> Brothers In An Equestrian War > by Woodenbrony27 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > How It Began > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brothers in an Equestrian War “Come on!” I yelled as I flew threw over the field dodging magic blasts and bullets. How did this happen?!. I thought to myself as I watched as the two opposing armies of light and dark collide. It was all so peaceful just months ago! I thought as I saw ponies from each side fall in the battle. “I hope I can find him” I said when my mind wandered to the past and of how nice it was before the war between Celestia and Luna erupted and tore the nation apart. Flashback to two months earlier “Come on Techno! Let’s sign up for the war!” my brother said examining one of the posters for Celestials’ army showing the element of generosity looking at you and telling you to join their troops. “I don’t know about that man.” I said while he turned to me. “I mean if I do we would kill each other” I said casually with a bit of nervousness since he has a bad temper “What do you mean Techno? You can’t POSSIBALLY want to sign up for the New Lunar Republic?” he said as he walked closer with a blank stare that terrified me. “W-Well, I truly think she has the right intentions… and we could even ELECT a new leader every three years.” I said trying to look down to meet his gaze. “Little brother. Stop speaking nonsense.” He said as he stood in front of me. “But you ARE shorter than me bro.” I said trying to add a bit of humor only to receive a hoof straight to the chest knocking me down. “Shut up! You, you traitor! You betrayed Celestia!” and with those words he ran of with his head low towards the recruitment center for the Holy Solar Empire. “Keyboard…” was all I managed to say my only relative and friend in the world ran off. With that I picked myself up from the dirt road with tears in my eyes and walked towards the nearest recruitment center for the Republic passing a yellow Pegasus mare saying something about a peace corporation. “Curse this war… oh Keyboard, please be safe.” I said under my breath as I entered the Ponyville center for Luna’s army. “Why hello sir!” perky pony said from behind the desk. “Um hello, I am here to sign up for The New Lunar Republic.” I said reaching the desk. “OK sir, please fill out these forms for me please.” the mare said as she handed me a small stack of papers. “OK miss.” I said taking a seat on a bench looking at the survey. It consisted mostly of questions on health and such. “Here you go.” I said handing the papers to her. “Thank you very much mister” she paused looking at the sheet. “Mr. Techno Aice. You will report to the training grounds tomorrow an o 700 hours.” She said handing my files to a lean Pegasus who flew off to I guess Luna’s camp. then going to a storage room then handing me a dark blue case. "this is your Armour, you are now a soldier of the New Lunar Republic “Yes ma'am. Thank you.” I said taking the case before leaving the building toward my home above my music shop I used to run with my brother. “Keyboard? Are you here?” gaining no response I searched the entire building trying to find him. I found his room has been emptied of all his possessions. “No.” I said falling to my knees. “He left. I can’t believe it.” I went to my room and prepared my stuff to take. My music player Keyboard gave me last year, my favorite clothes including my worn canvas trench coat, my green vinyl glasses given to me by Vinyl Scratch on opening day, and a picture of me and Keyboard smiling in front of the shop on opening day and put it in a small pouch and hung the bag around my neck. “Be safe brother. I will meet you again, lets hope not in battle.” > How It Began (Keyboard) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keyboards P.O.V. “Traitor…” I said with all my anger spent while walking towards the solar recruitment center so I can sign up. Once I found the center there were a few other ponies I saw signing up as well, Including Rainbow Dash standing on the steps to the building, she has been my brother’s crush for two years so far. “Rainbow Dash?” I said approaching the rainbow mare. “I didn't know you were signing up for Celestia.” The mare turned to look at me and spoke to me. “Hey keyborg.” She said using her nickname for me. “Yeah, I'm signing up for her as well. Hey howls Techno doing? Is he staying to man the shop?” she asked looking for him. “Well you see.” I said sadly. “Me and him split paths… he said he wanted to join the Republic… and my temper got the best of me and said some bad things and left him on the ground.” I said hanging my head. She put a wing around me to try to comfort me. “I’m sorry dude; I know how close you and your brother were really close.” “No, we were all each other had, and I was his only real friend…” I said holding back tears. “Come on man, let’s head inside. It looks like its going to rain” she said ushering me inside. “Well, I guess its time to sign up I guess.” I said walking