• Published 18th Feb 2012
  • 2,894 Views, 43 Comments

All Coupled Up - tomColt15

When two ponies get together, will two others get jealous?

  • ...

She doesn't deserve you

“AppleJack!” Rainbow called hoping to find her friend. “AppleJack!” she called again. Rainbow hovered above Sweet Apple Acres for ten minutes now trying to find AppleJack. “Great, now she won't even come out.” Rainbow had just about given up when she saw another figure start roaming towards the farm. This one was white and trotted with poise and elegance. Dash knew who it was from the moment she saw her violet hair and swooped down to talk to her. “Rarity! I'm so glad you're here, I need you to talk to AppleJack for me.”

“Well, why would you need me to talk to AppleJack for you. In fact if anything AppleJack would need to talk to you face to face,” Rarity mentioned.

“I know,” Rainbow said sadly. “I can't find her though. Do you know where she is?”

“If I know AppleJack, she's probably in her room or that old barn. Hopefully not the cellar.” Rainbow sighed and thanked Rarity before going off to search. Rainbow looked everywhere Rarity had told her to. First she looked in the old barn, nothing was there. Then she looked in AJ's room only to see the cutie mark crusaders up to something she didn't care for. She didn't see AppleJack in the cellar, only Big Macintosh. He told her about a special hammock near the lake AppleJack liked going to, so Rainbow went there in search for her friend. Sure enough, there she was sitting on the hammock in a strange way that allowed her to swing her hind legs in the air.

“AppleJack?” Rainbow said hoping to get an answer. There was no answer. “AppleJack,” she called again. This time the orange mare turned to face the cyan pegasus. “Can we talk?”

“About what?” AppleJack finally spoke.

“You know what I mean. About what happened back there by the lake.,” Rainbow said. AppleJack only sighed. “Please AJ, you're one of my best friends and-”

“One of your best friends. Ah don't want that, Ah want to be your best friend,” AppleJack argued.

“AppleJack, I don't think that's all you want to say.”

“It ain't, you're right. Ah want to be more than a friend to ya, more than a best friend. Rainbow, Ah love ya and Ah have fer quite some time now. Ah was jealous of Fluttershy,” AppleJack confessed careful not to let a tear fall from her eyes. “Ah didn't want y'all to be together so Ah tried to get ya away from her. And Ah was being a horrible friend. Ah used Fluttershy's weakness and insulted y'all two, and Ah'm mighty sorry fer that.”

“It's okay AppleJack, its just that I didn't know and I'm sorry I didn't know sooner. I know you've done so many things for me in the past, but I didn't know about this. I'm really sorry AppleJack, but my heart belongs to Fluttershy now. That's how it has to be, I hope this wouldn't damage our friendship.”

“Ah-ah understand. And its okay Dash,” AppleJack lied. Rainbow apologized a million times more before she finally left. The sky was still sunny and AppleJack didn't like it, she'd wished it would just rain on her. AppleJack just stayed sitting on her hammock, swinging her legs and thinking about what had just happened. It was going to be really awkward between her and Dash for a while now, not only Rainbow but Fluttershy too. She had insulted the two lovers because she was jealous. AppleJack sighed to herself, she had been thinking too much. Love was something she didn't want to think about anymore, there was no pony like Dash, and Dash just rejected her.

“Oh AppleJack dear!” a formal voice called. AppleJack cringed at the noise, for she hadn't wanted to see anyone at the moment. “AppleJack, don't ignore me, please I only came to talk,” Rarity pleaded.

“What do ya want?” AppleJack asked lifeless as ever.

“AppleJack, darling, you're chewing yourself up and I simply won't accept it,” Rarity said sternly. AppleJack glared at Rarity as if she was supposed to know what just happened.

“Rarity, Ah don't think ya understand what Ah jus' went through.”

“Please, do explain.”

“Ah was jus' rejected, for Fluttershy, by Rainbow Dash. That there is the last thin Ah would've suspected, and then it happened right in front of me. Ah insulted their love, abused mah element, and even made poor Fluttershy cry. Ah'm a horrible friend Rarity,” AppleJack explained. Rarity watched as AppleJack attempted to hold back her tears. Unfortunately, the attempt was futile, the heart-broken cowpony had streams of tears dampening her face. She buried her head in her hooves as she broke out in tears. This was the first time Rarity had seen the tough AppleJack cry, and she couldn't stand seeing her like this.

“AppleJack,” Rarity spoke. “you're not a horrible friend.” AppleJack looked up at the unicorn now. “You're a great friend. No, you're an amazing friend and nothing can ever change that about you. If Rainbow is so insensitive to not understand your love for her, she doesn't deserve you. You deserve somepony who you can trust. You deserve somepony who can love you back just as much or more. You deserve somepony who can respect your ways, no matter how different they are.” Rarity finished. AppleJack stared at the bleach white unicorn, no longer sobbing. Something about that last part Rarity had just said reminded her of one of their previous friendship reports. However, AppleJack was too blind at the moment to remember.

“Rarity, Ah don't know what to say. Thank ya kindly fer helpin' me out. Ah just don't think Ah wanna deal with all this love right now,” AppleJack said. Rarity's heart skipped a beat thinking AppleJack had noticed what she did there. “Hopefully, things between me and Rainbow can stay the same.” Rarity sighed as AppleJack walked off. Rarity hoped AppleJack hadn't suspected her love, for she wanted to be formal. Rarity wanted to tell AppleJack the right way, but now she had to wait. She would respect AppleJack's decision in not wanting to deal with any more emotional issues like this. However, Rarity had to be very patient, it would take quite some time for such a stubborn pony such as AppleJack to get over something like this.

A/N; Didn't combine any chapters this time because this one and the next one kind of stand on their own. By now, most of you probably see where this is going and rates and reviews are nice too ^_^