for when we find my friends.” Rarity said looking around hopping they were close.
“its too dangerous we should just leave." Thunderlane said his voice growing more and more stressed. Rarity turned to look at him disappoint covering her face. "Please Rarity...I know how much you care about your friends, but we can't stay here. It's too dangerous." Thunderlane pleaded.
Rarity blinked as she stared at her lover “i would never abandon my friends.” she looked down her nose at him like she did when she disapproved of somepony or something. It almost hurt Thunderlane said “Thunderlane if you are too afraid, then you may leave. I am truly grateful for you rescuing me, but I'm not leaving here without my friends” she turned and started to trot off trying to hide that her knees were shaking.
Thunderlane turned her around so they were face to face. “babe if you staying I'm staying. No matter the danger.” he would not let loose her again. “I'm not afraid for my self I-” he stopped as a centaur came around the corner, Thunderlane didn’t hesitate and pounced. He drove the small dagger into the beast belly. The centaur made a soft grunt sound as the pony slammed into it. The centaur looked down at the pony as it raised its black sword, ready to stab it though the pegasus’s back.
“go Rarity run!” Thunderlane screamed. Rarity stared at the centaur with big eyes her heart pounding chest, she had just a moment to act and almost missed it. As the black red apparition brought down its blade Rarity's horn ignited. her magical aura stole the weapon from its hand. The creature blinked as he looked up just in time to see his blade shoot forward into its face.
Thunderlane barely caught himself as the centaur burst. He stumbled and turned around to look at Rarity, the black sword hovering next to her. She took several deep breaths before saying “we should keep moving.” she looked at the black sword, she was unsure how to feel about it..
“yeah.” the Pegasus stallion smiled “you know you look kind of hot with the sword.”
“this is not the time.”
“Sorry.” Thunderlane replied picking up his dropped knife swearing to himself he wouldn’t leave.
Rarity turned and lead the way saying “i look sexy no matter what I am doing Dear.” she held the black sword close, she had only seen ponies use one before so she didn’t think having it would help much. If the two of them got into a real fight they were doomed.

* * *

Rainbow Dash sat in her cage feeling sorry for herself, the fire in her belly had been put out by despair. She slowly turned to look at Applejack. The country mare was curled up in the bottom of her cage. Her hat laid beside her. Rainbow Dash thought she heard her friend sobbing. they were both loosing hope. The red sky and having no clue where their friends were was starting to get to the two of them. It made Rainbow Dash even more depressed knowing that she and one of her best friends, the toughest pony she knew, were beaten by being thrown into a cage.
The country mare stood, her tear stained face filled with rage. She yelled aloud. “If you've hurt mah friends ah'll fucking kill ta lot of ya!” The orange earth pony spun on her fore hooves and kicked the bars of her cage hard enough to bend them, the ringing echoed around them. Applejack toppled over as her cage shook and rattled the chains that suspended it.
“Whoa.” Rainbow Dash said standing up her wings unusually stiff as she looked over her friend concerned. “You okay?” she asked.
“Yeah...” Applejack replied looking up to the sky blue pegasus while she laid on the cold metal surface of her cage floor, she grit her teeth feeling her back hooves throbbed. Despite the pain, she stubbornly tried to stand again, but found that her right hind leg hurt to bad to put wait on. The country mare should of guessed that, she had already thrown that shoe. A soft "Damn." escaped her lips in a harsh whisper. The only response too her outburst was a centaurs couple checked the chain to make sure they hadn’t loosened. They showed nothing of what they thought of what they saw.
"If you say so..." Rainbow Dash said as she watched with a deepening frown. She saw the shape of Applejack's hoof prints in the bars. She looked out at their bleak surroundings then to the lock on her cage. She fiddled with the heavy lock and door to her own cage to see if Applejack could have had better chance at breaking those, like the other fifty times she had. it was just as strong. It was times like this she wished she were an escape artist like her favorite adventurous pith helmeted hero, Daring Do.
Applejack spoke up. "Rainbow? Did you find somethin'?" just like the last 50 times.
Rainbow Dash pressed her forehead against the bars of her prison, knowing she was grabbing at straws. "No. these damn things are like brand new no rust no nicks no nothing." She paused to try and hold back her sorrow. "I D-don't think we're going t-to get out of here."
“It's alright sugar cube." Applejack breathed out suppressing her anger in a attempt to control herself, she was an emotional time bomb just waiting to go off again. "They'll get what's comin' to em. As an Apple, ah swear it..." the farmer hated seeing her friend like this, much less herself.
Rainbow Dash sighed and slumped to the floor of her cage. She laid there for a moment before her ears twitched, there was a strange whistling sound in the air. “do you hear that?” she asked looking around listening to the sound get louder and louder.
“yeah.” Applejack replied looking up to the red sky “that’s got be the biggest darn bottle rocket Ah've ever seen.” Rainbow Dash and most of the centaurs looked up to the red sky.
Hurtling through the air was a sparking comet covered in a light pink smoke. The captured mares looked at each other confused as the missile slammed into the court yard kicking up a huge cloud of dust and shook violently shook their cages.
This got the centaurs attention, several on the walls ran inside to get others while the centaurs manning the eight ballistas turned the war machines to the cloud and fired. Dozens of centaurs took to the walls and fired volleys of arrows into the dust. The centaurs fired two volleys of arrows before they stopped to allow about a twenty centaurs armed with swords and shields inspect the dust. Something shot straight up out of the cloud. It flipped end over end as it flew up toward the red sky. The mares in the cage soon realized what it as the form stopped with the aid of its massive weapon.
Winchester slowly fell towards the earth below, he used Featherweight to block another valley of arrows as he found his target. Three of the ballista teams had reloaded their weapons at fired at the pony, but the knight was already gone by the time the massive arrows got to where he was.
The centaurs assumed defensive positions around their ballistas. Winchester appeared on one of the weapons to Applejack's left, he stood on the arms of the massive crossbow and brought his sword down on the siege weapon. The wooden construct was no match for the magical steel of Featherweight. The crew of the weapon met a similar fate.
Winchester jumped off the destroyed ballista and looked down to the court yard ignoring the arrows that clattered off the wall around him. The beasts in the yard were running up the toward him, just as planed. he telaported again just as the two ballistas on the wall with him fired. The massive arrows dung into the stone work where he had just stood.
The sword wielding centaurs got to the top of the wall just in time to see Winchester appear and cut through another ballista and its crew in a single swipe of Featherweight. “two” With their shields up the warriors charged the knight. Winchester grinned and timed his march so that the ballista bolts hit the wall behind him. He paid no mind to the valleys of arrows fired at him other then putting his sword up to keep them away from his face. No arrow find a bite in his armor this time.
It looked like a simple matter for the knight to parry the centaurs attacks and cut them down. The hybrid beasts burst into black red smoke, despite how it burned his lungs and eyes the knight was glade for it. It made it harder for ballista crew to get a shot on him, a hard feat anyway with the knight's hooves being off the ground as much as they were on it. Best of all was that their bodies didn’t pile up in front of him and block his path to his true target.
In took only a few moments for Winchester to get through the soldiers. He charge forward but this time the ballista crew had prepared for him. They had lite a of the large pot of oil on fire. two centaurs threw the burning oil at the knight. Winchester didn’t stop, he just laughed and use a blast of magic to throw the burning oil back on the centaurs and their weapon. As their death smoke mingled with the think smoke of the burning oil the knight slid around the ballista and kicked it. The burning weapon spun till he stopped it will his right arm. arrows stuck into the wooden weapon around him as the knight insured that the ballista bolt would hit its mark.
Winchester grunted when an arrow found the smallest of gaps in the armor on his rear. The knight cursed as he slammed the firing mechanism. The arms of the ballista shoot forward, the stressed burning wood exploded, but the burning bolt on its way. Winchester cursed louder as he was showered with burning splinters. “three.”
the Stallion pulled the arrow from his rump. his face burned but luckily he hadn’t been set on fire. He grinned when he heard the same kind of wooden explosion from the ballista he had shot. “four”