behind her towards the counter. “Yeah, I already have, so see you in Canterlot tomorrow.” She said before flying out towards her home. I reached the desk and got a small packet to fill out before I could join. “Stupid packets… I hate them so much.” I filled out the packet with relative ease and returned it to the mare at the desk. “Oh. Thank you.” She paused to scan my name off the paper. “Mr. Keyboard Aice.” She said putting the papers into a cardboard box ready for shipping. She then looked under the desk and pulled out a metal briefcase with the suns symbol on it. “This is your new uniform and a ticket to Canterlot, report outside of Canterlot castle in at o 700 hours.” She said handing it to me. “Hey, I think I know your brother” the mare said doesn't he run a music store with you? Aice’s music warehouse?” she asked while handing me the case. “Yes, but he is not going to join me in the war though.” I said walking out the door. I quickly flew to the store which we both lived to gather up my stuff. I don't have many possessions but I took as much as I could. I found my copy of me and Techno standing in front of the store's grand opening. “Wow, he loved that day, Vinyl Scratch, Rainbow dash, and almost everypony in Ponyville showed up.” I quickly tucked the photo into a small pouch and hung it underneath my wing. “Stay strong you big brown idiot.” I said before flying outside and to my newly bought apartment. It was going to be a surprise and a place to go if one was upset with the other. “I guess I get to use it first…” I said. When I finally reached the place I laid my stuff on the ground and crawled into bed. “oh Techno, I hope we don't meet in battle…” > Graduation Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Its been three weeks since I signed up for the Republic. and its been three week since I saw Keyboard. I just hope he is ok... I just finished training and we get today as an off day. The other are going out to have fun. If only I could just make a few friends, that would be nice. "Hey Techno! You need to stop writing in that lame diary!" Came the shouting of one of the other soldiers followed by a chorus of laughter. "Its a JOURNAL Bash." I said defensively. Then a red glow surrounded the book and was swiped from my hooves with a unicorns magic and started to read what i just wrote. "Whos this Keyboard, Techno? some Coltfriend of yours? The colt asked mockingly gaining more laughter. "He's my BROTHER! And he joined the Holy Solar Empire! now. Give. It. Back. "come on Tarquin, give the boy his book back." said Captain Greysketch, captain of the Republics sky battalion. "Y-Yes sir." The unicorn said before handing back my journal. "Sorry mate." The red unicorn said. "Now as all of you know you have passed your training and will be joining your brothers and sisters in battle, some as engineers, medics, foot soldier, or sky battalion." He said facing us. "I will call off names for medics, then for engineers, foot soldiers, then sky battalion." The major rattled off names for each, I was getting nervous to see where I would end up "Couch Tate, Dawn Shine, Baze Blitz, and Techno Aice. you will report to the sky camp over the Everfree Forest tomorrow at 1200 hours tomorrow." "Sir yes sir!" The four of us said at salute. "Dismissed, head back to your new barracks in the east wing." He said before walking off and to his tent. I looked over at my new squad mates to see what they were like. The mare that was called Baze Blitz was a orange coated mare with what seemed to be a bottle as a cutie mark and a red mane and tail with a dark green stripe running through it. She seemed to be as tall as me. She noticed me looking at her and winked at me with brown eyes. what was that about? I thought to myself. The next pony was Couch Tate. He had a grey coat with his cutie mark being a sofa. I guess that makes sense. And his mane was a solid blue but hid his eyes from my sight. The last of the three was the mare named Dawn Shine, she has a off-white coat and a long purple mane. She is probably going to have to cut her mane and tail down. she didn't have a cutie mark which surprised me greatly. Realizing I still was holding my Journal I quickly stuffed it inside my trench coat’s inside pockets. I was about to head out to the barracks i was stoped my my new squad mates. "Hey man, you can't just leave us." said Couch Tate said. "Yeah! We need to get to know each other first!" said the orange mare named Baze. "Well ok, how about I start?" volunteered the second mare "my name is Dawn Shine. I like to have parties, I used to live up in Canterlot, I love to read as well.” “well i will go next i guess I shall go next then.” I volunteered and soon all eyes were now on me. “well my name is Techno Aice. I used to live in Ponyville, i love listening to music, I also am good at singing often times i got hired by the local night club, I used to run a music shop/ studio along with my brother, Keyboard Aise. sadly he and I choose different sides to