• Published 12th Jul 2013
  • 367 Views, 6 Comments

Never Forget - Zuke117

A story about an orphan who is taken in by a family which has a Philly who suffers from cancer. Between helping her and dealing with the school bully and a father who generally disapproves of him, he has a hard life.

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Chapter 2: Ignorance

It turns out that of all the groups to adopt the orphan, he got what was possibly the worst. Severus was incredibly strict which was from apparently being a member of the Royal Guard at a time. Aster found it interesting they would ever let such a snobbish wrinkled old stallion near the princesses, let alone defend them. Lily was okay; in fact, he actually quite liked her though she did throw a hissy fit the few times he accidently treaded on her flowers which where ALL OVER the front yard. Calla was probably the coolest and his favorite of them all, though it was made apparent that she suffered from some form of cancer and since chemotherapy causes you to lose your mane, it makes sense. He felt a bit sad about it, but he still had to carry on with his duties nonetheless.

School had started about two weeks after his adoption and though he hoped Calla would join him in class, this wasn’t so. Because of her illness she also was taught at home, so he had to brave the elements of school alone.

“Aster,” his history teacher Mister Limpleg as the school had come to call him asked, ”When did the princess’ rule begin?”

“Uh, erm... well, it was in spring.” Aster improvised as the crowd around the school began to glare with their eager and stupefying gaze.

“Don’t rain check this question, Aster.” Mister LimpBRAIN snorted, ”It was in spring, but what year?”

Aster froze, he hadn’t studied for this obviously and the heat was getting to him. He started counting down the years and so on, but Limpleg didn’t provide any time for him to think.

“Well Aster?”

After that ponies started whispering amongst each other and he could tell they where talking about him because of their subtle ways. They didn’t even try to hide it and a part of him assumed they where just trying to irk him. Their hooves pointed while the other covered their lips, and their glares narrowed in on his head, but the worst of them all was teacher Limpleg’s red gaze. It felt like his eyes where scraping apart his irises and scrambling away to get into his soul in order to squeeze and contain it. With the way he stared, so very expectant of him, he gave the only answer he could.

“I don’t know… sir… “ He said forlornly, as he bowed his head and then slammed it into the desk before him in frustration. He didn’t handle peer pressure well, obviously.

“What a disappointment.. “ He could hear mister Limpleg speak below his breath, or at least, what he thought he heard mister Limpleg speak.

For the remaining period the class was incredibly chatful, much to Limpleg’s displeasure. It was a relief when the bell rang in order to dismiss the class. With a rush, the students fled from their teacher as though he was some pedophile. Aster lingered for a moment, allowing the room to filter through and become silent. Getting up from his up-right position behind the desk he slithered his way over towards his teacher. By now, not many students remained in the room, just the ones scrambling for their stuff and the ones talking to their friends.

“I’m sorry.” Aster said apologetically, dipping his head.

“Its fine, this is your first year here and all... but I expect you to learn this by next week.”

“Yes sir!” Aster said, trying to sound as happy as the mundane colt could.

Limpleg waddled out from behind his desk in order to erase the chalk the best an earth pony could. Since Aster wanted to become friends and hopefully get the benefit of having someone in a high place close to him, he offered to take the brush and swab it. Though a bit reluctant at first, Limpleg agreed in the end as Aster’s horn emitted the crimson aura that soon found its way to snatch hold of the brush.

For a few periodic seconds, Aster found himself searching across Limpleg for his cutie mark, which was a book with the symbol of the Royals of Equestria inside of it. From there it strayed down to the limp leg he possessed, which had given him the name.

“I imagine you’re wondering why it’s like that, yes?” Questioned Limpleg, watching carefully over the young colt’s magic,

”And don’t erase that.” He ordered.

“Um... yes sir… “Aster said, so locked in concentration on the leg that Limpleg snapped at him for erasing something he didn’t want erased.

“Well, have you ever seen a pony with a lame hoof?”

“No sir... “ He said, carefully watching over the brush now.

“Of course not... right… well, when I was younger and studying history in college I worked part-time at a metal forging facility.” At first Aster wasn’t paying much attention, but what he said next certainly caught it. “The same one Severus works at.”

“Really?” Aster asked his curiosity perked as he forced himself to keep an eye on the brush. By now he was really just
getting rid of some little knacks in the chalk he had missed.

“Yes, I was there when he had his accident too.”

“His… accident?” Questioned Aster, this was something he did not get briefed over.

“Ah yes… I cannot talk about it while in school but it is quite sad. Either way, don’t ask him about it. Wait until he tells you.”

“Okay then… “

“As said though, one of the welding frames came down on me and it happened to catch my leg. It wasn’t heavy enough to do too much damage, but it disconnected the nerves and now I can’t really move it.”

“So is that why they call you liii-“ Aster was speaking too fast for his thought process to catch up.

“Yes, but my real name is Snowrun. I know… not the most original name but still.”

“Okay, if you don’t mind me asking, why didn’t you get it replace wi-“

“And look like an android?”

“Nevermind… “

Just then the bell rang, and Aster turned around to face the now full classroom that had been listening to their conversation. Well, some of them. The observant ones where, but with Snowrun’s loud voice it made it difficult for him to not be noticed.

“I’ll give you a note, don’t worry.” Snowrun said already at his desk and writing the note to dismiss Aster’s lateness.

“Thank-you.” Aster said silently as once Snowrun finished he took hold of the note.

The red aura took hold of the note as he squirmed his way out of the classroom. He turned his head to auto-drive as he trotted down the hall. Officially in auto-drive, he began to read the note Snowrun had made.
Please excuse Aster from his lateness, as we where having a conversation and lost track of time.
That was just an amazing note, seriously. Aster scoffed a bit as he twisted back around to see a pale blue pegasi before him. The stallion was strangely larger and taller. Glaring now at the blue stallion or colt, his size made it unable for Aster to tell his age.

“Hello, little flank-kisser.” The blue pony sneered as he glared at Aster, his wings erected from his back as his eyes narrowed.

“Hello, random-ass obtuse pony.” Honestly, Aster was going out on a limb here, but it was made apparent he was a true fully slow pony.

“What?” The stallion-colt-thing barked, ”Hey... What is that note there?” The blue pony said practically looking for an excuse to mess with Aster now.

“An excu-“ Aster couldn’t finish his words before the wing of the pegasi came down on the back of his skull.

Aster grimaced as the force pushed his face into the not-so-clean floor. After a second or two, Aster pushed his head upright to see the blue pegasi with the note in his maw.

“No it isn’t,” He snickered,” It’s a loovvveeee note~!” He said before twisting away and flying down the hall.

Aster sneered, the colt’s ignorance was apparent. His horn emitted that red aura as he formed a crimson-red wall in front of the flying colt. Aster witnessed the pegasi slam into the red wall as he trotted over and allowed the wall to fall as he switched his magic over to the note as he carefully took it out from the colt’s jaws.

“Ugh… ” The blue blob that found its way to the floor murmured as Aster about-faced and trotted towards his next class which was potions, his absolute favorite.