> Never Forget > by Zuke117 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: A New Life > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- He was stuck in this here orphanage ran by Nanny Shadowcaster, a jet-black unicorn with a jet-black body. Her cutie mark was always covered by a piece of leather she wore. Nanny Shadowcaster always thought it was best for what she called “blind adoptions” to happen for older ponies and since there was no other orphanage around they had no competition nor did their adopters have anywhere else to go. He was actually pretty sure it wasn’t legal but he wasn’t too sure. Afterall, an orphanage where the orphan nor the adopters got to meet each other until it was all said and done was a bit… eek. The funny thing was that the Nanny would usually let them see the child if they asked, but this couple seemed… different. They didn’t even attempt asking but instead seemed much more intent on their conversation on what seemed to be their daughter. “Lilly, what if Calla thinks-“ “Severus, you know she will be needing a new playmate now that Luo is gone.” “Yes, but why can’t she just get friends from the school? You know she will be going there some day.” “Yes, but that might not be till a very long time... with her illness and all.” Aster listened in to the conversation that was lurking behind the wood door his head found its way to press up against. The two he was listening to had been considering adopting him for some time, much to Aster’s pleasure. He was just too old for most adopters to look towards him, but this pairing seemed to favor that choice, or at least, the mare of the couple. “But what if she thinks we’re replacing her?” Questioned Severus from behind the wood door. “She won’t but-“ Lily remarked. “But you know how she can be!” Severus interrupted. Aster heard the sound of a small bang, at first he thought it might’ve been Severus hitting the desk, but then it happened again and this time he could tell it wasn’t coming from behind the door. No.. it was too clear for that. Twisting his head in the direction of the young filly next to him, to who bared no fair upon their head and a white figure, opened up the door and trotted into the room proudly. “Fine if you wa-“ “Mom, dad, I like him.” She remarked, to which Severus glared. “What?” Lily said, turning towards her.” “How much do you like him?” Sneered Severus snoopishly. “He is so easy to sneak up on.” Giggled the young filly as Aster poked his head in from behind the corner of the door. “Well then, I say we take him!” Lily said, turning towards Severus who had unleashed his glare upon Aster. Severus didn’t reply, but merely turned away in defeat, as Lily was more then happy with his forfeit and bounced forth towards the paperwork and began writing it all out. Aster would’ve been very happy by their decision, but something held him back. He pondered why the young filly before him was bald and how Severus’ displeasure with his adoption, but at least now he had a better look at the three ponies before him. Severus was a dark grey, white speckled, full-grown stallion with a deep brown mane and green eyes. After stretching out his neck some way, he could see his flank was covered with the symbol of what seemed to be a hammer. The other bared a blood-red hide and jet-black mane with the prettiest amber eyes. Her cutie mark was in plain view and was that of a water can. The other pony in the room to which he assumed was Calla had a white figure with no mane or tail and deep blue eyes. Her cutie mark also seemed to be flower-related and was a calla flower. Aster himself was a vibrant red with darker mane and blue eyes and a cutie mark of a potion glass with a light blue liquid inside it. The variety amongst the three earth ponies made the unicorn Aster almost dizzy as he tried to figure out how a black and red couple with amber and green eyes could make an all white pony. At least the red unicorn would look similar to that of Lily since the only difference between the two was their cutie mark and the fact his mane was a slightly darker shade of red then his body, and of course his eyes where also deep blue. Actually, now that he thought about it, there wasn’t that much same with the two. “There we go!” Remarked Lily as Nanny Shadowcaster lingered down from the roof in the way the old unicorn used her magic to phase through the rooms of the building so that she could tuck in the toddlers and snatch up the paperwork in no time. “It was a pleasure, Lily, hope to see you again.” “Me too! I mean... of course I hope to see me again... Excuse me, I hope to see YOU again!” She said happily as she bypassed Aster and trotted on, leading the way for the party. As Aster twisted his way to follow the over joyed Lily Severus swooped by him, obviously displeased. He would have run over Aster if he hadn’t side stepped from the tank-sized stallion. From behind them, Calla came up with a smile, and followed her father. Looking back at the area of which the orphanage lady Shadowcaster came from, he followed suit in the line of ponies, soon was escorted to their house. “Okay, Aster... that is your name right?” Severus asked, twisting a head around to spot Aster. “Yes… “ Aster replied, a little bit uncomfortable with leaving the familiar area of what he use to call home behind. “Sir. Yes sir.” Severus remarked, as Aster stared. It was painfully obvious now that he would not enjoy this stay. “Yes, sir.” Aster said, trying to refrain from putting too much poison into the word sir, though Severus seemed to still take the remark negatively. “I’ll brief you in the morning.” “You’ll brief me?” “Yes, brief. It means to… well… tell what has been happening and/or what is going to happen.” Severus said with a questionable disbelief in his tone. “Oh… okay then.. “ “I’ll brief you over chores, rules, and