fight for in the war.” I said getting that all off my chest. “Wow. That must have been tough” Couch said putting a comforting hoof around my shoulders. “WOW! You used to sing?” came the excited voice of Baze. “Thats so cool Techno.” “Oh, well if everypony wants me to...” I said nervously. “Of course dude!” said the familiar voice of Dawn as she shoved me towards the center of the camp. Well there goes learning about the others. i thought as we arrived to the center of the training camp. many different varieties of ponies milled about. “sing something that is on your mind” Dawn said. “I bet it will be great. By the way, i’m magically amplifying your voice” what DO i do? what would these ponies like? i hope this doesn't end badly. well singing DOES make me feel better. ok Techno. Choose a song now. I thought to myself “AHA! I got it! “Not gonna miss you when you're dead and gone. Not gonna talk about you over and over and over. Not gonna find you under latest nostalgia, not happily ever after. Not gonna listen to your played out song (played out song). Don't wanna think about you over and over and over. Not gonna read about the latest fads on your trendy blog, I want nothin' to do with that.” soon enough i caught everyponies attention and most of them started cheering for me. I even saw Captain Greysketch smiling up at me. “'Cause you've made a mess of everything, (And I'm not listening).” “You're not a hero, you're a liar. You're not a savior, you're a vampire. Sucking the life out of all the friends you've ever known. You're just a train wreck, not a winner.” “Up on your soap box preaching down to the sinners.” The saints without a cause, we're not listening, we're not listening.” “I'm gonna a start a revolution, Of convoluted disillusion. (Start a revolution) I'll need a war with no conclusion, And in the final hour I'll be a confident coward.” “'Cause if we stand for nothing, we'll fall for anything.” “You're not a hero, you're a liar. You're not a savior, you're a vampire. Sucking the life out of all the friends you've ever known. You're just a train wreck, not a winner. Up on your soap box preaching down to the sinners. The saints without a cause, we're not listening, we're not listening” “Now this is moving in the same direction, But I'm a little too spent to care. 'Cause it's a battlefield 'til it blows over, Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. The time is now, 'til we live in glass houses We talk shit like it's a clause to bare. You're only relevant 'til you get older, Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer (enemies closer).” “They're gonna miss me when I'm dead and gone. They're gonna talk about me over and over and over. They're gonna find me under latest nostalgia, happily ever after.” “But I'm not a hero, I'm a liar. I'm not a savior, I'm a vampire. Sucking the life out of all the friends I've ever known. We're a train wreck, not winners. On a soap box preaching down to the sinners. The saints without a cause, we're not listening, we're not listening, We're not listening, we're not listening.” After I finished singing everypony started cheering and stamping their hooves for me. “Was I that good?” I said to a awestruck couch. “Woah dude. and you were awesome dude.” “Yeah! you should sing more often.” Baze said patting me on the back. Wow, I don't think this could be too bad, i already feel a ton better then i have been lately. “Thank you all of you but if my brother were here it would have been much better.” I said with a twinge of sadness. “but right now I will head back to the barracks to get some shut eye. “Aw... come on man.” Couch Tate said in disappointment. “Well see you tomorrow dude.” “Yeah, see ya.” I said before flapping my wings and heading back to my small tent. I quickly removed my coat while taking out my journal and laid down on my cot to write about the day. > Meet The Rest (Minus One or Two) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meanwhile in Canterlot “Keyboard! wake up!” Came the annoying sound of my bunk mate. “Shut up Sudo!” I said pulling the covers over my eyes. “I want to sleep some more” “You have to be kidding?! To day we become SOLDIERS! Then we get to fight for the glory of the Holy Solar Empire against those lunar traitors.” He said quickly getting on his golden armour which was almost the same as a guard uniform. But this armour had metal shin guards on the front of each leg, the helmet and body design was the same as a royal guards. “Oh Faust I forgot!” I said quickly putting on my armour. “where did Freedom and Midnight go?” “They left already” He said opening the tent flap. They didn’t want to be late, now come on Key!” “Ok, ok I’m comin’.” I said following him out the tent. We jogged our way out of the camps barracks to the castle where the ceremony is being held. Later in the castle throne room We joined our friends midnight and Freedom Goldenlancer. Freedom is the leader of our squad. whew. just in time to. just then trumpets sang out announcing that Princess Celestia has arrived. “all salute your ruler and leader in battle! Princess Celestia!” declared a white coat and blue mane, and every pony turned to salute the princess of the sun as she calmly walked through the center isle and stepped up to sit on her throne. “Thank you Shining Armour.” Celestia said kindly.         