• Published 3rd Jul 2013
  • 714 Views, 2 Comments

Brothers In An Equestrian War - Woodenbrony27

When civil war grabs Equestria two brothers join the fight for dominance. but end up joining opposite sides. follow the story of two brothers trying to survive the war

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Meet The Rest (Minus One or Two)

Meanwhile in Canterlot

“Keyboard! wake up!” Came the annoying sound of my bunk mate.

“Shut up Sudo!” I said pulling the covers over my eyes. “I want to sleep some more”

“You have to be kidding?! To day we become SOLDIERS! Then we get to fight for the glory of the Holy Solar Empire against those lunar traitors.” He said quickly getting on his golden armour which was almost the same as a guard uniform. But this armour had metal shin guards on the front of each leg, the helmet and body design was the same as a royal guards.

“Oh Faust I forgot!” I said quickly putting on my armour. “where did Freedom and Midnight go?”

“They left already” He said opening the tent flap. They didn’t want to be late, now come on Key!”

“Ok, ok I’m comin’.” I said following him out the tent.

We jogged our way out of the camps barracks to the castle where the ceremony is being held.

Later in the castle throne room

We joined our friends midnight and Freedom Goldenlancer. Freedom is the leader of our squad. whew. just in time to. just then trumpets sang out announcing that Princess Celestia has arrived.

“all salute your ruler and leader in battle! Princess Celestia!” declared a white coat and blue mane, and every pony turned to salute the princess of the sun as she calmly walked through the center isle and stepped up to sit on her throne.

“Thank you Shining Armour.” Celestia said kindly.
See, Princess Celestia hasn’t changed at all, she is still a nice and caring pony.

“Thank you everypony, you may rest now.” She said as we all put down our hooves. “As you all know you have completed your training in the different categories you were assigned have it be Medic, Soldier, Engineer, or Air Pony. I am confidant that we will be able to defeat my sister and her army.” she said suddenly using a stern voice. “I trust you all will fight with your lives for the Empire.”

“Now I sent Princess Twilight to Gryphonya to ask for the gryphons’ help in the war. and i am proud to announce that they have agreed. I believe they will be a great asset in upcoming battles.”

“really? i would love to fight alongside them” Midnight said beside me.

“yeah, not even I want to fight one” said Freedom. “I almost feel sympathy for the lunars when they fight them.”

“I hope Techno won’t have to fight them...” I said suddenly fearing for my brothers safety and imagining him getting mauled by one. don’t think that Keyboard. he is strong and smart and can handle himself in a fight.

“Oh yeah, forgot about your brother, Techno.” Said Midnight. “Anyhay, it seems we zoned out on the rest of her speech.”

The dark blue unicorn was right, the Princess of the Sun was stepping in her golden chariot.

Then Shining armour turned to face everyone in the room. “Alright everypony, you are all dismissed for the rest of the day. Go have fun, have a drink or two.” He said with a smile on his face then turning into a serious one. “Because after this there won’t be any off days for a long time.”

With that our little group headed out into the streets of canterlot to have some fun. we eventually ended up in the Equestrian Tavern and Grill. One of the places other soldiers were going on their night off on the street.

“Hey check it out, all soldiers of any faction gets free food guys!” I said already starting to walk inside.

“Hold your horses private.” Freedom said grabbing my shoulder. “Notice the sign says all factions, that means there might be some Lunars in there.” He said looking down at me.

“Hey man, don't get the little dudes hopes up.” Sudo said. “Plus this is like five blocks away from the castle. no Lunar in their right mind would dare come here.

Forgot that sudo was here. “Hey, you're only like two inches taller than me.”

“You know how much he is itching to find his brother, and hopefully not find him on the battlefield of in a casket.”

“Anyways, what is Techno like anyways?” piped up midnight. “All you say is his name is Techno.”

“Fine, but first let’s get some food.” I said trying to avoid the conversation.

after we all ordered our food midnight prodded me about Techno again. “Now that we have our food, lets get back to your brother.”

I sighed in defeat “Fine, well he is my little brother although he never shuts up about being three bloody inches taller than me! But thats not important, we used to have a little music shop with a small recording studio in the back when we lived in ponyville. our parents died when we were young so we looked out for eachother. anyways, nopony cares for sob stories, back to the sibling you guys are obsessed with.” I said glaring at Midnight, who merely shrugged.

“He is a very talented singer singer, he was quite popular with the mares. He used to work for Vinyl Scratch before we opened up our shop. His signature attire is a white vest, green vinyl glasses, and two black bracelets on his right fore hoof around everywhere, he didn't have many friends and can be awkward around strangers. But if you get him to sing, he can make everyone feel better, that is if he chooses an appropriate song.” I said wrapping up my rant. “There, is there anything else?”

I looked back to see that Sudo had fallen asleep. “Are you kidding me sudo!?” I yelled slapping his head giving him a very rude wiking call.

“Ow man! What was that for?” The brown earth pony said rubbing his head.

“Quit your squaballing you two, our food is here.” Freedom said. “Now stop acting like children, that’s an order”

He was right the waiter came up to our table levitating the four of ours’ food.

“here is you food sir’s. one double stack of hay fries and a hay burger for midnight, a daisy sandwich for the grey pony, a large bowl of nachos bean and cheese for Freedom, and a daisy, tulip, and sunflower salad for Sudo”

“Thanks Raspberry.”

“Thanks Berry.”

“Thank you very much Rasp.”

“Am I the only one here that doesn’t know her?” I said looking between the four of them. “Because I am lost.”

“Where are my manners? Let me introduce myself, My name is Raspberry Kiss, I run this bar and your friends here are regulars." The mare explained.

"Well I guess I should introduce myself as well. My name is Keyboard Aice, co-owner of a music shop in Ponyville." I said in a polite way. "My brother is the other owner, he had the idea of opening a shop."

"Speaking of regulars, where is Baze, Dawn and Serene?" Sudo asked the manager.

Last I heard of Baze and Dawn was they were signing up for Lunas army and Serene was here about five minutes ago. He said he was an engineer and weapons expert or something, and that he said he was being transferred to Ponyville to help with setting it up as a fort."

"Th-They're militarizing Ponyville?" I said resting my head in my hooves. I can't believe it. what will happen to the shop? what if they tear it down? I mean the pony that pays the bills is my brother.

"Hey man, its going to be fine" I Freedom said while resting a hoof on my shoulder. "Thats where we are being transferred, our spies in the Republic picked up a plot to take the town, we are there for extra security, which is useless because general and high mage Sparkle along with Sky Marshal Rainbow Dash."

"Whatever. "As long as it doesn’t get in the way of my shipments of Apple Family Cider."

"Speaking of cider, Rasp. How about a few drinks of cider for us?" Midnight asked. "For old times sake?"

"Why not. You guys deserve it."

Author's Note:

There we go, only one last pony to introduce. What do you think of the story so far? I would be glad to have some feedback
And as always Read and review!