• Published 17th Feb 2014
  • 401 Views, 8 Comments

Zion: The Break of Dawn - A Green Notebook

Equestria is in a state of disarray. Between a small rebellion forming and the Crystal Empire suffering from a great divide, the princesses all must do what they can to repair the nation, as well as another who has asked for their assistance.

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Home to the peaceful race of ponies, Equestria is home to some of the most influential people in the known world. Ruled by two Princesses--Celestia and Luna--Equestria has become the most wealthy country in the known world, next to the massive Griffon Empire. Although Equestria was originally inhabited by three tribes--Earth Ponies, Pegasi and Unicorns--who cared nothing for each other, the arrival of the princesses has allowed for the country to become a united nation, standing against even the biggest threats.

Princess Celestia

I gazed down at the grand city of Canterlot, watching as the ponies of my kingdom roamed the streets, both in a mix of panic and what I suspected to be fear. No Royal Guards chased them, nor did they harass them. They just did what I ordered for them to do, and stood guard at the castle gates, as well as the city gates.

“Is there something troubling you?” Warden asked from the door. The silver mare clad in golden armor hesitated, doubting whether or not she should step forward or stand her ground. I gave a simple nod, and she approached, caution in her eyes, expressed through her steps as well.

“There is much work to be done,” I frowned, looking back over to the city. “Restoring order and balance in the city is hard enough. I fear that it may be too long before we can, and even longer to repair the rest of Equestria. I’m also trying to find a viable punishment for my nephew.”

“I see,” Warden edged herself closer to my side, gazing down upon the grand streets of Canterlot with the utmost trepidation. “I’m sure you will lead us through it though. You always have. As for Blueblood, I’m sure you’ll be able to punish him with something worse than death. ”

I pursed my lips. “This is the first time Equestria has drawn blood in the name of war in almost thousand of years. Even then, it was before my rule and we struggled to progress through it all.”

“I don’t doubt you. And the ponies down there could really use some words of reassurance right about now. I’m sure they’d appreciate it a ton, especially after declaring....martial law.”

“Luna and I did that to prevent any more chaos in the cities. After what happened in the Crystal Empire, I cannot allow ponies to go around killing each other. Proper law and order had to be set, even if it took away some freedoms. I’ve sent the most responsible and well trained Guards to lead the Royal Guards in all cities.”

“It’ll all go according to plan I’m sure,” Warden reassured.

Warden said nothing more, but instead kept her eyes trained on the ponies on the ground. I felt a smile creep on my face. She watched the city streets intently, almost forgetting that she was up here with me. When she did snap out of her trance, she raised her head, and her sympathetic expression shifted. The concerned and weary expression every other Royal Guard donned returned as she flexed her wings, and said, “We’ve got company.”

I glared over the horizon. An airship approached, though it wasn’t like those that were found around Canterlot. Dozens of pegasi clustered around it, all Royal Guards directing it, being careful not to be in the way of the massive airship’s immense rear propellers that sprouted from the wooden body. Three turbines aided the ship in flying, spewing out a smoke trail as it hovered to the blimp docking area of the city. The wooden body of the ship was installed with a golden design that resembled a mix of griffon and pony designs.

“Orders Celestia?” Warden asked, keeping her eyes glued to the approaching foreign ship.

“Keep guard at the docks,” I ordered sternly, opening the door to the halls of the castle. “I’ll meet you there. If they are rebels, then bring them to the dungeon. If...whoever they are demand access to the castle, do not allow them entrance until I have allowed it.”

“Yes ma’am.”

Warden flew from the balcony, and continued to the docks as I ordered. I, on the other hand, rushed through the endless maze that was the halls of Canterlot’s Royal Palace, passing by Guards who held worried expressions. The winding halls would have been enough to make anyone's head spin, but after a thousand of years of roaming the castle, I’ve found navigating to be a trivial task much like breathing. Right now, my top priority was finding Luna and Twilight.

“Princess Celestia!” Twilight’s worried voice called out. She came running, trying to catch up to me from behind, her personal guard following close behind. “What’s going on?”

“There was an airship sighted entering the city’s airspace. Royal Guards have escorted it to the docking area,” I answered. “Have you seen Luna at all?”

“She’s already at the docks,” Twilight’s guard spoke up, a dry rasp to his voice.

“Well then, let’s go see who our new visitors are.”

The hot summer air intensely beat down on everyone in the docks. The brazen airship docked perfectly beside the concrete walkway, Royal Guards eyeing it intently, Warden beside the door with a lance held with her wing. The other Guards all had their blades and lances ready as well; some had their horns ready to blast the ship should there be any complications. A shadow from the mountain Canterlot clung to cast itself over all who stood in the docks, the rest of Equestria stretched out before us, past the rails of concrete. Everything around us hinted that something may be going wrong soon. Even the stillness of the air.