See, Princess Celestia hasn’t changed at all, she is still a nice and caring pony. “Thank you everypony, you may rest now.” She said as we all put down our hooves. “As you all know you have completed your training in the different categories you were assigned have it be Medic, Soldier, Engineer, or Air Pony. I am confidant that we will be able to defeat my sister and her army.” she said suddenly using a stern voice. “I trust you all will fight with your lives for the Empire.” “Now I sent Princess Twilight to Gryphonya to ask for the gryphons’ help in the war. and i am proud to announce that they have agreed. I believe they will be a great asset in upcoming battles.” “really? i would love to fight alongside them” Midnight said beside me. “yeah, not even I  want to fight one” said Freedom. “I almost feel sympathy for the lunars when they fight them.” “I hope Techno won’t have to fight them...” I said suddenly fearing for my brothers safety and imagining him getting mauled by one. don’t think that Keyboard. he is strong and smart and can handle himself in a fight. “Oh yeah, forgot about your brother, Techno.” Said Midnight. “Anyhay, it seems we zoned out on the rest of her speech.” The dark blue unicorn was right, the Princess of the Sun was stepping in her golden chariot. Then Shining armour turned to face everyone in the room. “Alright everypony, you are all dismissed for the rest of the day. Go have fun, have a drink or two.” He said with a smile on his face then turning into a serious one. “Because after this there won’t be any off days for a long time.” With that our little group headed out into the streets of canterlot to have some fun. we eventually ended up in the Equestrian Tavern and Grill. One of the places other soldiers were going on their night off on the street. “Hey check it out, all soldiers of any faction gets free food guys!” I said already starting to walk inside. “Hold your horses private.” Freedom said grabbing my shoulder. “Notice the sign says all factions, that means there might be some Lunars in there.” He said looking down at me. “Hey man, don't get the little dudes hopes up.” Sudo said. “Plus this is like five blocks away from the castle. no Lunar in their right mind would dare come here. Forgot that sudo was here. “Hey, you're only like two inches taller than me.” “You know how much he is itching to find his brother, and hopefully not find him on the battlefield of in a casket.” “Anyways, what is Techno like anyways?” piped up midnight. “All you say is his name is Techno.” “Fine, but first let’s get some food.” I said trying to avoid the conversation. after we all ordered our food midnight prodded me about Techno again. “Now that we have our food, lets get back to your brother.” I sighed in defeat “Fine, well he is my little brother although he never shuts up about being three bloody inches taller than me! But thats not important, we used to have  a little music shop with a small recording studio in the back when we lived in ponyville. our parents died when we were young so we looked out for eachother. anyways, nopony cares for sob stories, back to the sibling you guys are obsessed with.” I said glaring at Midnight, who merely shrugged. “He is a very talented singer singer, he was quite popular with the mares. He used to work for Vinyl Scratch before we opened up our shop. His signature attire is a white vest, green vinyl glasses, and two black bracelets on his right fore hoof around everywhere, he didn't have many friends and can be awkward around strangers. But if you get him to sing, he can make everyone feel better, that is if he chooses an appropriate song.” I said wrapping up my rant. “There, is there anything else?” I looked back to see that Sudo had fallen asleep. “Are you kidding me sudo!?” I yelled slapping his head giving him a very rude wiking call. “Ow man! What was that for?” The brown earth pony said rubbing his head. “Quit your squaballing you two, our food is here.” Freedom said. “Now stop acting like children,  that’s an order” He was right the waiter came up to our table levitating the four of ours’ food. “here is you food sir’s. one double stack of hay fries and a hay burger for midnight, a daisy sandwich for the grey pony, a large bowl of nachos bean and cheese for Freedom, and a daisy, tulip, and sunflower salad for Sudo” “Thanks Raspberry.” “Thanks Berry.” “Thank you very much Rasp.” “Am I the only one here that doesn’t know her?” I said looking between the four of them. “Because I am lost.” “Where are my manners? Let me introduce myself, My name is Raspberry Kiss, I run this bar and your friends here are regulars." The mare explained. "Well I guess I should introduce myself as well. My name is Keyboard Aice, co-owner of a music shop in Ponyville." I said in a polite way. "My brother is the other owner, he had the idea of opening a shop." "Speaking of regulars, where is Baze, Dawn and Serene?"  