the area, but until then you should rest.” “Okay.” “SIR!” “Fine sheesh… okay sir.” Aster said, this time not holding back on the amount of poison. > Chapter 2: Ignorance > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It turns out that of all the groups to adopt the orphan, he got what was possibly the worst. Severus was incredibly strict which was from apparently being a member of the Royal Guard at a time. Aster found it interesting they would ever let such a snobbish wrinkled old stallion near the princesses, let alone defend them. Lily was okay; in fact, he actually quite liked her though she did throw a hissy fit the few times he accidently treaded on her flowers which where ALL OVER the front yard. Calla was probably the coolest and his favorite of them all, though it was made apparent that she suffered from some form of cancer and since chemotherapy causes you to lose your mane, it makes sense. He felt a bit sad about it, but he still had to carry on with his duties nonetheless. School had started about two weeks after his adoption and though he hoped Calla would join him in class, this wasn’t so. Because of her illness she also was taught at home, so he had to brave the elements of school alone. “Aster,” his history teacher Mister Limpleg as the school had come to call him asked, ”When did the princess’ rule begin?” “Uh, erm... well, it was in spring.” Aster improvised as the crowd around the school began to glare with their eager and stupefying gaze. “Don’t rain check this question, Aster.” Mister LimpBRAIN snorted, ”It was in spring, but what year?” Aster froze, he hadn’t studied for this obviously and the heat was getting to him. He started counting down the years and so on, but Limpleg didn’t provide any time for him to think. “Well Aster?” After that ponies started whispering amongst each other and he could tell they where talking about him because of their subtle ways. They didn’t even try to hide it and a part of him assumed they where just trying to irk him. Their hooves pointed while the other covered their lips, and their glares narrowed in on his head, but the worst of them all was teacher Limpleg’s red gaze. It felt like his eyes where scraping apart his irises and scrambling away to get into his soul in order to squeeze and contain it. With the way he stared, so very expectant of him, he gave the only answer he could. “I don’t know… sir… “ He said forlornly, as he bowed his head and then slammed it into the desk before him in frustration. He didn’t handle peer pressure well, obviously. “What a disappointment.. “ He could hear mister Limpleg speak below his breath, or at least, what he thought he heard mister Limpleg speak. For the remaining period the class was incredibly chatful, much to Limpleg’s displeasure. It was a relief when the bell rang in order to dismiss the class. With a rush, the students fled from their teacher as though he was some pedophile. Aster lingered for a moment, allowing the room to filter through and become silent. Getting up from his up-right position behind the desk he slithered his way over towards his teacher. By now, not many students remained in the room, just the ones scrambling for their stuff and the ones talking to their friends. “I’m sorry.” Aster said apologetically, dipping his head. “Its fine, this is your first year here and all... but I expect you to learn this by next week.” “Yes sir!” Aster said, trying to sound as happy as the mundane colt could. Limpleg waddled out from behind his desk in order to erase the chalk the best an earth pony could. Since Aster wanted to become friends and hopefully get the benefit of having someone in a high place close to him, he offered to take the brush and swab it. Though a bit reluctant at first, Limpleg agreed in the end as Aster’s horn emitted the crimson aura that soon found its way to snatch hold of the brush. For a few periodic seconds, Aster found himself searching across Limpleg for his cutie mark, which was a book with the symbol of the Royals of Equestria inside of it. From there it strayed down to the limp leg he possessed, which had given him the name. “I imagine you’re wondering why it’s like that, yes?” Questioned Limpleg, watching carefully over the young colt’s magic, ”And don’t erase that.” He ordered. “Um... yes sir… “Aster said, so locked in concentration on the leg that Limpleg snapped at him for erasing something he didn’t want erased. “Well, have you ever seen a pony with a lame hoof?” “No sir... “ He said, carefully watching over the brush now. “Of course not... right… well, when I was younger and studying history in college I worked part-time at a metal forging facility.” At first Aster wasn’t paying much attention, but what he said next certainly caught it. “The same one Severus works at.” “Really?” Aster asked his curiosity perked as he forced himself to keep an eye on the brush. By now he was really just getting rid of some little knacks in the chalk he had missed. “Yes, I was there when he had his accident too.” “His… accident?” Questioned Aster, this was something he did not get briefed over. “Ah yes… I cannot talk about it while in school but it is quite sad. Either way, don’t ask him about it. Wait until he tells you.” “Okay then… “ “As said though, one of the welding frames came down on me and it happened to catch my leg. It wasn’t heavy enough to do too much damage, but it disconnected the nerves and now I can’t really move it.” “So is that why they call you liii-“ Aster was speaking too fast for his thought process to catch up. “Yes, but my real name is Snowrun. I know… not the most original name but still.” “Okay, if you don’t mind me asking, why didn’t you get it replace wi-“ “And look like an android?” “Nevermind… “ Just then the bell rang, and Aster turned around to face the now full classroom that had been listening