• Published 18th Feb 2012
  • 2,895 Views, 43 Comments

All Coupled Up - tomColt15

When two ponies get together, will two others get jealous?

  • ...


“AppleJack! AppleJack I insist you open this door right now!” Rarity yelled while banging on the Apple family barn door. The door creaked open just a smidge and the orange mare reviled herself.

“What d'ya want Rarity?” AppleJacked asked sounding completely drained.

“We need to talk, about the party and your recent behavior,” Rarity demanded. AppleJack knew there was no reasoning with this one. So she let Rarity in and the two mares went into AppleJack's room. “Apple, why did you leave?”

“Ah, ah just...”

“Please AppleJack, you can tell me anything. I'm just worried,” Rarity stared into her emerald eyes hoping for an answer.

“Its just that, last night when Rainbow told Fluttershy she loved her, ah didn't wanna see it anymore.”

“AppleJack that cider you gave her was very strong, it might not be what you think.”

“But it is, I've seen enough people get drunk offa' mah cider I know what it does to you. It makes people wanna blurt the truth here and there. They start fussin' up as if they gonna die. And knowing the Rainbow liked Fluttershy, it just..”

“You love her don't you?” Rarity knew the element of honesty couldn't hold a secret like this. She also knew her spot she had longed for in AJ's heart had been taken by the brash pegasus.

“Ah do, ah really do Rarity. Ah've liked her ever since Nightmoon, but I started lovin' her after the Runnin' of the Leaves. Then Ah saw how gracefully she swooped ya up back in Cloudsdale. What Ah would give for that ta be me, but then she told Fluttershy.” AppleJack finished and looked as if she were ready to burst into tears. Rarity bit her lip and tried reasoning with the orange mare she felt for.

“AJ dear, there's a pony out there for everyone. Whether it being a stallion or mare, I'm sure you'll find somepony good enough for you. If Rainbow Dash were unable to see it in you, she doesn't deserve you. You need somepony you can trust in and who can see how great a mare you truly are. I see a strong pony in you AppleJack, and whoever you are to be with has to see the same.” AppleJack stared into the beautiful unicorn's eyes.

“Ah'm sorry Rarity, Ah'm gonna find Dash tomorrah and see if Ah can tell 'er. 'Twas mighty kinda' ya to stop by and help me though.” AppleJack said giving a weak smile. It ad been a long day and Rarity decided it was time for her departure.

“You're very welcome,” Rarity waited until AppleJack was out of the room before whispering, “my love.”
~ ~ ~

Twilight was having a nice morning. She had finished tidying up from the wrecked slumber party and was settling down with a nice book. This book was one of the rare ones in which Twilight had not already read it yet. Now was the perfect moment to sit down, relax, and read it.

“TWILIGHT!” 'Oh that's right, I live in Ponyville now.' Twilight thought to herself then sighed.

“Yes Spike.”

“Fluttershy is here to see you.”

“Okay she can come up,” Twilight answered as the timid pegasus made her way up the stairs to see her bookworm friend.

“Oh, is this a bad time because I kind of wanted to uh ask you something,” Fluttershy said timid as ever.

“No of course not, its perfect timing,” Twilight said sarcastically while setting down her book.

“Oh, I'm sorry its just that you seemed like the only pony I could talk to at the time so I uh stopped by.”

“Its okay Fluttershy, so what do you want to talk about.”

“Um well you see, I kind of lied to Rainbow Dash and I'm worried about her now.”

“Wait, what? Okay, back up a little and start from the beginning.”

Fluttershy explained the how she had a crush on Rainbow and about Rainbow's more formal confession. Then she took a breath a told Twilight about how she had told Rainbow she had no feelings for her and broke her heart.

“Well, I don't know what to tell you Fluttershy. I'm not exactly the expert on when it comes to love. Personally I think you should go to Rainbow Dash and tell her the truth, I think you two will make a nice couple.”

“If only we could be a couple. I'm just too scared to tell her.”

“What is there to be afraid of, she already told you she loves you.”

“But she must be so mad at me. Besides, she probably too devastated to see my face ever again.”

“Fluttershy, don't you think you're over exaggerating just a bit there. This is Rainbow Dash we're talking about, I don't think that will ever happen.”

“Okay Twilight I think I'll tell her soon. I have to go now though, my animals must be worrying about me. Bye Twilight.”

“Goodbye Fluttershy and good luck!” Twilight waved goodbye to her friend then got back to her book and sighed with relief.

Rainbow sat on her bed loathing around in pity. She looked to her right and spotted a small radio. 'Maybe music will get my head outta the clouds' Dash looked around her cloud home and forced herself to chuckle. She now reached for the small radio and turned it on.
Gave you all I had and you tossed it in the trash
Tossed it in the trash you did
To give me all your love is all I ever ask 'cause
What you don't understand
Is I'd catch a grenade for yaa-

Rainbow quickly turned the radio off. “Stupid Bruno Mars. Stupid radio. Stupid... love.”


Fluttershy didn't know how to tell Rainbow Dash anything just yet. All she knew was that Rainbow supposedly only had courage built through drunkenness. This gave Fluttershy a pretty crazy idea. She flew over to AppleJack's apple cellar before even thinking about going to Rainbow Dash.

“So yer tellin' me y'all want mah strongest cider? Fluttershy ya mind if Ah ask ya what y'all would even need this here cider?” AppleJack was in the cellar organizing the storage when Fluttershy had asked for the alcohol.