Sudo asked the manager. Last I heard of Baze and Dawn was they were signing up for Lunas army and Serene was here about five minutes ago. He said he was an engineer and weapons expert or something, and that he said he was being transferred to Ponyville to help with setting it up as a fort." "Th-They're militarizing Ponyville?" I said resting my head in my hooves. I can't believe it. what will happen to the shop? what if they tear it down? I mean the pony that pays the bills is my brother. "Hey man, its going to be fine" I Freedom said while resting a hoof on my shoulder. "Thats where we are being transferred, our spies in the Republic picked up a plot to take the town, we are there for extra security, which is useless because general and high mage Sparkle along with Sky Marshal Rainbow Dash." "Whatever. "As long as it doesn’t get in the way of my shipments of Apple Family Cider." "Speaking of cider, Rasp. How about a few drinks of cider for us?" Midnight asked. "For old times sake?" "Why not. You guys deserve it." > Suiting Up for Work > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- There was not much talking on the flight to the NLR’s sky outpost besides Baze’s random bursts every once and awhile. “Ugh, are we there yet?” Baze said for the uptinth time. Does she ever shut up? “Baze, That is the 136th time you have said that this trip. And yes I AM keeping count.” Couch Tate said. “I agree with Tate on this, we will get there when we get there and not a second before” Dawn replied. “Now please shut up. Thanks. Now the map says we still have a good half hour of flying to go, and if you ask ONE more time “are we are there yet?” I will buck you straight in the mouth.” Thirty minutes later at the New Lunar Republics Everfree outpost “How do the solars not know we are here?” I said in shock. “I can see Ponyville from here! and this place is huge!” “Yes it is private” said a grey burly pegasus stallion. “its cloaked by some powerful unicorns.” “Captain Greysketch!” We said in unison and raising our hooves to form a salute. “At ease soldiers, I have been assigned as your new squad captain. Which means I will be in charge and also be in charge of your missions for the republic.” “Missions sir?” I asked. Does this mean we get to go on secret missions? like spies?! “Yes Private Aice. it is my opinion that the four of you despite your differences could serve well. Dawns knowledge of equipment and hacking could be useful for Acquiring data behind lines, Baze’s expertise of espionage and assassination could help with sneaking through enemy lines and eliminating targets unnoticed, and combined with Techno’s and Couch’s skill with being able handle well under pressure makes you all a perfect team. Is this for real?! This improves my chance of survival spontaneously! Unless of course i get captured and executed... BUT I get to be a spy, infiltrating enemy lines like James Pond. “Now you will each get a ID Card as new members of the NLR.”  He said handing us each a card with star background, a picture of us, and our information and a QR code which probably held info about us. The back had our signature from when we filled out our forms three weeks ago and a scan thingy. “These can allow you access to certain areas.” “No way! We get to be secret agents!?” Baze said clutching her ID tightly. “Now thats not supposed to be common knowledge, you can’t be a secret agent if you announce it to the world now can you?” “Yeah, I don't think any of us are Codename Duchess.” Dawn said. “Now, all of you must report to the armoury to get your new gear.” “What about this cool shiny armour?” Couch Tate said. “I have grown attached to it” “Ten bits says you will change when you see your new outfit.” Greysketch said leading us to get our new uniforms. Later at the armoury “It just looks like a turtleneck to me” Dawn said looking in the mirror. That is correct Dawn, but you will get a belt of tools to go along with it like a grappling hook, smoke bombs, a circuit scrambler for destroying files, a blow dart gun with lethal poison, and knockout gas.” “Sweet.” “And for Baze, she also has a turtleneck, but different tools.” “Oh! Oh! What do I get?” “For you, you have a few different knives, a small silenced pistol and ammo, a wire that can be used to choke other ponies, smoke bombs, a lockpicking set, and a bottle of chloroform.” All this talk about weapons was making me nervous. “Now for you two.” The Captain said addressing me and Couch. “You two will have identical equipment. But Techno here, being a wiz with sound and frequency will have something else.” Something else? specifically for me? “First for Couch. One, do you have the ten bits? Cause I am confident in the equipment.” “Yes sir, but do you have Yours?” “Anyways, for