to their conversation. Well, some of them. The observant ones where, but with Snowrun’s loud voice it made it difficult for him to not be noticed. “I’ll give you a note, don’t worry.” Snowrun said already at his desk and writing the note to dismiss Aster’s lateness. “Thank-you.” Aster said silently as once Snowrun finished he took hold of the note. The red aura took hold of the note as he squirmed his way out of the classroom. He turned his head to auto-drive as he trotted down the hall. Officially in auto-drive, he began to read the note Snowrun had made. Please excuse Aster from his lateness, as we where having a conversation and lost track of time. That was just an amazing note, seriously. Aster scoffed a bit as he twisted back around to see a pale blue pegasi before him. The stallion was strangely larger and taller. Glaring now at the blue stallion or colt, his size made it unable for Aster to tell his age. “Hello, little flank-kisser.” The blue pony sneered as he glared at Aster, his wings erected from his back as his eyes narrowed. “Hello, random-ass obtuse pony.” Honestly, Aster was going out on a limb here, but it was made apparent he was a true fully slow pony. “What?” The stallion-colt-thing barked, ”Hey... What is that note there?” The blue pony said practically looking for an excuse to mess with Aster now. “An excu-“ Aster couldn’t finish his words before the wing of the pegasi came down on the back of his skull. Aster grimaced as the force pushed his face into the not-so-clean floor. After a second or two, Aster pushed his head upright to see the blue pegasi with the note in his maw. “No it isn’t,” He snickered,” It’s a loovvveeee note~!” He said before twisting away and flying down the hall. Aster sneered, the colt’s ignorance was apparent. His horn emitted that red aura as he formed a crimson-red wall in front of the flying colt. Aster witnessed the pegasi slam into the red wall as he trotted over and allowed the wall to fall as he switched his magic over to the note as he carefully took it out from the colt’s jaws. “Ugh… ” The blue blob that found its way to the floor murmured as Aster about-faced and trotted towards his next class which was potions, his absolute favorite. > Chapter 3: The New Daily > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The blood poured down Asters lip as the sounds of cheering ponies faded in and out. His blue eyes swayed their way to face the pile of blood that lay before him, the blood from his broken nose adding on to it as he heaved himself backwards and up. Bluesky was fast, very fast. For the blunderbuss he was he was fast, and strong. The two fighting had become quite the common occurrence much to his newfound family’s displeasure. Aster looked up for a second, his horn beginning to glow. Just then, blue feathers slammed into his features as blood sprayed onto them. He forced himself to look back up, only to get a hoof in the right eye. He stumbled back, his features burned with pain as he tried to see out of his right eye to no avail. Jumping back and missing another kick that would’ve been sure to take out his other eye, Aster growled and tried to regain his breath. How the pegasi could just keep going like that of the earth ponies was AMAZING. He had to have been fighting Aster for at least an hour now, but still kept on ticking. Aster gasped as he lunged left and kept from a full on tackle in the head. Twisting around, he charged and slammed into Bluesky’s flank, the two toppling over each other. It only made sense the larger colt Bluesky was on top. Aster scrambled as Bluesky pulled a hoof back, a sadistic smile upon his lips as just when he slammed it down aiming for Aster’s good eye Aster pulled right and slammed his horn into the chest of the pegasi to little effect, but that wasn’t what he wanted to do. The horn was still lit red, and with a quick charge a large beam of fire-red light engulfed both of the colts. After the light had unraveled and the smoke had cleared, Aster laid nearly limply across from the Bluesky to which was merely bruised from the circumstances. “You really are a weak-thing aren’t yea?” Remarked the pegasi as he prepared for another charge. Aster shut his eyes, trying to protect them as he felt the pegasi head-butt into Aster’s gut. He originally thought that would’ve been the worst part, but then he hit the back-wall of the alley. Aster could hear a distinctive crushing sound in his bones as he gasped. “TAKE THAT!” The pegasi shouted as he then slammed his hooves repeatedly against the side of Aster’s head happily. And then darkness. Darkness. He wouldn’t have been able to remember how long he was out, but upon awaking he found himself scrambling out of a comfy pillow. He stared at the red pillow casing for a long moment, before a noise alerted him. “You know, daddy really doesn’t like it when you get into fights.” A bold white earth pony spoke at the side of his bed. “Really, now?” Questioned Aster as he winced, looking down towards his chest, which was covered in bandages. “You should get some sleep. Mom said you broke a few ribs and got a black eye, also broke your nose… you’re really stupid for getting into a fight like that.” “I don’t need to take advice from a little filly.” Aster sneered as he glared at Calla. “Yes, you do.” Her tone suddenly sounded MUCH less childish. “No, I don’t.” “YES, you do.” “Fine.” Aster said, glaring at the little filly that was now getting in his face. “I do.” “Good! The first step to fixing a problem is finding out you have a problem!” The filly said happily, as Aster scooted away. “Anyways, mom made sure I changed your bandages so yeah! Spread open your legs!” “W-what?” Aster snorted, scooting against the wall. “Excuse me, move your arms!” Calla said happily as the earth pony took hold of the wrapping and began to unwind the old