* * *

Twilight stood among the plate armored troopers of The Shield Bearers Company she panted fear tearing at her mind, her imagination was running wild. She saw horrors she could never put to words. A shiver ran down her spin she wanted to run but she felt a strong hoof on her shoulder. The mare looked at her brother as he steadied her “breath.” the stallion said. Twilight remembered Winchester telling the same thing and attempted to control her breathing like then. “the waits the worst part.” Shinning Armor continued as he surveyed his troops “i wish you didn’t have to be here, but you are one of use.” Twilight couldn’t see his face through his helmet, but she could still imagine his soft blue eyes. “just stay with your body guards and follow orders and everything will be okay.”
“okay.” Twilight nodded her panting a little more controlled.
“and try not to over exert your self.”
“and remember to breath.”
“okay!” twilight said starting to get annoyed.
Shining Armor chuckled, “there you go.” Twilight rolled her eyes. The captain looked around and called “Sit Rep!”
“three minutes have elapsed Captain.” lieutenant Steady Hoof replied.
“two minutes till the dead line.” Shining Armor said with a nod.
“whats that?” Twilight said pointing to what looked like a star shooting up into the sky.
Steady Hoof called out “the signal.” the company stuttered. “be ready for the captains orders.”
“oh.” Twilight exclaimed before her heart jumping into her throat, this was it.
Shining Armor turned to his company messenger Windtalker and said “send the fliers.” the scarred indigo mare nodded and flew off. Twilight watched as too unicorns climbed up on platforms, they weren’t the company battlemages but the Lavender mare could tell they had some power to them. The two mages chanted a spell together, their horns burned with magical fire as a ring of flames appeared in the red sky.
Almost ninety armored pegasi flew toward the ring, as each pony passed through it they shot forward with a strike of fire behind them. Twilight blinked they were moving faster then Rainbow Dash could ever hope to.
“Twilight swallow” Shining Armor ordered.
“What?” was all Twilight got to say before she felt her self pulled up from the inside and into the air. She had never experienced this form of teleportation, normally it would be instantaneous and only over short distance no more then about a mile. she heard roaring winds, and had the distinct feeling of movement. Twilight attempted to look around she could see trees and hills streaking by a hundred feet or so below her. Shining Armor and his troops were around her, but they were blurry colored shapes flying in the same direction as she was. Seconds passed until a large keep suddenly appeared in front the formation of comets. Pinkish smoke enveloped the group of ponies as the courtyard below raced up to meet them.
Shining Armor, Twilight Sparkle and the Honor guard magically manifested on the ground with in the walls of the keep with a loud thump. A deafening ringing lingered as Twilight nearly collapsed, her head was spinning and her stomach was turning. Shining Armor steadied her with a hoof on her shoulder. As Twilight gathered herself, Shining Armor yelled orders to his troops as they appeared around them. Twilight didn’t have time to really look around but she saw Winchester on top of the wall, nearly three dozen centaurs attempted to gang up on the knight. Behind him another group of centaurs readied to jump on over a large gap in the wall the pony must have recently cut. In the few seconds she had to look around she saw something that gave her hope, Rainbow Dash and Applejack in large bird cages hanging over a pit. The lavender mare wanted to get them out of there but centaurs began to pour into the court yard.
“show no fear boys!” Shining Armor called his horn glowed as he drew his broad sword, it floated above him as a solid image of his cutie mark appeared in front of him “FOR THE PRINCESSES! FOR EQUSTIRAAAAA!” Shining Armor and his honor guard lead the charge against the centaurs before they could from proper ranks. Spells from the unicorn warriors were a deadly prelude to the clashing of steel and bone. At the forefront of the charge was Shining Armor, the magical shield he had conjured deflected a centaurs heavy war hammer to the side. The Captain’s expression was hidden by his helm as he cut off his opponents head. Shinning continued on his way, his broadsword glowed brightly as he cleaved through his next foe as if it wasn’t there. He swatted aside a third as a fourth centaur's sword bounced off his armor. The fearless pony stabbed his shield into the fourth centaurs face and his horn into the other. As the smoke of the centaurs faded the honor guard formed around their captain slaying any threats with steel or magic. Shining Armor's stander bearer was by his side holding the colors high.
Twilight didn’t know what to do till the company champion one of the two honor guard assigned to protect her said “stay here milady we'll protect you while you support the assault.” Twilight nodded, even though she wasn’t sure what that meant. She looked up at Winchester to see if he needed help.
The Knight cut down three centaur as another jumped across the gap at his back, he kicked that beast away. It fell over the wall to the fields outside. The armored pony was getting pushed back and running out of room. Winchester called down a streak of lightning from the red sky, the blast turned several into smoke and tossed a few more into their comrades behind them. The pony leap into the air as it was filled with bat apparitions. Knowing the pegasi would at least a few more minutes, he use Featherweight to fly as best as he could. The little beast poped as magic and the holy blade tore them apart. The knight made a dent in the bats numbers but more appeared and attempted to disrupt the pony formation.
Lightning, fire and other magics filled the air above Twilight. She ducked and dodged as the little beast attacked her. She saw one lightly armored pony completely covered in the beast fell to the ground as the bats ripped him apart.
Twilight’s unicorn honor guard let loose a long string of lightning bolts, his aim was true and each bolt blasted an apparition into nothingness but still their were more. Company champion Green Fields bellowed “milady hit the ones on the wall.” he pointed to the group Winchester had been fighting.
“with what?” the scared mare said.
“what ever will make them stop living.” Green Fields ordered.
“okay.” Twilight said as she drew magic from her ocean of power. She was too afraid to hold back, her coat flash bright white in red light of the eclipse. A large purple ray shot from her horn, the beam impacted the wall, the cluster of centaurs and large portion of the stone wall vanished in a white ball of light.
“try no to over exert your self milady.” the unicorn honor guard said before turning on his hooves to face something to Twilight’s right.
Before the mare could look to see then new danger Champion Green Field's “Lady Twilight cover the engineers on the wall.” he point to the wall “we'll handle these beast.”
on the wall Twilight saw some ponies in light armor with tools in some saddle bags pinned down by another group of archers. The mare looked to Green Fields and the other honor guard as they stood their ground against three armored centaurs charging them. “what about.”
“we have them cover the engineers.”
“Okay.” Twilight replied turning back just in time to see a volley of arrows shower the engineers. A few arrows found their marks and one of the six engineers fell another yelled as an arrow pierced his flank. The Centaurs drew back their bows fire again. “oh no you don’t.” Twilight said as conjured two spells at once. The first was a barrier to stop the next valley of arrows from hitting the engineers, the second was a death ray to slice the centaurs on the wall in half.
With the Centaurs slain and the magical shield to defend them the remaining engineers moved up to the gate controls. As they got to work something heavy bumped into Twilight. She almost jumped out of her skin when she realized it was one of her body guards pined to the ground by a spear through his chest. She could see the light left the ponies eyes, it was frighting to behold. The mare looked up at the centaur. His helmet and several spots in his armor were smoldering from the last attacks of Twilight’s slain body guard. The frightened mare glanced behind the beast hopping for some help, Green fields was busy dealing with two other centaurs. However even as he slayed one of his foes with a well timed dodged and sword swipe the other centaur moved in on Twilight Fields would not get to her in time. Twilight growled as she let loose a bolt of lightening so strong it burnt through the centaurs armored chest. The steel armor crumpled to the ground leaking smoke from every joint.
The gates opened allowing the remainder of the Shield Bearer ground forces lead by Chaplain Brimstone in, he shouted praise to Princess Celestia as he charge and roared about the wrath of Princess Luna as he smashed the head off a centaur. With the reinforcements the battle was only getting more intense. The air was soon filled with pops as pegasi trailing fire slowed to a normal speed. Several pulled away and flew up towards the clouds while the rest dove into swarm of bat creatures. pegasus teams pulled down clouds and began raining lighting down on the Centaurs. With some real fliers there Winchester landed on the ground to bring the fight to the centaurs. The Shield Bearers had been pushing back the centaurs before but with the knight at their side and their pegasi support in the air it became a true rout.
As the battle in the courtyard drew to a close two Centaurs jumped onto the cages containing Rainbow Dash and Applejack. They barley fit on top of the cages and had to hold on to the chain so not to fall off. The mares tumbled around in their swinging cages. The centaurs brandished spears intent on ending the reason why the ponies were there.
A fire ball engulfed the beast on Rainbow Dash's cage while the other on Applejack's was cut in two by Featherweight severing the chain at the same time. Rainbow Dash screamed her friends name, Applejack's cage fell from view. The pegasus couldn't say anything the red hot chain holding her cage snapped with a loud ping. She yelled as she fell expecting to join Applejack at the bottom of the pit. Luckily she did not. Some pony had cast a shield over the pit. Rainbow Dash bounced around inside her cage as it crashed into the magical dome, it rolled down and came to rest next to Applejack's.
Rainbow Dash heard Applejack saying something about being dizzy, but the pegasus was too dizzy to understand. Hundreds of armored ponies surrounded the two. As soon as a unicorn had tore the lock off the cage Rainbow Dash burst through the door. She hovered above the battle for a brief moment before a unicorn pulled her down to the ground. She squirmed and yelled “what the hell are you doing.” as the medic looked over Rainbow. He was being very thorough. Her face turned red as he got a better look then most at a certain area. She kick that trooper square in the face saying “JUST WHAT THE FUCK IS WROUNG WITH YOU DUDE.” judging from the scene Applejack was making, something similar had happen to her.
the medic shook off the blow to his face and called out “minor injures and a thrown shoe, she fine. Get her armor.”
“Asshole I’m talking to you.” the medic ignored Rainbow Dash as a chest plate was slammed onto her. Rainbow Dash was fuming, she was almost as mad as Applejack. The country mare had got a few good hits on the stallion that had checked her injury before being pulled away and a chest plate was slapped on her as well. The angry and feeling of being violated vanished as the two mare's heard Twilight calling their names. the three reunited friends embraced onced the soldiers where push aside.
Winchester and Shining Armor approached as the mares fought back tears, Winchester cleared his throat a few times to get their attention. Twilight snapped to attention like a soldier would. Much to the confusion of her friends and even the knight and brother. Winchester nodded and continued “Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow Dash. You need to reunite with your friends get the elements of harmony and use them on Tirek”
“okay.” the three mares said together.
Winchester turned to Shining Armor and added “you are to insure that they do so.”
“of course my Friend.” Shining Armor said with a nod. Twilight was confused wouldn’t Winchester be there, the thought of not having him there was frightening. she saw him as a safety net if anything went wrong he would be there to save them, like the princesses would be.
The knight took the time to look around at everyone around him “and please.....do it before I get eviscerate.” he crouched and used his sword to send himself flying up into the air. The three mares gasped as they watch the stallion swore higher and higher till his sword threw him into one of the windows at the top of the tall keep.
Inside Winchester skid to a stop as his sword slide into it's sheath on his back. The knight looked up fire banisters lined the walls filling the room with heat and light. banners hung over from several stone pillars, he remember them from a history books he had read once. They were from kingdoms of old, but they looked new. Winchester guessed Tirek was trying to relive the glory of past conquests.
“Who Are Thou.” the massive Centaur bellowed as he stood up from his large throne of twisted iron and stone. The throne was backed with dozens of spikes, a small dragon skull hung from one. If the king wasn’t stopped here many more skull would adorn the spikes. Tirek himself was huge, in his armor he dwarfed even Celestia and Luna. Its massive plates scraped as he moved. He picked up his opened face helmet by its large horns and put it on, a steel arrow shape fit perfectly over his flat nose. His black bread was braided in locks and accented with steel studs and bones. But most intimidating were his eyes, they burned with unnatural light and hatred.
Winchester bowed “I'm Winchester the Wrighter, I’ll be your entertainment for the evening.”
Tirek was not amused “your skull will be the second trophy for my new throne.” he pulled two axes from from his back and held them out wide, they made sputtering noises and had many large curved teeth making up its blade.
“Are those Chain saw axes?” Winchester asked. Tirek’s only response was to rev the weapons spinning the teeth around the head of the ax. Winchester's eyes widened as he commented “that's so cool.” he drew Featherweight before launched himself at his foe.