you, you will have a simple blue shirt and a black trench coat and  Balaclava mask to hide your identity custom imprinted with The NLR’s emblem.” “Really?” “And you will be getting a assortment of tools.” He said brushing off the interruption “Such as a medium hunting knife, a small silenced pistol and ammo like Bazes, a grappling hook like Dawns, smoke bombs, and a few small cherry bombs. So which will you choose Tate?” the captain said with a smug smile. Couch handed him a small bag of coins grumbling yet pleased with the new equipment. “Now it is your turn Private Aice.” The Captain said turning to me. “You will get the same equipment as Couch Tate but since you already seem to have a trenchcoat, you won't be given one, but you will receive High pitched frequency emitters and flash bombs instead of normal bombs to distract anypony, and a small gun that emits such a high pitch that whoever you use it on will be rendered unconscious.” I was surprised. I mean its not everyday you get all this cool stuff. “R-really? I get all that?” “Yes, you all will be given one weapon or tool of choice and cyanide capsules in case you are captured by the solars.” Cyanide? well I know I won’t do that. “Weapon of choice? That sounds fun, can I have a taser?” Baze said eagerly. “Yes you can A bit strange, but okay.” “Is it possible to get a magnum?” Dawn asked “Yes it is.” Any weapon? How about something different from firearms. I remember my fathers old antique collection of swords... maybe? “Can I have a second Silenced Pistol?” Couch though aloud. “Sure. Techno, is there anything you want?” “A sword. like the ones from the Discordian Era.” “Really dude? A sword?” Baze said. “I don’t see the point of that” “Yes you can, usually we have earth ponies use them but i guess you can too.” Now wait here, I will have somepony bring you your gear. Then report to The Grand Admiral's tent for your first mission, you will know it when you see it. Grand Admiral? Who could that be? Now i wish i paid more attention during training. Later in the middle of camp Well this has to be it!  I thought looking at a huge blue tent in the middle of the camp. “Ten minutes of searching and we didn’t notice this first? How?” Couch Said scratching his chin. “I wonder what our mission will be.” “Whatever.” Baze said. “lets just go in, we have been standing here for five minutes!” We then stepped through the flaps and were stopped by two serious looking guards. “Halt, show me your ID and state your business” “Let them through soldier, they are here for their briefing on a special mission, am I right? Came a familiar voice from behind a second flap probably leading to another room. I know that voice! why is my brain pulling blanks?! “yes your highness, the guards said allowing us to pass. ‘Your Highness’?! Does this mean who I think it means? We walked past the guards and into the second room. The pony who was waiting there made us stop in our tracks and bow. “Hello Princess Luna.” We each said at the same time. “Please, we would be happy if you just call me Luna.” “As you wish mis Luna.” “So you are the four new ponies that Captain Greysketch has recruited?” “Yes ma’am” “Then lets start shall we?” The princess of the night lead us to a scale map of Ponyville. “Your mission is to infiltrate the base town unnoticed and recover a file that is being held in the town library, we need to get our hooves on it before it reaches canterlot. But if you are unable to bring it back you must destroy it. Now the hard part is finding a way to enter the town’s unnoticed, Any suggestions?” I got an idea! “I think I might have a way.” “Yes? what do you have in mind?” I then told them about my scheme that would allow us entry to the area no problem. > The Trouble Begins > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day in Ponyville         “Hut, two, three, four! Hut, two, three, four!” Freedom kept repeating as we marched around the southern gates of the new Ponyville fort. Construction of a wall was finished astonishingly fast, well we did have almost everypony working on it and using magic didnt hurt. “Dear Celestia this is boring. why can't something interesting happen?” “I know right Sudo? this has got to be the most boring job here... A nice surprize would be nice” “Will you two stop talking!” I yelled at sudo and midnight. “I was enjoying the silence.” “Yes I agree with Keyboard.” Freedom said taking a break from his chanting. “And surprises are not good, we do not want to be caught off guard by anything.” “Sheesh guys, your so boring.” Anyways, it would still be nice to have something happen today, we have been marching back and forth all day today.” sudo said adjusting his armour. “And this armour is, really hot and chafing me in all the wrong places, and this spear we have to carry is too heavy.” “I’m just glad i don’t have to wear this on the front lines.” Midnight said while trying to help sudo. “Anyways, if anything happens at this gate for the rest of our shift it is our responsibility.” just