• Published 18th Feb 2012
  • 2,894 Views, 43 Comments

All Coupled Up - tomColt15

When two ponies get together, will two others get jealous?

  • ...


Rainbow shot daggers at AppleJack with her stare. AppleJack didn't even have the courage to look at the rainbow maned mare, she was too ashamed of what she did. The orange mare opened her mouth once more in order to say something, but was quickly cut off by Rainbow.

“No! Don't even say you're sorry!” Dash screamed. “I-I don't even... I need to get away for a while.”

“Rainbow Ah'm really-”

“No, don't say anything. I'm the one at fault. I shouldn't have came over to see you and I shouldn't have said sorry. I just need time to think,” Rainbow said not wanting to deal with AppleJack any longer.

“Yeah... Ah guess Ah do too,” AppleJack said still looking at the ground.

“I think,” Rainbow began. “There are other ponies that you have to see first.” As Dash spoke she slowly trotted away from the farm pony. Once she was out of AppleJack's sight she flew away to Ponyville. AppleJack was left standing by her hammock keeping tears from escaping her damp emerald eyes. She wasn't sure what to do now. Go back to work? What other pony was there that she had to talk to, what was Rainbow talking about. AppleJack hadn't a clue, so she cried, However, AppleJack was a stubborn pony. Even though she knew she was far too torn for work, she had to help her farm. AppleJack stood by the hammock for a few more minutes before finally trotting slowly back to her threshold.

It was the break of dawn and a piercing alarm shot through an orange mare's eyes. AppleJack opened her eye ever so slowly revealing the emerald pupils. She yawned and trotted to the mirror that accommodated her dresser. She stared at herself for a while wondering if that was really her. Her mane was messier than usual, and her eyes looked bloodshot and puffy. Probably due to all the crying. She probably tossed and turned a lot in her sleep, even though AppleJack never remembered her dreams, she had a feeling the last one wasn't too great. She walked down stairs and saw her older, red, brother already seated at a small family table. AppleJack never really saw Big Macintosh do much. He was always out on the orchard before her and always back in before her. She watched as her big brother munched on an apple and began heading out the door. AppleJack followed her brother out the door, she didn't feel like eating this morning. The two walked only a few paces out the door before Big Macintosh stopped, causing AppleJack to collide with the red stallion.

“Hey, uh, AJ,” the baritone stallion began.

“Y-yeah Big Mac?” AppleJack stuttered off guard.

“Are you okay?” Big Mac said slow and country as ever.

“W-why wouldn't Ah be? Jus' a little tired is all,” AppleJack tried lying. However, her brother knew her much too well. Besides, it was always obvious when AppleJack attempted to lie.

“AJ, Ah can tell when yer lyin'. Ah'm jus' tryin' ta help, Ah know somethings wrong,” Bic Mac said concerned. AppleJack knew that there was no running away. Her brother loved her and really did want to help, and she knew she could trust him too. With that she took a deep breath and sighed.

“Well, its kinda complicated,” AppleJack began.

“How so?” her brother interrupted.

“Ah-ah've got a little crush,” she admitted. Big Macintosh only stared at his sister, knowing there was more to it. “Its not jus' any kinda crush though.”

“So ya like some pony, what of it?” Macintosh said.

“Well Ah gotta crush onna filly.”

“What's that problem?”

“Ah like rain...ash...bow...her,” AppleJack murmured. It was as if Fluttershy had been talking instead of AppleJack.

“What was that?”

“Ah like ren...dash...ahem,” AppleJack whispered.

“C'mon sis, y'all can trust me,” Macintosh said.

“Ah... Ah like Rainbow Dash,” AppleJack finally spat out.

“See, its not that bad,” Big Macintosh said calmly.

“Not that bad? Mac it is bad, she don't like me in the same way. She and Fluttershy have a thing now and Ah.. Ah was being a jealous foal!” AppleJack screamed at her brother. “Ah don't know what ta do now!”

“Why don't cha jus' talk ta 'er?” Bag Mac suggested.

“'Cause she ain't wanna see me no more.”

“How do y'all know that?”

“Ah did somethin' Ah shouldn't have. And now Ah jus' know she hates me,” AppleJack sighed.

“Well waddya do that was so terrible?”

“Ah kissed 'er. And its ain't even that. She didn't like it and she's with Fluttershy anyway,” AppleJack confessed. She sighed once more and waited for her brother to say something. Big Macintosh only stared into space. “What do Ah do Big Mac?”

“Well, fist ya gotta clear up this mess with anypony who might've been affected by this sorta thing,” he said.

“What's that 'sposed ta mean?”

“Last night Ah saw Miss Rarity runnin' outta the orchard. It looked ta me like she was cryin' too,” Big Macintosh informed. “Then, ya gotta clear all this up with yer other friends.”