* * *

Twilight Sparkle was staring up at the sky with wide eyes. The mare looked at her brother “what is he doing.” Applejack and Rainbow Dash weren’t sure what was going on.
the mares couldn’t see Shining Armor's face under his heavy helm as he said “distracting Tirek. It would only be a matter of time before he would grow tired of his servants failures and come himself. My troops would be no match for him, I don’t know if I could stand against him ether.”
“but he could die!” Applejack and Rainbow Dash winced as their friend yelled.
Shining Armor nodded “yes, yes he could and he knows it, but that’s what the knights do.”
“WHAT!?” Twilight asked angry at her brother's nonchalant attitude about the death of their friend.
“they do what others can’t.” Shining Armor's eyes bore into Twilight and her friends “If Winchester was here, he would probably say something epic but I don’t have his give with words and we don’t have the time.” he turned to his troops and barked some orders. He called for Windtalker who quickly appeared beside him. Shining Armor began to give her instructions.
Suddenly the pegasus pushed her captain out of the way yelling “look out.” lightning streaked through the air. The pegasus fell to the ground smoking. Applejack and Rainbow Dash stared at her, as over half the company in the courtyard let loose a barrage of spells on a centaur that walked out onto the wall. It had a necklace of teeth and claws and at least one unicorn horn. The Air around it the beast paled as it held up a staff with glowing rams head on top.
Despite the shear amount of power impacting his mystical shield, it didn’t falter. He continued to trot along the wall till Twilight Sparkle and three of the other battle mages attacked in a different way. The mare could feel the beast closed mind shatter much like his staff did as they reached out with their wills, but she was too angry to care as what remained of the centaur's soul was distorted.
“I'm really starting to get tired of this.” Twilight said aloud.
Shining Armor checked on his fallen messenger and shook his head “we're taking too long. we have to get going.” Shining Armor said using his magic to close Windtalker's eyes. He stood and quickly gave out orders. Minutes later the Shield Bearers were storming through the halls of the keep.

* * *

Deep in the dark dungeon a game of Eye-spy just barely kept Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy entertained as they waited for rescue. “i spy with my little eye something gray.” Pinkie Pie said with a giggle.
“is it the left wall.” Fluttershy asked pointing to the gray stones.
“is it the cell door?” she pointed to the gray bars.
“nope.” Pinkie Pie said with a giggle. “do you give up?”
Fluttershy was determined to win a round, especial after Pinkie won by spying Fluttershy's tail. However the pegasus was stumped so she simply nodded and said “yes I give up.”
“a rat.” the pink mare held up a rat with kinked and bent whiskers, he looked at Fluttershy with big brown eyes. The rat was quite confused, nether mare reacted like ponies normally do. Most mare's run and scream when they see him, or at least jump on a table.
Fluttershy gasped and smiled saying “oh hello there.” she scooped up the rat in a gentle hug “your a little cutie aren’t you.” the Pegasus rubbed the rats belly making him squeak happily.
Pinkie Pie laughed then an idea came to her. “hey Fluttershy you think you could ask this guy to help us escape.”
Fluttershy looked at Pinkie Pie disappointed “Pinkie Pie just because you don’t understand him doesn’t mean he doesn’t understand you.” Fluttershy sighed before looking to rat and saying “isn’t she right some ponies can be so rub cant they.” the rat squeaked and nodded as it straightened his kinked whisker. They sprang back kinked up again with a cute ping sound.
“oh I'm sorry.” Pinkie Pie replied with a pout “i didn’t mean to be rude.”
the rat squeaked and Fluttershy giggled as she translated “he said your forgiven.” he squeaked a few more times and the Pegasus continued “he says he'll help however he can.”
the pink pony giggled “YAY!” she hugged her friends. “any way, little guy do you think you can-” she zipped over to the cell door. “pick the lock?”
Fluttershy held up the rat and squeaked “he'll have a look.”
“you can do it.” Pinkie Pie cheered as Fluttershy reached through the cell door. The large rodent sniffed the lock. He squeaked a few times before squeezing his head and upper body into the keyhole. The mares could hear some chewing, tapping and metal scraping sound for a minutes till a loud metal snap rang out in the darkness. Fluttershy gasped as the rat went limp on her hoof.
“oh no.” she trembled.
“i think-” Fluttershy stopped as the rat pulled himself free of the lock and the door slide open. His whiskers sprang out straight before they kinked up again. “your okay.” Fluttershy said hugging their little savior. The rat just looked proud as the two mares thanked him for his help. The Pegasus gave the rat a kiss on the cheek. He blushed and scampered away embarrassed. the mare's waved goodbye to him.
The two mares pushed the cell door open and bolted down the hall. They ran around a corner and Pinkie slide to a stop. “Wait Fluttershy we need to be really Quite.” the mare yelled to her friend. Fluttershy looked down at Pinkie as the earth pony continued. “we should tip hoof our way out of here.” Fluttershy blinked as she hoovered next to her friend. “oh hehe that works too.”
Pinkie Pie scurried down the hall on the tips of her hooves. Fluttershy hooves beside her pink friend, the chattering of her teeth made almost as much noise as Pinkie's hooves. The failure of the pairs attempted to be silent was lost on them as they approach a door way.
Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy trembled as they poked their heads around the corner to see into the lit room. The ponies blinked as their eyes adjusted to the light. In the torch lit room over thirty armed centaurs were in formation staring at the large wooden doors on the far side of the room. Before the pair could speculate what was going on the door burst open. Fluttershy eeped and jumped back pulling Pinkie away from the action.
The sound of clashing steel and battle cries praising The princesses filled the hall as the battle in dinning hall grew in intensity. The mares looked at each other wondering if they should run away, before they could decide a centaur was forced through the door way where the pair hid. The beast's ax put a large dent in the earth pony's helmet as he forced him back. The centaur didn’t get a chance to finish off his foe a orange Pegasus slammed into the beast shield. His blue mane fell in his face as he jumped into air, he held a spear in his mouth waiting for the moment to use it. The earth pony then stabbed the centaur in the flank before the pegasus skewed the beast with his spear.
The orange pegasus landed and hoof bumped the brown earth pony before they noticed they were being watched. The two soldiers looked at the mares huddled by the door way. The pegasus turned to the dinning hall and yelled “i think we found them.”
Pinkie Pie looked at Fluttershy with a big smile and said “they came to rescue us.”
Fluttershy nodded “yeah.” she was hoping to be rescued by a different stallion. More soldiers poured into the hallway and split into two groups, they created pike walls to defend medics that followed them. Pinkie Pie giggled as magic coursed over her body while the medics checked both her a Fluttershy for injure. The pink mares giggles became more unsure as the exam drew to a close and more personal areas were briefly checked. The medic called out that she was okay and a chest play was slapped on her and snapped tight. She giggled again and plopped down next to Fluttershy, the pegasus mares face was hidden by her mane. Pinkie Pie didn’t say anything about what just happened.
“incoming.” a voice rang out to the right.
A large black colored stallion barked orders with a half smoked cigar in his mouth. Troops moved around as the where told. The leader, a lieutenant name Brick Wall, turned to the orange pegasus and yelled “Flash you guard those too.”
“Sir.” the orange stallion went from rubbing his small well trimmed blue patch of bread on his chin to saluting in the blink of an eye.
“and keep you your hooves off them Corporal.”
“i make no promises.” Flash replied with a grin and a wink at the mares. Pinkie giggled and winked back while Fluttershy stared in horror as a tide of Centaurs and bats slammed into the pony formation. A few bats got through but were quickly slain by Flash as they dove for the mares.
Pinkie Pie trembled as she watched the battle. she gulped down her need to run away. If she did so would Fluttershy, and that just wouldn't be good. “Fl-fluttershy don’t worr-” as the mare tried to assure her friend a pony broke from the formation and fell to the ground in front of the pair. Blood squirted from him neck with each beat of his heart. Pinkie Pie froze she was sure this would send Fluttershy to the hills. However ever seeing the injured soldiers sent the normally timid mare into action.
Fluttershy jumped on the stallion yelling “get the doctor.” she did her best to use her hooves to stop the bleeding. The authority in her voice was all Flash needed, he hurried over to the closest medic as she healed another wounded pony. Her medical training dictated that Fluttershy's patient needed her. She got to Fluttershy's side just time, under the light of the medics horn the stallions neck mended. His gargled gasped became rhythmic and natural.
The medic looked at Fluttershy “thank you Milady, he wouldn't have made it with out you.”
“i-um it wasn’t anything.”
“you go Fluttershy.” Pinkie Pie cheered.
The clash of steel distracted the medic, she looked at Fluttershy with worried eyes “milady do you think you could help with the others?”
“um yes” Fluttershy's reply was barely above a whisper.
The battle in the hall way went on for about twenty minutes. Fluttershy and medic helped with the injured. Flash did what he could to help, mostly just keeping the flying apparition from interfering with the healers work. Pinkie Pie felt that her cheering was more annoying then helpful, but it was all she could do in this situation. Fluttershy had medical experience, her veterinary classes covered these type of things. With their path clear the remaining soldiers protected mares as they moved toward the “rally point” as the officer pony with the cigar called it.