bandages. “Okay… “ It was painful. Like the bandages kept Aster from exploding, and upon their removal his body tensed as the bruised skin met the cold air. It actually felt like the bandages dammed the pain from breaking out and once it was removed the pain flowed out. Grimacing as the young filly tried to be quick with the wrapping. “Right!” She said, leaning back to admire her handy-work. “There we go!” Aster looked down at his chest, expecting to see horrible wrapping, but instead it was very clean. When he turned to ask Calla if she had done this before, he spotted her putting a red bow like from a Christmas gift onto his chest. “Wha... what is that?” “A bow silly!” The filly said, “It’s a present!” “But its not even close to Christmas... RIGHT?” The colt said, a cold sweat beaming over him as he imagined falling into a coma and awaking months after on Christmas… or even after it. “Yea, it is! Sorry I forgot to tell you that you slept so long.. “ He was right, he HAD slept that long. His face turned pale and he poured into a cold sweat, he had to learn when the Royals started their rein and fast! “Just kkiiiddddiiinnnnggggg!” The filly jumped up and down across his room,” But you should’ve seen YOUR FACE!” She busted into laughter, falling onto her back. “How... how long was I out?” The colt said, though his pride was aching with pain right now, he needed to know. “Well, its night now. So about a few hours.” The filly said happily twisting away. “Okay, well... “ He’ll admittedly say he wasn’t too fond of the bald filly, but he didn’t need to live with her in order to like her. Pulling himself off of the bed frame, he twisted his way over towards the door. His magic aura lit around the doorknob as he twisted it and pulled, opening up the door so he could walk through. It is safe to say he was surprised when he saw Severus standing next to him almost instantly. “You’re staying in there.” He growled at Aster. “What?” “You heard me. You’re staying in there.” “No I’m not!” Growled Aster, since the room was quite small he did not want to stay in there all day. “Yes, you are.” Severus said firmly, glaring. Aster swore his glare was always worse then Snowrun aka Mister Limplegs. He assumed that since they apparently worked together Snowrun got it off of him. Aster knew though that he would have to get use to standing up to Severus if he where to live here. Might as well start now. “No, I’m going for a walk!” He yelled which obviously escalated the conversation quickly. “NO, you’re NOT!” Severus said, twice as loud as Aster. “YOU CAN’T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!” “UM, YES, I CAN.” With each come back, their words got louder, though Severus’ remained the loudest. “GET OUT OF MY WAY!” Aster ordered the stallion, his horn emitting that red aura threateningly. “Get. In. There.” Sneered Severus, twisting to his side and with a surprising burst of speed he was next to Aster. Aster couldn’t even flinch. He thought Bluesky was fast but this stallion was triple that speed and strength. He soon felt the hoof prints of Severus dig into his side and breaking the remained of his unbroken ribcage bones. He found himself hitting the wall adjacent from the door. Growling, he scrambled to get upright, but to no avail. Severus’ blow was just too strong. It was only a matter of time before something broke out between the two, but why did he have to kick him in here? He growled, his head swiveling in the direction of Severus who lay dormant in the doorway, waiting to get Asters attention. “You’re grounded for as long as you’re suspended from school.” The stallion sneered, as Aster noticed Lily behind him, tugging him away gently. He didn’t know he was suspended from school, but apparently he was. He assumed it was for the fight. He betted that Bluesky had said he started the fight even though it was him who jumped Aster. Limping over towards the bed as the door slammed shut, he decided it would be best to wallow a bit in his bed. Alone. > Chapter 4: The Park > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lily had taken calla and Aster to the park while Severus was at the metal forging facility doing nothing but work. Lilly was nice like that, but Aster still knew Severus would be deeply displeased with her actions. Being quite frank, however, Aster didn’t care. Even though playing with the filly at home was a chore, out here it could actually be fun. “Race ya!” She darted off. Being an earth pony and all, she was INCREDIBLY faster then the unicorn. He wasn’t allowed to use his magic too, or at least that is what Calla said. She had said he couldn’t use his magic and if he did she would throw dirt in his mouth and call him a cheater. Of course at first he thought he didn’t need magic, but upon losing it he found out how fragile he was without it. He had to force himself not to do some spell that would turn his hooves into makeshift thunder. “Beat yea!” Calla said for the fifteenth time, twisting around and wagging her tailless rump in the air as she eyed the mile behind colt Aster. Panting, Aster tried to mumble in some words,” Its… de-moralizin… racing… after… the… third… time… you’ve… lost… in… a… race… “ “C’MON ‘YE PUUSSSSIIIIEEEE” Calla shouted into the area jumping up and down. “CALLA! Language!” Shouted Lily from afar interrupting her talk with one of her friends; though it was blatantly obvious Calla disregarded her. Giving up, Aster slowed his gallop to a trot, and attempted to steady his breathing. By the time he got to the end of the line Calla was jumping circles around him. Collapsing onto the ground, he stuck his features into the mud as he soon felt a sharp pain in the back of his head. It was then made apparent to him that Calla was jumping on the back of his head and all over his body, pushing him into the mud further and further. “Calla- “ He tried to say though soon his head was pushed back into the mud, “Stttooooppppp!” Aster said through a mouthful of mud. Calla was more then happy to keep jumping on his back however. She had to of jumped several circles across his back before she paused. “Oh, what did you say? Get off your back? Aww… okay… “ She said forlornly as she slipped off his back. Getting up while doused in mud Aster attempted to get the sticky brown materials off his chest and stomach. “You look like a turd.” Calla snickered immaturely, as Aster turned to face her. “Oh, you’re going to pay for that one.” Aster said, his face becoming determined as he began to gallop at the small filly. Twice his speed, Calla twisted her way around like a pretzel and charged for the edge of the park. The horn of Asters began to glow as he planned to use the same thing he had done to Bluesky, and upon a few minutes after a good charge, he formed an orb around the young pony like that of a guinea pig’s ball. He made sure to have the ball unmovable, as he watched Calla run around in circles inside the ball. Once the speedy filly realized she wasn’t going anywhere, which was surprisingly quick, she turned towards Aster and seemed to be yelling something. For a few minutes Aster let the yelling linger since the ball also was soundproofed, but then decided to drop the ball and circle. “YOU CHEATER!” Yowled Calla as she charged at him, to which Aster just jumped over her. That process repeated several times before Calla calmed down, though she seemed upset, Aster just smiled. “You cheater… “ Calla said as she then whispered below her breath, “Auburn would’ve never done that… “ “I’m no- wait, who in hell is Auburn?” Bluesky said, his eyes narrowing as he leaned forward and almost got nose-to-nose in her face. “No pony!” Calla said, trying to come up with something. “C’mon, you can tell me anything. I’m not Severus, you know? If you got a colt-friend that’s a little more then a friend its fine by me.” “Well, if I can tell you anything then can you tell me everything?” “What? What do you mean? I’ve told you-“ “How did your parents die, Aster?” Calla said curiously. “Oh- um... well… my parents where turned to stone by a cockatrice.” Aster said uncomfortably. “And they couldn’t turn them back? I mean, aren’t there ponies for that?” Calla said curiously. “Yes but... they where already cold when I found them.” “C-cold? What do you mean cold?” Calla asked “Well, you only have oh so long before being turned to stone by a cockatrice kills you no matter what.” “Kills you… “ Calla said forlornly, “Can you tell me anything? And nothing but the truth too… I can’t trust Severus or Lily… “ “Yea, what question do you want to know?” Aster asked though he had a feeling he knew where this was going. Before Aster knew it, something tackled him from behind. Slamming and tackling him into the ground as Calla jumped to get away. His back stiffened as at first he assumed it was just some kid accidently flying or galloping into him, but it simply wasn’t. The rules of the world seemed to make it his enemy. At first he thought it might’ve been Severus, but the voice was too familiar. “Little unloved thing, aren’t you? It’s a shame really this family cares for a piece of trash like you.” The voice spoke as Aster tried to break out of the back pin he found himself in but to no prevail. The sound of wings hitting his backside, sharp and painful like needles, began to fill the air as he saw a blue feather fall onto his nose. Instantly he reared his tosh into the air and bucked, meeting some unknown part of the enemy but certainly sent them flying backwards. Twisting around to face Bluesky, he charged his horn. “Why… why are you so persistent? What did I ever do to you?” “Remember back when you where at school and I took that little love letter of yours and you used your magic?” Questioned Bluesky. “Yes, you deserved it.” “You where suspended so you couldn’t of seen it, but ponies started challenging me. They started trying to kick my position from the king of the school to the bottom of the scavengers.” He said, a hoof slamming against the dirt as Aster prepared for some form of a charge. “I tried kicking your ass once and succeeded, but they’re still mocking me, and I simply must reclaim my hon-“ A white blob shot out from the side of Aster’s eye as Bluesky stumbled to the ground. Aster charged his horn for a great blast, but with Calla on him he couldn’t hit her without hurting both of them and no matter how annoying Calla was and how ignorant Bluesky is, he simply could not bring himself to hurt one of the two. Then though one of his worse fears occurred and Bluesky easily got up. Aster tried to charge his horn up but what happened next stunned him from carrying out his attack. As Calla straddled a foreleg, Bluesky lifted it up feet off the ground and slammed it down repeatedly. Like a ball, Calla bounced off him but was even worse was Bluesky didn’t stop there. Rearing back for another attack, he hit her slam across the features and down she went. Aster could see blood. His next instinct was fire, and fire he did. Such a powerful ray it slammed Bluesky into the yards behind Lily who was charging, her eyes seemed filled with tears. The two collided and upon flipping Lily landed on Bluesky but Aster couldn’t see that, as he turned his attention towards his fallen sister. “Can I really ask you anything?” She asked, her nose and mouth bleeding badly. “Yes, of course… “ “What happens when you die?” He paused, as he thought over his words. Lily made her way from where she had landed to get at the fallen filly and take her away. For the rest of the day Aster pondered the words as he mentally jerked cords and tried to answer questions he had come up with. Trying to get a proper answer to tell a filly. > Chapter 5: Christmas! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had since turned to Christmas, and as it turned out Auburn were Calla’s doctor and physician. It was made apparent that her condition had worsened over the month that her head had been damaged. The brain cancer had developed ten fold, and Auburn had allowed Calla to come to her family’s Christmas at home because he believed it would be her last. As he put it, it was highly probable that she wouldn’t last a few more months sadly, but Aster was determined to make the best of it. He had since improved his relationship with Severus as a warrant had been put between Bluesky, including a threat of prison if he violated the four hundred feet distance between the two. It had also led to Bluesky having to relocate and probably a dead future for the lame-brained ignorant colt. His parents where actually going to take Calla out shopping, much to their pleasure, but Aster didn’t feel so pleased. Ever since his incident with Bluesky at the park he had highly much so disliked the outdoors. He much more preferred to stay inside where the worse thing that could happen to you is when you’re playing Call of Ponies some noob come up and start cursing you out. At least he got to meet this Auburn, to which he had to say was very… scientific-y. The pony was of auburn color, which is like a red tinge of brown. He had red and black striped mane with deep purple eyes and a cutie mark of a laptop. Aster pondered why the pony always wore a black bow tie and glasses though he had stated he didn’t need them… oh well, guess over necessary accessories where considered a nice feature to him. The weirdest part about him though was he always spoke in a stern voice, no wonder Calla had told Aster he wouldn’t of broken the rule of a game, because he didn’t play games. They where walking down the street on what was possibly the first white Christmas Calla and Aster would ever see. It was beautiful, snow on the ground, Santa Claus ponies all around, and Calla was enjoying herself. “You know,” The voice of Auburn caught Aster off-guard, as he was usually quiet, “For her condition she has so much energy.” He said, almost sounding defeated. “Oh, yeah… I guess… “Aster said, swiveling his head about as he tried to find Calla before spotting her in front of a window. Aster sighed as he quickened his pace in order to catch up with the awe-struck Calla. “You know, if you want anything, we can pay for it.” “Really?” Asked Calla, as she pointed towards a very expensive white coat. “Even that?” Looking over the price of a hundred dollars, Aster gulped but didn’t let it show to Calla, “E-e- yes, even that.” “Oh yay! I want it!” Sighing in defeat, but a faint smile upon his face, they walked into he store. Calla was quick to charge to the front desk and demand she have it. “I’m sorry little miss… “ The mare Pegasi behind the counter spoke, “But we’re sold out.” “Can I ple-ple-PPLLLEEEAAASSSSEEEE have the coat?” “I told you miss b-“ “She has cancer.” Aster heard Auburn say in that blunt voice of his, as the girl behind the table turned white. “H-how do I know you’re not lying?” She said desperately. “She has a brain tumor, and she has to take chemotherapy to stay alive. However, chemotherapy causes one’s hair to fall out and as you see well… she has no hair.” “Oh my… yes, just take it off the shelf for free! And anything else you might want!” The mare said as Calla happily smiled though Aster could tell she was just a bit sad. They gathered up the coat and where walking around gathering a few toys for Calla. The mare had informed her employer of the predicament apparently, as some large purple unicorn had strode up to her demanding an explanation and pointed towards them. Aster was watching as the mare’s employer approached the two. “I’ve been informed your philly here suffers from a brain tumor, yes?” “Yes, well… “ Aster looked awkwardly towards himself and Auburn, who shrugged. “She isn’t ours, her parents are away picking up surprise gifts and wrapping.” “Ah, well, I need verification.” She said, as Auburn stepped forth. “My name is Auburn,” He said as used his magic to bring out an ID badge from one of his pockets. “And I work for Cadence’s Foal Hospital. I’m this Philly’s physician.” “Oh, really? You must have a lot of kids to take care of… what is so important about this one?” “Well, I’m a teacher for one. Teachers get off on Christmas but we’re afraid she won’t have beyond this Christmas.” “Oh… okay… “ The mare paused, thinking. It was painfully obvious she was still trying to decide if the facts where in order. “Please, if you’ve got foals at home t-“ “I don’t have any foals at home.” The mare said as she stared at Auburn who stared back. “Well why not? Such a pretty mare like you shouldn’t be wasting away their youth.” “Excuse me?” “Erm... what I meant by that is if you should find that one for you and have some... I mean, they’re annoying at times but a kick too.” “I haven’t found that one yet.” She said, staring. “Well, I’m always open!” Auburn said giving his stern voice a rest. “Ha-ha, no. Just get what you want I’m tired of talking to you.” The mare said as she slithered away. “Reaaallll smmmoootttthhhh.” Aster said as he hoofed the shoulder of Auburn who decided to go back to that stern personality of his. Aster turned to see Calla had since disappeared. He froze, looking desperately around before he felt a tug on his tail. Twisting around, he saw Auburn pointing. Calla was playing with a toy that seemed to be the last one they had in stock. Swiftly treading over towards her and with a smile leaning down to her level, he asked, “What kind of toy is that?” “It’s a Queen Chrysalis special edition.” “Really now? What is so special edition about it?” “You don’t see?” “Wha-AAAH” He shouted a bit as Calla tried to shove her horn into his eye, “THAT TOY IS A SAFETY