• Published 24th Jul 2013
  • 3,014 Views, 27 Comments

The Morning After - FriendlyTwo3

You're used to waking up next to strangers, but what happens when you wake up in the bed of the most unlikely of said women? Humanized

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The Morning After

Chapter 1: The Morning After

An audible moan escapes your lips as you reemerge into the unforgiving light of morning. Every tiny little creak of the house, the specks of microscopic dust, and the very atmosphere seem to pound against your head in the most brutal of ways. With this familiar feeling comes the realization of what happened last night. Or rather, what you tried to realize.

You were hammered. And by the feeling in your head, you were hammered BAD.

And with this realization came another. ‘Oh god… Who the fuck did I sleep with this time…?’ you think. You, in fact, weren’t in your house. You were in a small bedroom, one that offered a calming atmosphere, and also one of a relaxed nature. Something tells you that this room is familiar, but the thought is immediately driven out of your aching head. Fearing the worst, you slowly look over at the woman cuddling you. Her skin is as smooth and soft as silk. Her hair, from what you can feel, spread across your chest and stomach, feels to be of the finest velvet. You look down at this smooth, soft hair. Your eyes widen and your pupils shrink to the point of near invisibility as you see that the hair is a very light pink. Many people have pink hair. But only one person has this tint of pink. Against all reason and logic (and the ringing in your head), you look down at the woman hugging your side and your worst fears are confirmed.

It’s Fluttershy.

You heart leaps into your throat and threatens to strangle you. There wasn’t an existing number to count the butterflies in your stomach. The pain and ringing in your head nearly deafen you. What the fuck do you do?! You can’t just walk out on her! She knows you better than you know yourself; she’s bound to see you again! Okay, okay… maybe she was drunk too. Maybe she won’t remember… Looking around the room, you can notice no clear indication that she was intoxicated with you. Even the bed-sheets are well-kept and neat. Craning your neck, you quietly inhale. Her breath smells of alcohol. Apparently she was intoxicated as well. But there’s no chance in you slipping out anyway. Who could do that to someone like Fluttershy? Another quiet grunt emits from your trembling lips. This was a day you feared from day one. You made love to Fluttershy while drunk. Good one, numbskull.

You try to at least stand up, but you find yourself locked in place by Fluttershy’s arm. Her hand is gripping your shoulder, and locks you with her, as if someone’s trying to take her old teddy bear. You move your head around silently, trying to find a way out of this. Seeing no other option, you ever so slowly raise your hand to hers with the intention of manually removing it from your shoulder. As you do so, your gaze wanders down Fluttershy’s arm and to her naked torso. Though you fight it as hard as you can, you find yourself staring at her exposed breast. You notice just how small her chest is. Her breasts were a bit larger than Rainbow Dash’s. They were perkier too. Realizing what the fuck you’re thinking, you quickly look away, only to have a million bells ring in your head at the same time. You grit your teeth and lower your arm. A low growl escapes your lips as you slam your head down onto the pillow.

That was a mistake.

A quiet, subtle moan can be heard from next to you. Your eyes widen and you immediately calm your expression, even though your ears ring like crazy. Your muscles relax and you take on the form of an unconscious person. Fluttershy’s arm can be felt moving slowly across your chest and you can sense Fluttershy sit up. From what you can feel out, her stomach is down on the mattress and she’s supporting herself with her elbows. A long period of silence follows. After what feels like an hour, but you know is just a minute or two, you hear her breathing increase in speed and depth.

“What… What… happened…?”

At this you realize that she has no better idea of what happened than you do. And the fact that her voice was shaky and breathy means she’s not taking it too well either. Might as well console her.

You fake a grunt and a quiet moan. Suffice it to say, you were well-trained in faking waking up or faking unconsciousness. Many, many dates-gone-wrong had trained you, so to say. Slowly sitting up, you hear Fluttershy squeak a little. The second you open your eyes, you hear the sounds of soft, barely audible, and incredibly numerous apologies.

“__... I… I’m so sorry that we did this! I didn’t mean to… I just- I- I…! They told me to just have one and I didn’t know it was spiked and they told me it was just a new recipe but I guess it was alcohol and I didn’t know…!” You listen with a broken heart to hear her try to explain herself. She looked to be on the verge of tears as she spews out her soft rambles. That’s all you can do- listen. You’re still too shocked in the situation you find yourself in to do anything. Either that or you’re simply transfixed by her beautiful, perfect body. She’s not very tanned, taking on a pale skin tone. Odd, considering how often she goes outside.

But you’re taken out of your stupor by the sound of a quiet sniffle. You gaze sympathetically into Fluttershy’s teal eyes, the whites of which were beginning to take on a light pink. A single tear runs down her face.

“…A-a-and I don’t know what we did and I don’t know what to do… And now you probably hate me because I made the first move…” She ducks her head and hides her beautiful face from you. Suddenly, you find the strength to speak.


“I get it… It’s alright if you hate me… You don’t have to talk to me again…”

“I don’t hate you,” you say, leaning forward a bit.

“Don’t try to make me feel better… I’m a lousy drunk who can’t control her hormones…” That was the kicker that shattered the rest of your heart. You place your hand under her chin and guide her gaze back to yours.

“Fluttershy,” you say sternly, but gently, “No you’re not. I don’t hate you. No one does. I don’t remember what happened last night either, so I can’t say much, but I know that whatever we did…” and you try to put it in a way that will make both of you comfortable, “…It’s in the past. We can move on… And maybe…” your emotions suddenly take over your words, “…Maybe it wasn’t all a mistake…” Her eyes widen a little at your words.