* * *

Rarity and Thunderlane slowly made their way down the gray stone hallway. They looked around confused and more then a little scared. Rarity still had the black sword from earlier, while her coltfreind held his little knife at the ready. They were prepared to put up a fight, but Rarity was still sure that it would be futile. Even though they haven’t seen any centaurs in a long time.
“darling I don’t want to jinx us but we haven’t seen any of the brutes in a long time.” Rarity said with a gulp.
“yeah.” Thunderlane said around his knife. “when I was sneaking in here there was a shit ton of them.”
“THUNDERLANE!” Rarity scolded “just because we are in a life or death situation doesn’t mean you should use such uncouth language.”
“sorry babe.”
“its okay love.” the white mare replied with a sigh “how did you get inside?”
“well there’s an advantage to my coloring.” the stallion chuckled.
“true true.” the white mare said nodded. Both the ponies stopped as a sound caught their ears. “what is that ruckus?” Rarity asked as the muffled sound grew louder. Thunderlane pressed his ear to the wall “oh darling do be careful.” the white mare said looking down the wall.
“whats dangerous about listening to a wall babe.” Thunderlane said waving a hoof dismissively. Suddenly a mere foot down the hall a fire ball blew through the wall. The pegasus jumped back cussing.
“RUN!” Rarity said dropping the black sword. Thunderlane was right on her heels as they sprinted down the hall, only to skid to a stop as lightening burst through the wall in front of them. The Pegasus pounced on his marefriend to shield her from danger. He grunted as he was pelted with sharp rocks, and his right wing was burnt by the sparks.
A voice boomed over the sound of combat. “show these curs your might fed by Celestia's sun, prove your resolve tempered under Luna’s watchful moon. You are the instrument of these beast destruction.” strangely as the booming voices words washed over Rarity and Thunderlane, they felt themselves filled with a burning fury, their fear was banished and courage welled up inside of them. Thunderlane stepped back looking at the closest hole in the wall, his right wing twitched and beat the air trying to cool off.
Rarity sat up one hoof on Thunderlane's chest, the Pegasus back and wing quickly caught her attention. “Darling! Your hurt!”
“I'm fine.” the stallion said looking to the other hole then back to the first. Shadows moved in front of both, there was defiantly Centaurs frighting ponies in the other room.
Rarity shook her head “oh no no no here let me fix that.” she closed her eyes as she tried to remember the mantra to the healing spell.
A Centaur stumbled into the hall way. Thunderlane growled as he picked up his knife. the armored centaur brought his handed two handed mace down on the head of the pony he was fighting. The earth pony crumpled to the ground blood splattered everywhere. Thunderlane launched himself at the monster with out a second thought. Rarity rolled to her hooves.
The pegasus ducked under another swing of armored centaurs mace then dove between the beast legs. He jabbed the knife into the unarmored belly of his foe several times, he jumped out from underneath his foe, afraid the centaur would fall of him. Thunderlane stood his ground as the beast teetered a moment then faced him. The two charge one another. The centaur just missed smashing Thunderlane's head, the Pegasus knife shattered on the centaurs armor.
The Pegasus didn’t know what to do but the centaur did. He spun around as he brought the mace down to smash Thunderlane. The stallion stumbled back just as the black sword intercepted the mace. “thunderlane take it.” Rarity yelled. The Pegasus didn’t need to be told twice. His strong hind legs launched himself at the centaur, he grabbed the sword with his fore hooves and he drove the black blade through the chest plate of the centaur. Smoke spewed from every gap in the armor like steam from a kettle engulfing Thunderlane.
Rarity couldn’t see her coltfreind as the battle raged on in the other room. A moment later Thunderlane trotted out of the smoke holding the black sword in his mouth. The white unicorn trotted up to him, her horn glowed as she levitated the sword away from him so they could kiss. She paused to finally cast a minor healing spell on him.
The light from the spell drew the attention of a lightly armored soldier. He looked through the whole then yelled at his commander “sarg, I think I found one of them.”
another pony with a large feather in his helm looked and yelled some orders. In seconds almost twenty lightly armored ponies moved around Rarity and Thunderlane, the two civilian ponies looked around them as they were herded into the other room. Inside the royal guard was pushing the centaurs out. A unicorn in black and white armor was at the front of the group preaching about the princesses as he smashed their foes with a mace. His preaching was interrupted by a great sword strike to the shoulder. The blow spun the chaplain around.
Blood poured down the Chaplain’s leg as he bellowed “i have fought in over two hundred battles all across the world, I have never given in, and by the manes Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, I never will.” the chaplain slammed his mace on the centaurs head. The ponies around him surged forward into the whole made by their zealot of a leader. The unicorn limped to the back of the formation, where he learned they had found something. The old stallion used his magic to heal himself before he went to find her.
A medic and his aid quickly came over to Rarity and Thunderlane. The pair were quickly separated, much to their dismay. Thunderlane was slammed to the wall and questioned while Rarity was looked over by the medic. Her exam was far too personal for a lady like her, as soon as she could the mare wiped around and slapped the medical stallion right across the face. “how dear you sir! An exam such as this


be done in the most private of places!”
“what the hell are you doing.” Thunderlane said as he flew out of the grip of the royal guard troopers. He hurried to Rarity's side only to be tackled to the ground buy to earth ponies in heavy vanguard armor.
“GET OFF HIM!” Rarity ordered as she ran to her lover, Before she could take even a few steps a chest plate was slapped on her and she was pulled away from him.
“What is going on here?” Bellowed Chaplain Brimstone over the renewed battle cry of the ponies holding the door way. The troops reported to their chaplain that they had found a bearer of harmony and an unknown pony. The large angry unicorn looked at Rarity “i was asking the bearer of holy harmony.” the glare he gave the ponies around Rarity was all they need to see for them to back away. The chaplain bowed to Rarity like he would to the princesses themselves. “i am honored to be in your presence, honored bearer of harmony.” the stallion spoke like he was in aw of the confused white mare.
Rarity cleared her throat and said “I order that you release my coltfriend at once.” Brimstone rose and nodded to the soldiers pining Thunderlane down.
They hoped back and Thunderlane shook his head as he stood before being pulled over to the chaplain by his magic. “colt look me in the eyes.”
“Sir what-” Rarity stopped with the old stallion held up a hoof.
Despite being very confused and more then a little scared Thunderlane looked into the chaplains burning brown eyes “your bravery is a beautiful thing, I pray that it last the day.” the chaplain allowed Thunderlane to join Rarity.
Rarity looked at herself taking note of her new chest plate then Thunderlane “thank you, sir do you think you have some armor for Thunderlane?”
“I'm sorry milady.” Brimstone replied “my soldiers need their armor and we only have some in your friends size.
the chaplain yelled to his troops saying they were moving out only to have one of the sergeant under his command report that centaur reinforcements had cut off the way they had planed to go. Brimstone made his way over to the door large room. With out fear the old unicorn looked around the corner, 40 years of experience told him that with his troops only numbering about 50 now they could not break through the centaur lines. They had sustained some casualties since they had been pushed here.
He turned and ordered “pick up the wounded, the dead will be guided to paradise by the grim mare. We'll take the passage in the back.” Rarity and Thrunderlane were herded back out hole they had entered through as the Shield Bearers fell back. “Drop the roof when we're clear.” the whole keep seem to shack as the room and some of the hall behind them trapping them on the dark path they had chosen. Before they move on Rarity found the black sword and kept it close.