HAZARD!” He yowled as he jumped backwards practically into the hooves of Auburn who was behind him. “Its fine, believe me, she knows more then she pretends.” He said as he walked over- no- ON Aster. Aster scrambled to his hooves as he looked over towards Auburn and Calla who seemed to be looking at each other. At first he hadn’t noticed the third campaigner but it wasn’t long before he noticed. “Can I have it pppllleeeaaassseee?” Some little runt of orange color asked, “If I get that I’ll finish my Queen Chrysalis collection!” They said desperately. Calla paused, staring at her as she sighed. It was the last they had in stock and they could get it for free but it seemed generosity and kindness ruled over her heart that moment as she gave it to the little thing. “Thank-you!” They yelled as they turned around and stampeded towards their mother. “You know, Calla, you didn’t have to give it to her.” Auburn said, watching Calla. “I know, but still. This isn’t just my Christmas.” Auburn nodded as he twisted his way towards the counter. Aster lingered behind before following. As they walked up and the line shortened, they met their way towards the desk. Aster himself didn’t understand why they where in line. “Why didn’t you all just leave?” The mare questioned, watching. “I mea-“ “You have to take the tags off so the detectors don’t go off.” “Oh, yeah… right. “ The tags where taken off, and they quickly exited, but something held Aster back. Twisting his head around, he saw the child they had given the toy to desperately trying to keep hold of it, despite the fact their mother thought otherwise. He watched as the child put it away, as he practically stampeded over and took hold of it. Careful about the metal detectors, he exited and caught up with the two ponies who had noticed his absence and waited for him outside. “Here.” “Whats this for?” Questioned Calla, “I gave it to that one kid.” “His mother didn’t agree.” “Oh… okay then… “ Calla said a bit unsure but upon taking hold of the Queen Chrysalis toy and putting it away in the bag Auburn was carrying, she smiled. “You know you should put your coat on. Now that we have a thicker one for you, you’ll die from freeze-bite if you don’t.” “Fine, but can I ask you something Aster?” She asked as she took the white coat from the bag. “Sure, anything.” He said, watching her put it on. “When I die, eventually of course, can you make Auburn and dad ware tutus?” She smiled as she laughed at the thought. “Wh-what?” Auburn said, again cracking that stern stereotype of his. “Yea, sure!” He smiled, “In fact, lets go into the next store and buy some.” “B-but WHY?!” Auburn nearly cried from the sheer thought of being in a tutu, his stallionhood was certainly going to suffer for that. “Because, I don’t want anypony to be unhappy when I die!” Calla said as she ran into the dress shop. > Chapter 6: Calla Flower > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I win!” Aster shouted as he beat Severus in another game of War. “Lucky… “ The phone began to ring as Lily got up from her position at the side lines. “Okay boys, once I get this call it will be my turn to beat you AGAIN Aster.” She snickered competitively. But the game didn’t continue. Before Aster knew it, they where on their way to the hospital. What had happened was Auburn had called telling the family that if they ever wanted to see their daughter alive again to come today. So the family cleared up their schedule and they did. When they had reached room 233 of Princess Cadence’s Foal Hospital they weren’t surprised that she wasn’t awake, as Auburn told them she had fallen into a bit of a coma. They went in turns as they where allowed to only have two visitors in a room at a time. Severus came out with Lily who was drooping over his shoulder in tears. Aster was just about to enter when something stopped him. Upon looking left, he spotted a black with dark grey mane lithe stallion heading his way towards them. The stallion bore a top hat and the same color eyes of Lily, a deep amber. He stopped as he watched them for a second or two and after a few seconds of looking around, Aster saw that Severus was giving him a snake-like glare. “Who... is he?” questioned Aster, as he turned his head back towards the black stallion who’s cutie mark seemed to be a paint brush. “That is Luo, her brother.” He paused, remembering how Severus had spoke of his name when he was at the adoption phase all the way back to when he was still considered an orphan. Silently he sidestepped as Luo walked his way through the crowd and into Calla’s room. For a second of silent mystification Aster watched in harmony, but then trotted in there after him. “So, you’re Luo?” “Yes, it makes sense if he never told you about me.” “Why? Why doesn’t Severus like you?” “Well, I guess you could say I never lived up to his expeditions.” Luo said as he shied away from Aster who shut the door. “But who are you?” “Calla’s new brother. Well.. for the past few months actually but still the same.” He said as he went over and sat on the free stool. Getting a chance to look over Luo more now, he saw that he also had a black suit on and that around his top hat was that of a calla flower. He found it quite fitting considering it was the flower Calla was named after. Twisting his attention towards the Calla that laid silently on the table before him, he looked down as he watched as Luo placed forth his had atop her stomach and undid the flower in order to place it upon his sister’s chest. “Can you tell me everything?” “Well, not if you’re so vague.” Luo said with a smile, turning towards Aster. “About the family and you.” “Well, a long time ago Severus was working for the factory and was working on the hundred ton table right?” “What is a hundred ton table?” “It’s a... thing. Okay? It just is. Either way he slipped and landed