then there was commotion in one of the towers at the gate, we looked out to get a better look but couldn't see anything. soon we saw the shapes of four ponies pulling a cart heading this way “Well what could they want?” Freedom said to nopony in particular. “They can’t  possibly be from the republic, nopony would dare when we have Sky marshal Dash and High Mage Sparkle here.” “Well then who could they be?” Refugees? Travelers? Reinforcements?” As they got closer my blood turned to ice. No. No it can’t be! would he really come here? and what is with the cart? “Halt! who goes there?” freedom said instructing us to lower our weapons at the ponies most of which were wearing broad brimmed hats that hid their faces and cloaks, all except the pony at the head of the group. Hello mates, Names Keyring bace. these are my friends, we are ‘Off Key Anthem,’ a traveling band going from town to town playing music and were wondering’ if you had a place we could stay and maybe play a bit.” the stallion said with a sly smile while looking. directly. at me. “We need to search your cart for weapons first.” Freedom said walking up to him gaining his attention. “Well of course you must, there is a war, one can’t be too cautious.” the four of us searched through their cart and found nothing suspicious. “Just a bunch of music equipment.” Sudo said. “But it would be cool if you guys would play.” I know they have weapons, but where are they? Yet we couldn't find them. and if I tell them that is my brother then they would kill him for siding with Luna. techno saw my thought process and smiled at me. The look that seemed to say “Nice to see you. I know you won’t rat me out.” and he was right, there is no way i would risk getting him killed. “Alright sir, you guys can pass, Keyboard, show them a place to stay.” “Y-yes sir.” “Shall we be off then mate?” ‘Keyring’ asked walking past me and swishing his tail in my face causing me to sneeze. “Hey Keyboard. looks like ya got a new friend!” “Go lick a parasprite Sudo...” I brought them to one of the houses that was abandoned by the ponies that used to live here. “Here you all go. I don't know where anything in his house is so you can explore it.” “Hey mate, may i have a few words with you in private?” “Sure. but don’t try anything.” We walked into the garage out in the back away from the others. “What are you thinking Techno?! they find out you're a Lunar and my brother they will kill us both!” “I know that! i was not prepared for this. this ruins everything.” “No. you are going to leave tomorrow.” “Sadly I can not leave until I am done here.” “Well it’s Nice to see you brother.” “Aye, glad to finally meet back up. how is the shop?” “Its fine. i kept them from ransacking it because your name is on the bills and such.” “Thank you.” what's it like following Celesia?” “It’s ok, i’m stuck wearing this heavy armour. and what do you do? obviously not a soldier.” Yeah, I got lucky, me being awesome and all. i’m like a spy. probably shouldn't have said that. now I gotta kill you.” “Well its good to see you seem to no longer be depressed. did you do anything? New medicine?” ‘Well I became a spy, oh and other ponies like my singing. Although I rarely get to cause we are too busy with the war.” “And I am guessing you won't tell me why you are here?” “That would be no. but I was not lying about wanting to sing here. Can you maybe help with it?” He started giving me this sad puppy face that made it’s way into my soul. “No. Stop this please, Techno...” his eyes bored right into me. “Fine, even though as your enemy I will try to stop whatever it is you are planning, but as you brother I will try to get you to play.” “Thank you brother dear.” “I am going to regret this...” Later that day in the middle of town almost everypony in the town was here to watch the show even the Sky marshal and High Mage were watching in the back. But we had ponies at each gate and in the towers like usual incase this was a distraction. The stage simply had two speakers, one on each side with wires going backstage, and two microphone stands. “Well it’s about time something fun happens around here.” “I would be careful Sudo.” Midnight said looking up at the new stage. “I don't trust them, something seemed off about them, right Keyboard?” “Yeah, I agree with you free. We should be cautious.” Then all of a sudden the light came on. and everypony became silent. “Hello Everypony!” Techno/ Keyring said. “Are you ready for a good time?!” Hooves and cheers was the response he was met by. “Now I am going to song this song with my good friend Cloudy grove!” At that a bluish grey pegasus walked up next to him. “Hello Everypony! You ready for a good time?” The crowd of ponies once again cheered for the two onstage. “Ok Tec- Keyring. Lets get this party started!” just then they started up the song. but something seemed off one the stage. I just didn't know what. Techno Aice Rat a tat tat Rat a tat tat tat hey Couch Tate No thesis existed for burning cities down