Nobody opened the door, nor were there any signs of anyone even being inside. The Guards , however, never let their guard down; keeping their blades and lances at the ready.

I lowered my head, exhaustion from the heat and from standing, waiting until something eventful happened. Twilight did the same, though she still tried to remain as regal as possible, as did Luna.

Then the door open, and I jerked my head up. Steps came rolling out shortly after, making the Guards tense. A claw stepped out first, followed by a feathery white body. The griffon who stepped out was unlike any other that I’ve ever seen. His beak was black, while his feathers were a shade of white; the fur around his claws and body under the feathers was a cream color.

“Oh!” He remarked at the sight of the Royal Guards. His voice was hoarse and gravelly, though it was orotund at the same time. He stepped towards Luna, Twilight and I, but was cut off by two Guards.

“No!” I ordered. “Let him come.”

The griffon approached with caution. “I do apologize for not warning you of my arrival, but I can see that Equestria has seen better days.”

“Yes,” I said simply. “It has.”

The griffon took a moment to take in the sights around him before continuing. “I apologize I just never thought....I’d see....So! Let’s get down to business shall we? Mind if we take this inside?”

“Lets,” Luna turned, gesturing for the Guards to return to their posts, Warden ordering a few to stay behind and watch the ship. Two Guards set themselves beside the doors of the ship, lances pointed, waiting for someone else to come crawling out.

“Oh, and before I forget, there are others in the vessel,” He said, pointing a claw back towards his ship. “Shall I order them to wait inside, or are they allowed to enter with me?”

Luna gave me an uneasy look, undecided if we should allow his crew-mates entrance. She shook her head, as did Twilight. I looked back at the griffon. “They shall stay inside until we allow them entrance.”

The griffon nodded, glanced back to the ship and shook his head. From the windows, a pony--a unicorn--nodded and backed away from the glass. The door pulled itself back in, closing before the Royal Guards around it could whip it back open.

“Lead on.”

We made our way to the council room, the snow griffon, as he called himself, following close behind, Warden and Twilight’s guard following him with anticipation, waiting for him to make a sudden hostile movement. The griffon managed to keep calm though, examining every inch of the Royal Palace’s grand halls, taking in every detail. e admired the banners and the stonework, but was mostly intrigued by the Guards themselves.

We entered a secluded chamber, a circular table in the center of the room, lit only by candlelight and torches. As opposed to the rest of the castle, this room was cold, the chilling breeze making me shiver. Tattered flags of old dangled from the walls, their colors fading from age. Unlike the symbol of Equestria now--the sun and moon with Luna and I standing beneath the celestial bodies--the flags contained just the sun, me flying upwards with the glow of the sun behind me.

Luna shot me a glance. “A thousand years and you still didn’t change them?”

“I’m sorry sister, believe me, I meant to change them after your return.”

“It’s been three years since then.”

I stayed silent, noticing Luna’s snide smirk. We sat beside each other, Twilight taking a place next to me as well, facing the snow griffon, whose back was to the door. Warden took a position beside the aged doors, maintaining her usual stature. Twilight’s guard closed the door behind him, remaining outside.

“I must say,” The griffon spoke. “I do admire your work with the castle’s design. All the intricacies involved”-He traced a talon along the wood table, leaving only a slight, barely visible mark.-”but I’m not here to admire your castle.”

“Before we go any further,” Luna spoke, raising a hoof. “I think that it would be fair if you gave us your name.”

“Ah, of course! Styr, at your service.”

“That’s a very traditional griffon name,” Twilight spoke up. “I read about griffon culture some time ago.”

Styr raised an eyebrow as he examined Twilight. “Another princess? I’ve only read about Princess Celestia and Luna. If you don’t mind me asking, who are you?”

Twilight looked at me as though asking for permission. I gave a simple nod.

“I’m Twilight Sparkle,” She answered.

“I see. Latest addition hmm?”

“Just about.”

“Anyway, it’s high time we met,” Styr took on a more serious tone. “I hate to ask Equestria for help when its in such bad shape. But my people require help since we’re in worse shape than you all are. No offense.”

“None taken,” Luna responded, an inquisitive tone in her voice. “Word has spread around here about the Griffon Empire. They boast that they have everything under control, even after all our attempts to send aid. It’s about time they’ve-”

“Sorry, Luna,” Styr cut off. “But that’s not why I’m here.”

“Then why would the Empire...?”

“I don’t hail from the Griffon Empire. In fact, I come from Zion.”

Silence swept over the chamber. Luna’s expression was that of confusion, as was Twilight’s. The distant memory of a griffon entering Canterlot flashed through my mind. That was centuries ago. Long after Luna’s banishment. He was a delegate of the Griffon Empire if my memory serves me right. An elderly griffon explorer, though his name has alluded me.

“You’ve never heard of Zion?” Styr leaned back in his seat. “Celestia? I read that you helped with the formation of Zion. Surely you remember?”