“You mean… You… You wouldn’t have… minded…?” You begin to say something, but are interrupted by a loud grunt from the girl next to you. She holds her head and groans. “What… What is…?” She must’ve never even been near alcohol if she doesn’t know what a hangover is.

“Just a hangover. It’ll pass. Just… relax for a bit,” you say, putting your hand on her shoulder. She slowly nods and eases herself back onto her stomach. You rub her shoulder as she closes her eyes. “So… what do you remember?” you ask, trying to get some semblance of what exactly happened.

“Well… We got to the party… We stayed there for a few hours… Then you and I started telling jokes and having a really good time… Then Lyra and Vinyl started offering us some cider, which we both took. They said they came up with a new recipe for a new taste for it, but I suppose they just put some alcohol in it. You drank a lot of it… And I did too. Then you started acting funny and said you felt really good… So I drank some more…” and at this point her breath turns shallow and shaky again, “A-and I remembered what you said at the mall yesterday… about doing things without your permission… S-so I kissed you and… and you kissed back and… And I can’t remember past that… I’m so sorry…” You continue to rub her shoulder. Suddenly, the memories start flooding back into your mind.

“…And he WALKS AWAY!” You finish your joke, sending both you and Fluttershy into a drunken laughing fit. Tears run down your face as you bang your hand on the table, hurting your sides laughing. Fluttershy lifts the cider to her lips and you watch as she chugs the entire glass in one breath.

Wow… She took that entire drink…

She sets the large glass (rather clumsily) down onto the table. The two of you simply stare at each other for a bit. Another chuckle escapes your lips. Good. You should chuckle more. Laughing is good.

“You… You know… Earlier, when we got that, like… pizza stuff… You should’ve heard the thoughts I had about yooouuu…” You point your finger in her face. She starts laughing again.

“Well, you should hear the thoughts I have about YOU every single day…” She laughs louder at her next statement. “And you’re not gonna believe me! But one time… I even got off to you! Can you believe it?! We’ve been buddies for like… forever ago!” You laugh at the top of your lungs and hurt yourself again. How ridiculous is that? Someone like her getting off to someone like you… That’s… That’s just weird.

A loud squeal suddenly shatters what little silence there was at the party. As you look up into the night sky, you’re temporarily blinded by a flash of red light. About time for the fireworks if you do say so yourself!

…Heh, this story says ‘you’ a lot…

As you look back at Fluttershy, you’re paralyzed once again by the feeling of warmth on your lips. Closing your eyes, you bring Fluttershy’s head in closer. Tis ish teh moetmn… Ahem... This is the moment you’ve been waiting for since tenth grade. There’s no chance in hell you’re passing this up. You let it sink in. You’re making out with Fluttershy, you’re best friend. Something about it is just so… arousing.

Fluttershy climbs into your lap and cups your face in her hands. Placing your hands on her hips, you bring her as close as possible to you. Her tongue enters your mouth and your tongue enters hers. Slowly, she begins rubbing her hips against yours, fiercely making out with you. After a solid two minutes of grinding, she pulls away for a moment and pants, air refilling her lungs. A smile spreads across both of your lips. Fluttershy’s hand wanders down to your chest.

“So… Let’s take that jacket off…”

The sky continues to light up a variety of different colors. The sounds of fireworks…

…bring you back into reality. Fluttershy looks at you with a tear in her eye. All you can do is stare into her gorgeous teal eyes.

“A-and now I don’t know what to do…” She looks away from you as she says it. You remove your hand from her shoulder and sigh. Honestly, after just waking up with a burning hangover, this isn’t really the time to talk about this. And for that matter, you’re in the most awkward place for it as well. Naked in Fluttershy’s bed.


“Look…” you manage to squeeze out after a moment or two, “…Let’s talk about this over breakfast. My treat.” She looks at you again and sighs.

“Okay…” she whispers.

“I’m gonna zip over to my house for a minute too. I’ll meet you at Joe’s in say… twenty minutes?”

“Alright…” she whispers again. You let a comforting smile slide onto your face and you pat her shoulder.

“Hey,” you whisper, “Everything’s gonna be alright. I promise.” You slowly slip out of the bed and make sure Fluttershy is looking away. No need to make this more awkward. Willing yourself to be confident in yourself (as comfort was never really your strong suit) you smile.

It can’t be that bad! It’s just a talk at your favorite donut shop!

As you look down to find your clothes, however, you notice one thing wrong.

There’s no condom on your penis. Or in the garbage in the corner of the room.

Spoke too soon.

Author's Note:



Comments ( 14 )

I feel so... So... Hung... Like by a cliff.
This applies somehow... Just... Just gimme a moment...
Hmmm... He was willing to get drunk with Flutters?
*nods approvingly* that works.

It's Fluttershy.

Aw, shit!

There's no condom on your penis. Or in the garbage in the corner of the room.


Weeeeeel someone's In trouble

Well im gonna go hit my head on the wall until another chapter is written. :pinkiecrazy:

3034976 Y'know, after you changed your profile pic, it just goes so well with that comment :rainbowlaugh:

3511388 I almost just fell out of my chair.:rainbowlaugh:

4681556 I didn't think it was harsh at all. I like it when I receive criticism. I 'll admit I wrote this a long time ago, almost a year ago in fact. I think I've gotten better. This was my first attempt at comedy and going back... eh. But I'm glad you pointed out all the flaws well. A good example of constructive criticism, which I can hardly find anymore.
Thank you.

Well I like how this story went for at the end of it's last chapter. I know you have gotten back to this in a very long while. I would like to see how would this ends. Keep up the good work.

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