* * *

the main force of the Shield Bearers was deep in fortress's tower section. Almost a third of the force was here holding an intersection of three hallways and a massive door. It had been some time sense centaurs had assaulted their positions in the dark center of Tirek’s keep. Despite the lack of enemy opposition the engineers were working as fast as they could to cut the chains that held the large door closed. Twilight Sparkle suspected this was where the Elements were being held so the Shield Bearers were determined to get in.
Shining Armor stood in a circle of his warrior's, he listened to the rambled report of one of his of robed mare. With the death of Windtalker Shining Armor had ordered Azure Arcania, one of his younger battle mages to take up her responsibilities. The young mare was doing her best, but astral project puts a great strain of on a ponies mind. The captain was glad she was able to discern between her dreams and what was really happening.
Twilight and her friends were close by. Rainbow Dash trotted in place, her fear had manifested as impatient like normal. She wanted to fly but the weight of the chest plate the guard was forcing her to wear made it tiring to even glide much lest hoover. Applejack was much more composed, she stood with her head held high. Some how she thought it may help.
“why are we just standing here shouldn’t we find the others?” Rainbow Dash asked.
“my troops are seeing to their recovery.” Shining Armor said with out looking away from the doors, Azure Arcania reports ever in his ear. “Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie have already been found. Their guards are fighting their way to the rally point as we speck.”
“shouldn’t we like go reinforce them or something.” Rainbow Dash asked.
“no.” Shining Armor said “they wont let your friends get hurt.”
“Trust in the captain.” champion Green Fields bellowed “as we all do with our lives.” Rainbow Dash stared at the green earth pony with a raised eye brow, he couldn’t be serous with that act.
Applejack looked at Twilight “What do you think?”
Twilight took a deep breath “we have to trust them, we can not doubt them.” she Repeated more to her self then her friends before she asked “what about Rarity?”
Shining Armor looked to Azure Arcania the mare's horn glowed brighter as she searched the keep. “the stings intertwined, the chaplain his troops and bearer and protector lover.” the mare spoke quick and breathlessly.
“what?” Rainbow Dash said confused.
“protector lover?” Twilight Sparkle blinked and looked her brother as the mage continued.
“death blood, rocks and stone.” her words frightened the civilian mares even more. “lost must find, close. The strings intertwined through rock and bone.” her unfocused eyes trembled as blood tickled from her nose. “must find the knots follow the strings.” her whole body trembled as the blood from her nose became thick.
Shining Armor rushed to his battle mage and said “that’s enough! Azure Arcania your done!” he sat down and held her as he whispered a spell in her ear, the mares eyes refocused and she finally blinked. She pulled away from her captain taking a few deep breaths. Shining Armor chuckled as he said “you really got to stop doing that.”
Azure blushed and wiped her nose “sorry sir, I'll only try to die in battle from now on.” she joked grimly.
“good, now get to the medics.” Shining Armor ordered. He shook his head, the young mage had a habit of being reckless with her magic.
“Did she say Rarity is missing?” Applejack asked.
“sounded like it.” the captain answered.
“WELL SHOULDN'T WE GO FIND THEM.” Applejack yelled. Her outburst made several of the younger troopers jump.
“we've already had this conversation.” Shining Armors steel helm covered his expression and his eyes, but the cold stare of the armored pony cowed the mares anger. “my company is spread thin enough as is, I only have so many troops and have lost many already. I cant risk their lives on a whim.” the captain had been upset scents the lost of messenger Windtalker, lieutenant Steady Hoof and several other of his trust subordinates. Luckily as a veteran captain his anger wasn’t clouding his judgment.
the sound of stone against stone drew there attention. A section of the wall was slowly being pushed out of the wall in the hallway to the right of the large door. Shining Armor ordered a two squads forward to surround the slowly opening door, a few of the younger troops trembled as they held their spears at the ready. More troops move around ahead to cordon off more of the hallway, just encase of a charge from an enemy.
The section of wall slide all the way out and slide to the side revealing ponies. The troops behind the door were ready for a fight as well. A fight that never came. They were all relieved to be joined be allies. As the fifty or so Shield Bearers trotted out of the new passage Chaplain Brimstone, Rarity and Thunderlane walked down the center of the line.
Applejack burst through the line of soldiers with Twilight on her heels. Rainbow Dash landed with them as they rushed to their friend asking if she was okay. For a moment Rarity was chiseled marble her head held high before her lips trembled tears poured from her eyes. She collapsed into her friends arms, her emotions strained to the breaking point. Applejack and Twilight caught their white friend, Rainbow Dash joined in the embrace. Thunderlane was left out but placed his hoof on his lovers back.
It only took a few moments for Rarity to release her emotion, even more suddenly then she had began the white mare rose and wiped her makeupless face. She took a deep stuttered breath and said “I'm sorry I let my emotions over take me.” she looked to Thunderlane then over her shoulder and asked “lieutenant will a scabbard be retrieved for my sword?”
A middle age stallion snapped to attention “of course milady.” the officer hurried off do as order. The white mare looked around and said “oh this just wont do, Royalty needs a parade persuasion to calibrate their reunion.” Rarity’s friends were very confused by her actions.
The troops looked around at each other then to their leaders. Chaplain Brimstone chuckled “well Captain should we give the lady what she wants?” Shining Armor nodded his steel clad head before he barked orders. The surprised guard ponies scrambled around confused for a moment, a moment later the troops around the bearers of harmony formed two lines the one towards the open hallway far thicker with troops looking around for possible assaults.
Rarity trotted down the line once again a image of beauty carved from marble. Twilight looked at there friend and asked “Rarity what was all of that.” Applejack agreed wanting to know what was up with the normally demure mare.
Rarity didn’t move her head to look at her friends as she sighed and said “we are these soldiers vision of the Princesses.” the soldiers formed in behind the bearers of harmony, Thunderlane walked close to Rarity's side and watched the perfect timing of the troops behind them. “these troops look to their officers for leadership, and their chaplain and champion for example.” she looked at her friends her face and voice more serious then thought possible for the over dramatic mare. “when can they look the knights for courage as they do to us now, we are not fighters like Winchester. We can not weather the slings and arrows of whole armies and strike them down with a single blow.” she looked forward again and continued “but if we show no fear in the face of frighting foes why should these great soldiers.” Applejack and Rainbow Dash nodded solemnly, they understood now. The four bearers of harmony stood with Shining Armor and Brimstone.
Sparks jumped and danced as the engineers got back to cutting through the chains with links about as big as a foal. They had already finished cutting two of the four chains holding the door shut. It wouldn’t be long now, but it felt like forever to Rainbow Dash. The impatient mare looked to her friends, Applejack was talking to Shining Armor about something. The farm mare was kicking the ground like she did when she was apologizing to somepony. Twilight was chanting a simple spell to allow magic to flow through her. Rarity discussed with a Thunderlane what she planed to do with the scabbard one of the one of the soldiers had brought her. Of course she wanted to something gem stones, 'damn jewels' the blue mare thought to herself. She sighed just wanting to fly away.
The lead engineer called back “Captain we're almost through.”
Shining Armor nodded and told his troops to be ready for anything. With a loud ping the last chain snapped as the door blew open. Twenty heavily armored Centaurs charged through the door. Their halberds killed any too slow to get out of their path. One unfortunate engineer took the an ax blade of the weapon to the back. The centaur didn’t notice the poor pony was stuck to his blade as he brought his weapon up to end the life of another trooper, the first pony's last act in life was saving his comrade with his own body.
Without hesitation Shining Armor ordered his honor guard to charge. He was at the head, he summoned his cutie mark kite shield once again. Chaplain Brimstone and Champion Green Fields were at the captains back. Shining Armor was the first to met their foes in battle, he swatted aside the lead centaur's thrust with his shield. The captains glowing sword cleaved through the centaur's right foreleg, Shining thought nothing more of his foe as it fell leaving it to his guards behind him. The next centaur lost its arms to a mighty swipe of the captain's sword as he waded into the midst of the enemy.
Chaplain Brimstone bellowed a litany of battle as he brought his mace down on the head of his foe. He burst through the death smoke of the centaur into the next beast in line. His words filled the ponies in the room with visions of their princesses and the courage stand against fear. Rarity drew the black sword and held it height adding her voice to the war cry of the honor guard, Thunderlane stood protectively in front of his lover the Bearers of Harmon still stood were they had. The rest of the force prepared for more possible attacks.
Twilight found herself wishing that Winchester was there to tell her how to help. She hesitated as her brother charged. She wanted to support them but she didn’t know what spell to use, but now it was too late and Champion Green Fields paid the price. He was too good at what he dose, to be more then inconvenient by the spear blow to his chest. His momentum forced the halberd from the centaurs hand, Field’s jammed his blade through its chest. He pulled the spear from himself and continued on into the fight.
It only took a few minutes before Shining Armor and his Honor Guard stood atop the empty armor of the centaurs. Shining looked around his Honor Guard had not taken any real casualty, and the troopers that did would survive with the medics help. However his engineers now only numbered four. His army was taking more casualty then it had ever taken, but despite their loss and grief they had to keep going.
His troops moved into the treasure chamber, they searched every corner of the large room. There were thankfully no traps, but plenty of treasure. The elements of harmony were easy to find they were just haphazardly tossed on top of a pile of gold. Three ponies of the shield bearers were given the honor of presenting the bearers of harmony, Thunderlane of course got to give Rarity hers. he bowed before his lover and held up golden necklace with a glowing blue diamond set in the center.
Rarity held her head high and lifted the back of her mane with her magic. the troops around them watched as Thunderlane ever so gently place the necklace around her neck and snapped the lock. Once Rarity felt the wait of the element around her neck she did something that made ever male insight jealous, she gave him a long luscious kiss that he eagerly returned.