I paused briefly. “I do.”

“Celestia?” Luna and Twilight voiced in unison.

“Those were dark times when I agreed to send aid for the expedition the griffons had planned, even allowing for ponies to settle there” I explained solemnly. “I was still recovering from your banishment. Since aiding in the construction of the empire, memories of the land have escaped me.”

“I see...”

Another moment of silence fell upon us.

“I hoped that you could send some assistance for my people,” Styr continued. “Civil war in Zion has made the royal families lose trust in each other. The Order of Zion, our main military force, has been crippled due to the fight with rebels. We require assistance, but I understand if you are unable to deliver.”

I turned to Luna. “Can we send forces overseas?”

“We could, but that would leave us defenseless,” She answered with concern. “But, we can wait a few weeks at least. More Royal Guards are being trained as we speak. Thousands upon thousands are being deployed into the cities, but even then, we would still lack the forces to protect ourselves against rebels. How can we proceed then?”

“What about Cadence and her Crystal Guards?” Twilight suggested.

“She has enough to worry about after The Separation. She and Shining Armor are barely maintaining order, which is why we had to send forces to them.”

“We can still mass forces of recruits to Zion.” Luna spoke.

“But they won’t be experienced enough to handle...what exactly will they be doing in Zion?”

Styr raised his head. “We just need a form of police while we can restore The Order to its full strength. The Order will assist in whatever way they can, but their main objective will be recruiting both ponies and griffons alike into their numbers. Once they’ve achieved their goal, the Royal Guard may return here. We also need some kind of stabilizer to guide Zion’s council through these hard times. The families need something to keep them together.”

“I understand,” I looked back at Luna. “Okay. We’ll go through with your plan for now. Send half the recruits to Zion, accompanied with more experienced soldiers. We shall see where it goes from there.”

“And their stabilizer?” Twilight questioned.

“That is something we will figure out soon. For now, we’ll worry about Zion’s military support.”

I turned my gaze to Styr. “If your Order dares invade Equestria, bear in mind that you will have the wrath of the sun to destroy your beloved civilization. This will be your only warning.”

Author's Note:

Been a while since I wrote something, but I'm back now. Tried to make this without so much dialogue, but figured that all of it was necessary. If there are any errors, please be kind enough to point them out.

Comments ( 6 )

3961196 Thanks, I'm glad your liking it so far:twilightsmile:

Hm. To start things off, I'll say this has certainly piqued my interest, hence the favorite. I do love me a good political intrigue/account of the poor guy on the low end of the totem pole.

It would seem you've built a good framework for this story to build upon, anti-monarchy rebels, Crystal Empire woes and the whole rather intriguing concept of "Zion". I can't help but hope the rebels will be portrayed at least semi-sympathetically and not totally evil otherwise ordinary but rebelling ponies, like the route so many other "darker but slightly into the future Equestria" fics seem to take. Still, there's no reason to believe you'll fall into that trap, judging by the quality of the work thus far.

I suppose next chapter we'll be meeting Aegis, supposed main character if the description is accurate. I'm keeping my eye on this one.

Oh, and some corrections, though bear in mind none of them were glaring enough to really take away from the story:

The concerned and weary every other Royal Guard donned returned as she flexed her wings, and ordered, “We’ve got company.”

Eh? Might want to look that sentence over again so you can properly convey whatever was happening.

“I understand,” I looked back at Luna. “Okay. We’ll go through with your plan for now. Send half the recruits to Zion, accompanied with more experience men. We shall see where it goes from there.”

One, experienced. Two, "men". You may want to replace that with "soldiers", "Guards", "veterans", or something similar. Only thing in my first read-through that really stood out negatively.

Still, enjoyable thus far and filled with potential. Threatening to toast a continent with the sun? Celestia's not messing around, that's for sure. Good luck! ::twilightsmile:

I have one request. Could you make Spike (older age Spike) a general or some kind of important role, at least for one chapter. I really love spike.... :-P

3966674 I would tell you Spike's role in the story, but I think I'd be spoiling the story. All I can say is Spike is slightly more mature than he is in the show :moustache:

a pony--a unicorn--nodded

This would look better with em dashes, like so:
a pony—a unicorn—nodded (alt—0151)
Or with en dashes and spaces:
a pony – a unicorn – nodded (alt – 0150)

--the sun and moon with Luna and I standing beneath the celestial bodies--

Same as above

He admired the banners and


I’m sorry sister, believe me, I meant to change them after your return

A period between "sister" and "believe" would suit this better.

-He traced a talon along the wood table, leaving only a slight, barely visible mark.-

Same as before.

has made the royal families lose trust

"has caused the royal families to lose trust..."
This sounds better, IMO. Of course if anyone disagrees with this...

crippled due to the fight

"Crippled as a cause of fighting with rebels" sounds better. But, again, this is just my opinion.

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