on a base and lets just say it damaged his stallionhood.” “So that is why they adopt?” “Yeah, that’s why they adopted you and Calla.” “O-wait, me and Calla?” Aster questioned, blinking. “Yeah, Calla was an orphan once too. Her parents couldn’t pay for her chemotherapy so they prayed and dropped her off at the orphanage… just hoping.” Aster turned and looked upon Calla, so still and silent but breathing. She hadn’t lost the warmth of her body yet, but he figured it wouldn’t be long now. “And what about you?” “Well, when I was younger I tended to… well, exploit their money. They had already adopted Calla before I left and I guess I thought I had a natural advantage simply because I was actually related to him. Of course, I didn’t, and went to far. Severus kicked me out after I got in a fight with Lily for… “Replacing” Calla’s chemotherapy money.” Aster paused, blinking as he turned to stare at Luo. “I know, its pretty bad… but still. They kicked me out on my tail and I’m better off for it now.” Aster turned towards the silent Philly before him, and forlornly he got off his stool. “Where you going?” Asked Luo as he turned towards Aster. “Leaving… “ Aster said as he walked out the door, leaving Luo with Calla. He had too much to think about to stay here. Either way, it was a bit depressing. > Chapter 7: That Sense of Humor > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The was sun beating down brazenly upon the funeral service’s outdoor activates though it seemed much less of a funeral and more of a party. People where laughing, children where playing, and people where in tutus. Everypony was in tutus, including Aster and Severus. At the side of the funeral there was a marketer selling all shapes and sorts of tutus and other obscure objects. While stallions wore tutus, mares wore completely unmatching clothing. Lily was wearing a blue shirt with gold heartstrings and red pants with black plaid. Aster was wearing a blue tutu with yellow poke-a-dots and thick blocker glasses. Severus was wearing a white tutu with golden bracelets and had his mane in a bun. Auburn was wearing a black and white tutu with a clown nose on. “Her sense of humor was… “ Auburn tried to muster up some form of insult, but couldn’t for the passed Calla. Aster thought back to when Calla had said she didn’t want anypony to be sad when she died. A small smile form across his face as he dipped his head. Checking around to make sure everypony was here he mentally checked off each pony separately. Mister Limplegs aka Snowrun was talking to some young colt dressed up as a pirate, and in his yellow poke a dotted tutu he looked quite fitting. Snickering silently to himself, Aster’s eyes swayed over to what he believed was Snowrun’s wife. A white mare, which was with a small foal, probably only even a month old. The young infant was pretty much normal apart from the fact he was having a blast and Snowrun’s wife also seemed to be in normal attire sadly… oh well, can’t win them all. After a second or so of looking around, he saw other physicians in all different colors and tutus but he found one pony missing. Where was Luo? Aster eyes searched all around to try and find the pony but to no avail. Turning over towards Auburn he poked his shoulder. “Have you seen Luo?” “L-u-o who?” Auburn paused for a second staring at Aster before it hit him, “Oh, yes… her brother. I guess you met him when he visited Calla a month ago?” “Yeah, you know him?” “Not much, he was disowned from the family just after I was assigned to Calla as a private teacher.” “Hmm… he is rather late… “ “He probably skipped.” Severus intervened with his majestic bun and white tutu flowing in the wind. “Why would he do something like that? I mean… this is his sister!” Aster said, appalled by the thought. “He has always been like this. Always missing important events intentionally… its quite sad.” Aster looked towards the white casket, thinking about how Luo had placed that calla flower on Calla back in the hospital. “Maybe he already said goodbye?” “Him? Doubt it. He probably just doesn’t want to see her again. He has always been… a very jealous pony.” “Well, I guess we should start then… “ “Will every pony willingly so speak their final words before we lay this pony to rest?” The announcer called out, snapping everypony away from their play and ordering them into a single file. “Severus, you first.” He seemed to order as he stepped off of the stool that made him look so tall. Severus cleared his throat, as he tried not to look nervous, “All good things must come to an end and though it may hurt less and less by each days passing, it will still forever hurt none the less. Because we’re all picked from the same meadow, and once we’re picked, we begin to wilt.” “Next, Madame Lily.” “I loved her, she was my little girl. I expected and hoped for her to grow older and have a family and get rid of this.. curse.. but no. I suppose though that for every happy day there is another sad one, and one thing for sure is all these happy memories of her will forever outshine the sadness.” Lily spoke as every pony became rather forlorn. “Sir Aster?” Aster had been preparing for this moment. Carefully stepping forward onto the stool, he turned to face all the tri-colored ponies in tutus and ridiculous clothing as he felt a twinge of nervousness come over him. “Just imagine them in their underware… “ He spoke silently to himself, before he opened his eyes much to his horror before shutting them again. He then felt something come over him, and though they may not of been the best words to speak at the end of a funeral, he found them proper. “I remember back when we were in the park, and she asked me:” “What happens when you die?” And I said, “You forget everything... Everything. ” “Even you?” She asked. “Yes, even me.” She did not want to die. Never forget.