* * *

Fluttershy sat next to a dieing soldier his hoof in hers as she eases his passing with a bed time prey. She ignored the blood he coughed onto her cheek, she didn’t even pause to wipe it away just continued to prey aloud. It wouldn’t have matter if she did The blood of those she had help was speckled all across her. The soldier apologize for the cough. “its alright.” Fluttershy replied before she continued to prey with the troop for a few seconds longer till he took his final breath. Even though the hall she was in was full of the clashing of steel and bone and spells being slung from both sides, she heard the troopers last breath loud and clear. She solemnly closed his eyes then looked up at Pinkie Pie and Flash.
Pinkie sniffled then smiled at her friend “that was beautiful.” Flash nodded.
The Shield Bearer's escorting Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie was locked with a formation of centaurs. The medics had their work cut out for them. The centaur mage had devastated the ponies front lines before the pony mage could counter it.
Fluttershy sighed and sat against the wall, her timid soul was crushed under the weight of death she had seen. She needed a much needed break, a luxury the other medics weren’t offered. The yellow mares chest heaved an even bigger sigh then before. She wanted to weep but she fought them back, not from bravery or sense of purpose. There just didn’t seem to be a point to it, her tears would do nothing for anypony. Not like her actions would, she just needed a moment to ease her mind and body before she got to the task at hand. She slumped against the wall, just needing a moment longer. Suddenly the stone behind her head slid into the wall a little and a five foot section of the wall fell away and was replaced with the floor she sat on flipped up to replace it.
“oh shit.” Flash said hurrying over to where Fluttershy had just been.
“hey where'd Fluttershy go?” Pinkie asked. She had been doing her best to cheer on the troops as they fought, it seemed to help a little.
“through the wall.” Flash answered as pushed on the wall.
“like a ghost.” Pinkie said excited “how? did she get ghost powers?” she joined the corporeal in pushing on the wall.
Flash stopped and looked at Pinkie with wide eyes and mouth agape “Do you know how cool that would be?”
“Yeah.” the mare said as she pushed on a brink in the wall and it slid in a little bit. The world spun for both ponies as they were thrown into the new passage and slammed face first into the the ground. “owy.” Pinkie said rubbing her nose.
In front of the two Fluttershy was up against the wall confused and upside down but otherwise unharmed. “Where are we.”
Pinkie hoped up and wiggled her hooves in the air. “we're ghosts.” Flash decided to join her and the two wiggled in time with each other making ghost noises.
Fluttershy giggled as she rolled over before she suddenly jumped to her hooves “we're Ghost? We-we died?” her chest heaving with fright.
“of course not silly.” Pinkie giggled.
“we just got thrown through a secret passage.” Flash added “now that we've had are fun lets get back through.” Pinkie giggled in a agreement as the two ponies began their search for the button again.
As Fluttershy walked over to help them search her hoof came down on a stone that slide into the floor. In a flurry motion everything was suddenly upside down for the three. “hey now were bats.” Pinkie said before the three plummeted toward a large labyrinth below the castle. Fluttershy acting on instinct alone righted herself and stopped her fall.
Flash unfolded his wings and slipped his spear on his back in the same motion as he dove for Pinkie Pie. The flightless mare screamed as she fell and continued to scream even after Flash caught her. “don’t worry baby I caught you.” the stallion said with grin.
Pinkie Pie giggled as she stopped kicking and screaming to say “i know but its fun to scream sometimes.” she giggled and gazed into Flash's light blue eyes as he looked into her's. She wrapped her forelegs around the back of his neck as the stallion gently slowly fluttered his way down to the high walls of the labyrinth below.
Fluttershy watched in aw thinking that it was a very romantic scene till Pinkie giggled and said “you have a boogie in your nose.”
Flashed looked away and wiggled his nose saying “Thanks.” he thought that was going another way too.
Pinkie giggled before she put a hoof on his cheek and pulled herself up a little high and gave Flash a kiss on the other cheek that lingered it needed too. She whispered “thanks for saving me.” the pink mare sad, she kind of liked being cradled in his arms.
It didn’t take very long for the pegasi to land on the walls of the maze. Flash set Pinkie down before the three of them looked around. It was very dark, almost to the point where the ponies couldn’t see, the only source of light in the underground labyrinth was at the center of the maze. It was fairly far away but Flash thought he saw a stairway back up to the castle.
“well I guess we have to got through the maze to get out.” Pinkie said as she prepared to dive from the ten foot tall wall.
“we could just fly over it.” Fluttershy said as she hoovered a little higher off the ground.
“Aawww.” Pinkie said turning on her puppy dog eyes. “but it will be fun.”
Flash stepped forward “it dose sound fun but I don’t think we have time for that.”
Pinkie Pie sighed “your probably right.” she giggled before she jumped into Flashes arms.
The stallion barley caught her in time. Flash laughed and lifted off as she held on. Fluttershy stayed close to the armed stallion. The trip over the labyrinth took mere minutes. From time to time Pinkie would look to the maze below with disappointed eyes.
The air grew hot as they got close to the center of the maze a large bonfire had been lit there. The heat was soon joined by a strange smell that reminded Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy of Zacroa's hut. Flash's military training was kicking in, alarms were going off in his mind as the sound of a goat chanting something in its native tongue. He looked at Fluttershy over his shoulder and said “hey land on the next wall.”
Fluttershy was confused but didn’t want to be rude, so she fallowed the stallion down to the last wall before the center of the maze. “what are we doing?” Pinkie Asked as Flash set her on her hooves.
“i just got a feeling we should check it out before we go in.” Flash answered. He reached back and retrieved his spear from his back. He spun the weapon around his hoof before holding it with both hooves. As quietly as they could the three ponies made their way over to the ledge of the wall. The the strange smell was thick in the air and the sound of the chanting goat clear to hear. Around the bonfire was what looked like a primitive lab, there indeed was a goat down there. Its gray coat was covered in black and red paint in strange patterns and words, it wore several large golden hoop ear rings and gold bracelets. It chanted as he threw something in a smoking caldron.
“hey Fluttershy what's he saying?” Pinkie asked looking to her yellow friend.
Fluttershy listen for a moment before she sighed and looked sad “i don’t know?”
“well I guess we should avoid him.” the corporeal said as he held his spear at the ready. “Fluttershy can you carry her?”
“i normally don’t carry anything bigger then a bunny but I can try.”
Pinkie grinned, she remembered Fluttershy making that same excuse a couple years ago. Flash nodded as he lifted off, Fluttershy did the same then hooked her fore hooves under Pinkie's shoulders as she head up to the top of the serial stairway. Flash held his spear pointed at the noise, he kept himself between the mares as the possible threatening goat.
The three ponies landed about two turns away from the top. Flash watched the goat below as the reddish black smoke bellowed unnaturally below. Pinkie and Fluttershy nervously tried to open the door at the top. Fluttershy felt her hart sink when it turned out to be locked. “W-what ar-are we g-going to d-do?”
“Maybe you can convince the goat to help us.” Pinkie said Fluttershy nodded. Flash didn’t share his plans, being a soldier he was sure the civilians probably wouldn’t like them.
Pinkie happily hoped all the way down the stair, some how still able to have a smile on her face. Fluttershy looked around nervously she wasn’t sure what the goat was saying but it didn’t sound nice. Flash kept his spear ready as they slipped down the stairs, his armored hooves made less noise then the horse shoes of the two mares.
The goat was too occupied with what it was doing to notice the three intruders that approached him. He held his hooves to sky as his chanting reached its highest, the smoke from the caldron grew taller. The smoke began to take a loose shape as Fluttershy politely said “excuse me.” the smoke before the goat suddenly took the shape of the biggest centaur any of the ponies had ever seen. It stood staring expressionlessly at the wall.
“excuse me mister goat.” Fluttershy said “do you think you can help us, we're lost. If you don’t mind that is.”
the goat stared at the ponies and pointed at them and said “BAAH!”
the centaur behind the goat final move to look at them. Flash looked up at the beast and said simply “Run.” as he set his spear against his back hoof ready for the beast. Pinkie screamed as she ran into the maze, though nopony could tell that if she was scared or having fun. The large centaur charged right past Flash and after the pink mare. “damn it all.” the corporeal cursed as he flew after them both.
The goat laughed as he turned to prepare for his next creation. “that wasn’t very nice.” Fluttershy said “in fact it was very rude.” the goat looked at the yellow Pegasus and scoffed, before returning to his work. “look at me when I'm talking to you.” the goat froze as her words hit him. he could feel her gaze boring into him, there was a power in it though he knew not what it was. The goat shaman slowly turned around, he regretted it immediately.
Fluttershy stood as sternly as she could her, her knees shook despite her determination to not back down. But her stare was more powerful then it ever was, her eyes were the eyes that every mother gave their children when they were disappointed in them but it was so much more. The Goat felt as if he was looking at the living embodiment of the all mother herself. The only thing that kept him from falling to his knees in aw was that he now fallowed a new god.
“i don’t know why your doing all this stuff.” Fluttershy said guessing the goat was the one creating the centaurs. “many ponies have die today. Families are missing members. Foals are missing their fathers and mothers.” Tears formed in corners of her eyes as she spoke. “so much lost, so many are all alone and scared. Doesn’t that make you feel bad.”
The goat said “Baah.” dismissively as it look away.
Fluttershy gasped “how could you say that.”
“BAAH!” the goat said angrily.
Tears rolled from Fluttershy's eyes as she said “then you should show that your the better creature and forgive them. The princesses have so many to worry about.”
“BAAH!” the goat growled.
“I'm not saying you home was less import but with a country as large as Equstira to run some times things get lost in the mix.” Fluttershy's tears flowed freely as she continued “I'm sure they regret what happened.”
“I'm not telling you to fallow them but Tirek is not a good guy he just wants to destroy. Look at what he's made you do.”
the shaman was beaten by the pleas of the mare, her tears were bad enough. The goat fell to his knees and cried out to the roof and the sky above for forgiveness. Fluttershy walked over to him and place a hoof on his back and said “I'm sure she forgives you. She is the mother of all of us, and mothers always forgive their children when they misbehave.” the goat looked up at her and her gentle smile.
“now can you help us get out of here?” Fluttershy jumped as the sounds of crashing rocks echo throughout the maze. “OH NO.”

