• Published 3rd Jul 2013
  • 714 Views, 2 Comments

Brothers In An Equestrian War - Woodenbrony27

When civil war grabs Equestria two brothers join the fight for dominance. but end up joining opposite sides. follow the story of two brothers trying to survive the war

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Suiting Up for Work

There was not much talking on the flight to the NLR’s sky outpost besides Baze’s random bursts every once and awhile.

“Ugh, are we there yet?” Baze said for the uptinth time.

Does she ever shut up?

“Baze, That is the 136th time you have said that this trip. And yes I AM keeping count.” Couch Tate said.

“I agree with Tate on this, we will get there when we get there and not a second before” Dawn replied. “Now please shut up. Thanks. Now the map says we still have a good half hour of flying to go, and if you ask ONE more time “are we are there yet?” I will buck you straight in the mouth.”

Thirty minutes later at the New Lunar Republics Everfree outpost

“How do the solars not know we are here?” I said in shock. “I can see Ponyville from here! and this place is huge!”

“Yes it is private” said a grey burly pegasus stallion. “its cloaked by some powerful unicorns.”

“Captain Greysketch!” We said in unison and raising our hooves to form a salute.

“At ease soldiers, I have been assigned as your new squad captain. Which means I will be in charge and also be in charge of your missions for the republic.”

“Missions sir?” I asked. Does this mean we get to go on secret missions? like spies?!

“Yes Private Aice. it is my opinion that the four of you despite your differences could serve well. Dawns knowledge of equipment and hacking could be useful for Acquiring data behind lines, Baze’s expertise of espionage and assassination could help with sneaking through enemy lines and eliminating targets unnoticed, and combined with Techno’s and Couch’s skill with being able handle well under pressure makes you all a perfect team.

Is this for real?! This improves my chance of survival spontaneously! Unless of course i get captured and executed... BUT I get to be a spy, infiltrating enemy lines like James Pond.

“Now you will each get a ID Card as new members of the NLR.” He said handing us each a card with star background, a picture of us, and our information and a QR code which probably held info about us. The back had our signature from when we filled out our forms three weeks ago and a scan thingy. “These can allow you access to certain areas.”

“No way! We get to be secret agents!?” Baze said clutching her ID tightly.

“Now thats not supposed to be common knowledge, you can’t be a secret agent if you announce it to the world now can you?”

“Yeah, I don't think any of us are Codename Duchess.” Dawn said.

“Now, all of you must report to the armoury to get your new gear.”

“What about this cool shiny armour?” Couch Tate said. “I have grown attached to it”

“Ten bits says you will change when you see your new outfit.” Greysketch said leading us to get our new uniforms.

Later at the armoury

“It just looks like a turtleneck to me” Dawn said looking in the mirror.

That is correct Dawn, but you will get a belt of tools to go along with it like a grappling hook, smoke bombs, a circuit scrambler for destroying files, a blow dart gun with lethal poison, and knockout gas.”


“And for Baze, she also has a turtleneck, but different tools.”

“Oh! Oh! What do I get?”

“For you, you have a few different knives, a small silenced pistol and ammo, a wire that can be used to choke other ponies, smoke bombs, a lockpicking set, and a bottle of chloroform.”

All this talk about weapons was making me nervous.

“Now for you two.” The Captain said addressing me and Couch. “You two will have identical equipment. But Techno here, being a wiz with sound and frequency will have something else.”

Something else? specifically for me?

“First for Couch. One, do you have the ten bits? Cause I am confident in the equipment.”

“Yes sir, but do you have Yours?”

“Anyways, for you, you will have a simple blue shirt and a black trench coat and Balaclava mask to hide your identity custom imprinted with The NLR’s emblem.”


“And you will be getting a assortment of tools.” He said brushing off the interruption “Such as a medium hunting knife, a small silenced pistol and ammo like Bazes, a grappling hook like Dawns, smoke bombs, and a few small cherry bombs. So which will you choose Tate?” the captain said with a smug smile.

Couch handed him a small bag of coins grumbling yet pleased with the new equipment.

“Now it is your turn Private Aice.” The Captain said turning to me. “You will get the same equipment as Couch Tate but since you already seem to have a trenchcoat, you won't be given one, but you will receive High pitched frequency emitters and flash bombs instead of normal bombs to distract anypony, and a small gun that emits such a high pitch that whoever you use it on will be rendered unconscious.”

I was surprised. I mean its not everyday you get all this cool stuff.

“R-really? I get all that?”

“Yes, you all will be given one weapon or tool of choice and cyanide capsules in case you are captured by the solars.”

Cyanide? well I know I won’t do that.

“Weapon of choice? That sounds fun, can I have a taser?” Baze said eagerly.

“Yes you can A bit strange, but okay.”

“Is it possible to get a magnum?” Dawn asked

“Yes it is.”

Any weapon? How about something different from firearms. I remember my fathers old antique collection of swords... maybe?

“Can I have a second Silenced Pistol?” Couch though aloud.

“Sure. Techno, is there anything you want?”

“A sword. like the ones from the Discordian Era.”

“Really dude? A sword?” Baze said. “I don’t see the point of that”

“Yes you can, usually we have earth ponies use them but i guess you can too.” Now wait here, I will have somepony bring you your gear. Then report to The Grand Admiral's tent for your first mission, you will know it when you see it.

Grand Admiral? Who could that be? Now i wish i paid more attention during training.

Later in the middle of camp

Well this has to be it! I thought looking at a huge blue tent in the middle of the camp.

“Ten minutes of searching and we didn’t notice this first? How?” Couch Said scratching his chin.

“I wonder what our mission will be.”

“Whatever.” Baze said. “lets just go in, we have been standing here for five minutes!”

We then stepped through the flaps and were stopped by two serious looking guards.

“Halt, show me your ID and state your business”

“Let them through soldier, they are here for their briefing on a special mission, am I right? Came a familiar voice from behind a second flap probably leading to another room.

I know that voice! why is my brain pulling blanks?!

“yes your highness, the guards said allowing us to pass.

‘Your Highness’?! Does this mean who I think it means?

We walked past the guards and into the second room. The pony who was waiting there made us stop in our tracks and bow.

“Hello Princess Luna.” We each said at the same time.

“Please, we would be happy if you just call me Luna.”

“As you wish mis Luna.”

“So you are the four new ponies that Captain Greysketch has recruited?”

“Yes ma’am”

“Then lets start shall we?” The princess of the night lead us to a scale map of Ponyville. “Your mission is to infiltrate the base town unnoticed and recover a file that is being held in the town library, we need to get our hooves on it before it reaches canterlot. But if you are unable to bring it back you must destroy it. Now the hard part is finding a way to enter the town’s unnoticed, Any suggestions?”

I got an idea! “I think I might have a way.”

“Yes? what do you have in mind?”

I then told them about my scheme that would allow us entry to the area no problem.

Author's Note:

ok guys, there we go, i did not have much time to work on this chapter and will be busy the rest of the week. so updates may be further apart in the future.