• Published 21st Jul 2013
  • 1,174 Views, 2 Comments

Eternity - FriendlyTwo3

Through a freak accident, you are killed and your wife Rarity is left alone. But... something keeps you on Earth. Something keeps you from leaving. Something keeps you from passing on. Something keeps you with her...

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A soft sigh escapes your lips as the morning sun passes through your eyelids. Your mind is hard at work jumpstarting your body. That same old morning-wing pops out from under the covers. You rub your eyes with your left hand. A familiar weight can be felt on your right side. As you look down, you see your wife of three weeks, Rarity, a faint smile on her face. Her head rests on your chest and her arms are wrapped around your neck. Her pure white coat contrasts perfectly with your pure black coat. A smile spreads across your lips as you remember the amazing day you two had yesterday. It started with breakfast at Sugar Cube Corner, an afternoon at the mall and the movies (at which you convinced her to see a ‘nerd’ movie of your choice {she loved it}), dinner at a fancy restaurant, and ended with the perfect night of love-making. Yeah, it was a good day.

A few moments pass of listening to her soft breathing, and you decide she’d slept in long enough. The clock read 11:51. As Rarity had told you, she hated to be asleep anywhere after midday. Squeezing her shoulder ever so slightly, you coo her name in her ear. Her ear twitches ever so slightly, eliciting a chuckle from you. Seeing that she’s starting to wake up, you take the very tip of her cute ear in your teeth and lightly nibble on it. At the same time, you apply the slightest amount of pressure to the base of the back of her ear and tickle it. Through an accident, you discovered that was the most ticklish spot on her entire body. She starts to giggle and whispers your name. As if to give you a taste of your own medicine, she squeezes the base of one of your wings, sending ripples of sensitivity through you. You surrender and remove your hand and teeth. She lifts her head and lays it back down onto the white silk pillow. You lower yourself so that you’re eye-level with her. For a brief moment you simply stare at each other, warm smiles on both of your faces. It’s at that moment that you realize that today may be as wonderful as yesterday.


Somewhere, though, in the very back of your mind, you feel wrong. You feel as though something’s going to happen. Like a storm’s brewing even though the skies had been clear for a week. Like your entire world is about to somehow crumble. It’s a feeling you’d only had when a tornado warning or a flood alert comes on the TV.

But it’s probably nothing. You decide to disregard for the time being. After a while you both decide to get ready for the day. Rarity heads into the shower while you prepare breakfast. Before you met her, a turtle would’ve been a better cook than you. But with a bit of patience and a lot of clean-ups, she finally made a proper cook out of you. After about ten minutes pass, Rarity comes downstairs and the two of your trade places. One might find it odd that a husband would let his wife take over a half-done breakfast, but neither of you cared. You both thought it was cute.

After your shower, you come downstairs to find that your breakfast is nowhere to be found. In fact, not even Rarity’s downstairs. Odd. The stove is off. With one final shake of your wet mane, you head upstairs. Suddenly, a voice calls your name, telling you to come into the bedroom. Obeying, you open your bedroom door to find Rarity sitting upright in the bed with her plate in her lap. She smiles at you and pats the spot next to her. You also find your omelet on your side of the bed. You smile back at your wife and sit next to her, shifting under the covers and placing your breakfast on your lap. With your right wing, you pull her closer to you. She seems surprised at first, but calms herself quickly. The TV is on, but you ignore it, focusing only on the beautiful unicorn next to you. After a few bites of your omelet, you feel an odd feeling inside of you. You know this feeling. Holding your breath you swallow quietly, suppressing the urge to burp. You can remember the first time you’d ever burped in front of Rarity. Oh, what an awkward first date that was. Thankfully, she had a sense of humor about it and laughed it off.

“So…” Rarity starts, tiredness still somewhere in her voice, “What would you like to do today?”

“I dunno, what do you wanna do today?”

“Please don’t start this again,” she says with a giggle. You chuckle as well. You remember one of the days of your honeymoon when you had gone back and forth like that for an hour. With one final bite, Rarity finishes her breakfast and sets the plate on her night table. You do the same, and you both lean back, Rarity’s head once again on your chest. “If it’s all the same to you, dear, I would like a day to relax. A day to stay at home, you know?” You can’t argue with that. You rub her shoulder tenderly and nod.

“I’d like that,” you say with a smile. She wraps her arm around your neck, imitating the position she was in when you woke up.

“You know…” she begins, circling her finger on your chest and ruffling your fur, “I wouldn’t mind sleeping into the afternoon today…”

“Neither would I,” you say, closing your eyes. That was something you’d hope she would say ever since you moved in with her.

“…But before that,” she begins, moving up to your ear, “I wouldn’t mind you helping me become more tired. Surely we could wear each other out,” she whispers seductively. A coy smile spreads across your cheeks.

“…I think I can manage…”

Yep. It’s gonna be a good day.

Comments ( 2 )

I like the way this story's gonig. Think you could work on it, when you get the chance?


Forever none

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