• Published 27th Jun 2013
  • 1,524 Views, 16 Comments

Anonymous - Mr Marshmallow

Rainbow Dash has always loved Fluttershy and she has always loved her aswell but neither has either had the confidence to admit it, but its so much easier to write a love letter and sign as anonymous...

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with love, Anonymous
With a flushed muzzle Fluttershy quickly whipped her head round to see if anyone was around but of course it was only her and Angel asleep on the couch opposite her.

with love, anonymous

With love


Fluttershy sighed unhappily. Love. It had always been a rather unfair subject for her. While her friends around her found it, sometimes in each other, she remained to shy to even approach her crush.
Yes, that's right. Crush, she Fluttershy had a crush. Never more than one. A crush. No, not a crush, the one she loved.Her first, her last ,her everything .
Her Rainbowdash.
She'd hardly seen her at all lately, which only added to her heartaches. She was stuck. Trapped between what the community wanted or what she wanted. She was a very selfless person, it was a joke that she should be the element of kindness and generosity. She wanted to be what everyone expected, but her love for Rainbowdash occasionally cause her to brush a stray tear from her eye. That, and the fact that she was afraid that everyone would make fun of her and maybe her friends would hate her forever. Fluttershy didn't know if she could take it, that or rejection.

Rejection from Rainbow... nooo.... Images flashed through her mind. Dashie landing strikingly after repairing the bridge, defending her honour in a race, perfectly executing the "impossible" sonic Rainboom. She'd loved Rainbowdash from the very beginning and would continue to do so until she died. Even when they met, filly Fluttershy had taken a sharp breath as she looked at the most beautiful thing she had ever seen....

In the meantime she had a letter to respond to, though the hoof/mouth/hornwriting was strangely familiar....
Anyway, better respond ,she thought, I would hate to be rude....
After a minute or two this is what she had

Dear Anonymous
I am flattered, and you are a beautiful writer, but I am afraid I already have somepony in mind
Kindest regards, wish you the best
Fluttershy the Pegasus

"There" she said. Feeling proud of her work. "Now just to find an envelope and..." Facehoof! She didnt know their adress and it would confuse the mailponies greatly if she adressed a letter to somepony called Anonymous...
Taking to the air she sighed.
"Ahhh well I supsose I'd better bin it in the morning" Elegantly gliding to her bedroom she lightly placed the letter on her windowsill "*Deep breath*... *yawn!* goodness that was loud... goodnight Ponyville...Goodnight Rainbowdash...Goodnight Anonymous.." She smiled as she said he/she/its names and quietly fell into a deep slumber.

Moments after she fell asleep a cyan hoof stealthily took the letter from the windowsill and tear drops silently dropped onto the otherwise perfect letter, smudging the word, Fluttershy