“Well uh, I just wanted to see what it tastes like,” Fluttershy lied. She had never actually dared to drink AppleJack's cider considering how she'd seen how other ponies acted under the influence.

“Uh, whateva ya say. Jus' be careful, this here is some perdy strong.”

“I will, thank you AppleJack.”

There knock on the door, quite loud for a knock on a cloud door. Rainbow groaned as she got out of her bed unwillingly. When she opened the door, a yellow pegasus was wobbling around.

“Fl-Fluttershy?” Rainbow said confused at why her usually calm and shy friend was now drunk.

“Hey R-Rainbow! Ya gotta come with me to da, uh, sky place,” Fluttershy stammered.

“Uh, Fluttershy we are in the sky.”

“No, silly filly, I mean flying duh. That's the sky place.”

“So you, wanna go flying with me?”

“Yeah huh.”

“Well shouldn't you be sober for flying?”

“I am sober Dashie,” with that Fluttershy barfed on Dash's doorstep and grabbed her arm. Before Dash knew it, they were flying around and she was having a pretty good time with the drunk Fluttershy.

They landed on a cloud above Ponyville's lake and decided to take a quick rest. By this time, Fluttershy started getting better and was no longer as tipsy.

“Oh Dashie,” Fluttershy called from the air.

“Yeah 'Shy.”

“I'll race you to that cloud over there,” Fluttershy challenged while pointing at a cloud high above the middle of the lake.

“Okay, you're on,” Rainbow retorted. The two raced to the cloud, Fluttershy lagged behind. She was still trying to fly straight when Rainbow had landed. Dash looked back for Fluttershy who suddenly crashed into her. The pegasi fell down to the lake. Fluttershy wasn't focused enough to fly and she held onto Rainbow's torso, making her unable to fly. Splash.

“Fluttershy what the hay where you thinking?” Rainbow asked after popping her head out of the water. Fluttershy snapped out of her drunkenness due to the splash of the water and was now dumbfounded in front of Dash.

“I-I, I'm sorry Rainbow Dash. I shouldn't have knocked you over,” Fluttershy tried to answer.

“But you drank, and you were totally drunk back there.”

“I'm sorry. I usually don't drink much, maybe a little wine sometimes but this was my first time having cider.”

“Its okay Fluttershy, but why did you drink it in the first place.” Fluttershy didn't answer. Instead she barfed in the water. Dash grabbed Fluttershy and swam away from the new floating substance in the water. Then she repeated her question.

“I-I just thought it would help me.”

“Help you with what? What would being drunk ever help you with. All it does is ruin lives.”

“That's not true Dash, it gave you courage.”

“And look where that brought me. If I hadn't told you anything, things would've been the same. No awkward moments or anything.”

“Rainbow you don't get it, I needed courage so I could-”

“So you could what?” Dash said sounding kind of annoyed.

“Because I lied to you.”

“Great and you lie to me. So this has to due with being drunk becau-”

“Because I love you. I lied to you and I didn't mean to and I just, I just-” Fluttershy was cut off by Rainbow's lips. Fluttershy tried keeping her wings down, but they sprung up anyway. She deepened the tender kiss, knowing there was no sense in fighting what she wanted. A few seconds passed by and Rainbow finally broke the kiss.

“I'm sorry Fluttershy, I couldn't help myself. Everything just seemed so perfect and I thought we could kiss, but I didn't let you finish saying what you were saying and I-” This time Fluttershy planted a gentle kiss onto her athletic friend. They quickly broke the kiss and Fluttershy gave Rainbow a small smile.

“Now we're even.” Fluttershy said. Rainbow couldn't help but smile back at the adorable pegasus. Everything was perfect, nothing could go wrong now. Or so the couple had hoped.

“Y'all filly-foolers havin' fun out there?” there was no doubt where that country drawl had come from.

“A-AppleJack! Wh-what are you doing here?” Rainbow asked quickly pulling away from the shy pegasus.

“Oh I jus' came to see how you were doin'. To me, it seems jus' peachy,” AppleJack said with a hint of anger in her voice.

“What's wrong with you AJ. Why would you come over just to tease us?”

“Hello, Element of Honesty can't Ah state the truth here. Y'all two are filly-foolin' over there while the rest of us here gotta sit here and watch.”

“Who said you had to watch?” Rainbow yelled. Fluttershy was too scared to do anything but cower back in embarrassment.

“Well maybe Ah wanna watch!” AppleJack screamed causing an awkward silence. Rainbow floated in the water unsure of what to say.

“AppleJack, are... are you jealous of me?” Rainbow asked after putting the puzzle together.

“No. No Ah ain't jealous of ya Rainbow” AppleJack answered. This only caused more confusion to enter Dash's mind.

“Then what's the problem, who would you be...” Rainbow stopped mid-sentence. Her eyes widened in realization and her head hung down. She slowly picked her head up and swam towards AppleJack. “AJ are you jealous of Fluttershy? Because I like her?” No answer. Dash started swimming closer to land in order to get to AppleJack, but instead the lovestruck cowpony ran off.

A/N; Is this drama I smell? Yeah, that's why the whole thing seemed like it was moving fast. It's only because the story's plot is kind of changed. Song reference, just cause I heard it on Pandora while writing this. Drunkish Fluttershy, I don't even know... Anyway, this is where it all gets good ^_^