* * *

Flash was far faster then the centaur. It only took a few seconds for the pegasus to fly up and then dive at his foe, but the Centaur was ready for him and stepped to the side at the last second. Flash had barely a moment to pull up so that he didn’t slam into the floor. He kicked off the ground trying to bring his spear to bear against his foe, but again the centaur was ready his hind legs shot out hitting the pegasus square in the chest sending him hurtling into the far wall. Flash slumped the the floor gasping for breath his chest plate caved in.
“FLASH!” Pinkie Pie yelled as she leaned around a corner a short way down the path. The centaur turned and charged toward her still no emotion of its face. Pinkie eeped as she slipped out of sight.
The massive Centaur was at the corner a moment later. It slide to a stop seeing that this path way was a dead end with no turns but his target wasn’t there. He slowly looked to his right while unbeknownst to him Pinkie silently slipped to his left. The beast quickly looked to his left, and just in time Pinkie slipped behind his right hoof. With out warning the massive creature reared up and looked below him self. Luckily Pinkie was one step ahead of him and was squeezing herself behind one his hind legs. She wiped her forehead relieved as the centaur set himself down on all fours again.
The centaur spun around to look for his target, Pinkie had once again slipped underneath the giant beast. She wasn’t happy with her position but she smiled wide as the centaur started to trot away. The pink mare turned to head for Flash silently slipping between the centaur's back legs however the beast leg kicked back sending Pinkie bouncing across the floor trailing streamers and confetti.
Luckily for Pinkie Pie the fine steel chest plate she wore didn’t falter against the powerful blow, and she had hit the ground much harder while pranking ponies with Rainbow Dash. She shook her head as the emotionless beast approached. The scared mare scrambled to her hooves looking for a way to escape.
The centaur jerked forward as the tip of a spear poked through its shoulder. Flash's head appeared over the same shoulder blood running down around his eye from a cut on his forehead. He growled into the centaur's ear “why don’t you pick on somepony who fights back.” the creature's only response was to reach up and pull the spear all the way through his shoulder. Flash blinked confused just before the beast smacked him in the face with the shaft of his own spear. The dazed Pegasus slipped form the back of the centaur holding his bleeding nose. The centaur turned the point of the spear aimed for Flash now unarmored hart, Pinkie saw her chance and ran.
The pink mare dance through the centaur’s hooves too scoop up Flash in her arms. she ran on two legs cradling the injured stallion. The corporeal looked up at her and she smiled back “don’t worry I got you.” she giggled. Pinkie didn’t look back as she ran despite her smile she was triffid, but at least she got to run the maze.
Around one corner Pinkie's hooves slipped on the stone. Before she fell Flash's wings opened and he caught her in his hooves. he flew up over the walls hoping to loose the Centaur for a little bit. “i got you again.” Flash said grinning at Pinkie, before the mare could reply they hear the sound of their power foe smashing through the wall they had just cleared. “WOE! SHIT!” Flash cursed as he dodged out of the way of the large bricks that were being thrown at them.
Pinkie's hart was pounding as she felt her ears flop, followed by a flutter of her eyes, and finally her knee twitched several times. “ooh my Pinkie sense.” the mare said looking around as Flash dove and dodged out of the way of more bricks. The creature barely paused as it smashed through each wall. Finally a wall just like any other caught her eye. “Flash there.” she printed.
“What?” the Stallion asked his evasive skills being put to the test.
“there we can fix this dirty cheater.”
“okay.” the stallion didn’t know what she was talking about but she was a Bearer of Harmony and they are akin to royalty, so he dove straight for it narrowly avoiding another rock. Pinkie jumped form the Pegasus’s arms and inspected every random stone in the wall. “What are you doing.”
“watch out for opening doors.” Pinkie Replied cryptically as she found one she liked “AH HA got you.” she looked at Flash and said “okay when he burst through the wall bring him over here.” she pointed to the wall in front of her.
Flash nodded and waited looking at the wall behind him. The centaur burst through the stones. Even though Flash was waiting for it he was still scared out of his skin. The orange pegasus jumped out of the way of bricks and mortar. Pinkie stood stoically as rubble slide toward her just at her hooves. Flash panted as he yelled at the beast. The Centaur looked at him and reached for him. Flash jumped back and monster fallowed into position. “NOW OR NEVER”
Pinkie pushed the stone she found into the wall, a large section of wall flipped around right behind Flash. The stallion turned to look at the now empty space where Pinkie used to be. “damn it.” Flash jumped and took flight trying to get out of the reach of the centaur. Suddenly the wall flipped around again slapping Flash across the room, his pursuer was not as lucky. The Beast massive frame was caught in the closing door, for a brief moment his body held before he was cut in half and burst into large plums of smoke.
Pinkie hurried to Flash's side saying “I’m sorry I'm so sorry.”
The soldier stood up blood dripping from his nose and forehead, he tried no to put wight on his right foreleg “its fine I've taken harder knocks then this.” he smiled.
Pinkie looked sad as she gave him a gently nuzzle. “I’m still sorry.” she stepped back and looked at his wounds “when the twins get the a booboo I make it feel better with a kiss but I don’t think that will work with these.” Flash liked that idea.
“are you all right?” Fluttershy asked as she landed close by with the goat who now had a belt of pouches around his midsection.
“we're okay I guess.” Pinkie replied happily, before turning to the stallion and asking concerned “are you sure?”
Flash nodded “I'm fine.” he wasn't happy they had been interrupted, but now was not the time for that kind of thing. “why'd you bring the goat?”
“i convinced him to help us.” Fluttershy said with a smile.
The goat simply said “baah.”
“oh dear flash your hurt.” Fluttershy gasped looking at the trooper he just wave away the accusation.
The goat hurried over to him and grabbed the stallion's tuft of blue hair on his chin and pulled him down to his leave. “what the hell are you doing?” the Stallion growled as the goat examined his injures.
“he's going to help you.” Fluttershy answered.
The stallion stared daggers at the goat as he reached into one of his pouch and retrieved a jar of foul smelling goo. Flash was not happy as the goat rub the horrid jell on the his forehead. The pony gagged as the shaman rubbed the goo in his nose.
“by the thirty levels of Taratarus.” Flash yelled as he fell on his back holding his nose. The goat was on him in a second and held the troopers hooves out.
The goat told Fluttershy something and the mare translated. “just let the healing sav do its work.”
“IT SMELLS LIKE ROTTING GARBAGE.” Flash said his hind legs twitching with anxiety his wings slapped the ground for the same reason.
“yeah.” Pinkie commented, with a cloths pin on her nose.
The goat said “Baah.” to Fluttershy and she wiped off the goo with a rag, she tired her best to get most of it. “now Flash don’t blow your nose for another hour.”
the stallion looked a little miserable as he stood up, “what ever.” he looked at Pinkie and she just smiled “how about that kiss?”
Pinkie Giggled “maybe later.” she turned to Fluttershy and said “well lets get out of here.” Flash sighed but he was ready to go. While the goat was explaining how to get out Pinkie appeared next to Flash and kissed him on the cheek. He smiled as his wings popped out straight.