“Ya mean Rainbow and Fluttershy, right,” AppleJack sighed.



A knock on the door broke the depressing silence that consumed the shining boutique in the middle of Ponnyville. The fashionista hoped whoever was at her door would just leave, however she was sadly mistaken. There was another knock on the door. Rarity just sat frozen in the middle of her work, or inspiration, room. A third knock was produced, only this one was much louder and was accompanied by a rugged voice.

“Rarity open up, I know you're in there,” the voice yelled. From the start Rarity knew who that was. No pony had a voice like Rainbow Dash's. Only problem was that it was Rainbow Dash knocking on her front door. Rarity hated Rainbow Dash. Well, not exactly hate. As a matter of fact, Rarity didn't know what to think of Rainbow Dash at the moment. Should she be upset with her? Should she be more understanding? Or perhaps she should just spit on the mare. Emotions huddled up inside of Rarity, everything that would've seemed logical just floated out of her. She was heart-broken. The mare she loved, didn't feel the same way about her, and she was acting completely unlady-like. Rarity's mind was overflowing with questions about the recent events, but her thoughts were soon ended by a shattering knock.

Rainbow pounded on the door as she called for Rarity to come out and talk. She didn't know what she would say, or if she should even say anything. Last time she tried talking to some pony everything got a whole lot worse. She hadn't known if Rarity like her, or AppleJack, or was just running away for no reason. Either way, she was going to get to the bottom of this. “Rarity, get out here right now!” She tried calling again. It was pointless, the unicorn wasn't going to show her face to Rainbow. However, no thoughts were going to make Rainbow quite. If there was one thing she knew, it was that she never left her friends hanging. She had to help. She wanted to help, no matter what. Dash stopped knocking on the door for a while. She started thinking maybe the best way to help was not to try. After all, every time she tried helping, things went horribly wrong. When she kicked the dragon, she only made it angrier. When she refused to close the window, the howling of windigoes was heard. Then there was right now, she tried helping AppleJack, only to hurt her and Rarity. Rainbow didn't know what to do now, Rarity confined herself and there was no way she could get her out. She bowed her head as her ears flopped down and started trotting towards Fluttershy's cottage. Rainbow needed advice, and there was only one mare she trusted enough to get this advice from.

Another knock on the door, only this time the door was smaller and more old school. Rainbow stared at the cottage as she heard sounds coming through it to the door she stood in front of. At last, a pale yellow pegasus reveled herself.

“Oh Rainbow, you didn't tell me you were coming today. Actually you said you'd come yesterday, but you didn't and I got kind of worried. Where were yesterday, I mean I know that you're probably-” Fluttershy stopped her rant when she saw the sad look on her marefriend's face. Rainbow trotted inside her cottage and turned towards Fluttershy and watched as she closed the door.

“Fluttershy, can I tell you something,” Rainbow said already knowing the answer.

“Of course Rainbow, whats on your mind?” Fluttershy confirmed worried. Rainbow took in a deep breath and sighed. She didn't really want to explain everything all over again and relive the events that took place, but it was the only way she could truly help her friends. Rainbow looked down at the floor and shuffled her hooves before building up the courage to explain everything. Dash took in yet another big breath, sighed, and explained everything.

“After she kissed me, I saw Rarity run away. I guess she saw everything and probably didn't like what she saw,” Rainbow finished explaining. By this time, Rainbow was leaning on Fluttershy as she stroked her mane. Fluttershy deepened the embrance and nuzzled Rainbow.

“Oh Rainbow, I don't know what to say. Maybe you should try talking to Rarity first and get things straight between you and her,” Fluttershy suggested only to earn a Rainbow's head shake.

“I tried this morning, she wouldn't talk to me,” Rainbow disagreed.

“Well, it seems like you're in quite a dilemma Rainbow. Perhaps you AppleJack and Rarity should all go out and talk things out,” Fluttershy said. Rainbow fell silent for a while trying to think things over. It could work, but how.

“How would I get everyone to come. I bet neither of them even want to see my face again,” Rainbow said while burying her face into Fluttershy's mane.

“Oh I don't think they wouldn't want to see you anymore. But if there is one thing I've learned from you, its how to trick ponies,” Fluttershy said while grinning a little. This caught Rainbow by surprise, she'd never expected Fluttershy to be devious type.

“You're going to try tricking our friends?” Rainbow asked while lifting her head to meet Fluttershy's eyes. Fluttershy nodded.

“Well they will meet you someplace, but they won't have to know you were inviting them,” Fluttershy explained. Rainbow grinned at Fluttershy.

“So whats the plan?”

A/N; This chapter is the one I honestly dislike the most. I didn't put all that much effort into it when I was writing it and it turned out bad, but it was kind of the only way to get the story moving along.