at such a rampant rate No graphics and no Bucking Powerpoint presentation So they just DIY'd that stuff and they built their own bombs She's his suicide blond, she's number than gold Techno Aice Are you ready for another bad poem? One more off key anthem Let your teeth sink in Remember me as I was not as I am And I said "I'll check in tomorrow if I don't wake up dead," I kept wishing she had blonde ambition and she'd let it go to my head Rat a tat tat Rat a tat tat tat hey If my love is a weapon There's no second guessing when I say Rat a tat tat Rat a tat tat tat hey If my heart is a grenade You pull the pin and say: We're all fighting growing old We're all fighting growing old In the hopes Of a few minutes more To get on St. Peter's list But you need to lower your standards Cause it's never Getting any better than this Couch Tate We are professional ashes of roses This kerosene's live You settled your score This is where you come to beg, unborn and unshaven Killing fields of fire to a congress of ravens This is what we do, baby, we nightmare you Techno Aice I'm about to make the sweat roll backwards And your heart beat in reverse Our guts can't be reworked As alone as a little white church In the middle of the desert getting burned But I'll take your heart served up two ways I sing a bitter song I'm the lonelier version of you I just don't know where it went wrong Rat a tat tat Rat a tat tat tat hey If my love is a weapon There's no second guessing when I say Rat a tat tat Rat a tat tat tat hey If my heart is a grenade You pull the pin and say: We're all fighting growing old We're all fighting growing old In the hopes Of a few minutes more To get on St. Peter's list But you need to lower your standards Cause it's never Getting any better than this Rat a tat tat Rat a tat tat tat hey It's never Getting any better than this [4 times] Couch Tate She's sick and she's wrong She's young dirty blonde And you sink inside her like a suicide bomb He says "I've seen bigger" She says "I've lit better" And they throw the matches down into the glitter Not a dry eye left in the house Go boy, go boy, run for your life Go boy, go boy, run for your life Go boy, go boy, run for your life Techno Aice We're all fighting growing old We're all fighting growing old In the hopes Of a few minutes more To get on St. Peter's list But you need to lower your standards Cause it's never Getting any better than this Rat a tat tat Rat a tat tat tat hey It's never Getting any better than this [4 times] Are you ready for another bad poem? Just then as the song was ending I figured out what was strange about the stage. when we checked the cart there was at least six speakers. But only two of them are being used. “Hey guys. didn’t they have a lot more equipment when we searched them?” “Give it a rest man” sudo said rolling his eyes. Just because they are not using all their stuff to play means that they are up to something.” “Yeah man, I think they are alright, and i think everypony agrees.” “While they were talking i watched the ponies one the stage talk. And I swear I thought I heard techno say “Ok, get the others its time to work.” And if that's not suspicious then I don’t know what is. “Freedom, I swear they are up to something.” “Well what should we do. we already searched through their stuff. They were clean.” “But did we check inside the Amps?” “Look. If you want to go and search again then go. But we want to stay here and keep an eye on him.” “Let me guess Sudo. By that you must mean hanging out here and doing nothing?” Just then music started playing again. “Well looks like he is ready again.” “Anyways. good luck on proving us wrong Keyboard.” Everyone's a passenger tonight, Just another accidental on the freeway of this life. We'll drive on, and on, and on, and on. We'll drive on, and on, and- I'll remember this night when you're gone You surrender your heart, I surrender every dream, Every weapon you've got, Every secret that I keep, You can fight this all you want, But tonight belongs to- Just another surgery tonight, Well if you amputate the loneliness, Anesthesia dims the lights. So dream on, and on, and on, and on. So dream on, and on, and- I'll remember your eyes when you're gone You surrender your heart, I surrender every dream, Every weapon you've got, Every secret that I keep, You can fight this all you want, But tonight belongs to me And I'll watch you in your sleep 'Cause tonight belongs to me You can fight this all you want, But tonight belongs to... Sparks against the railing, Distant phantoms wailing. Through the windshield sailing, With these airbags failing. Now you surrender your heart, I surrender every dream, Every weapon you've got, Every secret that I keep, You can fight this all you want, But tonight belongs to me And I'll watch you in your sleep, You can fight this all you want, But tonight belongs to me, But tonight belongs to me, But tonight belongs to me.         as soon as he ended the song, all of the power in the base town shut off.