* * *

Shinning Armor had his helmet open as he eyed lieutenant Brick Wall. The captain was not happy in the slightest as the pony explained that the Bearers of Laughter and Kindness had gone missing. There friends stood around the captain, they were as unhappy as Shining Armor was if not more. “captain my troops looked everywhere for the bearers and found no sign of them.” the stone face officer's words sent shivers down Twilight's spine. “we should just count them among the dead an-”
Rarity cut the officer off with a slap across the face. “We are NOT counting any pony dead.” she said through cliched teeth. Rainbow Dash was shocked silent by the thought of Fluttershy being dead. Applejack pulled her hat over her face to hide her tears. They really didn’t know what to do.
Captain Shining Armor stared at the very confused lieutenant. “Even with us at his back Sir Winchester can not defeat a god.”
“isn’t that his job?” Brick Wall asked.
“no.” Twilight said “that’s what the elements of harmony are for.” even though she was shorter then the lieutenant, she somehow felt bigger then him. It must been the crown thing on her head. “no knight has even defeated a god. They fight demons and dragons and armies. HE CAN NOT FIGHT A GOD.”
“especial with the Princesses doing their holy work in the realms beyond our comprehension.” Chaplain Brimstone bellowed.
“Enough!” Shining Armor was done with the arguing, he turned ordered a majority of his troops to stay behind while his honor guard accompanied him in a search for the other bearers of harmony. “lieutenant take us to the last place you saw them.” with a twitch on his head the face plate of his helmet snapped shut.
“Yes captain.” lieutenant brick wall said with a salute.
“um Captain.”
Shining armor turned to his Champion and said “yes what is it Green?”
“the missing bearers of harmony coming this way.” the green earth pony said pointing down the hall “and they have a goat.” he raised an eye brow.
As Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Flash trotted toward the pony lines, four ponies pushed through the lines to met them. The friends embraced and shared tears. Fluttershy wept openly as Rainbow Dash almost crushed her with a hug, Pinkie cried as well. Though she always had a smile on her face, although she did ask if it was almost over, Applejack agreed with that hope. Flash and Thunderlane just stayed out of the way.
One spear wielding soldier pointed to little gray goat and asked “whats with the goat.”
“this little guy made all the centaur ghost things.” Pinkie Pie immediately regretted her words as every trooper in ear shot surround the goat their spears to his throat. To the shaman's credit he didn’t wet himself. He simple said “Baah.” while Pinkie yelled “HE'S ON OWR SIDE NOW.” Repeatedly.
Chaplain Brimstone approached as Shining armor watched his with his sword drawn. Brimstone growled “and why should we believe him.”
“because he was tricked by Tirek into thinking that he was his new god.” Fluttershy yelled.
chaplain Brimstone's maul hovered high over his head as he bellowed “only a fool follows any god other then the Princesses of the moon and sun.” many of the troops shifted unconformable.
Fluttershy moved next to the goat despite her friends protest. “we follow the All Mother.” the yellow Pegasus said in a stern voice.
Brimstone lowered his maul and stared into Fluttershy's eyes, it took literally ever ounce of willpower for her to stay on her hooves. Even when she looked away she felt his eyes staring into her soul. “i wont hold it against you.” Brimstone said relenting his piercing gaze. “you are after all are an instrument of their will.”
Fluttershy shrank back into the embrace of her friends “we are instruments of her will as she is of the creator.” the yellow mare was recited a verse of a holy book she read once.
Brimstone grinned “you speck truly young one.”
“Enough of this.” Shining Armor ordered. “time is short, arm the bearers.”
two Stallions hurried over to carrying the last two elements. as one presented Fluttershy her element Brimstone held up his hoof to stop the other with Pinkie's. The trooper looked confused at the chaplain who nodded toward Flash. The young stallion looked from his fellow soldier then back to the chaplain barring his path. He sighed very disappointed and trotted over to Flash and pushed it too him angrily before trotting off to sulk. Flash quickly realized what he was supposed to do.
Pinkie Pie giggled as Flash bowed to her and held up the golden necklace with the balloon shaped jewel. Rarity Cleared her throat to get the pink mare's attention, then motioned for her lift up her mane. Pinkie was confused but copied her friends actions. She smiled as Flash clasped the necklace around her neck then stepped back to bow to her.
With the formalities done Shining Armor bellowed orders and the troops scurried around to do as told. Only the honor guard would be going to escort the Bearers of Harmony up the stairs. Pinkie almost timidly asked if Flash could come, the Captain nodded.
Before they moved out the goat informed them it should be clear he only made one of the super centaurs that would have been Tirek's Honor guard. The goat shaman was right. The twenty ponies meet no resistances as they ascended the stairs. Although they were soon met with the echos of the clashing of steel and the strange sound of a screaming motor, as well as Winchester's and Tirek’s taunts and banter as they fought. Although judging from the sounds coming down from above, Winchester was losing. Twilight found herself preying to Celestia and Luna that he was going to be okay.
At the top of the stairs Shining Armor nodded for Twilight to lead her friends the last ten feet to massive red door that stood before them. The door was open a little and the bearers the shadows of the combatants as they closer. Twilight looked through the opening, at first she saw nothing but wall then suddenly Winchester slide into view like he had just been kicked there.
Twilight and her friends gasped seeing the shape he was in. he was covered in blood and his right eye was swollen with a hoof shaped bruised around it. The scale mail he wore on his flanks was tore in many places, the plates of his armor were dented and a few plates looked like they had been sawed through. His right foreleg was missing its shin guard revealing a nasty gash.
A handful of sparks danced over his body and the knight stood. As a deep aged voice as full of pride as it was rage said, “why do you stand pony, you know that only pain awaits you.” Tirek was battered but in far better shape then his foe. He held his chin bladed ax his motor screamed as its teeth spun around it against his shoulder. His other ax lay broken on the ground against the wall near a toppled over burning banister.
“i stand because my Princesses ask it of me.” the stallion spat, he glanced out the door without moving his head. His eye locked with Twilight and they both knew what needed be done.
Tirek laughed They have as much love for you as they do me.” the Centaur king stared at him “you are a blight to their kingdom in their eyes.”
Winchester glared at the god king of the centaurs his sword floating beside him as he yelled back “you are right.” the stallion stood tall “i am a horrid excuse for a pony, my soul is black as coal.” he spun his sword as he readied for another round combat. “but even with all my faults and the evil acts I have done they still see fit to have me protect that which they find most precious.” he charged “there subjects.”
Tirek lifted his ax the chain blade roaring like a monster. “you will die protecting the doomed peasant of a dead kingdom.”
Winchester grinned as he swung his sword, Tirek bough his ax down to intercept the attack. The clash of steel never came. Tirek screaming ax chewed through stones of the floor. Tirek looked up at the door growling. Winchester laughed as he said “meet my princesses most valuable subjects.” the stallion pulled the door open just as Twilight's eyes opened with the like of creation glowing brightly within them.
“NO!” Tirek yelled as he charged. It was all in vain as the room was filled with a bright light, the massive Centaur’s battle cry was drawn out by the ring of magic. He never got close to his targets as the rainbow of light slammed into him. He was lost in the multicolored ray of the elements of harmony.
Seconds pasted and the elements powered down, Twilight and her friends were set down on their hooves. They panted feeling drained, strangely angry and unhappy however theses were the usual feelings after using the elements. The feelings of disinterest and selfishness soon passed as they girls realized they had won. Tirek laid on the ground, he was no bigger then Winchester now. His armor was shattered and blown aside like dust, leaving only too long black shards that emanated hate and anguish.
With his foe beaten at least for the moment Winchester slumped to the floor exhausted. Shining Armor and his Honor guard enter the room, several of them slipped around the bearers weapons at the ready to defend them. “secure the shards and Tirek for transport.” the Knight tried to stand only to slip back down to the floor again.
Champion Green Fields stepped forward saying “i shall retrieve the shards.” the proud green earth pony trotted toward the fallen god. the centaur suddenly grabbed his ax and gave it a mighty two handed swing as he climbed to his hooves, its roaring chain saw teeth cut through the champions neck before her could even scream. The spinning teeth sprayed gore on the walls as the sky out side turned from red to dark blue.
“your heads well be trophies for my thorn.” Tirek roared as he held his screaming ax, the elements had striped him of the power of Nightmare Moon not his own immortal status. “i shall drink your blood like a fine wine with my dinner.” Shining Armor and his honor guard were shock the best warrior in their mist was just slain in a single blow before he could even react, what could they do. Twilight Sparkle attempted to cast a spell but she just couldn't manifest a spell. Rainbow Dash wanted to take flight but she wasn’t sure what she would. Rarity had drawn her sword but she was sure it was in vain. Thunderlane stood in front of his love, much like Flash did for Pinkie. Fluttershy wished aloud that Big Macintosh was there. Applejack stood ready for a fight.
Winchester stood next to a window. The last light of day glinted off what remained of his polished armor, he was framed by the rising moon. The air was filled with power as he said “I am the servant of the Goddess's of the Sun and Moon.”
“NO.” Tirek bellowed as he charged the chanting knight.
“their power is my strength.” Winchester didn’t miss a word as he blocked and parried the Centaur's wild swings. “I AM THEIR WILL GIVEN FORM!” the force of Winchester's words push the god king to the far wall and knocked many of the other ponies off their hooves.
Winchester glowed as he roared “THEIR HOLY BLOOD RUNS THROUGH MY VAINS SO THAT WHERE EVER I MAY BE THEY MAY BE ALSO!!!!” the knight erupted in a flash of holy magic that reviled the light of the elements.
The Knight stood where he had glowing with power, however at the same moment he was a burning image of Celestia her mane and tail raging infernos. Her eyes were white hot like the flames of a forge. Embers danced from her out stretched wings, but so too was he an image of Luna or better yet Nightmare Moon as she should be. Her mane and tail wiping clouds of stars. Her eyes were like black voids so dark even the light of a soul could not escape. Featherweight flowed close by bathed in flames and black as night all a once.
“So we meet again.” the three images said as one.
Tirek pushed himself from the wall and hefted his ax in both hands and said “you once again send this blasted thing in your place to face me.”
“our servant is a part of us as we are a part of him.” Celestia's, Luna’s and Winchesters voices said as one.
“I'll parade this servants head through your court.” Tirek replied with a snare. “before I paint it red with your blood.” he charge his ax screaming a battle cry for him.
In one fluid motion and a flap of their wings. The three beans made one struck, in a flash of light Featherweight cut through the Tirek's neck. His body dropped the sputtering ax to the floor as his head rolled across the floor coming to rest in front of the Shield Bearer’s honor guard. Although they were not looking at the decapitated god they staring at their knight as she enjoyed in the light of the moon. Their wasn’t a scrap or a bruise on his body, the remains of his armor gleamed like they had just being polished despite still being torn and dented.
Winchester smiled and looked at the confused soldiers “you should count yourselves lucky to have witnessed the true power of the knights of Celestia and Luna.” he looked to the moon “we can call on them to be come the avatar of their burning rage and cold fury.” he smiled as he looked at the ponies before him again, his eyes fell on Twilight and her friends. He began to walk towards them giving a nod to Chaplain Brimstone. Along the way he picked of the Tirek's chain ax.
The White Unicorn finished his spell, and yelled out his voice projected to all of the troops within the keep “be proud and rejoice for you have won the day in the name of your princesses.” he laughed heartily as he continued “you have shown that you will not break in the face of any foe.” Shining Armor sent a couple of troops into the room to collect the shards and Tireks head.
Winchester smiled and said “you six made this victory possible.” he bowed to them as cheers erupted all over from ever pony solider in the keep. The bearers of harmony looked at each other as troops did what they needed to do or simply cheered. Rainbow Dash jumped up in the air and began chanting what ever victory cadence the honor guard was doing, Applejack soon joined their chanting. The country mare threw her hat in the air and it was soon returned to her. Fluttershy was excited but she was too shy to do anything. Rarity threw her hooves around Thunderlane and the pair kissed romantic as cheers continued around them.
Shining Armor smiled at his sister as he approached her and Winchester, “showed up just in time for you huh.” he shoulder bumped the knight playfully.
Winchester laughed “you cut it pretty close but yeah that was perfect for dramatic effect.” he smiled.
“your welcome.” Twilight giggled she wasn’t very talkative, her mind and body had been drained.
Winchester smiled wider and gave a great call “Lets get out of here and get to the victory party.”
the knight suddenly found himself face to face with the business end of a cannon as Pinkie Pie yelled over the crowd “PARTY!” Winchester was soon flying across the room surround by confetti and streamers.